Improve Your English Communication Skills

unit one greetings

hi John

hi miss Wong good morning good morning

how are you I’m fine thank you and you

I’m fine - thanks how are you doing

thing is okay it’s nice to see you again

it’s nice to see you too

good evening miss Wong good evening I’m

glad to see you again me too

how is everything everything is fine

how are you getting on very well how are

your father and mother they are very

well thank you

I must run goodnight goodnight

Unit two introduction

John have you met mr. Chen no this is

mr. Chen Chen Ming how do you do mr.

Chen how do you do my name is John John


it’s nice to meet you where are you from

I’m from America I’m glad to meet you


John this is Leanne my good friend have

you met before

no how do you do miss Lee

how do you do this is my wife Mary

very glad to meet you are you from


no we come from America

John the man over there is our manager

let’s go and meet him mr. John this is

mr. John Smith from America

it’s a great honor to meet you


unit three job what’s your job miss Wong

I am a secretary I work for a car


that’s a very nice job

yes it is I like my job what do you do I

have a good job in a big company I work

as a sales manager sales manager that’s

a very interesting job yes I like it

tell me miss Li what’s your job I have a

job in a bank Bank of China oh that’s a

very good job yes I like it

they say you work for a big company

yes very big I work for IBM I’m a sales


oh that’s very interesting

very challenging to

unit for family

tell me a little about your family mr.


we have three people in our family my

wife my daughter and me

I’m sure it is a happy family

yes it is how many people are there in

your family we are a family of four we

have two children a son and a daughter

how old are your children

our son Edward is 10 and Linda our

daughter is only 3 they are very nice


these are my family photos may I have a


sure this is Edward and this is Linda

you have lovely children this is my wife

Mary with two children and this one all

of us are in front of our house

it is a very nice house you have a happy


unit five invitation

are you free this Sunday

yes what I’d like to invite you to have

dinner with us

though it’s very kind of you I’d love to

come would you be able to come at 6:00

Sunday evening yes thank you very much

for inviting me

we are having a party this Saturday we’d

like to invite you to come

it’s very kind of you Saturday evening

no Saturday afternoon will you be able

to come

I’m sorry I won’t be free in the

afternoon what a pity

anyway thank you very much for inviting


unit six welcome

welcome mr. Smith good evening I’m

afraid I’m a bit late

at all come in and take a seat make

yourself at home thank you you have a

nice home small but comfortable

thank you for saying so tea or coffee

tea please welcome to our company

good morning miss Wong it’s nice to see

you again

here is our manager mr. Zhang we have

met good morning mr. Jang

good morning mr. Smith we are happy to

have you here

thank you very much for inviting me to

your company

unit seven thanks

did you enjoy your visit

oh yes thank you for the pleasant


I’m glad you enjoyed it

I’m really grateful to you it’s our

pleasure to have you

you are very helpful miss Wong thank you

again for your kindness

you are welcome

many thanks miss Wong

I’m sorry we couldn’t find kites for

your children

I can buy something else thank you just

the same don’t mention it

I’m really grateful to you for all the


there is no trouble at all

unit 8 Harding

I’m afraid I must leave early now

must you it’s still early

we must leave for Nanjing early tomorrow


in that case I won’t keep you

thank you again for inviting me

take care and good night


it’s very nice of you to come to see me


it’s my pleasure I enjoyed my stay in

Shanghai very much I really don’t know

how to thank you enough

don’t mention it it’s very nice knowing

you we’ll see each other again very soon

I’m sure

have a nice trip goodbye goodbye

unit nine shopping

how do you like this one

can I have a look at that one

sure it’s very nice

take it

is there anything else no thank you

what can I do for you sir I need a

woolen sweater like that one over there

what size please my size

is this alright

have you anything a size bigger how

about this one

that’s very nice I’ll take it

unit ten asking price

how much please that’s 32 dollars in all

anything else how much is that handbag

the price is on the label let me see

it’s $45

that’s more than I wanted to pay here’s


thank you here’s your change $8.00

how much are the apples

that’s 50 cents each

that’s a very dear but they are very

good apples fresh and sweet I’ll take

ten and five oranges

how much please that’s seven dollars in


unit 11 asking the way excuse me is

there a post office nearby go straight

to the traffic lights then turn left is

it far from here no it will take you

five minutes to walk

go straight on and turn right yes it’s a

green building thank you very much

excuse me how can I get to the station

go along this road then turn left at the

traffic lights is it far to walk

it’s about 10 minutes walk thank you

very much you are welcome excuse me is

this the right way to the station yes go

straight on many thanks

unit 12 taking a taxi or bus

does this bus go downtown

yes but you must change the bus number


can you tell me where to get off I’m new


sure it’s only a few stops from here how

much is the fare fifty fen please sir

you get off at the next stop thank you

very much taxi good morning where are

you going take me to the airport please

get in please

how much please it’s 28 yuan and 50 fen

here’s 30 yuan and keep the change

unit 13 eating

let’s go and have something to eat

good I’m really hungry

have you tried Chinese food

no but I’d like to try

it’s on me this time okay thank you very


can we see the menu please

sure here you are

thanks John you do the ordering to your



I hope you like the food here oh it’s


try some of this fish please thank you

it’s very good fish

have another piece of packing duck I’m

afraid I can’t have any more waiter may

I have the bill please

no no it’s on me this time

unit 14 telephone

can I speak to mr. Smith please hold on

please John you’re wanted on the phone

hello hello John Smith

yes speaking

this is when linear mr. Zhang

our manager wants to know if he can see

you at 2:00 this afternoon yes 2 o’clock

is fine thank you for calling

bye-bye-bye hello

extension 122 please just a minute


the line is busy now

okay I’ll call again later

can I have extension one two three

you’re through hello is Miss Wang in

miss Wong I’m afraid you’ve got a wrong


unit 15 weather

miss Wang what’s the weather like

it’s still cloudy and a bit cold but it

seems to be clearing up that’s good

what’s the temperature today

I think it’s warmer than yesterday

does the weather forecast say

I don’t know but it seems it’s going to

be fine tomorrow

I hope it will what a lovely day it’s a

bit cold but bright and sunny

yes a lovely day isn’t it I hope it

stays fine

does it often snow in winter here

no it doesn’t snow much in this part of

China I’ll come back in July

how is summer here I’m afraid it will be

very hot but it will be lovely and cool

in September

sixteen illness

you look unwell what’s wrong with you

I have a bad headache and feel dizzy do

you cough

Eike awful lot at night

how about your appetite

I don’t have any appetite

I’m afraid you’ve got a bad cold you

must see a doctor what’s your trouble

I’m afraid I’ve got a bad cold when did

you begin feeling ill yesterday morning

I’m afraid you’ve got a fever too

what must I do doctor take these tablets

three times a day have a good rest and

drink plenty of water

I’m sure you will be alright soon

unit 17 interest

what are you interested in miss Wang I

enjoy reading novels

reading novels that’s great are you

interested in love stories

no I’m fond of classical novels

oh that’s interesting

what do you like to do in your free time

I enjoy reading too

what’s your favorite pastime

I’m keen on sports

what sport do you like most

I’m fond of swimming

swimming that’s great I like swimming

too but I’m not a very good swimmer well

that’s not very important the important

thing is to keep fit

unit 18 language

I beg your pardon

it’s a line from Longfellow I’m sorry

I didn’t hear you clearly can you say

that learn to labor and learn to wait

what does labor mean

it means to work hard how do you spell

the word

l a bee Oh our labor

I’m afraid I can’t speak English well

your English is okay

what does WC there mean it means water

closet it is important to know that

oh you’re right what do you say if you

want to find that place you say excuse

me where is the man’s room or lady’s


you can also say where can I wash my


unit 19 appointment

miss Wang I’d like to make an

appointment with your manager

when do you want to see him can I see

him this afternoon

I’m afraid he won’t be free in the

afternoon will tomorrow morning be

alright tomorrow morning will be fine

with me

when will it be convenient for you nine

o’clock anytime in the morning nine

o’clock is okay

when can I see you

how about this evening after supper

in seven o’clock all rights with you

good 7:00 o’clock sharp

meet at Hilton Hotel right let’s see

each other in the lobby

okay that’s settled unit 20 agreement

what do you think of the performance

it’s very good don’t you think so yes I

quite agree with you the acting is

excellent I think so too

and the songs are beautiful I’m afraid I

wouldn’t say that miss Wang they seem a

bit too loud to me

in fact many foreigners think baking

opera is too loud

what do you think of the price I’m

afraid I can’t accept that

it’s still too high

not really you know the high quality of

our goods

I agree but we buy a large amount it’s

good business

I see your point but the price is really

very low already

unit 21 acceptance and declining

can I give you a hand

yes that would be a great help the bag

is too heavy for me

would you like me to take it to your

office if it’s not too much trouble no

trouble at all let me carry that handbag

too thank you for offering but I can

manage here is a little something for

you it’s a picture book of our hometown

it’s a little token of my gratitude to

you for your help these days

it’s beautiful thank you so much I hope

you like it

my wife is thinking of selecting a scarf

for you

it’s very kind of her but really please

don’t bother


you look wonderful today miss Wong well

thank you for saying so

I really like your coat the color and

design are so nice

and glad you like it it’s perfect on you

really it’s one of the prettiest coats

I’ve ever seen

oh you flatter me I really like your

cooking the food is so delicious

oh you’re just saying so

no I mean it I must say the food is

super it’s very kind of you to say that

miss Wang I think you’re one of the best

cooks I’ve ever met

oh you flatter me

unit 23 apology I need to apologize to


may I ask why

I opened this letter I thought it was


don’t worry these things happen I’m

really sorry about that let’s forget it

I hope you’re not upset with me of

course not

miss Wong you’re half an hour late

I don’t think so it’s 7:30 you said 7

o’clock but don’t worry about it

really oh I’m so sorry it doesn’t matter

I enjoyed sitting here in the lobby

I must apologize please excuse me for

coming late


unit 24 suggestions

I’m planning to visit some places before

I leave China I’d like to hear your

suggestions if I were you I would go to

Xian that’s the best place to go

see on that sounds like a good idea I

also suggest you visit Beijing Qingdao

and Whelan

but I only have a few days what would

you do in my situation

in that case go to Shion in Beijing

thank you for the suggestion I’m

thinking of buying some souvenirs for my

relatives what do you suggest that’s a

difficult question

if you were in my shoes what would you


what about some Chinese soap the ladies

that’s not a bad idea

why not some paper cuts great idea

unit 25 comparison and choice

there are many kinds of silk to choose


what do you prefer it’s a difficult

question how about this compared with

other designs this seems much better the


much more expensive than others too

have a look at this it’s as beautiful as

that one

I like this design better than that one

what do you think

the choice is yours we have a free

afternoon what do you prefer to do are

you interested in going out

you mean shopping

that’s not my cup of tea I would rather

stay at home

but but the choice is yours dear go or


okay let’s go

unit 26 request

could you do me a favor

well of course could I ask you to get a

typewriter for me I’d be glad to

I’ll be grateful if you could get it


I’ll try my best thank you very much for

the trouble that’s no trouble at all

miss Wong I hope you could do me a favor

sure what is it I’m going to see a

Chinese businessman I’ll be grateful if

you could be our interpreter

okay when I was wondering if you could

help tomorrow afternoon

I’m afraid I can’t get away in the

afternoon I wish I could

unit 27 hotel

hello peace hotel yes good morning what

can I do for you I’d like to make a

reservation single or double room

a double room please how much is a room

for one night

seventy dollars how long will you be

staying we’ll be staying for about two

days I want to book a room for Friday

and Saturday

very good sir a double room for Friday

and Saturday

I booked a room here my name is John

Smith yes we have room 203 reserved for


a double room yes fill out this form

please by the way is there a dining room

in the hotel yes here’s your key if you

want anything just call the desk thank

you have a nice stay here

unit 28 post-office

what’s the postage for a letter to Hong


do you want to send it by airmail yes of

course that’s 80 fen 280 fen stamps

please oh wait

I’d like to register the letters that

would be to you 1 and 25 each how long

does it take from here to Hong Kong

it usually takes three days by airmail

I’d like to send this little box to New

York how would you like to send it by

Parcel Post I know I mean by surface

mail or airmail by surface mail please

do you want to insured yes I think so

unit 29 Bank

good morning may I help you good morning

I’d like to open an account here we have

savings accounts and checking accounts

in the bank

what’s the difference

a checking account is more convenient

but you get more interest from your

savings account what’s the interest rate

for a savings account it varies from

time to time it’s 5% at present

okay savings account fill out this form

and sign your name here I’d like to

withdraw $50 from my account

how would you like your money please

give me four tens and two fives

here you are sir thank you please give

me 100 pounds worth of US dollars

what’s the exchange rate today let me


it’s one hundred fifty six dollars for

one hundred pounds

unit 30

excuse me when can we board the plane

what’s the flight number see a flight

three three four to New York they say

the plane is delayed by bad weather

your flight will take off in 20 minutes

it will be boarding through gate 8 thank

you very much

attention please c8 flight number 334 -

New York is now boarding through gate

number 8 flight no 334 can I check in

yes may I have your ticket and passport


sure here you are

what do you check in just the suitcase

yes and I have one hand luggage too

smoking or non-smoking non-smoking

please here are your ticket and your

boarding card Thanks

unit 30

excuse me when can we board the plane

what’s the flight number CA flight 3 3 4

2 New York they say the plane is delayed

by bad weather your flight will take off

in 20 minutes

it will be boarding through gate 8 thank

you very much

attention please c8 flight number 334 -

New York is now boarding through gate

number 8 flight no 334 can I check in

yes may I have your ticket and passport


sure here you are

what do you check in just the suitcase

yes and I have one hand luggage too

smoking or non-smoking non-smoking

please here are your ticket in your

boarding card Thanks

unit 29 Bank

good morning may I help you good morning

I’d like to open an account here we have

savings accounts and checking accounts

in the bank

what’s the difference

a checking account is more convenient

but you get more interest from your

savings account what’s the interest rate

for a savings account it varies from

time to time it’s 5% at present

okay savings account fill out this form

and sign your name here I’d like to

withdraw $50 from my account

how would you like your money please

give me four tens and two fives

here you are sir thank you please give

me 100 pounds worth of US Dollars what’s

the exchange rate today

let me see it’s one hundred fifty six

dollars for one hundred pounds

unit 28 post-office

what’s the postage for a letter to Hong


to send it by airmail yes of course

that’s 80 fen 280 fen stamps please oh


I’d like to register the letters that

would be to you 1 and 25 each how long

does it take from here to Hong Kong

it usually takes three days by airmail

I’d like to send this little box to New

York how would you like to send it by

Parcel Post I know I mean by surface

mail or airmail by surface mail please

do you want to insured yes I think so

unit 27 hotel

hello peace hotel yes good morning what

can I do for you I’d like to make a

reservation single or double room

a double room please how much is a room

for one night

seventy dollars how long will you be

staying we’ll be staying for about two

days I want to book a room for Friday

and Saturday

very good sir a double room for Friday

and Saturday I booked a room here my

name is John Smith yes we have room 203

reserved for you

a double room yes fill out this form

please by the way is there a dining room

in the hotel yes here’s your key if you

want anything just call the desk thank

you have a nice stay here

unit 26 request

could you do me a favor

well of course could I ask you to get a

typewriter for me I’d be glad to

I’ll be grateful if you could get it


I’ll try my best thank you very much for

the trouble that’s no trouble at all

miss Wong I hope you could do me a favor

sure what is it I’m going to see a

Chinese businessman I’ll be grateful if

you could be our interpreter

okay when I was wondering if you could

help tomorrow afternoon

I’m afraid I can’t get away in the

afternoon I wish I could


unit 25 comparison and choice

there are many kinds of silk to choose


what do you prefer it’s a difficult

question how about this compared with

other designs this seems much better the


much more expensive than others too

have a look at this it’s as beautiful as

that one

I like this design better than that one

what do you think

the choice is yours we have a free

afternoon what do you prefer to do are

you interested in going out

you mean shopping yes that’s not my cup

of tea I would rather stay at home

but but the choice is yours dear go or


okay let’s go

unit 24 suggestions

I’m planning to visit some places before

I leave China I’d like to hear your

suggestions if I were you I would go to

Xian that’s the best place to go

Sam that sounds like a good idea I also

suggest you visit Beijing Qingdao and


but I only have a few days what would

you do in my situation

in that case go to Shion and Beijing

thank you for the suggestion I’m

thinking of buying some souvenirs for my

relatives what do you suggest that’s a

difficult question

if you were in my shoes what would you


what about some Chinese soap for ladies

that’s not a bad idea

why not some paper cuts great idea

unit 23 apology I need to apologize to


may I ask why

I opened this letter I thought it was

mine don’t worry these things happen

I’m really sorry about that let’s forget


I hope you’re not upset with me of

course not

miss Wong you’re half an hour late

I don’t think so it’s 7:30 you said 7

o’clock but don’t worry about it

really oh I’m so sorry it doesn’t matter

I enjoyed sitting here in the lobby

I must apologize please excuse me for

coming late



you look wonderful today miss Wong well

thank you for saying so

I really like your coat the color and

design are so nice

and glad you like it

it’s perfect on you really it’s one of

the prettiest coats I’ve ever seen

oh you flatter me I really like your

cooking the food is so delicious

oh you’re just saying so

no I mean it I must say the food is

super it’s very kind of you to say that

miss Wang I think you’re one of the best

cooks I’ve ever met

oh you flatter me

unit 21 acceptance and declining

can I give you a hand

yes that would be a great help the bag

is too heavy for me

would you like me to take it to your


if it’s not too much trouble no trouble

at all

let me carry that handbag to thank you

for offering but I can manage here is a

little something for you it’s a picture

book of our hometown it’s a little token

of my gratitude to you for your help

these days

it’s beautiful thank you so much I hope

you like it

my wife is thinking of selecting a scarf

for you

it’s very kind of her but really please

don’t bother

unit 20 agreement

what do you think of the performance

it’s very good don’t you think so yes I

quite agree with you the acting is

excellent I think so too and the songs

are beautiful I’m afraid I wouldn’t say

that miss Wang they seem a bit too loud

to me

in fact many foreigners think baking

opera is too loud

what do you think of the price I’m

afraid I can’t accept that

it’s still too high

not really you know the high quality of

our goods

I agree but we buy a large amount it’s

good business

I see your point but the price is really

very low already

unit 19 appointment

miss Wang I’d like to make an

appointment with your manager

when do you want to see him can I see

him this afternoon

I’m afraid he won’t be free in the

afternoon will tomorrow morning be

alright tomorrow morning will be fine

with me

when will it be convenient for you

nine o’clock anytime in the morning

nine o’clock is okay

when can I see you how about this

evening after supper

is seven o’clock all rights with you

good 7:00 o’clock sharp shall we meet at

Hilton Hotel right let’s see each other

in the lobby

okay that’s settled

unit 18 language

I beg your pardon

it’s a line from Longfellow I’m sorry

I didn’t hear you clearly can you say

that learn to labor and learn to wait

what does labor mean

it means to work hard how do you spell

the word

l a P o our labor

I’m afraid I can’t speak English well

your English is okay

what does WC there mean it means water

closet it is important to know that

oh you’re right what do you say if you

want to find that place you say excuse

me where is the man’s room or lady’s


you can also say where can I wash my


unit 17 interest

what are you interested in miss Wong I

enjoy reading novels reading novels

that’s great

are you interested in love stories no

I’m fond of classical novels

oh that’s interesting

what do you like to do in your free time

I enjoy reading too

what’s your favorite pastime I’m keen on


what sport do you like most

I’m fond of swimming

swimming that’s great I like swimming

too but I’m not a very good swimmer well

that’s not very important the important

thing is to keep fit

unit 16 illness

you look unwell what’s wrong with you

I have a bad headache and feel dizzy do

you cough

like awful lot at night

how about your appetite

I don’t have any appetite

I’m afraid you’ve got a bad cold you

must see a doctor

what’s your trouble I’m afraid I’ve got

a bad cold when did you begin feeling

ill yesterday morning I’m afraid you’ve

got a fever too

what must I do doctor take these tablets

three times a day have a good rest and

drink plenty of water

I’m sure you will be alright soon unit

15 weather

miss Wang what’s the weather like

it’s still cloudy and a bit cold but it

seems to be clearing up that’s good

what’s the temperature today

I think it’s warmer than yesterday

what does the weather forecast say

I don’t know but it seems it’s going to

be fine tomorrow

I hope it will what a lovely day it’s a

bit cold but bright and sunny

yes a lovely day isn’t it I hope it

stays fine

does it often snow in winter here

no it doesn’t snow much in this part of

China I’ll come back in July how is

summer here I’m afraid it will be very

hot but it will be lovely and cool in


unit 14 telephone

can I speak to mr. Smith please hold on

please John you’re wanted on the phone

hello hello John Smith

yes speaking

this is when linear mr. Zhang our

manager wants to know if he can see you

at 2:00 this afternoon yes 2 o’clock is

fine thank you for calling

bye-bye-bye hello

extension 122 please just a minute


the line is busy now

okay I’ll call again later

can I have extension one two three

you’re through hello is miss Wang in

miss Wong I’m afraid you’ve got a wrong


unit 13 eating

let’s go and have something to eat

good I’m really hungry

have you tried Chinese food

no but I’d like to try

it’s on me this time okay thank you very


can we see the menu please

sure here you are

thanks John you do the order to your



I hope you like the food here oh it’s


try some of this fish please thank you

it’s very good fish

have another piece of packing duck I’m

afraid I can’t have any more waiter may

I have the bill please

no no you

it’s on me this time

unit 12 taking a taxi or bus

does this bus go downtown

yes but you must change the bus number

six six

can you tell me where to get off I’m new


sure it’s only a few stops from here how

much is the fare fifty fen please sir

you get off at the next stop thank you

very much

taxi good morning where are you going

take me to the airport please get in


how much please it’s 28 yuan and 50 fen

here’s 30 yuan and keep the change

unit 11 asking the way excuse me is

there a post office nearby go straight

to the traffic lights then turn left is

it far from here no it will take you

five minutes to walk go straight on and

turn right yes it’s a green building

thank you very much

excuse me how can I get to the station

go along this road then turn left at the

traffic lights

is it far to walk

it’s about 10 minutes walk thank you

very much you are welcome excuse me is

this the right way to the station yes go

straight on many thanks

unit ten asking price

how much please that’s 32 dollars in all

anything else how much is that handbag

the price is on the label let me see

it’s $45

that’s more than I wanted to pay here’s


thank you here’s your change $8.00

how much are the apples

that’s 50 cents each

that’s a very dear but they are very

good apples fresh and sweet I’ll take

ten and five oranges

how much please that’s seven dollars in


unit9 shopping

how do you like this one

can I have a look at that one

sure it’s very nice a

take it

is there anything else no thank you

what can I do for you sir

I need a woolen sweater like that one

over there

what size please my size

is this alright

have you anything a size bigger how

about this one that’s very nice

take it

unit 8 Harding

I’m afraid I must leave early now

must you it’s still early

we must leave for Nanjing early tomorrow


in that case I won’t keep you

thank you again for inviting me

take care and good night


it’s very nice of you to come to see me


it’s my pleasure I enjoyed my stay in

Shanghai very much

I really don’t know how to thank you


don’t mention it it’s very nice knowing

you we’ll see each other again very soon

I’m sure

have a nice trip goodbye goodbye

unit seven thanks

did you enjoy your visit

oh yes thank you for the pleasant


I’m glad you enjoyed it

I’m really grateful to you it’s

a pleasure to have you

you are very helpful miss Wong thank you

again for your kindness

you are welcome

many thanks miss Wong

I’m sorry we couldn’t find kites for

your children

I can buy something else thank you just

the same don’t mention it

I’m really grateful to you for all the


there is no trouble at all

unit six welcome

welcome mr. Smith good evening I’m

afraid I’m a bit late

at all come in and take a seat make

yourself at home thank you you have a

nice home small but comfortable

thank you for saying so tea or coffee

tea please welcome to our company

good morning miss Wong it’s nice to see

you again

here is our manager mr. Zhang we have


good morning mr. Jang

good morning mr. Smith we are happy to

have you here

thank you very much for inviting me to

your company

unit five invitation

are you free this Sunday

yes what I’d like to invite you to have

dinner with us

though it’s very kind of you I’d love to

come would you be able to come at 6:00

Sunday evening yes thank you very much

for inviting me

we are having a party this Saturday we’d

like to invite you to come

it’s very kind of you Saturday evening

no Saturday afternoon will you be able

to come

I’m sorry I won’t be free in the

afternoon what a pity

anyway thank you very much for inviting


unit for family

tell me a little about your family mr.


we have three people in our family my

wife my daughter and me

sure it is a happy family

yes it is how many people are there in

your family we are a family of four we

have two children a son and a daughter

how old are your children

our son Edward is 10 and Linda our

daughter is only 3 they are very nice


these are my family photos

may I have a look

sure this is Edward and this is Linda

you have lovely children this is my wife

Mary with two children and this one all

of us are in front of our house

it is a very nice house you have a happy


unit three job what’s your job miss Wong

I am a secretary I work for a car


that’s a very nice job

yes it is I like my job what do you do I

have a good job in a big company I work

as a sales manager sales manager that’s

a very interesting job yes I like it

tell me miss Li what’s your job I have a

job in a bank Bank of China oh that’s a

very good job yes I like it

they say you work for a big company

yes very big I work for IBM I’m a sales


oh that’s very interesting

very challenging to

Unit two introduction

John have you met mr. Chen no this is

mr. Chen Chen Ming how do you do mr.

Chen how do you do my name is John John


it’s nice to meet you where are you from

I’m from America I’m glad to meet you


John this is Leanne my good friend have

you met before

no how do you do miss Lee

how do you do this is my wife Mary

very glad to meet you are you from

Canada no we come from America

John the man over there is our manager

let’s go and meet him mr. Jang this is

mr. John Smith from America

it’s a great honor to meet you me too

unit one greetings

hi John

hi miss Wong good morning good morning

how are you I’m fine thank you and you

I’m fine too

Thanks how are you doing everything is


it’s nice to see you again

it’s nice to see you too good evening

miss Wong good evening I’m glad to see

you again

me too how is everything

everything is fine how are you getting

on very well how are your father and

mother they are very well thank you

I must run goodnight goodnight