The Power of Mistakes

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips steady

tools and resources by the way all the

lessons and bonuses you’re about to see

can be downloaded for free on our

website so click the link in the

description right now to sign up for

your free lifetime account okay today’s

topic is the power of mistakes have you

ever made a mistake in your target

language while talking with a native

speaker maybe you said the wrong word

maybe you miss conjugated a verb when

you make a mistake you usually don’t

forget about it right well that’s the

power of mistakes and in today’s episode

you’re going to find out why making

mistakes is crucial to learning a

language but first listen up here are

this month’s new lessons and resources

first be writing your resume cheat sheet

want to get a job where you can speak

your target language then you’ll want

this new cheat sheet inside you’ll learn

all the words and phrases needed for

resume writing and handling job

interviews second all the words and

phrases you must know about love learn

all the words and phrases for romance

love and dating with this brand-new PDF

download it now for free third do you

know the most common adverbs of

frequency you will with this one-minute

lesson learn how to say rarely always

often sometimes and much more in your

target language fourth must know summer

clothes vocab do you know how to say

t-shirt or shorts in your target

language if you don’t you can learn how

this one-minute lesson will give you all

the words you need for summer clothing

if the top 50 adjectives for

personalities can you describe your


this next bonus teaches you fifty must

know adjectives for personalities so you

can talk about yourself in your target

language to get your free resources

click the link in the description below

right now they’re yours to keep forever

okay let’s jump in today’s topic


okay today’s topic is how remembering

your mistakes can help you learn faster

first take a moment and think of a time

when you made a mistake maybe you were

at work maybe you were at school maybe

you were shopping or in another public

place we can all probably clearly

remember many mistakes we’ve made we

also remember the reactions of the

people around us some people are

understanding some people aren’t so

understanding but why do we remember

these situations so clearly

psychologically speaking negative things

tend to impact us more than positive

things for example if we’re asked to

choose between gaining friends are

gaining money and losing friends or

losing money

we’ll choose not to lose friends or lose

money not to gain this is called loss

aversion we tend to avoid losing more

than we work on gaining we spend time

thinking about our negative past

experiences to avoid them in the future

because of this negative events like

making mistakes stay in our minds for a

very long time and this happens in

language learning if you make a language

mistake while chatting with a native

speaker it’ll probably be hard to forget

yes it’s true that when we’re learning

another language we don’t always know

when we’ve made a mistake but when we

realize we’ve used the wrong word used

grammar incorrectly spelled something

wrong or similar we tend to remember the

situation vividly in some languages just

a tiny change in pronunciation tone or

writing could make a big difference so

mistakes are a big source of worry for

many learners but the fact that mistakes

are very hard for us to forget can be a

powerful tool when learning a language

we want to avoid the feeling of

embarrassment that comes after mistakes

so we work hard to correct ourselves

past mistakes can motivate us to try

harder we can use our mistakes as a tool

in our language learning but we can’t

make these emotionally powerful mistakes

by reading a textbook or even by taking

a lesson with a teacher the only way you

can make these mistakes is by speaking

in real conversations and messing up so

what can you take away from this let’s

jump into the second part how to use

mistakes in your language learning we

can give advice like go ahead and make

mistakes but

that’s easier said than done here are

three tips to help you make the most of

your mistakes 1 speak in your target

language as much as possible why because

part of the learning process is making

mistakes accept that mistakes are going

to happen if you’re not making any

mistakes ever then you’re probably not

challenging yourself to look for

opportunities to speak many learners

have trouble finding public places to

practice the language they’re studying

see if there are language groups in your

community or at your school if you have

trouble with that look online and be

creative you don’t need to search for

groups specifically for language

learners see if you can find a hobby

discussion in your target language maybe

you’ll find a news discussion group

think outside the box find somewhere to

practice and make mistakes when you do

mess up you’ll probably remember it 3

builds on your experiences and carefully

about your conversations

after you have them and work to make

them longer each time if you made a

mistake in your first conversation think

about how to fix it

if you said only a few sentences in your

first discussion work to speak for 15 or

30 seconds on the next discussion

challenge yourself many learners have

trouble finding opportunities to speak

that work with their schedule and their

level if you’re not sure where else you

can practice you can consider hiring a

tutor if you’re a Premium Plus member on

our website you can practice with your

teacher it’s still important where

possible to practice and make mistakes

in real-life situations this will help

you to more carefully reflect on your

conversations and work to improve it

isn’t quite the same as studying with a

textbook or a hired tutor this strong

desire to avoid making a mistake will

help you work to improve you’ll be

motivated to try harder this can help

you learn faster so thank you for

watching this episode of monthly review

next time we’ll talk about how to match

your routine to language learning if you

enjoyed these tips hit the like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a language and subscribe to our

Channel we release new videos every week

and if you’re ready to finally learn

language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the

description see you next time bye
