A Ghost in Love Learn English through story level 1




one ghost for the day one ghost for the


scene one

a ghost comes to richard little

the year is 1653

it is a cold dark winter night

and richard little a man of forty

is sitting in his chair

he is reading a book

he hears something

he goes to the window

looks out

and then goes back to the chair

his wife mary comes in

she is making a dress

she has the dress in her hand


i can hear something outside

there’s nothing there

read your book richard

come and sit with me


i’m making a dress

i’m going upstairs

mary please

there’s something out there

oh richard

hello richard




james heston

but you

you are dead yes

i am dead

but i can’t find peace because of you

because of me


why because of me beth had a new husband

after me

that animal



beth was a good woman

and a good sister to me

i said to her don’t go with keach

think of james

he’s dead now

she was kich’s wife for only three


then she died

and now keech has my son and he has my

son’s money


i understand now


you remember now

before i died

i said to you

my boy gets my money at 21

and not before

he is eight now


and keech has his money

i’m sorry about that

but what can i do

you must get my boy’s money

get it from keach


kitch can kill me with one hand he’s big

he always has a knife in his pocket

last year he killed a man with that


i’m afraid of him james

are you afraid of me



yes a little

you’re a ghost

only a little eh

look at the table

oh no

the table is moving

oh no

oh the chair is moving now

and now my chair is moving


don’t do this to me

at this minute

keech is building a new home in a

village near here

with my son’s money

stop him

i’m sorry james

i can’t

i didn’t want

that was my hand but


can you get in my head

can you tell my hand


yes richard

and your answer is going to be


or you are going to do this again

and again

and again


i’m going mad

why does my hand throw a book when i

don’t want to

can all dead people do this

can they get in a man’s head so he moves

a chair or throws a book

oh yes


i can do it to you again

or you can say yes

and get my son’s money


but how

how can i get the money from keach

sit down

i’m going to tell you

scene two

david keach in court

in the court we can see judge tims




richard and mary

there are six women and six men behind


they are from the village and they are

watching the trial

judge tims is in a big chair in front of

the court

my name is oliver barker

and i speak for richard little here


judge tims

i speak for david keach here today

my name is philip reynolds

that keach took the boy’s money you can

see it in his face oh lil we must listen

to oliver barker and philip reynolds


keach is the boy tom’s father now

a good father doesn’t take his son’s

money and build a new house with it be

quiet in my court


oliver barker

you can begin

judge thames

before james heston died

he said this to richard little

he said

my boy gets my money at 21 and not


at 21

and not before

yes judge

but keach has this money now

the boy’s money

he is building a big house with it

we all know that

put keach in prison i say


five years




don’t eat in my court

philip reynolds


judge tims

yes there is a house in a village near


and yes it is keach’s house but the

money for it is not young tom’s money

not tom’s money

no judge tims

it is david keach’s money

so one day

keach is not rich

and the next day he is rich he has money

for a house


call david keach

david keach where is the boy tom’s money

do you have it at home


keach took the money it was keach i said

keach took the money i said that


i have the money here in this court

the money is here

in this court

the money is under my chair

you woman bring me the money

me yes you

here you are


judge tim’s


richard little

here look everybody

here is the money

so i didn’t take it from the boy

you hear me richard little


one minute

richard little

yes judge tims

you said

keach took the boy’s money

you said that


why man


why say

that because


because james heston came to my home

james heston said it to me

richard little

james heston is dead

he died in 1651

oh that’s a laugh

he’s a dead brother

judge tims

my husband is ill

in our house he talks to people and

there is nobody there

can i take him home now please

i am not ill

stop laughing

be quiet all of you

sit down mary

thank you

yes james heston is dead

and yes james heston spoke to me

i want james heston here


he can tell you he is ill he’s mad

let’s listen to him yes we can listen to


be quiet

call james heston

i say call james heston to this court

heston is dead man

and richard little is mad call




oh please no




is it you

did you speak to richard little


what did you say

i told him

keach took my boy’s money

and then keach killed a man in the next


he was a rich man keach took his money

you see the money now


in this court


i can’t kill heston

heston is dead

but you

you richard little

you brought me to this court

i’m going to kill you next

stop him

stop him

it was cage

kate stuck the money i said that i said

peach took the money this court says

keach took the money

and keach killed a man

now find david keach and bring him to me

scene three

keech finds richard little

richard is sitting in his chair at home

what’s that

can i hear something


is that you

oh no it’s not james again


is that you


oh no

oh no




oh no

not richard

not my darling darling richard

keach killed him

you’re going to go to prison for this


scene four

a visit for keach in prison

keach is in prison

he is sitting on his bed

he has a table a chair and a book there



what’s that

is there someone there

ah my table

my table is moving


now the bed’s moving

am i ill

oh my head


now the chair is moving

what’s happening

why did i do that

am i mad

it was my hand but


you’re dead

i killed you


i’m dead

and you killed me

but i’m not going away. i’m staying here

in prison with you

you can’t hit me now

you can’t hit a ghost

and you can’t kill me again

but we can talk

we have time for that

we have all day

and you can do that all day too

all day

all the time yes

now throw the book across the room again

and again

and again

and again

oh no


are all my days going to be like this

your days yes

and for your nights

i have a friend here

hello richard hello david you

you here too


david throw the book across the room


thank you

i’m going to be here at night david

and you have richard here every day

all right oh no


one ghost for the day

one ghost for the night

now throw the book across the room again



sleep now my darling

scene one

jenny must stay at home

it is a hot summer day

jenny and gilbert lawson are having

breakfast at a table in their garden

gilbert is reading a book


can i come with you to america


oh gilbert

please listen to me

i said

can i come to america too

this is good bread did you make it yes


i said

can i come with you no jenny

you have work here

there’s the house the garden

i remember my new friend

it was your best film

it was my best film too

they were happy days


i watched my new friend again last week

it’s the best gilbert lawson film

and you were good in it my love you’re a

good actress

the film had a good director

gilbert lawson oh thank you

but now i have this new film

so i must go to america for six weeks


can i be in this film too

i want to be an actress again

perhaps next time would you like that

perhaps you can be in the next film you

said that before

did i


this bread is very good can we go to

america together then

not for a film

just you and me perhaps next year


next year then


next year

love i must go now i’m going to be late

for the plane

i love you jenny

i love you too darling

scene two

jenny talks to a film student

it is six weeks later

jenny is having a coffee at the airport

she is waiting for gilbert’s plane

a young man henry sees her

henry has a big bag in his hand


are you

jenny lawson

yes i knew it

here you are

and do you want something


sorry but do i know you

a coke for me please and a sandwich

one coke one sandwich

oh sorry

yes i know your film my new friend

and i know gilbert

can i sit down

you can’t stand up and have a coke and a


wait a minute

i know you

i know your face

but i can’t remember

tell me

how do you know gilbert

i’m learning about his work

i know all the gilbert lawson films

but forget about me

i want to talk about you

you aren’t happy i can see that what

you can’t say that

a coke and a sandwich thank you that’s


sandwich is very good i had them for

lunch sometimes

yes you’re right it’s very good thank

you that’s okay

goodbye then

i must go soon

what do you do every day what

i don’t know you you can’t ask jenny

please tell me

what do you do every day


here’s your answer

i get up in the morning and then i do

nothing we have no children a woman does

the house for me a man does the garden

do you have friends yes


i have coffee with people i have dinner

with people we say things like nice

weather for the time of year but we

don’t talk

yes i understand

now i’m going to tell you about me

i’m 20. i go to america sometimes

i have friends

i like films so i make films

i’m happy

what about you

i was happy when i was an actress


there’s your answer be an actress again

jenny lawson


what are you doing here

waiting for gilbert

and who is this

my name is henry i’m a film student sit

down laura please

no i can’t stop my children are here we

are all going to america all the family

i write books now you know

what do you do


nothing have you got children no

you look unhappy jenny

at school you were beautiful and good at


and now you are older with no work and

no children

oh dear



why did you say that

i have to go now


what’s that name on your bag

henry gilbert lawson

i know you now


you are gilbert when he was 20 years old


why are you here

oh no

scene three

jenny learns about gilbert

there are four people at the check-in

woman one woman two

a man and jenny’s father

they are waiting

a british airways man is looking at

father’s plane ticket

jenny runs in

excuse me

oh father

what are you doing here

jenny smile be happy what


i was here before you i was in front of

you too are you okay love she’s white in

the face excuse me

can you wait please


my name is jenny lawson oh

mrs lawson

we phoned you at home

there was no answer

mrs lawson i’m sorry

but mr lawson’s plane crashed in the sea

he’s dead

oh no

scene four

jenny understands everything

jenny’s father and mother and jenny are

all sitting at a table

they all died

all the people on the plane

oh jenny

your mother and i are so sorry my love

thank you

why were you at the airport father


i wasn’t at the airport yes you were

you were at the british airways check-in

desk you said

be happy then you left

no wait a minute


hello laura

laura this is jenny lawson

we were at school together

laura i saw you at the airport remember



what is laura saying

she said

i wasn’t at the airport

laura one question

do you write books now


thank you

she writes books

is that important yes

laura wants to write books so she writes


and she’s happy

at the airport father said be happy

and henry gilbert lawson said

be an actress again



i understand now too

my darling husband i’m going to be an

actress for you again a good actress

thank you

so sleep now my darling





a ghost in love

scene one


sees a ghost

brad and jerry

come into the hotel room

and put their bags down

it is a hot day

and they are wearing summer shirts


sits on a bed


i wanna drink

20 miles in one morning

are the bicycles okay in the street in

this little village

oh yes

nobody steals bicycles here

how do you know

this is your first time here

first time in england

or am i wrong no you’re right but

i remember this village

i was here before jerry i can feel it

oh come on

we were out in the sun for five hours

you need to drink some cold water my


this hotel opened in 1853



brad you looked at this book before no i



you know something

it’s 1 15.

my dad died at this minute on this day

last month

oh brad

i’m sorry no


it’s okay

i’m going to go back to new york next

week after our three weeks in england

and i’m going to be brad davis of davis


dad wanted that



come on

let’s go out in the sun

let’s see the village

have a drink

find some girls no you go i like it here

here in the room


let’s stay in the room


there’s a television


not working oh forget it


you’re brad davis of davis television

the biggest in america

you must have a television


shall i go down and ask mrs finch

you stay here

you look tired yeah

thanks jerry i am tired

in 1760 the hotel was a house

a family called banister lived in the


one day the 19 year old daughter ellen i

was never 19.

i died at 18.


i remember you

hello ellen hello matthew

why does your friend call you brad

is that a name


it’s an american name

but you are matthew

and i’m going to call you matthew


oh matthew

i waited and waited and waited for you

i love you so much

do you love me


i think

yes i do you think

is that an answer

after all these years

oh matthew

matthew do you remember everything


not everything

i remember our love

and you died i remember that

i wanted to die too

and again last month

i wanted to die oh matthew

don’t say that

oh matthew

i’m so happy to see you again


can i see you

can we talk

oh yes

i want to talk to you about are you okay


you look white

this is not a happy time for brad i’m

sorry love do you want some dinner

i make the best dinner in the north of

england no

thank you

talk to me later then

right the television

it’s okay now

bye-bye brad

bye jerry

have a nice time in our village

mrs finch



do you know about the banister family

did you see the ghost

ellen bannister




you saw a ghost

oh come on oh ellen’s always here

she likes young men

she’s always looking for her boyfriend

matthew’s his name i think

mrs finch

what happened how did she die

what happened to matthew

you’re interested love

i can see that

there’s an old woman in the village

her name is maude anscum she knows about


you ask mord


this ghost

what did she say


she didn’t speak jerry

she said

nothing at all

scene two

brad and jerry

want to know about ellen

maude is a very old woman

her hair is white

brad and jerry

are sitting at a table with her in her


ellen bannister

a bad

bad girl

when she looked at someone

the next day

they were ill

so she was a witch yes

she looked at animals too

then all the cows in the village had no

milk in them


do you know this

how do you know

how can you know


it’s in all the books

our village is famous because of bad

ellen bannister

scene three

was ellen a witch

brad and jerry

are in mrs morgan’s village shop

there are two men

and three women in the shop

and mrs morgan


are you next


two cokes please

and two of those sandwiches

i’m not hungry


you must eat

you can’t sit in your room all day and

wait for a ghost

that’s six pounds please

what ghosts this

ellen bannister


do you know about ellen bannister oh

people in our village had no money then

of course they stole things

and ellen bannister sold them

she only wanted to help

was she a witch

some people say that

a witch


of course not

the men loved her

she helped them you see

the women didn’t love her so much she

was beautiful you see

her boyfriend was the bad one that


it wasn’t her


what did he do

he stole things from rich people

then she sold them and he took all the


he took all her money too

but she loved him

did he love her


he had two or three women


he didn’t

he loved her

he lived for her

who are you talking about that which

ellen bannister

she ate cats for breakfast oh

don’t listen to him

don’t listen to these people you boys

what happened to ellen bannister

you want to know that


killed her

scene four

where is ellen now

it is night time

jerry is sitting on the bed


is walking up and down

seven hours

we waited seven hours

where is she jerry

i said this before

i don’t know

just wait

she isn’t coming

because you’re here


i say again


i sleep here

this is my room


i am your friend

and i am not leaving you like this jerry

is this all a big laugh for you


not now

i want to see ellen too

i want to help


thanks jerry



here she is



it’s me




oh man

it’s all true



tell me

what happened in 1760 you must remember


we sold things you and me

rich people’s things

you stole them remember



you were robin hood sorry

the rich people didn’t like me

they said bad things about me

ellen bannister is a witch

they said that

but it’s not true

of course not

then one day

they came for us

twenty men

what happened

we ran away

you found a ship

a ship going to america

you said

see you at 1 15

at the harbour

we can go away

you and me

and then what happened alan

the ship went early

i wasn’t there in time

you went on the ship

you didn’t wait for me oh no

when i arrived there were a lot of ships


i didn’t know the name of our ship

i looked for you

i waited and waited

and waited

ellen oh ellen i’m sorry

then the men came

they put me in prison

i died

three months later

and then i came back home


and i waited again

i waited for you

i love you ellen

i love you too matthew

scene five

what is brad going to do

it is dark

brad is standing at the window of the


jury comes in

brad always has his back to jerry in

this scene

do you want to die

do you want to go to ellen

before today

the answer was yes

matthew wanted to die

and go to be with ellen

do you understand that


but matthew is dead

and i am brad now

and what does brad want

i don’t know

i’m thinking

is there a train from here to london



we can put our bicycles on the train

we can get the next plane back to


do you want to do that

i don’t know

i’m going to tell you tomorrow

scene six

in love

with a ghost

the next day

brad and jerry

are in the street

jerry has two bags

mrs finch is there too

you must leave then

a week early


i’m sorry

oh hello

it’s the american boys

are you going home to america

jerry’s going home mrs morgan

i’m staying here at the hotel

i’m going to live here



do you want to do this

think about davis tv

what are you going to do here in england

i don’t know

but yes davis tv needs a good man

my dad worked for years for davis tv

but now it has a good man jerry




thank you brad

that’s okay

i’m happy

i’m in love

she waited for me and now i’m here

i’m never going to leave her again


