Happy Mothers Day Should we buy mom flowers English Conversation for Daily Life


happy mother’s day

for mother’s day sending gifts is one

way for you to show your gratitude to

your mom

watch this video to find out what kinds

of gifts would be

appropriate dialogue

one lara and tim are siblings

for this year’s mother’s day they plan

to give their mother a card to thank her

for being the best mother they can ask


hey tim mother’s day is coming up have

you thought of anything that we could

buy for our mom

oh i totally forgot is it already may

yes it is and mother’s day is on the

second sunday of may

which is the ninth this year i see

maybe we should buy her flowers

i don’t know flowers die out too fast

i’d rather buy her something that she

could keep forever

what about a watch she can wear it


a watch is nice but good ones are too


we don’t have a lot of money to spare


you’re right a blouse then it is cheaper

than a watch

oh come on mom has so many blouses


i don’t think she needs another one hmm

what about a card i saw some beautiful

ones at the store earlier

a card sounds good but i think we should

make it ourselves

make it more personalized store-bought

cards are too commercialized don’t you


that’s also a good idea let’s go buy the

supplies we need this afternoon

okay what do you plan to write on it

i’m not sure maybe a poem i think that

would be really sweet

that’s so cringy i think she would

prefer a short message

well we can always write separate cards

yes that’s also an option


dialogue two carlson and his son henry

make plans for this year’s mother’s day

dad what are we doing for this year’s

mother’s day

mother’s day is it here already

it’s this sunday dad did you forget

um yes i totally did i’m such a bad


i’m gonna tell mom she’s going to be

mad at you haha you’re

funny henry let’s try to make a plan for

it now should we

yes i can help alright

what do you think mom would like to do

go shopping she loves to buy new clothes

true that but let’s think of something

that we can all do together okay

what about eating out there’s a new

restaurant in town which my friends have

been talking about a lot

really what dishes do they serve there

mainly italian dad that’s perfect

italian cuisine is your mom’s favorite

do you think we need to make a

reservation for it

yes dad it’s pretty popular

okay i’ll make one then do you want to

buy her something as well

i’ve already made her a card dad do you

think she would like it

she would love it honey as long as it’s

from you she will appreciate it

okay then i don’t think i need to buy

other gifts

sure do you think i should get her


like flowers the flowers are nice

get her roses she loved them the last

time you brought them home

you’re right can you please remind me to

pick some up before our dinner on sunday

alright dad


dialogue 3 this year everyone spends

mother’s day in quarantine

myla asks her mom tess if she could call

her grandmother

christine to give her her best

mommy can i call grandma christine

of course you can but what for honey

it is mother’s day soon i want to wish

her the very best wishes

that’s so sweet baby i was about to call

her anyway do you want to join me

yes mommy

hello grandma hello to you too

my little baby where is your mother

she is right here grandma hi mom

hello darling why are you two calling me


mila you want to tell grandma why you

wanted to call her

yes it’s mother’s day soon i just wanted

to wish you a lot of happiness and


oh you’re so sweet have you

congratulated your mother as well

yes grandma we are having a girl’s day

together soon

that’s cute baby well thank you very

much for your wishes

and i hope we can meet soon

me too grandma mom

i’m really sorry we cannot visit you

this year

i will send a gift over there soon

oh no need darling i already have

everything i need

just have a great mother’s day okay

enjoy yourself

okay mom thank you i love you

love you too grandma i love you both

see you soon

dialogue four jim is a really good cook

he wants to give his mother eva

some of the new strawberry jam he

recently made for mother’s day

he calls her before coming over to her


hi son are you coming over today

of course mom i wouldn’t miss it for the

world it’s mother’s day

come come i just baked some bread and i

think you would love it

you shouldn’t have mom it’s your day you

should enjoy it

oh you know i love baking

well if you made bread i have some

strawberry jam that i just made this


would you like to have some of it that

would be amazing

i can brew some tea and we can enjoy

afternoon tea together

sounds good i’m leaving my place right

now and i will be there in about an hour

sure drive safe honey thank you mom

do you need me to pick anything up on my

way there

hmm let me see maybe some butter would

be good i used all of mine for the bread

that’s fine anything else mom

if you want to have a peanut butter

jelly sandwich get some peanut butter as


i don’t have it if not it’s fine just

some butter

i got it mom which grocery store do you

recommend i visit

the one two blocks away from my house it

is cheap and good quality

alright i’ll head over there now see you

soon mom

see you son love you lots i love you too


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