An Eternal Love Learn English through story level 2

it came from china

a piece of blue silk that lit up the

room with its colors

the peacocks with their shining silvery


the blue lakes and the white waterfalls

the cloudy mountains and the dark blue


it was too lovely to wear

too beautiful to cut with scissors

all through the long years of a marriage

the silk had stayed safely in its box


but not forgotten

and now the time had come


when mr blackie became ill again that


both he and mrs blackie knew that it was

for the last time

for many weeks

neither spoke of it

but the understanding was in their eyes

as they watched each other through the

days and nights

it was a look

seen in the faces of the old and the

very young

neither sad nor hopeless

just a quiet understanding

they accepted what was coming

it showed in other ways too

there were no more cross words from mrs

blackie about her lazy old husband


she took care of him day and night

she managed their money carefully to buy

him his favorite foods

she let the district nurse visit him but

no more than twice a week

mr blackie went to his bed

and stayed there quietly

he had never talked much about the past

but now he spoke a lot about their

earlier days


to mrs blacky’s surprise

he remembered things that she had


he talked very little about the present

and never in those weeks about the



on the first icy morning of the winter

while mrs blackie was filling his hot

water bottle

he sat up in bed to see out the window

he could see a row of houses outside

with ice on the grass in front of them

like a white carpet

the ground will be hard

he said at last

hard as a rock

mrs blackie looked up quickly

not yet


said soon i think

he smiled

but she knew he was saying sorry to her

she put the hot water bottle into its


lie down or you’ll catch cold

she said

he lay back against the pillow

but as she moved about him putting the

hot water bottle at his feet

he stared at the shapes of ice on the



you’ll get a double plot won’t you

he said

i won’t rest easy if i think that one

day you’re going to sleep by someone


what a thing to say

the corners of her mouth moved suddenly

you know very well i won’t do that

it was your idea to buy single beds he

said crossley

oh herb

she looked at the window

away again

we’ll have a double plot

for a second or two she waited by his


then she sat down beside her feet

with one hand resting on top of the


this was the way that she always sat

when she had something important to say

you know

i’ve been thinking on and off about the


the silk

he turned his head towards her

i want to use it for your laying out


no amy

he said

not the silk

that was your wedding present

the only thing that i brought back with


what am i going to do with it now

she said

when he didn’t answer

she got up

opened the cupboard door and took down

the wooden box

all these years we’ve kept it

we should use it sometime

not on me

he said

i’ve been thinking about your pajamas

she fitted a key into the lock on the


it’ll be just right

it’ll be a right mistake i think


said but he could not keep the

excitement out of his voice

he watched her hands as she opened the


and pulled back the sheets of thin white


below them lay the blue of the silk

they were both silent as she took it out

and put it on the bed

makes the whole room look different

doesn’t it he said

i nearly forgot it looked like this

his hands moved with difficulty across

the bed cover

gently she picked up the blue silk and

let it fall in a river over his fingers


he sighed

bringing it close to his eyes

all the way from

china he smiled

i kept it on me all the time

you know that amy

there were people on that ship who

wanted to steal that silk

but i kept it pinned round my middle

you told me

she said

he held the silk against his face

it’s the birds that you notice

he said at first

said mrs blackie

she ran her finger over one of the

peacocks that marched across the land of


they were beautiful birds

shining blue

with silver threads in their tails

i used to like them best but after a

while you see much more

just as fine

only smaller

she pushed her glasses higher up her

nose and looked closely at the silk

her eyes following her finger

she saw islands

with waterfalls between little houses

and dark blue trees

flat lakes with small fishing boats

mountains with their tops in silvery


and back again to a peacock

with one foot in the air

above a rock

they just don’t make anything as

beautiful as this in this country

she said

mr blackie held up the box

enjoying the smell of the wood

don’t cut it amy

it’s too good for someone like me

but his eyes were asking her to disagree

with him

i’ll get the pattern tomorrow

she said

the next day

while the district nurse was giving him

his injection

she went down to the store and chose a

pattern from the pattern box

mr blackie

who had worn boring pajamas all his life

looked at the picture of the young man

on the front of the packet

and crossed his arms

what’s this

a chinese suit

that’s young men’s clothes not suitable

for me

he said


said mrs blackie

modern rubbish

he said

that’s what it is

you’re never putting those on me

it’s not your job to decide

said mrs blackie

not my job

i’ll get up and fight

you wait and see

all right herb if you really don’t like


but now he had won

he was happy

oh go on amy

it’s not such a bad idea

in fact

i think they’re fine

it’s that nurse you see

the injection hurt

he looked at the pattern

when do you start


this afternoon

i could pin the pattern out after lunch

i suppose

do it in here

he said

bring in your machine and pins and

things so i can watch

she turned her head and looked at him

i’m not using the machine

she said

i’m doing it all by hand

every thread of it

my eyes aren’t as good as they were

but nobody in this world can say that

i’m not still good with my needle

his eyes closed as he thought

how long


until it’s finished

she turned the pattern over in her hands



three or four weeks

that is if i work hard

no he said

too long

oh herb

you want me to do a good job don’t you

she said


he shook his head on the pillow

i can use the machine for some of it

she said in a quieter voice

how long

a week

she whispered

although the doctor had told him to lie

flat in bed

he made her give him another pillow that


she took the pillow from her own bed

shook it and put it behind his neck

then she measured his body legs and arms

i’ll have to make them a bit smaller she


writing down big black numbers

mr blackie was waiting his eyes wide

he looked brighter she thought than he

had for weeks

as she arranged the silk on her bed and

started painting the first of the

pattern pieces

he described the journey home by boat

the stop at hong kong

and the man who had sold him the silk

most of it was rubbish

he said

this was the only good thing that he had

and i still paid too much for it

you got to argue with these people they

told me

but there were others who wanted that

silk and i had to buy it

or lose it

he looked at her hands

what are you doing now

you just put that bit down

it wasn’t right

she said

three lips closed on pins

it needs to be in just the right place

i have to join a tree to a tree

not to the middle of a waterfall

she lifted the pattern pieces many times

before everything was right

then it was evening

and mr blackie could talk no more

he lay back on his pillows

his eyes read from tiredness

go to sleep

she said

enough’s enough for one day

i want you to cut it out first

he said

let’s leave it until the morning

she said

and they both knew that she did not want

to put the scissors to the silk


he said

i’ll make the tea first

after he said

she picked up the scissors and held them

for a moment

then together they felt the pain

as the scissors closed cleanly in that

first cut

the silk would never again be the same

they were changing it

arranging the pattern of some 50 years

to make something new and different

when she had cut out the first piece she

held it up

still pinned to the paper and said

the back of the top

then she put it down

and went on as quickly as she could

because she knew that he would not rest

until she had finished

one by one the pieces left the body of


each time the scissors moved

mountains fell in half

peacocks were cut from head to tail

in the end

there was nothing on the bed but a few

shining threads

mrs blackie picked them up and put them

back in the wooden box

then she took her pillow from mr

blackie’s bed

and made him comfortable before she went

into the kitchen to make the tea

he was very tired the next morning

but refused to sleep while she was

working with the silk

from time to time

she thought of a reason to leave the


he slept then

but never for long

after no more than half an hour he would


she would find him awake waiting for her

to start again

in that day and the next

she did all the machine work

it was a long boring job because first

she sewed all the pieces in place by


mr blackie silently watched every move

she made


she saw him studying the silk

and on his face was a look that she


it was the way that he had looked at her

when they were young lovers

that hurt a little

he didn’t care about the silk more than

he cared about her she knew that

but he saw something in it that she


she never asked him what it was

someone of her age did not question

these things or ask for explanations

she just went on with the work

thinking only of the sewing and the silk

on the friday afternoon

four days after she’d started the


she finished the buttonholes

and sewed on the buttons

she had had to work more quickly at the


in the four days mr blackie had become


she knew that when the pajamas were

finished and put back in the box

he would be more interested in food and


she cut the last thread

and put away the needle

that’s it herb

she said

showing him her work

he tried to lift his head

bring them over here

he said


what do you think

as she brought the pajamas closer

he saw them clearly and he smiled

try them on he said

she shook her head

i measured you carefully she said

they’ll fit

we should make sure



why didn’t she want him to try them on

she couldn’t find a reason

all right

she said turning on the heater

just to make sure the buttons are right

she took off his thick pajamas

and put on the silk

she stepped back to look at him


i have to say that’s a fine job

i could move the top button a little bit

but really they fit beautifully

he smiled at her

light aren’t they

he looked all down his body and moved

his toes

all the way from china

i kept it with me day and night

know that amy

do you like them

he tried not to look too pleased

all right

a little bit small

they are not and you know it

mrs blacky said crossley

it wouldn’t hurt to say thank you


put your hands down and i’ll change you

before you get cold

he crossed his arms

you did a really good job amy

think i’ll keep them on for a bit


she picked up his thick pajamas

why not

because you can’t

she said it

it’s not the right thing to do

and the nurse will be here soon

oh you and your ideas

he was too weak to stop her

but as she changed him

he still could not take his eyes away

from the silk

wonder who made it

she didn’t answer

but a picture came to her

of a chinese woman sitting at a machine

making silk

she was dressed in beautiful eastern


and although she had eastern eyes

she looked like mrs blackie

do you think there are places like that

mr blackie asked

she picked the pajamas up quickly

and put them in the box

you’re the one who’s been to the east

she said


get some rest or you’ll be tired when

the nurse arrives

the district nurse did not come that


nor in the evening

it was half past three the next morning

when mrs blackie heard the nurses


and the doctors

outside the house

she was in the kitchen


she sat with straight back and dry eyes

with one hand resting on top of the


mrs blackie i’m sorry

she didn’t answer and turned to the


he didn’t say goodbye

she said her voice angry

just before i phoned

hand was over the side of the bed

i touched it

it was cold

the doctor nodded

no sound of any kind

she said

he was fine last night

again the doctor nodded

he put his hand on her shoulder for a


then went into the bedroom

a minute later he returned closing his


speaking kindly

mrs blacky sat still

hearing words



the words dropped onto her

they didn’t seem to mean anything

he didn’t say goodbye

she shook her head

not a word

but look mrs blacky

the nurse said gently

it was going to happen

you know that

he was

i know

i know

she turned away crossly

why didn’t they understand

i just wanted him to say goodbye

that’s all

the doctor offered her something to help

her sleep but she pushed it away

and she refused the cup of tea that the

district nurse put in front of her

when they picked up their bags and went

towards the bedroom she followed them

in a few minutes

the doctor said

if you’ll leave us

i’m getting his pajamas

she said

i need to change a button

i can do it now

when she entered the room she looked at

mr blacky’s bed

and saw that the doctor had pulled up

the sheet

quickly she lifted the wooden box

took a needle thread scissors her

glasses and went back to the kitchen

through the door she heard the nurse’s


poor old thing

and she knew that they were not talking

about her

she sat down at the table to thread the


her eyes were clear

but for a long time her hands refused to

obey her

at last

her needle and thread ready

she opened the wooden box

the beauty of the silk always surprised


as she arranged the pajamas on the table

she was filled with a strong warm


the first good feeling that she had had

that morning

the silk was real

the light above the table filled

everything with life

trees moved above the water

peacocks danced with white fire in their


and the little bridges

mrs blackie took off her glasses

cleaned them

put them on again

she sat down and touched one bridge with

her finger

then another

and another

she turned over the pajama coat and

looked carefully at the back

it was there

on every bridge

something she hadn’t noticed before

she got up and fetched her magnifying


as the bridge in the pattern on the silk


the little group of threads which had

been no bigger than a grain of rice

became a man

mrs blackie forgot about the button

and the quiet voices in the bedroom

she brought the magnifying glass nearer

her eyes

it was a man

and he was standing with one arm held

out on the highest part of the bridge

between two islands

mrs blackie studied him for a long time

then she sat up and smiled


he was waving

or perhaps

she thought he was calling her to join


