Love at the Square Learn English through story level 4

chapter one

poor katherine

in the first half of the 19th century

there lived in new york a very

successful doctor

his success was for two reasons

he was without doubt a good doctor

intelligent and honest

but he also knew how to please his


he gave long careful explanations about

the illness

and always gave them some medicine to



his patients were fond of saying that

they had the best doctor in the country

by the time he was 50

dr austin sloper was quite a famous

person in new york

his conversation was clever and amusing

and no fashionable party in the city was

complete without him

he was also lucky

in 1820

at the age of 27

he had married

for love

a very charming girl who had a fortune

of ten thousand dollars a year

for about five years

dr sloper was a very happy husband

he continued to work as a doctor

and each year became more experienced

and more successful

some of the experience however

was very unwelcome

his first child

a little boy of great promise

died at three years of age

neither the mother’s love

nor the father’s medicine could save him

two years later

mrs sloper had a second child

a little girl

this disappointed the doctor

who had wished for another son to take

the place of the first

but there was worse news to come

a week after the child was born

the young mother fell ill

and before another week had passed

she was dead

for a man whose profession was to keep

people alive

austin slopper had certainly done badly

in his own family

but the only person who blamed dr sloper

was dr sloper himself

he felt that he had failed

and he carried this private blame for

the rest of his life

he still had his little girl

whom he named catherine after her poor


she grew up a strong and healthy child

and her father knew that he would not

lose her

when the child was about 10 years old

the doctor invited his sister

mrs lavinia pennyman

to stay with him

he had two sisters

and both of them had married early in


the younger one

mrs almond

was the wife of a rich man and the

mother of a large family

elizabeth almond was a comfortable

reasonable woman

and dr sloper preferred her to his

sister lavinia


lavinia’s husband had died at the age of


leaving his wife without children or


and so dr sloper invited his sister to

stay while she looked for rooms to rent

no one really knew if mrs pennyman ever

looked for rooms

but it is certain that she never found


after six months the doctor accepted the

fact that his sister was never going to


mrs pennyman told everyone except her

brother that she was katherine’s teacher

dr sloper guessed that this was her


and he found the idea laughable

since he did not think his sister was

very intelligent

in fact

he did not have a good opinion of women

at all

the only woman he had ever admired

had been his wife

he was always extremely polite to


but he had no interest in her opinions

or conversation

he only spoke to her to inform her of

his wishes for catherine


when the girl was about 12 years old he

said to his sister

try to make a clever woman out of her


i should like her to be a clever woman

mrs pennyman looked at him

my dear austin she said

do you think it is better to be clever

than to be good

good for what asked the doctor

you are good for nothing unless you are


of course i wish catherine to be good

but it will not make her a better person

to be a fool

mrs pennyman was a tall


fair woman

she was romantic

and her brother knew that she loved

little secrets and mysteries

when catherine is about 17 he said to


lavinia will try and persuade her that

some young man with a mustache is in

love with her

it will be quite untrue

no young man with or without a mustache

will ever be in love with catherine

catherine was strong and healthy

but she did not have any of her mother’s

beauty or her father’s cleverness

in fact there was very little that was

interesting about her at all

she was large and well-built

with brown hair

a round face

and small quiet eyes

the more generous friends of dr sloper

noticed that she was well behaved and


others thought she was just dull

but catherine was not someone people

spent much time talking about

she was extremely fond of her father and

very much afraid of him

she wanted to please him more than

anything in the world

but although dr sloper was usually kind

to catherine

he was very disappointed in her

he wanted to be proud of his daughter

but there was nothing to be proud of in

poor catherine

she was not elegant or pretty or

charming like her mother

and by the age of 18 mrs pennyman had

still not made her a clever woman

over the years however dr sloper got

used to his disappointment

i expect nothing from her he said to


if she gives me a surprise i will be


if she doesn’t i shall not lose anything

at this time it did not seem possible

that katherine would ever surprise


she was always very quiet

saying so little in conversation that

she seemed almost stupid

but she was silent because she was shy

uncomfortably painfully shy

in fact

she was a very gentle sensitive girl

slowly catherine realized that she was

changing from a girl into a young lady

she began wearing expensive clothes in

very bright colors

rather too bright for dr sloper

when she was 20 she bought a red and

gold evening dress

and did not seem to realize that it made

her look 10 years older

dr sloper preferred simple elegant


and it annoyed him to think that his

child was both ugly and badly dressed

though he kept this opinion private

it must be added that catherine was

expected to become a very rich woman

she had already inherited some money

from her mother

but the doctor had been making twenty

thousand dollars a year by his


and saving half of it

one day this growing fortune would pass

to catherine



dr sloper moved his family to a more

fashionable address

he built himself a handsome modern house

in washington square

which was just around the corner from

fifth avenue

across the road from the house

in the center of the square

was a pretty garden

which was open to everyone though few

people ever used it

mrs almond lived further out of the city

in a house that was almost in the


she had nine children

and catherine went with mrs pennyman to

see her cousins every week

the little almonds were now growing up

the boys had been sent off to college or

to work in offices

while the girls looked for suitable


when mrs almond gave a party for her

younger daughter marion

who had become engaged to a promising

young man

catherine naturally was invited

at this time she was 21 years old

and mrs allman’s party was the beginning

of something very important

chapter 2

a handsome young man

not long after the dancing had begun at

the party

marion almond came up to introduce

katherine to a tall young man

she told catherine that the young man

very much wanted to meet her

and that he was a cousin of arthur


the man she was engaged to

catherine always felt uncomfortable when

meeting new people

the young man mr morris townsend

was very handsome

and when marion went away

catherine stood in front of him

not knowing what to say

but before she could get embarrassed

mr townsend began to talk to her with an

easy smile

what a delightful party

what a charming house

what an interesting family

what a pretty girl your cousin is

mr townsend looked straight into


eyes she answered nothing

she only listened and looked at him

he went on to say many other things in

the same comfortable and natural way


though silent

was not embarrassed

it seemed right that such a handsome man

should talk

and that she should simply look at him

the music

which had been silent for a while

suddenly began again

he smiled and asked her to dance

catherine gave no answer

she simply let him put his arm around


and in a moment they were dancing around

the room

when they paused she felt that she was


and then

for some moments she stopped looking at


does dancing make you dizzy he asked in

a kind voice

catherine looked up at him


she murmured

though she did not know why

dancing had never made her dizzy

then we will sit and talk said mr


i will find a good place to sit

he found a good place

a charming place a little sofa in a

corner that seemed meant for two persons


will talk

the young man had said

but he still did all the talking

catherine sat with her eyes fixed on him


and thinking him very clever

she had never seen anyone so handsome


he told her that he was a distant cousin

of arthur townsend

and arthur had brought him to introduce

him to the family

in fact

he was a stranger in new york

he had not been there for many years

he had been traveling around the world

living in many strange places

and had only come back a month or two


new york was very pleasant

but he felt lonely

people forget you he said

smiling at catherine

it seemed to catherine that no one who

had seen him would ever forget him

but she kept this thought to herself

they sat there for some time

he was very amusing

and catherine had never heard anyone

speak as well as he did

not even an actor in a theater

and mr townsend was not like an actor

he seemed so sincere

so natural

then marian almond came pushing through

the crowd of dancers

she gave a little cry

which made catherine blush

when she saw the young people still


she told mr townsend that her mother had

been waiting for half an hour to

introduce him to somebody

we shall meet again

he said to catherine as he left her

her cousin took catherine by the arm

and what do you think of morris she



nothing particular

catherine answered

hiding what she really felt for the

first time in her life

oh i must tell him that cried marion it

will do him good

he’s so terribly conceited


said catherine staring at her cousin

so arthur says

and arthur knows about him


don’t tell him

said catherine

don’t tell him

i have told him that many times

half an hour later catherine saw her

aunt pennyman sitting by a window with

morris townsend

she already knew the name very well

standing in front of her

he was saying clever things

and mrs pennyman was smiling

catherine moved away quickly

she did not want him to turn round and

see her

but she was glad he was talking to mrs


because it seemed to keep him near to


in the carriage as they drove home

catherine was very quiet

and dr sloper talked with his sister

who was that young man you spent so much

time with he asked

he seemed very interested in you

he was not interested

in me said mrs pennyman

he talked to me about katherine

oh and pennyman

catherine murmured

he is very handsome and very clever her

aunt went on

he spoke in a

in a very charming way

the doctor smiled

he is in love with catherine then

oh father

murmured the girl

thankful that it was dark in the


i don’t know that

but he admired her dress

admiring just the dress

instead of the person

might not seem very enthusiastic

but catherine did not think this

she was deeply pleased

her father looked

with a cool little smile

at her expensive red and gold dress

you see he said

he thinks you have eighty thousand

dollars a

year i don’t believe he thinks of that

said mrs pennyman

he is too fine a gentleman

he must be extremely fine not to think

of that


he is

catherine cried before she knew it

i thought you had gone to sleep her

father answered

the hour has come

he added to himself

lavinia is going to arrange a romance

for catherine

a few days after mrs allman’s party

morris townsend and his cousin called at

washington square

catherine and her aunt were sitting

together by the fire in the parlor

arthur townsend sat and talked to


while his companion sat next to mrs



usually so easy to please

tonight found arthur rather


she kept looking over at the other side

of the room

where morris townsend was deep in

conversation with her aunt

every few minutes he looked over at

catherine and smiled

and she wished that she was sitting

nearer to him

arthur seemed to notice that catherine

was interested in his companion

my cousin asked me to bring him he


seemed to want very much to come

i told him i wanted to ask you first but

he said that mrs pennyman had invited


we are very glad to see him said


she wished to talk more about him

but she did not know what to say

i never saw him before

she went on

arthur townsend stared

but he told me he talked with you for

over half an hour the other night

i mean

before the other night

that was the first time


he has been away from new york

he has been all around the world

my aunt likes him very much said


most people like him he’s so brilliant

though i know some people who say my

cousin is too clever

catherine listened with extreme interest

if morris townsend had a fault it would

naturally be that one she thought

after a moment she asked

now that he has come back

will he stay here always

if he can find something to do

said arthur

he’s looking around for some kind of

employment or business

but he can’t find anything

i am very sorry

said catherine

oh he doesn’t mind arthur said

he isn’t in a hurry

catherine thought about this

then asked

won’t his father take him into his


his office

he hasn’t got a father he has only got a

sister said arthur townsend

and he looked across at his cousin and

began to laugh

morris we’re talking about you

morris townsend paused in his

conversation with mrs pennyman

and stared with a little smile

then he stood up

i’m afraid i was not talking about you

he said to catherine’s companion

though i can’t pretend that miss

sloper’s name did not enter our


catherine thought that this was a

wonderfully clever thing to say

but she was embarrassed by it

and she also got up

morris townsend stood looking at her and


he put out his hand to say goodbye

he was going

and though he had not said anything to


she was still glad that she had seen him

i will tell her what you have said

when you go

said mrs pennyman with a little laugh

catherine blushed

she felt they were almost laughing at


what in the world had this beautiful

young man said

she saw that he was looking at her


i have not talked with you he said

and that was what i came for

but it will be a good reason for coming

another time

i am not afraid of what your aunt will

say when i go

after the two young men had left

catherine who was still blushing

gave mrs pennyman a serious look

what did you say you would tell me

she asked

mrs pennyman smiled and nodded a little

it’s a great secret my dear child

but he is coming here to court you

catherine was serious still

is that what he told you

didn’t say so exactly

but he left me to guess it

i’m good at guessing

mrs pennyman gave her niece a soft

little kiss

you must be very nice to him

catherine stared

she was amazed

i don’t understand you she said

he doesn’t know me

oh yes he does

he knows you more than you think

i have told him all about you

oh and pennyman

said catherine in a frightened voice

he is a stranger

we don’t know him

my dear catherine

you know very well that you admire him


aunt pennyman

said catherine again

perhaps she did admire him

though this did not seem to her a thing

to talk about

but she could not believe that this

brilliant stranger wished to court her

only a romantic woman like her aunt

would believe that

chapter 3

who is morris townsend

half an hour after the two young men had


dr sloper came into the parlor

mr morris townsend has just been here


mrs pennyman told her brother

what a pity you missed him

who in the world is mr morris townsend

the gentleman at elizabeth’s party who

liked catherine so much

said mrs pennyman


his name is morris townsend is it

the doctor said

he looked at catherine

and did he come here to ask you to marry


oh father

murmured catherine turning away

i hope he won’t do that without your


said mrs pennyman

my dear

he seems to have yours her brother


the next time he comes you should call


he might like to see me

maurice townsend came again five days


but dr sloper was not at home at the


catherine was with her aunt when a

servant announced the young man’s name

mrs pennyman sent her niece into the

parlor alone

this time it’s for you

for you only she said

so catherine saw mr townsend alone

sitting with him in the front parlor

for more than an hour

he seemed more at home this time

making himself very comfortable

and looking around with interest at the

room and the furniture

his talk was light

easy and friendly

tell me about yourself

he said to her with his charming smile

catherine had very little to tell

but she told him of her love of music

and the theater

and how she did not really enjoy reading

maurice townsend agreed with her that

books were boring

he had been to places that people had

written about

and they were not at all as they had

been described

he had also seen all the famous actors

in london and paris

but the actors were always like the


they were never true to real life

he liked everything to be natural

suddenly he stopped

looking at catherine with his smile

that’s what i like you for

you are so natural he said

you see

i am natural myself

he went on to talk about his great love

of music and singing

i sing a little myself he added

someday i will show you

not today

but some other time

and then he got up to go

he had perhaps talked more about himself

than about catherine

but the truth was that catherine had not


she was thinking only that

some other time had a delightful sound

it seemed to suggest many more meetings

in the future

catherine felt it was her duty to tell

her father that mr morris townsend had

called again

though it made her feel ashamed and


she announced the fact very suddenly as

soon as the doctor came into the house

and then immediately tried to leave the


her father stopped her just as she

reached the door

well my dear

did he ask you to marry him today

the doctor said

catherine had no answer ready

she wanted to be amused as her father

was amused

but she also wanted to be a little sharp

so that he would not ask her the

question again

she did not like it

it made her unhappy


he will do it next time

she said with a little laugh

and she quickly got out of the room


the doctor stood staring

he wondered whether his daughter was


and decided to find out more about this

handsome young man

the next time he saw his sister

elizabeth he asked her about morris


lavinia has already been to ask me about

him mrs allman said

what did you tell her

the doctor asked

what i tell you that i know very little

of him

how disappointing for lavinia

said the doctor

she would like him to have some romantic

secret in his past

i hear that he is a distant cousin of

arthur townsend


though it seems that there are townsends

and townsends

some rather better than others

arthur’s mother knows very little about


only some story that he has been

wild in the past

i know his sister a little

her name is mrs montgomery

she is a widow

with five children and not much money

what is his profession asked the doctor

he hasn’t got any

he is looking for something

i believe he was once in the navy


what is his age

more than 30 i think

arthur told me that he inherited a

little money

which is perhaps why he left the navy

and that he spent it all in a few years

he traveled all over the world

lived in foreign countries

amused himself

he has recently come back to america and

he told arthur that he now wants to

start his life seriously

is he serious about catherine then

i don’t see why you are surprised said

mrs almond

it seems to me that you have never been

fair to catherine

you must remember that she will one day

have thirty thousand dollars a year

the doctor looked at his sister for a


i see that you remember it

mrs almond blushed

i don’t mean that is the only good thing

about her

i simply mean that it is important

you seem to think that nobody will ever

want to marry her

why should i think differently elizabeth

the doctor said

how many young men have come courting


even with her expected fortune


which is why lavinia is so charmed that

there is now a lover in the house

it is the first time

i think young men are rather afraid of


said the doctor’s wiser sister

she seems older than they are

she is so large

and she dresses so richly

an older more experienced man would

recognize all the good things in her

character and would find her

delightful and mr townsend

what are his reasons for courting


is he sincere in liking her

it is very possible that he is sincere

lavinia is sure of it

dr sloper thought for a moment

if he does not work what are his means

i have no idea

he lives with his sister and her

children on second avenue

a widow with five children

do you mean he lives upon her

mrs almond looked at her brother a

little impatiently

why not ask mrs montgomery yourself

she said

perhaps i will

said the doctor

dr sloper was more amused than annoyed

by the idea of mr townsend courting his


he was quite willing to believe the best

of the young man

and if he was a sincere

honest man

it did not matter if he was poor

since catherine had no need of a rich


the next time he comes

he told mrs pennyman

you must invite him to dinner

mrs pennyman was happy to pass on her

brother’s invitation

which morris townsend accepted

and the dinner was arranged

two or three other people were invited

as well

and although dr sloper talked very

little to the young man during the meal

he watched him carefully

at the end of the meal

when the ladies had gone up to the


leaving the men to their drinking

the doctor gave him some wine and asked

him several questions

morris townsend was happy to talk

and the doctor sat quietly

watching his bright handsome face

he is clever

a good talker

and very self-confident

catherine’s father thought

and he dresses very well


i don’t think i like him

the doctor however kept his thoughts to



when the men joined the ladies in the


maurice townsend went over to catherine

who was standing before the fire in her

red evening dress

your father doesn’t like me

said the young man

i don’t see how you know

said catherine blushing

i can feel these things

you ask him and you will see

i would rather not ask him

if there is any danger of his saying

what you think

morris gave her a sad little smile


you will allow him to say things against

me and not tell him he is wrong

i never argue with him said catherine

and he won’t say anything against you

he doesn’t know you enough

maurice townsend gave a loud laugh

and catherine began to blush again

i shall never talk about you

she said

that is very well

but i would prefer you to say that it

doesn’t matter what your father thinks

but it would matter

i couldn’t say that the girl cried

he stared at her

smiling a little

and just for a moment there was an

impatient look in those fine eyes

but he spoke softly and sadly

then i must try to make him like me

the next time the doctor visited mrs

almond he told her that he had now met

morris townsend

he is certainly a fine looking young man

he said

but what do you think of him as a father

mrs almond asked

lavinia tells me that catherine is in



she must stop being in love

he is not a gentleman

he is extremely charming

and completely insincere

you have decided very quickly

said mrs almond

not at all

i have been studying people for a


and am now quite able to make a judgment

in a single evening

very possibly you are right

but the thing is for catherine to see it

i will give her a pair of glasses

said the doctor

chapter 4

maurice townsend looks for a position

if it were true that catherine was in


she was certainly very quiet about it

she had told morris townsend that she

would not mention him to her father

and so she said nothing about morris’s

continued visits

it was only polite of course

for morris to visit after the dinner at

washington square

and only natural for him to continue


these visits had quickly become the most

important thing in catherine’s life

she was very happy

she did not yet know what the future

would bring

and she was too modest to expect



she was just grateful for the present

the sound of his voice

the words he spoke to her

the expression of his face

dr sloper suspected morris townsend’s


and noticed how quiet catherine had



what is going on in this house

he asked his sister

going on austin

said mrs pennyman

why haven’t you told me that mr morris

townsend is coming to the house

four or five times a week

i am away all day and i see nothing

mrs pennyman thought for a moment

dear austin

she said at last

i cannot tell a secret

whose secret


mr townsends

if it is his

i think it is extremely foolish of you

to have secrets with young men

you don’t know where they will lead you

i don’t know what you mean

said mrs pennyman

i take a great interest in mr townsend

i don’t hide that

but that is all

it is quite enough


what do you find so interesting about mr


his good looks

his misfortunes austin

i cannot tell you his story

but he would tell it to you himself

if he thought you would listen to him


the doctor gave a laugh

i shall ask him very kindly to leave

catherine alone

catherine probably says kinder things to

him than that

has she said that she loved him

do you mean that

mrs pennyman stared at the floor

she doesn’t talk to me about him

i think she is very happy

that is all i can say

townsend wants to marry her is that what

you mean

he admires catherine greatly

said mrs pennyman

and he says the most charming things

about her

and these

misfortunes that you refuse to tell me


did they make him poor

it is a long story said mrs pennyman

and all i can say is that he has been

wild in the past


he has paid for it

the doctor smoked his cigar in silence

then said

i am told he lives with his sister and

does nothing for himself

he is looking very seriously for a


said mrs pennyman

he hopes every day to find one


he is looking for it here

over there in the front parlor

the position of husband of a weak woman

with a large fortune

that would suit him perfectly

mrs pennyman got up and looked at her

brother a little angrily

my dear austin she said

you are making a great mistake if you

think that catherine is a weak woman

and with this

she walked away

the family in washington square spent

every sunday evening at mrs allman’s


on the sunday after his conversation

with mrs pennyman

dr sloper went off to another room to

talk to his brother-in-law about


he came back later to find that morris

townsend had arrived

and was sitting on a sofa beside


there were several friends of the family

present and it was easy for the two

young people to sit and talk privately

the doctor saw at once however that his

daughter was painfully conscious that he

was watching her

she sat very still

with her eyes down

blushing deeply

dr sloper felt so sorry for her that he

turned his eyes away

poor catherine he thought

it must be very nice for her to have a

beautiful young man court her

perhaps i should give him another chance

a little later when maurice townsend was

standing alone

the doctor crossed the room towards

him the young man looked at him with a

little smile

he’s amazingly conceited thought the


then he said

i am told you are looking for a position

yes i should like some work

morris townsend replied

but i fear that i have no special


you are too modest said the doctor

i know nothing of you except what i see

but i see by your face that you are

extremely intelligent


townsend said

i don’t know what to answer when you say


you advise me then

not to give up hope

the question seemed to have a double


and the doctor looked at him for a

moment before he answered

no young man should ever give up hope

if he does not succeed in one thing

he can try another

morris townsend stared down at his shoes

were you kindly suggesting a position

for me

he then asked looking up and smiling

this annoyed the doctor

and he paused for a moment

then he said

i sometimes hear of possibilities

how would you feel for example

about leaving new york

i am afraid i could not do that

i must find my fortune in this city

you see added morris townsend

i have

responsibilities here

i have a sister who depends on me

family feeling is very important

said dr sloper

i often think there is not enough of it

in our city

i think i have heard of your sister

it is possible

but i doubt it

she lived so very quietly

as quietly you mean the doctor went on

with a short laugh

as a lady may do with several small


i help with my little nephews and nieces

said morris townsend i am their teacher

that is very good

but it is not a career

it won’t make my fortune

agreed the young man

later in the evening

the doctor spoke to mrs almond

i should like to see his sister he said

mrs montgomery

mr townsend tells me he teaches her


i will try and arrange it for you said

mrs almond

i must say he doesn’t look in the least

like a school teacher

and when morris townsend spoke to

catherine again later

he did not sound like a school teacher


will you meet me somewhere tomorrow he


i have something particular to say to


very particular

can’t you come to the house

can’t you say it there

catherine asked lifting her frightened


townsend shook his head sadly

i cannot enter your doors again

your father has insulted me

insulted you

he dislikes me because i am poor


you are wrong

you misunderstood him

said catherine

getting up from her chair

he laughed at me for having no position

i took it quietly

but only because he belongs to you

i don’t know what he thinks

said catherine

i am sure he means to be kind

you must not be too proud

i will be proud only of you my dearest

said morris

and catherine blushed

will you meet me tomorrow evening in the

garden in the square

it is very quiet there

no one will see us

catherine hesitated

young ladies did not go out alone in the

evenings to meet young men in gardens

i am not

not very brave she said

ah then

if you are afraid

what shall we do

she hesitated again

then at last said

you must come to the house

i am not afraid of that

i would rather meet in the square

the young man said

you know how empty it is often

no one will see us

i don’t care who sees us


leave me now

he left her

he had got what he wanted

catherine met the young man next day in

the place she had chosen

among the elegant furniture of a new

york parlor

mrs pennyman as usual

left the two young people alone to enjoy

their romantic meeting

we must decide what to do

said morris

he had already

on earlier visits

told catherine that he loved her

he had put his arm around her and taken


which had made her heart beat very fast

she felt deeply

wonderfully happy

but she was also confused

and a little frightened

after morris had kissed her

on his last visit

she had begged him to go away

to let her think

she felt his kisses on her lips for a

long time afterwards

and she could not think clearly at all

would she do if

as she feared

her father told her that he did not like

morris townsend

today however

when morris spoke about deciding


she felt that it was the truth

and said simply

we must do our duty

we must speak to my father

i will do it tonight

you must do it tomorrow

it is very good of you to do it first

morris answered

the young man

the happy lover usually does that

you must promise to be gentle with my


i shall try

morris promised

but do you know what your father will


he will tell you i want your money

oh murmured catherine softly

how wrong he is

morris gave her a fond little kiss

i shall tell him that he is wrong

said catherine

he will argue with you

catherine looked at her lover for a


and then she said

i shall persuade him

but i am glad we shall be rich

morris turned away


it’s a misfortune he said

it is from that that our problems will


if it is the worst misfortune

we are not so

unhappy i will persuade him

and after that

we shall be very glad we have money

morris listened to these sensible words

in silence

you must speak for me on this

i cannot do it myself

catherine too was silent for a while

she looked at morris who was staring out

of the window


she said suddenly

are you very sure you love me

he turned round and came to her at once

my own dearest

can you doubt it

i have only known it five days she said

but now it seems to me something

i could not live without

you will never need to try

he gave a gentle laugh

then he added

there is something you must tell me too

catherine had closed her eyes and kept

them closed

you must tell me

morris went on

that if your father is against me

you will still be faithful

catherine opened her eyes and stared at


she could give no better promise than

what he read there

chapter 5

dr sloper decides

catherine listened for her father when

he came in that evening

and she heard him go to his study

she sat quiet

though her heart was beating fast

for nearly half an hour

then she went and knocked on his door

on entering the room she found him in

his chair beside the fire

with a cigar

and the evening paper

i have something to say to you

she began very gently

i shall be happy to hear it my dear

said her father

he waited

looking at her

while she stared silently at the fire

i am engaged to be married

catherine said at last

the doctor did not show how surprised he


you are right to tell me he said

and who is the happy man

mr morris townsend

as she said her lover’s name

catherine looked at him

then she looked back at the fire

when did this happen

the doctor asked

this afternoon

two hours ago

was mr townsend here

yes father

in the front parlor

she was very glad that she did not have

to tell him her engagement had taken

place in the garden of the square

her father was silent for a moment

why did mr townsend not tell me

it is his duty to speak to me first

he means to tell you tomorrow

the doctor smoked his cigar for a while

you have gone very fast he said at last


catherine answered simply

i think we have

her father looked at her for a moment

i’m not surprised that mr townsend likes


you are so simple and good

i don’t know why

but he does like me

i am sure of that

and i like him very much

but you have known him a very short time

my dear


said catherine

it doesn’t take long to like a person

once you have begun

of course you are no longer a little


i feel very old

and very wise

said catherine smiling

i am afraid that you will soon feel

older and wiser

i don’t like your engagement


said catherine softly getting up from

her chair

no my dear

i am sorry to give you pain

but i don’t like it

why didn’t you speak to me first

catherine hesitated for a moment

then she said

i was afraid you didn’t like mr townsend

you were quite right

i don’t like him

dear father

you don’t know him

said catherine gently

she remembered morris’s warning

you think he is only interested in my


dr sloper looked up at her

with his cold reasonable eyes

i am not accusing mr townsend of that

you are an honest

kind-hearted girl

and there is nothing impossible in an

intelligent young man loving you for


but the main thing that we know about

this young man

is that he has spent his own fortune in

amusing himself

there is good reason to believe that he

would spend yours too

that is not the only thing we know about


he is kind and generous

and true

said poor catherine

she was not used to arguing

and her voice trembled a little

and the fortune he spent was very small

the doctor stood up

he held her for a moment and kissed her

you won’t think me cruel he said

the question filled catherine with fear

but she said

no dear father

because if you knew how i feel you would

be so kind

so gentle


i think i know how you feel

the doctor

said i will be very kind

be sure of that

and i will see mr townsend tomorrow


do not tell anyone you are engaged

the next afternoon the doctor stayed at


waiting for morris townsend’s visit

when the young man arrived dr sloper

began at once

catherine told me yesterday what has

been going on between you he said

i am very surprised

it was only the other day that you first

met my daughter

it was not long ago certainly said


my interest in miss sloper began the

first time i saw her

did it not start before you met her

the doctor asked

morris looked at him

i had certainly already heard that she

was a charming girl

naturally you will speak well of her

said the doctor

but that is not the only thing that is


i told katherine yesterday that i did

not like her engagement

she told me

and i was very sorry to hear it

i am greatly disappointed

said morris looking at the floor

did you really expect me to say i was


oh no

i had an idea you didn’t like me

what gave you that idea

the fact that i am poor

it is certainly a fact i must consider

said the doctor

i do not dislike you but you do not

appear to be a suitable husband for my


who is a weak young woman with a large


morris listened

politely i don’t think miss sloper is a

weak woman he said

i have known my child 20 years and you

have known her six weeks


whether she is weak or not

you are still a man without a profession

and without money


that is

my weakness

you think i only want your daughter’s


i don’t say that

i only say that you are the wrong kind

of man to marry my daughter

a man who loves and admires her deeply

is that the wrong kind of man

morris said with his handsome smile

i don’t care about her fortune

not in any way

fine words said the doctor

but you are still the wrong kind of man

you think i would spend her money is

that it


i’m afraid i do think that

it is true that i was foolish when i was

younger said morris

but i have changed now

i spent my own fortune because it was my


that does not mean i would spend miss

slopper’s fortune

i would take good care of it

taking too much care would be as bad as

taking too little

both ways would give catherine an

unhappy life

i think you are very

unjust said the young man

i can understand that you think that

do you want to make your daughter


i accept that she will think i am cruel

for a year

a year

said morris with a laugh

for a lifetime then

she will be miserable either way

with you

or without you

here at last morris became angry

you are not polite sir he cried

i’m afraid that is your fault

you argue too much

i cannot accept you as a son-in-law and

i shall advise catherine to give you up

which she will do

are you sure that she will give me up

asked morris

i don’t think she will

she has gone too far

to stop

the doctor stared at him coldly for a


i will say no more sir

said morris

and he left the room

when the doctor told mrs almond about

his meeting with morris townsend

she thought that he had perhaps been too

hard on the young man

lavinia thinks i am being very cruel

said the doctor

and how is catherine taking it

said mrs almond

very quietly

there have been no noisy tears or

anything of that kind

i am very sorry for catherine

mrs allman said

now she will have to choose between her

father and her lover

i am sorry for her too

said the doctor

it is just possible of course

that i have made the greatest mistake of

my life

so i shall go and visit mr townsend’s

sister who will almost certainly tell me

i have done the right thing

the visit was arranged for a few days


and at the appointed time the doctor

arrived at a little house on 2nd avenue

where mrs montgomery received him in a

small front parlor

she was a little woman

with fair hair

and seemed rather alarmed by a visit

from such a fine gentleman as dr sloper

he explained the situation

but mrs montgomery was at first a little

unwilling to talk about her brother

i can understand said the doctor

that it is difficult for you to say

unpleasant things about your own brother

but if my daughter married him

her happiness would depend on whether he

was a good man or not


i see that

murmured mrs montgomery

and i must remind you said the doctor

that after my death

catherine will have 30 000


year mrs montgomery listened with wide


your daughter will be very rich

she said softly


but if catherine marries without my


she will have only the ten thousand

dollars she inherited from her mother

she won’t get a penny from me i will be

happy to inform mr townsend of that

mrs montgomery thought for a while

why do you dislike morris so much she

asked at last looking up

i don’t dislike him

he is a charming young man

but i dislike him as a son-in-law who

must take care of my daughter

she is so soft

so weak

a bad husband could make her very

miserable indeed because she is not

clever enough or strong enough to fight

her own battles

that is why i have come to you

you may not agree with me of course you

may want to tell me to go away

but i think that your brother is selfish

and lazy

and i should like to know if i am


she looked at him in surprise


how did you find out that he was selfish

she said

he hides it so well

then she turned her head away

and the doctor saw tears in her eyes

he waited for a moment

then said suddenly

your brother has made you very unhappy

hasn’t he

tell me

do you give him money


i have given him money

said mrs montgomery

and you have very little money yourself

and also five children to take care of i


it is true that i am very poor

she said

your brother tells me

said the doctor

that he helps you with your children

he is their teacher

mrs montgomery stared for a moment

then said quickly

oh yes

he teaches them


the doctor laughed

that must be a great help to you

so he went on

i see that i was right

your brother lives on you

takes your money

and is extremely selfish

there were tears again in mrs

montgomery’s eyes

but he is still my brother

she said her voice trembling a little

you must not believe that his character

is bad

the doctor spoke more gently

i am sorry that i have upset you

it’s all for my poor catherine

you must know her

and then you will see

he stood up to go

mrs montgomery also stood up

i should like to know your daughter she


and then very suddenly don’t let her

marry him

and dr sloper went away with these words

ringing in his ears

chapter 6

catherine tries to be good

the doctor was surprised

and even a little disappointed to see

that catherine did not appear to be

angry or upset about what had happened

he wanted to be kind to her

but she did not seem to want or need his


i am glad i have such a good daughter

he said after several days had passed

i am trying to be good

she answered turning away

if you have anything to say about mr


i shall be happy to listen

thank you said catherine

i have nothing to say at present

he never asked her whether she had seen

morris again

she had in fact not seen him

she had only written him a long letter

i am in great trouble

she wrote

do not doubt my love for you

but let me wait a little

and think

but her thoughts were not at all clear

she could not really believe that her

father would change his mind about


she just hoped that in some mysterious

way the situation would get better


she felt she must try to be a good


to be patient

and to search for a peaceful way out of

their difficulty

she received no help from her aunt in

this search

mrs pennyman was enjoying all the

excitement of the romance

and had no sensible advice to offer poor


you must act my dear she said

the important thing is to act

mrs pennyman had also written to morris

and had arranged to meet him secretly in

a cafe on the other side of the city

she had not told her niece about this


and so was a little embarrassed when

morris arrived and asked if she had a

message for him from catherine

not exactly a message

she said

i didn’t ask her for one

but she will be true to you

until death

oh i hope it won’t come to that

said morris

my brother will not listen to argument

do you mean he won’t change his mind

mrs pennyman was silent for a moment

then she smiled at morris

marry katherine first and tell him

afterwards she cried

that is the way i see it

a secret marriage

the young man stared at her

do you advise me to do that

to marry her without her father’s


she was a little frightened

but went on

if you marry catherine

you will show my brother that he has

been wrong about you

he will see that it is not just because

you like

you like the money

morris hesitated

then said

but i do like the money

but you don’t like it more than


and when he realizes that

he will think it is his duty to help you

morris looked for some moments at the


at last he looked up and said

do you think there is already a will

leaving money to catherine

i suppose so

even doctors must die

she replied


you believe he would certainly change it

if i married catherine


but then he would change it back again

but i can’t depend on that

said morris

do you want to depend on it

mrs pennyman asked

he blushed a little

i do not want to injure katherine

you must not be afraid

be afraid of nothing and everything will

go well

mrs pennyman told catherine that evening

that she had had a meeting with morris


and for almost the first time in her

life catherine felt angry

why did you see him

i don’t think it was right

i was so sorry for him

and you wouldn’t see him my dear

said aunt lavinia

i have not seen him because my father

has forbidden it

catherine said very simply

this annoyed mrs pennyman and she began

to read the evening newspaper

so that catherine would have to ask her

about her meeting with morris

but it was several minutes before

catherine finally spoke

what did he say

she asked

he said he is ready to marry you any day

catherine made no answer to this

and after a few minutes mrs pennyman

added that morris looked very tired

catherine got up from her seat and went

to the


mrs pennyman hesitated for a moment

he said he was afraid of only one thing

that you would be afraid

the girl turned very quickly

afraid of what

afraid of your father

catherine turned back to the fire again

after a pause she said

i am afraid of my father

mrs pennyman got up quickly from her

chair and went to her niece

are you going to give him up then

for some time catherine stared at the

fire and did not move

then she lifted her head and looked at

her aunt

why do you make it so difficult for me

she said

i don’t think you understand or that you

know me

you had better not have any more

meetings with mr townsend

i don’t think it is right

my father wouldn’t like it if he knew

and you will inform him is that what you



i am not afraid of my brother

but i shall not try to help again

you are too ungrateful

i am disappointed

but your father will not be

good night

and with this

mrs pennyman went off to her room

catherine sat alone by the parlor fire

lost in her thoughts for more than an


she felt that to displease her father

was a terrible thing

but she had made a plan and must go on

with it

her father was in his study

and it was eleven o’clock when she

finally knocked on his door

even when he answered her

she was too afraid to go in

after a while

he came and opened the door for her

what’s the matter asked the doctor

you are standing there like a ghost

she went into the room and her father

looked at her for a few moments

waiting for her to speak

he then went back to his writing desk

and sat down

turning his back on his daughter

at last she began

you told me that if i had something more

to say about mr townsend

you would be glad to listen to it

exactly my dear

said the doctor

not turning round

i would like to see him again

to say goodbye

ask the doctor

no father

not that

at least

not forever

you have not finished with him then


said catherine

i have asked him to

to wait

her father

turning round in his chair

looked at her with his cold eyes

and she was afraid he was going to be


you are a dear faithful child

he said at last

come here to your father

and he got up

holding his hands out towards her

the words were a surprise

and they gave her great happiness

she went to him

and he put his arm around her gently and

kissed her

after this he said

do you wish to make me very happy

i would like to

but i am afraid i can’t

catherine answered

do you want me to give him up


i want you to give him


he still held her

looking into her face

she looked away and they were both

silent for a long time

you are happier than i am father

she said at last

i have no doubt that you are unhappy now

but it is better to be unhappy for three


than miserable for the rest of your life


if that were true

said catherine

it is true

i am sure of that

when she did not answer

he went on

don’t you believe that i want the best

for your future

i know how bad men can be

how false

she moved away from him

he is not false

what has he done

what do you know

he has never done anything

that is the problem

he is lazy and selfish and thinks only

of himself

oh father

don’t say bad things about him

she cried


that would be a great mistake

you may do what you choose he added

turning away

if i see him again

will you forgive me


i will not

i only want to see him once

to tell him to wait

to wait for what

until you know him better

until you consent

i know him well enough

and i shall never consent


we can wait a long time

said poor catherine

of course

you can wait until i die if you like

said the doctor quietly

you’re engagement will have one

delightful effect upon you

it will make you extremely impatient for

my death

and think how impatient he will be too

katherine gave a cry of natural horror

and stood staring

her father’s words had a terrible


and she did not know

what to say

suddenly however

an idea came to her

if i don’t marry before your death

i will not after

she said

but i think that one day morris might

persuade you

i shall never speak to him again.

i dislike him too much

said the doctor

and you can tell mr townsend when you

see him again

that if you marry without my consent

i will not leave you a penny of my money

that will interest him more than

anything else you can tell him

she looked at her father

and her eyes filled with tears

i think i will see him then

she murmured

exactly as you choose

but if you see him

you will be an ungrateful cruel child

and you will give your old father the

greatest pain of his life

the tears then ran down catherine’s face

and she moved towards her father with a

little cry

but he only took her by the arm

went to the door

and opened it for her to go out

after she had left

he walked around his study for a while

a little annoyed

but also amused

my word he said to himself

i believe she will go on with it

he looked forward to seeing what would

happen next

chapter 7

catherine decides

the next day dr sloper called mrs

pennyman into his study

i don’t want catherine

or you he said coldly

to see young townsend again

and i expect you to obey me

do you wish to murder your child mrs

pennyman asked


i wish to make her live and be happy

you will kill her

she had a terrible night

she won’t die of one bad night nor of


it was true that catherine had had a

terrible sleepless night

but though her heart was breaking

she tried not to show her pain to the


mrs pennyman was very disappointed to

see that there were no tears in her

niece’s eyes when she came down to


that afternoon

catherine wrote to morris

and the next day he came into the front

parlor and stood before her

she thought that he looked more

beautiful than ever

why have you made me wait so long he


every hour has seemed like years

have you decided whether you will keep

me or give me up

oh morris she cried

i never thought of giving you up

what then were you waiting for

i thought my father might

might look at it differently

but he

he looks at it still in the same way


why have you sent for me

because i wanted to see you

cried catherine

morris watched her for a moment

will you marry me tomorrow

he asked suddenly


next week then

any time in the next month

isn’t it

better to wait

said catherine

to wait for what

she did not know for what

but she felt afraid


we have thought about it a little more

he shook his head sadly

i thought you had been thinking about it

these three weeks

do you want to go on doing that for five


my poor girl he added

you are not faithful to me

catherine blushed and her eyes filled

with tears

oh how can you say that

she murmured

you must take me

or leave me

said morris

you can’t please your father and me

you must choose between us

i have chosen you

she said

then marry me next week

she stood staring at him

isn’t there any other way

none that i know of

he turned away

walked to the window and stood looking


you are very afraid of your father

he said at last

i suppose i must be

she said simply

your fear of him seems greater than your

love for me

oh morris she said going to him

after a while she told morris what her

father had said

if i marry without his consent

i shall not inherit any of his fortune

he told me to tell you that

he seemed to think

morris blushed angrily

what did he seem to think

that it would make a difference

it will make a difference

in many things

but it will not change my love for you

we shall not want the money

said catherine

you know that i have my own fortune

maurice was silent for a while

do you think that he will be cruel to

you forever

that he will never change his mind about

disinheriting you

if i marry you

he will think i am not good.

then he will never forgive you

cried morris

catherine suddenly felt lonely and


oh morris

she cried putting her head on his


you must love me very much

i will marry you as soon as you want

my dear good girl

he cried looking down at her

she had given him her promise

but he was not quite sure what he would

do with it

for about a week life in washington

square continued much as before

and dr sloper waited to see what would


he told his sister elizabeth that he had

never expected catherine to give him so

much excitement

it is not very kind of you said mrs


to find amusement in your daughter’s


i will take her to europe said the


to give her some new ideas

she won’t forget him in europe

he will forget her then

mrs almond looked serious

would you really like that


said the doctor

mrs pennyman meanwhile

arranged another secret meeting with

morris townsend outside a church

she had been a little alarmed by her

brother’s coldness towards her

i think you should wait for a while

before you marry she told morris

wait until my brother is less angry

the young man was very annoyed

last week you advised me to marry

immediately he said

catherine has already agreed to this

so what can i do

catherine loves you so much that you can

do anything

said mrs pennyman

you can change your plans

this way or that way and she will not be

upset with you

morris looked at her

but said nothing

and soon after that they parted

catherine of course knew nothing of her

aunt’s meeting with morris

and she had not spoken to her father

since the evening she went to see him in

his study

at last however

she told him that she had seen morris

townsend again

i think we shall marry

before very long

she said

the doctor looked at her coldly from

head to foot

why do you tell me that

it is of no interest to me

catherine turned away for a moment

there were tears in her eyes

oh father she cried

don’t you care


not at all

once you marry it is the same to me when

or where or why you do

it but the next day he spoke to her in a

different way

are you going to marry in the next four

or five months

i don’t know father said catherine

it is not very easy for us to decide

wait then

for six months

and meanwhile i will take you to europe

i would very much like you to go

this sign of her father’s interest in

her gave catherine great happiness

it would be delightful to go to europe

she said

but her happiness soon disappeared when

she realized that she would not see

morris for several months

mrs pennyman was not invited

and she understood very well why the

doctor had made this plan

he thinks the journey will make you

forget morris

she told her niece

catherine could not decide whether to

obey her father’s wishes or not

she wrote to morris and asked him to

meet her in the square

they met the next day

and during a long walk she told him

about her father’s invitation

he thinks i will forget you

said catherine

well my dear perhaps you will.

there are so many exciting things to see

in europe

please don’t say that

catherine answered gently

i am not interested in seeing europe

you should go

said morris

it will please your father

and perhaps he will forgive you and

change his mind about disinheriting you

and not get married for so long

we can marry when you come back

said morris

you can buy your wedding clothes in


they were away in fact for a year

and during the first six months the name

of morris townsend was not mentioned

the doctor found much to interest him in


but although catherine was always quiet

and obedient

she was her father thought

a very

unintelligent companion

one day at the end of the summer

they were walking together in a lonely

valley in the mountains

it was beginning to get dark

and the air was cold and sharp


the doctor stopped and looked at


have you given him up

he asked

the question was unexpected

but katherine did not hesitate

no father

she answered

he looked at her for some moments

without speaking

does he write to you

he asked


about twice a month

the doctor looked up and down the


and said in a low voice

i am very angry

i am sorry

catherine murmured

she felt lonely and frightened in this

wild place

one day he will leave you

said the doctor

alone and hungry

in a place like this

that’s what he will do

that’s not true father and you should

not say it she cried

it’s not right

he shook his head slowly


it’s not right

because you won’t believe it

but it is true

dr sloper did not speak of morris again

until the night before they sailed to

new york

what are you going to do when you get

home he asked suddenly

do you mean

about mr townsend

about mr townsend

we shall probably marry

so you will go off with him as soon as

you arrive

catherine did not like the way he said


i cannot tell you until we arrive


said if i am going to lose my only child

i would like to know before it happens

oh father

you will not lose me said catherine

chapter 8

the last parting

catherine did not go off with morris

townsend when she arrived in new york

but she did hear news of him from her

aunt during her first evening home

in fact

while she had been away

morris had been a frequent visitor in

washington square

taking tea with mrs pennyman

and sitting in dr sloper’s study to

smoke cigars

mrs almond had told her sister that she

was behaving foolishly

you should not be so friendly with him

lavinia she said

he will make catherine a bad husband

if he marries her and she doesn’t get

austin’s money

he will hate her for his disappointment

and will be cruel to her

the poor girl will have a miserable life

but mrs pennyman did not listen to her


and on catherine’s return

she told her niece that she had taken

good care of her lover while she had

been away


how is your father

she asked

has he changed his mind about

disinheriting you


in europe i saw that i shall never

change him

said poor catherine

i expect nothing from him now

you have become very brave

said mrs pennyman with a short laugh

i didn’t advise you to give up your



i am braver than i was

i have changed

in that way

i have changed very much

and it isn’t my property

if morris doesn’t care about it

then i don’t care either

mrs pennyman hesitated

perhaps he does care about it

he cares about it because he doesn’t

want to injure me

but he knows that i am not afraid of



i have my own money

we shall have enough to live well

the next day morris townsend came to

visit catherine

i am very glad you have come back he


it makes me very happy to see you again

he looked at her

smiling from head to foot

when catherine saw his handsome face


she found it hard to believe that this

beautiful young man was hers

she was very happy

and without waiting for him to ask

she told morris about her father

we must not expect his money now

she said

and we must live without it

morris sat looking and smiling

my poor dear girl

he cried

you must not be sad for me

said catherine

morris continued to smile

and then he got up and walked around the


let me talk to him he said

i want to prove to your father that he

is wrong about me

please don’t morris

said catherine sadly

we must ask nothing from him

i know he will never change

why not

she hesitated for a moment

he is not very fond of me

she said slowly

and i think

he despises me

i saw it

i felt it

in england just before we left

it is because he is so fond of my mother

who died so many years ago

she was beautiful

and very very clever

he is always thinking of her

i am not at all like her

aunt pennyman has told me that

of course

it isn’t my fault

but neither is it his fault

you are a strange family

said morris

don’t say that

don’t say anything unkind

catherine said

you must be very kind to me now

because morris

here she hesitated


i have done a lot for you

i know that my dear

it has been terrible for me to feel so

distant from my father

to feel that he despises me

i would be so miserable if i didn’t love


we must be very happy together

and morris


you must never despise me

this was an easy promise to make

and morris made it

but for the moment

he made no further promises

dr sloper spoke to both his sisters soon

after his return

he told mrs pennyman that he would never

accept morris townsend as a son-in-law

and he told mrs almond that he was now

no longer amused by catherine

only annoyed

she will never give mr townsend up

said mrs almond

then she will be very unhappy

and i can’t prevent it

poor katherine

said mrs almond

we must be as kind to her as we can

mrs pennyman arranged another secret

meeting with morris

they went for a long walk together

and she told him what the doctor had


he will never give us a penny said

morris angrily

after a pause he added

i must give her up

mrs pennyman was silent for a moment

though she thought of morris as a son

she was also a little afraid of him

i think i understand you

she said gently

but my poor morris

do you know how much she loves you


i don’t

i don’t want to know

it will be very hard for catherine

said mrs pennyman

you must help her

the doctor will help you

he will be delighted with the news

he will say

i always told you so

morris blushed bright red

i find this all very unpleasant he said

a true friend would try and make it

easier for me

would you like me to tell her

mrs pennyman asked

you mustn’t tell her

but you can

he hesitated

trying to think what mrs pennyman could


you can explain that i don’t want to

come between her and her father

are you not going to come and see her


oh no

i shall come again

but i want this business to end soon

i have been four times since she came


and it’s very hard work


you must have your last parting

his companion cried

for mrs pennyman

the last parting between lovers was

almost as romantic as the first meeting

morris came to washington square again

without managing the last parting

and again

and again

catherine did not suspect anything was


and mrs pennyman was too frightened to

say anything to her

during each visit the poor girl waited

for morris to name the day of their


but he never stayed more than a few


and seemed so uncomfortable that at last

she became worried

are you sick she asked him

i am not at all well he said

and i have to go away

go away

where are you going morris

he looked at her

and for a second or two she was afraid

of him

will you promise not to be angry he said


do i get angry

i have to go away on business

to new orleans

what is your business

your business is to be with me

he told her a long story about a chance

he had to make a lot of money buying


but catherine took his arm in her two

hands and spoke more violently than he

had ever heard her speak before

you can go to new orleans some other


this isn’t the moment to choose

we have waited too long already

you said you would not be angry cried


he got up to leave

very well

we won’t talk about it anymore

i will do the business by letter

you won’t go

said catherine looking at him

morris wanted to argue with her

it would make it easier for him to break


you mustn’t tell me what to do he said

try and be calmer the next time i come

when will you come again

i will come next saturday

said morris

come tomorrow

catherine begged

i want you to come tomorrow

i will be very quiet


she felt very frightened

and did not want him to leave the room

morris kissed the top of her head

catherine felt her heart beat very fast

will you promise to come tomorrow

i said saturday

morris answered smiling

he tried to be angry at one moment and

smile at the next

it was all very difficult and unpleasant


saturday too she answered trying to


but tomorrow first

he was going to the door

and she went with him quickly

i am a busy man

cried morris

his voice was so hard and unnatural

that she turned away

he quickly put his hand on the door

but in a moment she was close to him

again murmuring


you are going to leave me


for a little while

until you are reasonable again

i shall never be reasonable

in that way

she tried to keep him longer

think of what i have done she cried


i have given up everything

you shall have everything back

you wouldn’t say that if you didn’t mean


what is it

what has happened

what have i

done what has changed you

i will write to you

that is better

you won’t come back she cried

tears running down her face

dear catherine he said

don’t believe that

i promise you that you shall see me


and he managed to get away

and to close the door behind him

for many hours catherine lay crying on

the sofa

he had said he would return

but she had seen an expression on his

face that she had never seen before

he had wanted to get away from her

he had been angry

and cruel

and said strange things with strange


she tried to believe that he would come



listened hoping to hear his ring at the


but he did not return

nor did he call or write the next day

on saturday catherine sent him a note

i don’t understand

she wrote


you are killing me

the pain in catherine’s heart was


but she was desperate to hide from her

father what had happened

so she tried very hard to be brave

she ate her meals

went on with her daily life as usual

and said nothing to anybody

i am afraid you are in trouble my dear

mrs pennyman said to her

can i do anything to help you

i am not in any trouble

and do not need any help

said catherine

after a few days the doctor

who had been watching in silence

spoke to his sister lavinia

the thing has happened

he has left her

it seems to make you happy to see your



it does

said the doctor

because it shows i was right

the following afternoon catherine went

for a walk

and returned to find mrs pennyman

waiting for her

dear catherine

you cannot pretend with me

said her aunt

i know everything

and it is better that you should



who said we were going to separate

isn’t it broken off

asked mrs pennyman

my engagement

not at all

i am sorry then

i have spoken too soon


what has happened between you said mrs


because something has certainly happened

nothing has happened

i love him more and more

mrs pennyman was silent

i suppose that’s why you went to see him

this afternoon

catherine blushed


i did go to see him she cried

but that’s my own business

then we won’t talk about it

mrs pennyman moved towards the door

but stopped when catherine cried out


lavinia where has he gone

at his house they said he had left town

i asked no more questions

i was ashamed

has he gone to new orleans

mrs pennyman had not heard of the new

orleans plan

but she did not tell catherine this

if you have agreed to separate she said

the further he goes away the better

catherine stared


has he agreed it with you

he has sometimes asked for my advice

is it you then that has changed


catherine cried

is it you that has taken him from me

how could you be so cruel

what have i ever done to you

you are a most ungrateful girl said mrs


it was me who helped bring you together

i wish he had never come to the house

that’s better than this

said poor catherine

she was silent for a few minutes

then got up and walked around the room

will you please tell me where he is

i have no idea

said mrs pennyman

will he stay away forever

oh forever is a long time

your father perhaps

won’t live

forever catherine stared at her aunt

he has planned it then

he has broken it off

and given me up

only for the present dear catherine

he has left me alone

said catherine

shaking her head slowly

i don’t believe it

two days later

catherine received a long letter from


it explained that he was in philadelphia

and that he would be away on business

for a long time

he said he would find it impossible to

forget her

but he did not want to come between her

and her rightful fortune

it was his dearest wish that she should

have a happy and peaceful life

and he hoped that they would one day

meet as friends

the pain that this letter gave catherine

lasted for a long time

but she was too proud to say anything

about it to her aunt or her father

dr sloper waited a week

before coming one morning into the back


where he found his daughter alone

she was sitting with some sewing work

and he came and stood in front of her

he was going out

and had his hat


i would be grateful if you would tell me

when you plan to leave my house he said

catherine looked at him

with a long silent stare

i shall not go away

she said

the doctor looked surprised

has he left you

i have broken off my engagement

broken it off

i have asked him to leave new york

and he has gone away for a long time

the doctor did not believe this

and he was disappointed at losing the

chance to say that he had been right

how does he like your sending him away

he asked

i don’t know

said catherine

you mean you don’t care

you are rather cruel after playing with

him for so long

the doctor had his revenge after all

chapter 9

morris returns

no one ever learnt the truth about the

end of catherine’s engagement

catherine never spoke about it

keeping her secret even from mrs almond

who was very kind to her after morris

townsend had left new york

i am delighted that catherine did not

marry him

mrs allman said to her brother

but i wish you would be more gentle with

her austin

surely you feel sorry for her

why should i feel sorry for her

she has had a lucky

escape and i suspect that she has not

really given him up at all

i think it is quite possible that they

have made an arrangement to wait

and when i am dead

he will come back and then she will

marry him


catherine seemed unchanged

but the fact was that she had been

deeply hurt

nothing could ever take away the pain

that morris had caused her

and nothing could ever make her feel

towards her father

as she had felt when she was younger

many years passed

years in which catherine received more

than a few offers of marriage

she refused them all

and though the name morris townsend was

never mentioned in washington square

dr sloper still suspected that his

daughter was secretly waiting for him

if she is not

why doesn’t she marry

he asked himself

this idea grew stronger as he got older

and one day the doctor said something to

his daughter that surprised her very


i would like you to promise me something

before i die

why do you talk about dying she asked

because i am 68 years old

and i will die one day

promise me you will never marry morris


for some moments she said nothing

why do you speak of him

she asked at last

because he has been in new york

and at your cousin marion’s house

your aunt elizabeth tells me that he is

looking for another wife

i don’t know what happened to the first


he has grown fat and bald

and he has not made his fortune

fat and bald

these words sounded strange to catherine

her memory was of the most beautiful

young man in the world

i don’t think you understand she said

i almost never think of mr townsend

but i can’t promise that

the doctor was silent for a minute

i ask you for a particular reason

i am changing my will

very few things made catherine angry

but these words brought back painful

memories from the past

she felt that her father was pushing her

too far

i can’t promise

she simply repeated

please explain

i can’t explain

said catherine

and i can’t promise

a year later

dr sloper died after a three-week


the will he had changed shortly before

his death

now left catherine only a fifth of his


mrs pennyman thought that this was cruel

and unjust

but katherine was neither surprised nor

unhappy about the new will

i like it very much

she told her aunt

catherine and mrs pennyman continued to

live in the house in washington square

on a warm evening in july

a year after dr sloper’s death

the two ladies sat together at an open


looking out on the quiet square


said mrs pennyman

i have something to say that will

surprise you

i have seen morris townsend

catherine remained very still for some


i hope he was well

she said at last

i don’t know

he would like very much to see you

i would rather not see him

said catherine quickly

i was afraid you would say that said mrs


i met him at marion’s house

and they are so afraid you will meet him


i think that’s why he goes

he very much wants to see you

catherine did not answer

and mrs pennyman went on

he is still very handsome

though of course he looks older now

i believe he married some lady somewhere

in europe

she died soon afterwards

as he said to me

she only passed through his life

the first thing he did was to ask me

about you

he had heard you had never married

he seemed very much interested about


he said you had been the real romance in

his life

catherine had listened silently

staring down at the ground

at last she spoke


do not say more

but he very much wants to see you

please don’t aunt lavinia

said catherine

getting up from her seat and moving

quickly to the other window where mrs

pennyman could not see that she was


a week later they were again sitting in

the front parlor

catherine was working on some embroidery

when mrs pennyman suddenly said

morris has sent you a message

he wishes to see you catherine

he is going away again

and wants to speak to you before he


he says his happiness depends upon it

my happiness does not

said catherine

he believes that you have never

understood him

that you have never judged him rightly

said mrs pennyman

this is very painful for him

and he wants just a few minutes to


he wishes to meet you as a friend

catherine listened without looking up

from her embroidery

then she said simply

please say to mr townsend

that i wish he would leave me alone

she had just finished speaking when the

doorbell rang

catherine looked up at the clock

it was quarter past nine

a very late hour for visitors

she turned quickly to mrs pennyman who

was blushing

aunt pennyman she said

in a way that frightened her companion

what have you done

my dearest catherine

said mrs pennyman avoiding her niece’s


just wait until you see him

catherine had frightened her aunt

but she was also frightened herself

and before she could prevent it

the servant had opened the door and

announced his name

mr morris townsend

catherine stood with her back turned to

the door of the parlor

for some moments she remained still

feeling that he had come in

he had not spoken however

and at last she turned round

she saw a gentleman standing in the

middle of the room

from which her aunt had quietly left

for a moment

she did not recognize him

he was 45 years old


with thinning hair and a thick beard

i have come because

i wanted to so much

said morris

it was the old voice

but it did not have the old charm

i think it was wrong of you to come

said catherine

did mrs pennyman not give you my message

she told me something

but i did not understand

i wish you would let me tell you

i don’t think it is necessary

said catherine

not for you perhaps

but for me

he seemed to be coming nearer

catherine turned

away can we not be friends again

he asked

we are not enemies

said catherine

he moved close to her

she saw his beard

and the eyes above it

looking strange and hard

it was very different from his old

from his young face

catherine he murmured

i have never stopped thinking of you

please don’t say these things she


he looked at her again silently

it hurts you to see me here

i will go away

but you must allow me to come again

please don’t come again

she said

it is wrong of you

there is no reason for it

you behaved badly towards me

that is not true

cried morris

you had your quiet life with your father

i did not want to steal it from you


i had that

morris could not say that she also had

some of her father’s property

though he knew about dr sloper’s will


have you never forgiven me

i forgave you years ago

but we cannot be friends

we can

if we forget the past

we still have a future

i can’t forget

i don’t forget

said catherine

you behaved too badly

i felt it very much

i felt it for years

i can’t begin again

everything is dead and buried

i never expected to see you here again

maurice stood looking at her

why have you never married

he asked suddenly

i didn’t wish to marry


you are rich you are free

marriage had nothing to offer you

he looked around the room for a moment


i had hoped that we could still be


there is no possibility of that

said catherine

goodbye then

said morris

bowed and she turned away

she stood there looking at the ground

for some moments after she had heard him

close the door of the room

in the hall he found mrs pennyman

your plan did not work

said morris putting on his hat

is she so hard

asked mrs pennyman

she doesn’t care a button for me said


he stood for a moment

with his hat on

but why then has she never married



said mrs pennyman

but you will not give up

you will come back

come back

certainly not

and maurice townsend walked out of the


leaving mrs pennyman’s staring

catherine meanwhile

in the parlor

picking up her embroidery

had seated herself with it again

for life
