1 Hours of English Conversation Practice Improve Speaking Skills


74 topics

daily life english conversations for

self-study this video will be the

real-life conversations of native


don’t miss the video to help us improve

english communication

  1. decorating the room

dialogue one

so did you buy a lakeside villa

yes it is currently being decorated

that’s great

we hired a professional to decorate the


and we gave them free reign to renovate

our house

does your home need to be repaired

yes the guest room will be outfitted

with opulent carpets and fixtures

appear to have spent a lot of money on

decorating your home

yes it does cost me a lot of money


dialogue too

bill the bedroom needs to be redone

let me take a look

before redecorating remove all loose

paint flakes

but i haven’t hired an interior designer

why don’t we hire bog to decorate our

living room he’s an expert at decorating

how could we have forgotten him

but i’ve heard he’s got a jam-packed

schedule this week perhaps we should

postpone until next week

okay and i want to expand the balcony


we need to think more about that

should we redecorate the living room

well maybe we can decorate in a

minimalist style



settling down in a new place

dialogue one

what day is today

oh no i just want to hold a party to

celebrate my husband and i have a new


that sounds great we’re all excited to

move into our new home

johnny how about him has he moved into

the new house yet

he did in fact settle into his new home

great we will celebrate it together

how would you like to celebrate it

maybe we should celebrate by drinking a

lot of champagne

i like it

it’s a done deal i’ll go get champagne


dialogue 2.

oh hi linda it’s really fantastic to see


come in please and take a look at our

new home


congratulations the house looks great


how do you see the design of the house

very special design your house looks

very luxurious and sophisticated

yeah this house was designed by a famous

designer and has a large garden behind

the house in london style

that’s fantastic i’m envious of you my

boyfriend can’t afford a new house and i

can’t either

in the future you will have your own

please visit us whenever you’re free the

garden will help you relax

yes once again congratulations i’m sure

that the new house will bring you and

your family a lot of health and luck



greeting 42

saying goodbye

dialogue one

good morning what have you been up to

not so well i just took the final exam i

mean it could have been a bad result

oh no bad luck

i couldn’t answer all the questions i

left a question about science

he didn’t put in much effort this

semester did you

to be honest no

i prefer playing computer games to


did the professor give you a chance to

retake the test

i believe yes i’ll contact my professor

and inquire about it

okay instead of playing video games

study hard i believe you are a smart man

thanks i’m going to need to do a lot of


i hope you pass bye

later bro


dialogue too

good morning lucy

good morning mina how’s your life

surviving thanks

where are you going

i’m going to the supermarket i’d like to

buy a gift for my father’s birthday

have you decided what to buy yet

no not yet

i think a watch is cool

i believe so but i don’t have a lot of


so how about a book

that is a great idea i’ll look for a

book that i can afford


i’ve got to get going see ya



forty-three introducing to each other

dialogue one

hello bridget how’s it going

elena pretty good

ah i would like to introduce you to my

new friend her name is james she is


james this is laina my high school


hello my name is lena it’s great to meet


hello elena my name is james glad to

meet you

i’ve previously visited china it’s

pretty amazing i’m a huge fan of chinese


yeah china is a large country bridget

and i both volunteered for the olympics

and became good friends as a result

that’s fantastic

ah i also know a little chinese uh nihao

will shilena


sorry for not being able to chat with

you longer i have to go now see you



dialogue too


hey there beautiful how’s it going

so so thanks it’s strange to see you in

the park well my sister has arrived at

my house and i am responsible for her

she always wants to go for a walk after


is she your sister the girl wearing a

white dress right


kate please come here

this is mary my best friend

hello mary it’s nice to meet you

very nice to meet you what is your age

i’m two years younger than my sister and

i’m 16.

so you came here for a holiday and stay

at your sister’s house

yes it is a very long vacation

maybe i will stay there for two months

okay bye for now see linda and kate



inviting others

dialogue one

i’d like to invite you to dinner that’s

my treat

right thank you very much

what do you want to eat

i’m still wondering what about chinese


great when do you have free time

any weekend will suffice

what about this sunday evening

that’s fantastic will you come to my

house and pick me up

not a problem 7 p.m okay

yeah great i’ll see you later



dialogue too

i’m hungry let’s eat something

i’m afraid i can’t i still have a lot of

work to complete

oh please come with me

sorry i’ll stay at home i still have a

lot of work to do i need to complete my

report by monday

what part have you done

i’ve only just begun

but you can make up for lost time over

the weekend i’m aware that this

restaurant serves excellent beef and the

service is excellent

okay i’ll go with you i’m going to need

a break anyway

i’m going to get my coat


45 arranging an appointment

dialogue one

good morning peter my name is john i’m

calling to see if you would like to meet

for lunch tomorrow

hello john i’m sorry tomorrow is going

to be a little difficult i’m going to

have a meeting at that time

oh i see what about the following day

yeah thursday would be perfect

what sort of time would suit you

12 am

so where are you going to eat

what about the restaurant down the

street an italian restaurant

sounds great

where are we going to meet

let’s meet at the beginning of rose


that’s right see you tomorrow



ya dialogue two

are you available tomorrow evening

yes i’m free tomorrow what’s going on

we’re planning a birthday party and i’d

like to invite you

great i’d like to attend when does the

party begin

around 6 pm

when does the party come to an end

at about 1 a.m the next morning

it’s gonna be so much fun where do you

live east 32nd avenue number 2537


if i get lost i’ll call you and by the

way am i allowed to bring anything

yeah of course so do you want to bring a

pie or a cake

sure i know how to make an apple pie it

will be delicious


  1. apology and responses

dialogue one

sorry i booked a room with a nice view

of the beach

however this room is completely

different it looks terrible

may i ask what your name is mr smith

please wait a moment while i check the


i’ve reserved a room with a great view

of the beach for you it is without a

doubt our fault please accept my sincere


your apologies are accepted is there a

room where i can enjoy the view of the


i am awfully sorry but all rooms with a

view of the beach have already been


bad luck

please accept my apologies

mom don’t worry


dialogue 2.

i’m sorry for stepping on your toes i

didn’t mean to do it it’s extremely

crowded here please accept my apologies

you did not inflict any harm on me don’t

be concerned

oh no i can’t believe i got your white

shoes dirty

here’s my handkerchief use it to wipe

the stains off your shoes


thank you very much may i ask where you

are going

yeah i’m going to adam street

i’m sorry i cannot hear well could you

please repeat it

sure adam street

i’ve got it i gotta run it was great

talking to you

me too


  1. thankfulness and responses

dialogue one

hello beauty you look stunning today

thank you very much

is that a new outfit it looks really


yes i bought it yesterday while walking

around with my mother

it suits you very well you look like a


thanks for your compliment

as soon as i saw it i was intrigued

i’m thinking about getting some sandals

to go with it what colors do you think

would go well together

um perhaps white will look great

thank you for your advice

i’m glad i could help do you want to go

shopping with me on saturday

thank you very much for inviting me i’d

be delighted to

you’re welcome


dialogue too

john your article has been read by me

it’s quite good in my opinion

thank you very much

however i recommend that you change the

title to something more interesting

a better title will pique the reader’s

interest and peak their curiosity

thank you for your suggestions and

comments i’ll look into it which title

do you think would be better

how about how to stay healthy without

taking pills

wow it sounds fantastic thank you for

your assistance

it’s my pleasure

i’m confident that your masterpieces

will propel you to prominence as a



48 congratulating others

dialogue one

john informed me that you had been

promoted to the position of manager of

the advertising department

yes i received the notice last week

congratulations on your advancement your

efforts have finally paid off

thanks so much

i had a feeling you’d make it someday

you have the ability to be a leader

oh you’re flattering me

oh i have a lot to learn yet

i’m just telling the truth

you are the most hardworking person i


actually i have a lot of new

responsibilities on my shoulders i need

to learn a lot anyway thanks for your

comments and directions

don’t be so polite


dialogue too

congratulations on your child’s birth

thank you very much it’s a little boy

you must be feeling very

happy sure

i have been waiting for this for a long

time i feel so lucky and happy

have you named the baby yet

his name is robert and his household

name is little potato

a nice name for a boy you seem to be

very adept at taking care of babies



  1. holiday wishes

dialogue one

merry christmas

wishing you warmth and good cheer

please convey my warmest regards to your


thank you very much the same

do you have any special plans for


i’ll be at a party tomorrow night do you

want to come

that’s great i’d like to come thank you

very much for inviting me when does the

party begin

at approximately 6 p.m see you tomorrow

see you


dialogue too

happy new year

may prosperity be with you

the same to you is this a traditional

chinese holiday what do you usually do

during spring festivals

traditionally we spent the holiday with

family however since i am now in america

i will celebrate it with some friends

we’re going to make dumplings do you

want to come

great dumplings are one of my favorite

foods i’m sure i’ll be there

it will be even better if you dress in

red it is the lucky color in china

really that is something i was unaware


thank you for informing me i wish you

the best of luck

thank you very much fingers crossed


  1. asking for help

dialogue one

sorry to bother you but can you give me

some suggestions

of course about what

i’m finding a good restaurant nearby

oh there is a noodle shop nearby it’s my

favorite restaurant

how can i get to the restaurant

turn right at the intersection continue

straight until you reach a traffic light

there take a left it’s either the second

or third house on the right it is easy

to find it’s just about a 10 minute walk

thank you for your assistance

no problem also the seafood noodle soup

there is delicious you should try it out

thank you for your suggestion i’ll enjoy



dialogue too

i’d like to ask you a favor

yeah tell me what do you need

is it okay if i borrow your car tomorrow

i’m sorry but i can’t

my car has been broken and is being

repaired i’m sorry i can’t assist you

that’s bad i’ll try asking others

you can try asking sam he also has a car

he will be happy to lend it to you

thank you very much i’ll contact him


sorry please let me know if there’s

anything else i can do for you

it’s okay anyway thank you


51 agreement and disagreement


1 good day miss wang

mr gates good morning

what a wonderful day why don’t we go to

the movies

that’s a good idea but i have an

important task to complete right now

oh that’s a pity what about the next day

a new film will be screened

is there a sixth harry potter film

yes you know this movie what do you

think about this movie

i really like it i have not missed any


yeah me too it’s well worth seeing


but when and where are we going to meet

what about 8 am tomorrow at downing


ok i’ll see you tomorrow

i’ll see you later


dialogue too

are you going to be busy this afternoon

no i’m free this afternoon what’s up

chris has invited me to his birthday

party would you like to go with me

i would like to i believe we should give

him a gift

i agree with you 100

what do you think we should give him

let me think

how about a glass of

wine perhaps not he does not consume


what about a slumdog millionaire dvd

release that is his favorite film

that’s fantastic let’s go to the video

store right now

let’s go


52 suggestions and opinions



you’re from new york right


i want to go some places to visit new

york can you give me some


how about going to the museum of modern


no i’m not a fan of museums it’s not

interesting at all

why don’t you pay a visit to the empire

state building

ah that sounds fascinating


dialogue too

you don’t seem to be in a good mood

what’s the problem

oh nothing noteworthy i’m just a little


about the job

with everything with everyone

a good suggestion for you at this time

is that you need a holiday

you should know that it wasn’t always

like this

what exactly do you mean

i have to work every day our lives are

devoid of variety

you require a vacation that’s the crux

of the problem

maybe i should do it

53 ordering takeaway

dialogue one

kate where are you going to eat lunch

would you like to have lunch with me

sounds great what do you want to eat

i haven’t made up my mind yet

how about indian food there is a

restaurant near our company which is

very famous

did the indian restaurant just open last


yes that’s right do you have their phone


i did in fact place an order over the

phone yesterday

let me look it up for you

oh here it is great how do you feel

about the food there

it sits my taste very well

great i’m going to call them right now


dialogue too

hello is this an italian takeout


yes what would you want

i want to order a pizza can you suggest

for me the best seller of the restaurant

yes we now serve a margarita pizza

cheese pizza and hawaiian pizza

it has been reported that the hawaiian

pizza is extremely tasty please give me


certainly would you like anything else

please give me one more spaghetti

yes sir what are your name and address

mr smith i’m on the third floor of the

empire state building room 377.

okay it will arrive in 20 minutes


54 reserving a table


good morning heaven restaurant linda

speaking may i help you

hello my name is chris i’d like to make

a reservation do you have any free


sure how many people are there


yes which seat would you prefer

i prefer a table near the window

which areas do you prefer

smoking or non-smoking

please provide a non-smoking seat

please give me one minute

what time would you like your table

around 8 pm on this day

we look forward to having you with us



dialogue too

this is the shogun restaurant can i help


hi i would like to make a dinner


how many people will you need the

reservation for

there are only two

ma’am would you prefer a table in the

main restaurant or a private room

a private room

please wait for me a second i’ll look

over our reservation list

are there any good seats available

i’m sorry the private room is already

booked do you mind taking the seat next

to the aisle

all right i don’t mind

okay i’ve already made a reservation for


you 55 ordering dishes

dialog one

hi i’m marie i’ll be your server for

tonight what can i do for you

could i see the menu please

here’s the menu

do you have any specials today

we have sashimi raw lobster

sasami raw lobster prawn and vegetables

the dishes of lobster such as thailand

style sour cooked lobster steamed

lobster with cocoa juice and grilled

lobster with citronella and garlic

would you like those

well i like crab do you have king crab

yes so you should enjoy the grilled king



yes would you like to drink something we

have fruit juice soda wine and tea

give me one orange squash and one tea


please wait for a minute your meal will

be ready


dialog two

that’s enough i will order later

let me double check your order

which includes the seasoned vegetable

mustard greens with scallop fried string

beans and shark spin soup

the mushroom soup not the shark spin


i apologize i will fix it right now

is it possible for me to have it right


approximately 10 minutes i would suggest

an appetizer consisting of two or three

small dishes

what kind of ore divord do you serve

we serve salads and mushroom soup sir

please give me some green salad

do you want something else to drink

no thank you

56 ordering drinks

dialogue one

hi there what can i get for you

hello i’d like tea please

peach tea black tea green tea jasmine

tea or chrysanthemum tea are all

available which one do you prefer


i’ll have a cup of peach tea please

okay what size would you like

oh a small please

and is that for here or to go

for here please and do you have a paper


yes i’ll bring you some right away

and would it be okay if i smoked here

yes we have an ashtray on the shelf

thank you very much


dialogue too

good morning what drink would you like

to order

just give me a few minutes okay

yes do you want to have some tea

i don’t drink tea in the morning do you

have any specials

you can order americano coffee it’s our

best selling drink

i’d like an americano please

yes what size would you like

medium size please can i sit here

of course anything else besides the


no thanks that’s all



serving the dishes


one sir your dishes are ready where can

i put it

place it here


the cold dishes are all here when should

we start bringing in the hot dishes

please bring dish dub for us right now

would you please go get me a glass of



is there anything else you require

more rice please

yes sir today’s specialty is spring

rolls would you like to order that

oh yes thank you very much

i’m always available to help you please

contact me if you order any additional



dialogue too

excuse me sir your green beans

please set it down on the table

in addition to your egg drop soup and

shrimp fried rice

wait egg drop soup isn’t on the menu

please wait a moment let me check it


the egg drop soup has recently been

removed from the menu

oh yes please accept my apologies we’ll

remove it from the bill

please serve me a glass of orange juice

sir with or without ice

please ice


service at the table

dialog one

is there any coffee in the coffee pot


no i’ve used it up but

wait there are a few but no cream

we might as well request that the waiter

brings some

could you please come over here waiter


yes what can i do to assist you

please have a little more cream

okay fine is there anything else you

want to drink sir

i’d like to have something cool

please bring me ice water

i’ll bring you right away

please more napkins



dialogue too

excuse me sir would you like more

soup no this dish contains far too much

salt could you please give me a glass of


sir please accept my apologies

it’s a little salty but i enjoy it

i’m glad you liked it please let me know

if you require any additional assistance

i’d appreciate it if you could bring me

a spoon the child is still unsure how to

use a fork


okay fine please place the infant in the


thank you

are you all set for dessert now

yes please serve us as soon as possible

59 giving assessment

dialogue one

we’re taking the final food order what

more do you need

please bring me more salad

yes is the food to your taste

yes this steak is extremely delicious

tender and fragrant

this is also our restaurant’s signature

dish i’m glad you enjoy it

that’s right i really like it it’s

really delicious

what about other dishes

in my opinion the potatoes are also very

crispy and delicious the soup is very


thank you that makes me happy please do

not hesitate to contact me if you need

any help



dialogue 2.

i finished

is today’s food to your taste do you

like sweet and sour fish

yes it’s delicious i love it but i like

beef wellington the most

that dish is also considered to build a

reputation for a world famous chef

gordon ramsay

gordon ramsay is also my favorite chef

can you tell me how to make this dish

yeah the ways for processing the beef

are so complex

beef must be the most delicious kind

marinated with salt and pepper

then sauteed quickly with olive oil

great it’s a very enjoyable meal

i’m glad you’ve got a big appetite


arranging a banquet

dialogue one

good morning

lily catering company lily speaking may

i help you

hello and good morning

i’m mike lee of lux company we must plan

a banquet for next tuesday

mr lee i see how many people do you

intend to invite and how much money do

you want to spend per person

we plan to invite around 55 people and

we’d like to spend no more than 15

dollars per person

when will the meal begin

at approximately 7 p.m

is this an extremely formal party

yes please take your time preparing it

don’t worry we will prepare fresh food

for the banquet

thank you in advance


dialogue too

we are planning to hold a wedding

reception at your hotel do you have any


sure we are delighted that you have

chosen our hotel to host your wedding


what style do you like

i want to organize it in a vintage style

when are you going to have the party

on the 1st of may how many tables do you

want to book


how much do you want to spend on each


150 to 200 dollars for each table and i

want a band playing at my wedding

of course we will plan the best wedding

for you i wish you a joyous wedding


  1. at the cafe

dialog 1

is your coffee shop currently open

yes what would you like to drink

i’d like the menu please

yes here you are

what kind of coffee do you prefer do you

prefer coffee black or white

please white coffee

okay where would you prefer to sit

i prefer a table by the window do you

mind if i smoke

i’m very sorry but smoking is not

permitted here

oh sorry

can you show me where the smoking room


it’s next to the stairs that room is

designated for smoking and you are

welcome to use it


dialogue two

hello and welcome to the coffee shop

what are you having

i would like a cup of coffee please

would you like more sugar and cream

not only black coffee

yes would you like anything else

do you serve food

sorry we don’t but there are many free

snacks available there and they are


that’s fantastic

please take a seat wherever you want



  1. at the breakfast shop


good morning have a great day

good morning where can i sit

please come in and sit wherever you want

do you prefer an american breakfast or a

continental breakfast

two american breakfasts with toast

mashed potatoes bacon and jam

yes sir what kind of drink are you

looking for

a glass of orange juice and a cup of

white coffee

okay give me about five minutes

by the way do you have today’s newspaper

we have a newspaper rack there as well

as a selection of books and magazines

great thank you


dialogue too

good morning sir may i assist you

what kind of porridge are there today

today we serve beef slices porridge

fresh fish porridge and preserved egg


give me two bowls of egg forage and

where can i sit

sorry sir but all of the tables are

already taken would you mind waiting

until one becomes available

how much longer must we wait

only about five minutes sorry for the


oh no problem


63 at the fast food shop

dialogue one

hello how can i take your order

yes i’d like to order a fish burger and

a hot dog with no mustard a glass of

milk and a large order of french fries

and is that for here or to go

i’m going to eat here

served with ketchup or mayonnaise

please serve with up

do you want to pay by card or cash

uh let me pay in cash

that will be 14.95

here you are keep the change

uh what is the location of the smoking


it’s right around the corner next to the


thank you very much


dialogue too

who’s next

me can i have a sandwich with cheese and

tomato please

a large order of fries and

a loaf of sliced bread

white or brown bread

brown please

so miss how about you

i’d like a big mac a side of french

fries and a medium coke

will you eat here or take it away for


a takeaway please

do you want one bill or a separate bill

one bill i’ll pay the bill it’s my treat

here’s your change have a good day


  1. paying the bill

dialogue one

waitress could i have the bill please

of course please wait for a minute

here you are

can i pay the bill with a credit card

yes sir please pay your bill at the

cashier’s counter

how much is the total

the total cost is fifty dollars

could i please have the bill

here you are do you want one bill or a

separate bill

it’s my treat please only one bill

thank you here is your receipt thank you

for coming and welcome you to our

restaurant again


dialogue too

can i have my bill please

sure here you are

what do you think of our food

great but the seafood is quite tasteless

is it better for me to pay you or the


both are fine

i’d like to go over the bill

it’s right here

will you be charging this sir

okay let me pay in cash

is this all on one bill yes could you

please look into it


do you have a copy of the receipt

yes here

do you have any pence

no i’m sorry


i’m sorry i can’t break that

no problem keep the change


65 in the supermarket

dialogue one

could you tell me where is the fruit and

vegetable section

just follow this staff he’ll take you


thank you very much

i’d like to have some bananas


is there anything else

please give me one pound of tomatoes and

one pound of eggplant

yes here you are

thanks where is the cashier

continue straight and then turn left

thanks do they accept credit cards

yes i think so


dialogue 2

we have a lot to buy today that’s

correct let’s split the list in half and

we’ll meet here in 20 minutes

good idea you will buy milk beef eggs

apples and honey

i’ll go get tomatoes peas coffee lettuce

and bananas

but where is the milk

it’s in the dairy section over there


have you bought everything yet

i think that’s enough

let’s go to the front cashier


in the flea market

dialogue one

is this tv fully functional

yes it’s nearly new

is it a color or black and white


color black and white televisions have

been discontinued everyone these days

uses led televisions

how much do you charge for it

the cost is seventy dollars can i get it

for sixty dollars

sixty five dollars is the final offer

okay deal


dialogue 2.


sir may i assist you

yes but may i take a look first you had

a lot of antiques in chinese paintings

are they real

no they are all copies the reproductions

are all clearly labeled and priced they

are reasonably priced

may i see that ivory

is it also fake

no i’m sure it’s genuine it’s made of

genuine ivory and it’s beautifully


how much does it cost

the list price is 100

would you like me to take it



in the jewelry store

dialogue one

good morning let me know if you need any


yes i’m looking for a birthday present

for my mother what do you recommend

this is our newest design today is

mother’s day and all of the chalkboards

jewelry is on sale

that’s fantastic do you have any gold


yes 14 karat and 18 carat gold necklaces

chains and earrings are available

and i see that one

sure let me get it out for you

this is a lovely gold necklace its

regular price is 56 dollars but you can

get it for 20

off right now

it’s very classy it suits my mother very


okay fine is there anything else i can

do for you

can you wrap it as a gift please and can

you show me that key

sure here you are

it is quite adorable give me three of

these and i’m sure my roommates will

love it

dialogue too

i’d like to purchase some jewelry

what kind of jewelry do you prefer

i’m looking for a bracelet

let me show you some of what we have

this is our newest design

show me the gold bracelet

white gold or rose gold

white gourd please

here you are ma’am

how much does this bracelet cost

it is 100

could you lower the price

i’m sorry i can’t give you a discount

our prices are fixed


i’d like my initials engraved on it


it’s done

could you please sign here

thank you and have a nice day


68 in the makeup store

dialogue one

good evening is there anything i can

help with

so far i haven’t decided which lip gloss

to purchase

what color do you prefer pink is my

favorite color

what about this it’s extremely hydrating


but i think the pinker one would be a

better fit for me how much does it cost

it costs ten dollars

wow it’s too expensive

if you purchase it this month you will

receive a free handbag

wrap it up for me


dialogue too

hello how may i help you

do you have any summer foundation

yes we have makeup forever foundation

and fresh beauty cake but which do you


how about dior’s foundation

this summer the makeup forever

foundation is very popular and it is

suitable for asians this foundation is

highly recommended by a beauty blogger

how much does it cost

the price is 57

can you find me a color that matches

yes the light tone will suit you very

well do you want to try it

yes i’ll take this

69 in the clothes store

dialog 1

what about these suits

which do you prefer

you know i never wear a vest it’s not

comfortable at all i like to wear

t-shirts and i like street shopping

oh please don’t be such a jerk these

vests look so nice it is very suitable

for you to attend parties

i know if we don’t get some today you’ll

never go shopping on your own again

all right i’ll listen to your

advice jack look this color is very

trendy try it on

but it looks a little big

do you have this in a smaller size

i think so let me look

oh here’s one would you like to use the

fitting room to try it on

sure thanks where’s the fitting room

there are changing rooms over there

okay i’ll try it on

both popular design and color fits you

very much


dialogue too


good morning how can i help you

hello i am looking for a red wine

sweater or cardigan

our sweaters can be found over there

near the coats and accessories

this sweater appeals to me is it okay if

i try it on

sure the locker room is located over




how did it fit

it seems quite small for me is there a

bigger size


here you are this is a big one




in the shoes and caps store

dialogue one

is this a section for shoes

that’s correct what do you wish to get

yes i want a pair of sports shoes

which particular branch do you prefer

i like the adidas one

how about this one

it looks fine can i try it on

go ahead

they are extremely comfortable i will

take this


dialogue too

take a look at those sandals they’re


we will buy a pair for our daughter

yes these sandals are the store’s best

sellers what color do you want

i want pink sandals it’s a suitable

color for girls are these sandals really


yes they’re a good material and the

color never fades can i take a look at

the ones on display please

which size do you want

i need size 35

here you are

can i try this on please

sure it should be a good for you



in the articraft store

dialogue one

hi do you need any help

i’m looking to purchase a medium-sized

vase with a light blue background

i’m sorry we are out of stock

we only have a few large ones right now

but you can come back tomorrow hopefully

the goods will arrive

oh i’m leaving china the next day i

don’t think i have a lot of time

let me see how much does the big one


it costs fifty dollars the price is

reasonable because the quality is


yeah i see

will you show me some

right what do you think of this space

this is a product of the noritak brand

with art deco trends

thin and light design glossy enamel

colors have an ingenious blend to create

a luxurious and aristocratic beauty

it is appeal to me

i’ll take two

can you pack the vases and mail them to

me in new york

of course please fill out this slip with

your name and address

okay so how much should i pay

the total cost will be ninety dollars

which included postage and packing


dialogue 2.

should we get some fans


are these antique sandalwood fans

oh it’s not all are made from oakwood

those made of genuine sandalwood are

significantly more expensive

may i smell them both and decide which

one i prefer

go ahead i will get it for you

this one has a better odor i will take

this and also i want to buy a feather


do you have any suggestions for me

yes these are made of wild goose

feathers and these are made of skylark


i’ll take them both


  1. color preference

dialogue one

thank you for visiting our store how can

i help you

i’m looking for a dress

yes we have a lot of dresses please wait

a moment

what do you think about this dress

oh it’s so beautiful but is this dress

available in another color

oh yes what color are you looking for a

medium-sized green

just a second i will check it


oh you’re so lucky we only have a medium

green dress

that’s really cool how much is it

the total cost is thirty dollars but you

will get a ten percent discount

oh thanks i really love it



hello and good afternoon what do you

wish to get

hello i’d like to buy a pair of shoes

which color do you prefer

do you have the pink nike shoes

the pink shoes are no longer available

what about this one in white

let me think

on that shelf i prefer the blue one is

it okay if i take a look

go ahead

do you have a size 8

yes i’ll get it for you

how much does it cost


okay i will buy this one



sizes and inches


one good morning is there anything i can

help with

yes could you show me the dress on the


sure the pattern is popular at present

this design is available in four

different colors and sizes

where can i try this on

we have a large fitting room at the back

of the store please follow me

it just doesn’t seem to fit it’s a

little snug around the waist

is this available in a larger size

yes here you are this is a big one

so do i look good in this dress you look

stunning in it and it appears to be

tailor-made for you


thanks for the compliment i’ll pay in



dialogue too

i’d like to buy sports pants however i’m

not sure about the size

is it okay if i measure your waist

yes of course i believe my size is

around 38 can you double check it

yes size 38 is right for you

can you show me those black pants please

sure here you are do you want to try it



what do you think

it’s perfect for you i believe so that’s

fine with me i’ll take it




dialogue one

oh you’re so lucky sir that model is

currently on the market it costs only

three thousand three hundred dollars


thousand three hundred dollars this

price is higher than the price of other

stores can you give me a better deal

how much does the other store charge for


do you have any evidence

we always sell at the lowest possible


sure i have a commercial right here they

only charge three thousand two hundred

dollars as you can see

okay that is a reasonable price but i am

unable to sell for less than three

thousand two hundred and fifty dollars

but i can provide you with a free home

delivery because the delivery is valued

at one hundred dollars

purchasing from me would be less

expensive overall


dialogue too

hello there miss how are you feeling

this morning

great thank you today i’m hoping to

purchase a new sports car

i’m overjoyed could you please help me

with that

sure which kind of card you want

i’ve always bought mercedes but i’ve

heard good things about bmw’s new z4


oh that’s a very popular selling vehicle

they sell out as soon as we get our


you could be in luck we anticipate

receiving a shipment tomorrow


thanks for watching

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