15 English Lessons for Conversational English



basic patterns

that dog is very threatening

the idea of change threatens some people


was warned about a possible threat

predators were a threat to the herd

crops were threatened by the lack of


are you threatening me

people can act violently if they feel


cat is no threat to anybody

this wind is threatening to become a


his tone of voice held a subtle threat

if you aren’t home exactly on time

tonight we are going to have to punish


if you come home late then you won’t be

able to talk on the phone for two weeks

give me everything or I will use my gun

don’t try to call for help until I’m

long gone otherwise I’ll have to hurt


if you don’t work late tonight then

don’t bother coming back to work at all



dialogue 1

remember your curfew tonight I will I

mean it your mother and I will not

tolerate you coming home late again it’s

not that big a deal yes it is if you

aren’t home exactly on time tonight we

are going to have to punish you you’re

not serious are you

you are going to be grounded what does

that mean we are going to take away some

of your privileges like what if you come

home late and you won’t be able to talk

on the phone for two weeks

that’s not fair also won’t be allowed to

hang out with your friends for two weeks

that means no going out for fun you will

go to school and come straight back home

that’s unreasonable it’s the only

solution that we can think of to make

sure that you keep your curfew why can’t

you trust my word you’ve been late three

times in the past two weeks one time you

were over an hour late I promise they

won’t be late this time I’d like to

believe that however I’m still letting

you know what will happen if you break

the rules one more time I said that I

would be on time there’s no need to warn

me about the consequences I hope so

don’t move

what’s going on this is a robbery please

don’t hurt me

listen to me I’ll do anything you say

try to call out for help I won’t give me

your wallet and watch I’ll give you my

wallet but not my watch give me

everything or I will use my gun please

my mother gave me this watch before she

died it has a lot of sentimental value

I’ll make me use my gun I’m begging you

this watch cannot be replaced please let

me keep it telling you one last time

give me the watch or I’ll have to hurt


okay here it is good now lay down on the

ground until I’m gone okay

don’t try to call for help until I’m

long gone otherwise I’ll have to hurt

you understand yes I understand

dialogue three

hello mr. Hughes what can I do for you I

need you to work late tonight I’m afraid

that’s impossible you’re going to have

to the company has an important meeting

tomorrow and we have to be prepared I’m

sorry but I’ve already made some

important plans haven’t you been

listening to what I’ve been saying

yes I have you must understand how vital

this meeting is the company could lose a

million-dollar deal if everything

doesn’t go perfectly I understand all

that but tonight is a very special night

what’s so special tonight is my 10th

wedding anniversary my husband and I

have been planning a special evening for

weeks now you’re going to have to

postpone them I couldn’t possibly do

that to my husband he would be crushed

well it is going to come down between

your job and your husband what if you

don’t work late tonight

then don’t bother coming back to work at

all isn’t that a little extreme this

meeting is too important to be ruined

because of your social life so let me

get this straight you’re going to fire

me if I don’t work late tonight that is

right but I have been a loyal employee

for years I’m afraid that is your choice



to shion’s


remember your curfew tonight

beyond time tonight

don’t forget when to be home

keep in mind we expect you home at 11



I mean it

I’m serious

I’m not kidding

I’m definite


you are going to be grounded

you are going to be punished

you are going to be disciplined

you are going to be reprimanded


we are going to take away some of your

privileges we are going to take away

some of your freedoms

we are going to take away some of the

things you enjoy

going to take away some of your rights


it’s the only solution that we can think

of to make sure that you keep your


it’s the only solution that we can think

of to make sure that you follow the


it’s the only solution that we can think

of to make sure that you be on time

it’s the only solution that we can think

of to make sure that you abide by our



don’t move


stay put

not another step


I’ll do anything you say

I’ll do whatever you tell me

I’ll do everything you want me to do

follow all your instructions


it has a lot of sentimental value

it means a lot to me

it reminds me of someone important

it has special memories


don’t make me use my gun

don’t force me to use my gun

push me to use my gun

don’t pressure me to use my gun


I’m begging you

I’m pleading with you

I beseech you

what else can I say to convince you



is that clear

are we straight

no questions right


I need you to work late tonight

I need you to work overtime tonight

I need you to work more hours tonight

I need you to work later than usual



I’m afraid that is impossible

I can’t do that

it won’t be possible

that can’t be arranged


you’re going to have to

you must

this isn’t a request but a demand

no choice


so let me get this straight

so let’s be clear

so let’s make sure I’m not confused

so let’s make sure we are on the same





the feeling threat can make people take

some extreme actions for instance in

America people feel so threatened by the

possibility they may be the victims of a

crime that it causes them to want to own

a gun one of the main arguments against

making guns illegal for private citizens

to own is that people should have the

right to defend themselves the

Constitution of the United States does

have a provision about the right to bear

arms in the Bill of Rights however

according to some experts this refers to

the right of the states to have

well-regulated militias to defend

themselves there is a lot of controversy

whether or not this right extends to

individual citizens either way the fear

of crime has greatly contributed to a

belief by many that guns our right of

every citizen they even say this in the

face of the statistic that a person is

more likely to injure himself or someone

he knows that an assailant thus it has

been impossible to ban guns and

difficult to even pass gun control

legislation people have even objected to

such laws that would limit a person to

buying only three guns a month and

having to wait three days so that a

background check can be completed to

make sure criminals and mentally

unstable people cannot acquire guns



basic patterns

I’m worried about next week’s test

don’t worry about me

I’m worried for your safety

you’re driving concerns me

he doesn’t seem concerned about his


it’s nothing that you should worry about

his actions have always been a worry to


this new information is very worrisome

I’m a little concerned about the expense

of this meal

he is a real worry to his mother

I’ve got some money troubles

I’m a musician and I often don’t have

regular jobs

I’m good at English in history but I’m

really awful at the Natural Sciences

can’t get rid of my worries

I know I’m being silly but I’ll worry

about her for the rest of my life


dialogue 1

hey Tim how are you doing little

stressed out what’s wrong I’ve got some

money troubles I hope they’re not too

serious if I can get a job soon then I

can stop worrying I didn’t know you were

out of work I’m a musician

and I often don’t have regular jobs I

guess that is the life of a musician my

parents keep asking when I plan on

getting a real job that has a regular

salary why do you keep being a musician

if it pays so badly it’s the job I love

I can’t imagine doing anything else so

what happens if you don’t get a job soon

I have to my rent is due next week and I

have to make a car payment at the end of

the month

that is a reason to be stressed not only

that but I also have to pay utilities

and go grocery shopping no wonder you’re

worried this waiting for a job is


are you expecting a job I’m supposed to

hear from someone today there is a bar

that might want to have some live music

on Saturday nights I hope you get it me

too if not I might have to go to my last

resort oh it’s that borrowing money for

my parents if I do that then I will have

to listen to another lecture about how I

should find a more stable job I hope

everything works out for you

I long to

how is it going Steven horrible what’s

the matter I have a big test tomorrow

I’m sure you’ll pass with flying colors

I’ll be lucky to barely pass but you’re

such a good student I’m good at English

in history but I’m really awful at the

Natural Sciences I take it that this

test is in the sciences

it’s the final exam for my biology class

you’ll do better than you think I can’t

get rid of my worry

haven’t you been studying hard yes a

couple of hours a day for the past week

then you should have nothing to worry

about it’s very difficult for me to

learn biology I can’t seem to remember

all the information I need to know it’s

only one test you don’t understand if I

don’t get at least a C on this exam that

I won’t pass the class can’t you take

the class again this should be my last

semester I’m supposed to graduate but I

won’t unless I get a passing grade in

this course oh now I understand why

you’re so worried I can’t imagine having

to tell my parents that I won’t be

graduating I really want them to be

proud of me I think you’re putting too

much pressure on yourself you’ll never

do well if you’re this anxious

ugh three

we’ll really miss her the house will

seem so empty without her it’s natural

that a child should move out of her

parents home and go off on her own I

know that but I can’t help worrying

about her she’s only going away to

college but this is the first time she’s

ever lived away from home she’s smart

and responsible she’ll be fine

I still worry about her it’s a parent’s

job to be concerned about her child’s

welfare she’s 18 years old you can stop

worrying about her because she’s an

adult no matter how old she gets she’ll

still be my baby you are going to worry

yourself sick maybe I should call her to

see if she needs anything she just left

give her some time to settle in I hope

she gets enough to eat and wraps up I

want her to stay healthy she knows to do

that if she does get sick there’s a

Health Center at the University but they

won’t take care of her like I would it’s

not that far away if it becomes

necessary we can go get her and bring

her home I know I’m being silly but I

worry about her for the rest of my life

that’s okay we always worry about the

one we love




a little stressed out

I’ve got some troubles

I have a lot on my mind

I’m a little tense


I’ve got some money troubles

I’m concerned about my finances

I’m stretched a little thin this month

I’m a little short on cash


why do you keep being a musician if it

pays so badly

why do you keep being a musician if it

doesn’t make ends meet

why do you keep being a musician if it

doesn’t pay the bills

why do you keep being a musician if it

can’t cover your expenses


this waiting for a job is nerve-racking

this waiting for a job is very stressful

this waiting for a job is hard on my


this waiting for a job is killing me


if not I might have to go to my last


if not I might have to go to the last

thing I want to do

if not I might have to go to what I’m

trying to avoid

if not I might have to go to my least

favorite option


I’ll be lucky to barely pass

I’ll be lucky to get addy

I’ll be lucky to get a passing mark

I’ll be lucky to meet the minimum



it’s the final exam for my biology class

it’s the final exam for my chemistry


it’s the final exam for my physics class

it’s the final exam for my anatomy class


if I don’t get at least to see on this

exam that I won’t pass the class

if I don’t get at least to see on this

exam that I will fail the course

if I don’t get at least a C on this exam

then I won’t get credit for the class

if I don’t get at least a C on this exam

that I won’t get a passing grade


can’t you take the class again

can’t you repeat the course

can’t you try again next semester

can’t you have another try at it


I think you are putting too much

pressure on yourself

I think you are creating too much


I think you are making the situation


I think you’re being too hard on



the house will seem so empty without her

the house won’t be the same without her

the house will be lonely without her

the house will be so quiet without her


but this is the first time she’s ever

lived away from home

but this is the first time she’s ever

been on her own

but this is the first time she’s ever

lived independently

but this is the first time she’s ever

lived by herself


you can stop worrying about her because

she’s an adult

you can stop worrying about her because

she’s all grown up

you can stop worrying about her because

she’s a woman not a child

you can stop worrying about her because

she’s a big girl


no matter how old she gets she’ll still

be my baby

it doesn’t matter how old she gets

she’ll still be my baby

I don’t care how old she gets she’ll

still be my baby

it makes no difference how old she gets

she’ll still be my baby


you are going to worry yourself sick

you are going to worry yourself to death

you are going to go out of your mind

with worry

to drive yourself crazy with worry




when asked what is their biggest worry

many Americans will say money money

issues could be very stressful for some

people even relatively well-off people

in the upper middle class have financial

concerns one of the biggest money costs

to the average family is housing unless

a couple is independently wealthy they

either have to rent a place to live or

take out a mortgage to buy a home a

mortgage is alone that a bank gives to

an individual to buy a home this is one

of the most significant debts than most

families incur the next most expensive

household item is a car for many

families two cars are necessary America

does not have a highly effective system

of public transportation outside of a

few large cities

therefore if both parents work and they

both need a car to commute if only one

works then the other needs a car to run

the daily household errands

thus a monthly car payment is added to

the family’s budget one of the easiest

and fastest ways to get deeply in debt

is a credit card credit cards are easy

to obtain and market it extensively it

allows a person to charge up to his or

her spending level per month they must

make monthly payments on what they

charge if they charge more than what

they can pay in a month anything still

owed will have interest added on people

get into trouble and they have many

credit cards and like to spend more than

they make finally if a couple has

children then they must also consider

how to pay for their college education a

college education is becoming more and

more necessary to make a decent living

so enrollment rates in college are at

their highest all these costs can

produce a lot of stress and one of the

main causes that lead to divorce is

arguing about money



basic patterns

you tricked me

I was deceived in this business deal

his words were very deceptive

you allowed yourself to be deceived

don’t be fooled by his friendly words

he was completely fooled by his enemy

don’t let appearances deceive you

you can’t fool me that easily

he was tricked out of his money

I can’t believe I was such a fool

she would have contacted my parents if I

couldn’t have come up with a good excuse

it’s only a white lie so it’s no big


my conscience would weigh heavily on me

I had to make something up so I wouldn’t

get into trouble

are you sure that you had to be



dialogue 1

are you feeling better I’m feeling fine

I haven’t been sick but our teacher said

that you missed class because you

weren’t feeling well

she said you caught the flu oh that’s

right I had to tell her I was sick so

she would excuse my absence do you mean

you weren’t sick no I’m healthy as a

horse why would you lie I didn’t want

her to tell my parents that I wasn’t in

school she would have contacted my

parents if I couldn’t have come up with

a good excuse why would you lie to both

your parents and your teacher I really

wanted to go see a movie why didn’t she

wait until after school it was only

showing once and it was a matinee it’s

not good to lie to people it’s only a

white lie so it’s no big deal what about

the work you missed since our teacher

thinks I was sick she’s letting me make

up the work so really I didn’t miss

anything and what if you get caught I

don’t think I will but even if I do the

movie was worth it even if you get into

serious trouble even then

dialogue to

how do you think you’re going to do on

tomorrow’s test not very well I haven’t

been paying much attention in class

lately what if I told you there was a

surefire way you could get an A I

wouldn’t believe you I don’t know any of

the material that will be on the test

that doesn’t matter I promise you

there’s a way do you want to know

absolutely I’ll tell you but you have to

promise to keep it a secret I swear I

will I’ve got all the questions and

answers to the test all you have to do

is memorize the answers to get a perfect

score isn’t that cheating yeah

but don’t you want to pass how did you

get it I stole a copy of the test from

the teacher she doesn’t even know it’s

missing what if we get caught in the act

we can’t get caught all we have to do is

make sure we remember all the answers

the teacher won’t suspect a thing since

there are no papers or other evidence to

prove us guilty I don’t know about this

come on what do you have to lose we

could fail the test and get suspended

for cheating

I told you that we aren’t going to get


I just think cheating is wrong my

conscience would weigh heavily on me do

you want to fail of course not

then how else will you get a good grade

I’ll have to think about it

ugh three

I heard you got a flat tire this morning

on the way to work I really didn’t what

do you mean I had to make something up

so I wouldn’t get into trouble what

really happened I was up very late last

night so I didn’t get much sleep and

woke up very late why didn’t you just

tell the truth because the truth sounds

irresponsible why did you get to bed so


I went to a party and ended up staying

later than I planned being late because

of car problems is more professional

than saying I overslept because I

partied too much the night before that

doesn’t sound very responsible did you

miss anything this morning I missed a

very important conference so I couldn’t

tell the boss the truth he would have

fired me on the spot why do you think he

would be so harsh because he had to

cancel the conference because I was

absent are you sure that you had to be

dishonest wouldn’t he have understood I

had to lie he doesn’t really like me and

he’s just looking for any excuse to fire

me do you think he believed you I have

my doubts but he couldn’t prove I was

lying to him so he had to accept my

reason how do you think he feels about

you now I think I’m hanging on to my job

by a thread

I believe if I screw up one more time

I’ll be out of a job I guess you’ll have

to be extra careful I’ll have to stay on

my toes





she said you caught the flu

she said you caught a cold

she said you had a stomachache

she said you got food poisoning


no I’m healthy as a horse

oh I’m in tip-top shape

no I’m in wonderful health

no I couldn’t be better


why would you lie

why not tell the truth

why be dishonest

what were you covering up


it’s only a white lie so it’s no big


it’s only a white lie so it’s not


it’s only a white lie so one hurt anyone

it’s only a white lie so it won’t affect



what if I told you there was a surefire

way you could get an A

what if I told you there was a definite

way you could get an A

what if I told you there was a

guaranteed way you could get an A

what if I told you there was a certain

way you could get an A


I’ll tell you but you

promised to keep it a secret

I’ll tell you but you have to swear not

to tell anyone

I’ll tell you what you have to promise

not to speak about this to anyone else

I’ll tell you but you have to keep your

lips sealed


what if we get caught in the act

what if we get found out

what if the teacher gets suspicious

what if the teacher sees through our



I don’t know about this

I’m not sure

I’m not certain this is for me

I don’t know if I want to do this


come on

you should

why not

don’t be afraid


what really happened

what’s the truth

what’s the real reason

what in fact occurred


he would have fired me on the spot

he would have fired me right there

he would have fired me immediately

he would have fired me

front of everyone


do you think he believed you

do you think he saw through you

do you think you swallowed your story

do you think he accepted your account


I think I’m hanging on to my job by a


I think by position at the company is


I think my job here is tenuous

I think my future here is uncertain


I believe if I screw up one more time

I’ll be out of a job

I believe if I mess up one more time

I’ll be out of a job

I believe if I slip up one more time

I’ll be out of a job

I believe if I make a mistake one more

time I’ll be out of a job


I’ll have to stand my toes

I’ll have to be conscientious

I’ll have to be constantly alert

I’ll have to be careful not to make a





skipping class is something quite common

in American colleges college is often

the first time young people have a

chance to live on their own without

supervision this excitement and novelty

of being on their own for the first time

often leads to some irresponsible

behavior without a parent’s nagging

voice that they should go to school some

students slip into the bad habit of

sleeping through classes instead of

waking up on time to go to them not only

do they miss the information that is

taught in them but they can also have

their grades penalized colleges and

universities recognize the problem of

multiple absences and some even require

that professors reduce the grade of the

student if he or she has too many

unexcused absences

in order to get an excused absence a

student usually has to provide some

proof for instance if he says he has

been sick then a teacher might require a

note from the health center to prove his

illness if they must be away for school

activity then they must have a note from

the school sponsor of the activity

explaining why the student must miss

class therefore even if a student has

done a quality work he or she may still

fail a class if he or she misses more

classes than allowed by school policy



basic patterns

I’m so sorry this has happened to you

I can’t deal with this right now

this is awful

are you crying

I’ll be okay in a moment

I miss my wife

these pictures make me sad

he’s still grieving for her

she hasn’t gotten over the death of her


I just don’t feel like talking about it

why are you so upset

I feel like my heart is breaking

I’m not in the mood to talk right now

I’m really upset right now and I think

I’d rather be alone

in these cases time to heal is the only

thing that can help


dialogue 1 have you been crying no I

think you have you’re right I admit it

why are you so upset my boyfriend just

broke up with me that’s awful

I feel like my heart is breaking how

long did you date him we dated for six

months I’m so very sorry that you have

to go through this I just can’t

understand why he would do this I

thought he was happy with me did he give

you a reason he said that he stopped

loving me do you believe him

it doesn’t make sense one day he seemed

content and the next day out of the blue

he said he couldn’t be in a relationship

with me when did he break up with you

last night I know that you don’t believe

this now but time heals all wounds I

can’t believe that right now I’ve never

felt this terrible in my entire life

just remember there are other fish in

the sea I don’t think that I’m going to

date anyone else for a while

dialogue to

hello Martin what’s new I’m not in the

mood to talk right now

what’s wrong I’m really upset right now

and I think I’d rather be alone are you

sure sometimes it helps to talk to

someone but if you insist I’ll back off

no you’re right it might help to talk it

over tell me what’s on your mind last

night my dog died Oh No I’m very sorry I

miss him so much right now did you have

him long I’ve had him since he was a


what did he die of old age

how old was he he was 15 years old

that’s very old for a dog you must have

had many good years with him yes do you

think that you will get another dog I

cannot imagine that any dog could

replace him I don’t think I want to get

attached to another animal anyway why

not because it hurts too much when you

lose your pet it’s just like what a

person dies I think you will feel

differently when the grief passes maybe


hi Jordan

Malinda I just heard about your

grandfather I was sad to find out that

he died thank you for your sympathy is

there anything I can do no but thank you

for offering would you like to talk

about him or is it still too painful no

I really like to talk about him it helps

me to remember him and I don’t want to

ever forget him how did he die he had a

heart attack and the doctors just

couldn’t save him how old was he he was

82 years old he must have lived a very

full life yes he was very happy and

active right up until the very end this

must be very hard on you

yes but it is hard to start my

grandmother were they married long they

were married for 55 years

not many couples stay together for so

long they must have loved each other

very much as far back as I can remember

I have always thought that they loved

one another more than any other couple

I’ve known how was your grandmother

holding up

it’s like she’s lost a part of herself

she doesn’t talk much to anyone and just

sits and cries over old pictures of my

grandfather that’s so sad can anyone do

anything for her my entire family has

taken turns trying but she’s

inconsolable I think that she just needs

some time that’s probably true in these

cases time to heal is the only thing

that can help




have you been crying

have you been weeping

have you been sobbing

have you been shedding tears


my boyfriend just broke up with me

my boyfriend just dumped me

my boyfriend just ended our relationship

my boyfriend just said he didn’t want to

go out with me anymore


I feel like my heart is breaking

I feel like my world is ending

I feel like my heart has been ripped out

I feel like I’ve lost the most important

thing in my life


I’m so very sorry that you have to go

through this

I’m so very sorry that you have to

suffer this ordeal

I’m so very sorry that you have to bear


I’m so very sorry that you have to put

up with this


he said that he stopped loving me

he said that he fell out of love with me

he said that he didn’t think I was the

one for him

he said that he didn’t believe we were

right for each other


one day he seemed content and the next

day out of the blue he said he could not

be in a relationship with me

one day he seemed content and the next

day without warning he said he could not

be in a relationship with me

one day he seemed content and the next

day out of nowhere he said he could not

be in a relationship with me

one day he seemed content and the next

day all of a sudden he said he could not

be in a relationship with me


just remember that there are other fish

in the sea

just remember that there are other boys

out there

just remember that you’ll fall in love


just remember that you’ll meet someone



I’m really upset right now and I think

I’d rather be alone

I’m not in the mood to talk right now

and I think I’d rather be alone


sometimes it helps to talk to someone

but if you insist I’ll back off

sometimes it helps to talk to someone

but if you insist I’ll respect your


sometimes it helps to talk to someone

but if you insist I’ll leave you long

sometimes that hell

to talk to someone but if you insist I

won’t bother you


no you’re right it might help to talk it


no you’re right it might help to discuss


you’re right it might help to get this

off my chest

no you’re right it might help to share

my feelings


last night my dog died

last night my cat died

last night my hamster died

last night my parrot died


I don’t think I want to get attached to

another animal anyway

I don’t think I want to love another

animal anyway

I don’t think I want to care for another

animal anyway

I don’t think I want to feel affection

for another animal anyway


would you like to talk about him or is

it still too painful

would you like to talk about him or is

it still too difficult

would you like to talk about him or is

it still too upsetting

would you like to talk about him or is

it still too distressing


he had a heart attack and the doctors

just couldn’t save him

he had a heart attack and the doctors

just couldn’t cure him

he had a heart attack and the doctors

just couldn’t heal him

he had a heart attack and the doctors

just couldn’t make him well


as far back as I can remember I have

always thought that they loved one

another more than any other couple I’ve


as long as I can recall I have always

thought that they loved one another more

and than any other couple I’ve known

all my life I have always thought that

they loved one another more than any

other couple I’ve known

no matter how far I think back I have

always thought that they loved one

another more than any other couple I’ve




mom log

Americans really love their pets having

pets is a common occurrence in the

United States common pets can include

cats dogs birds hamsters and fish pet

supplies and services cost Americans

millions of dollars a year people become

so attached to their pets that they’re

willing to spend anything in order to

keep them healthy veterinary services

can get quite costly and a growing

industry in America is pet health

insurance this attachment or bond can be

as strong as one between humans

therefore when a pet dies an owner can

feel as much sorrow as when a human

being he or she is close to passes away

this sorrow leads them to treat their

pet just as they would a loved one who

has died some pet owners bury their pets

just like people there are even pet

cemeteries that specialize in burials

for pets complete with funerals and

coffins they can also be cremated if

that is what the owner desires most

people bury their beloved pets in the

backyard or a special place for instance

in my parents backyard lies the remains

of a dozen fish and four hamsters there

were once the pets of my brothers and me



basic patterns

dogs terrify me I’m scared of heights

he’s too afraid of getting hurt

something has given him a bad fright

that man’s eyes frighten me that movie

was terrifying I’m still afraid of the


drowning is one of my greatest fears I’m

not afraid to say what I think

don’t be frightened by the noises

turn off the lights the monster will

come out from underneath my bed it will

come out and eat me if you turn off the

lights I freak out every time I see a

bug have you ever tried to overcome your

fear one day you will have to face your




dialogue 1

Jenny time for bed just a few more

minutes please daddy oh you need to be

in bed now

it’s very late can I get a drink of

water first one small drink are you

ready now

I have to go to the bathroom okay go


would you read me a bedtime story only

if it is very short go pick one out I

want you to read this one Jenny this one

has over a hundred pages that’s way too

long I’ll go pick something else why are

you stalling I’m not stalling yes you

are tell me the truth why don’t you want

to get into bed I don’t want you to turn

off the lights why not you can’t sleep

in a bright room if you turn off the

lights the monster will come out from

underneath my bed there are no such

things as monsters yes there are I heard

one under my bed last night it will come

out and eat me if you turn off the


I’ll check under the bed look there’s

nothing under here maybe it moved to the


let’s check the closet no monsters in

here either now it’s time for bed

but I’m still scared how about if I

leave one small light on will that make

you feel better

yes I’ll try to go to bed now

I walk too

hi Mary hi Daniel are you busy no why

I was wondering if you wanted to go to

the new horror movie which one the one

about the giant insects definitely not

why not it looks really cool

I hate insect they aren’t real doesn’t

matter I can’t stand to look at any kind

of insect but the special effects in the

movie are supposed to be great my friend

said that it looks like the bugs are

going to jump right off the screen at

you that’s not a big selling point for

me awesome the surround sound in the

theater is so good that you can

practically hear the bugs creeping up

behind you stop it what’s wrong I have

to admit I’m terrified of bugs I avoid

even looking at pictures of them but

this is just a movie

I still get too scared well I guess I

shouldn’t pressure you I would

appreciate that why are you so scared of

bugs I’m not sure but as far back as I

can remember I’ve always had this phobia

of them it sounds kind of serious it is

I freaked out every time I see above

especially spiders then you really

wouldn’t like the movie because all the

insects look like spiders except they

are the size of cars well I hope you

enjoy your movie maybe you can find

someone else to go with


how are things going pretty good I’ve

just started a new job what are you

doing I’m a veterinary assistant I help

the veterinarian take care of animals

that sounds like a job you would really

like you’ve always loved all kinds of

animals yes I really like working there

there’s an opening if you’re interested

I could give you a recommendation I

don’t think so

why not it would be fun to work together

the job is great for you

but I don’t think it would suit me are

you sure it would be easy to get you a

job and the pay is decent I’m sure I

really can’t work there you can’t or

don’t want to I can’t I’ll tell you

something that I usually don’t tell

anyone else what is it I’m terrified of

dogs why dogs are very friendly and

lovable when I was six a neighbor’s dog

attacked me ever since I’ve been

frightened of dogs so I could never work

in a veterinarian’s office are you

scared of all kinds of dogs any breed of

dog scares me even the little tiny ones

they can’t possibly scare you even those

dogs are incredibly popular they are

everywhere and it would be difficult to

avoid them completely up until now I’ve

managed have you ever tried to overcome

your fear I once tried going to a

therapist to get over my fear but I

stopped going why did you stop because

it was too hard he wanted me to

constantly look at and touch dogs but

isn’t that the only way to overcome your

fear I just wasn’t ready one day you

will have to face your fear I know but

for now I’ll just keep away from dogs


substitutions one

Archy it’s time for bed

Archy it’s bedtime

Archy it’s time sleep

Archy it’s time to get under the covers


okay go then

okay do it

okay hurry up

okay finish up


why are you stalling

why are you delaying why are you playing

for time

why are you postponing the inevitable


if you turn off the lights the monster

will come out from underneath my bed

you turn off the lights the monster will

come out from my closet if you turn off

the lights the monster will come out

from the shadows if you turn off the

lights the monster will come out from

behind the dresser


will that make you feel better

make you feel less scared

will that make you feel more relaxed

that make you feel not so frightened


are you busy

are you doing anything want to go out


it looks really cool it looks really

interesting it looks really neat

it looks really exciting


I can’t stand to look at any kind of


stand touch any kind of insect

I can’t stand to be near any kind of

insect I can’t stand to handle any kind

of insect


that’s not a big selling point for me

that doesn’t appeal to me

that doesn’t make me want to go

that really turns me off


I’m not sure but as far back as I can

remember I’ve always had this phobia of


I’m not sure but as far back as I can

remember I’ve always had this irrational

fear of them

I’m not sure but as far back as I can

remember I’ve always had this thing

about them

I’m not sure but as far back as I can

remember I’ve always had this feeling of

dread about them


I freaked out every time I see a bug I

go to pieces every time I see a bug I

become insensible every time I see a bug

I go completely irrational every time I

see a bug


I could give you recommendation

I could put a good word in for you I

could tell my boss about you I could

talk you up to my boss


it would be easy to get you a job and

the pay is decent it would be easy to

get you a job and the pay is respectable

it would be easy to get you a job and

the pay is enough to get by it would be

easy to get you a job and the pay is

enough to live on


dogs are very friendly and lovable

dogs are very cuddly and cute

are very sweet and loyal

dogs are very playful and steadfast


one day you will have to face your fear

one day you will have to overcome your


one day you will have to get over your


one day you will have to conquer your




phobias are things that people fear

phobias are usually specific and go

beyond just common fears because the

fear of something is only labeled a

phobia if it is extreme

some people’s phobias are so extreme

that they can interfere with their daily

lives phobia is the Greek word meaning

fear often times phobias are given their

Greek names for instance when

debilitating phobia is agoraphobia Agora

refers to the Greek word for marketplace

so agoraphobia is used to describe the

fear of many people some agoraphobics

are so frightened that they cannot leave

their homes this prevents them from

leading a normal life since they cannot

even go to the supermarket much less to

an office to go to work some of the most

common phobias are of such things as

dark places snakes spiders and high

places for those with fears that

interfere with how they live they must

seek help to overcome their fears

psychologists can often help with this

kind of disorder they slowly introduce

to the person what they most fear and

they repeat this process until the

patient no longer feels scared




basic patterns

you need to stop being late to work

here approach Tom for his careless work

the teacher admonished the whole class

for their grades

I wouldn’t do that if I were you

that’s not a good idea

that is not okay

I can’t believe you just did that

that was disgusting

you are very rude

you can’t act that way in public

you would have had plenty of time to

finish if you had started the book

report when I first gave the assignment

I must admit but I’m very disappointed

in you

you need to take this more seriously

you have no right to get on my case

I don’t think you do we are all

depending on each other to do our parts


dialogue 1 what can I do for you

Kimberly I wanted to ask you a favor

what is it I’d like to know if I could

turn in the book report late I don’t

know do you have a good reason not

really I just procrastinated too much I

let all the students know about this

assignment a long time ago I know but I

still haven’t finished you would have

had plenty of time to finish if you had

started the book report when I first

gave the assignment

when did you start be honest I started

last week last week you didn’t leave

yourself enough time to do this report I


have you even finished reading the book

that you were going to write about no

I’m only about halfway through I must

admit that I’m very disappointed in you

you are usually such a good student I

won’t ever procrastinate again I hope

you don’t can i turn in the paper to you

next week yes you can however I’m going

to have to take off some points but why

because that is only fair to the other

students you will be getting more time

and it’s not fair to give you the same

points as someone who finished on time I

guess it’s my own fault maybe next time

you will make sure to finish your work

when it is due

I log to

Louie could you please come here Yes


didn’t I ask you to do the laundry oh I

forgot Louie you’re getting older now

and I’m going to start depending on you

to get your chores done I’m sorry I’ll

do it now no now you need to set the

table for dinner I’ll do the laundry

after dinner have you finished your

homework no I was going to do it after

dinner then you can’t do the laundry and

your homework at the same time can you I

guess not

now I’m going to have to get the laundry

done I really am sorry you have to

remember your chores I work all day when

I get home I’m very tired

but I still have to fix dinner and wash

up I have too much to do and I really

need your help

I feel really bad isn’t there anything I

can do to make up for forgetting the


just don’t forget again I won’t will you

go set the table please

right away

dialogue three

hi Doug where were you today what do you

mean why weren’t you at basketball

practice oh I had a date I can’t believe

you why are you getting upset it’s only

one practice every practice is important

right now we are getting ready for the

championship game I’ll be at the next

practice don’t worry about it

you need to take this more seriously

don’t make such a fuss about one

practice I’ll be at the next one

you better you have no right to get on

my case yes I do what makes you think

that basketball is a team sport and all

the members of the team must work

together to win okay I get it I don’t

think you do we are all depending on

each other to do our parts we must all

work hard if we want to win winning

isn’t that important to me then you

shouldn’t be on the team the rest of the

team takes this very seriously and wants

to win

I apologize I understand how important

this is to everyone and I won’t miss

another practice be sure not to or we

don’t want you on the team





I’d like to know if I could turn in the

book report late

I’d like to know if I could have more

time to finish the book report

I’d like to know if I could get an


I’d like to know if I could have some

extra time to complete the assignment


I just procrastinated too much

I just wasted too much time

I just delayed starting

I just put it off too long


be honest

tell the truth

speak truthfully

be straightforward with me


I must admit that I’m very disappointed

in you

I must admit that I expected better of


I must admit that I feel like you let me


I must admit but I think you could do



however I’m going to have to take off

some points

however I’m going to have to reduce your


however I’m going to have to penalize


ever I’m going to have to bring down

your score


I guess it’s my own fault

I have no one else to blame

it’s my responsibility

it’s all on my shoulders


didn’t I ask you to do the laundry

didn’t I ask you to clean your room

didn’t I ask you to wash the dishes

didn’t I ask you to vacuum the carpets


you have to remember your chores

you have to remember your jobs

you have to remember your


you have to remember to help around the



I have too much to do and I really need

your help

I have too much to do and I depend on


I have too much to do and I need your


I have too much to do and I must have

your support


just don’t forget again

try to remember

don’t let it happen again

don’t make the same mistake twice


why weren’t you at basketball practice

why weren’t you at band rehearsal

why weren’t you at choir practice

why weren’t you at softball practice


oh I had a date

oh I had a meeting

oh I had an interview

oh I had to get together


don’t make such a fuss about one


don’t go on so about one practice

don’t make a scene about one practice

don’t hassle me so much about one



you have no right to get on my case

you have no right to criticize me

you have no right to nag me

you have no right to pester me


be sure not to or we don’t want you on

the team

see that it doesn’t or we don’t want you

on the team

make sure or we don’t want you on the


be certain it doesn’t or we don’t want

you on the team



mom log

in many instances reproach from one’s

peers can be a lot more effective than

from someone in a position of power peer

pressure can be a negative influence

when it sways people to do things that

are inappropriate or harmful to their

health one of the biggest causes for

first-time drug and alcohol use is peer

pressure it can be incredibly difficult

for a young person to stand out from the

crowd and say that they do not want to

do something however this is not always

the case sometimes the desire for our

peers to respect us can make us better

people this is especially so when a

person feels like he has let down his

peers when they were depending upon him

this is particularly the case when

children play a team sport

many parents encourage their children to

play these kinds of sports because they

feel that they can instill a sense of

responsibility and duty to others



basic patterns

that girl thinks she is so cute

I wish I could afford a car like this

I have to admit I’m a little jealous

I’m envious of his success

you have no reason to envy me

you jealous of my friend

I wish I could be as fast as Tom

clearly makes bill jealous

jealousy can really hurt a friendship

it doesn’t help to be envious of him

I can already tell that I won’t like him

it sounds like you are jealous

I just don’t like the idea of you

spending so much time with that guy

no matter how much I study I can’t seem

to beat you

I guess my Envy makes me get carried



dialogue 1

who’s that guy with you oh that’s my new


I thought your new tutor was going to be

a girl I thought so too but at the last

minute she had to cancel

she was good enough to recommend Peter

to me so his name is Peter yes he’s been

studying French for six years

so he’s going to be able to help me

improve my French a lot how often are

you going to be meeting with him we’re

supposed to meet twice a week isn’t that

a lot I don’t think so I really need

help with my French if I want to study

in France next summer don’t you think

you can find a better tutor no I already

explained to you that he’s very

qualified plus we get along well

how do you know that you get along well

we had a nice conversation he’s a very

nice guy well I don’t like him you don’t

know him you haven’t even spoken to him

I don’t need to I can already tell that

I won’t like him it sounds like you’re

jealous why would you think that I’m


because Peter is very handsome and we

will be spending lots of time alone

together studying so what if I’m jealous

I just don’t like the idea of you

spending so much time with that guy he

might try to make a move on you you

don’t have to worry he has a girlfriend

that he cares about a lot I still don’t

know if I trust him nevertheless you can

trust me because I would never cheat on


dialogue to

what did you get on the test I got a 95

how about you 92

not as high as you maybe next time

you’ll beat me I don’t think so no

matter how much I study I can’t seem to

beat you it’s not that important after

all we both got an an the test and we’ll

get an A for the course as well but it’s

really annoying that you always get a

higher score it’s not a contest that’s

easy for you to say you’re always doing

better than me but you always do well

it’s not fair no matter how hard or long

I study I can never do better than you

we’re friends we shouldn’t be competing

against each other we should be helping

each other you just don’t know how I

feel because you aren’t the one who’s

always getting a lower grade it makes me

uncomfortable when you talk like this I

don’t care I want to get a higher score

than you just once I think you’re taking

this too far I’m sorry I guess my Envy

makes me get carried away I don’t think

this type of competition is good for our

friendship maybe you’re right

I shouldn’t be so jealous of you and

should try to enjoy my own

accomplishments maybe we shouldn’t

discuss our scores with each other


dialogue three

bell would you come wash the dinner

dishes why do I have to do it because I

said so

but Kara doesn’t have to do the chores -

Kara is five years younger than you you

are the oldest and your mother and I

expect you to help out it’s not fair yes

it is when Kara is older then she will

have chores too I just want things to be

more equal how are things on equal for

example on her birthday she received

more presents than I did she may have

gotten more presents but that’s because

the one birthday present you received

was as expensive as all her gifts

combined your mother and I spent just as

much on you as we did her last week

carrots ruined my favorite book and she

didn’t get punished yes she did

she had to go to her room for the rest

of the day with no television if I did

the same to her I would have been

grounded for a week

that’s because she’s too young to really

understand what she has done when she’s

older she’ll get the same kinds of

punishment as you but it’s not fair now

you get to do a lot of things that Kara

doesn’t get to do because you’re older

like what for instance you can go out

with your friends by yourself when

Kara’s with their friends a parent must

always be watching

that’s not a big deal compared to the

fact that Kara gets anything she wants

because she’s the baby do you really

want to be treated exactly like Kara yes

children should be treated equally then

you should start getting ready for bed


but it’s only 7:30 Kara’s bedtime is

8:00 p.m. and you said you want an equal

treatment that’s not what I meant but

you have to understand that you can’t

just take the good things if you ought

to be treated the same then you have to

take the bad with the good

I see your point

I’ll go do the dishes now




who was that guy with you who were you


tell me about that guy

why were you with him


she was good enough to recommend Peter

to me

she was kind enough to recommend Peter

to me

she was considered enough to recommend

Peter to me

she was thoughtful enough to recommend

Peter to me


we had a nice conversation

we had a nice chat

we had a nice discussion

we had a nice talk


it sounds like you are jealous

it sounds like you’ve been bitten by the

green-eyed monster

it sounds like you were envious

it sounds like you are green with envy


because Peter is very handsome and will

be spending lots of time alone together


because Peter is very charming and we

will be spending lots of time alone

together studying

because Peter is very witty and will be

spending lots of time alone together


because Peter is very attractive and

will be spending lots of time alone

together studying


not as high as you

lower than that

not as good a grade

I didn’t score as well


but it’s really annoying that you always

get a higher score

but it really gets to me that you always

get a higher score

but it really bothers me that you always

get a higher score

it’s on my nerves that you always get a

higher score


that’s easy for you to say

you don’t have to worry

it’s no skin off your nose

your problem


I guess my Envy makes me get carried


I guess my Envy makes me take things too


I guess my Envy makes me go overboard

I guess my Envy makes me go off the deep



I shouldn’t be so jealous of you and

should try to enjoy my own


I shouldn’t be so jealous of you and

should try to bask in my own glory

I shouldn’t be so jealous of you and

should try to appreciate what I have

I shouldn’t be so jealous of you and

should try to take pleasure in my own



kara is five years younger than you

you are five years older than Kara

you are more mature

kara is five years your junior


she may have gotten more presents but

that’s because the one birthday present

you received was as expensive as all her

gifts combined

she may have gotten more presents but

that’s because the one birthday present

you received was as expensive as all her

gifts put together

may have gotten more presents but that’s

because the one birthday present you

received was as expensive as all her

gifts added up

she may have gotten more presents but

that’s because the one birthday present

you received was as expensive as all her

gifts taken as a whole


last week Kara drew in my favorite book

and she didn’t get punished

last week carrot or my favorite shirt

and she didn’t get punished

last week Kara broke my favorite doll

and she didn’t get punished

last week Kara got my favorite dress

dirty and she didn’t get punished


for instance you can go out with your

friends by yourself

for instance you can go out with your

friends without supervision

for instance you can go out with your

friends without a chaperone

for instance you can go out with your

friends without an adult


that’s not what I meant

that’s not what I intended

that’s not what I wanted

that’s not what I saw it after


mom log

sibling rivalry is a common occurrence

in families America has a history of

wanting everyone to be treated equally

and this has extended to family life

when colonists left England for a new

home in America they wanted some

traditions to change in England legally

only the firstborn son would inherit the

family property America passed a law

that got rid of this law and stated that

all children could inherit from this

ideal and others of equality Americans

usually believed that all children

should be loved and treated in the same

way favoritism by parents can lead to

emotional problems and their children

once they grow up something that is

commonly talked about in America is

middle child syndrome this is when a

child who is neither the oldest nor the

youngest doesn’t feel special the oldest

and youngest are usually seen as

receiving special privileges that middle

children don’t get this can make them

feel very insecure or very sensitive to

the littlest of slights when they become




basic patterns

you haven’t aged one bit

that dress looks marvelous on you

don’t try to impress me with flattery

fooled by your false compliments

you played that piece wonderfully

you sing like an angel

he’s the best ball player I have ever


you are our most valuable worker

we are very impressed with your work

you have the best yard in the


you are just the person I was hoping to

run into

because your smile brightens up my day

can’t I just enjoy your company

I really like that dress you are wearing

I just wanted to let you know how well I

think you are running the office



dialogue 1

dream you are just the person I was

hoping to run into oh why is that

because your smile brightens up my day

is that all isn’t there another reason

can’t I just enjoy your company I guess

so I really like that dress you’re

wearing I think it suits you well

that is nice of you to say so

is it new no I’ve had it for many years

you’ve seen me wear it lots of times oh

that’s right

have you done something new with your

hair no it’s the same as it has always

been I just think it looks especially

good today

why are you flattering me so much today

I’m just trying to be nice to you

I’m still a little suspicious do you

want something well I was going to ask

you if you have an extra ticket to the

concert yes I do I was wondering if you

have found someone who wants to go not

yet would you like to go yes I would

all you had to do is ask you didn’t have

to try to butter me up first

I want to

good morning mr. Addison good morning

Diana how are you doing today I am very

well and you I’m doing fine thank you

for asking is there something that you

wanted to discuss with me nothing in


I just wanted to let you know how well I

think you are running the office thank

you for the compliment since you’ve

taken over I think that the entire

office is working more efficiently and

effectively that’s nice of you to say

our old manager didn’t do half as good a

job as you well that is one of the

reasons he had to be replaced the

president of the company felt that he

was not working very hard I can tell

that you are a hard worker

I try to be I’ve noticed that you are

always working late into the night

it shows how dedicated you are to making

sure the company succeeds it is good of

you to notice I believe that not enough

people are aware of all that you do

around the office employees like you

that take the time to let me know how

I’m appreciated make up for that is

there anything else you want to talk

about I’ve heard that someone in the

office might be promoted is that true

yes management is looking to advance

someone in the office who deserves it

who will pick the person to get promoted

the president has left the decision up

to me that’s wonderful have you made a

decision yet not yet but I’ll let

everyone know by the end of this week I

hope that you will keep me in mind I

definitely will thank you sir have a

nice afternoon


you look absolutely wonderful thank you

so much you must have taken a long time

to get ready for the prom I spent all

day getting ready that dress is lovely

did it take you a long time to pick it

out it took me ages I wanted to make

sure that it was the perfect dress so I

took my time and didn’t just buy the

first dress I saw I think you chose


the color suits you this shade of green

is my favorite color I’ve always thought

that green goes well with your shade of

red hair I’ve always been jealous of

your hair it’s so long and curly but

I’ve always liked your hair it’s so

smooth and straight thanks for saying

that did you go to the hairdresser to

fix your hair yes do you like it I do

I think wearing your hair up is very

chic I thought so too

I saw this hairstyle in a magazine on a

movie star I liked it so much that I

took the picture into the hairdresser

and had her copy it I think it turned

out well who did your makeup my older


she did a very good job I think it looks


I’m not overdone like a lot of girls I

see I hate it when girls wear too much

makeup it makes them look like clowns

anyway I hope you have fun at the prom

you too




because your smile brightens up my day

because your smile makes me happy

because your smile makes my day

because your smile always cheers me up

can’t I just enjoy your company

I just like being around you

your presence is enough

I don’t need another reason other than I

enjoy your company


I think it suits you well

I think it matches your personality

I think it goes well with your hair

I think it fits you


that is nice of you to say so

thank you for saying so

it’s nice of you to tell me

I appreciate the compliment


have you done something new with your


you change your hairstyle

have you cut your hair

is that a new hairstyle


all you had to do was ask

you only had to be straightforward

you should have just gotten directly to

the point

you didn’t have to beat around the bush


you didn’t have to try to butter me up


you didn’t have to try to flatter me


you didn’t have to try to compliment me


you didn’t have to try to say nice

things about me first


nothing in particular

nothing specific

I didn’t have anything in mind

I don’t have anything concrete to



since you’ve taken over I think that the

entire office is working more

efficiently and effectively

since you’ve taken charge I think that

the entire office is working more

efficiently and effectively

since you’ve taken leadership I think

that the entire office is working more

efficiently and effectively

you’ve taken the reins I think that the

entire office is working more

efficiently and effectively


it is good of you to notice

it is good of you to say something

it is good of you to point it out

it is good of you to let me know you are

aware of it


is that true

can you confirm that

is there truth to the rumor

is that right


I spent all day getting ready

I spent all day preparing

I spent all day dressing up

I spent all day trying to look my best


that dress is lovely

that hairstyle is lovely

that outfit is lovely

that blouse is lovely


it’s so long and curly

it’s so short and smooth

it’s so thick and wavy

it’s so shiny and neat


I think it turned out well

I think she did a good job

I think she copied it perfectly

I think it looks exactly like the



mom log

flattery is often very nice to hear but

at times it is not welcomed genuine

compliments are always appreciated

genuine compliments are ones that a

person truly means these comments should

be expressed but not too excessively

excessive flattery tends to make

Americans suspicious that the person

giving the compliments is either

insincere or wants something it is

enough to say that someone looks

beautiful just once if you are gushing

or overflowing with praise it tends to

make you appear as if your comments

don’t mean much because you are quite

free with them for instance if you

constantly say everything is lovely and

people might not believe that you feel

that they are especially lovely if that

is a common phrase for you

compliments given to the opposite sex

should also be in moderation if you are

a man and would like to compliment that

your friends date looks very attractive

you can say this once or twice anymore

would probably offend your friend

because it would feel like you were

paying too much attention to his

companion finally compliments should be

given without any expectation of

something in return

numerous admiring comments to an

employer would not be appreciated

because it would look like you were

kissing up to him or her kissing up is

when someone gives false praise to

another in order to get something this

is a quality much detested by Americans




basic patterns

you should be ashamed of yourself

his behavior was shameful

he has disgraced his entire family

she is a disgrace to her country

I feel very ashamed for what I did

apologize for the shame I have brought

on the school

blushed with shame

that man is no shame

he couldn’t hide his embarrassment

his shame was evident to everyone

I lied to my parents and now I feel very


I feel so ashamed of myself

I can’t believe I fell flat on my face

at the recital

I’m so ashamed and embarrassed

I don’t think I can face my friends and



dialogue 1

hi Sean

Oh Megan why do you look so upset I did

something that I shouldn’t have done

what did you do I lied to my parents and

now I feel very guilty what did you lie

about I told them I was going to the

library to study but in reality I

actually went to the arcade to play

video games it’s not good to lie to your

parents but that doesn’t sound too bad

you don’t understand what don’t I

understand I shouldn’t have gone to the

arcade because they needed my help what

should you have been helping with my dad

needed my help to fix the roof that’s

why I had to lie they would have

insisted that I help if all I wanted to

do was go to the arcade so instead you

told them that you had to go study yes I

told them I had a big test to study for

so I had to go to the library I swore

that there was no other time for me to

go to the library it was just a little

white lie it was more than that my

father broke his arm while trying to fix

the roof by himself oh my god is he okay

he’ll be fine the cast on his arm should

come off in three weeks but I still feel

horrible you shouldn’t be so hard on

yourself you didn’t know what would

happen I still can’t shake the feeling

that I could have prevented his injury

if I was there I feel so ashamed of

myself you should concentrate on helping

around the house now

your guilt can’t change the past


I can’t believe I fell flat on my face

at the recital it wasn’t that bad yes it


I completely forgot the piece I was

playing I didn’t even finish everyone

makes mistakes I should have been better

I’m sure you did the best you could but

I didn’t what do you mean I should have

practiced the piano more but your piano

teacher said that you’ve been practicing

an hour every day that’s more than

enough I know that’s what I told him but

it’s not the truth why did you lie to

him I haven’t been practicing but I

didn’t want to get into trouble so I

lied and said that I practiced every day

what have you been doing instead I’ve

just been fooling around and I guess you

have no one to blame but yourself I know

I’m so ashamed and embarrassed my

grandparents made a special trip here to

see me play the piano did they have to

travel far three hours by train that is

a long way to come they were expecting

to be so proud of me I’m sure that I’ve

let them down I’m certain that it

doesn’t matter to them I don’t think I

can face my friends and family I’m so


you can’t hide all night so you might as

well get it over with


what’s up Ted I’m not feeling so hot

what’s wrong

done something that I’m not very proud

of what did you do I stole something I

can’t believe you would do something

like that I know I’m pretty ashamed of

myself what did you steal a comic book

from the book store what came over you I

don’t know I just really wanted the

comic book that is so unlike you this is

not my proudest moment did you get

caught no the manager was busy with

another customer so I got away with it I

think that you should return it and

apologize but I will get into trouble

my parents will be furious I still think

you should the comic book isn’t worth

much the bookstore will probably never

miss it what about your conscience so

I’m feeling a little guilty I’ll get

over it I don’t think you will your

conscience will eat at you until you

finally make amends you’re probably

right if I turn myself in maybe they’ll

go easy on me




I lied to my parents and now I feel very


I lied to my parents and now I feel very


I lied to my parents and now I feel very


I lied to my parents and now I feel very



I told them I was going to the library

to study but in reality I actually went

to the arcade to play video games

I told them I was going to the library

to study but in truth I actually went to

the arcade to play video games

I told them I was going to the library

to study but actually I went to the

arcade to play video games

I told them I was going to the library

to study but in fact I actually went to

the arcade to play video games


I swore that there was no other time for

me to go to the library

I maintained that there was no other

time for me to go to the library

I insisted that there was no other time

for me to go to the library

I claimed that there was no other time

for me to go to the library


it was just a little white lie

it was just a tiny untruth

it was just a fib

who assists a trivial falsehood


you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself

you shouldn’t blame yourself

you shouldn’t punish yourself

you shouldn’t condemn yourself


I can’t believe I fell flat on my face

at the recital

I can’t believe I failed at the recital

I can’t believe I embarrassed myself at

the recital

I can’t believe I bombed at the recital


everyone makes mistakes

no one is perfect

we all slip up sometimes

we’re only human


I should have practiced the piano more

I should have practiced the violin more

practiced the cello more

I should have practiced the trumpet more


I’ve just been fooling around

I’ve just been goofing off

I’ve just been playing around

I’ve just been messing about


I don’t think I can face my friends and


I don’t think I can meet the eyes of my

friends and family

I don’t think I can confront my friends

and family

I don’t think I can cope with my friends

and family


I’ve done something that I’m not very

proud of

I’ve done something that I am ashamed of

I’ve done something that I can’t face

I’ve done something that I can’t live up



I stole some to me

I shop lifted

I committed a crime


what came over you

what possessed you to do such a thing

how do you excuse this

what can you say to explain your actions


that is so unlike you

that is so out of character for you

that is not like you

that is not how you normally behave



mom log

guilt and shame can be very powerful

emotions they prevent people from acting

in socially unacceptable ways

this can especially be seen when people

confess even though they have no chance

of being caught Americans sometimes call

this their conscience kicking in a

conscience is the part of a person’s

mind that can tell the difference

between right and wrong sometimes people

don’t always listen to their conscience

because of other factors like extreme

desire for something one cannot afford

they may be able to get away with their

offense without being caught

however they cannot escape their

conscience once when he was eight years

old he stole some candy from a local

store no one saw him and he got away

with his crime completely however the

values taught to him by his parents

wouldn’t let him eat the candy he felt

so guilty that he took something that

didn’t belong to him that he returned

the candy to the store a week later and

apologized no person made him do this it

was simply his conscience reminding him

of his shame



basic patterns

he’s always making mistakes

does she always dress that badly

you are such an idiot

what you are saying is ridiculous

his argument is nonsense

he is an awful actor

that is the most stupid thing I have

ever heard

he is the worst worker here

this poem is awful

your music is hurting my ears

then why was everyone laughing at me

they were having fun at my expense

I don’t like the embarrassment

then that’s too bad because I’m never

going to put myself through that ordeal


last week I did something really dumb

and everyone laughed


dialogue 1

I can’t believe I did so badly wasn’t

that bad yes it was everyone was

laughing at me people can be stupid

forget them

I’m just so embarrassed I’ll never do it


it’s just for fun when people do karaoke

no one expects a professional but I

wasn’t even passably good you were fine

I could make a screeching cat sound good

you’re being too dramatic then why was

everyone laughing at me they weren’t all

laughing at you they were laughing

because they were having fun they were

having fun at my expense I think you’re

wrong well I don’t care I’m still never

going to sing in public again the only

important thing is to have fun when

doing karaoke I don’t like the

embarrassment next time I’ll just watch

from the audience but it’s more fun to

participate you’re going to miss out

then that’s too bad because I’m never

going to put myself through that ordeal

again I think you’ll regret it

dialogue to

how was class today terrible I never

want to go back what happened that was

so bad

the whole class laughed at me I can’t

stand them why did they laugh the

teacher called on me to answer a

question but I didn’t know the answer so

they laughed at you for that

no I didn’t know the answer but the

teacher insisted that I tried to give an

answer so I guessed I ended up giving

the wrong answer

the class was wrong to laugh did their

teacher make them stop yes but after the

class they still made fun of me they all

said it was an easy question and only

someone who was would get it

wrong what was the question she asked me

what is the capital of our state what

did you say

said the capital was Baltimore that’s a

good guess since it is the largest city

in Maryland the class didn’t think it

was a good guess everyone thought I was

stupid because I didn’t know that the

capital of Maryland is Annapolis they

said everyone should know the capital of

their own state well now you know I wish

I knew before now everyone calls me

dummy don’t worry about it now I’ll

forget by the time you go back to school

tomorrow I hope so

dialogue three

are you going to tonight’s volleyball

game no I’ve decided not to play anymore

why not I’d rather not say come on I’m

your best friend okay but only because

we’re best friends

so go on last week I did something

really dumb and everyone laughed the

people watching the other team and even

my own team went into hysterics oh those

things happen you can’t take it to heart

I do don’t be so sensitive you weren’t

there so you don’t know try to explain

it to me

well I went to make a shot but instead I

hit the ball backwards off the court

that could happen to anyone

but then the ball smashed into a window

in the gym and broke it you must admit

that is kind of funny no it’s not I

turned beet red have a sense of humor I

don’t think I can get over it

the first step to overcoming your

embarrassment is to come play again I’ll

consider it





everyone was laughing at me

everyone was making fun of me

everyone was ridiculing me

everyone was mocking me


people can be stupid

people can be insensitive

people can be thoughtless

people can be inconsiderate


I could make a screeching cat sound good

I can make a howling dog sound good

I could make a screaming child sound


I could make nail scraping a chalkboard

sound good


I’m still never going to sing in public


I’m still never going to sing on stage


I’m still never going to sing in front

of people again

I’m still never going to sing for a

crowd again


you are going to miss out

you are not going to have fun in life

that way

you are not going to live life to the


you are not going to experience all you



I never want to go back

I can’t show my face there

I can’t face those people

through that again


no I didn’t know the answer but the

teacher insisted that I try to give an

answer so I guessed

no I didn’t know the answer but the

teacher insisted that I try to give an

answer so I took a long shot

the answer but the teacher insisted that

I try to give an answer so I made a wild


no I didn’t know the answer but the

teacher insisted that I try to give an

answer so I made an attempt


they all said it was an easy question

and only someone who is would

get it wrong

they all said it was an easy question

not only someone who was slow would get

it wrong

they all said it was an easy question

and only someone who was an imbecile

would get it wrong

they all said it was an easy question

and only someone who was an idiot would

get it wrong


they’ll all forget by the time you go

back to school tomorrow

they’ll all move on to something else by

the time you go back to school tomorrow

they all won’t even remember what

happened by the time you go back to

school tomorrow

they’ll all be laughing at someone

else’s mistake by the time you go back

to school tomorrow


I’d rather not say

I don’t want to discuss it

I don’t want to talk about it

it’s not up for discussion


mom log

Americans appreciate those who can let

ridicule slide off their backs the idiom

slide off their back means that it

doesn’t let something affect or bother

them no one likes being made fun of but

people who react very badly to it such

as storming off or crying tend to lose

respect in the eyes of many Americans

according to ideal stereotypes that many

Americans have the but or victim of the

laughter should either pretend not to

care or be able to find the humor in the

situation and fall down laughing with

everyone else

for instance April first is April Fool’s

Day in the u.s. people usually play

funny pranks on others on this day this

is considered to be fun unless the joke

or prank causes harm or is done with

malice people expect the target of the


to be able to laugh at himself or

herself those that cannot are judged to

have a poor sense of humor and an

inability to have fun



unforgettable experiences

basic patterns

the president swimming with dolphins was


I almost drowned when I was a boy

last year I went to the Great Wall

I’ll never forget the day I met my


this is the most memorable day of my


you only graduate from college once

Esther is a truly unforgettable person

how can I forget the day my child was


I can’t forget how much you have done

for me

the one thing that I will never forget

is swimming with the dolphins

it was an unbelievable experience

I made sure that I took lots of pictures

so I can always remember my trip

I wanted to capture every last detail

I want to be able to share this

memorable experience with everyone I

care about


dialogue 1

what did you do over vacation I went to

New Zealand for the holiday Wow

I wish I had gone there you should go

sometime because it’s a lovely country

what is it like the country is made up

of two islands it’s very lush and green

because it rains a lot there what did

you do while you were there I did a lot

of different things

too many to explain what was your

favorite the one thing that I will never

forget is swimming with the dolphins

that sounds really interesting how did

you do it first you have to put on a

wetsuit because the water is rather

chilly then you get into a very large

pool where you can swim with the

dolphins was it expensive a little steep

but worth every penny

is it very dangerous no the dolphins are

very gentle did you know scientists

believe they are smarter than dogs I

wasn’t aware of that you mean that you

can actually swim with them without

anything between you and them nothing

between us at all I even got to touch

the Dolphins what was it like

at first I was only brave enough to pet

them with my hand but then I got braver

and held on to ones fin while it took me

for a swim you actually held on to the

dolphin while it was swimming yeah so we

moved very quickly and gracefully

through the water it was unforgettable I

can’t even imagine how that would feel

you really had to be there

I want to

where did you go on your lunch break I

went to pick up my film may I see your

pictures sure what are they of white

ripped Pompeii ooh when did you go

this past summer did you enjoy it it was

an unbelievable experience tell me about

it Pompeii is an ancient city in Italy

that was buried by volcanic ash when the

local volcano Mountain Vesuvius erupted

why is it so amazing lots of cities have

been destroyed by volcanoes this city is

so amazing because the ash from the

volcano perfectly preserved everything

in the town even the people who died

even the people it has allowed

archeologists to study how the people

live back then they have carefully

uncovered the city for study

it sounds like an important discovery it

is because the people were completely

surprised by the volcano they were

trapped doing everyday things such as

cooking and selling goods in the market

it is not often that archaeologists can

study the lives of the common people why

is that usually nothing survives from

them because only the objects and

writings of the rich and powerful are

studied in preserve this all sounds

fascinating I made sure that I took lots

of pictures so I can always remember my

trip how many rules did you take ten oh

that’s a lot like I said I wanted to

capture every last detail


are you up to anything no why want to

run some errands with me sure what do

you need to do first I need to make sure

to pick up my dry-cleaning why is it so

important because it’s the dress I want

to wear to graduation oh then we need to

make certain we get that done also I

have to go to the mall what do you have

to pick up at the mall I need to buy a

camera don’t you have a camera

no I recently lost it do you think it

will be very expensive yes because I

want to buy a new digital camera not

just a regular 35 millimeter one why

spend so much extra money I want to be

able to send pictures of my graduation

to my entire family why not just mail

them pictures if I mail them photos I

have to go to the extra trouble of

making duplicate copies buying stamps

and addressing envelopes I’m too lazy to

do all that what’s easier with a digital

camera a digital camera will let me just

email photos to all my friends and

family it’s much easier to send emails

than the other way it does sound more

convenient also some of my loved ones

live very far away and postage could be

very expensive

I guess the digital cameras are good bye

I want to be able to share this

memorable experience with everyone I

care about





I wish I had gone there

I’ve always wanted to go there

it’s on my list of places to visit

I really want to see it


what did you do while you were there

what activities did you do

you spend your time

how did you pass the time


I wasn’t aware of that I didn’t know

that that’s news to me

the first time I’ve heard of that


I can’t even imagine how that would feel

I can’t even put myself in your place

I can’t even think about doing the same

thing you did

I can’t even picture myself doing that


you really had to be there

you have to experience it yourself

you have to do it firsthand to


words can’t express the feeling


why is it so amazing

why is it so unique

why is it so exceptional

why is it so special


this city is so amazing because the ash

from the volcano perfectly preserved

everything in the town

this city is so amazing because the ash

from the volcano saved everything in the


this city is so amazing because the ash

from the volcano kept intact everything

in the town

this city is so amazing because the ash

from volcano prevented the deterioration

of everything in the town


it has allowed archeologists to study

how the people lived back then

it has allowed archeologists to study

how the people lived in that period

it has allowed archeologists to study

how the people lived during that age

it has allowed archeologists to study

how the people lived long ago


it sounds like an important discovery

it sounds like an historic discovery

it sounds like a landmark discovery

it sounds like a groundbreaking



I wanted to capture every last detail

I don’t want to forget anything

I want to remember every moment

I want to document everything


oh then we need to make certain we get

that done

oh then we need to make certain we cross

that off our list

oh then we need to make certain we

accomplished that task

oh then we need to make certain we make

that a top priority


what do you have to pick up at the mall

what do you have to buy at the mall

what you have to find at the mall

what do you have to get your hands on at

the mall


no I recently lost it

No it recently vanished

no it is nowhere to be found

No I misplaced it


it does sound more convenient

it sounds like it will come in handy

it will make things easier

it sounds like a practical purchase


I want to be able to share this

memorable experience with everyone I

care about

I want to be able to share this landmark

moment with everyone I care about

I want to be able to share this

milestone in my life with everyone I

care about

want to be able to share this

significant event with everyone I care





the dolphin is a favorite animal among

most Americans their intelligence and

charm have captured the hearts of many

people who flocked to zoos and aquariums

that have them places like SeaWorld a

popular Florida attraction that

specializes in marine animals make a

fortune off people’s love of dolphins

their high intelligence can easily be

seen in all the tricks they can learn to

perform scientists even believe that

dolphins have a highly developed system

of communication not yet fully

understood by humans they are seen as

kind and gentle animals because there

are many tales of dolphins saving

sailors lost at sea in spite of these

wonderful characteristics not everyone

appreciates dolphins fishermen are in

direct competition with dolphins for

fish especially tuna every year

dolphins are killed in tuna Nets

nevertheless this animals popularity can

be seen by people who insist on buying

dolphin-safe tuna tuna fish that is

caught without any harm to dolphins and

the growing number of attractions

featuring them especially ones that

allow people to swim with them


sweet memories

basic patterns

do you remember how the flowers used to

smell in our farm

you are wearing the blue dress on our

first date

I loved to sit under that oak tree as a


some of my best memories are from


pictures bring back some great memories

fresh grass always reminds me of

childhood summers

I Love New York in the summer

I can’t forget the way her hair smelled

that reminds me of my first dog

I still like thinking about my first


pictures are nice but I don’t need any

reminders for such a milestone in our


there have been many other moments since

we’ve become parents that I will

remember just as much

it’s a very significant moment in your


best memories I have of him was when I

first got him


dialogue 1

can you believe that Kathy is almost 5

years old it seems like just yesterday

that we brought her home from the

hospital do you remember the night she

was born of course how could I forget

who we were so nervous that night we had

good reason there was so much traffic

that I didn’t think we’d make it to the

hospital on time

I must admit that I was worried that I

might have the baby in the car on the

way we made it in the nick of time even

though it was stressful then it’s good

we can laugh about it now looking back

on it I can see the humor but at the

moment I couldn’t imagine ever finding

it funny but having a baby to bring home

made it all worth it it was really good

of our families to welcome us home when

we brought Cassie home from the hospital

I was so happy to see our loved ones

waiting with balloons and presents for

Cassie I remember that everyone took so

many pictures that day

it was very nice of your mother to put

some of those pictures together in an

album did you save it of course I did

I want Cassie to have a keepsake of her

first day at home I’ve put it in a safe

place until she’s old enough to

appreciate it pictures are nice but I

don’t need any reminders for such a

milestone in our lives yes there are

just some things that people will always

hold dear there have been many other

moments since we become parents that I

will remember just as much and there are

sure to be more to come

dialogue to

I hear that you have an anniversary

coming up that’s right at the end of the

month how long have you been married

five years did you know each other long

before he got married we dated a little

over two years before we got married

how did you do me we met in college I’ll

never forget the day we met I don’t

doubt that it’s a very significant

moment in your life give me some details

I was a junior in college and we had

just begun the new school year when I

ran into him what exactly brought you


well I was sitting under a tree reading

a book when a guy came up and asked me

where the library was located and that

guy is now your husband you guessed

right he came up and explained to me

that he was a new transfer student and

he didn’t know his way around the campus

what happened next

I offered to show him where the library

was and he took me to lunch as a way to

say thank you that is such a sweet story

later he confessed to me that he really

did know where the library was but he

just use that as an excuse to introduce

himself to me he said that he saw me

under the tree and just had to meet me

so was love at first sight for him

that’s what he says

you must never get tired of telling that

story because it’s so wonderful I tell

it as often as I get a chance to because

I love it so much

dialogue three

isn’t this a cute picture of a puppy yes

it is he reminds me of my first dog what

was his name

Gus why does this picture remind you of


puppy in the photo looks a bit like him

what happened to gas

he died oh I’m very sorry it’s alright

it happened many years ago I’m sure you

have many good memories of him I do we

used to do everything together tell me

some stories about him one of the best

memories I have of him was when I first

got him how did you get him I was 10 and

had been pestering my parents for a dog

for a year

why wouldn’t they get you a dog they

told me I was too young to take care of

a puppy what made them change their

minds maybe because I’d gotten older or

they couldn’t resist how much I wanted a

puppy I’m not sure how did they give him

to you one day I came home from school

my parents said they had a surprise for

me and it was waiting for me in my room

what did you do then I ran up the stairs

to my room and threw open the door what

did you find it was a tiny puppy with a

big red bow around his neck at the foot

of my bed how cute what was he doing

actually nothing he was fast asleep

for the rest of his life he slept on the

exact same spot at the end of my bed

every night that’s a great childhood





of course how could I forget

course it’s burned in my memory

of course it was a memorable experience

of course it can’t be wiped from my mind


we made it in the nick of time

we barely made it

we didn’t leave any time to spare

it was a close call


I want Cassie to have a keepsake of her

first day at home

Kassie to have a memento of her first

day at home

Kassie to have a reminder of her first

day at home

Kassie to have a souvenir of her first

day at home


I’ve put it in a safe place until she’s

old enough to appreciate it

I have it in safekeeping until she’s old

enough to appreciate it

stored it away until she’s old enough to

appreciate it

I’ve locked it away until she’s old

enough to appreciate it


yes there are just some things that

people will always hold dear

yes there are just some things the

people will always keep close to their


yes there are just some things the

people will always treasure

yes there are just some things that

people will always look back on fondly


I hear that you have an anniversary

coming up

I hear that you have an anniversary in

the near future

I hear that you have an anniversary in a

little while

I hear that you have an anniversary in

next to no time


we met in college

we met at a restaurant

we met in a bar

we met at work


well I was sitting under a tree reading

a book when a guy came up and asked me

where the library was located

I was sitting under a tree working on a

paper when a guy came up and asked me

where the library was located

well I was sitting under a tree

listening to music when a guy came up

and asked me where the library was


well I was sitting under a tree flipping

through a magazine when a guy came up

and asked me where the library was



you guessed right

you hit the nail on the head


that’s correct


I tell it as often as I get a chance to

because I love it so much

I tell it as much as I can because I

love it so much

I tell it as many times as people will

let me because I love it so much

I tell it to anyone who will listen

because I love it so much


what happened to Gus

where’s Gus now

what’s cust doing now

is Gus doing well


one of the best memories I have of him

was when I first got him

one of the fondest memories I have of

him was when I first got him

happiest memories I have of him was when

I first got him

one of the most warm-hearted memories I

have of him was when I first got him


I was ten and had been pestering my

parents for a dog for years

I was ten and had been nagging my

parents for a dog for years

I was ten I had been begging my parents

for a dog for years

I was ten and had been pleading with my

parents for a dog for years


why wouldn’t they get you a dog

why wouldn’t they let you have a dog

why wouldn’t they allow you to keep a


why wouldn’t they give their permission

for you to have a dog


they told me I was too young to take

care of a puppy

they told me I was too irresponsible to

take care of a puppy

they told me I was too immature to take

care of a puppy

told me I was too careless to take care

of a puppy



taking pictures is a way to remember

events people places and things is very

common one of the problems with taking

so many pictures is that people tend to

forget the exact details of what is in

the picture in very old pictures there

might not be anyone who remembers why it

was taken or the people event or place

it depicts thus it is best to try to

find a way to record relevant

information that one would want to know

about a picture one way is to write down

a description of the picture a date and

place on the back of each photo another

way is to place the pictures in an

organized album or scrapbook

a very common kind of album that

Americans like to keep is a baby book a

baby book or album records the early

years of a person’s development it is

usually kept by a parent grandparent or

someone else with a very close

relationship to the child

it usually records memorable firsts such

as the first smile first steps first

words and first birthday

it can include pictures and special

mementos like for instance the babies

Hospital ID bracelet


memorable people

basic patterns

Jeff was the funniest guy in our class

the whole town thought Jim was a good


I’m glad to see that you still remember


how could I forget my favorite college


alfred was the tallest guy in our school

Hector was the worst employer I ever had

our nation owes a lot to Martin Luther

King jr.

Susan was the prettiest girl in our town

had a beautiful singing voice

he helped many people in his long career

have you kept in touch with many of your

old classmates

there is one person I’m positive I’ll


nevertheless she is someone I’ll never


this autograph is worth a lot because

he’s such a memorable figure in baseball

and african-american history

his courage won’t be forgotten


dialogue 1

I’m so excited why are you so excited

tomorrow is my class reunion your class

reunion for what my high school

graduating class have you kept in touch

with many of your old classmates not

really it’s been very difficult to stay

in touch because I’ve moved around a lot

since graduation that’s a shame how long

has it been since you’ve seen these

people since graduation day and when was


ten years ago this is my 10-year class

reunion it’s been a long time do you

think you’ll remember everyone no but

there’s one person I’m positive I’ll

recognize who was that

patrícia why her because she was my best

friend and a big part of my high-school

experience we did everything together

what kinds of things did you do together

we did cheerleading field hockey chorus

and lots of other things sounds like you

were close we were just like sisters why

didn’t you stay friends

the distance between us made it too

difficult she went to college in

California and I went to college in New


that’s a shame nevertheless she is

someone I’ll never forget I hope she

will be at the reunion because I’m

really looking forward to seeing her

I ought to

what are you doing Jake

organizing my autograph collection I

didn’t know that you were into

collecting autographs I’ve done it since

I was a kid who do you collect

autographs from lots of different kinds

of people almost anyone who is famous

give me some examples

I’ve autographs from movie stars

television personalities sports stars

and politicians which one’s your

favorite my favorite is an autographed

baseball signed by Jackie Robinson who’s

Jackie Robinson I can’t believe that you

don’t know who Jackie Robinson is he’s

famous I’m sorry but I don’t keep up

with sports Jackie Robinson was the

first black man to play professional

baseball but there are lots of black

baseball players now why couldn’t they

play before because people were very

prejudiced and professional baseball

players had to be white Jackie Robinson

was the first man to challenge that

discrimination he must have been very

courageous he was lots of people hated

him and he even got death threats that’s

amazing now people must really admire

him yes that’s why I was so determined

to get his autograph where do you keep


in a locked case to make sure it is safe

this autograph is worth a lot because

he’s such a memorable figure in baseball

and african-american history how could

you afford it I had to save up a lot of

money and also sell off some of my other

autographs but it was worth it because

he’s one of my heroes

dialogue three

would you do me a favor ask away

would you mail a letter for me tomorrow

I’d like to but I can’t why not because

tomorrow is Martin Luther King Junior’s

birthday and all the post offices will

be closed oh I forgot about that I’d be

happy to mail it for you the next day

that’s okay

I’ll be able to do it then Martin Luther

King jr. has always been a hero of mine

me too but I think almost everyone in

the country knows what an important

figure he was yes it took a lot of

courage to be a leader in the civil

rights movement it takes a special kind

of person to stand up for what they

believe in equal rights for everyone

meant a lot to him he was very strong to

stand up against prejudice even though

people threatened both him and his

family did you know that some hateful

people even threatened to kill his

children if he didn’t back down I’ve

heard that I think his greatest

contribution was to advocate peaceful

protests and demonstrations he

maintained that love and respect would

overcome hate and Prejudice he was also

a magnificent speaker everyone said how

powerful his voice was and it could

really move people it was horrible when

he died I can’t believe that someone

could be so full of hate as to shoot him

that was a defining moment in American

history because we lost one of our great

leaders too early I don’t think this

country should ever forget his

contribution his courage won’t be

forgotten that’s why we celebrate his

birthday as a national holiday



have you kept in touch with many of your

old classmates have you kept in contact

with many of your old classmates have

you stayed up-to-date with many of your

old classmates

have you remained friends with many of

your old classmates


it’s been very difficult to stay in

touch because I’ve moved around a lot

since graduation it’s been very

difficult to stay in touch because I

don’t know how to contact them

it’s been very difficult to stay in

touch because lots of them have moved


it’s been very difficult to stay in

touch because I’ve lost their phone



how long has it been since you’ve seen

these people

when did you last see these people

been long since you saw them

can you recall the last time you saw



No but there is one person I’m positive

I’ll recognize

No but there is one person I’m positive

I’ll know

No but there is one person I’m positive

I’ll make out

No but there is one person I’m positive

I’ll identify


sounds like you were close

sounds like you were devoted to each


sounds like you knew each other well

sounds like you couldn’t be separated


we were just like sisters we were like

two peas in a pod as close as two people

can be it was like we shared one brain


I didn’t know that you were into

collecting autographs

I didn’t know that you were interested

in collecting autographs I didn’t know

that you were drawn to collecting

autographs I didn’t know that your hobby

was collecting autographs


give me some examples

what for instance

like who

anyone I would know


I’m sorry but I don’t keep up with

sports I’m sorry but I don’t know much

about sports

I’m sorry but I don’t read up on sports

I’m sorry but I don’t think much about



Jackie Robinson was the first man to

challenge that discrimination

Jackie Robinson was the first man to

challenge that prejudice

Jackie Robinson was the first man to

challenge that inequality

Jackie Robinson was the first man to

challenge that bigotry


in a locked case to make sure it is safe

in a locked case to make sure it is


case to make sure it is out of harm’s


in a locked case to make sure it is

beyond danger


ask away

feel free

don’t hesitate don’t think twice about



Martin Luther King jr. has always been a

hero of mine

Martin Luther King jr. has always been

an idol to me

Martin Luther King jr. has always been

someone I respect

Martin Luther King jr. has always been

the man I admire the most


it takes a special kind of person to

stand up for what they believe in

it takes a special kind of person to

stand up for their convictions it takes

a special kind of person to stand up for

their principles

special kind of person to stand up for

what they think is right


that was a defining moment in American

history because we lost one of our great

leaders too early

that was a defining moment in American

history because we lost one of our great

leaders prematurely

that was a defining moment in American

history because we lost one of our great

leaders before his time

that was a defining moment in American

history because we lost one of our great

leaders when we needed him most



Martin Luther King jr. is a very

important figure in American history in

addition to being a minister he was a

major leader of the civil rights


the civil rights movement was an

organized action by african-americans in

the 1950s and 1960s to petition for

equal rights up until that time

legalized discrimination force them to

go to separate schools from whites and

even made them sit in the back of trains

and buses it was even illegal for blacks

to use the same public restrooms and

water fountains as white people the

civil rights movement sought to change

all this and give blacks equal treatment

under the law

King advocated nonviolent means of

protest against injustice such as

peaceful demonstrations like marches and

sit-ins a sit-in was an organized effort

where blacks would sit in restaurants

that refused to serve black people they

wouldn’t damage anything or attack

anyone they would just peacefully remain

in silent protest King was seen as such

a strong leader that those prejudiced

people who wanted to stop the civil

rights movement targeted him

he received numerous death threats

against himself and his family and the

church he preached at was bombed none of

these things deterred him finally in

1968 King paid the ultimate sacrifice to

his cause when a man assassinated him

for all his efforts and wisdom Americans

celebrate his birthday as a national

holiday to remember the man and all that

he stood for


ecstatic experiences

basic patterns

I love my new job

surprise birthday party was great

this balloon ride is incredible

our trip to the mountain was amazing

time scuba-diving was unforgettable

tasting this chocolate is pure ecstasy

parachuting gives me an incredible rush

it’s not safe but I love driving fast my

greatest thrill is going on the roller


I love the way these sheets feel wrapped

around me

I can’t believe this is really happening

you’ll probably feel differently when

some of the excitement has passed I

didn’t think I would get it but I did

I do but right now I’m so excited that

nothing could rain on my parade

why are you so worked up


dialogue 1

Kelsey would you go check the mailbox

I’m too nervous too

why because there might be a college

rejection letter but there might also be

a college acceptance letter I suppose

you’re right

Kelsea goes out and comes back in with

the mail is there anything for many

colleges one letter where is it from


isn’t that your first-choice school yes

why haven’t you opened it too excited

well nothing’s going to get solved by

just standing there and holding it

alright here goes

well what does it say it says I got in


I can’t believe this is really happening

I got into my first choice

Kelsey calm down I can’t come down I

have to go tell everyone I guess you

have a right to be excited would you

like to go out to dinner tonight to

celebrate I think I’m too wound up to

eat anything you’ll probably feel

differently when some of the excitement

has passed I have to go call my best



what’s new max I just got some great

news Oh what is it my boss just told me

I got a promotion Wow good for you I

didn’t think I would get it but I did

why didn’t you think you would receive

the promotion because the competition

was fierce many of the other people who

were up for the job had been at the

company much longer than I have your

boss must really think highly of you to

advance you before those others I guess


do you think those other people will be

jealous I’m not sure but it doesn’t

matter don’t you care what your

co-workers think I do but right now I’m

so excited that nothing could rain on my

parade does the job have many perks



I get a company car an expense account

three weeks paid vacation and a huge

raise that’s a lot to be happy about

it’s almost too much to believe how will

you celebrate

I think I’ll treat myself to a new

stereo I’ve been putting off buying one

because I didn’t think I could afford it

now with my new salary I can easily pay

for it

log three

why are you so worked up

I just got some fantastic news

what is it

you won’t believe this so come on and

tell me already

I just got a new job

that’s not so unbelievable

a new job is in Paris

now that’s something worth cheering


I’m so excited right now I can hardly


take a moment to catch your breath

I just cannot believe this is happening

to me of all people

why is it so hard for you to believe

because I’m such a homebody I’m almost

30 and I’ve never even left my hometown

well Paris is a long way away from here

do you know any French I studied for a

couple years in high school but I’ve

forgotten most of it how will you get by

I should pick up French quickly once I’m

there my French will come back to me

have you told many people yet

nope you’re the first but I want to

shout it from the rooftop next I’m going

to call my parents to break the news to

them do you think they’ll be happy for


Bilby said that their son is moving so

far away but they’ll be happy for me

because they know how much this means to





Kelsey would you go check the mailbox

Kelsey would you see if the mail is here

Kelsey would you find out if the postman

has come by

Kelsey would you see if there’s anything

in the mailbox


where is it from who sent it what’s the

return address do you know who it is



well nothing’s going to get solved by

just standing there and holding it

well nothing’s going to get revealed by

just standing there and holding it well

nothing’s going to get figured out by

just standing there and holding it

well nothing’s going to get answered by

just standing there and holding it


well what does it say

well what’s in it well is it good news

well is it bad news


you’ll probably feel differently when

some of the excitement has passed

you’ll probably feel differently when

you’ve calmed down

you’ll probably feel differently when

you’ve settled down some

probably feel differently when your

enthusiasm has subsided


good for you congratulations well done

nice job


many of the other people who I was

competing against for the job have been

at the company much longer than I have

many of the other people who were also

in the running for the job

have been at the company much longer

than I have

many of the other people who are in

contention for the job have been at the

company much longer than I have


I do but right now I’m so excited that

nothing could rain on my parade

I do but right now I’m so excited that

nothing could bring me down

I do but right now I’m so excited that

nothing could reduce my happiness

I do but right now I’m so excited that

nothing can bring me off my I


many perks

job have many benefits

the job have many bonuses

the job have many extras


it’s almost too much to believe

it’s too much for me I can barely

comprehend it all

I can hardly take it all in


I just got some fantastic news

I just got some tremendous news

just got some excellent news

I just got some marvelous news


so come on and tell me already

stop beating around the bush

out with it

get on with it


I’m so excited right now I can hardly


so wound up right now I can hardly


I’m so keyed up right now I can hardly


so thrilled right now I can hardly



now that’s something worth cheering


that’s something worth being excited


now that’s something worth celebrating

now that’s something worth throwing a

party over


no you’re the first but I want to shout

it from the rooftops

no you’re the first but I want to tell

the whole world

no you’re the first but I want to tell

anyone who will listen

no you’re the first but I want to share

the news with everyone



Americans have many ways of celebrating

good news for major occasions such as

going away to college or a significant

birthday a party is usually called for

significant birthdays include 16th 18th

21st 40th and 100th the sixteenth is

important because it is usually when

teenagers can go and get their drivers


the 18th birthday is noteworthy because

one officially becomes a legal adult in

most aspects and can vote in political

elections when someone turns 21 they can

legally buy and drink alcohol the 40th

birthday signifies the move into

middle-age and for many it is considered

the beginning of becoming old the 100th

birthday is obvious since it is quite a

feat to reach that age for other kinds

of events such as a promotion or a

reward for doing a good job on an

assignment maybe a dinner or small gift

is needed these events are usually

personal or work-related and aren’t

generally recognized major milestones



embarrassing experiences

basic patterns

I can’t believe I said something that’s

stupid at the party I just spilled my


all over my pants

halfway through my speech I forgot the

rest of what I wanted to say

I didn’t notice the stain until I got to


he tripped and fell right in front of

the guests

she came to the party in the same dress

as me

my ex-girlfriend told everyone at the

party about me

he was so sick that he vomited right in

the middle of dinner

I just realized that this shirt isn’t


cold Bob what I said about him that has

to be my most embarrassing moment ever

that shouldn’t be enough to cause you to


that is a little embarrassing

still you shouldn’t stop doing something

you liked just because of one incident

I embarrassed myself the entire evening


dialogue 1

hi Mitch

I meant to ask you earlier how your

speech went

I’d rather not talk about it

that bad worse I’m so sorry

do you mind if I asked what happened

it’s too embarrassing

you can tell me I completely forgot my

speech Oh No

what did you do I stood at the podium

for five minutes trying to remember how

it went but I just couldn’t recall it

didn’t you have any notes no I was so

confident about giving the speech that I

didn’t bother with it he knows did you

manage to somehow finish the speech no

after standing in silence for five


I just ran off the stage what did

everyone else do

they didn’t know how to react so they

just let the next speaker talk how

embarrassing I don’t think I’ll ever get

over it

in time you will I don’t know about that

that has to be my most embarrassing

moment ever you’ll do better next time I

don’t think there will be a next time

dialogue to

hi Ross

hi Caitlin what are you doing here at

the supermarket I’m just getting some

shopping done why do you ask I just

thought you usually had dance practice

at this time I normally do why don’t you

have dance practice today various dance

practice but I decided not to go why not

I’m not doing dance anymore

but I thought you really enjoyed it I

did but not anymore what made you change

your mind nothing must have been

something it’s not something I like to

talk about it’s okay to tell me if you

must know I screwed up at the last dance

recital that should be enough to cause

you to quit trust me it was what was so

bad in the middle of the recital I lost

my balance and fell over that is a

little embarrassing I also knocked over

the girl dancing beside me oh no it was

awful the entire audience burst out into

hysterics I couldn’t believe I could be

so clumsy

still you shouldn’t stop doing something

you like just because of one incident I

might consider going back


hey John I’ve been trying to catch up

with you why I wanted to know how your

date went that is not a topic that I

want to go over but you were so excited

about it what happened to change that

the entire evening was a disaster it

couldn’t have been that bad I assure you

it was I embarrassed myself the entire

evening what went wrong where do I begin

first there was so much traffic that I

was almost half an hour late that

definitely isn’t fashionably late

she was really understanding about that

so I thought the rest of the evening

would be okay it wasn’t no I decided to

take her to a very expensive restaurant

to make up for my being late that should

have been more than enough to make up

for it it would have been if the dinner

had gone well this doesn’t sound good

during dinner I somehow managed to spill

my wine all over her dress I was such a


couldn’t you have offered to get it

cleaned it was red wine and that doesn’t

come out

I guess the evening was a disaster

I’m not finished yet what else happened

when I went to pay for the meal I

discovered I didn’t have my wallet what

happened to it

I left it at home how did you pay for

the meal

she had to pay for it I offered to pay

her back but I don’t think she believed

that I would do you think she’ll go out

with you again I didn’t dare ask





I meant to ask you earlier how your

speech went

I meant to ask you earlier how did you

do on your speech

I meant to ask you earlier did your

speech go well

I meant to ask you earlier did you give

a successful speech


that bad

so bad


in better


do you mind if I ask what happened

would you be offended if I asked what


am i overstepping if I ask what happened

would I upset you if I asked what



you can tell me I won’t laugh

don’t worry about telling me it will

just be between us


no I was so confident about giving the

speech that I didn’t bother with any


no I was so confident about giving the

speech but I didn’t bother writing

anything down no I was so confident

about giving the speech that I didn’t

bother bringing any cue cards no I was

so confident about giving the speech but

I didn’t bother taking anything to

remind me


that has to be my most embarrassing

moment ever that has to be the most

embarrassing moment of my life

has to be the most embarrassing thing

I’ve ever done

that has to be the most embarrassing

moment I can remember


what are you doing here at the


what are you doing here at the mall what

are you doing here at the drugstore

what are you doing here at the bookstore


I normally do I usually do

I typically do I generally do

9 what made you change your mind what

turned your opinion what made such a

drastic change what made you do a 180


it’s not something I like to talk about

it’s not something I like to tell people

not something I like to share with


not something I want everyone to know


in the middle of the recital I lost my

balance and fell over

in the middle of the program I lost my

balance and fell over

in the middle of the show I lost my

balance and fell over

in the middle of the performance I lost

my balance and fell over


I’ve been trying to catch up with you

I’ve been looking all over the place for


I’ve been looking everywhere for you

I’ve been searching high and low for you


she was really understanding about that

so I thought the rest of the evening

would be okay

she was really understanding about that

so I thought the rest of the evening

would turn out fine

she was really understanding about that

so I thought the rest of the evening

would be better

she was really understanding about that

so I thought the rest of the evening

would be uphill from there


I was such a klutz I was so clumsy I was

so awkward I was anything but graceful


when I went to pay for the meal I

discovered I didn’t have my wallet

the check I discovered I didn’t have my


when I went to get the bill I discovered

I didn’t have my wallet

when I went to pick up the tab I

discovered I didn’t have my wallet



many Americans will say that one of

their greatest fears is public speaking

they fear that they will make a fool of

themselves this fear can lead them to

either completely avoid public speaking

or enduring extreme anxiety when they

are forced into it some people even have

unpleasant dreams about the many

different ways they could embarrass

themselves while giving a speech a

common one is entirely forgetting what

one wants to say this anxiety can cause

physical symptoms that can vary in

intensity from sweaty palms to

full-blown anxiety attacks where a

person cannot breathe

the best way to make sure that you don’t

embarrass yourself while giving a public

address is to prepare have notes to

refer to if you forget a word it is

important not to read directly from them

because I contact with the audience is

vital in order to establish a connection

with them next as the saying goes

practice makes perfect

the more you are familiar with a speech

the more comfortable you are in saying

and remembering the words finally

staying calm is vital to speaking slowly

and clearly the more nervous a person is

the faster he or she usually speaks