160 English Dialogues for Travelling and Tourism


planning for a trip dialog one

good morning how can I help you a friend

and I are planning a trip to visit

Europe and I need some information on

airline flights I see are you interested

in taking a tour no thanks

we’ve determined to go on our own what

countries do you want to see we’d like

to visit Germany and friends no problem

you can fly in and out of Berlin from

here then you can take a train in Europe

it sounds so easy it is here I’ll give

you a computer printout of all the

flights anything else not just now I

would like to talk this over with my

friend first of course just take your

time see you next time

Thanks bye dialogue -

I’d like to take a sightseeing tour

where do you want to go

I haven’t decided yet do you know which

tourist trail is the best for this

season well it depends for a short term

or a long term a short term only two

days okay

then I recommend you to go to cucurbit

Island for sightseeing why go there well

the weather is cool there at this time

as it’s a northern city on the sea and

it is just five hours ride from here if

you go by train most of all the sea

there is very clear and there’s an

ancient city oh it sounds good I’m going

to make a plan for there

making inquiries


dialogue 1

what would you like to know could you

tell me the schedule let me go get it

how long is the tour

it lasts for two hours what’s the

difference between these tours this one

includes dinners can I take the first

part of the tour only I’m afraid it to

hold a tour dialog too

how do you do may I help you can you

recommend a sightseeing route for us

sure we have all kinds of roots what

kinds of places would you like to visit

Las Vegas in the Grand Canyon we hope to

stay there for three days can you help

us book a better hotel sure we happen to

have a group leaving for the Caesar

hotel tomorrow which is right downtown

and we have 12 people all foreigners

there’s no Chinese interpreter they’ll

be gathering at the front door and

leaving at 8:00 in the morning

would that work all right may I know how

much this trip costs to $59 per person

applying for a visa dialog one

good morning sir i’m chen hong good

morning you’re planning to visit your

husband in the United States aren’t you

yes sir

is your husband currently a student

there no he is a visiting scholar may I

have a look at your notarized marriage

certificate and do you have some photos

of your wedding ceremony yes here you


looking at the photos

what a perfect match is this your first

time to go abroad I went to Los Angeles

on business two years ago and I also

traveled around some other cities in the

United States how long you’re going to

stay there this time less than three

months okay now please take the slip to

the next window to pay a fee and come

back to pick up your passport this

afternoon I hope you’ll have an

enjoyable trip in the United States

thank you very much dialogue -

I’d like to apply for a visa do you have

any relatives in America yes my uncle is

in America where is your uncle reside

his home is in New York what’s your

uncle’s profession he is a doctor please

give me your application paper okay here

you are we will inform you when we give

the result after three days

booking air tickets


dialogue 1

I’d like to book a flight to Beijing

please certainly sir what date November

2nd please

single or return I like a direct flight

if possible sure which class do you want

economy class will be fine may I have

your name please

yes my name is rod moss please call us

and confirm your ticket around October

29th thank you you’re welcome


dialogue to

is there a flight to New York on

Thursday sorry we have just sold out all

the tickets for Thursday when is the

next flight available the earliest I can

get you to New York is on Sunday could

you put me on the waiting list for the

flight to New York on Thursday ok will

you leave your name and telephone number

please my name is Lee Lynn my telephone

number is five seven three six six two

eight okay I’ll call you if there is a

cancellation thank you very much

confirming the ticket


dialogue 1

an American can I help you

hello I like to confirm my flight may I

have your flight number please

yes it’s number two one two leaving New

York at 9 o’clock in the morning on May

3rd oh yes that is our regular flight to

Paris what’s your name please my name is

Li Jian Li ji aan yes here we are you

are flying economy class aren’t you oh

yes ok your ticket is in order now mr.

Li thank you for calling to confirm


dialogue to

hello pan-american hello I like to

confirm my flight may I have your flight

number please

yes it’s flight number zero zero seven

leaving San Francisco at 10 o’clock in

the evening on April 4th you’re flying

economy class is that right oh no I

think there must be some mistakes I’m

sure I made a reservation for a

first-class ticket I can change your

ticket if you like oh good it’s such a

long flight in the first-class seats

would be more comfortable thank you for

calling to reconfirm

changing the flight number dialog one

I like to change my flight to Shanghai


yes flight number and date please flight

1 to party on April 2nd from Los Angeles

April 2nd

flight 1 and what’s your name

I’ll spell out the last name for you Zha

ng thank you

what flight and which day would you like

to change to still flight 1 April 5th

okay you have changed your flight please

recognize it again flight 1 April 5th to

Shanghai dialogue 2

United Airlines may I help you yes I’ve

made a reservation on your flight number

six to six

departing for Honolulu on October 6th at

7:30 in the evening and I’d like to

change my reservation if possible may I

see your ticket yes here you are what

flight would you like to change to

flight 5 to 9 leaving on October 8th at

1:00 in the afternoon how about your

destination do you want to change it too

no I won’t change my destination just a

moment please

I’ll check it sorry miss all seats are

taken on the flight

what about October 10 let me check

you’re lucky we have only one seat

available on that flight and now it’s


packing up


dialogue 1

don’t forget to bring our passports and

some extra cash we’ll also need our

driver’s license if we plan to rent a

car got it

I’m taking a couple of dresses for

formal occasions you should take your

dark suit I’ll wear that suit on the

plane to save space we should take along

some pills just in case you get airsick

oh man look at this suitcase it’s

falling apart I need a new one I’m

taking along a duffel bag for bringing

back anything we buy on the trip

how about umbrellas and raincoats no we

can buy them there if we need that


dialog too

make sure your certificates are taken it

is useful when you are on a tour which

certificate do you think I must take

with me have you taken your ID card of

course where did you put it I put it in

the big red bag

why don’t you take your certificate of

soldier well I forgot it

have you bought a map of the place you

are going to visit no not yet

I will go to buy at once


flight delay


dialogue 1

rats we got up at the crack of dawn just

to end up sitting around waiting time

will fly how will we know when our

flight is ready to board

we’ll hear an announcement over the


I think I’ll nod off for a few minutes

don’t worry I’ll wake you up by the way

did you notice which way our boarding

gate is you are such a worrywart I know

where the gate is now go to sleep


dialogue to

excuse me when do we arrive in Paris we

are due in Paris at 7:30 p.m. local time

but we’re going to London as the weather

in Paris is bad how long are we to stop

in London it’s hard to say perhaps two

hours is there anything wrong sir you

know we are to catch CA 932 at 9:30 in

Paris we’re afraid that we might miss

the flight as the result of the delay if

we miss the flight we will have to stay

one more day in Paris waiting for the

next flight can you do anything for us

I’m sorry the only thing we can do is to

contact CA AC office in Paris when we

get there

flight cancellation dialog one

I need to be in Los Angeles by 12

o’clock but my flight has been canceled

what can I do now we are going to

reroute you on a flight departing at

7:00 with a connection in Chicago and

arriving in Los Angeles at 11:30 what

about my baggage don’t worry your

baggage will be automatically

transferred what time do i reboard the

plane in Chicago the airline personnel

there will tell you dialogue to

do you know any information about flight

number one two three I’m sorry I just

don’t have any information on flight

number one two three what’s wrong with

it on earth I’m almost tired of waiting

sorry sir

I’ve just been informed that that flight

has been canceled what’s the reason

sorry the cause is unknown until now

what should i do then

refund we can refund you the whole price

plus 20% of the ticket price I have no

choice but to refund

safety inspection


dialogue 1

please put your handbag onto the x-ray


oh sure here it is are you carrying

anything metallic in your bag oh yes I

forgot my keys was in it I see please go

through the detector me yes all right is

there anything wrong no you’re okay now


dialog too

miss it’s your turn please put your

handbag onto the x-ray scanner oh sure

now step through this arch

arch makes a high-pitched sound please

step over here miss did I do something


is everything okay don’t worry

are you carrying anything metallic with

you maybe it’s my bracelets could be

please remove them and put them into

this plastic container and step again

through the arch okay now step again

through the arch like this that’s right

you’re okay now

checking in before boarding dialog one

may I have your ticket and passport

please here they are would you like a

window seat or an aisle seat a window

seat if it is available let me see if we

have good there is only one left you are

so lucky

thank you for trouble dialog too

I’d like to check in please may I see

your passport and ticket please here you

are excuse me madam do you have any

baggage to check no I’ve this shoulder

bag only I see here are your ticket

passport and boarding pass madam your

seat is 4d it’s an aisle seat thank you

checking in luggage


dialogue 1

should I have my luggage labeled for

Houston here yes how many pieces of

luggage do you have we’ll have a look

through them I’ve got three here they

are I must have them weighed on the

scale okay as you say ah you’re

overweight for 20 kilos do I need to pay

more money are you a group yes oh there

is no charge for group traveling and

here are the tags for your traveling

bags Thanks

it will be more convenient to claim our

luggage with them dialog too

I’m sorry sir your bag is overweight

what can I do

do you want to repack it I don’t have

any space to move things to I’m afraid

you’ll have to pay an excess weight

charge how much is the excess baggage

charge the rate for excess luggage is

$7.00 per kilogram

you should pay

looking for a seat


dialogue 1

could you show me where seat 30a is this

way please your seat is on the left side

could you help me put my bag in the

overhead bin certainly thank you how

long does it take to fly to Tokyo

exactly four hours we’ll arrive there at

4:30 p.m. I see it’s glad to travel with

you me too please press the button if

you’d like to call me dialogue to

may I help you find your seat yes please

it’s 30 J

right here the window-seat sir thank you

where can I put my bag you can place

them underneath the seat in front of you

or in the overhead bin

okay overhead bin let me help you sir

thank you

changing seats


dialogue 1

excuse me sir would you mind trading

seats with me

not at all let’s change now thank you

that is very kind of you you are welcome

I prefer an aisle seat good I prefer a

window seat sometimes I get scared

looking outside the window and I often

use the washroom dialog too

excuse me miss my wife and I were

assigned separate seats do you have any

empty seats together somewhere would you

wait a moment please I’ll check for you

sir we have some seats available in the

back of the cabin would that be all

right yes thank you can we move to there

right now yes please hurry up we’ll be

leaving very shortly

having meals on the plane dialog one

would you care for a drink sir yes

please a martini on the rocks gin or

vodka vodka and would you like that with

an olive or a twist of lemon olive

please there you are and that will be $2

here thank you


dialogue 2

will dinner be served on the plane yes

sir I’ll bring you a menu shortly after

we take off that would be nice

later here’s the menu sir just take a

look at it oh thank you let me see

I like the B course okay what would you

like to drink I’d like a glass of orange


getting airsick and uncomfortable


dialogue 1

you look pale are you okay I feel sick

I’m going to throw up do you let me get

the airsick bag ready do you have any

pills for air sickness no I forgot to

bring it maybe I should not have had the

meal don’t worry just close your eyes

and relax

hold the bag in case you vomit dialog


stewardess I’m not feeling very well

right now what seems to be the problem

I’ve got dizziness and nausea and feel

like vomiting you seem to have some air

sickness we have medicine on the plane

I’ll get some for you thank you later

here is the medicine and water take it

right now it’s very kind of you by the

way could you get me a window seat sure

I will arrange it for you in a minute

time difference


dialogue 1

what is the time difference between

Beijing and Vancouver 16 hours Vancouver

is 16 hours behind are we losing or

gaining a day on the way to Canada we

are gaining a day doesn’t mean we are

departing Beijing and arriving Vancouver

on the same day that is correct


dialogue to

what’s the time in New York the local

time is 3:00 in the afternoon sir

what’s that time difference between the

two places it’s 12 hours behind us do

you have any idea what time it is in

Rome now it’s about 8 o’clock in the

morning and Frankfurt the same there in

the same time zone

at the immigration office dialog one

what is the purpose of your trip


where are you staying at my friend’s

house how long will you stay in the

United States just three weeks how much

money do you have

$400 in cash and $2,000 in traveler’s

checks okay please leave your prints and

photo here dialog too

are you a visitor or a resident a

visitor what is the purpose of your

visit on business where will you be


I have hotel reservations in LA and New

York do you have the addresses handy

here is a copy of my itinerary Thanks

welcome to the US your papers are all in

order please get your baggage and go to

the next line for your customs

inspection thank you

customs declaration dialog one

do you have anything special to declare

I bought a bottle of bourbon at the

duty-free shop but that’s for my

personal use that will be fine then what

about these chocolate candies they are

gifts for my friends do I have to pay

tax on them

no since they are not expensive you

don’t have to pay so can I leave now ok

I think you are cleared and you may go

through now

dialogue to

is all this baggage yours no some of our

my friends do you have any carry-on

items do you mean the bag do you want me

to put it on the belt too

yes please do you have anything to


you mean tobacco or alcohol no we didn’t

bring any any contraband any fresh food

live plants or animals oh no none of


thank you lock up your suitcase here are

your passports thanks a lot

cashing checks


dialogue 1

good morning can you cash these

traveler’s checks for me certainly how

much do you want to cash $100 fine may I

see your passport please

here it is thank you please sign each

check how’s that that’s fine

how do you want it nine tens in the rest

and once police nine tens and ten

singles here you are thank you


dialogue two

can I help you yes please

can I cash this cheque here no I’m

afraid you can’t this is a cross-check

not negotiable oh dear what should I do

with the check then well you have to pay

the check into your account first that’s

to secure that only the person to whom

the check was written gets the money

that’s a good idea would you please tell

me the proper procedure certainly sir

here’s deposit slip please fill it out

and sign under name the money will be

added to your accounts when the check is

cleared would you like me to record this

transaction in your passbook yes please

here’s my passbook


to the hotel


dialogue 1

could you have a taxi pick me up and

take me to your hotel before 1 o’clock

p.m. what is your place sir Palace

Airport which terminal will you be at

number 2 ok someone will be there by

12:15 what are your rates it is $2.00

initially and 35 cents for each quarter

mile I have four very large suitcases

will those fit in the taxi no I’ll send

a larger vehicle to pick you up dialogue


hello Hilton Hotel my name is Edie Chen

I would like to request a pickup from

the airport certainly sir please exit

the terminal and go to the pickup spot

just outside the door

I will radio a driver to meet you how

long will it take about ten minutes how

long is the ride to the hotel traffic is

backed up today so it will take about 30

minutes sorry about that no problem

thank you

checking in with reservation dialog one

I’d like to check in may I have your

name yes leave me do you have a

reservation with us sir yes I do mr. Li

Ming your reservation is for a double

room for two nights right that’s right

could you fill out the registration card

please all right how would you like to

settle your bill by credit card okay

your room number is 25 on the third

floor have an enjoyable stay dialogue 2

my name is James Brooks I’ve already


I’m sorry mr. Brooks you had planned to

arrive at about 6:00 tonight but it is

near midnight now so we canceled your

reservation yes I didn’t have a chance

to call you do you have any other rooms

available we only have an executive

suite available now how much are those

$550 a night that’s pretty expensive but

I guess I have no choice but I want to

change rooms tomorrow

leading to the room dialog one

here we are this is your room the

bathroom is here are there any extra

blankets sometimes I feel cold at night

you can call the chambermaid and ask her

for that

okay and can I have some ice there’s a

machine near the elevator just help

yourself if you need anything else

please call room service thank you this

is for you

thank you sir enjoy your visit dialog -

well what do you think of the room it’s

very pleasant and it’s also cool I love

the color scheme white and blue are cool

colors and of course the room is

air-conditioned there is plenty of

hanging space in these fitted wardrobes

in fact more than I shall need perhaps

you’ll need it when you buy the lovely

clothes by the way you have a telephone

on the bedside table that’s very

convenient as you can phone whenever you

want I’m going to enjoy it the bathroom

is over there and we have a 24-hour hot

and cold water supply

laundry service


dialogue 1

hello mama good afternoon what can I do

for you can I have the laundry done

today certainly sir can you fill out the

laundry form first please okay here you

are that’s fine thank you

by the way where is your laundry here in

the laundry bag anymore

no do I then leave it outside my room no

leave it inside and someone will pick it

up when will it be ready tomorrow

morning dialog too

I’d like to have this laundry done could

you fill out the laundry form okay I

want to have this sweater washed by hand

in cold water it might shrink otherwise

by hand in cold water I understand and

I’d like this garment dry-cleaned please

okay anything else do you have a mending

service for clothes

I’d like the dress mended yes we can

mend them when will they be ready we

will deliver them tomorrow evening

around 6 o’clock p.m.

room service


dialogue 1

what time do you begin your service in

the morning we usually start from 7:00

but if you have special needs you can

tell the front desk the night before oh

but or you can also tell me now we’ll

send your food over at your requested

time very good could you send to

American breakfast to our room at 6:30

tomorrow morning

we must leave the hotel before 7 o’clock

no problem

so room one zero zero five two American

breakfasts 6:30 tomorrow morning that’s



dialogue two

room service may I help you can I still

get something to eat at this time of

night what would you like I’ll have a

sandwich and a hot chocolate what kind

of sandwich would you like we have steak

cheese ham salami tuna chicken I’ll take

the tuna please no problem sir may I

have your name and your room number this

is Bob Jackson room 801 good I’ll be up

in a couple of minutes

morning call service


dialogue 1 will you do me a favor miss

certainly sir I wonder if your hotel has

the morning call service

yes sir would you like a morning call

yes I must get up earlier tomorrow at

what time do you want me to call you up

sir at 6:00 sharp tomorrow morning

please by phone or by knocking at the

door by phone okay I’ll tell the

operator to call you up at 6 o’clock

tomorrow morning anything else I can do

for you no thanks


dialog too

room service can I help you I’m going to

New York early tomorrow morning so I

would like to request an early morning

call no problem at what time would you

like us to call you tomorrow morning at

6:00 sharp tomorrow morning please by

phone or by knocking at the door by

knocking at the door I usually have a

deep sleep okay so we will wake you up

at 6:00 tomorrow morning



dialogue 1

housekeeping may I clean your room now

madam come in please

good morning madam good morning

what about tidying up a bit in the

bathroom we’ve had a bath and it’s quite

a mess okay I clean the toilet bowl wash

basin and tub then put some fresh towels

there and we need two more pairs of bath

slippers alright I get off at 10:30 a.m.

but I will tell the daytime attendant to

send them up thank you and the children

have just played on the bed so please

change our sheets and pillowcases no

problem I will tidy it up you’ve been so

helpful thank you dialog too

housekeeping may I come in oh sorry I

haven’t even got up yet when would you

like me to do your room could you come

back in an hour I’m sorry to disturb you

if you need clean your room please call

DTS or HS KP or hang the makeup the room

card I will thank you

maintenance service


dialogue 1

is this the maintenance department this

is room 403

yes what is it sir the TV set in my room

doesn’t work have you checked the plug

they get pulled out sometimes yes I

checked that and this is the second time

that it hasn’t worked I’m sorry I’ll

send someone right up to have a check

Thank You dialog too

room service may I help you this is from

room 208 I’m afraid that the heating

system doesn’t work it’s very cold here

have you switched it on the radiator yes

I have switched it on for almost half an

hour the room is still very cold we’re

terribly sorry for that we’ll send our

staff to fix it now or do you want to

change your room I prefer not to move

first okay is it convenient for us to

come now yes please

offline service dialog one

hello mr. Wong yes what is the matter oh

you have a message note here who’s it

from a mr. Lee he said he’s your friend

in New York and he wanted you to call

him back as soon as possible

let me see oh it’s Tom did he say

anything else no nothing else all right

thank you very much


dialogue to

this is Johnson in room 218 yes mr.

Johnson any messages for me just a

moment sir yes mr. Johnson there’s a

message for you

who’s it from it’s from John Simmons si

mm ONS will you read it to me please

he said I will come to your hotel

tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 what time did

mr. Simmons call did he leave his phone

number at 10:30 this morning his home

phone number is five seven one six two

three two two is there anything else sir

no thank you goodbye

barbar service


dialogue 1

good morning sir I’m the top stylist

here take a seat please

thank you I want a haircut please very

well and how would you like your haircut

sir just a trim and cut the sides fairly

short but not so much at the back

nothing off the top well a little off

the top how about the front leave the

front as it is okay do you want me to

trim your mustache yes please


dialog too

what would you like permanent wave cold

wave or washed and dressed a shampoo and

set please would you like a new

hairstyle or just keep it the way you

have it now I’m ready for a new hairdo

do you have any suggestions perhaps you

should go even shorter I’ll leave it up

to you like I said I’m ready for a

change I’ve had it this way for so long

and I’m getting tired of it okay you

should also get highlights put in I’m

worried it will make my hair look

unnatural no no that would be very


making complaints


dialogue 1

operator yes may I help you I’ve been

trying to get through to the front desk

for the last five minutes their line is

always busy why did it take so long I’m

very sorry to hear that sir

during peak hours the line is often

engaged shall I ask them to call you

back when the line is free thank you


dialog too

could I see the manager please I have a

complaint can I help you madam yes I

checked in your hotel on Wednesday

during my staying here something made me

feel uncomfortable I’m all ears first

when I checked in the receptionist

complained that I didn’t make a

reservation but is it necessary to make

a reservation for each time no it’s not


second in the guest room some facilities

had problems some lights couldn’t turn

on and there is no hot water in the

washroom and TV channels are too limited

I’m sorry to hear that

the last the service for guest room was

too slow and the staff was in a bad

service attitude I’m terribly sorry to

hear that I’ll attend to it immediately

checking out


dialogue 1

I would like to pay the bill I’ll be

right with you mr. house

have you made any long-distance calls

please yes last night to Rome how would

you like to take care of it can I pay my

bill with a traveler’s check I’m sorry

sir we only accept RMB or a credit card

that being the case I’ll pay with

American Express of course sir if you

would just check the additional charges

and sign that will be everything

everything seems to be in order here is

your receipt we hope you will stay with

us again dialog too

good morning we like to check out now

please may I have your room number


certainly this is room five zero one

we’ll send someone up to help you with

your luggage right away could you tell

me which is better to go to the airport

by bus or by taxi I recommend a taxi if

you are in a hurry how long does it take

to the airport by taxi about half an

hour can you call a taxi for me okay

please wait a minute

other requests


dialogue 1

reception may I help you I’ve lost my

room key when I went out will you open

it for me but do you have another key to

your room the extra key oh sorry I left

in my room in that case I can send up

the bellboy with a master key

what is your room number 1205 where are

you I’m right outside my room I’ll send

someone to open the door in a minute you

may wait upstairs now dialog too

good evening can I help you good evening

I’m Li Jing in room one zero two I

wonder if it is possible for me to

extend my stay for two days I’ll take a

look at the hotel’s booking situation

yes I’m glad that we’ll be able to

accept your extension request but I’m

afraid you have to change rooms for the

last two nights you see we have already

let your room to someone else is that

okay yes no problem

let me see room 210 will be vacant how

about that room that is fine the new

occupant will be checking in a little

after 12:00 tomorrow that means I have

to move out before 12:00 well I think I

will move at 10:30


reserving a table


dialogue 1

good morning the good boy restaurant can

I help you yes I’d like to reserve a

table for dinner what time would you

like your table sir I’m not sure about 5

o’clock p.m. okay

how many in your party a party of four

then I’ll reserve a table for four at

5:00 p.m. sir may I have your name


yes Wang Han Thanks

goodbye dialog too

I like to make a reservation for tonight

for how many people please

five adults and two children for what

time please about 7:30 this evening how

much do you want to spend about twenty

dollars per person

we’d like to sit together okay and may I

have your name yes Jordan and put us as

close as possible to the window please

I would not be sure but I’ll try my best

taking a seat


dialogue 1

good evening sir welcome to our

restaurant have you made a reservation

yes I have booked a table for four

here’s the reservation list

my name is doom we have chosen a window

table for you

this way please will this table be all

right sir

certainly it’s quite good thank you you

are welcome sir this separate room has a

very good view of the city

this room is near the band platform is

it going to be very noisy when the band

plays some music oh don’t worry sir the

sound of the music is quite soft will

not bring you any inconvenience could

you stay and listen to it for a while if

you don’t like it I’ll find another

table for you is that okay that’s great

you really give good service indeed


dialog too

my name is Lisa I made a reservation of

table for three yes madam would you like

a table in the smoking or non-smoking

section in the non-smoking section

please come this way please

here we are oh it’s a nice private room

with a beautiful view thank you very

much have a good time

ordering food


dialogue 1

here’s your menu could you tell us about

the specials of the day we have coconut

shrimp served with rice and a side salad

we also have prime rib only eight

dollars per person including salad

choice of potato or rice and a roll I

think I’ll just have your prime rib with

rice would you like appetizers or salad

to go with that yes I’ll take salad


dialogue too

would you like an appetizer to start

with I like to try the egg salad that’s

good and then I’m going to try the

oysters florentine well what about the

entree what is this one

Dover so charlie scene' a that soul with

mushroom and snail butter that sounds

nice I’ll have that okay

hurrying the waiter to serve up dialog


here is the soul salad is it yours yes

it’s ours and we have ordered another

dish Italian style fried bacon rolls

it’s coming we have an appointment at

noon will you tell the cooks to hurry up

certainly thank you very much


dialog too

excuse me yes

food seems to be taking a long time

doesn’t it we ordered half an hour ago

but our meal hasn’t arrived yet we have

to leave pretty soon I’m sorry I’ll see

what’s happened thank you

service during the meal dialogue one

do you enjoy the dish yes it’s really


would you like more oh yes

just more share yes I will get you right

away by the way please give me a glass

of water okay I’ll bring it right away

anything else can I have a doggie bag I

want to take the beef home

sure I will wrap it up for you dialog


it doesn’t taste right to me it’s too

weak could you get me some salt sure

will that be all and we want to share

this food could you bring some small

plates just a minute

here are your salt and 2 small plates

thank you very much

always at your service please enjoy your


having fast food


dialogue 1

that looks good I’ll have a hamburger

the works

just lettuce and tomatoes anything to

drink a large coke that’ll be one dollar

sixty cents here’s your number should I

wait at the counter or find a table to

sit down just wait here it will be ready

in three minutes


dialog two

hey guys what’ll it be I’d like a double

cheeseburger fries and a shake and I’ll

have a fillet of fish a chicken burger

larger tossed salad onion rings and a

shake what flavors would you like for

your shakes strawberry tropical fruit

altogether that’ll be six dollars 98

cents here’s a ten is that for here or

to go for here here’s your change

three dollars two cents thanks folks


drinking in the bar


dialogue 1

I’ll have a bottle of the stronger one

please certainly sir here you are in a

large Scotch please on the rocks sir no


anything else sir yes something

non-alcoholic for me please

a tonic water fruit juice or ginger ale

perhaps tomato juice please dialog too

a pint of bitter please bartender I’m

sorry sir but we only have two types of

beer the medium strength beer and two

the export beer which is better

well the export beer is stronger but

both are the light larger type they are

bottled I’m afraid we do not have draft

beer I love a bottle of the stronger on

please certainly sir

here you are

paying the bill


dialogue 1

are you all through sir yes did you

enjoy your dinner yes everything was

very good

can I have my bill please yes one moment


here you are sir here are $70 keep the

change please thank you please come


we will buy dialog too

did you enjoy your dinner mama oh very

much just excellent I’d like to pay my

bill yes mama your bill comes to 282

francs do you mind if I pay it with a

credit card I’m sorry mama

we do not honor credit cards here oh I

see then I’ll pay in cash and what’s the

exchange rate today it’s 9.5 francs to

$1.00 here is $30 keep the change thank

you your receipt is here please come

again thank you


taking a bus


dialogue 1

does this bus get to Washington Square

oh no you should take a number 52

tramcar thank you where can I take it

two blocks down the street

what’s the stop called International

Fair Center but I don’t know which stop

I should get off you can get off in

three more stops three more stops the

sign will say Washington Square get off

there dialogue two

welcome to our bus excuse me is this the

right bus for lingyin temple

yes it’s number 7 bus do I have to

change No Lingam temple is the terminal

of this bus how much is the ticket it’s

too young please drop your money into

the box and be seated in the rear when

we get there I’ll let you know thank you

you’re welcome

taking the subway


dialogue 1

can I help you what should I do with the

token you put it in the slot at the

turnstile and then push the turnstile to

get into the platform by the way how can

I get out of the platform after I get

off the train that’s very easy the exits

are always open and there are signs

you’ll see dialog too

which train do I take to the fifth

circle take the Uptown C train and get

off at the sixth station how about the

transfer you can ask the officer when

you buy ticket and where can I get the

Train just go down those steps

thank you very much

taking a taxi dialogue 1 hi taxi please

hop in

where to Wong Hall Hotel please

okay put this baggage into the trunk


do you think you can get me there within

half an hour I think we can get there in

time if there are no holdups are you in

a hurry yes I have an appointment at

3:30 p.m.

you will be there in plenty of time

don’t worry dialogue 2

let me off in front of Park Hotel okay

here we are

what’s the fare twenty-five dollars here

is the money

keep the change please oh thanks a lot

taking a train


dialogue 1

second class return to London please

that’s 25 pounds please here you are

when does the train for London depart

you’d better hurry it leaves in five

minutes I don’t think I can make it when

is the next train for London at 10:30

thank you I’ll take that one


dialog too

is this car five yes get in please where

is my berth please

it’s over there let me show you where

shall we put our suitcases on the

overhead rack oh it’s full put them

under the berth

missing the train or bus


dialogue 1

which is the train to Yellowstone Park

sorry I’m afraid the train to

Yellowstone Park just left oh my god I

missed the train no problem the train to

Yellowstone Park leaves per hour you can

take the next one

good well I take it in the same platform

no the next train will stop at the third

platform do I need buy another ticket no

you don’t thank you


dialogue 2

can you do me a favor I was with the

gray line tour and I’ve missed the bus

what should I do

which tour were you on tour one the

full-day sightseeing tour I see

well I’m sure that bus stops at the

Century Plaza so you can catch it there

great I’ll take a taxi I’d catch a local

bus if I were you it leaves from the bus

stop on the corner by the bank

what’s the number number three the

Century Plaza stop is either the sixth

or the seventh ask the driver okay thank

you very much hope you catch it

getting off


dialogue 1

excuse me what is the next station

Chinatown is this where I get off

where are you going foo Chow restaurant

right here it’s just near the stop okay

thank you


dialogue - what did you say your stop

was the 5th Avenue the 5th Avenue you

are past your stop you should have

gotten off at the last stop

should i but you didn’t call me sorry

there are too many people I forgot it is

it far from here don’t worry you can get

off at the next stop and walk back it’s

just a couple of blocks what is the next


it’s City Square

renting a car dialog one

I want to rent a car for one week okay

no problem what type do you have in mind

do you have any Japanese cars mid-sized

SUV yes

let me see we have a Honda Odyssey is

that okay great

what’s the rate per day it’s $50 plus

tax per day unlimited mileage I’m going

to keep it for five days can I see your

driver’s license

sure here is my driver’s license please

sign here


dialogue two

how many people will be driving the car

only me

do you offer insurance on this rental

car yes we do do you want insurance I’d

like full insurance good the insurance

for one person is $2.00 a day all right

can I return the car at another one of

your agencies yes just make sure to show

them your driver’s license and they will

be able to pull all your information

from the computer okay here is our

emergency roadside service phone number

if you have any problems just call and

someone will come pick you up



dialogue 1

hi any spot left yes there are still

plenty of spots

what is the parking fee per hour here 10

you in an hour how much would it be if I

parked here for an hour and 10 minutes

20 you answer we charge by the number of

hours I see thanks dialogue to

excuse me sir is this your car yeah

what’s wrong I’m afraid you’ve parked in

the wrong spot oh really isn’t this spot

a one-two-three

no it’s F one two three my parking space

yours is over there I’m sorry I must

have been confused I’ll move my car

right away it’s no big deal

being fined for violation


dialogue 1

excuse me miss may I see your driver’s

license yes here it is any violations

officer you are speeding I’m sorry I

don’t know the speed limit of this zone

this is a 35-mile zone and you are

driving 45 there is your citation please

read the instructions on it and go to

pay the fine okay may I have my driver’s

license now here you go

be careful from now on I’ll keep it in


Thank You dialog too

hey boy get off please you were just

running a red light was I I didn’t see

the red light

did you look it’s just behind you now

please show me your license here’s my

license I have to give you a penalty

ticket how much will it be fine for

running a red light the citation is 392

USD plus traffic school fee 40 USD that

will be 432 USD oh dear you know I’m a

visitor here so I’m quite strange to

this place well in that case I will let

you go please pay attention to the

traffic regulations here thank you very


I will be careful next time

traffic accidents dialog one

oh my god are you all right miss thank

goodness I’m just alright I’m very sorry

I hit you and I hope that the damage to

your car isn’t serious the left front

side is dented we should call the police

don’t worry I will call the cop at once

alright may I have your plate number

sure I’ll write it down on my business

card and my insurance will pay for this

they will contact you soon

false anyway I feel really sorry for

this dialogue too

hello 911 can I help you it’s an


I was in a car accident where did it

happen what street are you on East

Hilton Drive stay right there we’ll be

there in five minutes

could you call an ambulance for me my

friend was hurt okay


Consulting sightseeing information


dialog one

are there any bus tours in the city

certainly we have a one-day tour and a

half-day tour can I have a copy of the

route map and schedule sure here you are

I’d like to take a one day tour does it

include the admission to the park and

museum yes it includes all expenses only

meals will be at your own cost do you

think I can visit all those places in

one day no you can’t if you want to take

a good look


dialogue to

what kind of Tours do you have what kind

of tour would you like is there a

sightseeing bus tour yes we have many

kinds where can i book a sightseeing

tour just step to the next window

do you have tours every day all days

except for Sundays

do you have a half-day tour no all the

tours we have take all day

buying tickets


dialogue 1

how much is the ticket twenty dollars

for adults and $10 for children what

about for students it is ten dollars to

two tickets for students please please

show me your certificates first well we

just forgot to take them with us I’m

afraid you can’t buy half-price tickets

without showing certificates can’t we no

you must buy the tickets for adults


dialog too

how much is the ticket it’s $10 for

adults in six dollars for children under

12 years old two for adults and three

for children by the way how much does it

cost to ride roller coaster five dollars

then five tickets for roller coaster

to buy them inside oh all right here are

your tickets

thank you

taking pictures dialog one

excuse me madam would you mind taking a

few pictures for us

sure just stand over there can you get

the whole square in move back a little

bit now to the left there that’s perfect

say cheese good thanks

could you take one more shot please I

can’t get it focused just push the

button on the front under the lens it

should zoom in got it could you snap a

picture for us next to this sign you’ve

got it move in a little closer there

friends don’t squint thanks for



dialog too

look the Sun is rising what a beautiful

sight I have never seen such a beautiful

sight take pictures please

well please just stand there I will take

a picture for you can you take the Sun

into the picture of course it is just

besides you are you ready ready 1 2 3

okay thank you

taking the tour bus dialogue one

welcome to take the tour bus does the

morning tour visit the UN no sir that’s

in the old day tour then I have to get

off to take the all-day tour but during

this tour we will visit the most famous

place you shouldn’t miss it

where will you go the famous Broadway I

promise you will think it worth going

okay then I will go on this trip with

you how long does the tour last it takes

six hours sir I see can I pay in

traveler’s checks

of course you can that’s $25 dialogue to

welcome to this sightseeing tour first

we will go to the Chinatown then the

National Museum and the city hall grey

we’re now passing Columbia University I

see it good University excuse me what is

that tall building it’s the United

Nations building Wow the United Nations

can we make a stop here sorry but it’s

beyond our schedule it’s really a pity I

have to take another time to see it

watching the game


dialogue 1

do you still have tickets for today we

have plenty left can I get a ticket for

a major league baseball game any team in

particular are the Mariners playing

today let me see if I can find out ah

yes one yes only one please the game

will be very exciting as this is an

important match hope the Mariners will

have good performance dialog too

where is the stadium there’s a pretty

good stadium in town I would love to see

a ballgame which teams are playing I

heard that balls versus Lakers this week

is that true do you think we can get

tickets we can go to the box office to

check it out if not we can always try

our fortune at the door it seems you are

really a die-hard fan of basketball you

blow me away

making friends


dialogue 1

this is a lovely place so it is where

are we now

what is this station this is Erin how

long will we stop here only a few

minutes how soon will we go to Madrid

not for 4 more hours

that’s a long time I’m hungry

so am i how about going to the buffet

car good idea we can have a drink


dialogue too

hi how do you do I’m Jack hi how do you

do I’m Li Jian are you on business or


I’m going on business where to

Newfoundland my goodness that’s where I

go to really what a coincidence

maybe we can go around between the

connecting flights good idea the plane

is landing let’s go together okay

losing the way


dialogue 1

good morning sir I think I’m lost here I

want to go to a hotel called Jean Minh

do you know on which street no I’m sorry

I have no idea you know I’m a stranger

here I see well do you know any

landmarks near the hotel oh yes my

friends told me the hotel was just

around Pizza Hut then you have to take

bus number 37 and get off at leisure

Road dialog too

excuse me but will you tell me the way

to the Art Museum go straight on the

street go three blocks and you’ll come

to a park the museum is in the park how

long does it take on foot about 20

minutes thank you very much Oh once more

could you show me the way to the post

office go two blocks and on the corner

on the right you’ll find the Westbury

hotel the post office is on the first

floor you can easily find the office as

you can see the post office sign

getting ill on the way dialog one

what’s wrong with you I have an upset

stomach do you want to see a doctor I

have been suffering from this old

disease for quite a long time there is

no point to seeing a doctor but I think

you need to see a doctor as we are going

on the journey if something goes wrong

we have to carry the can well let’s go

and see a doctor then wait a moment I

will call the bus driver and he will

drive you to the hospital

thanks a lot you’re very considerate


dialog too

good morning sir but you look pale I

didn’t sleep well last night I feel

completely exhausted now oh I’m sorry

you’d better see a doctor could you tell

me where the nearest hospital is it’ll

take you half an hour to go to the

number one Hospital by bus number one

zero eight if you take a taxi it takes

only five minutes please call a taxi for

me sure

lost property


dialogue 1

I can’t find my passport do you remember

when did you see it for the last time

yes I just saw it in my bag yesterday


Oh then how have it gone I don’t know

either it is lost now could you help me

find it sure we must unfold all of our

baggage and search for it thank you I

hope we could find it otherwise we have

to make touch with the Chinese embassy


dialog too

excuse me yes may I help you I lost my


I had my credit card and passport in it

what’s your name

Wang Ming what kind of wallet is it it’s

black about this size with an initial WM

on the inside let me check

is it this one fantastic it’s mine thank

you so much you’re welcome this wallet

was found on the street by a schoolboy

dialling public calls dialog one

may I use this telephone for an

international call yes but do you have

the telephone card no I’m just a

traveler here then you have to exchange

some coins could you change the dollar

bill for coins yes give me the money and

I will change for you okay here you are

and here are the coins go ahead please

just insert the coin into the slot here

deposit 75 cents for the first three

minutes please oh thank you very much


dialogue to

may I use this telephone of course

please could you tell me the way of

using the telephone yes you should

insert a coin first how much should I

put in it at least 20 cents and then I

can dial the number directly can I yes

it will give you the conduction sign

looking for the washroom dialog one

that curry is playing hell with my

insides nothing is the matter with me is

there a comfort station nearby yes on

the left side at the end of this way is

there an entrance fee no it’s free of

charge excuse me for a moment I’ll be

right back


dialog too

where is the women’s restroom do you see

where that woman just turned around are

you talking about the one in the blue

shirt yes that one go there and turn

right Thanks my husband also needs to go

is the men’s restroom there too yes

New York


dialogue 1

this is Central Park isn’t it yes we can

enter by the main gate okay wow it looks

very large right it covers an enormous

area do you come here often

I like to come whenever I have time it’s

very nice weather so it’s pleasant to

take a walk not too many people today no

but on Sundays and holidays it’s quite

crowded dialog too

well what do you think of this city is

it bigger than you thought yes I’m quite

impressed the subway system is pretty

well-developed now it looks wonderful do

the roads go all across the city

yes it’s a big network so you can drive

anywhere very quickly yes it’s very




dialogue 1

welcome to Molokini snorkel cruise all

wonderful come aboard our fifty five

foot power catamaran the frogman and let

us bring you three miles off the shores

of Maui to an ancient volcanic cinder

cone called Molokini ladies and

gentlemen are you ready ready Molokini

is a world-class dive area and a marine

life conservation district sea bird

sanctuary known for its colorful sea

life and clear water how about the

visibility it often exceeds 100 feet

great look so many fishes they are

tropical fishes with good luck you’ll be

able to see monk seals whale sharks

manta rays and white tip reef sharks

anyone wants an ice cold beverage no

thanks don’t forget they are provided

free of charge all day ready to serve

you any time ha ha thanks dialogue 2

I want to make a fun trip on this island

could you give me some advice

sure I’m planning to take part in a

funny tour what is it it is starlit

tropical ocean fun cruise driving on the

sea yes it includes starlit snorkeling

lesson and guided snorkel tour of the

rainbow reef fishing waterslide water

trampoline kayaking and other fun water

toys how did you know on Internet

why don’t you browse on net and get more

about it I would rather not do that in

fact I have almost decided to go with

you yeah so that would be a wonderful

tour open sundeck relaxing expert

narration and marine life identification

by the captain and crew freshly grilled

barbecue lunch buffet opens soda bar



dialogue 1

I’d like to visit the famous spots in

London can you tell me what they are

well the British Museum Buckingham

Palace the house of parliament Big Ben

Oxford Street are all good points of

interest in this city especially the


you should never miss because it’s quite

unique oh I can’t wait to go but I have

only one day so do you think I can visit

all of those places in one day no you

can’t unless you want to take a quick

glance that’s too bad but I still can

choose a few of them then what’s the

best way to do my sightseeing in that

case I suggest you call a cab it would

save you a lot of time dialog too

this is Westminster Abbey it’s one of

the oldest buildings in London you will

recognize different styles from its

architecture busts and monuments remind

us of William Shakespeare Walter Scott

and many others like that to the left

you can see the house of parliament with

the famous clock tower big ben in this

building there are the House of Commons

and the House of Lords there to the left

you can see a small street called

Downing Street number 10 the last house

has always been the residence of the

British prime minister now we’re

approaching Trafalgar Square this is

Tower Bridge the most striking of all

London bridges look the bridge parts in

the middle and two halves move upwards

down rivers stretch the London Docks



dialogue 1

what are you going to do for Greece for

fun how about you I’m going back home so

you live in Athens yes my home is there

it’s wonderful

Athens is one of the world known oldest

cities which worshipped by gods and

people a magical city right

it is the city where democracy was born

and most wise men of ancient times used

to live there it’s a city with the most

glorious history in the world a

birthplace for civilization you know

much about Athens Athens is one of my

best favorite cities so I read some

books about it the sun is shining over

athens all year round

the climate is one of the best in Europe

with mild winters and very hot summers

ideal for tourism you come at the best

time of it dialogue to

my wife and I visited Greece 10 years

ago so this is your second time to

Athens how are your feelings about your

returns tour as good as before but more

familiar about it of all the places in

Greece what place do you favor sacred


we love the Acropolis best why as a

magical city Athens has many sites worth

seeing right completely but the

Acropolis is our favorite place the site

is inspiring

ever since I visited it a few years ago

I have been thinking to come back again

so you realize what you are looking for

yes by the way the view of the acropolis

at night is something you will never

forget this is also one of the most

beautiful spots in Athens thank you I

will get a good look about it



dialogue 1

we come at the right time the end of

February and beginning of March is a

travel off season but here is a

different scene yes look

Venetians are celebrating in the streets

the beautiful music is comforting the

enjoying persons hurry up the Carnival

is coming take it easy honey

have you made up make up is it necessary

certainly during the traditional

venetian carnival people will dress up

in historical costumes and wear

intriguing black masks and aristocratic

capes we should incorporate with the

local atmosphere okay why not make some

color on face and change a strange

hairstyle done dialog too

like every tourist location tourists in

Venice must get cameras ready anytime

that’s true could you help me to take a

photo here I like the bridge in fact

that is one of the attractions in Venice

it indeed has many remarkable structures

such as an impressive array of bronze

work tapestries and paintings from the

5th to 6th century yes I have noticed a

number of them very spectacular it’s

time for lunch now let’s find a place to

have dinner good do you have some

suggestion you cannot go wrong with the

areas surrounding campo de Santa

Margarita in San Paolo if you are

looking for the upbeat bars and tasty

Venice restaurants



dialogue 1

to see the best you had better visit the

tower gradually how you can visit in

three stages first you can take the

elevator to the first landing there you

have a view over the rooftops of Paris

and then you come to the second landing

it provides a panoramic look at the city

the third and final stage gives the most

spectacular view you’d better not go to

the top landing directly I see what can

I see within the tower there are so many

for you to visit for example on the

third level you can visit eiffels office

in the office you can see wax figures

depicting the engineer receiving Thomas

Edison that’s fabulous tomorrow morning

I’ll get up early and visit it first


dialog -

ready to go out yeah can you give me

some help you know I’m going to stay

here for three days and I would like to

see the Louvre the arc of triumph and

the vers alleys how should i schedule my

time i think you may go to the

versailles first because it is in the

suburbs of paris the other places are

not far from the center of the city i

would like to go to see the eiffel tower

at night I hear it’s very beautiful when

the lights on if you want to get to the

top you have to take the lift and only

from June 14th to August 30th people can

use the stairs till midnight now it

closes at six thirty that’s good

I’ll take the lift



dialogue 1

have you ever been to Sydney before no

this is the first trip could you tell me

what to see here with pleasure the

attractions here are too many how long

will you stay here a week so you can

only visit some top attractions such as

the Sydney Opera House Harbour Bridge

yes I’ve seen them on TV

you’d better arrange a trip to the

native Aussie wildlife in the Taronga

Zoo and the Sydney Aquarium

sorry I can’t catch all these names can

you write down these names for me with


have you got a map of Sydney no I really

need one it’s available at the newspaper

stand over there thank you very much

you’ve been most helpful dialog too

Wow what a splendid design it is Sydney

Opera House is one of the biggest

buildings on the earth it has been a

cultural symbol of Sydney can we enter

the house certainly come on let’s enjoy

the spirit and art atmosphere of the

Sydney Opera House



dialogue 1

excuse me I’m a tourist from China

I want to enrich my musical knowledge

during the trip to Vienna can you give

me some suggestions my pleasure

Vienna is a city of music you might hear

Mozart Schubert Beethoven Strasse or

Hyden and an opera house a church or an

open-air performance

I’m a fan of Mozart you’ve landed in the

right city you will not only be able to

hear his music in the concert halls but

also visit the places in which he lived

and worked mozart memorial is near here

right yes it’s not very far from here

you just walk along the street turn

right at the corner then walk two blocks

and you will not miss it dialogue two

darling tickets for the State Opera

aren’t available until Friday it’s a

pity we will have left on Friday how

about the Volk supper I heard that it

also features operettas musicals and

ballets okay let me try oh

tickets have been fully reserved in

events I know the City Hall hosts free

concerts in summer why not go there to

have a try okay but before the concert

we still have time we can go up to the

top of the danube tower to see a

panorama great good idea that will be a

more elevated impression of the city



dialogue 1

why did ancient Egyptians call Cairo

mother of the cities because it is the

largest city in Egypt and also in the

Arab dome and why is Cairo named City of

towers because there are many minaret

what should I see in Cairo well the

museum sultan hassan mosque in madrasa

citadel of Saladin the tower of Cairo

and the world-known pyramids it said

that the pyramids of giza is really

something yes you better take a look at

that dialogue too

look that’s the Great Pyramid oh yes it

looks very high

it’s about 137 meters high how long are

the sides they are 230 meters it’s

incredible how old is it

it’s nearly 4,500 years old




dialogue 1 may I help you find something

sir I’m looking for a ring tell me a

little bit about what you want we have

all shapes sizes qualities and price


well my price range is $3,000 to $5,000

I’m looking for a marquise cut on a


you just have a good taste let me show

you what we have I like to take a look

around some more okay take your time

and if you have any other questions just

call me dialogue -

can I be of any assistance to you madam

please show me this pearl necklace yes

here it is cultured pearls yes oh I like

it they are just beautiful I’ll buy it

today is just weekend and all the

jewellery is on sale that’s great how

much is this one $1,000 is it tax-free

yes for Taurus I’ll take it then I’ll

wrap it for you



dialogue 1

good afternoon sir could I be of any

service good afternoon I like to buy a

cloisonne Vaz yes sir just over there I

like a medium-sized cloisonne Bozz with

a light blue background how do you like

this one the background is pale blue

with traditional Chinese paintings of

mountains and rivers it’s gorgeous

how much is it one hundred and fifty one

that is too much

can you come down a little bit I can

give you a 20% discount I will take it

if you can take 50 yarn off the price

all right you can have it at this price

this price is reasonable I will take it

here’s the money thank you dialog too

can I help you I want to get this

reproduction of Mona Lisa how much is it

the marked price is 700 yen that’s too

much I’ll take it if you give me a 50%

discount well I can just take 100 yuan

off the price all right I will take it

could you mount it for me no problem I

will do that for you you can come to

pick it up tomorrow afternoon okay be

sure to pack it well

electronic products dialogue one good

morning can I help you I want an iPod

please what about this one it’s handy

and only $60 do you have a cheaper one

have a look at this one

it’s only $50 how do I switch it on

press the play button on top and turn up

the volume knob I see it sounds very

good I’ll take it


dialogue to

hello could you show me that cannon

autofocus camera okay here you are how

much does it cost one hundred and sixty

nine dollars it’s too much can you

reduce the price it depends how many do

you want I will buy three if you can

give me a lower price wait a minute I’ll

ask our manager okay

if you buy three we can reduce the price

to 150 well I will take three

leather where


dialogue 1

I’m looking for a handbag as a gift we

just received a shipment of several

different styles handbags would you show

me the white handbag here you are you’re

in luck

this is the only one left white is

popular this season yes I believe it is

but there is a stain here we have

something that might interest you

Oh anything better look at this one what

do you like it Wow I have never seen

such a nice handbag I’ll take this one

let me ring this up for you at the

register dialogue 2

are you being attended to madam well I’m

just looking for something for my

husband what would you recommend would

you please come over here madam I like

to show you some fancy waistband they

are made of the leather of kangaroos and

crocodiles oh they look so elegant I

like the light brown one may I have a

look at it sure it is the latest fashion

it’s simple style makes it easier to go

with different clothes that’s it I think

he will be satisfied to have it



dialogue 1 what can I do for you sir yes

it’s my first visit here I need to get

my fiancee some Chanel please look at

these all of these are from Chanel Wow

too many to choose I recommend you this

the smell is nice is it a typical Paris

perfume yes this kind of perfume is

elegant in smell and so the fragrance

lasts long ok could you get me the 1.7

ounce bottle that will be my pleasure

I’ll wrap the perfume up in a gift box

for you - thank you for your

consideration dialogue - I’m looking for

some blusher do you have some in peach

rose oh yes I have two left here you are

this is a beautiful color it has been

very popular blush this season great

I’ll take this one do you need anything

else no thank you

women’s clothes


dialogue 1 can I help you ma’am yes I

want to buy a dress what about this kind

of dress in Chanel it’s one of our

biggest sellers it looks nice do you

have this in size 6 sorry

it’s one size that fits all but I think

it fits you let me see

do you think a cream one will fit me

well the cream one is beautiful indeed

but I think the black one will suit you


really please get it for me follow me

I’ll take you to the fitting room if you

need any help let me know I’ll be sure

to dialogue to

do you have any gowns for about $50 yes

we do have some new arrivals that may

interest you

I’m looking for something special would

you like this design in red it’s on sale

now the gown feels very well how much is

it $45 is this made of pure silk yes it

is it’s velvety and brilliant is it

washable yes it is

but you have to be careful but I don’t

like the color how about the lavender

one good may I try it on


men’s clothes dialogue one

good morning I’m looking for a tie our

ties are over here next to coats and


may I see these ties yes certainly

here’s a nice-looking one a special

color of Hawaii yes it is attractive but

I think it’s a little too loud let me

see that gray and blue one this one yes

that’s the one it’s very nice I’ll take

it okay do you need packing no it’s just

for my self dialogue too

can I help you I want a leather jacket

what color did you have in mind

khaki green what size please

size forty let’s see yes here’s a size

forty would you like to try it on yes

please this is a little too big

do you have something smaller sure try

this size 39 yes this fits very well

I’ll take it

it’ll be 15% off the price you’ve got a

good deal that is good thank you



dialogue 1

can I help you I’m looking for a pair of

black shoes what size do you want size 9

I’m afraid we haven’t got any black

shoes in that size at the moment but we

have got brown ones hmm that is fine too

what about that pair over there

reasonable can I try them on

certainly here is the shoe lifter thank

you hmm they seem a little bit tight

here is a larger size dialog too

what can I do for you sir I like some

leather shoes okay what’s your size

I don’t know American sizes no problem

put your foot here let me see yes you’re

a six just a moment please

here you are these are very comfortable

try these on yes they’re very nice but I

want slip ons how about these

they don’t have laces try them fine I’ll

take these

duty-free Goods dialog one

how do we go about purchasing things in

this catalog you can order them here on

the plane or visit one of the duty-free

shops in the airport when we land how

much is this Remy Martin VSOP it’s $45

it’s our special offer today

okay I’d like five bottles sorry there’s

a limit on some of the items you are

limited to purchase only three bottles

of wine or liquor well let me have three


dialogue two

good afternoon can I help you I’d like

to get something duty-free here okay sir

would you please show me your passport

and your air ticket sure here you are do

you know how much liquor I’m allowed to

take away from America up to two bottles

per person okay I will take these two

you will receive our check for duty

exemption in about two months can I take

those items now sorry you can’t we will

send them to the airport