34 Minutes of English Listening and Speaking Practice for Everyone Easy English Conversation


listening and speaking practice

situation party

one clothing style


are you going to the party this saturday

of course because it’s the year-end


what will you wear to the party

oh wear a white shirt suit jacket

trousers and a black tie

which color suit will you wear

a blue suit i like bright colors

what about shoes

oxford shoes

what style will you wear

i’ll wear a pencil dress with mesh


what color

i want to wear a black dress

and pearl necklace

it sounds so beautiful





hi elena

hi tom

how’s it going

very great

nice to see you at the party

when did you come

about 15 minutes ago

how did you know about this party

jack invited me to come


he is the host of the party


the party is so great

you’re gorgeous

thank you


everyone is dancing

this is my favorite song

do you want to dance

i’m a bit shy

don’t be shy dance with me come here



three how do you feel

thanks for inviting me to the party

i’m so glad you came

would you like to have a drink with me

why not

what kind of wine do you want to drink

i like whiskey

oh wait a minute i’ll get two glasses of


here you are

cheers my bro

how do you feel about this party

i like your party

it’s very exciting

this party has drinks and live music

does the food suit your taste

of course especially black forest cake


situation daily life




good morning

happy weekend

what are you doing

i’m watering the plants

where are you going

i just went jogging in the park

do you have any plans today

today is my first date with my crush

let’s make her your girlfriend

we’ll go to the movies can you recommend

any good movies

dawn has been hot recently

thanks what will you do today

i’ll read the book i haven’t finished


i have a good first date


two piano


what are you watching

i’m watching an advertisement

about what

a piano course

do you want to learn


i love learning the piano

we are about to go on vacation too

i’m going to register for this course

would you like to join me

sounds great

i also want to learn something new

when does the course start

after two weeks

what group sizes will we be taught in

about five people

please send me the course information

i sent it


three travel


what did you do during your last


i went to travel with my family

i also traveled during winter vacation

where did you go

i went to hanoi vietnam

daytime temperatures are very

comfortable what did you do there

i visited the temple of literature

i ate a lot of delicious food there

how about you

where did you go

i went to lucerne switzerland

my brother and i went skiing

my parents went ice fishing


situation my family

one mother’s birthday


what date is today

november 1st dad

your mother’s birthday is november 7th

that’s right

shall we throw a surprise party for mom

of course where is she

she’s taking a shower

where are we going to have the party

in our garden

i’ll buy birthday cake and a beverage

i’ll be in charge of the decoration

what about gifts

oh i’m still thinking but i will write a

handwritten letter to her

i’ll make a photo album


two we need to talk


who’s singing



hey my sister

what’s up

we need to talk

i’m listening

you sing too loud i can’t concentrate on


i have an exam

tomorrow i have an audition tomorrow

it’s very important to me

i need to practice

what should we do

there’s a library nearby


i’ll go there to study

thank you

it’s okay i can study in the library but

you can’t sing there

good luck do your best

good luck with your exam



have dinner


tonight’s dinner looks delicious

that smells good

mom cooked the most deliciously

enjoy your meal

my favorite is soup

watch out it’s hot

yes ma

i’ll eat steak first

what do you think about the steak



the steak tastes great

will you go golfing with jack this


he’s busy so we rescheduled

shall we go to disneyland this weekend

i want to go there

good idea okay my son


don’t talk with your mouth full andy

yes mom



talking about foods

one vegetable


have you gone to the gym recently

yes have you


i hate exercise

your arm muscles look good

thanks would you like salad

no thanks i don’t like vegetables

you should eat vegetables

it has no taste at all

but it’s good for your health

i work out in the gym and eat a lot of


so you have nice muscles

yes you can make delicious salads from


it tastes not bad

okay i’ll try


two fried chicken


i’m hungry

let’s eat something


would you like to go out to eat or order

food delivery

i don’t want to move let’s order food


you’re lazy

me too

what would you like to eat

fried chicken


we just ate fried chicken yesterday

i love fried chicken


i know

i’m crazy about fried chicken

i can eat without getting bored

i want korean food

okay let’s order korean food

we can eat fried chicken for dinner


three family gatherings

we’ll have a family gathering this


the party will be held at our house

it’ll be fun i’m so excited

what should we plan the menu for the


what should we eat

aunt amanda loves the casserole

i’ll make it

should i make potato pizza

you should the kids love it

okay what would you like to eat

i want to eat a big roast chicken

let’s go to the supermarket tomorrow

yes ma’am


situation banking

one bank account


good evening sir what can i do for you

hi i’d like to open a bank account

what kind of account do you want to open

a savings account

this is an application form

please fill in your id number contact


your first and last name and address

okay after that

select a single or joint account

a single account

please read the terms and conditions

finally choose your deposit amount


okay thank you


two transfers


i just installed the banking app

how to transfer money

log into your profile

buy your driver’s license passport or id



enter the destination and the amount

you’d like to send i need to enter the

recipient’s details

yes your recipient’s bank account

select a secure payment method

i’ll choose to pay with my bank account

a double check to make sure the

information is correct

finally confirm

send and track your transfer

thanks zack


three bank loan


excuse me

hi how can i help you

i want to apply for a take-home loan

have you filled out the loan application


no not yet i want to ask a few things

what would you like to ask

what documents do i need to provide

your personal identification tax returns

and bank statements

credit history renting history and your

income of proof


and you need to fill in a loan

application form

can i see that form

sure here you are


situation health is very important

one headache


are you

okay my head hurts a lot

since when do you have a headache

when i was driving oh my head hurt a bit

now it hurts more

let’s go to the hospital

it’s okay i want to rest for a while

i worry about your health

maybe because i worked all night


you are always busy and forget to take

care of yourself

don’t worry i feel better now can you

make me a hot cup of tea


wait a minute


two vitamin supplement


what do you have for lunch today

basil chicken sandwiches

how about you

lentil soup

today i started my diet

do you want to lose weight

yeah i diet to have a beautiful body

you also need exercise

i signed up for a gym class

and you should take vitamin supplements

if you were on a diet vitamins and

minerals are essential nutrients

i know

health is very important

i will try to have a beautiful and

healthy body


three eat clean



acne appeared on my face again

it’s over

acne and weight gain

don’t be sad

why is your face skin so beautiful

it’s not fair



you eat too much fast food and don’t

drink enough water

fast food is delicious


what should i do

drink more water and eat clean

how do i eat clean

cook your own food

eat more vegetables and fruits

avoid processed food

limit added fat

salt and sugar


it’s not easy but

i will try


situation eating out

one new restaurant


what should we eat for dinner


let me think

will we go to the supermarket and make

dinner at home would you like to eat out


where will we eat

there’s a new restaurant that opened


what is the name of that restaurant


epiphany restaurant

okay let’s go there



people are lining up to enter the



should we go to another restaurant

i want to try the food there it must be




two order food


good afternoon

could i have a menu please

sure here you are

can i take your order

could you give me a few more minutes


i’ll call you when i’m ready

yes ma’am


excuse me

i’m ready to order

what would you like

can i have a

chicken salad

yes ma’am

i’d like grilled fish

and potatoes

chocolate ice cream

may i get you anything to drink



would you like to order anything else

no that’s it

thank you


  1. hot dog


hey what are you going to do this


my stomach is growling i want to eat


would you like to eat a hot dog

where do we buy it

near our school

have you ever eaten a hot dog there


i haven’t

there is a lot of delicious food there

hot dog

chili dog

cheese sticks

what about beverages


milk juice and

soft drinks


let’s go there it sounds delicious




one the beautiful flowers


wow your garden is so big my parents

like nature so they planted many trees

and flowers

these flowers are beautiful


what flower is this

it’s morning glories


sunflowers are beautiful too

i love your garden

on weekends i often help my father with

the garden

is gardening difficult

i think it’s difficult

but my dad has a lot of experience so it

seems easy for him

when i’m tired i often go to the garden

it helps me feel better



the weather


susie speaking

who’s calling

i’m bella how’s it going

i’m doing well i miss you

me too

what time is it in the u.s

8 p.m now

what about in china

it’s 8am

how’s the weather

the weather is nice

it’s sunny

is it hot there

because it’s windy it’s not hot

what’s the weather like in the u.s

it’s cloudy this morning

now it’s raining

this summer i will go to the u.s to

visit my grandparents


i look forward to seeing you


three storm


what are you watching dad

i’m watching the weather forecast

where’s mom

she’s cooking

you said you would go on a picnic with

your friends right


when are you going

this weekend

the weather forecast says a storm is



the storm is forecast to arrive this


be careful when going out

you should postpone going out especially

going to the mountains or going to the


i have to call my friends to tell them

about the storm


situation be careful

one empty street


thanks for inviting me to the party

it’s amazing

i’m glad you like it

what time is it uh it’s

11 30 pm

i think i should go home

did you drive


i walked

the house is only two streets away from


i will take you home

it’s okay i also often walk at night

don’t walk alone on empty streets at

night it’s dangerous

wait for me a moment i will get my coat

and take you home

thank you



seat belt


ladies and gentlemen

the captain has turned on the fastened

seat belt sign

please return to your seats

and keep your seat belts fastened

thank you


what’s up mom

the flight attendant reminded us to

fasten our seat belts

okay mom

eric don’t forget to fasten your


i’ve fastened my seat belt

how about andy

he is sleeping

i fastened his seat belt

don’t worry honey

be careful and watch out for andy

i will take a break


  1. martial arts


i want to learn martial art

why do you want to learn

john said that learning more martial

arts is not only healthy but also


he’s right

what martial arts did jon learn



i want to learn taekwondo

let’s sign up for a taekwondo class

after the match is over

thank you mom i’m so excited

me too where is your brother

over there

john looks so cool


my sons are all great




one class president

what are people talking about

we will elect the class presidents

who are the candidates

anyone can become class president

whoever wants to be the class president

will stand in front of the class and

give a speech

the person who gets the most votes will

become the class president

i don’t want to be the class president

at all

i find it interesting

are you prepared for your speech

yes will you vote for me

of course


  1. presidential election


there’s an upcoming presidential


who’s running for president this year

vincent franson and mohan stein who will

you vote for


under 18 years old


you’re my sister and don’t remember my


i’m just kidding

who will you vote for

maybe i’ll vote for

vincent franson


i watched the events he attended the way

he talked was very nice

his speeches were also engaging

who will our parents vote for

i don’t know

ask them


  1. insurance company


what are you thinking

i’m choosing an insurance company for my


there are two companies that i’m

wondering about

which companies are those

abc company and king company

i know them

both have high customer satisfaction


and low consumer complaints

abc has lower auto insurance costs than



abc’s policies aren’t available in all


which insurance company would you choose

i will vote for

king insurance company how about you


let me think more


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