36 Minutes of English Listening and Speaking Practice for Everyone English Conversation


74 topics

daily life english conversations for

self-study this video will be the

real-life conversations of native


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english communication

  1. making telephone calls

dialogue one

hello and good morning may i ask who’s


i’m jane and i apologize for calling so

early in the morning

no problem

who would you like to speak to

is sue there

hang on and i’ll get her for you


jane needs to speak with you on the


hello is sue there


i’m sorry but i won’t be able to attend

to the meeting this morning i got a sore

throat and became feverish last night

don’t be concerned about the meeting

you should visit a doctor right now i

hope you feel well soon

thank you so much sue bye


dialogue too

hello can i speak to mary

hold on let me check to see if she’s


i’m sorry she’s not in

do you happen to know where she is

sorry i’m not sure

do you know when she’ll return

perhaps she’ll be back in 30 minutes or

more is it okay if i leave a message

without a doubt please hold on for a

moment so i can get the pen and paper i

will write down your message and pass it

on to mary

could you please have her contact me at

two zero six five five five one two one

two when she returns

could you kindly repeat that

two zero six

five five five one two one two okay i’ll

have her contact you as soon as she



two in the post office

dialogue one

madam good afternoon what can i do to

assist you

well i’d want to purchase some postcards

could you tell me which line i’m

supposed to stand in to buy a postcard

yes you can get them here

we have three different types of

postcards one dollar two dollar and five


which one do you prefer

can i take a look at these please

of course ma’am

does this postcard have two dollars each

yes how many would you like

i need three

wait a minute is this the ten dollars

yes do you want to change to that type

oh yes and another question can i mail

postcards from this post office

yes madam every day from 9 00 a.m to 5

p.m we have office hours

okay thank you kindly


welcome dialogue 2

sir good morning can i assist you

yes i’d like to send this package to


which number window do i have to go to

go to the parcel post window number



i want to ship this parcel i registered

yes what exactly is in it

there are three novels

do you want to buy insurance

yes and how much

that works out to be 60 cents here are

your stamps


sir please wait a moment

yes what happened

you neglected to include putting a

return address on this package


i’m sorry i will fill it out

here have your receipt


three in the bank

dialogue one

good morning sir what can i help you


yes i need to withdraw money today

okay how much would you like to take out

i need to withdraw 300

could you please fill out this form

you must write down your name account

number and the amount of money you


sure please wait a moment

here you are


please type your password into that

machine sir


sorry sir however your password is


really can i give it another shot


how about now

it is now right please sign your receipt

at the bottom of this page


here are three hundred dollars and your

account number please click the icon to

give me a rating for my service

thank you very much

dialogue too

excuse me sir

hello may i help you with something

i want you to cash this one hundred

dollar check please

do you have a customer account with us

no in fact i want to set up an account

right now

what type of account do you want to open

i want to open a checking and savings


okay please fill in this slip can i make

a duplicate of your id card

certainly sure here you are

thanks i’ll return as soon as possible

thank you very much

did you complete the forms may i have

them back


now sir how do you want this check


a total convert into dollars

here’s yours have a nice day



taking the bus

dialogue one

good morning

does this bus go to the freshly

constructed cinema


you must alight at the bookshop and

catch the number 32 bus

thank you very much what is the fare to

that stop

one dollar

what is the total number of stops

there are three stops including this one

that isn’t too awful by the way does bus

32 go directly there

yes a 32 will get you exactly there it’s

your stop

thank you very much


dialogue two

excuse me i’ve been here for 15 minutes

now do you know how often do the number

two bus run

oh the bus runs about every 15 minutes

you must have come here and missed one

okay thank you very much

do you mind if i inquire as to your


i’m on my way to the hospital

okay in fact you may take both numbers 9

and 12 to the hospital

really that sounds fantastic

do you know where i can locate a bus

timeable by the way

you can find bus schedules and bus route

maps at the department of transport

i get what you mean thank you kindly


five take the subway

dialogue one

hello i would like to buy a ticket

yes sir to which station are you


i am heading to the art gallery which

subway station should we take

take line five to the central bank and

change to line one

okay how many stops are there in total

ten halts this is the subway map keep it

handy in case you get lost

thank you how much do the tickets cost

each one cost two dollars

here you are

here is your ticket have a wonderful day


dialogue 2

sorry to bother you can you tell me how

i can acquire a metro ticket

go to the car machine over there

i’m new here can you show me how to

utilize it


you’ll need a total of one dollar coins

place them in the slot and press the one

ticket button on the screen it’s really



however i do not have any coins may you

tell me where i can buy some

you can have them changed at the service


can they accept a 20 bill

i believe so however you must ask them

before exchanging money okay i will

handle it thank you very much




service dialogue one


good morning get in please

where is your destination

please drive me to the railway station

i’m pressed for time please hurry

yes madam we will come there within 10


how exactly do you calculate the fare

according to the kilometer the first

three kilometers are ten dollars and

each additional kilometer is two dollars

yes i see

here we are

thank you very much how much is that

that’ll be seventeen dollars

here’s the fair and keep the change

thank you very much


dialogue 2.


hello is this a cab service

yes sir what can i do to assist you

i’ll be at the airport tomorrow i’d like

to reserve a cab

okay can you tell me when you’ll require


my flight leaves at 10 o’clock in the

morning so i want the cab to arrive at 7

30 am

the time is 7 30 am

not an issue where should the driver

look for you tomorrow morning

345 york street is the address do i need

to pay anything extra for my baggage by

the way

yes you are charged one dollar for each


i get what you mean thank you very much



calling for the police

dialogue one


emergency assistance what can i do for




i would like to report my stolen purse

please i’ve just lost it a few minutes


yes have you been attacked

no i’m simply afraid

keep your cool could you please tell me

your name and where you are

emily davis i’m phoning from the pine

street motel 23.

please remain at that location our

police will be there in less than three


thank you kindly


dialogue too

sir can i help you

i’ve lost my backpack

okay i will take some details do you

remember the last time you saw it

well i’m not sure maybe 20 minutes ago

can you recall where you last saw it

i placed it on that chair and when i

returned from the restroom it was gone

okay don’t be concerned sir we’ll take

care of everything could you please tell

me your name

got ben

sir what is your phone number


6356 i got it i will notify you if we

found it

thank you very much



identifying lost items

dialogue one

good afternoon how can i help you

yes i received a phone call informing me

that you found my purse

please wait sir please tell me your name

mike jones

okay please wait a second could you tell

me what you have inside the purse

well luckily i did not put important

papers in it but there was eight hundred

dollars my salary in this month

okay mike jones

yes it’s my name

that’s all right sir you can receive

your purse back right away after you

fill your personal information in the


many things

no problem


dialogue too

i can’t find my bag can you help me

no problem i’ll help you look for it

tell me what color is your bag


is this your bag

no it isn’t

don’t be concerned could you please tell

me what it looks like i’ll do my best to

assist you

it’s a black leather handbag

anything special on it that makes it

stand out

yes it has a small scratch in the front

and near a brand name prada

okay i got it

i will notify you if we found it

thank you that would help a lot


nine in the library

dialogue one

hello and good morning

good morning how may i help you

i am a freshman i’m curious about how to

utilize the library can you guide me

oh yes to check out books you must

present your student id

okay how many books can i borrow at a


at the same time you can borrow five


how long am i allowed to retain the


for a total of 42 days including

weekends don’t let the book be overdue

yeah can i renew the books after the

first 42 day period

yes you can do so using the library’s

website however you may only renew once

every semester

i get what you mean thank you very much

no problem


dialog too

what may i do for you

i’d like to borrow the latest time

magazine please

i’m sorry that magazine is not in at the


unfortunately i’ve missed it once more

it’s well known you know

do you wish to make a reservation

of course

fill out this form and we’ll notify you

when the book is returned

thank you very much

  1. in the hospital

dialogue one

good morning what’s troubling you

i’ve got a sore throat doctor

have you got a fever

i’m not sure but i’ve been feeling very


let me first take your temperature


don’t be concerned although your

temperature is a little high you’re

merely sick with a cold

i’m going to prescribe you some

antibiotics take two of these pills

three times a day you’ll be okay

i see thank you very much

get plenty of rest and drink plenty of


yes doctor thank you once again


dialogue too

good morning doctor

good morning what’s the problem where

does it hurt

i’m suffering from a backache

do you frequently have back pain

no i’ve never been like this before

how long have you been feeling like this

it’s been almost four days

don’t worry let me examine you


it’s not that big of a deal

can you please give me some medicine

it’s really uncomfortable

i’m going to give you an injection to

ease your pain first then i will

prescribe you some antibiotics

a good rest is all you need and return

in four days if you are still feeling


thank you very much


in the drugstore

dialog one

i’d like some paracetamol as well as two


paracetamol do you buy the whole box or

buy individual packs of pills

what sort are you looking for

please give me a pill box

okay and what sort of toothbrushes are

you looking for

show me colgate toothbrushes

here you are

i’ll take two brushes

okay is there anything else

no that’s all how much do they cost

twenty dollars

thank you



too afternoon can i help you

hello can you make up this prescription


sure show me your prescription

here you are

you will have to wait about 10 to 15


i’ll stay here and wait


  1. calling for an ambulance

dialog one

look at that man over there there’s been

an accident and he is unconscious


oh my god we need to go over there

what’s up man how are you doing

he’s not responding oh god he’s bleeding

a lot in his hand call an ambulance he

needs to go to the hospital right now

9-1-1 do you need police or ambulance


yes this is serious there is a man who

is unconscious i need an ambulance here

miss bay i have your address

maple street next to the church

miss that’s okay in two minutes an

ambulance will arrive please remain at

that location

all right please hurry


dialog 2

this is 9-1-1 can i assist you

yes there is an emergency there is a

massive fire here

sir keep your cool could you please give

me your name and location right now

smith is my given name

i’m at the intersection of south street

okay mr smith how many individuals are

there in the house

there are three someone fainted please

dispatch an ambulance

all right in three minutes our guys will


please come right away

  1. visiting a patient

dialogue one

how are you today buddy

i’m feeling better now thank you for

visiting me

you look great today what did the doctor

have to say

the doctor said i only had a mild flu

nothing serious

lucky you you will recover quickly

did he tell you when you could go home

no i’ll ask him later

you should take some time to rest

i believe so

is there anything else i can do to help


yes could you please contact the nurse

it’s time to change the infusion bag


dialogue 2.

hello how are you today

thank you i’m all right

i bring you a bouquet of flowers

thank you very much

is your illness serious what exactly did

she say

she said that it was not a major matter

i’ll be able to leave the hospital next


that’s great

is there anything i can do to help

i need to use the restroom

i will take you away

no thank you i’m capable of looking

after myself

okay take care


fourteen on the commencement


one hello will you come to the

graduation ceremony

yes i

believe you’ll be there as well

sure let’s go together

who will give the opening speech

our college’s president

who will hand out the diploma

well it’s a well-guarded secret

have you sent out graduation invitations

to your classmates

yes and i also invited my parents to



dialogue too

hey you are doing great congratulations

thanks you as well

you should be pleased with ourselves

after all these years of hard work we

are finally able to attend the

graduation ceremony

yes i concur have you gotten your gown


yes so how about you

no not yet i’m on my way there right now

okay so i’ll see you later

sure i’ll be waiting for you there

yeah i’ll see you later

see ya

  1. birthday party

dialogue one

happy birthday

you look stunning tonight

thanks i can’t believe you remembered


well i have a calendar in my computer i

want to give you a present too

whoa many things

why not crack it open


oh no

it’s a cat

it’s adorable

i’m not sure how to thank you dawn

i’m happy you enjoy it lily is her given


this is a very great name


dialogue too

and happy birthday i wish you full of

happiness and love

may all your dreams turn to come true

and may lady luck visit you every day

here’s a gift for you

thank you so much peter enter the dining

room we’ll be cutting the cake soon


okay what’s the name of that girl

kathy is her name she’s lovely isn’t she

she enjoys dancing go ahead and invite

her to dance

well i’m not sure

don’t be scared she’s not going to nip


who is scared i’m not scared

so come in

  1. at the wedding ceremony

dialogue one

great turns out you’re here with mark

i’ve been looking all over for you

jane congratulations on your marriage

may you have a wonderful life

and it’s a pleasure to meet you paul

thank you very much did you have a good


yes what a magnificent wedding reception

have you opened the gift i gave you yet

yes thank you so much

hawaii is a lovely location for a


what did she offer you as a wedding gift

two round-trip airplane tickets to

hawaii mark i’d want to thank you as

well i love that album it’s exactly what

we need

i’m delighted you enjoy them it’s

getting late i believe i must go at this


i’m also leaving

see you when you get back from your

honeymoon okay


dialog 2

this invitation letter is for you

whoa thank you very much

let me see is your wedding next friday

as you can see yes


thank you very much will you come then

of course i will you’re my closest


dearest buddy i have a favor to ask of


what exactly is it

do you want to be my bridesmaid

oh i’m delighted i’ll make enough



in the beauty salon

dialogue one

how can i help you

well i have oily skin and there are

usually tiny pimples on my face i am

really vexing

what can i do to get rid of them

so i’d advise you to cleanse your face

frequently every night wash your face

with lukewarm water and pat it dry with

a clean towel take care not to rub it

dry the cream is then applied to your


what cream is suitable for my skin

you should use paula’s choice lotion

it’s quite efficient in removing acne

nodules it removes dead skin cells on

your face and stimulates circulation


dialogue two

do you know someone who has undergone

plastic surgery

what do you mean like breast enlargement

that isn’t really essential in my

opinion that is not how a lady should

maintain her attractiveness

what’s the harm why can’t we have

plastic surgery


i’m not sure but connie you wouldn’t do

anything like that would you

you’re absolutely correct i’d do it

i think just using cosmetics is enough

instead of having plastic surgery

come on liz keep an open mind i hope

that surgery will help me get rid of my

low self-esteem

what will other people think of you when

you do

i don’t care what other people think i’m

ready for a change myself


  1. at the barber shop

dialogue one

welcome to my salon how would you like

your haircut

is it the same style as before

i have a special event tonight and would

like to modify my hair

what about flat waves hairstyle this

style is also quite hot right now

you can also try to truncate it will

look like the hair of the model in this


oh i’m not a fan of short hair this one

appeals to me the wave is lovely and it

is also appropriate for my age

that’s fantastic you’re not rushing are


no do it slowly oh and i’d want to do my

nails while i’m getting my hair permed

okay the manicurist will arrive shortly

thank you very much how much do i pay


it comes to 90 dollars in total


dialogue 2

sir good day please take a seat

please give me a haircut and a shave

sir how would you like your haircut

both sides are short at the rear you can

trim it up a little and don’t cut my

hair too short



do you want me to shave too



please take a look now is everything


so i’d want to get my hair trimmed

shorter around the temples

do you want to use a conditioner

no thank you but i’d want to get a face



  1. in the gym

dialogue one

hello mary

hi jack you look so fit do you regularly

work out lately

i do indeed i work out at the gym twice

a week

that’s fantastic what do you usually do

at the gym

there are several devices available such

as a running machine dumbbells bicycles

and so on

it’s a bit overwhelming for me i’d want

to participate in some mild sports

yoga bodybuilding exercises and dance

are all wonderful options for ladies

that seems fascinating i’d like to give

it a shot

don’t hesitate anymore you should sign

up for a gym membership right now

thanks for the suggestion

it was nothing


dialogue 2

i’ve seen you here for a long time

and you look so strong and muscular

thank you very much i’ve been working

out here for about two years

what two years that’s incredible i’ve

been here for barely two months i don’t

believe i’ll be able to keep this up

regularly and continuously

it’s not a tough task you must establish

a strategy for yourself from the start

and just follow the set plan

excellent thought i too aspire to have

powerful muscles like yours

it’s pretty appealing do you have any


sure you will have to practice with the

equipment in the gym for example do you

want to have huge muscles pump iron

following exercise you should consume

carbohydrate-rich foods

i’ll do what you said

right can’t wait to see your progress

thank you in advance

don’t mention it


  1. buying a house

dialogue one

hello i see you posted information about

apartments in the green project can you

advise me

oh yes what kind of apartment are you

looking for

i’m looking for a one-bedroom apartment

do you have them available

i have a few apartments like that when

do you need them

around the middle of next week

actually i have about three one bedroom

apartments with different designs you

can come to see and choose

may i come over tomorrow to look at it

sure when would you want to arrive

what about 10 am


could you kindly tell me your name


blanca thank you for calling i’ll see

you later


dialog 2.

this 120 square meter apartment looks

great isn’t it


what about the surrounding landscape

nice view very peaceful and secure it

also has a lot of trees and plants

that’s great is the location of this

apartment convenient

yes it’s close to a bus stop

maybe we can get this one

give me a call when you make a decision

sure i’ll call you as soon as i can


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