Basic English Conversation Practice for Beginners Can I help you


daily conversations



should we take a taxi or a bus to the


let’s take a bus it’s impossible to get

a taxi during rush hour

isn’t that a bus stop over there

yes oh there’s a bus now we’ll have to

run to catch it

oh no we just missed it

no problem there will be a another one


10 minutes your english is very good


sorry do you speak english

yes what can i help you with

yes could you please show me where’s the

post office

it’s that way you go straight ahead

past three blocks then turn left you

will see the post office right there

thank you so much i’ve only been in town

a few days so

i really don’t know my way around yet

oh i know how you feel by the way your

english is very good

thanks for your compliment i’ve learned

english for one year

oh good luck to you giving advice

thanks for meeting with me during your

lunch hour i appreciate it

no problem i’m happy to help what’s

going on

oh you know the usual

should i take this new job or do i stick

with my current one

well i think it’s time for change don’t


they pay you late and you are unhappy

do you really think so

i know so and i’ve been listening to you

complain for over a year now

trust me take the job what do you have

to lose

shopping trying on



can i help you yes

how much is that skirt it’s forty


can i try it on yes

what size are you i don’t know

okay try a size 10 the changing room is

over there


oh it’s too small do you have it in a

bigger size

yes here you are thank you

it fits me how was it

i’ll take it at the flower shop


i need some flowers for my mom it’s her


very well we have some fresh red roses

how much are the roses

25 dollars per dozen

that sounds like a good deal

yes they’re on sale today

i’ll take a dozen splendid

will there be anything else

no the roses will be fine

i’m sure your mom will love them

buying shoes


pardon me could you help me

of course how can i help you

i am looking for a sneaker

what size do you wear 11 please

here how do you like these issues

it’s pretty can i try it on

of course there is a chair to try there

at the pet store

dad can we take one of these puppies

i would love to have a puppy but we

can’t take one home

we live in an apartment a dog in an


is not a good idea but

tom my friend has a dog and he lives in

an apartment

yes i know that many people have a dog

in their apartment

but i think it’s not a good idea for us

if we move to a house can we have a dog

yes you can have a dog you can also have

a cat

i love animals too but

is there any animal we can take home


i suppose we could take some fish in a


okay let’s choose some pretty ones from

the fish tank over there

okay choose one of the small aquarium

tanks from the shelf

and then we can go and buy you some fish

great thanks dad party

inviting a friend to the party



hey jackson what are you doing this


i’m going to the beach with my


but she will have she’ll be busy that


we are putting together a birthday party

for lisa

oh that sounds fun where will it be

we thought it would be fun to have a

pool party at leon’s house

oh good can i bring anything

we will be providing hot dogs soda pizza

and cake but people can bring side


i’m assuming that the dress is casual

dress casually and bring your bathing


wonderful just message me the time and

date and i’ll be there

decline an invitation


hey tom do you have any plans for next

tuesday night

no i do not what’s up i want to invite

you to a barbecue with us at jane’s


sally linda mark peter lisa and some of

jane’s friends will join in

it was a very crowded party

no i’m sorry but i won’t participate

why are you busy no

i’m not it’s because i don’t like noise

oh it’s okay tom

talking to a friend at the party


hey kelly hey buddy

how’s it going good thanks

and you yeah i’m well

what have you been up to i’ve been

really busy working hard

what about you i’ve been busy too

i’ve also been working hard

are you having a good time tonight yeah

it’s good to have some fun what about


yeah i’m enjoying myself what are your

plans for tonight

not much stay here for a while and have

some fun

i’ll head home later sounds good to me

yeah i hope so what about you

the same have some fun and head home


good one hope you have a good night

cool thanks you too talk to you soon

what’s your favorite sport


what’s your favorite sport my favorite

sport is basketball

i’ve been playing basketball since i was

10 years old

do you like watching basketball or just

playing it

i like watching it playing it is also


do you have any memorable memories when

playing basketball

yes i do one of the most

memorable basketball games was when i

was in high school

i won the game for my team for shooting

a three-pointer

at the last second it was so great


which team is your favorite i don’t have

a favorite team

i just watch all the games but

you should have a favorite team right

no i like the tigers a little because

they won the championship last year

but they are not my favorite

well we are going to a tigers game next


if you want to come let me know we have

an extra ticket

i’d love to go that would be fun

buying a movie ticket


hi how can i help you oh

hi i’d like to buy two students tickets

for the harry potter and the half blood


okay what time do you want to see it

6 30. sorry all tickets are sold out

what about the other time let me check

um we have four seats available at 5 30

and 7 o’clock then can i have the two

tickets at seven o’clock

sure no problem are you a student or an


a student do you have a student id with


can i see it okay sure

here it is that will be fifteen dollars


it’s time to get up


good morning tom it’s time to get up

is it seven o’clock already i’m still


that’s okay dear are you hungry


is ready yes mom

i am so hungry what is for breakfast

today mom

breakfast is eggs milk and bread

would you like something else to eat i

will prepare for you right now

that’s enough thanks mom i’m on my way

it’s a beautiful morning sun

yes it’s a sunny day greetings

hi how are you i’m fine

how are you i’m pretty good thanks for


no problem so how have you been

i’ve been great what about you

i’ve been good i’m working for a

financial company

oh yes how does your job go

although i’m very good i love this job

good lucky to you thank you very much

what time is it


what time is the meeting it starts at

six o’clock

when is it over it is over at 7

  1. wow so long

well it might finish by 7 15.

oh really thank you

what’s for lunch


what do you have for lunch david i have

peanut butter and jelly sandwich

that sounds good i have tuna pizza

your tuna pizza is good too daniel

i like jelly do you want to trade

sure i like tuna pizza

this trade is good for both of us

yeah it is thanks daniel

let’s go to see a movie


let’s go to see a movie tom

that sounds great lisa what do you want

to see

let’s see something funny do you know of

a good one

yes but let’s pick one we both like

all right we can look online

that’s a great idea lisa ordering

a meal

hello i’ll be your waiter today can i

start you off with something to drink

yes i’ll have an orange juice please

and i’ll have a lemonade okay are you

ready to order or do you need a few


i think we’re ready i’ll have the

mushroom soup to start

and the roast beef with mashed potatoes

and peas

how do you want the beef rare medium or

well done

well done please and i’ll just have the

fish with potatoes and a salad

at the doctor’s office

hi what’s wrong


i feel unwell and keep vomiting all the


how long have you felt like this

nearly two days it started just before

going to bed the day before yesterday

let me examine you i will press on your

stomach to see if it hurts

and then listen to your heart

okay it doesn’t hurt when you press my


i just feel tired okay

did you eat something different from

usual before you started to feel this

way yes

i ate a lot of junk food and drink soft

drinks the night before

you’ve got food poisoning it’s not very

serious and you should be better on

another day

oh dear what should i do

you need to drink lots of water and get

plenty of rest

okay thank you doctor you’re welcome

if you are not better in 48 hours come

and see me again

time for dinner


mary it’s time for dinner okay

mommy i’m on my way wow that’s amazing

it’s all that i like oh

dear then let’s eat deliciously

yes mommy yummy

i love your chicken mom what do you



hi mark i want to introduce you to my

friend lisa

hi lisa nice to meet you

nice to meet you too so

lisa what do you do i’m an english


how about you what do you do

i work in a hospital i’m a doctor

at the library


what can i help you with today

when does the library close

the library closes at six o’clock

does it close at that time every day

not always is the library open

on saturdays yes

what time do you open and close on


the hours are from 9am to 6 30pm

ok thank you very much do you need

anything else

no that’s all thanks

what can i help you with today i need to

check out this book

do you have your library card

i don’t have one would you like to apply

for one right now

that’s fine i’m going to need you to

fill out

this application

all right all done all right

now please sign the back of the card

okay i’ve signed it that’s all there is

to it

great now can i check out this book

long time no see


well hello there mary wow

it has been a long time no see

it is great to see you again

linda hello what a coincidence

i have not seen you in ages it is great

to see you

what are you doing in manchester are you

just visiting

i just got a new job in manchester in

finance so i am shopping for some new


hey what do you think of this skirt

um well you remember how much i love


see i’ve got the same skirt as you

you always had a great tasting clothes

well this is a small world we must keep

in touch

do you still have my mobile number

no i lost my phone here is my new number

okay i will save your number

i have to go back to work give me a ring

so we can arrange dinner sometime

for sure take care bye

have a bad cold

honey you don’t look so good

i think i have a terrible cold

oh dear do you know who you got it from

a lot of people in my office are sick

maybe i picked it up there

have you taken any medicine


i’ve taken vitamin c i think i need some


yes go back to bed now drink much water


i’ll call your office to inform them

that you can’t go to work today

okay honey thanks i’ll make hot chicken


it’s also a good cure for a cold

actually i’m not in the mood to eat

right now but i’ll try

talk about music


what kind of music do you like i like

pop music what about country music

do you like to listen to country music

yes i do what is your favorite country


i like taylor swift the most do you know


yes of course she’s so beautiful and


yeah i listen to her music every day to


can you play a musical instrument

yes i can i can play piano but just a

little bit

oh great i love the piano

have you ever been to a concert

no i haven’t oh you should try

it’s very exciting really

i will do you listen to music while

doing your homework

no i don’t but i usually sing while

taking a bath

well i feel like i’m a real singer when

in the bathroom

yeah yeah um you also feel like that

i feel my voice is more beautiful when

i’m in there

buying meat


i would like to get some meat today

what kind do you need i need about a

pound of ground beef

the ground beef is 254 a pound

that sounds good what else would you


i also need three pounds of chicken


the chicken breasts are three dollars

and 25 cents a pound

how much will the three pounds of

chicken cost altogether

all together it’s going to be 12 dollars

and 29 cents

that will be alright for me

all right let me get your meat for you



i’m bored why don’t you read a book

nah i don’t feel like reading

i’m hungry let’s get something to eat

why don’t we order pizza that’s a good


let’s do something tonight how about

seeing a movie

sure what movie do you want to see

i’ve got a headache why don’t you take

an aspirin and rest

thanks i will

where should we meet how about the

coffee shop next door

it’s too noisy let’s go someplace quiet


i need some exercise how about going for

a walk with me

sure i’ll get my shoes


that was a long day i’m exhausted

why don’t you go to bed early i can i

still have work to do


i’m broke why don’t you borrow some

money from your brother

i can’t he’s broke too oceans or




which do you like better the ocean or

the mountains

i like the mountains why

it’s so quiet and fresh

that is the perfect place for me to


i could hear the birds singing the

whispers of the wind and the trees

oh really i prefer the ocean the

mountains is so quiet it

makes me feel bored

i love diving to watch the corals

i like surfing or even lying down and

relaxing with a cocktail

and listening to the murmuring waves

anyway go up to the mountain or into the

sea just have fun

i totally agree do you have any pets


hi mike how are you uh

hi i’m fine is this your dog

yes his name is rocky he looks very big

yes he’s big but he’s very friendly do

you want to pet him

yes as long as he won’t bite me

no he won’t he likes meeting new people

he is lovely and his fur is so soft

do you have any pets no

my mother has a cat her name is toby

your dog is well trained a good

if i did not have him on a leash you

would chase the ducks

how long have you had him i’ve had

him since he was a puppy and he is four

years old now

does he eat a lot yes

all the time i need to go to the pet

shop now and buy

more food would you like to come

they have lots of animals to see

yes that would be interesting let’s go

let’s go to the beach

andrew are you going to watch television

all day

no is there something you want to do

it’s a beautiful day the sun is shining

we should do something outdoors

okay what should we do let’s go to the


okay i’ll grab the beach chairs and

towels and swimsuits

great i’ll pack some snacks and drinks

don’t forget the sunscreen where is it

it’s in the bathroom cabinet there

anything else we need to bring

i’ll bring the camera i want to take

pictures of the sunset

good idea the sunset is beautiful at the


complaint about the noise


may i talk to you of course

what’s the problem did you have a party


yeah i did there was some of my friends

came to my apartment

it was very loud oops

i’m so sorry i didn’t realize i was

making a lot of noise

the noise made it difficult to sleep

i am so sorry if my party kept you up

it’s all right but next time could you

try not to be so loud please

i’ll make sure to do that for you thanks

i would appreciate it

let me apologize again for the noise

talk about the weather

good morning morning

how are you today not so bad

thanks you i am good

apart from all this rain it’s chucking

down again

yeah it’s awful isn’t it and it’s very


the weather forecast said it will

brighten up in the afternoon

they always say that

still i can’t complain it’s a lot warmer

than back home

really where are you from i’m from


what’s the weather like in russia now

freezing cold and snowing

right so this must be like summer for


right but i do like the snow sometimes

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