Can You Help Me English Speaking in Real Life


asking for help

in daily life there are many cases that

you need help from others

so this video can help you know many

ways to ask for help

watch and learn them

situation one

ask for planning the company’s party


hey all there is one more new job for us

this week

i’ve just received the job description

from the manager

we are going to prepare a company

year-end closing party

very exciting about it

what is the theme of this party

i remembered last time the theme was

classic what an amazing party

yes the last party was very successful

so the manager has high expectations for

this party and for us

she hopes the party atmosphere is

youthful and the theme this time is


that’s a good idea

this party is big so we have to prepare

little by little

but we are also preparing for another

corporate event

we are on the go

i know i will take on the responsibility

of brainstorming ideas for this end year

closing party in detail

from the location main colors

decorations invitations

but there’s quite a bit of work

can you give me a hand with this jessica

of course i finished my work at another

event i’ll help you


so jessica and i will be in charge of

the ideas for the event

we will make a detailed plan and send it

to you at the next meeting


and then we will prepare the decorations

taking flowers as the main theme

i need someone to buy flowers with can

someone help me

okay i’ll go with you i know a famous

flower store the flowers are beautiful

and the price is reasonable

very good

how about the music any idea for the


i think energetic songs will be very


alex has always been the one who

prepares the music

i wonder if you could help me with this


sure i’m willing to

okay and the last thing food including

fruit snacks drinks

we have to know how many people will

take part in this party to calculate the

amount of food

i will report back to all of you at the

next meeting



situation 2 receptionist help


danny wait for me a minute i need to

find the restroom

okay no problem



excuse me

yes how can i help you

oh yeah i need your help in finding the

restroom here

yes you can go straight to the signboard

then turn left you will see the restroom


yes i went to try it but i saw that the

bathroom was not in use

well that’s the staff restroom that’s

not in use

you go a few more steps and you will see

the restroom for customers

it is still in normal use


thanks but if you don’t mind i could

really use your assistance with

explaining for me one more time

yes of course

after you see the restroom which is not

in use you go straight for five more

steps you can see the restroom for


in there it also divides into two rooms

as usual for man and woman

especially we have one room that has a

big mirror you can use it too

thank you so much

it’s my pleasure


situation 3

ask my friend for help



hello john what are you doing

nothing much just relax

i finished the end term test for three

days i’m waiting for the results what


um can i ask you for a favor

sure just say it

morning tomorrow i’m going to move to a

new house

and my father perhaps cannot stay at

home to move the household goods because

he has an important meeting

too many things

so can you come and help me

they are really heavy

of course i’m willing i’m sure you can’t

carry them

yes so i need your help

okay no problem but why doesn’t your

family hire a porter

they will help you carry your luggage

yes we have but you know my family

really has a lot of things

and they only carry to the new house not

help us put it in the desired place

i need your help with a few heavy items

like the dressing table and bookshelf in

my room

okay tomorrow morning i will come early

about when

about 7 am as soon as possible and my

mom invited you to join our housewarming

party after completing moving the house

i’m glad to thanks

thank you so much john every time i need

help you always give me a hand

don’t mention it


situation 4 ask for homework


hello anna this is jessica

hi jessica why are you calling me

have you done the friday homework from

mr alex anna can you give me a hand with


is this the history lesson

yes he told us to prepare a project

about world war one right

yes at the end of the lessons he gave us

some suggestions about the contents i

have done it this morning

unfortunately i didn’t go to school this

day because of my sickness

oh poor you i forgot that

so now i really need your help

sure what is your problem

yeah a lot of things i don’t know how to

start from scratch i have tried to write

something but i felt it’s not good

well he said that we could work

individually and find more information

about one content that we liked about

world war one

that sounds really interesting

actually i copied lisa’s notebook but

because i don’t understand the lesson


i don’t know how to do it i also have

read carefully textbook already

that’s good

so would you mind explaining the lesson

to me

no problem i’m free tonight you can come

to my home and we can learn together

it’s a great way for me to revise this


thank you i will come at 7 30 pm after

my dinner

ok see you then

situation 5 asking for help from a




jessica what are you doing you look so


alex do you have free time could you

help me for a second

yes i’m free now

cool can you help me to carry the box

from the meeting room to the director’s


okay but what’s in the box it looks so


uh the documents

where are they are they in meeting room

303 or 305


okay you should take a rest be careful

thanks i have just carried about five

boxes i’m a little exhausted but i can


poor you let me help you

thank you alex

how many boxes are left which box should

i carry

maybe three or four but it would be

great if you help me to carry the

biggest one i can’t do it for sure

yes i know a girl like you cannot do

heavy work like that you should ask for

help earlier

no way

don’t judge a book by its cover i can do

it but doing so much makes me weak

just kidding but i like your opinion


hey alex i invite you to have lunch

today okay i want to say thanks to you

it’s nothing helping colleagues is

normal you should call me every time you

need help later


do you like shopping

do you like shopping what types of

stores are there

what conversations do you have while

shopping here are some examples

dialog one

shopping mall here we come

ooh this dress looks amazing

not really my color though it’s too

bright i like a more subtle color

what about this one

it is pretty subtle isn’t it

yes that’s perfect

let me try it


you look beautiful in it christine

i really like the shape but the size is

wrong it’s a bit too big around my waist

wait a minute let me ask if they have a

smaller size for you

hi excuse me

can i ask if you have a smaller size for

this style of dress

um i’m very sorry miss we actually sold

out of every other size for that dress

in fact the one you have on is the only

one of that color left in our store

that’s sad

we do offer to tailor if you guys are


yes i would love it if you could cinch

the waist in about an inch

that’s totally doable miss would you

like to check out right away

yes that would be great thank you


we actually are having a promotion for


you can get a free hat with every dress

you purchase

would you like to choose one that you


that is so nice can i have one in a

similar color with the dress

of course missed and may i ask if you

are paying by cash or by card

card please

thank you

this is your bag have a really great day

you too bye



dialogue 2

let’s buy some perfume


hey do you want to go into that store

that one the cosmetic store


i always spend too much time in there

it’s fine let’s go

oh have you seen this perfume bottle


it is limited edition packaging i love

the design

i’ve seen it online but not in store it

is very beautiful

what does it smell like

take a sniff it is warm vanilla with

notes of cinnamon

it will make you smell like a bakery

i would love to smell like a bakery

well are you going to get it

i don’t know let me see if it is on sale

or not

the regular packaging is 30 off

yes but i really love the new packaging


then get it it’s not that expensive

right yes but i already have so many

perfumes in my collection

should i get another one

come on treat yourself you deserve it

alright i will listen to you let me pay

for it then we can go to the grocery

store okay



dialog 3

what are we having for dinner


what do you want for dinner tonight


what about curry rice

i already have rice in my place

that sounds good what other ingredients

do we need

we will need some vegetables

all right let’s go get them where is the

veggie aisle

it is next to the refrigerators i



oh these veggies are really fresh

really how can you tell

well you can judge how fresh they are

based on their appearance smell and


nice i rarely ever cook so i don’t know

about this

that’s all right lucky for you i am a

great cook

that you are love you bestie

sure love you too do you want anything

for dessert my mouth

i would love to have your famous cookies


that is easy to make let’s go get some

flour i ran out of it and do you want

chocolate chips in the cookies as well

of course that’s the best part

okay then we need to get the chocolates

as well

i’m on it


dialog 4 let’s get creative



what should we do after dinner

how about drawing

you always want to draw don’t you

of course i am an artist after all don’t

you think that makes sense


let’s go to the craft store to get some

stuff i don’t really have any art

supplies at my place


should we get a canvas or just regular


let’s get a canvas i’m feeling extra


okay and what type of paint do you like

to use

acrylic paint i am most used to its


cool you know you are doing most of the

painting right i can cook but i can

barely draw

that’s okay leave it up to me or i can

draw your portrait and you can be my


in your dreams lauren

i’m just kidding i hate drawing


yes and i can’t sit still for too long

okay old lady can you pass me those


these ones

no the ones still on the left

here you go

these are good enough let’s go check out


dialog 5

a friend or a new fling

hey christine where are you going

hello brad i’m just getting back to the

apartment from shopping i haven’t seen

you around for a while where have you


uh i had been staying with my parents

for the past few weeks but i’m back in

apartment now

nice i was starting to get worried about


oh thanks for caring about me

and who is this lovely lady may i ask

this is my best friend lauren

lauren this is brad my next door


hello nice to meet you brad

why have i not seen you before you guys

don’t normally go shopping together do


no i usually go shopping with my

boyfriend ken instead

i see well christine lauren why don’t

you guys come over to my place to hang

out sometimes bring can as well

okay that sounds like a good idea we’ll

text you later okay

sure let me know whenever you are free

see you guys around

see you brad

bye bye



paying the bill

currently there are many payment methods

when you purchase

sometimes some problems may arise during

the payment process

let’s watch this video and learn how to

resolve the problem when proceeding with


dialog 1 make a regular payment


joey this beefsteak is awesome do you

want to order one more dish for us

mike i’m quite full now i think we

should eat dessert now

okay joey do you want apple cake or

coconut cream

i’d love to eat apple cake

also i need a glass of water i feel

fairly thirsty

okay let me order

excuse me we would like to use the


yes sir

i’d like two apple cakes and a glass of

water thank you yes thank you i’ll bring

them out now


here is your dessert two apple cakes and

a glass of water please enjoy your


wow this cake looks so delicious let’s


mike let me pay for this dinner because

you paid for the last meal

okay joey

excuse me i would like to make a payment

yes please wait for me a minute to check

your dishes

all right the cost of your dinner is two

hundred dollars here is your bill please

do you want to make a payment by cash or


buy card please

please give me your card



please fill in your password after

checking the payment information


okay here you are

we are very satisfied with your food

it’s completed thank you for dining here


dialog 2 card payment error

look jenny that red dress is so


oh i see it let’s go there and try it


you look so beautiful and attractive in

this dress

you should buy it now

yes lily i love it

so let’s go to the checkout counter and

pay for it

don’t you buy this dress i see that you

love it too

no jenny this dress does not suit me

besides i have too many dresses at home

okay let’s pay for it

we still need to buy some other

necessary things


hello what can i do for you please

i’d like to pay for this dress

your dress will cost 300

would you like to buy anything else

no i only buy this dress

could you tell me your name and your

phone number

jenny my phone number is two three two

one three four

five five

okay jimmy you will receive a 10

discount one time if you shop in our

store on your birthday month

by the way you can pay by cash or card

which method do you choose

card please

please give me your card

type your password here please check the

payment information before

it’s okay

wait for me some seconds

oh no sorry jenny this card may be an

error i can’t use it to proceed with

your payment

do you have another bank card i’ll make

a new checkout for you

um i have a visa card could i use it

yes give me your visa card please

sorry your visa card also cannot use it

this time

i think your bank has some problems

could i use my card to perform this

thank you lily

let me try please send me your card

here you are

please fill your password in then put on

enter button


yay it’s successful

let me check

fortunately it’s okay three hundred

dollars here is your

bill okay thank you

thank you for shopping here have a good



dialog 3

discount for the right claim

tony do you want to try a new dish in

the restaurant

i see it is in the poster and it looks

so good

yes ben let’s try it

excuse me

uh yes what can i do for you

we would like to order the new dish in

your restaurant

yes sir would you like to get anything


uh give me a glass of water please

yes i’ll bring them out soon enjoy your


thank you


30 minutes later

hey ben

why is our food still not been brought


i don’t know let me ask them


excuse me we’ve ordered your new dish

for 30 minutes before has our dish done

sorry sir we are too crowded today i’ll

take your food out now

no please cancel this dish for us we

have to go out now please make payment

for us

yes sir

wait for me a minute to check your order

and print your bill

your bill is here your meal costs 100

would you like to pay by cash or card

by the way we are so sorry for this late

to apologize i will offer you a ten

percent discount on this meal

so you will pay us ninety dollars for

this lunch

okay here is your ninety dollars

thank you so much

we promise that we won’t let it happen

again have a good day

okay no problem i will go back to try

your new dish


dialogue for

wrong invoice


ashley do you want to buy a new dress i

know a very cute shop

i think you will love the dresses there

yes harley i haven’t bought any dresses

for a long time

let’s go there in the afternoon

we still have to resolve a lot of tasks


yes i agree

we should finish this task first

ah ashley i’m going to order a cake do

you want another one

okay harley please order me one orange

cake thank you


where are you harley i’m standing in

front of the shop you told me

i’m coming

oh i see you i’m waving to you

i see you too let’s buy new dresses

welcome to my dress shop

wish you choose the most satisfying


we would like to buy some dresses for

summer could you recommend us some of


yes please go to the second floor i set

all the dresses in the summer collection


thank you

wow there are a lot of beautiful dresses

have you ever bought a dress here

yes ashley i often go there to buy new


that’s why i suggest you this shop

can you see the rose dress here try it


i also love this blue one i’ll try both

of them now

ashley you are shining in this dress i

love it

let’s try the blue dress i’m so curious

harley i think this dress suits you it’s

quite small for me

i see

okay let me try it now

perfect harley you have to buy it now it

makes you look so luxurious and



do you want to buy anything else

i really want to but i don’t have enough

money i forgot my bank card at home

it’s okay so let’s go downstairs but

check out places on the first floor

hi have you chosen a dress for you

yes we’ll buy two dresses how much are

these dresses

let me see

three hundred dollars please would you

like to pay by card or cash

buy cash please

your bill is here please check it


wait something’s wrong we only bought

one blue dress and one rose dress

oh i’m so sorry

i typed the quantity wrong let me fix it


two hundred dollars please check it


it’s okay your money is here

thank you for purchasing in my shop hope

to see you again and have a good day


feelings and emotions

basic vocabulary about emotions and


the expression you wear on your face is

far more important than the clothes you

wear on your back

how do you feel today

what influences your emotions

the weather

your friends your family

strangers or yourself

situation one today is a bad day


hi ariel what’s going on you always call

before coming i’m surprised

today is a bad day and i need you right

now qrixy

oh come in


tell me what happened

this morning the weather’s so good i

felt great

but everything got worse because of its


what happened

a banana

it is a sad story isn’t it

yes i felt terrible

let’s react something about my sad story


even though you haven’t said anything

yet what did the banana do

today i got up very early i decided to

walk to the company

i wore my favorite shirt i felt


but i tripped by a banana


what a stupid banana

then i fell into a puddle

my white shirt has completely turned

brown i felt so ashamed everyone was

looking at me

it’s so embarrassing then what did you


i went back home to change clothes so

i’m late for work

oh my dear is it okay

no when i go to work early why do i

never see my boss but today i arrived

late he and i face to face


do you often come to work late

no sir i mean that i am never late

seven minutes later i want to see report

on my desk

yes sir


what are you doing

it is last month’s report how did you

make a mistake like this

oh sorry sir i got the wrong report

not only you arrived late but your mind

was also not focused on work

i’m sorry

ten minutes later i want to see your

this month’s report and the reason why

you’re late this morning


trixie guess what happened

i don’t know

i said because of the banana so i was

late he got angry again

i’m speechless i was so annoyed

today whatever i touch they are broken

how do you feel now

i’m suspicious of myself and sad

you can’t control what happened or will

happen to you but you can control your


let’s get back to your mood

don’t doubt yourself

you are my beautiful and talented friend

thank you i feel better

let’s eat something


situation 2 my boyfriend doesn’t care

about me anymore


you look unhappy today

what happened

i’m very disappointed

don’t tell me you’re arguing with your

boyfriend again

yes we argued but what happens he always

calls me first

but now he didn’t call anymore even i

called him he didn’t pick up

don’t worry too much maybe he’s busy

he ignores me we rarely text these days

why are you arguing

when i’m excited he’s bored when i’m


he doesn’t care i’m silent he doesn’t


when i want to go out with him he always

says he’s busy when i left he didn’t

stop me

i am confused now


thinking so much will make you more


does he still love me

go and ask him how do i know

no way i won’t call him first again

i don’t care about him anymore

maybe he doesn’t ignore you he can’t

hear you

because he’s so focused on thinking

that’s how men’s brains work

what does he think

and you you just said you don’t care

about him anymore

i think you should keep yourself busy

read books listen to music watch movies

work cook take care of your skin


what if he still doesn’t call back

after he comes out of his mind box he

will call you


yes he will call to let you know that

makeup or breakup

hey you make me nervous

i’m just joking but don’t let one guy

bother you too much if he likes you he

will say it and show it

because he’s a man

if not don’t expect it just waste your

time and skip many guys who like you

you’re right and if you’re just like


i feel

you’ve lost yourself no longer a happy

and smiling girl as before

you’re right

thank you my friend

true love makes us wonderful

happier every day without worry or

sadness i don’t need a heartless


so how do you feel now

now i feel confident positive and great

thank you so much

i’m glad to hear that


situation three

my best friend confessed to me


what’s wrong my sister your face looks

like a monkey

i’m not a monkey i’m still in shock

what happened to you

i said that i went out with andrew


oh yeah i remember


we were walking

suddenly he stopped and said he liked me

i was speechless for about five minutes

i’m so surprised you and andrew are best

friends right

i know i’m so confused

how did you answer him

then i said you called me and i ran

straight home right away

oh my girl

come here let me tell you about my


what’s the memory

i used to have a best friend we were

very close

on his birthday he said he liked me in

front of a lot of friends

oh my goodness how many people were


all the members of our class were there


so how did you feel

first i was surprised then i’m confused

and embarrassed

what did you answer him

i said we should be friends

what happened next

he was bewildered

then ashamed and sad

that’s what i felt then he said it was

just a joke

but after that we weren’t as close as we

used to be

he avoided me

how about you

i don’t want to lose him

but i don’t know if i like him or not

we’re just friends

what should i do next

ask yourself

ask your heart

don’t ask me


situation four

it’s not what i expected


what’s up my son

you look so sad

i feel depressed dad what’s up

can you tell me

i’m so disappointed in myself

don’t doubt yourself

i was assigned to the company’s project

i remember that you said if you complete

well you will prove your creativity to

everyone and maybe you get promoted

but i failed the project did not bring

profit as i expected

the project doesn’t make a loss right

yes dad

you’re still lucky many people fail

completely and go out of their own money

people tell me not to be sad but i’m not

satisfied with myself

so do you know where the problem is

i haven’t reviewed the report yet

and you have time to sit here sad

i have worked hard i’ve been

enthusiastic all month but

find the problem help you do better next


negative emotions don’t help it makes

you feel unconfident doubt yourself then

you have missed the opportunity to learn


you’re right dad

don’t look back on the past and feel

regret let’s learn from the past

thank you so much

dad you’re the best i feel better now

working hard is good but you also need

to relax and keep your emotions positive

then your creativity and your mind will

go further


inviting others

let’s watch the video to learn how to

invite someone to a party in english

situation one invite someone to a party


hi peter how are you

hey dan i’m well thank you how about you

i heard that you won the first prize in

the chemistry contest congratulations

i couldn’t be better thanks peter

i’m having a party this weekend to

celebrate the prize i would love for you

to come if you can make it

of course i’d love to join

where and when will the party be held

we’re having a party at my house come

around 6

pm that sounds great do you want me to

bring anything

i will prepare the food

but if you’d like to bring something

then perhaps you can bring something to

drink or to play with

is there any dress code

no not a big deal i just want to share

the moment with everyone

i can’t wait

how many people are you expecting

not many probably around 15. by the way

have you seen chris i want to invite her

but couldn’t find her anywhere

i saw her on

the third floor of building a

she was participating in the music

club’s meeting

okay great i will go and invite her see

you on saturday

see you there thanks dan


situation two invite someone to pair up

to prom


hey mia are you interested in the school

prom this weekend

what’s up william who doesn’t like prom

of course i like it prom this year

sounds like lots of fun


i heard there will be special activities

that are totally different from prom

last year

yes so nice though


have you had a date

i would like to ask if you can go to the

prom with me

mia i would love to william

unfortunately i have a family reunion on


so i can’t join the prom

my sister will study abroad soon i’m


sorry that’s totally fine mia i will

tell you what is special this year it’s


i may have to go to prom alone

amelia told me she still hesitated to go

to prom because she has no one to pair

up with

you may try to ask her

oh really

thanks a lot mia let me ask her

you’re welcome

please take lots of photos and tell me

what happens at the prom i’m extremely

sorry that i can’t go

don’t worry i will

at least you will have a wonderful time

with your sister before you are apart

thanks william

situation three invite a new neighbor to

a barbecue party


hi it’s me greg your neighbor

hi greg how are you i’m matthew

great and you

i’m good my family just moved in

yesterday so we are still a bit busy

i intended to go over and say hi to your

family this evening though

thanks for coming please come in

thanks matthew but you still seem busy

with the house

can i have only a few minutes of your

time we can have a longer chat next time

okay what happened greg

i just want to say hello and would like

to invite you and your family to my

place for a barbecue party this saturday

oh sure when is it

around 5 pm

is there anyone else coming

there will be another 5 neighbors


sounds like a nice event

is there a special occasion

i got a new outdoor grill and we would

like to meet you and your family too

it is so nice of you all what can i

bring to the party

would you like to bring some beverages

sure let me take care of the drinks then

great we usually share foods as well our

neighbor amber has excellent apple pies

that sounds so delicious

this is going to be a great party

i hope so hope my grill works well too

i hope so too

a long time no backyard barbecue party

okay see you on saturday then matthew

thanks for inviting me and my family

greg see you

and you’re welcome bye



situation four invite someone to a

birthday party

hey james

hi amy what’s up

james this friday is ben’s birthday our

class is planning to hold a surprise

birthday party for him

you know he is very sorrowful after his

parents divorce

so i want to ask if you can join ben’s

birthday party this friday and give us a


sure he’s my best friend

even when i’m in different classes i

know all guys in your class though

what can i help

everything was planned we only need

someone to take him back to class 30

minutes after school break time

we will be ready at the time


a bit difficult but i will find a way i

may need your help on this

if you have any plans or need my help

just tell me before friday


is there anything else i can help with


do you have any photos of him when he

was young we may need those for the

birthday cake decoration

i think i have let me find them tonight

and send to you

thanks a lot james

not at all but i want to confirm again

about where and when

the party will be at your class 30

minutes after school break in the


won’t it

right that’s all you have to remember

we’ve got the rest

okay amy i will tell you my plan soon

okay james see ya bye

see you bye

situation five invite someone to come

over for dinner with the family


hi laurel christmas holiday is coming

will you go back to germany this year

hi beth i won’t i just came back home

during the summer holiday so i decided

to stay in new york

my parents just mentioned this last

night they said if this year you stay in

new york come and enjoy the holiday with


please send my special thanks to your

parents so nice of them for inviting me

but another roommate will stay here also

i can’t let her stay alone during the


it’s okay laurel how about christmas


we have a small party every year on

christmas night

would you like to come over and have

dinner with us

ask your roommate to come with you also

sure i will beth i’m glad that i can

enjoy the family atmosphere on christmas


i will ask my roommate too

what should i bring to your

house come on laurel you don’t need to

bring anything

or if it makes you more comfortable

just bring a small gift for my little


good idea i will what time can i come


you can come in the early afternoon we

can prepare dinner together

there are always lots of fun preparing

christmas dinner

okay beth thanks again for inviting me i

will call you during the holiday anyway

tell me if there is any change


bye laurel

bye beth


bargaining how do you ask for a lower


where there is demand there is supply

where there is the seller there is the


sellers usually want to sell at a high


and buyers always want to buy at a low


let’s see how the characters bargain

with each other

situation 1 how much is this wallet




good afternoon miss how can i help you

my wallet is too old i want to buy a new

wallet i see your store has a variety of



may i recommend you some new models

of course please show me

we have some new models that just

arrived yesterday there is a pink wallet

and the brown wallet

okay let me see

they are gentle simple but elegant and

suitable for women

the pink one looks so pretty and the

brown one is so elegant

i think the pink wallet suits me better

you have good taste

recently the pink model is selling well

how much is the pink wallet

yes it’s 25

your price is too high

because this is a new arrival and the

quality is good

what is the price of the brown

the price is twenty dollars

can you make it lower

it is the best price we can not lower

the price the leather is very smooth and


i can buy a wallet like this at other

stores for a lower price

i’m not sure about that our store is the

cheapest in this area already

well i’ve bought a wallet before for

fifteen dollars thanks anyway

how much is the best price for you

i’m looking to spend no more than

eighteen dollars on a wallet



i can give a brown wallet to you for

eighteen dollars and a pink wallet for

twenty four dollars it is my best offer

i think

i should look around then make a



just a second waste your time if you go



i can’t lower my price anymore but if

you buy both wallets the price for

wallets is forty dollars

let me think for a moment

we don’t think we can go that low all

right i’ll take them one is for me and

one is for my mom

you have good taste your total bill is

forty dollars

here you are

forty dollars thank you

thanks and see you again the wallet is

perfect for you

bye bye


i have sold two wallets that make me as

happy as i just sold a house

she is a good bargainer

you’re a good bargainer too

situation two

it’s too expensive can you make it lower


how can i help you

i’m looking for a lamp to help with my


i’m a photographer do you have any lamps

like that

of course we have

follow me upstairs please


look at this lamp it’s so interesting

it is a popular model in recent times

young people love this model lamp

what lamp is it

it is a sunset projection lamp for the

home bedroom background wall

why is there only one lamp on the shelf

it has sky blue rainbow color sunset

color etc

now this is the final sample of sunset


that sounds great how much is it

it’s thirty

thirty dollars


what if you give me half fifteen dollars

fifteen dollars i don’t think so this

lamp is selling very well

but it looks so old it is still dusty

today my staff is off i replace i

haven’t cleaned it yet

you see if it’s so hot i think it would

sell out

i imported this lamp for one month and

everyone came here saw it and bought it

right away

they bought it online too it is the

final sample

but i haven’t seen another color lamp

yet i’m not sure i like this sunset

color the best i don’t have much choice

the warm light like the sun from this

lamp is no joke it makes your wall look

so beautiful

if you sell it for half price i will buy


the lamp is high quality

and the price is reasonable it’s durable

and has 180 flips at your wish

i cannot pay any higher price

let me show you the battery of this lamp

can be changed in many ways

charger power bank usb socket pc or


i know

would you accept twenty dollars

i’m so sorry but

you’re a photographer and you have good

taste i take you for twenty five dollars

it is my final price

all right i’ll take it thank you

good choice and the lamp is yours


situation three

this is the special price i offer you



this place right honey

that’s right the owner of this store

fixed our tv he said that he sells used


hi how can i help you

the day before yesterday you came to my

house to fix my tv and it’s broken again

it’s not my fault your tv is old you

should buy a new tv

i know so i came to buy a new tv

look what i heard tom finally buys a new


no it’s not he means to buy an old tv

but it’s new to us

that’s really him let me show you an old

tv but still like new

okay thanks

it is a flat screen television 32 inches

very suitable for the living room

it’s so cool it looks new

yes you’re right

beautiful light hd resolution can

connect to wi-fi the tv also has

connection ports such as usb

hdmi is it sound still good

of course let me show you

it’s not bad how much do you want

very cheap the price of this tv is a

hundred and ninety dollars

wow that’s great that’s more than i want

to pay

i can give you a hundred and fifty

dollars for it

wait really tom

no tom i need at least 185 do you know

how much other stores sell this tv for

no i don’t care sorry all i have is 165

right now

oh it’s okay honey there is an atm right

165 dollars that’s all i have

i could go as low as 180 but that’s it

no sale at all today

that’s right i know there is no reason

why you must get a discount on used tvs

yeah you know 180 dollars is very good

but sorry and thanks anyway we’ll go to

another store

all right it’s up to you

what are you doing

the same tv we just watched on opposite

for 250 dollars

you don’t know how to bargain do you

bargain of course i know how to bargain

you don’t know how to bargain go back

and buy it

calm down luna let me count




all right you can have it for 175

that’s so wonderful





169 no more

170 it is my final offer i don’t sell

lower it is the special price i offer

you it is just for you

i think

169 dollars is so

here have one dollar now you have 170

let’s buy it or tonight you sleep on the



okay deal thank you for the special

price you offered me

what interesting bargaining


yeah i thought it was only in the movies


let’s cook together this weekend

alice and anna cook at home but

something unexpected happens

guess what they’ll do to solve it and

watch the video to find out


alice how’s it going

anna it’s good

i’m over the moon because i’ve just

finished an important project yesterday

wow amazing

you look so happy

yes anna the past three months have been

exhausting to be honest

this project is very important so i

tried my best

it ended so i feel like a burden was

lifted off my shoulders

that sounds great

it’s time for you to spend time for


just relax and recharge your battery

yes of course

what a pity when the pandemic is still

in an outbreak

i want to travel abroad and let my hair


oh i know anyway

you can still chill at home

do you have time this weekend

how about coming to my house

you haven’t come to my house in a long


yes if my memory serves me right

nearly four months

that’s right

oh dear

i’ve been free since yesterday

i have a whole week off to relieve

stress so

i’ll come to your house this weekend


what will we do at your home

what do you think about cooking

i’ve learned some new recipes

you’ll be the first to taste those


oh it’s my pleasure

just kidding



what dish will you cook

beef with wine sauce

i ate this at a restaurant last week and

loved it so i learned the recipe online

so exciting

what can i do



you can peel the carrots and onions for



everything else is fine just put it on

the stove and cook

looks like this is easy to make


let’s go to the living room to chat

this dish is just waiting to be cooked

about how many minutes

i think 20 minutes then

just eat




what will you do after a week off


a new project

i heard the manager talk about this


it’s shorter than the last project

but it still takes a lot of effort

how about you is your cosmetic store

doing well

yes not bad since the pandemic my shop

has had an online form

i’m also spending a lot of time building

up the store’s image on social media

that’s a good idea

i see a lot of stores with this new form

of sales

very convenient because of social


yes i also consulted many people

ah your skin is not good these days


your skin doesn’t seem as shiny as


oh girl

i was overworked

sometimes staying up late at night

for you

i think it needs moisturizing

i just imported masks to my store

i’m using it too very

good moisture please take it home and

try it out

thank you so much i think i have to care

more about my skin

anyway you still look pretty

ah thanks

uh last week i saw alex

how are you and alex

he’s been very fond of you since high


yeah i know but

i told him he’s not my type

so you’re going to be single forever

no way

i’m dating another guy these days

he’s my brother’s friend

very polite and gallant



this is the first time i heard that

are you going to hide it from everyone

no alice i’ve only known him a little

over a month

i’ll introduce you soon

can’t wait to see him

what about you and jack

i remember the last time i saw jack was

our class reunion

yes he’s busy too

even busier than me but jack and i are


although we’re busy

we still make time to visit each other

sometimes go to dinner


i really admire your love you guys have

been dating for two years

right nearly

three more days to our two-year


we were going to travel but due to the

pandemic we couldn’t go

so we’re going to have dinner together

you’ll be the happiest person that night

so i have to dress beautifully but the

thing is i don’t have anything to wear

i need some new dresses

we can go shopping together

but wait until tomorrow

it was quite late by the time we

finished eating

no alice i mean we can go shopping


online shopping is the best choice

i also want to find jeans and sneakers


that’s a good idea

let me see

what type of dress do you want and what


a dress that’s a bit chic

black or white is great

they’re very easy to mix and match with



can this be

quite luxurious


it seems a bit long

ah yes

this is nice

nice length and good color

do you think a short sleeve dress would

look better

i think you look better with short

sleeve dresses

oh really i don’t know about this

hey alice this one


ah yes anna i love it

order it

yeah this shop is my favorite clothing


i previewed these pants and shoes

what do you think

great anna it’s very suitable for your



and youthful


anna do you smell something strange like

a burning smell

yes what’s that


oh oh my god

beef with wine sauce in the kitchen


oh no

is it burned


oh dear we forgot it

we left it there nearly 35 minutes

it’s completely burned

we should have set the bell to remind us

to turn off the stove

how careless

what should we do now

we can’t eat at home

i wanted to cook for you at home but

i failed

how about going out i know a good

restaurant near my house

the beef with wine sauce is quite good

you want to try


sure sorry i invited you over to my

house to cook but i failed

next time i’ll cook it again

don’t mention it it’s okay

going out to eat is fine

next time you can come to my home and



let’s go

don’t forget to wear a mask

okay i remember


what did you do with your hair

emma rosie and lisa are three best


they rent one apartment to live together

that was one saturday and rain is

slightly outside

emma rosie and lisa were staying at home



rosie do you want to have some cakes



i just made a mouse cake with cacao

butter i learn on nino tv

is it eatable

i haven’t tested it yet this is the

first time that i’ve made a cake so i

hope it’s not too bad

bring it here i will try and give you

some feedback


here it is

wow it looks so yummy mouth-watering



i will try one piece

your fork



it’s so amazing the texture is soft and

this tastes

mildly sweet i mean

it’s not too sweet as in a bakery but i

love it

cool i was afraid that it’s yucky

if lisa want to taste it

i don’t know

where is she i haven’t seen her all


perhaps she is still in the room she

told me that she is binge watching a

movie series last night

okay i will save a portion of it for her

do you want to watch a new tv show i

heard that it has the highest rating at

the moment

which one

the circle

i was about to talk to you about it

you know i save it in my watching list

hey do you recognize that it’s raining



that is the reason i am craving sweets

the forecast announces that it is going

to rain all weekend

so boring

come on we can stay at home and watch tv

how long have we gathered together and

watch tv huh

yes i can’t remember the last time we

are too busy recently

i really want to go to the nails and spa


my nails are broken so i need to fix


let me see

you should arrange an appointment as

soon as possible

if not it may hurt you so bad

i know

are you free tomorrow do you want to go

there with me

absolutely after 5 pm

i have to complete my deadline before 4


what about lisa we should ask lisa as


but what is she doing now

i will come to her room and try calling



girls what should i do now i look so



what did you do with your hair

guess who is this a clown in a gray


do not laugh at me anymore i am freaking

out now

calm down what did you do with your hair

i just watched a video this morning

kind of

this one

hello beauties today i will show you how

i get my layer haircut

i had a lot of questions about haircuts

and i decided to cut it by myself

there are several easy steps

firstly getting your hair ready for a

layer cut

divide your hair into sections

make a ponytail at the top of your head

slide the elastic down the length of

your hair

cut off the end of your hair then remove

the elastic and examine your layers i’m


this is my hair after i do cut it by

myself it looks so perfect doesn’t it

how stupid i am i watched pony’s video

on youtube and then i followed her


yes i

i did it following step by step but i


how bad is it

tell me what should i do now

does it look so terrible i have to go to

work tomorrow


calm down lisa let me see your hair

first then we can decide if we can fix

it by ourselves

it turned out that she watched a

tutorial video on the internet

then she had a haircut by herself but it


the front looked good but the back was


it looks bad really i don’t want to

scare you but it is

yes i think so lisa

you should cut it too short hair


i was going to cut layers i still want

to keep long hair

is there any way

no way lisa

you should ask for our advice before

doing it

my bad

may you help me fix it i’m afraid of

being laughed at when i go out with this


no worries at all i will take my hat for


emma can you call crunchy salon to book

an appointment for her



hello is it crunchy salon

yes i want to arrange an appointment


wait for me a minute

what time is better for you lisa

as soon as possible please i can’t look

at myself in the mirror even for a


when is the earliest time to make an


2 p.m in the afternoon


yes lisa this number


do you go with me i don’t want to go

alone i’m afraid the hairdresser thinks

i’m mad


now we can watch tv and eat cake there

are three hours left



that afternoon they went to the hair

salon to fix lisa’s mistake

emma and rosie waited for lisa in the


oh my god

what did you do with your hair

i guess you learned cutting hair on the

internet didn’t you

how do you know

in recent days many girls have come here

to fix their failed hair

don’t trust a hundred percent in what

you watch on the internet

luckily your hair is long so it’s easy

to fix

if yours was short

it would be a hard case

yes once and for all

i don’t think i can fix it to keep this

layer style

you can cut it into short hair i’m okay

with it

okay i have a catalog here so you can

have a look let me know which style you


finally lisa had to have short hair

the hairdresser helped her to have a

trending style

she looked better now


at the barber shop

at the barber shop what activities can

you do

watch the video to know what they do

situation 1 ask customers for opinions


hi mr bell what can i do for you today


the same as usual um

the haircut and shave

right you cut the ground under my feet

i understand you’re my frequenter

okay let’s do it

sure take a sit down here and i will do

it for you

but how do you want your hair cut

just trim it lightly and remember the

beard shave also

of course

how about i do some new trendy

hairstyles it’s trendy these days

i don’t think i’m suitable for it i’m

gonna stick with the old classic style

like in the past few months ago i tried

dyeing my hair

people said that it makes me look older

i understand everyone suits different


yes so when i get a chance i’ll try a

different hairstyle for now i will leave

it as normal


now you can lower your back and relax i

will start now



done you can look through it again if

there is anything you want to change

tell me


to be honest the beard is okay but the

hair is quite long

a bit shorter

i think this is longer than my


okay no problem anything else or just


no that’s the only thing the rest is

okay i guess

is it okay now

perfect that’s the hairstyle i really

want you’ve done a great job i really

like it

thank you


situation 2

overloaded barber shop


hello can i help you


i want to have a haircut but it seems

overloaded here

well unfortunately yes because today is

the weekend many people have booked to

have a haircut

oh what a pity so i need to go back home

but it is raining cats and dogs now

you can wait for us

there are only three more customers

ahead of you

where can i sit and wait

please sit and wait at the table over


we have a variety of books magazines

with different topics

or you can preview the hairstyle you

want to do in our photo album there are

many new hairstyles it’s also on the


okay sounds good you guys really

understand the need of customers

we always put the needs of our customers

first and you go there and sit first

please i’ll bring fresh tea and cookies

right away

thanks there seems to be a few people at

the waiting table maybe it’ll be my turn

soon right

yes i hope so

how long will it take

i think it will take you about 30

minutes don’t worry if it’s your turn

i’ll call you right away

i really appreciate your service that’s

the reason why i like your barber shop

and why you have many customers every


thank you so please wait a bit



situation three an appointment at the

barber shop


good morning how can i help you

hi i want to have a hair dying

definitely yes but first can i know your

name to check the appointment

oh appointment the last time i came here

i didn’t have an appointment is that


yes actually you just need it to set in

order to be served better and faster

but if you didn’t i’m afraid you will

have to wait some time for your turn and

that is a little longer than usual if

you set an appointment first

tough break i didn’t even know that

well we started doing this last week

we’ve reminded customers through some

communication channels about this for

quite a time before

but i guess some of the customers are

way too busy to check that information

there are many people like you so don’t


that’s right last week i was on the go

because of my deadlines at school maybe

that’s the time i missed your



so what should i do now do i need to set

an appointment now

if you have time you don’t need to do

that you can wait in line for your turn

great how long does it take

at the moment i think it will take you

about 20 minutes can you wait for this


if you are in a rush for somewhere else

i will help you to make an appointment

and you can come again later

in the time convenient for you

no today is my day off so i think i will

wait for it hope it won’t be too long

don’t worry please go to the table over

there and sit down to wait we have tea

cookies and magazines for you

okay i got it thanks a lot you’re



situation for

a frequenter



long time no see jill

oh hey danny how are you these days

not too bad and is the business still

going well

you see

like any other business in the pandemic

my business wasn’t as usual

at the same time i still pay for the

rent expense monthly

me too my restaurant hasn’t had many

customers lately

most of them are at home because of

social distancing

it’s a good way but it makes it

difficult for business people like us

that’s really down on our luck

right but this pandemic appears suddenly

no one wants it

not only you and me but also some people

were no better

like a nightmare i hope we can manage it

luckily my house owner is really nice he

agrees to reduce the rent for me

wow such a lucky person you are

i should also make an agreement with my


yes you should do that

we have to try our best to manage the



anyway we have to go on with our normal


please help me cut my hair

of course do you still want to cut like

last time


okay i’ll do it right now

i will go to your restaurant for dinner

oh welcome or you can order food to take

home we have a delivery service

oh really is it new

yes one way to manage this situation


future perfect tense

the future perfect is a verb form or

construction used to describe an event

that is expected or planned to happen

before a time of reference in the future

let’s watch the following video to learn

more about how to use the perfect future


situation one

group assignment


hey jenny alex jack

let’s stay for a while to have a group




i think the topic the teacher gave us is

so difficult


i think so


quite hard

we need to discuss this carefully

it accounts for 20

of our marks this term

our teacher said that we have to make a

short video about the effects of coven

19 on people’s lives

this topic requires a lot of knowledge

about reality from us

do you guys have any ideas

it’s a wide range of aspects we can do i


for example education medical culture


so many

what about others


i think so too


why don’t we gather all the ideas from

members and choose the best one

because i think everyone has their own

thought and idea

good idea so can you create a file and

share it for everyone to write the ideas

in it alex

of course

i have a laptop here

i’ll do it right now

okay cool

we will have filled the ideas in the

file by 10 am tomorrow

we should think about the best and

easiest idea to make it as convenient as

possible when recording the video

are you okay

um too early

we won’t have completed it in a short


okay how about 12 am

is this enough


it’s enough time

and then we give each person a share to


for instance general introduction


and some adaptation solutions

the video editing part is also quite


i can take charge of editing

very cool

so we will have finished this task by 8

pm tomorrow

that’s right

then it’s time to roll up our sleeves

and get the video done

great the location of the video will

have been chosen by 12 am the day after


that’s a great timeline i totally agree


that’s good

situation 2

tomorrow presentation


tomorrow is the project presentation day

for the partner company

this is really important so we must not

make any mistakes

we all know that so we are prepared

carefully don’t worry

okay good

ah i have just read again the report you

sent me yesterday

overall i think it is quite good full of


but i think there are still some small


oh god i’m sorry


i’ve commented

check it please

and you have to edit as i suggested

check it a few more times to make sure

there aren’t any more mistakes

you will have finished this task by 5 pm

today that means before work

yes i remember that

cool how about the preparation

i need everything to be perfect


i have prepared all cleaning the meeting

room preparing water checking

electricity projectors tables and chairs

what time will you be here tomorrow

because i’m in charge of preparing and

the meeting will begin at 9 30.

i will have been here by 8 am

yes good

you should come here early

i will check again about the machine

speakers screens

do not worry i will try to make

everything perfect as you expect

very good


situation three

i will have made the meal


hey jenny you look so tired

how’s it going

well to be honest

not good

i feel exhausted because of the workload

at the same time i have to complete the

project in paris and deal with a new



for you

you should take some rest today and pay

more attention to your health

would you like to come to my home and

have dinner

of course but i don’t have time today

you can come anytime you want

weekday or weekend is still okay

spend one day and chill

share with me everything that makes you


you may be more comfortable after that

thank you so much

i’ll show you my talent in cooking that


you’ll be surprised

are you free on the weekend

saturday and sunday this week i will

have been in a meeting in paris




friday evening i will be free but i’ll

be home late from work

i need to prepare something for the

meeting the next day

i won’t be able to help you prepare


don’t worry about those things

he said i would show off my cooking


just kidding but trust me


i feel so shy

hey you can wash the dishes i will have

made the meal ready before the time you

come back from work


situation four

when will he have done the deadline


hey alex how are you

i’m good because i have finished my part

of our project this morning

now i’m free

how about you

yes yesterday i finished it indeed

finishing the tasks makes me feel over

the moon

yes i agree with you

i wonder if jack and lucy have finished

the lesson yet

i haven’t checked my messages since i

posted my part to the group this morning


i don’t know if they’re done or not

well lucy is already done after you

about one hour

and i don’t know what jack is doing

who knows

the deadline is 12 p.m tomorrow right

that’s right

he will not have done this before

tomorrow afternoon i’m sure

oh my god why

you don’t know because this is your

first time you worked with a team with


everyone knows he is the person who does

every task at the last minute

ah no not that but

nearly the deadline

why is he always busy

no even if he doesn’t do anything

there’s a lot of time but he still

doesn’t do it

i don’t know why

maybe it is his habit


i think it’s a bad habit

especially when working in a team

this habit will affect other members

he should do it before the deadline a

bit to check in again with others

yes i told him many times before he said

i know i know i will change and nothing


are you sure he will have finished it

yes he will have started to do it by the

afternoon tomorrow

he never misses any deadlines

okay i hope so

perhaps the next time i will set the

deadline earlier


in a new neighborhood

let’s watch the following video to learn

how to introduce yourself and make

friends with people in your new


dialogue 1 meeting the neighbors


hello there you just moved in here right

yes we just moved in two days ago i’m


this is my wife lisa

nice to meet you

nice to meet you too i’m jared and this

is my wife riley

where did you guys move from

our old place was in brooklyn

my wife got a new job in queens so we

decided to move here and you guys are

locals here

yes we are so how’s the new home

oh it’s super nice but my wife and i are

used to living in apartment so we will

probably need some time to fit in

take all the time you need we’ve been in

this house here since 2000

oh really wow what’s the neighborhood

here like

it’s lovely there are many things to do

but it never gets noisy

i have never had any complaints actually

oh but watch out for the dog across the


what about it

whenever the jonas family is not home

their dog is let loose so if you have

any kids please be careful

ah i see we have a six-year-old son we

will take note of this thanks for

letting us know

no problem let us know if we can help

you with anything

that’s so nice thank you

dialogue 2 learning about the


hi lisa hi john how are you guys going


good morning riley

yes we’re planning to go out for a walk

and to find something to eat

oh nice it’s such a beautiful day

it really is hey riley do you know any

good places for brunch around here

there’s a cafe on walnut street it has

the best bagels and coffee

great we love bagels thanks for the


can we ask you something else

sure go ahead what is it

is there any mall or supermarket around

here we want to buy groceries and some

kind of stuff on the way

ah there is a big mall not far from here

jared and i often go there every weekend

just go down this road for about three

blocks and take a left when you see the

flower shop and the mall will be on the

right there’s a supermarket on the first

floor of the mall

that’s superb

the mall has everything you need there’s

also a cinema right next to the mall

wow awesome thanks for all the

information riley

no problem

by the way do you guys happen to go to


yes we go there every week

we do too would you mind if we join you

next week

not at all the more the merrier

great see you next week


dialogue three barbecue party


hey riley it’s lisa

oh lisa give me a second i’m coming


hey lisa what’s up


this sunday john and i are hosting a

barbecue party in the backyard we’d be

very happy if you and jared can join us

we’re inviting some other people in the

neighborhood like the martins the

johnsons the jonas heather lana josh and

joe as well

that sounds wonderful i think we can

make it

but just let me check our schedule real

quick to make sure we’re not busy on


of course take your time riley

yep we are free as a bird oh wait party

is at noon right

yes it’s at lunch time the party will

start around 11 30 a.m is that still


yes we will be there on time


we will bring some packs of cold beer we

just bought do you guys need anything

i’m going to the supermarket tonight

oh thank you the beer is more than

enough riley you guys joining us is our

pleasure please don’t go into any


it’s no trouble at all we will come over

on sunday then

okay see you then bye riley



dialogue 4 taking a walk


it’s such a beautiful sunny day i can’t

remember the last time i felt so relaxed

yeah it’s so great being able to enjoy

the sunshine and the cool breeze

our old place was always loud and noisy

i feel so great that our new

neighborhood is so beautiful and


i feel the same way our new house is

closer to the city center but it’s not

noisy at all

and it’s so convenient that we have

everything from supermarkets the mall

the cinema to restaurants and coffee

shops nearby

yeah it’s great that everything is

within walking distance

moving to this neighborhood is such a

good decision don’t you think honey

it’s the best place to raise our little


also our neighbors are all so nice and

respectful especially jared and riley

they’re always willing to help us

yeah that’s true it’s not easy having

such good neighbors nowadays i’m so glad

we moved


dialogue 5 playing at the park


are you happy that we took you to the

park ben

of course it’s awesome i love it

before when we still lived in brooklyn i

could only go to the park once in a


yeah i know i’m sorry about that honey

the park was too far from our old place

so we couldn’t go there often but this

park is only two blocks from our house

so now we can go here every weekend or

anytime you want to


wow this park is so much bigger than our

old park

yeah you’re right

be careful honey don’t run so fast

you’ll trip over

i’m fine i’m not gonna trip trust me

mom dad look there are so many games

here as well

there are swings

seesaws slides and balls here i love

this park

you’re right this park has such a big

playground it’s even bigger than the

playground at your school

wow it also has tubes and climbers we’re

glad you like this part

so what games do you want to play first


i want to play on the slide

oh oh i want to sit on the swings as


okay honey let’s go


in the fall halloween

in the fall we have a lot of different


check out what fall activities the

characters below are participating in

situation 1 costumes


mommy we will have a halloween party

this weekend


it will be so funny

do you think about any character you

want to costume

not yet

do you have any ideas

a minion


many friends also choose it

what about a dinosaur

jimmy wore it last year

what about a skeleton

what about

a highlighted skeleton

sounds good

i will look so cool this year


oh my

god what are you wearing

mommy bought me a highlighted skeleton



you’re so funny

you look so awesome

will everyone like me

sure sweetie i will take you to school



tommy what is it

it is a highlighted skeleton

it looks so weird


my mom told me that it is great

but it is so scary if you stay in the


hey joe

oh who’s that

it’s me

your friend tommy

oh my

you look so scary

cause it’s halloween isn’t it

i can’t look at your face i may have a



i will cover it with this tissue paper



it looks scarier

i’m so sorry

i think i need to go

see you later


tommy what happened to you

why are you standing alone in the corner

my costume is so bad isn’t it


it looks quite



my friends don’t want to come near me

because of it

maybe it’s because you look like a real


but i don’t like it anymore

no one wants to play with me

i’m so sorry

can i help you to remove all makeup




i will help you


you look better now

thank you so much

i think your friends will like it now

come in


situation 2 haunted house

what is the plan tonight

will we still do something like



it’s so boring

anything new


i just heard about a haunted house in

the forest over the hill

oh my god

is it real

do you mean the smallwood castle over

park hill


that’s it

can you tell me what you heard about it

there is a wooden house on the other

side of the hill

locals there always hear the tv set and

night every sunday

but no light

no people


just a tv sound

the rumor is that there is a ghost

living there

but why just sunday

i don’t know

that’s weird it’s not real

should we try to come by and take a look



today is sunday

we can prove the rumor

okay that’s a good idea

should we bring a flashlight

of course

and a wooden cross

just in case


should we return home eastern time the

two-year note rose is anyone there

i should knock on the door

give me the cross


oh my god run now

what happened boys


he is talking in english

i can’t turn back i can’t open my eyes

are you playing trick or treat

i have candies for you

he isn’t a ghost

a ghost doesn’t have a shadow

you aren’t a ghost


i know there is a rumor about my house

i just came back on sunday and i want to

stay in the dark with candles to relax


i see i’m so sorry

no problem

your candies

happy halloween

thank you

happy halloween


situation three

picking apples



you look so good today

thank you

get in let’s go

look honey the leaves are changing their


do you know why it’s called fall

because the leaves fall from the trees

at that time

that’s true

walking among the red leaves is always

an enjoyable experience


you can walk and pick apples all day



it is the activity i love most in the



the trees bear good fruits

i swear it always tastes better than

buying in the supermarket

it makes my mouth water

do you know how to choose a perfect


we should focus on the apple’s firmness

avoid apples that are noticeably soft

and mushy

what about color

should be red or have a pink orange hue


we harvested lots of apples


i think i will make some apple cakes

when we return home


i love apple cakes

do you want to go around

the weather here is so



who went here with you the first time

it was my grandma at that time we joined

a local fall festival

what was the festival

like i don’t remember the exact name but

they always celebrate it once a year

i am so curious

i also want to take part in it

it is tomorrow

however it is monday unfortunately

oh what a pity

i really want to know how they prepare

and celebrate it

if you want to see how to prepare it you

can ask the farm owner



he and his family may be cooking some

for the party

tomorrow excuse me

yes did you have a good time today

yes i did

i just want to ask about the festival



you know about that festival


i was wondering if i can help you a bit

to prepare for it

of course

my daughter is preparing some cakes for



do you want to join us tomorrow

i’d love to

but i’m busy

tomorrow is monday


come with me

my daughter is in the kitchen

thanks so much


situation 4

thanksgiving day



i miss you so much

me too

grandpa look at what i have

fresh fruits

oh i love them


how do you do dad

i miss you

i’m great


where is my mom

she is in the kitchen

come in


what dishes do we have today

a roasted turkey of course because today

is turkey day

mashed potatoes

green beans


dinner rolls cranberry sauce and

apple pies


i will help you with roasted turkey


mommy honey do you need any help no we

can control everything here

honey dad told me that the light and

door in the basement are broken

you should fix it before dinner

sure thing

where is nick

he is playing with dad in the garden

he always likes to play soccer with dad


oh i’m glad he loves it he seems not to

have time to play with nick

i understand

he’s always busy with his work

sometimes he has to work on the weekend

he should balance his work and his


i have an apple pie

i will bring it for dad and nick

how about roasted turkey

it’s still in the oven it takes more

than 10 minutes


then i will help you to take it out

thanks mom



i need some rosemary can you get me some

in the garden


your dad’s rosemary’s grew

dinner is ready

come in


it is the biggest turkey i’ve ever seen

really nick

so you should eat a lot


ah i have a card i made it for two of



thank you so much sweetie

happy thanksgiving


talk about your free times and hobbies

dialogue one

what do you do in your spare time


what do you enjoy doing in your spare



i do quite a lot of sports actually i

enjoy going swimming

wow so interesting how much time do you

have each week for doing these things

i go swimming every day after i finish

my work

there’s a very good pool just around the

corner from my office

how about you jane

do you have a lot of free time

to be honest with you i work quite hard

at the moment

so i don’t get a lot of free time


i just have free time on the weekends

what do you like to do on the weekends

on the weekends i like to cook and

invite my friends around for dinner

as you know i’m a big fan of cooking

programs and often try to copy the


and sometimes i’m really into bicycling

oh really

besides i like going swimming i like

bicycling too by the way who do you go

cycling with

sometimes on my own sometimes with my

friends you should come with us next


thanks that sounds great

dialogue 2

talk about your free time


are you watching titanic lucy

yep you know this movie

of course it’s a classic movie


i’ve seen titanic three times

you seem to like watching movies right

definitely i’m a movie freak for me

watching movies is an excellent way to


moreover my friends are really into

films so it’s interesting to spend time


sounds great

what kinds of movies do you like best

i love watching all genres

i try to absorb and enjoy

as many different kinds of films as i


whether it be the blockbuster adventures

end game

iron man


comedy drama musicals like glee

that’s great do you watch a movie with


no i don’t need subtitles because i want

to improve my english

how often do you watch films

well i am quite busy but i managed to

see about one or two films a week at


after a long day of studying i love

snuggling up on the sofa and watching a

film to relax

i tend to do this on friday and sunday

evenings with my friends

so interesting

what about you kate what do you do in

your free time

unlike you

i like to play tennis in my spare time


playing sports will help you exercise

your strength

yeah i know

how often do you play tennis

i play tennis as soon as i have free

time if you are free we will play tennis

this weekend

of course it’s a good idea

see you next week

dialog three

what do you usually do on your weekends


how are you doing

i’m okay and you

so am i

do you usually have the weekends off

same as any other company i will have

two days off which is saturday and


but whenever a new project works i have

to work overtime even on the weekend

so what do you usually do if you get a


as usual i often go shopping in the

shopping mall with my mom all morning

in the afternoons i’ll take my dog for a


do you often hang out with friends

of course

occasionally saturday night i would go

out to eat or drink coffee with a few of

my friends

what about sunday

sunday is always a great day because i

can do whatever i want

i sometimes go out to go swimming

if it rains i will stay home and watch

one of my favorite movies

it’s a lazy day

how do you feel when you have free time

the weekend is a good time for me it

refreshes my mind after a week’s hard


me too i always look forward to saturday

and sunday

dialogue 4 conquering the mountain is

very difficult

welcome to our sports news today tom

i’m so glad to be invited here today

as everyone knows you have conquered

mount whitney in california

that’s right

how long have you been climbing the


it’s been about five years incidentally

five years ago on a flight to new

zealand i watched the film everest

in which adventurers have conquered the

mountain in the blizzard i immediately

wanted to start

climbing so the movie inspired you right


what is the height of the highest

mountain you have conquered

it’s mount whitney in california the

highest in mainland america at 4

421 meters

that’s great i admire you very much

and when do you usually go climbing on

the mountain

my friends and i formed a climbing team

we are both freelancers so we usually

have a lot of free time

we usually spend the whole of december


is it difficult

i think it’s very difficult

i think the altitude awful weather and

punishing temperatures all pose a

serious threat to those who want to

submit the mountain

what difficulties do you face

my biggest difficulty when climbing is

about temperature i remember at that

time the temperature dropped to a

negative 20 degrees

there was also a blizzard

that’s terrible

is it dangerous

yes it’s very dangerous for us if we

weren’t careful we would have been swept

away by a blizzard

what an interesting talk show thank you

for joining

dialogue five do you have free time to

cook for your family

my team has a new project again we are

always busy i have overtime until 8 pm

that’s bad

i don’t even have time to make dinner

for my family

how about you lisa do you have enough

free time to cook

yes i have enough time to prepare a

healthy dinner for my family


how do you manage your time

well i am quite busy but i managed to

one or two hours preparing dinner

after a long day of working i love

cooking for my son and my husband

as you know i’m a big fan of cooking

programs and often try to copy the


are you tired of having to do too much

i don’t see it cooking helps me relax

after a long day

and cooking delicious food with my kids

and husband makes me very happy

do you cook dinner alone


every day i am in charge of cooking my

husband washes the dishes

my son tidies up the table

your family is so happy


conversations at home



tom’s house is very cozy and a happy


let’s watch the video and see daily life

of everyone in the family

wake up tom and lana

you have to get up right away to have

breakfast and go to school on time


yes mom

come on lana

why are you still sleeping

mom please

just let me sleep in a few minutes

i’m so sleepy

no do you know what time it is

it’s half past seven now

you don’t want to be late for the bus


okay mom

ah i’ve prepared sandwiches and milk for

your breakfast enjoy your breakfast

thanks mom

good morning everyone

good morning dad

you are looking so sad what happened


yes mom i had a bad dream last night i’m

still feeling afraid now

what was your dream about

could you remember it and tell us


i dreamed that i was lost in the desert

and there was no water left in my bottle

i was very thirsty and hopeless

no one could hear me even though i

screamed so loud


it sounds really scary

how about you tim did you sleep well

last night

yes dad

i even had a sweet dream

lily and i

went out and we ate a lot of fried


and we also went to the circus together



my boy has a girlfriend oh

i finished my breakfast

i’ll go to the bus stop now

goodbye mom dad and tom

bye sweetie

have a good day


what’s the matter baby are you looking

for something

yes mom do you see where my bag is

i don’t remember the place i took it off

hmm i don’t know

have you found it carefully

do you think you still leave it in your

room maybe mom

let me check it


have you seen it lana

no mom i’ll be late for school

you’re wearing your backpack

why are you still looking for it

you are so absent-minded

you knew that why didn’t you tell me

because you look so funny

it’s late now lana i think you should go

to the bus station now

yes dan goodbye everyone

tom have you prepared everything you

need for today’s lesson

yes i did it yesterday

you are good kid tom

of course mom

i will always be good to become

spider-man and then get married to lily

do you love lily your sister’s friend

who often comes to our house to play

with you and lana

yes mom i really love lily she is always

gentle with me

she also looks so cute

lily has brown hair

blue eyes and i love them so much

wow tom

i’m fairly surprised about you

okay i believe you can make your dream

come true

thanks mom

let’s go to school mom

okay here we go

goodbye dad

see you in the evening

love you so much

bye son have a good day at school

i love you too


we have already come to your school

remember to be obedient and listen to

your teacher

and don’t forget to say good morning to


yes please

who will pick me up this afternoon

your dad i will be very busy today

and i will be back home late

let me take you to your class now

yes mom

good morning teacher

hello teacher

hello mrs mary

hi tom

let’s go in your seat

we’re ready for class now

yes please goodbye mom i love you

bye son love you

mrs rachel

tom’s dad will come to pick him up today

and he’ll arrive late because his

company is quite far from here

i hope you can play with him at that


okay mrs mary i will remember it you

don’t have to worry about it

thank you teacher i have to go now

goodbye teacher

goodbye mary go carefully


hi tom have you waited for me for a long


yes daddy the class ended for a while

and everybody went home

mrs rachel played with me and we watched

a cartoon together

where is she

i don’t know she just went in and you

got there so


she’s here

hello teacher

thank you for being and playing with my


i’m sorry for the late

you’re welcome

actually your wife said you would be

late and ask me to play with tom you

should say thank you to mary


we’ll go back home now goodbye teacher

goodbye mrs rachel i really want to see

you again tomorrow

bye see you tomorrow

so tom

how was your day

today was a very happy day

we learned about new animals through

very lively videos

the teacher also taught us how to play


i was the highest scorer on the

basketball game my teacher organized


good job my son

i’m so proud of you


do you feel that today is so hot

yes i feel it too

i drank a lot of water today but it

didn’t work


can i swim when we arrive home i haven’t

swam in a long time

of course tom

swimming is very beneficial for your

health and height

you should invite lana to swim with you

she also loves to swim like you

yes daddy let’s swim

haha okay son


mom do you see where my swimming glasses


i took it out for us but i forgot to

give it to you

i’m leaving it on the desk

oh i see it thanks lana

hello uncle mike


hi lily

my mom told me to bring some fruits for


are tom and lana at home

thanks lily

yes they’re going to swim now

tom lana

lily has come to play with you

hi lily

do you want to swim with us

it will be very fun

yes i love to but i don’t have swimwear

you can use mine

let me take out the one for you

thank you lana


now who wants to join a swimming

competition yes dad

i will win this game

i can swim very fast

don’t be too confident tom

lily and i can beat you easily right


let’s try your best everyone

after i said to start the three of you

will swim from one end of the pool to

the other

whoever gets to the finish line first

will be the winner and will receive a

box of cakes in the house as a reward

are you ready lily lana and tom

yes dad

we’re ready now



one start

yay i said that i will win this game

congratulations tom you swim really fast


i won one more round

i believe that i’ll beat ben in this


tom do you agree

of course dad

i will prove that i swim better than

lily and lana


back to your position





yeah he did it

congrats tom

you are so excellent

thanks lily

dinner is almost done

everyone let’s take a shower and have


lily i’ve called your mom and she agreed

to let you enjoy dinner with our family

yay thank you

my mom made bee steak so delicious you

can try it today

wow i love it

come on guys get ready to take a shower

yes sir

conversations at home

go camping


tom’s family is going camping today

let’s watch the video and see what they

will do during the camping trip


yeah finally we got here

the view is so amazing and beautiful

let’s get out of the car and take our

stuff out


your mom and i will build a campsite

there to have a place to take a rest

after the meal

tom and lana

you two will arrange the tables and

chairs as well as put the food and

drinks on them

are you ready

yes dad please do it quickly

i’m so hungry


okay son we put the food in the big red


yes mom i see it


mark where did you put the tent stakes

i can’t find it in the tent bag

oh no mary

i seem to have left them at home

i took them out to double check the

quantity but

forgot to put them in the bag


i had told you many times

you are so absent-minded

what do we have to do now mark

i don’t want to go back home too early

like this

i’m sorry honey i’ll go deep in the

forest to find wood for making steaks

it will be very dangerous

don’t worry mary i’ll be back as soon as


be careful mark i believe in you



do you want to take a short rest here

we finish setting up the table and the


that’s a good idea

good job tom and lana


what are you doing there

i’m looking at flowers and

they’re so small

i have a magnifying glass in the back

do you want to use it to see everything

more clearly


sounds great lana

please take it out

you and i will explore what insects are

doing here

okay tom


do you know what this is

is this a worm

i’m not sure tom

it doesn’t look like a worm

let me ask mom


can you come here for a bit

yes daughter what’s the matter


tom and i are wondering what is this

type of insect

it looks like a worm but

i’m not sure about it


let me see

oh this is a larva butterfly

have you ever heard about it

is it a little butterfly mom

yes but it looks very ugly right

let me tell you about the butterfly’s



butterfly’s mom lays many eggs on fresh

green leaves or stems

after a few days

the shell of the egg breaks and a long

worm-like caterpillar comes out

it’s also called larva

oh it’s here

that’s right lana

a larva feeds graciously and grows

quickly in size

once the larva is big enough it stops

eating and enters the transformation


it stops eating anything at this time

after a few days the shell of the pupa

breaks and an adult butterfly comes out


wow it’s so amazing

i’m back everyone

yes daddy

could you bring the wood back to make

the camp for us

no i didn’t

sorry son


we’ll have to go back home now

we don’t have a place to stay in




where did you get them dad i thought you

left them at

home a long story i was looking for wood

when a snake appeared

it’s too big and terrible

i was so scared and ran as fast as

possible to get rid of the snake

luckily i saw an expedition team in the

distance and ran to them

when i got there i didn’t know that the

snake hadn’t chased me for a while

i told them about the stakes

fortunately they brought two sets of

tents so they accepted to loan me one

steak sat

so let’s make camp everyone

it looks so cool dad


yeah let’s grill beef to you will take

beef in the blue bag out

your father and i will prepare for the

grill and seasoning to marinate the meat

yes mom

did you forget to buy coal mark

ah no mary

i will take it out for you


i’m so sorry mary

what happened honey

i didn’t bring a lighter how could i be

so bad

oh no mark

i don’t know what to say now

have you searched for it carefully

you may have dropped it somewhere

let’s look one more time

if we don’t have a lighter we can only

make fire by rubbing the stones together


it must be flint we don’t have any flint


so we should find the lighter first


oh my god it’s here

what is here dan

i don’t understand what you had said

where did you get the matches

you are a savior of our family today

i took them from home

what’s the matter dad

i had forgotten the lighter at home so

we don’t have anything to make fire

fortunately now we can use your matches

to grow beef

here you are dan

you’re so absent-minded

mary you don’t need to look for a


i already have matches here

we can start grilling beef now

wow mark where did you get them

from our daughter lana

she has saved us today


let me see it

lana you shouldn’t play with fire it’s

so dangerous

you may get damaged or even make a

forest fire just by a match

how could it mom it’s just a small match

it could it’s the dry season so the fire

is easy to break out and spread

many forest fires caught from the

accident of human

don’t you know that


i knew it mom

i will never play fire in the forest


you’re a good girl lana

oh thank you sweetie let’s grill the

meat now

mom please give me more beef

it’s so yummy today

yes i also feel that tonight’s meal is

so awesome

because today is a long day for everyone

all have to work so hard so i think

you’ll be very hungry

sorry everyone i was so bad today and

made your mom very tired

no problem mark you made today become

one of the most memorable days of our


yes a memorable camping trip

mom dad

look up at the night sky

it looks really magical

wow so beautiful

look the moon is full and bright i’ve

never seen a big moon like this

the moon is actually much bigger than

you think

we can see the whole moon because it is

so far away from us

i knew it dad

i watched tv and they had talked about

the moon

good son

who wants to sing after the meal

i brought my guitar here and i’ll play

it for you

are you sure that you brought it here


i’m sure

i love singing yay


conversation at home

visiting grandparents


tom’s family is going to visit tom’s

grandparents today

let’s watch the video and what will they

do at their grandparents home


tom and lana

do you know what we’ll do tomorrow

tomorrow’s sunday

we will go to visit grandparents yay

that’s right so now everyone will

prepare the stuff for tomorrow’s trip

don’t forget to bring the gift you’ve

made for your grandparents as i said

yes mom


why are you watching tv

have you prepared enough things we’ve

talked about before

of course i did

i’ve checked the fruit and wine we

bought and carefully boxed it

the new message machine we bought i also

put in the trunk of our car

good job honey


have you checked the gas of the car

are you sure it will be enough for the


yes mary i just refueled yesterday when

i went out to buy the fruit

why do you worry about me

i’m just worried that you’ll forget

everything like the camping day

no honey it was an accident

forget it

tom and lana

have you put everything you need in your


no mom do you see where my glasses are

which glasses

the glasses with spider-man on the frame

ah i remember it you have kept it in my


i cleaned the house yesterday and saw

that you left it in the living room

so i kept it for you in my room let me

take it out for you

thank you mom

by the way

you should not leave things


only bad kids do that

yes mom i remember

i can’t see where’s my picture

i spent three days drawing it

i really want to give my picture to my

grandparents as my gift

have you searched for it carefully

yes dad i’m afraid that i forgot it in

my class

i think we should look for it one more


i will help you with it

thank you dad


ah don’t forget to search for it in your


you may put it in but forget about it

let me see


oh no you are right dad

i put it in there

i’m so absent-minded

no problem daughter

you are really like me


okay everyone let’s go to bed early

we’ll start the trip early tomorrow

yes mom

good night mom and dad

good night


can i take sam with me

i think he also wants to play with lou

at my grandparents house

that is a great idea

okay tom you will hug sam in the back


okay dan

are you ready

let’s go now


yay we got there

sam looks so excited it’s the first time

he’s been out this far

tom and lana remember to say hello and

ask about your grandparents health

yes mom

long time no see lou

come on sam

you’re barking too

i think lou forgot us and he’ll bark

with strangers

it’s a normal thing a dog does

let me call your grandparents i think

only they can stop it

mom dad

are you home

mark and mary right

i’m opening the door right now



you’re so annoying

good morning grandfather i’m so happy to

see you

good my children

let’s go in the house now

you must be very tired

yes dad we left early in the morning

okay get in

your mom is very eager to see everyone

oh is this sam

i haven’t seen him for a long time

yes grandfather this is the dog that

grandpa gave me last year

he grows so fast


i’ll put lou in a cage so you won’t

fight with sam

hello grandma how are you

i very strong

i miss you so much

come here let me hug my two children

we miss you too


i have a secret gift for you

let me take it out

it’s one picture which was drawn by me

grandpa do you like it

you draw very well

yes i love it

i’ll hang it in the living room

i have a gift for you too

here you are

wow tom your robot looks so cool thank

you my child

it’s my favorite robot of tom

he just played it one time before

you are so kind tom


mom dad

i’ve brought some fruits and wine for


ah we also brought a new massage machine

i know you have back pain so it’ll be

very helpful for you

i love massage machines

i told your mom to buy one but she

didn’t agree because it is very



thank you

lana do you want to eat apple cake

yes grandma i love apple cake very very



let me bring it out for you

i just made them in the morning


i love apple cake too

tom come here with me

i really miss you my boy

yes grandpa

do you enjoy going to school

you play with many friends

i have a lot of friends at school

also i’m ranked first in my class

good job my boy

let me kiss you once

oh tom you are so cute

you must be very hungry

let’s prepare for lunch now

yes mom

i’ll give you a helping hand

what will we have for lunch mom i’m so


i will make chicken soup and baked ribs

that sounds great mom

dad how is your health recently

have you and mom still keep cycling as


yes of course

we always cycle

every afternoon

we go around the village

it helps us feel better and eat more in

the evening



i’m strong like you grandpa

i even swim faster than lana

she lost to me in a swimming competition

last week

because you’re a boy tom

but you’re older than me

both of you are so good

and mark how about your career

everything is good dad

i’ll be promoted to deputy director next


also my wife has become the team leader

last week

i’m so proud of you mark and mary

thank you dad

do you want to try that massage machine


i heard that it will make you feel so


ah yes

let me bring it out there grandpa

okay tom be careful

it may be fairly heavy for you

don’t worry grandpa

i’m as strong as superman


do you still have apple cake i have

eaten the whole cake

yes of course you can go to the kitchen

and ask your grandma

i remember that she made a lot for you

and tom


i’ll go with you anna

i’m hungry too

these kids are so cute and docile


conversations at home

the broken vase


sunday is the day off that everyone

looks forward to

let’s watch this video and see what

tom’s family members do this sunday


good morning mom and dad

oh my daughter is awake

let’s wash your face to have breakfast

with us

yes dad

tom hasn’t woken up yet

yes he’s still sleeping in his room

today is sunday so we allow him to wake

up later than usual

hurry up lana i made your favorite apple

cake for you

i also made orange juice and it goes

great with apple pie


yay i love it

so lana i remember you had a math exam

last tuesday

did you do it well

yes dad lily and i were two people with

95 points

and that was the highest score in our


well done lana

enjoy your meal

i will go out with my friends now

but dad

you haven’t finished your noodles yet

you will be hungry

thank you my daughter don’t worry

i’m full now

besides i asked my friends to meet me at

the cafe at eight o’clock and it’s

almost late now

i’ll go now bye everyone

love you

goodbye daddy

honey please remember to buy beef and

tomato as i said yesterday i will make

beef steak for our family this lunch

okay mary i got it


how is the cake today

they’re awesome

the apple cake you make is the best cake

in the whole world

hey elena

are they better than your grandma’s cake

oh i forgot

grandma’s apple cake is also the best

you are so clever

listen lana i have to clean the house


can you help me feed sam after having

your breakfast

yes mom i just finished eating

let me help you clear the table

okay you can put tom’s breakfast in the

fridge so he can eat it when he wakes up

yes mom

then what will i do after feeding the


you can play anything you want in our



you can wake your brother up and play

with him

it’s quite late now and he should get up

okay mom

ah i will also make cupcakes for you and

tom after cleaning so

let you wait for it

yay thank you mom




what happened girl

mom i’m so sorry

i was playing with a ball when the ball

accidentally hit the vase

and knocked it over

the vase is broken

are you okay lana

i was about to run to the living room

i’m okay mom i swear that i didn’t see

the face in there

i’m sorry mom

calm down lana let’s go to the broken

vase with mom

here it is mom



please give me the brush to sweep this


it is in the kitchen

yes mom

look lana you have to be very careful

with broken glass

when broken the vase will become small

sharp pieces of glass

you can easily cut your hands if you do

not handle them carefully

yes mom i got it

and remember to be careful when playing


yes mom

i think i’ll do my science homework now

i don’t want to play anymore

okay i will call you when the cake



good morning mom

what was that

hi son are you awake

ah your sister played with a ball and

unfortunately broke the vase

go brush your teeth and wash your face

i’ll heat up your breakfast cake right


i already did it

where dad and lana

your dad went out with his friends and

your sister lana is studying in her room


okay i set a timer for the microwave

your cake will be heated in three


what are you doing mom


i’m making cupcakes

they also include your favorite

chocolate and vanilla flavors


they’ll be so delicious

do you want to watch me make cupcakes

yes mom i was going to watch my favorite

cartoon but i just remembered that that

show has been moved to noon

by the way can you help me to put your

dishes in the sink after finishing your


okay mom it’s easy


what did i do


how can i break mom’s vase

this is the most favorite face of mom

she will definitely be very sad and

disappointed in me

what should i do

i can’t let mom be sad anymore


i know

i hope mom will forgive me for the old



i want to give you this new vase

hopefully it will replace the old one

let me see lana

where did you get it

i just got it in my room

i regret breaking your face so

i made a new one

then you can arrange flowers

i used old water can then colored and

wrote letters to decorate it into new

flower vase for you

yeah i see it

this word is so touching

you are an emotional and cute girl

thank you lana

do you love it mom

of course sweetie it is so meaningful

this new vase is definitely better than

the old one

i will arrange flowers into it now

you make me so surprised

you’re not mad at me anymore right

oh no lana

i have never been mad at you before

i just want you to be more careful when

using glassware


thank you so much mom


i can make an even more beautiful face

than why not

do you want it

you can do it when you break another

glass vase tom


well done look tom and lana such a cute

flower vase

mom arranges flowers really well

thank you son

your dad must be so surprised when

seeing this new vase


have you done the cupcakes yet

i really want to eat them

yes mom i’d love to try them too

oh i forgot

i had finished baking the cupcakes

let mommy take them out so we can eat

them together while watching tv


let me open the hbo channel i remember

that they will show a blockbuster on hbo

today at noon

is it harry potter and the philosopher’s



so i will help mom bring the cupcake to

the living room okay

yes lana

looks like it’s late for the movie

hurry up lana

okay tom


conversation at home

lana’s mask


the evening at tom’s house is also very

interesting and fun

let’s watch the video and discover an

evening at tom’s house



come here

i want to whisper you one thing

what’s the matter

son do you want to eat something

i’m quite hungry dad


okay tom

do you want to eat an apple

i know that your mom just bought many

apples this morning

they’re so great

really dad

okay let me ask mom


i heard all the conversations between

you and your dad

let me go peel apples for the two of you

thanks mom

ah tom

can you go to lana’s room and call her

to the living room to eat apples


yes please mom

it’s weird after finishing eating lana

ran up to her room immediately

it’s close to her favorite movie but she

won’t come down

i don’t know what’s going on here

i think she must have had too much

homework today so

she needs to go up to her room quickly



would you like to eat an apple

mom is peeling delicious apples


you won’t have any apples to eat if

you’re late in the living room


are you in the room lana

yes i am

come in tom

i have an interesting thing i want to

show you


see i never guessed wrong


what happened son you look so scared

calm down my boy

tell me about it


lana looks so scared

lana has a scary mask

she wanted to scare me when i went up to

call her down for an apple


poor son

is it really that scary

yes dad

i have never seen anything so scary like



why did you threaten your brother

did you know that he’s very afraid of


i’m sorry dan

i had apologized to tom but he was too


so he ran away from me and told you

i was afraid of being scolded so i

didn’t dare to go downstairs

you need to promise that you won’t tease

tom anymore lana

then everyone will not blame you anymore

yes dad sorry


i will never tease brother tom anymore

i am so sorry tom

okay lana come here and eat apples with


by the way

it’s time for your favorite film

do you remember it

yes mom i’m coming down right now

let me take more tea for everyone

i made them last afternoon

great mary thank you honey

oh my god lana

what is this

you just threatened me out of my soul

mark look at your daughter she’s naughty

like a boy

dad that’s the mask

it looks really scary


why are you still wearing the mask down

to the living room

i’m so sorry mom dad and tom

i just want to show tom that everything

on this mask is not real

i don’t want tom to still obsess about

this mask

oh lana i blamed you wrong sorry my


but i still think you should keep this

mask in your room

then you can come down here and enjoy


yes daddy i got it



do you want to eat this final cake

i’m full now

no lana

i don’t want to eat your cake

why tom

you love this cake so much

tom may still be mad at you about the

mask he was so scared

but i had apologized to him immediately

okay tom

i will eat it

tom if you finished your breakfast you

should prepare a school backpack and

clothes to get ready for school

today dad will take you to school

yes mom

i also finished my meal

i will go to the bus station now

goodbye mom and dad


lana wait

are you going to wear your sandals to


oh no i forgot

thanks mom

it’s still early daughter you even

forgot your school bag on the table

thanks mom okay

bye everyone

bye lana i wish you a happy school day

and remember

not to tease your friends with the ghost

mask they may be very scared like your


yes i got it mom

tom are you ready

okay dad let’s go now

don’t you want to say bye to your mom


oh sorry mom goodbye mom

see you tonight i love you

bye son bye mark have a good day

thank you honey


wow this snake is giant

aren’t you afraid of it tom

i’m not scared

this snake is only in this film

do you think that harry potter can kill

it and save hermione

i hope so tom but he needs a very

powerful weapon

he can’t beat it by hand or magic


he has to find it first

he doesn’t know where the snake is

that makes sense lana

mark can you help me to watch this

potato soup for me

it’s almost done but i need to go out

now to receive some important things

okay honey i’m coming now

tom and lana

can you tell me about the missing part

of the movie later


okay daddy believe us


oh ben long time no see

how are you and your family my old


we’re good mark

how about you

my family is also very happy

do you remember tom

he is six years old and has become a

very smart boy

of course mark

the last time i visited you

tom was just learning to talk

by the way

elena must be very different

i remember that she was very intelligent

yes lana is a cute girl

ah ben

when are you going to get married

i forgot

i called to inform you that i’ll get

married to monica next month and the

wedding ceremony will be held at my

house and i would be very happy if you

and your family can attend my wedding


congrats ben of course

we will definitely come

oh no

what is this smell



what’s wrong with my soup pot

ben i have to stop the call now i just

made a big mistake

bye and

hope to see you soon my friend

bye mark

oh no mary

i forgot it i’m so sorry

we can’t eat it anymore mark

what will we use for our meal now

i didn’t mean to do it mary

ben called to inform me about his

wedding next month i was so busy talking

to ben and forgot to look at the soup


really mark i’m so glad to hear that

so we will order pizza for our meal

and to congratulate ben

what do you think about it

aren’t you mad at me

i love your idea


let me call pizza for everyone

hurry up mark i think that the children

are very hungry now

okay honey


today lana’s teacher was called her

parents to report her mistake in class

watch the video to see why and how her

parents helped lana to realize her


do you think this word is pineapple

it is a yellow fruit and pineapple chunk

that can be used in desserts such as

fruit salads or cake

that’s right lana

let’s see the next word

this fruit grows on vines can be eaten

raw or cooked

and can be made into lots of things like



vinegar and oil

its name has five characters

is that pumpkin lana

i don’t think so

we make vinegar from pumpkin

also pumpkin has seven characters in it

what about grape lana

yeah i think it must be the correct


you’re right tom

grape is a reasonable answer for this


only two words left we’ll finish all the

crosswords about fruit

i don’t know if mom and dad have

finished preparing dinner yet

i’m feeling a bit hungry now

yes tom

i’m also curious about what we’re going

to eat tonight

why is dad in the kitchen with mom today

i have no idea lana

i think we should focus on the two final

words here

i won’t win this game now

okay tom

it’s done mary

i washed and arranged all the

ingredients needed to make the pizza as

you said

thanks mark

can you help me to go out and buy some

drinks to have with the pizza

i’ll make the rest of the pizza and bake


of course mary i’ll buy a coke for you

and the kids

by the way do you want to drink beer

we haven’t drunk it in a long time

that’s a great idea honey

and remember to buy chili sauce the

chili sauce at home is gone

okay sweetie

i’ll go now

mark someone is calling for you

let me see

it’s lana’s teacher

i think she is called to report her

school results

let me answer the phone

hello mrs anne i’m lana’s father

hi mr mark how are you

i wanted to tell you a little bit about

lana’s situation in class

yes i’m not busy now i’m ready to listen

actually lana is quite naughty in class

these days

could you tell me a little more detail

what did she do at school

lana often teases her friends in

class she hides in the wall with a mask

and jumps out to scare her friends

some of them are startled and run away

or even fall


oh no i’m so sorry about that

i already reminded her in front of the


but i still want her parents to know and

remind her a little more so that lana

realizes what she did wrong

that’s why i called you today

we’ll talk to lana right now

thank you teacher and hope you will help

lana more in class

i just wanted to inform you about it

elana is studying very well and

concentrating so

i’ll hang up the phone now goodbye mr


a goodbye mrs anne


mary do you understand the situation

yes i got it i think you should talk to


she was closer to you and listened more

to you

you should explain to her why she

shouldn’t tease you with masks anymore

at that time let me buy a drink and

chili sauce for you i believe you honey

okay i’ll talk to lana now



can you go to my room now

i want to talk to you for a while

yes dad i’m coming

so lana

did you often use the ghost mask to

scare your classmates

your teacher told me about it

and she was sad about you

she really doesn’t want you to do it


i’m sorry dad

i so regret doing that

you shouldn’t tease them too much or

they’ll be scared

if you want to tease your friends

they’ll gradually hate you

and stop playing with you

you’ll be very lonely then


lana i am a bit sad when the teacher

calls and tells me about your mistake

promise me you’ll never do that to your

friends again

yes dad i promise

i believe you my good daughter

i will apologize to my friends tomorrow

and bring my candies for them

i think they’ll forgive me soon

that’s a good idea lana

dad where’s mom

i’m so hungry right now

she’s gone to the mini mart to buy some

things for dinner

do you want to play the spider-man game

tom yay i love the spiderman game


lift me up there

okay tom

you shoot the thread and i’ll take you

where you want to be



i also want to play a spider-man game

tom it’s your sister’s turn you’ve been

playing for a while so

take a break

yes dad

i will let lana become spider-man

and i’m iron man now

i can fire by my hand and i also have

iron armor

but you can’t fly like me


flying is boring


i prefer to walk and fight with the


you’re so smart tom


mom is back

yes i bought coke for you and lana

who wants to eat pizza tonight

really mom

we love pizza

okay just wait for me a few minutes

i had baked the pizza in the microwave

before i went out

and i think it’s ready to eat now


let’s eat pizza


tom and lana you too have to wash your

hands carefully before eating

then please help me to bring the food to

the living room

today we’ll have dinner and watch a


yes mom i got it


mom and dad are drinking beer

what’s in its flavor

it has a slightly bitter taste

and is very cool to drink

you’ll be able to drink beer when you


  1. bitter

i think i still love coke more than beer



can you give me a little tomato sauce

i can’t eat pizza with chili sauce


it’s too hot for me

oh i’m sorry son

wait for me five seconds

here you are tom enjoy

the pizza is awesome

you made it very well mom

thank you lana

why didn’t you praise me lana

i also made this pizza with your mom

oh i forgot it

good job daddy


ha ha thank you daughter

i also just bought grapes and kept them

in the fridge

everyone can eat grapes after finishing

this pizza

yes thanks mom

so i have to eat pizza faster to eat


hang in there tom


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