Can YOU pass this spelling test 98 CANNOT 50 most MISSPELLED words with worksheet


hello everyone and welcome back

to english with lucy today i’m going to

help you

with your spelling and your vocabulary

and your pronunciation actually i have


50 of the most commonly misspelt words

in the english language

and i am going to test you on them i’m

also going to teach you their


their definition and i’m going to use

them in an example as well

please note i speak with modern received


and all of the phonetic transcriptions

are in received pronunciation

to make this even more fun i have

created a free

pdf worksheet that you can download

and you can fill it out with your test

answers as you go along

then you can keep it as a pronunciation

and vocabulary tool

to download the free pdf just click on

the link in the description box

you sign up to my mailing list and the

worksheet will be sent directly to your

email inbox

before we get started with the test i

would just like to thank the sponsor of

today’s video

it is skillshare skillshare is an online

learning community

with thousands of inspiring classes for

lifelong learners

there are so many classes to choose from

from writing to business to marketing

to graphic design to languages i’ve

picked one that i think

is particularly gorgeous the guy who

presents it

is so funny as well it’s called plants

at home

uplift your spirit and your space this

is by christopher griffin who is also

known as plant

queen skillshare is specifically curated

for learning meaning there are no

ads and they are always launching new

premium classes

it’s less than 10 a month with an annual


and the first 1 000 of my students to

click on the link in the description box

will get a free trial of skillshare

premium membership

let’s begin this is how it’s going to

work i have

50 words i am going to say each word

twice and the phonetic transcription

will appear

on the screen so you can know how to

pronounce it

i will also show a simple definition for

each word

and i will use the word in a sentence i

will give you a good amount of time to

write the correct spelling

if you need more time you can always


and then i will show the spelling so you

can correct as you go along

at the end of this class you will have a

wonderful vocabulary list

don’t forget to share your final scores

and the words that you struggled with

in the comments section down below i

want to see all of your scores

number one accommodate

accommodate i don’t have enough bedrooms

to accommodate you


two c’s two m’s in accommodate

two acknowledge

knowledge i acknowledge that i could

have tried harder

three address

address please write your address

in block capitals


for annually

annually i audit the accounts



five apparent

apparent it was apparent that she hadn’t

prepared for the meeting


six argument

argument it was clear that an

argument was brewing

did you get it seven buoyant

buoyant the buoyant market has greatly

helped our profits


don’t forget that you eight business

business the business suffered

due to the pandemic

business i always remember it as


nine calendar

calendar i’ll add the appointment

to my calendar


calendar calendar

i always really struggled with that one

at school 10.

camouflage camouflage

you can use makeup to camouflage your



  1. caribbean

caribbean also known as the caribbean

as well we went to the caribbean

for our honeymoon


that one always stumps me i am always

inclined to go for double

r there caribbean but it’s just one r

two b’s twelve category

category the results are not ready in

that category


  1. conscientious

conscientious she was conscientious

about the way she broached the topic


  1. desperate

desperate he was desperate

to get a promotion


it is the e and the a that confuses most

on that one

  1. embarrass

embarrass i hope my boss

doesn’t embarrass me again


  1. fluorescent

fluorescent please avoid wearing

fluorescent colours

in tv interviews

  1. foreign

foreign it’s important to learn about

foreign cultures

it’s that annoying g isn’t it why is it


eighteen gauge

gauge i can’t gauge if he is being


that one’s hard when i read that as a

child i wanted to say

gorge i can’t gorge i think i

mispronounced it for a while

  1. hierarchy

hierarchy the ceo is at the top of the

company hierarchy

  1. judgment

judgment i will trust you to use your



don’t put in that extra e don’t do it

21 library

library also pronounced as library

library you can donate your old dvds

to the library


22 medieval

medieval they tried to build houses over

medieval ruins


  1. mischievous

mischievous the puppy was cute

but very mischievous


so my parents brought me up to

mispronounce this word

we were always taught it was mischievous

so that’s a mistake that a lot of

speakers make 24.

misspell misspell

it frustrates me when people misspell my


it’s a lot of repeated letters there 25.

necessary necessary

it doesn’t seem necessary for us to meet

in person

i have a trick for this one my mother

taught me that you need to say the rhyme

never eat cream cakes no what is that

oh yes okay i’ve got it now never eat

what what’s the rhyme she taught me

never eat cake eat

salmon sandwiches and remain young

that’s probably way more complicated for

you all but if you like rhymes this one


never eat cake eat salmon sandwiches

and remain young good advice as well i

love salmon sandwiches

  1. noticeable

noticeable my scar is hardly noticeable



27 occasion

occasion on this occasion you can take

the day off work


28 occurrence or also

occurrence as well occurrence

bullying is a rare occurrence in this



it’s another of those double letters

they always get us

  1. outrageous

outrageous she was fired for her

outrageous behavior


did you get it zeus at the end the extra

e that

unexpected e 30

parliament parliament parliament will

meet tonight to discuss the vaccine


parliament 31

past time past time

walking is a wonderful past time for all



32 perseverance

perseverance the only way to succeed

is through hard work and perseverance

did you guess it 33.

personnel personnel

we are experiencing a lack of skilled



  1. plagiarism

plagiarism we have no tolerance for



  1. protester

protester a protester marched outside

the headquarters


  1. questionnaire

questionnaire please fill out the


in black ink


37 receipt

receipt if you don’t have a receipt

you can’t claim a refund

this is a tough one it often affects

pronunciation because there’s that

hidden p

so i hear a lot of people saying receipt

but no

it’s a silent letter 38 recommend

recommend i recommend this series to all

of my students

so with accommodate we have two cs and

two ms but

with recommend we do not 39

rhyme rhyme

can you think of a rhyme for orange

can you think of a rhyme for orange


no it’s that sneaky h annoying

40 another hard one rhythm

rhythm he has an abnormal heart



this is a great word for hangman because

it has

no vowels and those are the ones that

people try and guess first

next time you play hangman trust me 41.

sees sees

he tried to seize the wallet from my


i before e except after c and except

in c’s that works really well

42 separate

separate also pronounced as separate

they are sleeping in separate bedrooms


  1. sergeant

sergeant the officer bellowed at the



  1. skillful

skillful the brand’s success resulted

from their skillful use

of social media


most people want to put an extra l in

there 45

supersede supersede

i fear this new research will supersede

my theory


46 12th

12th don’t worry too much about the

pronunciation of this one

12th is way more common than 12th

what a mouthful you are the 12th

victim to come forward 12th

victim that’s that’s hard

most people would naturally say 12th


  1. underrate

underrate don’t underrate yourself as an


  1. vacuum

vacuum the clothes had been vacuum


for easier storage


it’s that w it does not feel natural to

put two u’s in a row

but there we are in fact you could say

it’s 49

weird weird

i thought the way she spoke to me was

very weird


another one that does not follow the eye

before e

except after c rule why because it’s a

weird word

that’s how you remember it the last one

is number 50

it is withhold withhold

he threatened to withhold access to the

bank account

it’s that double h that confuses people

again it just doesn’t feel natural

right that is it for the spelling test

do not forget to share your scores in

the comment section and

be honest be honest there’s no shame

in getting a few of these spellings

wrong these are 50 of the most commonly

misspelt words in the english language

misspelt by native speakers and

non-native speakers alike

thank you once again to the sponsor of

today’s video that is skillshare

and the first 1000 of my students to

click on the link in the description box

we’ll get a free trial of premium

skillshare membership

you can download the pdf for today’s

lesson and sign up for future pdfs

by clicking on the link in the

description box signing up to my mailing


today’s pdf will be sent straight to

your inbox and then every week

you will receive a new pdf for that

week’s lessons

don’t forget to connect with me on all

of my social media i’ve got my facebook

my instagram and my website

i hope to see you very very soon

