Easy Learning English Speaking Practice English Conversations for Daily Life


why did he cheat on me

learn english by situations

a cute guy can open up our eyes a smart

guy can open up our minds but a nice guy

can open up our hearts

let’s follow the love story of linda our


see how the story develops and ends


thank you for coming i’m so glad to see


it is your birthday i must come

happy birthday here is your gift

no need for this

anyway thank you

that’s so nice

let’s take it i prepared for you

thank you very much

now i have to go to greet some friends

make yourself comfortable and try some

food hey

can you stay here and wait for me for a

minute i’ll be back okay

yeah i’m fine


and i see some friends over there waving

at you



sorry for my suddenness

may i ask your name


call me linda

a beautiful name just like you

my name is alex i’m jack’s colleague

nice to meet you

hi alex nice to meet you

are you friends with jack or

jack is my friends my college friends

glad to hear that jack is very popular

he has a lot of friends

yes it’s him

in college he’s very kind and

everyone likes him too

how about you

do you like jack

of course i like him as a friend

i’m sorry for those silly questions i

don’t even know what’s wrong with me

no it’s okay

would you like to drink something

can i get it for you orange juice

thank you orange juice is great i like

some sweets


oh i’m so sorry

i didn’t mean to dirty your dress i’m so


oh it’s a little dirty but that’s okay i

have a sudden problem so

i have to leave this party now

so sorry


what happened why is your dress like


it’s okay

put it on i hope it matches your

beautiful dress

it’s okay i’m fine i have to leave now

thank you

please keep it since you have to go in

such a hurry

can i get your number

yes you can

thanks for giving me a chance

thank you for today goodbye nice to meet


see you again


what just happened

who is he

oh my god he’s so handsome and gallant

have you got home safely yet the party

isn’t perfect because you’re not here

your orange juice is still in my hand

i hope next time i will have a chance to

talk to you more alex

he is so sweet this dirty dress made me

not confident standing next to him he’s

so handsome his nose is so high and his

eyes are as blue as the sea

how can i return this coat to him

ah whatever

i must take a shower now


good morning the weather forecast says

it will rain today

when you go out remember to bring an

umbrella alex

thank you you too

yesterday i saw a rainbow after the rain

it was beautiful so i took a picture and

sent it to you have a nice day alex

it’s so beautiful

thanks and have a nice day

it’s going to be very hot today

a glass of cold orange juice at

breakfast is great

don’t get heat stroke keep your body



today is a beautiful sunny day

i guess your pretty blonde hair looks so

beautiful in the sunshine alex

thank you the sun is so beautiful today


why doesn’t he text me today

or is he busy

why am i waiting for his text i should



oh it’s spam

why am i disappointed

calm down linda he’s nothing to you


is miss linda here

someone sent you this bouquet

i’m here

thank you

wow what a beautiful bouquet


my boyfriend has never been so romantic

there is a letter from

alex this is the prettiest bouquet in

the shop i hope you like it

i wonder if you will smile when you

receive this bouquet

it must have been a beautiful smile alex

linda is that you

i don’t recognize you because this large

bouquet covers your face

anna hi

where are you going

i just went to the supermarket near my


look at your face

a guy gave you this right

come to my house and tell me what



last week you went to jack’s birthday

don’t tell me

you and jack

not jack

a friend of jack’s

he is alex

look at your eyes

do you like him your eyes widened at the

mention of him no i don’t like him we

only met once at jack’s birthday party

he came and talked to me first then ask

for my phone number and text me every


how about a quiz


what quiz

is he handsome

a little bit

but his eyes are so pretty

they’re blue

eyes are you waiting for his message

every day




do you smile while reading his messages


actually no

if he calls will you answer confidently

or will you worry

of course i confidently picked up the



you don’t like him at all

oh my god

should i pick up the phone now

who is calling

alex what should i do







pick up

hi linda i’m alex have you received the

gift yet

i hope you like it

yes it’s beautiful thank you

are you free this weekend

would you like to have dinner with me


i’ll check my schedule and reply to you


i’ll check my schedule and reply to you



i’m waiting for your reply goodbye see

you soon

you confidently picked up the phone

don’t tease me


he is so handsome and kind

these days i feel like i’m in a romantic


reply to his text tomorrow that you are

free for the weekend have a nice date

don’t worry

call me later



i’m so glad you agreed to have dinner

with me you’re so beautiful tonight

thank you for your coat here is yours i

washed it clean

i ordered some food i hope it suits your


oh these are my favorite foods

i like sweet food

how do you know

last time you told me

you don’t remember

it’s not important i remember


how do you know my company address and

send me flowers

do you like it

the bouquet is so beautiful it’s also my

favorite flower

at the party

you kept looking at the flowers on the



i guess you like them it’s nice to be

with you like this

how can he notice such small details

he is so thoughtful


anna he’s so sweet i’m going to die

come to my house tomorrow and tell me

about your date okay


tomorrow i’m going to a friend’s party

he’s going abroad so he wants to say

goodbye to everyone

how about tuesday


see you on tuesday


hi linda

so glad you came

you look so beautiful

i have two best friends

they will come soon and we’ll start the


because they will sit here at this table

with you so

please wait a minute

because of your important friends it’s

okay to wait a bit i’m fine

they have been dating for two years i

was the one who introduced them to each


ah really

they love each other very much

he is so romantic and caring

not only that

he is also very handsome and she is

beautiful and gentle


i’m also looking forward to meeting them

i’m glad they’re happy together because

they are my best friends

ah linda look

they arrived

it’s alex and his girlfriend sarah

hi andy

long time no see

now see you

you’re going abroad

glad you guys came

let me introduce you her

this is linda

it was an ironic situation

how will linda react

and what will alex do when standing

between two girls

both of the girls he likes

more precisely

a girl he loves and a girl he likes


this is alex and sarah what a beautiful


i’m sarah nice to meet you

nice to meet you

alex i feel so cold

i think you feel cold because of the


please put on my coat

it will make you feel warmer

what a sweet couple

hey i’m jack at my party last weekend i

went back to look for you but you

weren’t there

really how could that happen

i can’t believe it alright wait there

what did you say

i don’t understand

what happened

i’m sorry

i have something urgent

i have to go now

i’ll call you later

take care when you go abroad keep in

touch with each other

call me later remember

what’s wrong alex

i’m not feeling well

i have a headache

let’s go to the waiting room and take a



i’ll go with you

i will be okay just

stay here with andy



what do you want

i’m sorry linda i shouldn’t have started

a conversation with you at that party

but the first time i saw you i really

liked you

about sarah


i’m the girl you like sarah is the girl

you love


stop saying sweet words to other girls

if you still love your girlfriend

i know you don’t believe me

but my heart can’t lie

if i made you sad i’m sorry

please forgive me

i hope i never see you again


you need to be serious with your current




i’m sorry are you okay

it’s okay

so sorry

you must be in pain from falling

it’s fine it’s not your fault


are you crying

no i’m not


really he’s a liar that bad guy

why did he cheat on me

i don’t know what bad guys think

i wish i could punch his face

i am a silly girl

there are always going to be people that

hurt you so what you have to do is keep

on trusting but be more careful

i’m not sad

i don’t even know why i cried

maybe you are

disappointed but it’s better to know and

be disappointed than to never know and

be cheated

talking to you makes me feel more


we are best friends


linda you have to meet our business

partner at 3pm today he’s so important

to this job don’t say anything bad

i know brian you said it three times

today don’t worry


can i trust you

trust me great

let’s bring victory to our team good


are you from global abc company

yes good afternoon sir and you are


your partner

my name is daniel may i know your name

i’m linda

it’s nice to meet you

this is my business card

nice to work with you

let’s start with your company project

okay i have prepared a project brief

please take a look


i will explain this project in more

detail to you



do you have any suggestions

this is a good project you explained

everything clearly

i hope you consider this project it

really benefits both

i’ll read it again and my secretary will

call you later

of course

sorry for hurting you last time


no it’s not your fault i’m not careful

there were no good things that happened

at that time

may i know why you cry

i think it isn’t important

hope i can hear from you next time


next time


hello linda i’m anna mr daniel’s


good morning i’m calling to let you know

we will arrange a meeting to sign the


i’m glad to be working together

do you have time to come to our company


2pm this afternoon


excuse me are you linda stone

anna it’s you

yes me

i have to go to work

see you at 2 p.m this afternoon

are you linda’s friend

yes sir

may i ask something about linda


sure sir


good afternoon

thank you for agreeing to sign this


it benefits both my company and your


may i come in

yes please

this is cakes

and orange juice

thank you

you’re welcome

it is for you

i hope you like it

i love orange juice and cakes

thank you

let’s start



i’m pleased to work with you

my pleasure

i have a meeting now i also have to go

i have prepared a gift for you

my secretary will give it to you

wish you a happy day

see you tonight



my boss prepared it for you

for me

when did you become his girlfriend

we are business partners

i don’t believe it

after the incident with alex i became

more careful

my boss asked me what you like to eat

and asked me to prepare cakes for you

he even asked me what kind of dresses

and flowers you like



thanks for letting me know

and he’s single

talk later i need to go to work



that flower symbolizes new and better


from daniel

what a beautiful dress

i heard you received the gift

do you like it

yes thank you the dress is beautiful and

the flowers are very fragrant

i wonder if you have time for a date



shall i come pick you up

i will go there myself

okay i will send you the restaurant

address see you tonight

why is my heart beating so fast



are you still okay

hi jack

i heard anna tell your story

if you’re sad come with anna to my house

and we’ll have a party

thank you for calling he cheated on me

but it’s over

i’m not sad anymore i am now

i’m fine

i’m glad to hear that forget him see you


i forgot him thank you

see you

i see you standing here i want to say

hello i didn’t mean to listen to your


i’m sorry

it’s okay

you are so beautiful tonight

thank you


may i ask you about your story


at that time

you cried because of him



no man is worth your tears

and the one who is won’t make you cry


i’m happy now

when i see you for the first time when i

look into your eyes i like you

and that is growing day by day i

couldn’t stop it

i think i love you

my world was lit up when you appeared

will you be my girlfriend



you can reply to me later

but don’t refuse my gifts and dates


give the chance to give you gifts the

chance to date with you

and the chance to make you happier every


i have the answer


i’ll be your girlfriend

hello daniel

hi alex

have you seen my project

yes but i chose another project hope we

can cooperate next time

there won’t be any more cooperation

between us

you’ll regret that decision you missed

the boat

your project may be good but your

attitude is not

that is my decision

why are you here

do you know him


i don’t know him


invite someone to a party celebrating

hi peter how are you

hey dan i’m well thank you how about you

i heard that you won the first prize in

the chemistry contest congratulations

i couldn’t be better thanks peter

i’m having a party this weekend to

celebrate the prize i would love for you

to come if you can make it

of course i’d love to join

where and when will the party be held

we’re having a party at my house come

around 6 pm

that sounds great

do you want me to bring anything

i will prepare the food

but if you’d like to bring something

then perhaps you can bring something to

drink or to play with

is there any dress code

no not a big deal i just want to share

the moment with everyone

i can’t wait how many people are you


not many probably around 15.

by the way have you seen chris i want to

invite her but couldn’t find her


i saw her on

the third floor of building a

she was participating in the music

club’s meeting

okay great i will go and invite her see

you on saturday

see you there thanks dan


invite a new neighbor to a barbecue



hi it’s me greg your neighbor

hi greg how are you i’m matthew

great and you

i’m good my family just moved in

yesterday so we are still a bit busy

i intended to go over and say hi to your

family this evening though

thanks for coming please come in

thanks matthew but you still seem busy

with the house

can i have only a few minutes of your

time we can have a longer chat next time

okay what happened greg

i just want to say hello and would like

to invite you and your family to my

place for a barbecue party this saturday

oh sure when is it around 5pm

is there anyone else coming

there will be another five neighbors


sounds like a nice event

is there a special occasion

i got a new outdoor grill and we would

like to meet you and your family too

it is so nice of you all what can i

bring to the party

would you like to bring some

beverages sure let me take care of the

drinks then

great we usually share foods as well our

neighbor amber has excellent apple pies

that sounds so delicious

this is going to be a great party

i hope so hope my grill works well too

i hope so too

a long time no backyard barbecue party

okay see you on saturday then matthew

thanks for inviting me and my family

greg see you

and you’re welcome bye



invite someone to come over for dinner

with the family


hi laurel christmas holiday is coming

will you go back to germany this year

hi beth i won’t i just came back home

during the summer holiday so i decided

to stay in new york

my parents just mentioned this last

night they said if this year you stay in

new york come and enjoy the holiday with


please send my special thanks to your


so nice of them for inviting me

but another roommate will stay here also

i can’t let her stay alone during the


it’s okay laurel how about christmas


we have a small party every year on

christmas night

would you like to come over and have

dinner with us ask your roommate to come

with you also

sure i will beth i’m glad that i can

enjoy the family atmosphere on christmas


i will ask my roommate too what should i

bring to your

house come on laurel you don’t need to

bring anything

or if it makes you more comfortable

just bring a small gift for my little


good idea i will what time can i come


you can come in the early afternoon we

can prepare dinner together

there are always lots of fun preparing

christmas dinner

okay beth thanks again for inviting me

i will call you during the holiday


tell me if there is any change


bye laurel

bye beth


sorry for hurting you


anna are you there


anna i wanna

do you have something to say

do you want to scold me like this


no no anna don’t think that i don’t mean



what are you doing

what do you want to say to me

i have to do my homework now




about what happened this morning it’s

because i lost my temper it doesn’t mean

i hate you

you couldn’t always stay calm

you never listen to what i said and

immediately think you’re right

others are wrong

no anna i’m so sorry about that but

actually i just couldn’t calm down

because you know this book is a special

gift to me

yes i know

of course

but the thing is you didn’t listen to my


and immediately blamed me for tearing

your book


why do i have to do that

what you said in the morning really hurt


anna i know this is my fault i’m really

sorry about this

we’ve been playing together for a long


you know i’m hot-tempered but i don’t

mean anything

but will you always be like that

no i promise i will change i will calm

down in every situation

and sorry for hurting you

to be honest

hope so

such hurtful words you shouldn’t use at


it hurts other people and you too

i will never do it again forgive me


the last time okay

sure thank you i’ll invite you to dinner

now let’s go


it is my fault


what’s wrong alex


i want to talk about the meeting this


ah yes

what happened


the meeting this morning had some


it was supposed to prepare documents for

the partner but there was nothing

yes i remembered i told the leader to

prepare for me

partner this morning is very

dissatisfied about this

i was pretty angry this morning

yes actually i was the one responsible

for preparing that document

is it you

why don’t you do it

do you know if this meeting decides

whether or not they will sign the

contract with us

yes i know

it is my fault i’m so sorry about this

i always remind employees to work

carefully prepare everything carefully

i know

i made a big mistake i will pay more

attention next time

this will never happen again i’m sure

about that

this morning i had to apologize to our

partner for your carelessness

we should have prepared everything


but there was no documentation for the


very disappointing

i’m so sorry

but that’s okay

it happened already the best way to fix

it is to never repeat it you also admit

mistakes i hope you will never repeat

such an unnecessary mistake again

of course

please believe me

but if you make a mistake

you will still be punished 10 of t’s

will be decided at our meeting this



go on to your work


preparing for a date


hi jane what’s up

come in

hi mina could i borrow your portable


i need to go out soon but my phone’s

battery is running out

okay let me find it take a seat

jane by the way how do i look

wow you look gorgeous mina

is there any special occasion today

yes i’ll go on a date with my boyfriend

it’s our one year anniversary today


oh really no wonder you dressed up so

pretty today

here’s the portable charger

thanks mina i’ll recharge it and give it

to you tomorrow okay


no problem

jane i need your opinion

do you think this dress is too formal

hmm for a normal date maybe

but this is an anniversary so i think

it’s fine it’s beautiful anyway


i just feel a bit uncomfortable because

it’s a bit tight

i bought it last summer when i was


in that case you may try another one

i don’t think wearing a tight dress for

a few hours is a good idea

you should be in the most relaxed state

to enjoy the date

you’re right let me try another one i

don’t want to torture myself on such an

important occasion


how about this one

and this dress matches your makeup tone

very well

try it on then

okay please wait for me a bit

oh do you need to leave soon sorry i

forgot you have to go out

it’s fine i still have 30 minutes plenty

of time

no worry

okay i’ll try it on now


how do i look now

wow i have to say you look amazing in

that dress definitely a better choice

thank you for your compliment jane

next time i’ll have to ask you about

those makeup things mina

you’re really good at it

i have no idea what to do with those

makeup brushes haha

okay just tell me if you need it

i’d love to give you a hand


i’ll leave now mina enjoy your special

time tonight

thanks jane see you


making a tick tock video


if you ever want to be humbled ask your

brother how you look

i’ll try it with my younger brother


jack come here


come on just come

what’s wrong laura

how do i look


how do i look just answer be honest


you look like an idiot


excuse me how dare you

well because you said to be honest

didn’t you i have to tell the truth

can’t you say something nicer to me

don’t be too straight

what else did you expect

you stay in bed all day with that messy



i’m sure jerry won’t be like you

okay try let’s see

but why are you recording are you doing

something shady

i’m not gonna tell you

are you doing the silly tick tock trend


last time i saw you doing some weird

moves inside your room i almost died


well you’ll know soon

remember to show your face with that

messy hair in your video

thanks you can leave now

now let’s ask my dear older brother


jerry jerry

what’s up laura

i want to ask you something

okay go ahead

how do i look


i was just wondering how do i look

right now

yes right now



you look pretty as you always do

oh really

yeah of course my little sister is

always cute


thank you a lot jerry jack said i look

like an idiot with this messy hair

why are you asking

no i was just curious how you would

react if i asked you so suddenly

really so how was the result

very satisfied i didn’t expect you would

say such a nice thing to me

thanks again brother you’re welcome

did he say the same thing as i did laura

i told you he said i was cute


learn from your brother okay

that’s how to treat your sister

don’t mind him laura

he just likes telling jokes with you


how far is your company



how do you do

long time no see


good afternoon lisa

everything is good

how about you

i’m so so

i thought you were working in chicago

weren’t you


i just moved back at the beginning of

this year



where are you working now

i haven’t had a job yet

i am still looking for a suitable one

are you still working for hh company


i’m so surprised

you still remember i work for hh


i tried interviewing there sometimes

but the result was not good

but it’s far from your house isn’t it



i moved my apartment


how far is it from your house to your

company now

it’s just around 15 minutes driving

sometimes it takes 20 to 25 minutes

because of traffic jams

it’s not too far

by the way

you look so stunning today

i will have an interview at 3 30 p.m

i’m so excited

this is my dream company

good luck to you

is it far from here


it’s in the opposite area

what time is it

lisa oh

it’s 2 30 p.m

i should go now

i want to come early to prepare well for

my interview

good luck

do you want to go have a coffee with me



do you still use the previous number

yes i do


i will call you later today


i’m glad to see you again today



keep in touch


shooting stars


tony come here

i have something to show you

where are you now daddy

in the garden

what are you doing

i am watching the moon


mommy do you want to join us


let’s go


what do you want to show me

look tommy a big full moon


it looks like a small orange

yes puppy

but when you come closer

it is really really big

what is the distance between the moon

and earth dad

i’m not sure

but it’s more than two hundred thousand


two hundred thousand

are you sure


often when i see drawings of the earth

and the moon

they look really close together

in reality they’re actually really far


is the earth or moon bigger mom

it’s actually the earth

wait a couple of minutes

there will be some amazing things

what is it

i’m so curious

i heard that there is a shooting star

storm tonight

what is a shooting star dad

it is a really small piece of rock or


that hits earth’s atmosphere from space

it’s an amazing sight

why does it shine dad


it moves so fast that it heats up and


as it moves through the atmosphere

when seeing a shooting star

your wish can come true

remember this rhyme


star bright

first star i see tonight

i wish i may




is it a shooting star


it is

close your eyes and make a wish



i just wished


don’t tell anyone about that wish

if you tell someone your wish it’s less

likely to come true


i will wait for more shooting stars to

have more wishes


losing bag


good morning sir

can i help you


i am looking for my bag

i assume that i left my bag here


your bag

can you tell me more details please if i

can help you with it

i checked out yesterday afternoon

i carried three bags and a suitcase

i checked out in five minutes only


i was waiting for a taxi over there

i checked with the taxi driver


i could not find my bag



i think i forgot it here

can i have your name please

i will check your details in our



jonathan truder


please wait for me for a couple of


you checked out at 11 30 pm yesterday

i will ask the security guards to check

the cctv for you

yes please

i hope that we can find it

it’s my birthday gift from my wife


a housekeeper found it

and passed it in the lost and found area

at the front desk

thank god

can i get it back please

first of all

can you describe a bit about your bag


we need to make sure that this bag

belongs to you

a brown leather bag around

19 by 23 inches

there are some personal belongings only

there are not any valuable objects

just some notebooks



postcards and vitamin bottles


they matched our information

please move to the front desk over there

to get it back

thank you so much

i thought i lost it

you are welcome do you need any help


that’s all thank you have a nice day sir


the broken laptop


hey james

hey adam

what’s up

i am doing my assignment for the history

lesson have you completed it yet

not yet

have you done the third part

yes it’s the most difficult part of this


it takes me three days to look for

articles on the internet

oh really i’ve just finished the second

part yesterday

i am going to do it this weekend

you should focus on the keywords on the


and look for some information on the


you can use the previous assignments

which we completed last semester

do you mean the assignment of our group

that gets a score of a


that’s it

luckily our topic last time has matched

this part a bit

it’s suck


you researched it so it must be an


i know

but my laptop is broken you know


you told me before

you fixed it didn’t you


i fixed it by myself

thank god it is still working now


what is the problem

it is fixed however

all the database is lost

it has viruses


that’s bad

did you lose all of the storage

yep all documents assignments


and videos

now i understand the importance of

anti-virus software


is there anything i can do for you

absolutely can you send me some


i remember that miss hazel gave us some

but you know

my laptop

all right

i still saved them on my laptop

thank you so much


where is my key

prepositions show the position of things

or places

watch the video

and learn the way to use prepositions

where is my key

honey we have to go right now


what time in the evening will you finish


i don’t know when the meeting finishes i

will come to your company and pick you



call me if you come


where is my key

do you see it

what kind of key honey

i already have the house key


i mean

my car key

why are you asking me where your key is

remember please

i don’t remember

find it for me please


normally you keep it in the bag


but now it isn’t in my bag

no way

i remember exactly when it was always in

my bag

i never put it in other places

oh dear

we should go right now

we will be late


find the car key first

do you find it in the kitchen

maybe it is on the table


let me see




i’ve searched the whole kitchen

but can’t find anything

oh my god

i’m really worried that if i don’t go


it will be too late

but if we don’t have the car key

we can’t go to work


how about the other rooms

do you mean the bathrooms

or our bedroom



i still don’t see it

what if the two children hold on to it

and play with it



did you see your dad’s car key

i don’t know mom

what alex

i just saw you holding that key from the

kitchen table


where did you put it

your dad and i need to go now

we are nearly late because of you

here it is



where did you find it

alex brought it to his room but it took

me some time to find it


where was it

it was under the bed

i don’t know why he played with the car




thank you alice

we are going to work now

yes mom





excuse me


sorry but this is the first time i have

come here

now i want to find a way to a bookstore

actually i also stayed here for a year

but if i know this place i will help you

thank you so much

where do you want to go

i need to go to hannah’s bookstore

i’ve seen the map

but now i’ve lost my way

do you know this bookstore

it sounds familiar to me

maybe i went to it once or twice

do you have the exact address

unfortunately i don’t have one

i have an appointment with my friends


but since i’m new here i can’t find my


ah i remember

i bought books there once

it’s on 07 blue ridge street seattle


you know it

it’s not far from here

the way to it is also easy



from here you go straight and when you

meet the first traffic light turn right

go straight

then turn right

and go straight for about 100 meters

then you can see the store on the

opposite side of the street


i just came across the street



or you can cross the road at the

intersection it seems that way will be


is this easy to see

i’m not sure

it’s not big so please pay attention to


it’s between the post office

and a small supermarket


when i see the map

i guessed there is a primary school in

this area

that’s right

the bookstore is opposite this school

don’t worry the school is very big

you can see it immediately


thank you so much

no problem

thanks to you i found my way there

if you don’t help me i don’t know when i

would have gotten there

don’t mention it you’re welcome


it’s spring cleaning day and this time

tim and mona are in charge of the room

that no one uses but throws everything



you go in first mona


can you please go in first i’ll do the

dishes tonight

oh fine you scaredy cat


wow you can really tell no one has been

in here for a while

i can literally smell the mold


mona look at that on your left

what is that oh my god a spider get away

from me ah


why are you so scared of spiders


are you seriously asking me that

they look terrifying

i don’t know

they seem quite cute to me

they are unique

oh please

you call a creature with eight fuzzy

legs cute

i mean as long as they’re not poisonous

they are fine

not to me

remember that one time when a spider got

in my cereal when i was seven

that left me scarred for life



i have a confession to me

what confession tim

tell me

that spider

may or may not have been put in your


by me



i put it in there okay

and i’m sorry


you’re sorry now

i’m gonna hit you


i’m really sorry

you can clean this room alone then

i’m getting out of here

oh please

don’t leave me in here by

myself whatever tim it’s your fault for

pranking me

oh please

i’m gonna deal with all the dolls in


you know i get nightmares just looking

at them

pretty please

it’s all because of the horror movies

you watch brother

i know but i love horror movies

i don’t get scared by anything except

the dolls


how about you clean the spider webs and

i’ll get rid of the dolls


yeah deal


elena and mike have been in a

relationship for two years but elena

will be going to study abroad soon

will the distance break them up



can you come down here a bit

i want to talk to you

where are you

i’m at your front door right now just

look out the window

ah i see you give me two minutes i’ll be

right down



hey baby i missed you

i missed you too

why did you come all the way here what’s


you know how

you’re going abroad soon


what about it

it’s just

i’ve been thinking about it a lot

and i have to tell you that i’m really

scared of being in a long distance


i understand i’m scared too but we

already talked about this didn’t we

what is really bothering you


i guess it’s not just the distance but

also the different time zones between us

as well

i see

my biggest fear is that i won’t be able

to be there for you when you need me and

vice versa


i understand but why don’t we think of

this as a little challenge


if we get through this our relationship

will be much stronger

that would be amazing but i can’t help

but feel worried you know do you

remember how we almost broke up because

of me being away for a week last summer


what if it happens again this time

let me tell you what i totally trust you

and i know you trust me too

nothing will be able to come between us

and we are a lot more stable now than we

were last summer

thank you for telling me that i needed

to hear it

you’re so welcome baby

you know i’m gonna miss you right

me too

you don’t know how much i want to go

with you

you can always visit i’ll come pick you

up at the airport and we’ll have a great

time together


that sounds nice i love you elena

and i love you


children have cute ways to express their

love to their parents

let’s watch this video and see how a

little girl says

i love you

to her dad


i’m here

yes i see you


dad why are you so late

i’ve been waiting for you for a long


sorry ginny i got stuck in traffic did

you feel bored or angry waiting for me

no dad

peter’s mom was late too

i played with him at this time

his mother just took him away before you



so lucky

oh ginny i have a gift for you can you

guess what it is

i’m so curious dad

is this a new doll i told you about last


wow ginny

you are so smart

it’s a barbie doll you love


it is inside the green box on the back


you can open it when we back home


thank you daddy

i love you so much


by the way how was your day sweetie

nothing special dad we learned new words

and studied math

oh we also learned a new song do you

want to listen to this song

of course i’d love to jimmy

it’s name is

five little ducks

now the song begins

five little ducks went out one day over

the hill and far away

mother duck said quack quack quack quack

but only four little ducks came back

what a cute song

do you know where did the little duck go

i don’t know dad

but finally all five little ducks came

back home

with their mother

oh we arrive home

mom is waiting for you at home

let’s send her a kiss and give her a

tight hug

we’ll bring your gift home and unbox it

you’ll love it so much

okay daddy

love you


love you too



wake up baby your breakfast is ready

ginny sweetie

yeah mom

good morning

i made a sandwich your most favorite

food for you

but you need to brush your teeth before


let’s do it ginny

yes mommy


love you my angel

love you

mom where is dad i have not seen him

since i got up


he is fixing the backyard you can go

there with him after eating your

breakfast did you and dad have breakfast

yes we all ate only you haven’t eaten

today is sunday so we let you wake up


thanks mom

i will eat you quickly to go out with


i really want to see what he is doing



there are two eggs on this plate

so great

and remember to drink a glass of milk


yes mom


hi dad good morning


ah good morning ginny

have you eaten breakfast

yes i have eaten

mom made a sandwich for me

what are you doing dad can i help you

with this

ah ginny i am repairing the backyard i

can do it myself you can sit there and

watch me work

by the way

what is your mom doing

she is watching dishes and preparing for


we will have beef steak and potato soup

for this lunch

that is great

ah jenny you should just stay there and

not run into the yard

why dad

because it is very hot now

you may get sick if you play outside

and the cement is still wet it will make

you dirty if you are not careful

okay daddy i will sit here and talk with

you dad are you tired you are working so


no problem sweetie i’m okay

ah could you bring me a glass of water i

am fairly thirsty

yes sir let me bring water for you

i think you should ask your mom to take

water for you

the water purifier is too high for you

yes i got it


sorry dad i can’t take the water because

i did not see where mom is


ah it’s okay jenny i will go in and take


yes daddy

oh no ginny

what are you doing

i said that you should not go out there


sorry daddy i just want to write the

sentence which i studied yesterday

please go in first

i don’t want you to play under the


yes daddy

let me see what did you write

i love dad so much

wow ginny

you are a cute and good girl

i’m so surprised and happy right now

i love you too jenny you are the best

thing in my life

i look you work so hard so i want to

send it to you daddy

i will keep it like this forever it

would be one of the best memory of me

but dad

i’m so thirsty

could you give me a water glass please

of course

let me take the water for you

here you are

stay here i have to find your mom and

announced her about that

i’m so curious daniel

what will you show me


our daughter wrote it surprised

wow jenny is this true

yes mom

i wrote it while daddy went to the house

to take the water

i’m so proud of you my little princess

you can write exactly this sentence you

are a smart lovely girl come here ginny

let me kiss you

i love you too mommy

so cute

i think i will take a photo with these

words you want to join

yes i’d love to

me please


come here with me

let’s smile everyone

so beautiful

i want to see it too daniel

here you are

i will post this picture on twitter

i want everyone to know about my cute

and smart girl

i agree

we are so proud of you ginny we love you

now ginny we should go in and let daddy

repair the rest of the yard

i will make lunch and you can watch

cartoons as you want

you also need to wash your hand he was

dirty when you touch the wet cement

but i still want to sit here with dad

jenny you should listen to your mom

i will try to repair it as soon as

possible and go in with you you are a

good girl right


i will go with mom

daddy you have to hurry up

i’ll wait for you in the house

okay jenny let me kiss you one more

bye daddy

see you later

bye ginny


fall from a tree



what’s the matter with you


i fell off

where did you fall from


the tree

fell from the tree

the one in front of our house

oh my gosh

you are so naughty tom


i’m in pain

and you are still scolding me


does it hurt a lot


it hurts so much

where does it hurt

this scratch

anywhere else


just this scratch is burning


you’re lucky you didn’t break your legs

or arms

next time

don’t climb up the tree



i just want to take the balloon for



is it in the tree


it’s stuck there

next time you have to ask for help

from adults


yes mom



let’s go to the bathroom so i can clean

the wound for you

it hurts

it hurts mom

hold on

nearly done

we must clean it properly or you will

have an infection


now go to the living room

i will put on some cream for you


will i have a scar there mom

no if you remember to put this cream on

every day

i will remember mom

you never listen to me

i told you not to be too naughty so many


now you see the result

i’m sorry mom

i won’t climb up the tree anymore and i

will be more careful

it’s okay

now stay still for a few days or the

scratch on your knee will tear again


i will


got fired


hi jane

hi hannah

you’re back

wash your hands dinner is ready

okay jane

how was your day

it’s an awful day

what’s the matter with you hannah

i got

fired wait what

you got fired


why so suddenly

what is the reason

i haven’t met the target for three



is the target too high


it’s just me

i’m not good enough

it’s okay hannah

don’t be too upset

it feels like i can never do anything


don’t be so negative

maybe you just didn’t have the right


i don’t know

i’ve tried different ways but they all

still don’t work

have you ever thought that this kind of

sales job is not for you

what do you mean

i mean maybe your personality doesn’t

match this job

how can it not match i have been working

in a sales position for three years

long time can’t

say anything for a long time

do you feel comfortable with the job


not really

sometimes i find it so hard to talk to a


or to persuade them to purchase



it must be that your personality doesn’t


i will think more about this

cheer up my girl

maybe this is an opportunity to think


you will find a better job

thanks for encouraging me jane

not at all

i just want you not to be too

sad i know

i will try to find a new job then

i wish you all the best

thank you


i’m a newcomer



i’m tom today is my first day working


hi i have been informed that you are

coming today

my name is linda i’m the receptionist

nice to meet you

nice to meet you too linda


please take the elevator to the first

floor and enter the first room on the



let’s sit in that room and wait a minute

your instructor will arrive soon

thank you


hi tom

good morning

i’m rose i’ll be assisting you with your

training assignment

nice to meet you where should we

start the first is the working time you

will work from 9am to 5am

you have a one hour break at noon

are there any company rules i should


here are some basic rules in the company

please read it

if you have something you don’t know

just ask me

thank you i will

let’s take a tour around the company

and i will introduce you to everyone

finally i’ll take you to your desk

okay let’s go


excuse me do you know where the copier


you go straight from here and turn right

it’s right there


by the way i’m tom

a newcomer nice to meet you


i’m sam

i’ve been here for three years

what were you doing before joining our


i just finished my college degree this

is my first job

nice to talk with you i hope you’ll like

your job

thanks see you later


i am praised

thanks to your efforts we have

successfully negotiated with that big


that’s what i do sir

your effort made the whole of your team

look good

everyone on my team works hard together

you are a talented team leader and this

month your team will get the bonus

thank you sir

congratulations sam

you really did a good job this time

you flatter me it was really a challenge

for me

but you did it and did it

well thank you for saying that

your project made much profit for the



it’s our project if not having support

from you

i couldn’t have got the achievements

but you have the greatest merit

yes i saw you putting in the extra hours

your proposal for the project made all

the difference

thank you

achieving expected results are not luck

but the result of our careful planning

the board of directors decided to give

our team the bonus

i would appreciate that

so great

why don’t we have a party tonight

that’s a good idea

what do you want to eat tonight



my face has been breaking out recently

barbecue will leave my throat dry and


how about the buffet

sounds great



can i park my car here



can i speak with miss glenda kuhlman



i’m glenda cumin

my name is julia lee

i’m calling about your apartment for


kelsey recommended this apartment to me

i heard from her

would you be interested in seeing the



i’d love to

are you free to visit the apartment this

saturday around 11am

great do you know how to get there


i do


see you this saturday

welcome to the apartment

thank you

i live with my sister elena

now she goes out

she is friendly and sociable


can you take me to go around the



follow me


elena and i share a large bedroom

your room is opposite our room

the bedroom will be for you

it’s big enough for me

is this a quiet building


it’s very quiet to be able to study and

work can i park here


you can park your car in the basement of

the building

we have two small bathrooms

you can use both bathrooms

they’re so clean

you can use the washer and dryer

you can use utensils in the kitchen

you can bake the cake in the oven


i like cooking

can i use the television


you can

you can use objects in the living room

but you can’t turn on the television too

loud after 11 pm

yes i know

it will affect everyone’s sleep

how much is the rent


360 dollars per person per month

there are elevators in the building

so you can transport your belongings to

the room easily


the apartment is great

but i need to reconsider and i will call

you later

okay i know

i’m sure you’ll love it

thank you for today

think twice and call me soon


i can hear the sound of the sea



are you okay

i didn’t see you in the fine art class


hi victor

i’m fine

your voice sounds sad


i’m okay

will you go to school tomorrow


see you at the school gate at 4pm



remember that

good night


wait hey

you’re late

sorry i borrowed bill’s bike so i was


he kept insisting that i would lose his


why did you borrow his bike

get on the bike

can you ride a bike

of course i can

where do we go


we go to the beach near the school


i’ve never seen you miss any art class


we’re going to college and

i’m a bit worried

you know that

my score is low

the only thing i can do is draw


now i’m not sure about it


i can’t draw as well as you

but you are good at other subjects


chemistry and

biology you can play the piano


and swim

you are so good

thank you

and you can draw very well

you said that you wanted to be as famous

as picasso

can i

why not


the sunset


it’s so beautiful


i think i can hear the sound of the sea

i can hear it too

the edge of the sea is a strangely

beautiful place

don’t be afraid of the space between

your dreams and reality

if you can dream it

you can make it so


i will meet many people

draw many beautiful paintings


find good teachers to learn from

you can learn more about trying on


and ipads

you’re right

thanks for bringing me here

you’re welcome

let’s go eat something



where’s bill’s bike

i don’t know


oh no bill will kill me


being late for work



hey jack

you are getting late again


i’m so sorry

what time is it

it’s 9 15 already

that’s bad

what time do you usually wake up


it’s 8 am you know

i am not able to wake up before 8.

8 am

are you kidding me

it’s too late


what time do you usually get up

5 am



come on

oh come on

i get up at five

why don’t you believe me

what do you often do in the morning our

company starts at 8 45

i woke up at 5

then i will practice meditation and yoga

for 30 minutes


you know yoga great


then i cook breakfast and lunch to bring

to work

how long does it take

around 30 or 45 minutes

i prepared almost everything the

previous evening

it helps me to save time in the morning


what time do you go to work

at eight

our company is a bit far away from my



30 minutes of driving


what do you do in the morning

taking out the trash

ironing clothes which i wear to go to


checking email and reading the newspaper

why shouldn’t you take the trash out in

the evening

i think it’s more convenient


after cooking

i want my house to be clean 100

then when i return home after one hard

working day

i can relax in the fresh air and a clean



i got it i think i should try to wake up

earlier like you

i can do many things that i have never

done before

sure you should

and you will never be late anymore

can you call me tomorrow morning




remember to turn on the ringtone

all right



missing breakfast


morning lucy

how do you do jessica

oh good

look at your face

you look a bit tired


winter makes me feel sleepy

every time have you had your breakfast

not yet

today i woke up too late so i have no

time for it

i’m afraid that i will be late for



it’s not good for your health especially

your stomach

you shouldn’t do it anymore


have you had your

breakfast yes of course

my mom did it for me

i always have breakfast at home


it sucks i was going to ask you to go to

the canteen with me during break time

no problem

i can go with you

i am so sleepy

you should get up a bit early

then you can do many things in the

morning especially eating breakfast


i got it

did you complete the homework

do we have one

oh my god

which subject


we have four exercises

i forgot it all

what class is science in

the third

thank god

i still have enough time


it’s easy

i just did it in the morning while i was

waiting for my breakfast



so as i told you

you should get up early to make

everything ready before going to school

got it

come on

i need to complete my homework as soon

as possible


combine exercise and sports


hey sarah i am going to make a cup of


do you want one


i’d love apple tea thank you anna

and a cupcake to enjoy with tea

no anna

i think i should not eat more cake


wait for me for a while i will bring

them out soon


let me give you a helping hand

i am actually free now


let’s go together


wow this cake is so sweet and soft

sarah why don’t you like to eat cake

no anna i love cakes so much

but don’t you see that i am too fat now

i need to lose weight now

i have just started a healthy diet for a


i don’t think you are too fat

but it’s okay

your diet will make you stronger and get

more fit

by the way

did you start practicing exercise or


that will help your weight loss process

be faster and more effective


i am going to do it

i used to play sports every day so

believe me

i know which one will suit your needs

i think you should start to combine

playing sports with doing exercise

it will help you to reduce your weight


but anna

why haven’t you played sports did you

injure yourself while practicing

no i didn’t

at that time i decided to stop

practicing sport i was too busy at work

and i didn’t have time for it

so anna

would you like to start doing exercise

again with me

of course

my work does not require me any time as


and i always want to maintain a daily

fitness habit

we will go jogging around the lake near

my home in the afternoon

after work hours

that sounds great sarah

and i will also jump rope at home

i heard that it will burn a lot of

calories for my body

and you should look for a suitable

exercise for each morning

it makes you refresh after waking up and

enjoy life more every day


thank you for your useful advice

will we begin it right this afternoon

okay sarah

see you after work

all right anna let’s stay focused on our


let’s practice boxing



my name is nick i am a staff manager in

the la boxing center

may i help you

hi nick

i am john

i want to register for a boxing course

i think i should start practicing boxing

that is the right thought

can you tell me who recommended this

club to you

or did you find it yourself

my friend introduced me to your center

he is also a member there


i think that you may know the discounts

that you will receive when becoming a

new member


my friend and i will gain a 20

discount for three next months right


furthermore you have a chance to

practice with good members and trainers

in my club

too you will become stronger and

stronger and

always ready to protect your relatives

against the bad guys

you will also relax after a long working



i am so excited about it


could you tell me more details about

practice time in your center

of course

you can come and practice from monday to

saturday every week from 6 a.m to 10 p.m

also we provide you with three basic


three months

six months and one year with the cost

being one hundred dollars

two hundred fifty dollars and one

thousand dollars

you can select the most suitable plan

for your time


you can practice in a group or 1v1 as

you need

the fee for 1v1 will be higher

our center also contains modern high

quality and fully equipment

which improves your experience when

practicing a lot

also you will be free to use water and

other drinks in this center

okay nick

i will try a three months plan first

if my practice is affected

i will extend my package then


let’s go there to create a new member

card for you


he is cheating on me



i have shocking news for you

promise me you have to calm down after i

told you

it sounds quite serious

tell me

promise me


i am in highland park cafeteria and dave

is here also

oh wow is it a piece of shocking news

just come by and say hello to him

it’s not the main part he is here with a


they are flirting with each other

they look like the lover

really do you mean he is cheating on me

yes i think so


i think i should call video for him

if he is not able to pick up my phone we

all know what situation is it

call me after that hang up



hi bae

hi dave

what’s up bae

i thought you were sleeping

where are you now dave

oh well

why do you ask me that question i’m home


are you sure

come on bae

look i’m in my room

it’s my house that i always take

pictures for you that’s weird

tell me what happened

jane told me that you are in a coffee

shop with a stranger girl

oh my

she may confuse me with another one

she sent me a picture and i also thought

it was you

send me that picture

just one second

it’s adam and his girlfriend lily


he looks similar to you 100

because we are twins

oh my god i don’t know about it i

thought adam is your normal brother

actually we have some differences but

you can only recognize it when you meet

us face to face

i see

i hope that i can meet him one day


always being sisters


girls we have one hour

take your bags now quickly

get out i go first

no i am your sister i go first

stop fighting

you guys make me stressed out


because of you


not me

stop if you’re still fighting two of you

have to stay at home


get in the car

where are we going mommy buying new

glasses silly

don’t call me silly you’re silly not me

mom told us that we are going to buy new

glasses today

so why do you ask her again

i know we are going to buy new glasses

but i want to know where

i mean which glasses store

the glasses store of miss ivana

one of my friends in the cooking club

are there many cute glasses

i want to have pink glasses


i want a pink one you should choose

other colors


i choose whatever i want

why do you always fight each other

you are sisters

she always copies me

no i don’t copy you


wow the store is so fabulous

now you can go around and pick one of

your favorites


i will choose the most pretty one mine

will be more pretty than yours

don’t follow me


girls we have to go home

did you choose anything for yourself

yes i have one

me too

let me

see wow

two of you chose

two similar glasses

no way

let me see


oh my gosh

i want to have unique glasses

so do i


anyone wants to change i will give you

10 minutes to pick another one

but it is the best here isn’t it

yes i can’t agree more


i am going to the cashier

wait for me here okay

okay mommy


how do you feel

this is a weekly meeting at peter’s

company and peter is getting nervous

because he is applying for the higher

position in the head office and will be

given the result for today

he is on the way to the meeting and

meets his colleagues charlie and

emma hey peter you look nervous

ready for the announcement huh

yeah i am wish me luck charlie

you’re good enough for this position you

will have it

hey peter remember to call me after the

meeting we will celebrate for it

if i take the position sure

and if not we will get drunk


that’s enough for today

for the last news as you all know we are

looking for an executive consultant for

a marketing position at the head office

there are four people candidates for

this position

including peter in our branch

and after a time of considering and

evaluating from the board of council i

have the result here


peter you are chosen for this position

omg really

hey congratulations

i know you made it dude

peter come up here

peter share something let us know

how do you feel now

thanks boss

omg i’m so excited

i don’t know what to say


well first of all thank you all i can’t

believe i can get this position

well it has been six years since the

first time i worked here and well i

can’t believe that i can go this far

from a clumsy intern who didn’t even

know how to use adobe

and was too clumsy that spilled coffee

on a usb containing a colleague’s

presentation material


i’m still so sorry leo for that time

even he doesn’t work with us anymore

and thanks to our boss marco who was my

manager at the beginning and always

generous and cheers me up after every


at the beginning you were always

frowning and extremely meticulous i was

really scared of you back then

but thanks to that i have progressed

very quickly and achieved a lot of

success in my career

it was you who taught me to become the

person i am now

thank you margot you are my boss but

also my teacher tell you i am nothing

let us all cheer for our boss marco

and thanks to all you guys

who were always standing by my side

welcomed and accompanied me walking

through all of the difficult


and especially to my team charlie emma

watson raj i love you all

let’s go out and cheer up for this news

after work it’s all on me


this is the monthly meeting and julia is

excited to get the promotion that takes

the place of richard who is going to

work at another branch since next month

julia has worked here for nine years and

about 99 sure that she can get this

position so does everyone else think

all right i think that would be enough

for today and now for the last news

as you all know richard will no longer

work with us

he is going to be working at another

branch since next month

and after considering as well as

evaluating all of you i finally have a

result here


let us all congratulate ross

ross come up here

wow thank you thank you all

i will do my best and


one more round here

are you okay

you’ve already drunk a lot

how can i okay

it’s not just disappointed or upset it’s

betrayal will

it has been nine years since i worked


nine years will

and that junior who has just worked here

for three years could take the position

which was supposed to be mine

how could he do that to me

i’ve devoted all of my youth to brac and

that was how he treats me

yeah i know

you totally deserve this position and

everyone in our company also thinks like

that we were really shocked when we

heard the announcement

after the meeting i heard from our

colleagues that he is the son of one of

the bosses from the head office

that’s why he was chosen

richard can’t have any choice in this



son of one big boss

oh great now everything makes sense i

have tried so hard for what

still for nothing it’s all meaningless

bravo me


i’m so sorry

here cheer

i’ll be drunk with you

i have decided will

i will quit the job

yeah i think you should you should work

in a place that appreciates you more

yeah can’t waste my time anymore

let’s cheer will for my escape



it’s 10 pm and the street is so quiet


nausea is running in quick and hurry

straight to nicole’s house

hey nicole

open the door hurry


what did you come so late what happened


and it’s freaking scary out here close

the door hurry fasten it


what happened us

i just got robbed on the street

what oh my god are you okay

yeah i am fine but i was really scared

drink this warm water

okay tell me the details

well it has been raining all night and

has just stopped and i really like the

smell of the air after the rain

so when only three blocks left to your

home i decided to walk instead of

keeping in a cab

and unluckily when it was only one block

away from your house the street light

was out and was so quiet one man with a

knife suddenly stopped me and told me to

give him my purse i was freaking out

there and i gave him it right after

why didn’t you fight back you’ve learned

kickboxing for five years

he had a knife nicole

who knew what could happen

plus i didn’t bring much money and my

phone was old

then he looked at me and thought back he

threatened and made me follow him into a

small alley nearby

i felt some things not right here and

refused i was scared that maybe he

wanted to rape me i didn’t have any

choice i took the opportunity and

punched him right in the face nose and

throat gave him some kicks also beat him

to the ground took my purse back and ran

straight to your house

didn’t you get hurt

nah i’m fine

i think we should call the police

possibly he went after you and could be

somewhere around out here yeah you were

right let’s call them

selling a house

dialogue one

hiring the broker


hello this is one mount properties how

may i help you

hello i’m moving in a few months so i’m

looking to sell my current house

because this might take a lot of time

and i’m not very knowledgeable about

selling because this might take a lot of

time and i’m not very knowledgeable

about selling process

i would like to hire an agent to help me

sell my house

certainly that’s why we’re here first

could i have your name please

i’m jim chen

mr chen could you tell me more about

your current house

it’s a two beds two bath house in west

philly my wife and i have only stayed

there for two years we’re hoping we can

sell it for six hundred fifty thousand


that’s a bit higher than the market

price but we’ll need to view the house

before we can decide anything

of course can you come over this

saturday at 2 p.m

2 p.m is perfect

great i’ll email you the address and

directions to my house later

thank you we’ll send you information

about the contract let’s talk more when

we meet

alright thanks


dialog 2 marketing the house


good afternoon mr chen i’m harris from

one mount properties

hello harris just call me jim please

thanks for coming

my pleasure your house looks splendid

seems like it’s in great shape

thanks shall we go inside

of course


this is our living room the kitchen and

dining room are over there

the bathroom is on the right and there’s

another bathroom on the second floor

let’s go upstairs

okay everything looks great so far

this is our bedroom the bathroom is

right next to it

and over there is the bedroom for guests

it’s a bit smaller

thanks for showing me the house it looks


thanks when can you start showing the

house what do i need to do

we just need some home upgrades and then

i can start showing the house next month

you don’t have to be here when

prospective buyers come over to view the

house please leave everything to us

we’ll take care of every detail

i’m glad to hear that thanks


dialog 3

setting a price


what do you think of the condition of

the house

well let me see

the house is not too big but it looks

new and cozy the location is also great

the house is close to the city center

the neighborhood is safe and quiet and

there are supermarkets and schools



what price do you think is suitable can

we sell the house for 650 000

that’s still a pretty high price

compared to the prices of other houses

in the area

but since the house is in good condition

i think we can try selling it at 580

thousand dollars

i realize that six hundred fifty

thousand dollars is a bit high but

shouldn’t we set the price really high

at first because the buyers will

negotiate after that anyway

i think it’s best if we set a suitable

price if you set a high price potential

buyers may leave right away

okay i guess that makes sense


dialogue 4 signing the contract


as we discussed last time one mount

properties will take care of everything

from a to z

we will help you stage your house and

prepare it for sale as well as schedule

showings and manage all the needed


my wife and i both work full time so we

don’t have enough time we’re here to

help we can guarantee with you that we

will find at least seven potential

buyers for you within one month

sounds great

we’ll charge a two percent commission on

the final sales price of the house

there are more details about the payment

here please go through everything and

let me know if you have any questions


okay everything looks good let’s sign

the contract



dialog 5 fixing the house

is there anything in the house you think

i should prepare

the house looks good overall but there

are places you can certainly fix up if

you want the house to look even better

like what

the walls over here have some stains you

can try using warm water and soap to

clean and remove the stains

the carpet in the living room looks a

bit old so maybe you should have it

cleaned as well

my last recommendation is that you can

consider changing the light bulbs to

make the rooms look brighter and bigger

thanks for your suggestions i’ll fix

everything as soon as i can

dialog 6

before a house showing

hello jim this is harris from one mount

properties i have great news for you

hi harris what is it

i found two potential buyers i’ve

scheduled a house tour with them at 10

a.m and 12 p.m this thursday

wow you’ve already found someone that’s

awesome so what do i need to do

please clean up the whole place

beforehand don’t forget to put away all

of your jewelry and valued goods in a

safe place

okay got it anything else i need to take

note of

the last thing is please make sure that

you’re not at home when the buyers come

over to visit the house

yes okay you already have a copy of my

keys right

yes i have the keys with me okay cool

let me know how everything goes

i will bye


dialog 7


good morning jim

hey harris did you meet with that family

again last weekend how are things going

yes i just met with them yesterday great


they are in love with the house and want

to move in at the end of next month

wow really that’s great are they okay

with our price


they really like the house but our price

exceeds their budget

they also think the price is quite high

compared to the market price so they

want to negotiate the price down to 570

thousand dollars

i see but i don’t think i can accept

that price it’s too low

let’s try to work this out

they are our best potential buyers till

now because they are completely

satisfied with the house and want to

move in right away

we can close the deal quickly if we

reduce the price a bit

you’re right i want to quickly sell the


i’m all right with that price



dialog 8 after the home sale


morning harris

morning jim

come in please have a seat

thanks i’ve prepared and brought all the

needed paperwork please read everything

carefully and sign where indicated let

me know if you have any questions


thanks harris thank you for preparing

all this paperwork everything is clear

i’ve signed my name on the documents


how would you like to be paid i don’t

have enough cash with me can i pay you

by check

certainly that’s good with me


here is your commission

thank you jim

no thank you harris you’ve made

everything so easy for me

you’re very welcome jim best of luck

with your move feel free to let me know

if there’s anything else i can help you


thanks i appreciate that


i’m going to the bookstore



hi jenny


long time no see


quite a long time

that’s great to see you here i plan to

call you tonight

oh really


luckily i see you here where are you


i’m going to the bookstore

i want to buy some books to research for

the assignment next week

that’s amazing


i want to call you to ask something

about this assignment

it is a coincidence

that’s right


what do you want to ask

i don’t know whether i can answer all

your questions


i haven’t researched much

don’t worry

i just want to ask about the


ah i see

i keep the file of requirements on my


i’ll send you when i come home


i think you should remind me

maybe i will forget it

of course

and where are you going

do you have time and do you want to go

to the bookstore with me

i am on the way to my grandma’s house

but which bookstore do you want to go to

hannah’s bookstore

do you know that

sure it is near our old school

we always bought books in the store when

we studied at high school


my grandma’s house is quite near the


i will go with you


do you want to buy something

let me think maybe i will buy some



let’s go


situation four

can you help me



where are you going




you seem very rushed what’s the problem

why do you have to wait for the bus


this morning my car suddenly broke

i didn’t know why

so i decided to go to work by taxi


why are you standing at the bus stop

but it’s so unlucky that there is no

taxi at all

so i quickly ran to the bus stop with

the hope that i would catch a taxi or

at least a bus



who are you

are you in a rush

yes this morning my company has an

important event

i need to check all things before the

event starts

i’m nearly late

i’m so nervous


calm down

where is your company

do you know the he bank

it’s opposite this bank


i know this bank


but can you give me a hand

is it the same way to go to your company


it’s the same way

i will take you there

oh really

thank you so much


thank you so much jenny if i don’t meet


i will be late for the event

thank you for helping me

don’t mention that

it’s nothing we are friends

it’s normal when we give others a hand

you’re so helpful

if you have any troubles

don’t be shy to contact me

i’m always willing to help you if i can

thank you


will you be free in the evening

i want to invite you for dinner


i’m not sure i have an appointment with

my customers today afternoon

what time will you finish

i’m not sure what time it will finish


how about other days

i’ll check my schedule later


and text me if you have free time

i’m always free in the evening

okay i will



i need your assistance please


how may i help you

my phillips air fryer is broken

i need to have it fixed

i guess i’ll have to use the warranty



did you buy the air fryer from our store

yes i bought it here long ago

did you bring your warranty card or

purchase receipt


here is my warranty card

thank you

let me check the information for you


i’ve checked i’m very sorry

unfortunately your airfryer warranty

just expired half a month ago

i’m afraid if you want to fix it you

will have to pay a fee

oh really

i didn’t expect that

how much will it cost

it depends on what’s wrong with your air

fryer can you tell me its condition

yes i set the temperature but it didn’t

heat up even after a long time

thank you for that information please

wait while our staff check the air fryer

for you



thanks for your patience our staff says

your machine has broken heater elements

how much does it cost to repair it

the repair cost is quite high around 250

dollars possibly even higher than a new

air fryer

so we recommend you buy a new air fryer

what do you think

we now have a new product model with

more advanced features than your old one

do you want to learn more about it

well then i may buy a new one so please

give me information about the new model


my colleague jessica will advise you



can you introduce her to the new

phillips air fryer

okay hi

please follow me to go over there and

see the airfryer

first of all could you tell me how many

people you want to serve with the fryer

there are five people in my family

my old friar is a bit small

is the new one bigger

yes philips new fryer hd9650xxl

has the largest size recently so

it will be perfect for your whole family

you can cook family sized meals such as

a whole chicken or even up to 1.4

kilograms of chips it can serve up to

six portions

that’s nice

but is there any other more advanced

feature apart from the size

it has new technology that helps reduce

the fat amounts in food it can reduce up

to 90 percent of fat and cook 1.5 times

faster compared to cooking in a normal


also with this model you don’t even need

to turn the food around while cooking

therefore it is not only better for your


but also saves you a lot of time

sounds good

i really like phillips air fryers

because it’s perfect quality and the

ability to cook delicious food


i don’t know if this new model is easy

to clean

it seems a bit hard to wash that net

don’t worry clean up will be fast and

easy thanks to the new quick clean

basket with a removable non-stick mesh


it is also safe to use in the dishwasher


that sounds great

yes philips also supports a wide variety

of food recipes for this model on the

app new tree

great that’s so convenient i will save a

lot of time looking for food recipes

yes currently our store is also having a

promotion for phillips

you will get a gift of philips airfryer

grill accessories

what is the price of this airfryer now

this product is currently priced at 324

and also covered by a two year worldwide


my old air fryer is no more than two

years old

and the heater elements have broken

i don’t know if this type is more


may i ask if you regularly clean the

inside of the old airfryer


only sometimes maybe once every two or

three months

because it’s quite complicated to clean

that part



maybe that’s why it’s broken you should

clean the inside at least once a month

to prolong the life of your airfryer

okay i got it now

so i’ll take this one

which model is it again

it’s a philips hd

9650xl airfryer

what is the next step


fill in some information on this form

i’m done here you are

thank you please let me confirm your

order again

your order includes an

hd965096 air fryer priced at

324 dollars

you will receive a gift of philips grill

master kit that fits the fryer

it includes a grill bottom six skewers

and a recipe booklet

are you okay with that



please sign here and bring the

information to the payment counter

okay thanks

i’ll go and pay

i hope you’ll have a great time cooking

with the new air fryer

thank you very much

have a nice day bye bye

you too



hi i’ve decided to buy a philips


may i have the information form of your


here you are

thanks please make a payment for it how

do you want to pay

i will pay my card

your payment is successful please wait a

bit for our staff to bring along a new

air fryer and i will give you further

instruction on the warranty for your



no problem


this is your air fryer and the gift here

is your invoice

you can find the warranty card and

guidebook inside the box

please follow the instruction on it to

register for a warranty

you’ll have 7 days to exchange a new one

if there are any issues

but for now please check if everything

is fine


let me check


no problem everything is good thank you

thanks for shopping with us today by the

way do you want to take back your old


no can i leave it here

yes you can

thanks that’s all for today

have a nice day

bye bye

you have a nice day too



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