English conversation practice for Everyday Easy English Conversation


useful expressions

dialog one


i am so sorry boss i am late again

you are late again

i do not understand why are you late

every day

i am so so sorry

how do you get to work every day

i go to the office by train

well the train shouldn’t be late

my house is very far from our company i

take three and a half hours to come here

so i cannot come to office on time

all right you do not explain come back

to your seat

i promise to come to work on time from

now on

okay if you’re late for work one more

time you’ll be deducted this month’s


yes boss i understand


dialogue too

i absolutely love what you’re wearing


thank you i just got this outfit the

other day

really where did you get it

i bought it from the santa anita mall

i love your outfit right now

well i think you look nice today too

thank you i just bought these new shoes

earlier today

i think that those are some really nice

shoes how much did you get them for

i got them for 40.

i’m going to get a pair for myself


dialogue three


hello may i know who is speaking

i am preeti please may i speak to mina

oh it’s so nice to hear from you

how are you

i am fine how about you

great the day after tomorrow is my

birthday please do come to the party

that’s wonderful i’d love to be there

please bring your younger sister also

what time is the party

it starts at six o’clock in the evening

i will surely come thanks for calling

looking forward to meeting you bye



dialogue for


how can i help you sir i ordered my

steak medium rare and it’s burnt to a


i’m sorry about that i can ask our chef

to prepare another one

okay please do that

sorry again sir



dialog 1

that’s a nice piece of jewelry

do you like it

yes it’s fantastic

thank you very much

where did you buy it from

i bought it during my trip to milan last



dialogue 2

i absolutely love what you’re wearing


you do i just bought this outfit a

couple of days ago

seriously it looks really nice on you

thank you


dialog 3

you have an excellent command of the

english language

thank you for your kind words

it’s not meant as a compliment where did

you learn it i mean

an online friend taught me


dialogue four

i think that you look very cute today

is that right thanks

i really like that outfit

thanks i think you look nice today too

thank you

i just got these shoes today

really what kind of shoes are they

these are called all-star chuck taylors

i really like those how much did they


they were about forty dollars


dialogue five

you look wonderful in that new dress

do you really think that

i just tell the truth


dialog 6.

what a great job you have done with this


thanks i needed that



dialogue one

excuse me can you help me

certainly what can i do for you

yeah i’m seeking a leather belt for


what do you think about this belt

i really like this is it okay if i try

it on

of course you can try it on

how does it fit

okay it really suits me


dialog 2

i am looking for a red wine sweater

take a look at this one ma’am

can i try it on somewhere

sure there’s a fitting room right over

there please let me know if you require

a different size

the color is so beautiful i’ll take it

yeah both popular design and color fit

you very much

can i pay with my card

of course

welcome back again


dialogue three

good day ma’am

hello please show me the style of zara

dress this winter

what color do you want

brown or black

what size do you normally wear


what about this dress do you think it’s


oh it’s lovely i’m going to try it on

ok the changing rooms are located over


how does it fit

the hue is appealing to me but i’m

worried the dress is too big for me

could you kindly get me a smaller size

not an issue i’ll bring you a 42. how

does that fit


that dress really suits you


dialogue 4

good morning what do you want to buy

yeah i’m looking for a suit from a man

okay now follow me

please have a look at these sir the

pattern is popular at present

how does this suit look on me

i suggest you buy this


dialog 5

hello i am looking for a pair of high


what about these shoes

oh they’re so fashionable can i try this


sure what size shoes do you normally



this is a number 38.

any good

no not really it’s the wrong size

it’s too close

i need a larger size

okay i’ll find you with thirty-nine

what colors are popular this season

gray and deep crimson


dialogue six

what do you want to buy

i’ve brought this dress back to exchange


may i ask why you’re returning them

i bought them for my daughter but it’s

the incorrect size

okay you want to exchange or you want to


i’d like to give it back

do you keep the receipt

it’s right here

thank you very much please sign here

here’s the 52 dollars you paid

thank you kindly


dialog 7

hello how are you

great thank you very much

how can i help you

i purchased the sweater for my husband

two days ago however it is in the

incorrect color

no problem

do you want to exchange it or return it

i want to exchange it

certainly please leave this sweater here

and i’ll take a different color sweater

in exchange for you

thank you very much

i like your wist watch

do you truly believe that it appeals to

me as well

when i was traveling from paris i

acquired it from a duty-free shop

it looks very expensive how many are


i just had to pay 300 euros

the initial cost was 490 euros

still overpriced for me

at the restaurant

dialog 1

i’ll have the tomato soup to start and

the roast beef with mashed potatoes and


would you like something to drink

please have a glass of red house wine

and a small bottle of still mineral

water sure i’ll bring it shortly



dialogue too

i’m thinking caesar’s salad with shrimp

for an appetizer and grilled salmon with

vegetables for the main course

would you like to drink something we

have fruit juice soda wine and tea

give me one orange juice and one tea cup

do you need anything else

no thanks


dialogue three

please filet mignon

with french fries for me and salmon

steak with rice for my partner

what about a glass of wine

could you please show us the wine list

sure it’s right here please bring us a

bottle of cabernet sauvignon 2004


thank you very much


dialog 4

would you like to see the dessert menu


tonight’s dessert specials include

chocolate mousse cake and a spicy rum

apple crisp

i would love the apple crisp

okay i’ll be right back with your



dialog 5

do you need anything else

no i’m full can i have the bill

yes this is your bill please check it

thank you but could you please direct me

to the ladies room

ma’am this way


dialog 6

please a rib eye steak with baked

potatoes for me and a beef filet with

garlic butter and french fries for my


would you like something to drink

i’d like wine what kinds are there

here is the wine list

i’ll take this

would you like anything for dessert

that’s enough


dialog 7

the spaghetti looks really good but i

think the pasta is better what would you


i recommend the lasagna it’s excellent

that sounds great i’ll have that


what would you like to drink

i’ll have water


would you like to see the dessert menu

no thanks can we have the bill please

here’s your bill

at the bar

dialog one

can you tell me where your wine list is

the wine list is posted right there on

the board

can we ordered a mixed drink in this


we can make a number of mixed drinks at

our bar

i’m not sure what i want do you have any

house specials

our house special is our cuervo gold


i would love a margarita right now that

is what i’m going to order


dialogue 2. please orange martini for

the lady and a johnny walker red for me

johnny walker is straight or on the


on the rocks please

yes sir


dialogue three

get me a vodka with two ice cubes and my

companion drinks a glass of becks please

wait for a second sir


dialogue four

you seem too tired was it a bad night


i drank two glasses of beer before my

friend made me a shot of vodka we

eventually got intoxicated

i’m currently suffering from a severe


don’t overdo it

at the airport

dialogue one

how much will it be

this ticket is a and fifty dollars

oh no do you have anything cheaper

i am sorry but no not on such short


that is the lowest price i can get you

if you want to leave today


dialog 2

what is the price of that

it is 120 euros

is that the best price you can give me

how about a hundred euro that’s my last




dialogue three

what is the cost of this woman’s scarf

forty-five dollars ma’am

can you make it lower

no way ma’am it’s made of silk and is

entirely handcrafted forty-five dollars

is a reasonable price

what if i get two will you offer me a

discount if i buy two scarves

okay two scarves for eighty dollars

you won


dialogue four

i am worried that i will not have enough

cash can i buy by credit

i’m afraid not sir there’s a cash

machine not far away

could you tell me how to go there go

ahead until you reach a junction and

turn left


dialog 5

can you tell me the price of this hat

it costs 18 dollars

that’s more than i can really afford but

i’ll take it but do you accept card


i’m sorry but we do accept wire

transfers man

i see


dialog 6

could you take me to the airport please

bang the door please

how much is it

sixty dollars sir


dialog seven

i’ve got to get to the center square

get in please

how long does it take to the center


approximately 10 minutes

how much

15 euro

here’s the fare and keep the change

thank you very much


dialog 8

please tell me how to go to the metro

continue straight ahead then turn left

how long will it be

it’s just five minutes


dialogue nine

excuse me i’m trying to get to downing

street can you show me the way

turn left at the intersection and the

building is on the right

thank you very much


dialog 10

excuse me where is mcdonald’s can you

tell me please

go straight on till you see the hospital

then turn left



dialogue 11.

please excuse me what is the best

transport for me to go to the train


you should take a taxi

how far away is it it’s about five

minutes from here

thank you


dialogue 12.

would you call me a taxi please i’m

going to the golden hotel

you should use the subway today’s

traffic is terrible


dialogue 13.

please excuse me

please tell me how to get to the airport

to get to the airport you should use the




dialogue one

i have a reservation under the name of


could i see your id please sir

room 321 on the third floor here is your

room key sir

is smoking permitted in the room

no you can only smoke outside and you

must leave a deposit of a hundred us




dialogue two

i just returned from paris

was it a pre-planned vacation

yes it includes round trip airfare a

four day stay at the les meridien hotel

on half board with buffet breakfast and

supper and excursions

le meridien is an excellent hotel did

you enjoy your room

it was a basic room with a large

bathroom a hairdryer satellite tv a

table phone a mini bar and coffee making



what about the hotel

what amenities did the hotel provide

there was a fitness center on the 15th



dialog three

how much does a one minute call to

russia cost

it costs five dollars


dialogue four

is there room service

please put a cappuccino and a bottle of

water for me

what is the number of your room


sir we’ll be there in 10 minutes

is it okay if i sign it in my room

sure sir


dialog 5

please excuse me

i’d like to view the shuttle bus


here you are sir

i stayed at a really good hotel in egypt

when i visited there i received a room

with a view of the sea

great what was the hotel’s name

hotel paradise


dialog 6

i’m sorry but i need to switch rooms

can you tell me what is the issue with

your room

the furniture is shattered and the air

conditioner is damaged


dialog 7

hello i’d like to know if it’s possible

for me to move to a different room

is there something wrong with your room

i paid for a sea view and expected to

get one but all i got was a city view

i apologize for that

let me check our room availability

all right we can give you another room

on the fifth floor


dialog 8

hello the water heater is not working

sir what is the number of your room


sir i’ll settle that in five minutes


dialogue nine

hello could you please put me in touch

with room 345

could you kindly tell me the name of the


ivanov and natalie

i’m sorry but the line is busy


beach and spa

dialogue one

do you enjoy water sports

yes i’m really into it i enjoy

wakeboarding and skiing towable tubes

well it’s all dangerous sports

no not at all wakeboarding and skiing

towable tubes are both enjoyable

activities that just need some technique

and effort

do you enjoy scuba diving

i do not know i have never tried to play

that sport

you should give it a go you may go scuba

diving with a guide

okay i’ll give it some thought

actually i enjoy fishing


dialogue too

yesterday i got sunburned

you should use sunscreen and should

stand in the shade or under a tree


i know a spa that has a very good skin

resurfacing treatment

that’s great tell me the name of that


and i can also get a manicure and a



dialogue three

i’ve just spent three hours in this spa

i received a facial treatment a full

body massage and fragrant sea salt baths

sounds great do you feel better now

definitely i feel like i’m in heaven

after skin care remember to avoid too

much exposure to the sun use some


safe hours are from 7 am to 11 am and

after 2pm

call your doctor if you get a sunburn


dialogue 4

i suppose i’ll have my face clean today

honey massage is something you should


does that cause skin allergies or not

don’t worry it is very safe because it

has no chemicals


renting and using a car

dialogue one

hello i’d like to rent a car please

certainly what type of car would you


what options do i have

well we have all kinds of cars available

from small size to suv you just need to

take your pick

all right just compact

the vehicle would be a ford focus sedan

how long do you need the car

i think a week or so i’ll be staying in

the city for a week and i’ll be needing

it for commuting

okay could you kindly show me your

driver’s license

here you are

do you need anything else from me

yes please sign the form you can get the

key from reception

and what if something goes wrong with

the car

simply dial this toll-free number and

our roadside help crew will be on their

way to you in less than a half hour

thank you


dialogue too

hi hello my name is linda i’m renting a

car from you and i’m having a problem

with it

hello could you please provide me with

your reservation number

it is located on the upper right corner

of your rental agreement

the number is jd325

can you describe it in more detail

i’ve got a flat tire

are you okay ma’am have you pulled over

to the curb yet

i’m okay but i’m a bit hurry i want you

to call a mechanic to fix it

yes stay there we’ll locate you and our

roadside support team will be there as

soon as possible



dialogue three

when you travel do you generally rent a


yes and i did that the last time i was

in france

what was it like a great experience

yeah it was fantastic

what was the rental company’s name

lux motor

i leased a vehicle for four days while

traveling in italy

was it pricey

no i only paid 400 euros


dialogue four


we’ve run out of gas and need to stop at

a petrol station

what can i do for you

fill it up please and can you tell me

how far is kentucky from here

it’s about 100 miles from here

what’s the best way to get there

take the 95 highway that will take you

all the way to kentucky

thanks and how much

all done that’ll be 46.


dialog 5.

you’re going far too quickly

how fast is this i’m still going 60

miles per hour

come on the speed limit on this road is

55 miles per hour huh really i’ll slow

down now

you should do that if you don’t want to

be caught by the police

thanks for the reminder if caught the

police will find a lot of money

that’s right you can even have your

driver’s license revoked


going out

dialogue one

hi anna long time no see how are you

i’m doing great

how about you

i’m great too do you have any plans


no not really why

you know

it’s been a long time since we have met

each other

why don’t we go out for dinner or



that sounds great what time

around six o’clock


can you come and pick me up

okay i’ll pick you up see you tonight

bye have a good day


dialogue too

i received two seats for a cocktail

reception would you like to come

when will that happen

tomorrow evening at 7 pm


the nightclub at the hotel

i will go there

ok we’ll meet at the door


dialogue three

do you have some free time tomorrow


yes i don’t have a plan for tomorrow

what do you think if we go out together

that’s great what do you think if we go

for coffee together

that’s a great idea i know a great cafe

where is it

15 a new orleans louisiana the

cappuccino coffee there is great

great i really like cappuccino

see you at 8am

ok see you


dialogue four

let’s go on a safari tomorrow

that sounds fun when do we depart

we will depart early in the morning and

we will be back at 10 pm

how much does it cost per person

150 dollars lunch and dinner are


numerals and time

dialog 1

what age are you

i’m 25.

what is the age of your girlfriend

she is three years younger than me she

is 22 years old


dialogue two

how old are you

i’m 32 years old

what is your wife’s age

she and i are the same age

do you have any children

we have a girl that is eight years old


dialogue three

have you ever visited new york

yes i did reside there from 1999 to

i visited australia three years ago

that was three years ago in 2006



dialogue for

how far did you have to go to get to the


approximately two hours the traffic was

terrible what time did you begin

approximately 6 am


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