Go Camping English Conversations at Home for Parents and Child


conversations at home

go camping


tom’s family is going camping today

let’s watch the video and see what they

will do during the camping trip


yeah finally we got here

the view is so amazing and beautiful

let’s get out of the car and take our

stuff out


your mom and i will build a campsite

there to have a place to take a rest

after the meal

tom and lana

you two will arrange the tables and

chairs as well as put the food and

drinks on them

are you ready

yes dad please do it quickly

i’m so hungry


okay son we put the food in the big red


yes mom i see it


mark where did you put the tent stakes i

can’t find it in the tent bag

oh no mary

i seem to have left them at home

i took them out to double check the

quantity but

forgot to put them in the bag


i had told you many times

you are so absent-minded

what do we have to do now mark

i don’t want to go back home too early

like this

i’m sorry honey i’ll go deep in the

forest to find wood for making steaks

it will be very

dangerous don’t worry mary i’ll be back

as soon as possible

be careful mark i believe in you


do you want to take a short rest here

will you finish setting up the table and

the food

that’s a good idea

good job tom and lana


what are you doing there

i’m looking at flowers and insects

they’re so small

i have a magnifying glass in the

do you want to use it to see everything

more clearly


sounds great lana

please take it out

you and i will explore what insects are

doing here

okay tom


do you know what this is

is this a worm

i’m not sure tom

it doesn’t look like a worm but let me

ask mom


can you come here for a bit

yes daughter what’s the matter


tom and i are wondering what is this

type of insect

it looks like a worm but

i’m not sure about it hmm

let me see

oh this is a larva butterfly

have you ever heard about it

is it a little butterfly mom

yes but it looks very ugly right

let me tell you about the butterfly’s



butterfly’s mom lays many eggs on fresh

green leaves or stems

after a few days

the shell of the egg breaks and a long

worm-like caterpillar comes out

it’s also called larva

oh it’s here

that’s right lana

a larva feeds graciously and grows

quickly in size

once the larva is big enough it stops

eating and enters the transformation


it stops eating anything at this time

after a few days the shell of the pupa

breaks and an adult butterfly comes out


wow it’s so amazing

i’m back everyone

yes daddy

could you bring the wood back to make

the camp for us

no i didn’t



we’ll have to go back home now

we don’t have a place to stay in




where did you get them dad i thought you

left them at home

it’s a long story i was looking for wood

when a snake appeared it’s too big and


i was so scared and ran as fast as

possible to get rid of the snake

luckily i saw an expedition team in the

distance and ran to them when i got

there i didn’t know that the snake

hadn’t chased me for a while

i told them about the stakes

fortunately they brought two sets of

tents so they accepted to loan me one

stake set


let’s make camp everyone

it looks so cool dad


yeah let’s grill beef to you will take

beef in the blue bag out

your father and i will prepare for the

grill and seasoning to marinate the meat

yes mom

did you forget to buy coal mark

ah no mary

i will take it out for you


i’m so sorry mary

what happened honey

i didn’t bring a lighter how could i be

so bad

oh no mark

i don’t know what to say now

have you searched for it carefully

you may have dropped it somewhere

let’s look one more time

if we don’t have a lighter we can only

make fire by rubbing the stones together


it must be flint we don’t have any flint


so we should find the lighter first


oh my god it’s here

what is here dan

i don’t understand what you had said

where did you get the matches

you are a savior of our family today

i took them from home

what’s the matter

dad i had forgotten the lighter at home

so we don’t have anything to make fire

fortunately now we can use your matches

to grow beef

here you are dan

you’re so absent-minded

mary you don’t need to look for a


i already have matches here

we can start grilling beef now

wow mark where did you get them

from our daughter lana

she has saved us today


let me see it


you shouldn’t play with fire it’s so


you may get damaged or even make a

forest fire just by a match

how could it mom it’s just a small match

it could it’s the dry season so the fire

is easy to break out and spread

many forest fires caught from the

accident of human

don’t you know that


i knew it mom

i will never play fire in the forest


you’re a good girl lana

oh thank you sweetie

let’s grill the meat now

please give me more beef

it’s so yummy today

yes i also feel that tonight’s meal is

so awesome

because today is a long day for everyone

all have to work so hard so i think

you’ll be very hungry

sorry everyone i was so bad today and

made your mom very tired

no problem mark you made today become

one of the most memorable days of our


yes a memorable camping trip

mom dad

look up at the night sky

it looks really magical

wow so beautiful

look the moon is full and bright i’ve

never seen a big moon like this

the moon is actually much bigger than

you think

we can see the whole moon because it is

so far away from us

i knew it dad

i watched tv and they had talked about

the moon

good son

who wants to sing after the meal

i brought my guitar here and i’ll play

it for you

are you sure that you brought it here


i’m sure

i love singing yay


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