He Is A Bad Guy Lindas Sweet Story English Conversation Learn English through Story


why did he cheat on me

part two

learn english by situations

this is alex and sarah what a beautiful


i’m sarah nice to meet you

nice to meet you

alex i feel so cold

i think you feel cold because of the



put on my coat

it will make you feel warmer

what a sweet couple

hey i’m jack at my party last weekend i

went back to look for you but you

weren’t there

really how could that happen i can’t

believe it

all right wait there

what did you say

i don’t understand

what happened

i’m sorry

i have something urgent

i have to go now

i’ll call you later

take care when you go abroad

keep in touch with each other

call me later remember

wrong alex

i’m not feeling well

i have a headache

let’s go to the waiting room and take a



i’ll go with you

i will be okay just stay here with andy

wait linda

what do you want

i’m sorry linda

i shouldn’t have started a conversation

with you at that party but the first

time i saw you

i really liked you

about sarah


i’m the girl you like sarah is the girl

you love right

stop saying sweet words to other girls

if you still love your girlfriend

i know you don’t believe me

but my heart can’t lie

if i made you sad i’m sorry

please forgive me

i hope i never see you again

please you need to be serious with your

current relationship



i’m sorry are you okay

it’s okay

so sorry you must be in pain from


it’s fine it’s not your fault


are you crying

no i’m not



he’s a liar

that bad guy

why did he cheat on me

i don’t know what bad guys think

i wish i could punch his face

i am a silly girl

there are always going to be people that

hurt you

so what you have to do is keep on

trusting but

be more careful

i’m not sad

i don’t even know why i cried

you are disappointed

but it’s better to know and be

disappointed than to never know and be


talking to you makes me feel more


we are best friends


linda you have to meet our business

partner at 3pm today he’s so important

to this job don’t say anything bad

i know brian

you said it three times today don’t



can i trust you

trust me

great let’s bring victory to our team

good luck

are you from global abc company

yes good afternoon sir and you are


your partner

my name is daniel

may i know your name

i’m linda it’s nice to meet you this is

my business card

nice to work with you

let’s start with your company project

okay i have prepared a project brief

please take a look


i will explain this project in more

detail to you



do you have any suggestions

this is a good project

you explained everything clearly

i hope you consider this project it

really benefits both

i’ll read it again and my secretary will

call you later

of course

sorry for hurting you last time


no it’s not your fault

i’m not careful there were no good

things that happened at that time

may i know why you cry

i think it isn’t important

hope i can hear from you next time


next time


hello linda i’m anna mr daniel’s


good morning i’m calling to let you know

we will arrange a meeting to sign the


i’m glad to be working together

do you have time to come to our company


2pm this afternoon


excuse me are you linda stone

anna it’s you

yes me

i have to go to work

see you at 2pm this afternoon

are you linda’s friend

yes sir

may i ask something about linda

oh sure sir


good afternoon

thank you for agreeing to sign this


it benefits both my company and your


may i come in

yes please

this is cakes

and orange juice

thank you

you’re welcome

it is for you

i hope you like it

i love orange juice and cakes thank you

let’s start



i’m pleased to work with you

my pleasure

i have a meeting now

i also have to go

i have prepared a gift for you

my secretary will give it to you wish

you a happy day

see you tonight


my boss prepared it for you

for me

when did you become his girlfriend

we are business partners

i don’t believe it

after the incident with alex i became

more careful

my boss asked me what you like to eat

and asked me to prepare cakes for you

he even asked me what kind of dresses

and flowers you like



thanks for letting me

know and he’s single

talk later i need to go to work



that flower symbolizes new and better


from daniel

what a beautiful dress

i heard you received the gift do you

like it

yes thank you the dress is beautiful and

the flowers are very fragrant

i wonder if you have time for a date



shall i come pick you up

i will go there myself

okay i will send you the restaurant

address see you tonight

why is my heart beating so fast


hey are you still okay

hi jack

i heard anna tell your story

if you’re sad come with anna to my house

and we’ll have a party

thank you for calling

he cheated on me but it’s over

i’m not sad anymore aya now i’m fine

i’m glad to hear that forget him see you

later i forgot him thank you see you

i see you standing here i want to say


i didn’t mean to listen to your


i’m sorry

it’s okay

you are so beautiful tonight

thank you


may i ask you about your story


at that time you cried because of him



no man is worth your tears

and the one who is

won’t make you cry


i’m happy now

when i see you for the first time when i

look into your eyes i like you

and that is growing day by day i

couldn’t stop it i think i love you

my world was lit up when you appeared

will you be my girlfriend



you can reply to me later but don’t

refuse my gifts and dates later

give the chance to give you gifts the

chance to date with you

and the chance to make you happier every


i have the answer


i’ll be your girlfriend

hello daniel

hi alex

have you seen my project

yes but i chose another project

hope we can cooperate next time

there won’t be any more cooperation

between us

you’ll regret that decision

you missed the boat

your project may be good but your

attitude is not

that is my decision

why are you here

do you know him


i don’t know him


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