How are you today Practice English Speaking Conversation


50 topics for everyday life


this video will be the real life

conversations of native speakers

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english communication



dialogue one


hi jenny what have you been up to

everything is usual how about you

great and you look stunning today

thanks this morning i have an interview

excuse me can you tell me the time


oh it’s eight o’clock when will your

interview take place

in one hour but i don’t want to be late

because of the traffic see you later

okay good luck with that


dialogue two

good morning how are you today

i’m much better thanks

thank you so much for the chicken soup

which you cooked for me last night you

cooked this dish great

oh it was the least i could do to help


so will you go to work today

of course i’m doing very well actually

see you later

see ya

dialogue three

hey laura what a pleasant surprise to

meet you here

hi i haven’t seen you in ages

how have you been my friend

i’m doing very well actually my job is

also very smooth

that’s great

currently are you working in taiwan

yeah i have been teaching in taiwan for

two years

so cool that must be exciting

i hope i will have the opportunity to

visit you once

of course i would be happy to welcome



meeting people

dialogue one



i’m really happy to meet you my name is

anna smith

hi i’m thomas taylor you can call me tom

my pleasure to make your acquaintance

i am pleased to meet you tom

me too

dialogue 2.


hello new neighbor

oh hello

sorry i don’t remember your name are you

i live next door my name is jack can you

tell me your name again

julia riley you can call me julia

a good name ah

julia let me introduce you this is my

brother tom

hi tom

it’s great to see you

are you from scotland

yes i am how do you know

because the scottish accent emphasizes

the r sound very clearly

that’s fun

dialogue three

emily what are you doing do you want to

eat with us

well it sounds like fun but actually i

have to go meet my new roommate now

what a pity

is your new roommate chinese

i heard her name is chen

her name is chen hong i got to go now

see you later

sure see ya we will eat at the

restaurant next to the school drop by

when you’re done


saying goodbye

dialogue one

oh it’s almost noon would you like to

share lunch with us

sorry i have a deadline in the afternoon

and i need to study more to finish the


so you’re not going to eat with us


wishing you a good lunch meal later bro

okay remember to eat after studying i’m


all right bye

bye bye


dialogue two


everything is fully prepared

taking good care of yourself jack

don’t worry

please take care of yourself

we won’t see each other for a long time

i’ll miss you

yeah i’ll miss you too it’s only a year

when i have time i can make video calls

all right

it will be a long flight text me when

you get there

definitely well i have to go now

i will call you when i get there

okay take care bye for now

bye son

dialogue three


the dinner was delightful thank you for

hosting the dinner party last night

the homemade pizza was fantastic

it was my pleasure i’m glad you like it

thank you for inviting me

will you come to my workshop this monday

will i i will meet you on monday at 7 pm

at the workshop

great talk to you later

catch you later


please thank you sorry

dialogue one



excuse me can you help me

sure what help do you need

can you tell me where i can catch the

number two bus please

oh there is a bus stop nearby you go

straight 300 meters

you are so kind thanks to you

not at all


dialogue 2


tell me why do you always come late

i’m sorry

it’s because i got up late and missed

the bus

i promise it won’t happen again

sure you

definitely from tomorrow i shall never

be late

good come in and sit down

sincerely thanks teacher

it was nothing remember what you

promised today

dialogue 3


i’m having problems with my computer

tell me what the problem is

my computer won’t turn on

try checking the connections

oh it’s working

thank you in advance

no big deal

five identifying and describing people

dialogue one



did you see the girl who just entered

the library

no i haven’t which one

the one with the long black hair

i think that she is very pretty

describe her to me i see two girls with

long hair

the person wears glasses and a red


oh i know her that’s my old friend we

studied together in grade 8 in texas

are you certain

why is she here

maybe she moved here and studied at this


whoa that’s great

dialogue too

mary has a boyfriend have you seen him

yet how surprising

i didn’t know mary has a new boyfriend

yeah i met him at mary’s birthday last


whoa tell me how he looks

well he’s quite tall with blonde hair he

is so handsome

is his hair short or long


a little long looks like a rock singer

and a light beard

yep have you seen him

i think that i have



dialogue one


morning george

oh sarah morning

would you like to join sally and me for

a bite to eat after work

well i’d love to but i’m already going

to pick my son up from school

you have a son what is his age

he is in his early five

he will be entering first grade next


wow that must be exciting for him

yeah me too i gotta run talk to you




dialogue too

do you have any siblings

yes i have brothers

how many brothers do you have

i have two brothers

the oldest is john and the second is


how old are your brothers

john is six years older than me and jack

is three years older than me

so both are older than you

yeah i’m the youngest child in the


dialogue three


come on please go with me i really enjoy

the new movie

you know this film has been given an r

rating meaning teenagers under the age

of 17 will be forbidden

i can wear makeup or wear mom’s dress to

look older

ticket clerks aren’t idiots trust me you

won’t get past the front door

come on let me try once

i think your parents don’t like you

going to see this movie

this film received negative reviews due

to it has profanity and violent scenes

that’s why i want to go

seven places and directions

dialogue one

jenny do you know where the bus stop is

i’m sorry i don’t know you could ask

someone else

or if you want

i can also get you some bus maps

no need you’ll be late

don’t worry i’m not in a hurry i still

have plenty of time

thanks you don’t mind

definitely i’ll go get them immediately

can you bring some more for my friend


dialogue too

excuse me could you tell me how to get

to the gas station


oh no you have taken the wrong way

turn back and walk on until the first

turn turn right walk ahead for about 100


then you can see the station on the left

around the corner

so i need to turn back and turn right


thanks that’s very kind of you

that’s all right good luck

dialogue three

where is the museum please

it’s over there

then could you show me the way

go straight turn to the left

oh okay i got it thank you


eight family relationships

dialogue one

hurry up or we’ll be late

take it easy it’s just a family reunion

it’s not a job

the point is that it’s been almost a

year since i’ve seen my family

oh such a long time

you should visit them more especially

your parents

you know my family lives in the suburbs

who are very far from my workplace

and even my work is always busy so it’s

very difficult to visit my parents

your whole extended family is staying

over it at your house

yes i’m looking forward to seeing my

family especially my uncle



look at the person in front of you is

that uncle of yours

which one

the one wearing the blue tie

oh that’s uncle jim who was never absent

from family reunions

and he is the best drinker in my family

will he drink this year

of course but hopefully grandpa will

stop him before he gets drunk

it’s fun get in the car

i wish you could attend the family

reunion with my family

i will join next year dialogue 2


i saw your timeline post on twitter


you’ve posted a lot of photos that you

took in thailand


during each trip i always take a lot of

photos to keep memories

and you will post it all on social media

not really i just posted a few pictures

on twitter

the rest i’m going to print out and send

to my parents

your parents will be happy to see them

yeah in addition to sending photos i

also wrote a letter about interesting

things during the trip to my parents

they will be glad to read your letter

i also want to be able to travel with

them next time


dialogue three

where were you this afternoon

i called you but you didn’t answer the


i’m so sorry girls i had to go to the

airport to pick up my brother

you have a brother i never heard you

mention him


he is my half brother he lives in


this time he comes to visit my family

great it’s a great time for the family

to get together



dialogue one

how are things with you

i’m pretty busy with school work i’m

working on a research paper on radiation

wow you have chosen a difficult topic

yes but if i finish this research

project i will be appreciated and get a

master of science degree

and you want to be a scientist

but it’s a big challenge right

i know it is very hard to do and i enjoy


you know science is complicated but that

is the general law of the universe

i don’t understand what you mean

the rules of man change all the time

while the rules of science do not

i see but what’s so interesting about


it’s interesting thanks to science

things change every day

i love the idea of making a difference

in the world

that’s a noble thought

actually i also quite enjoy playing with


that seems to be the real reason

we recently purchased a new telescope

and an infrared camera

great can i see those

sure just let me know when now i have to

go to class

okay see you

dialog 2.


i just read an article about cloning i

think it’s a crazy idea

i think so

i think it should be against the law for

scientists to do that

but there is one country that allows it

can you believe it some doctors said

that they had a cloned a baby

it should be science fiction not in real


they have already cloned vegetables and


as you know

dolly the sheep is an example of that

yes but she died at a young age

they performed an autopsy on her and

discovered that her organs had aged

quicker than usual

with the development of science soon we

will also have a copy

please stop i wouldn’t even want to

think about it

talking about the weather

dialogue one

in traffic like this i don’t like


especially in this rainy weather

you think it’s bad what’s better in

texas with a little rain like this

isn’t the weather in texas usually hot

and dry

the weather there is very varied

in the summer it’s so hot you can even

fry an egg on the street

in winter it snows in some places

well you never see pictures of skiing




dialogue too


this is a narrow road pay attention i

don’t want us to have an accident

all right

will we get to woo yi mountain before


i don’t know but i hope to arrive before


so let’s rent a hotel to stay in tonight


looks like the weather isn’t going to

clear up

and until i hear the weather report i

won’t go camping in the woods

dialogue 3

what’s the weather like today oh my it’s

really cold

why not now is november

a few days ago the weather was sunny and


it’s suddenly freezing like january

the weather forecaster said there would

be a chance of snow

really in this early november

it occurred previously

just two days ago i was still wearing


yeah because fall weather is often



i’d better wear something warmer

than you should



dialogue one

where are you going

i’m going to the vet with my cat

oh what’s wrong with your pet

not so serious my cat was scratched by

another cat

is it hurt

oh no

he only has a few minor wounds on his


hope they are not infected

that is why i’m taking him to the


he grew up fast i still remember when he

was a lovely little cat

he’s not like that anymore

he sounds like a threat

yeah that’s right

now he’s a naughty cat

without a doubt

and good luck with the vet please keep

me updated on what happens

i will see ya

catch you later


dialogue two

what is that animal

oh it’s a kangaroo

this is the first time hearing of this


it is the australian animal emblem and

only australia has it

are you sure it’s only australia

we’ve got one right here

because it’s a zoo

dialogue three


wow adorable dog when did you buy it

i have had him since he was a puppy and

he is six years old now he is an alaskan

does he eat a lot

yes all the time i always go to the pet

shop to buy him more food

he likes to eat meat and canned dog food

i wish i lived in a house with a lot of


i want a dog like him

actually we got him as a guard dog

rather than a pet

calamities and pollution

dialogue one


have you seen the latest news

the government has ordered lockdown

because of the covid 19 outbreak

what a calamity

exactly it’s a calamity

and we’ll have to work from home


when we work remotely we have more time

for our families

but this is very suffocating we will

have to stay at home and not go anywhere

this is terrible

dialogue too


look at that river

this river looks so dirty

yeah you won’t believe it we used to

swim here



yup but now it looks terrible dirty and


why is this river polluted

a large amount of dangerous waste

chemicals from factories are discharged


lead to water pollution

but we need factories

yes but the factories also have their

own way to reduce water pollution

what exactly occurred here

some of the investors wanted to save

costs so they didn’t install sewage

treatment systems most of this is dumped

directly into rivers

and it’s too late now right

although the company owners were

arrested the river is ruined

we can clean it

maybe but that would cost a lot of money

and time


so now we have to live next to this

polluted river

thirteen housework

dialogue one


you cannot watch tv right now

why not this is my preferred program

you haven’t finished the dishes yet

what’s the big deal they have time to


they can’t look the wash bin was


but i’m busy i still have to watch my


show today i cleaned the toilet you were

tasked with cleaning the kitchen

i did it i mopped the floor and cleaned

out the expired food in the fridge

you haven’t cleaned the sink and you

haven’t prepared the ingredients for

dinner yet

i’m sorry i had forgotten

all right can you cook them up after the

program is over

of course i guarantee it

20 more minutes

okay then

only make certain that it is completed

i promise i will

dialogue two

oh honey the house looks so dirty

don’t you clean the house

it’s still clean it looks okay for me

don’t joke like that it looks like a


look your clothes are everywhere even

dirty clothes are left on the dining


and the toys of sam are everywhere on

the sofa

darling i just got there

first let me rest a bit

oh no i stepped on sam’s robot

are you okay honey

i knew it everything is laying

everywhere which is very dangerous

you will step on them i can’t stand a

messy house like this

alright together we’ll clean it

dialog 3.


hello tom i was wondering got any plans

for this sunday

of course what did you have in mind

i was thinking of going to the cinema

with you

well it sounds like fun but actually

i’ll be very busy on sunday

i’ve got lots of housework to do

i have to do the laundry tidy up the


vacuum the floor and wash the dishes

it’s just housework you can do it later

this is not a big deal

oh you don’t know i live with my sister

in the apartment we share the household


and she sure would get angry at me if

she were to come home and find out i’ve

not done anything

oh i see

anyway see you another day when you have

free time

  1. functions and malfunctions

dialog one

i think your television has a problem

the image is not very sharp you may have

to fix it that’s not possible

i tried to get it all day it just wasn’t


maybe you should have it repaired

the picture in will be better and we can

enjoy our favorite show

we just fixed it yesterday


but why does the picture still look this

bad who fixed it

he’s an assistant at a tv shop and he’s

only been here for two days

that’s bad it doesn’t sound very

trustworthy you should demand a refund

i wish i could but it’s a little


okay you shouldn’t go back there again

dialogue 2

jenny do you hear anything

your car is making a very weird noise

it sounds like this


oh no

that’s bad

i think it’s coming from the engine i’ll

pull over

you should do that

we can be sure that everything is not


alright let’s see


first let’s pop the hood

look there’s something in this

is that a tennis ball why is it here

that’s strange maybe it’s billy’s toy

great we found the cause now just take

it out and start the

car okay let’s get in the car



what’s wrong

i can’t start the car

that’s weird

we should call the mechanic and tell

them to come here

so i suppose we could simply put the

tennis ball back in and see if it works


dialog 3

fine i’m sick of it what’s happened

something is wrong with my washing


tell me the problem

for some reason the water won’t drain

that’s the only problem with it

everything else is working fine

all right is there a warranty

yeah but what good does that do now

you can call the store and they will

send a technician to repair or replace

if necessary

i know but now my clothes are very wet

i really need it for the party tonight

what time does the party take place

within two hours

don’t worry go to the public laundromat

you have time if you hurry

it’s a great idea

thanks for your kind words i’ll see you


it’s nothing all the best


dialogue one


morning jane

why are you here i thought you were in


no i’m still expecting my visa

you immigrate right

yes last february my husband applied for

a visa

it’s been about a year how much longer

will you have to wait do you know

i don’t know the approval letter says

that i only need to wait two months

but now it has been one year

so who knows for how long

that’s bad i didn’t know that getting a

visa to the us was so difficult so your

husband must miss you very much

me too we can only call each other

instead of meeting each other

i hope it all goes well

many thanks

dialogue too

james is that you why are you standing


oh hi laura i’m waiting for my friend

whom i met online she made an

appointment with me at 6 p.m

are you kidding look at what time it is

it’s 8pm

so you’ve been waiting here for more

than two hours

she won’t meet you don’t be foolish

instead come home with me

all right

i’ll take your advice

is your house nearby

yeah my house is right there five minute


well let’s go

dialogue three



why are you queuing here

oh i’m waiting

for this music store to open

how much time did you wait

i’ve been standing in line since early

morning about two hours

this is insane wait for what

today new cd released by my favorite


so what

you don’t know i’ve always wanted to own

the cd

so before they sell out i want to buy a


oh no

it’s just for this reason that you

waited here for two hours under this

cold weather

it’s worth it

since i learned they released a new

album i’ve waited for three months

how much longer are you going to wait

for here

10 minutes

all right best of luck

now where do you go

i’m going home and i’ll wait to listen

to this album online

then you’ll have to wait two more days i

will enjoy it before you

i’ll listen later but i won’t have to

stand under negative 10 degree weather

like this

have a nice time bye bye


  1. size quantity and weight

dialog one



could you tell me where the meat section


it’s in the meat store over there sir

what kind of meat are you looking for

i need some sliced turkey flesh

how much would you like

i’m not certain perhaps half a pound

okay i’ll chop half a pound for you

please let me know if you require more

all right

okay look at the scale this equates to

half a pound two ounces of sliced turkey

it seems little can you cut a little

more for me

a quarter pound

yeah that’s enough

okay here you are


i’ll wrap it up for you

thank you

dialogue too


could you possibly help me

of course what’s up

could you go to the supermarket and buy

a few things for me i need them for


okay what do you want to buy

well a bag of sugar

how much a four pound bag

i still need a pound of potatoes and a

dozen eggs


my house is out of milk

yeah thank you for reminding me of it a

gallon please that’s all isn’t it

that is all

have you got all that or do you need me

to write it down

no i remember four pound bag of sugar a

pound of potatoes a dozen eggs and a

gallon of milk

right do you have enough money

don’t worry i have it

much thank yous

dialogue three

good afternoon what can i do for you

i just bought a pair of pants here


now i want to alter it do you have this


yes tell me what is the problem

this waste is too tight for me

i have 36 inch waist but the waist of

the pants is only 34. it needs to be let

out a bit

i got it


how long does it take to repair these


two days can i measure you

yes no problem

all right when it’s done i will call you


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