How do you feel today English Speaking for Real Life



i were you if clause

type 2 is used to express dreams

unreal situations and things that

are unlikely to happen watch this video

to learn ways you can use a type 2

conditional sentence

dialogue one it’s mia’s first

time cooking she asks her parents

david and michelle for their options

mom dad please come try this dish that i


i am not sure if it is good or not

let me see

oh i think it is quite good

come on dad do not lie it can’t be good

with that look on your face

it is good for your first time ugh

thank you anyway what about you mom what

do you think of this dish

if i were you honey i would add another

pinch of salt to it

it is a little bit bland i got it mom

anything else no it really is not bad

for your first time

great job honey thank you

by the way dad if i were you i would

give my honest


what i really think it is not bad

maybe a little bad sure dad whatever you


oh sweetheart i will eat anything you

cook you know that

thank you for saying that dad i really

appreciate it

you’re welcome david do not

ruin your meal but i would not forget to

email my boss if i were you in your


oh yes i almost did thank god you

reminded me

i will do that after dinner


dialogue 2 tom john

and alice are schoolmates tom really

likes alice

and he wants to ask her out he asks for

john’s advice on how he should do that

hey john i have something to tell you

of course why are you hesitant though

well um i don’t know if i should tell

you or not

it’s a bit personal oh come on

we are best friends just spill it okay

so i kind of like alice alice

and the girl from our class yes

oh my god tom you do realize everyone

knows that right

no what my feelings for alice

yes what else you are so obvious

but have you told her yet no

i haven’t i want to invite her to the

pool party this

saturday night but i don’t know where i

can find her

well except in our class of course but

that class is on friday i think she will

already have made plans by then

if i were you i would just give her a

call bro

if i had her number i would do that


oh you don’t have her number i can give

you it

amazing how do you have it and i don’t

well let’s just say i am obviously the

more likable one between us two

oh please john give me a break


dialogue three lauren and michael

are neighbors they go to the gym


hey michael looking good today

thanks lauren i can’t say that about you

though what happened

oh i’m just tired i haven’t had a good

sleep since forever

if i were you i wouldn’t stay up so late

you need to sleep in order to have good

skin and

let your muscles rest i know

but i have so much work to do i hate

being an accountant that’s why i want to

become an

artist not only because it is my passion

but also i can work whenever i want

you want to become an artist that is so


what do your parents think about it i’ve

not told them yet

i’m not sure if they would support me or


why not if i were you i would be honest

with them

tell them why you want to become an

artist and let them know how happy it

would make you

i think all parents want their kids to

be happy

you are right i’m thinking of telling

them this weekend but i don’t know

maybe i should not just do it

get it out of the way michael i’m sure

you will be a great artist

thank you so much lauren i appreciate it


dialogue four linda and mark recently

got married

linda lets mark know that they are going

to be parents

oh my god mark mark come here

what’s wrong darling i think i am


oh my god this is the best news ever

you are going to be an amazing mom linda

and you are going to be an amazing dad

i’m so happy have you told your parents


my parents yet no i have not

i told you as soon as i found out let’s

call them

if they knew they would be so surprised

and happy

i agree but should we tell them in


instead of calling them i think that

would be more special

sure honey we can wait and do that later

if you want

yes i still can’t believe it

me neither how do you feel well i don’t

feel any different with my body than


because it hasn’t been long but i do

feel very excited

me too we should go see the doctor soon

i will make an appointment good idea


dialog 5 mary peter and lisa

live under the same roof mary’s laptop

is broken

and she asks her housemates for help

treasuries ticked higher

laptop lines wrong with it cannot open


what’s wrong mary why are you yelling

my laptop it isn’t working and i have a

very important task due today

let me see if i can help

i think this issue is serious you should

probably get it fixed professionally

i don’t have time for that if jack were

here he would know how to fix it

oh mary you guys broke up a while ago

are you still not over him not really

i miss him a lot it’s all right take

your time

you know what you can use my laptop for

now and go get your laptop fixed later

thank you so much lisa you are a


you’re welcome now get that task done


i’m on it are you sure you don’t need to

use it

not until next week okay


happy father’s day father’s day

is celebrated worldwide to honor all

fathers and fatherhood

it’s also a special occasion for

children to express their love and

gratitude to their fathers

please watch the following video to

learn how children can show their care

and love to their fathers

dialogue one who gets the card for

father’s day

minnie do you know what day it is


well is it ice cream day

no honey you just got to eat ice cream

yesterday don’t you remember

right so what day is it tomorrow mom

tomorrow is father’s day have you heard

of it

no i don’t think so

can you guess what father’s day is then


i know it’s a day for fathers

oh wow that’s completely correct smart


father’s day is a day to honor all


what does honor mean

it means you show your love for someone

and let them know that you’re thankful


everything they’ve done oh

i love daddy how do i honor him

there are plenty of things you can do

for example

you can make a card for him but i don’t

know how to write yet

you don’t need to write you can draw a

picture for him

i know you love drawing yeah

good idea i’m really good at drawing

i’ll draw a lot of hearts for him

there are some cards on the bookshelf

let me get them down for you

why are you giving me two cards

you should write one for grandpa as well


father’s day is a day for all fathers


grandpa is also a father

i love grandpa but i’m not making a card

for him

minnie why’s that because

grandpa is your father not my

father well that’s true but

father’s day is a day to celebrate all

the fathers in our lives

so it’s totally possible for you to send

a card to grandpa

too i see what you mean

but mom father’s day is a special day

for our own father

so how about i make a card for my dad

and you make a card for your dad

grandpa may be sad if he doesn’t get to

receive a card from his

own daughter don’t you think

yeah that makes sense i think you’re

right minnie

wait i know it you want me to make the

card for you

also because you’re not good at drawing


don’t worry mom let me teach you how to


okay can you help me with the drawing

later honey

i’ll really need your help sure mom



dialogue 2 a call for death


hello may i ask who this is

dad it’s me lizzy lizzy

hi honey why are you calling me from

this number

my phone is out of battery and i can’t

find my charger anywhere

so i can’t turn it on i’m borrowing my

roommate’s phone to call you

oh okay i see you must have been

throwing your stuff

everywhere again yeah you know me dad

anyway how are you dad i’m sorry i

haven’t been able to talk with you all


i was having some final exams that’s

okay honey

i’m still fine don’t worry about me

i know you must be busy as it’s near the

end of the school year

i want to call you today to wish you a

happy father’s day dad

oh is it father’s day today i didn’t

even know that

yeah it is thank you for everything

you’ve done for me dad

i hope you will have a wonderful day and

that you will be happy and healthy every


i love you dad thank you so much dear

i love you too by the way what time is

it over there lizzy

how are you recently how’s school and


it’s 8 am now and i’m fine

everything’s still good i only have one

exam and two projects left before the

summer vacation begins

i’ll be able to go home in 15 days i

can’t wait

take care of yourself dear don’t forget

to eat and sleep properly

i’ll see you soon i miss you a lot

i miss you too dad anyway i have to go

to class now

i’ll call later okay dear

bye i love you

dialogue three father’s day dinner


today is father’s day dad i’d like to

thank you for everything you’ve done for

me and my brother

you’ve always cared for us from head to

toe and you’ve worked

so hard so that kevin and i can get the

best education possible

thank you dad no

thank you cecilia dad

we are so grateful to have a dad who not

only cooks

and cares for us but also teaches us a

lot of things in life

you’re the best dad we hope you will

always be healthy happy and successful

thank you luke i’d like to say something

to you

honey thank you for being such a

wonderful husband

a wonderful father to our children i

love you

i love you too let’s cheer

happy father’s day to dad cheers cheers

dad we’ve prepared some gifts for you

please open them

oh you even have gifts for me well

i bought you a tie and luke bought you a

new pair of earphones

we saved money to buy the gifts and mom

helped us

pay a part too we’re gladly like the


dialogue for a card for dad


mom can i ask you something

sure honey what is it i want to write a

card for daddy but i don’t know what to


oh that’s so sweet tommy what day is it


daddy’s birthday is not until next month

it’s for father’s day oh right

this sunday is father’s day i almost

forgot about that

wow how did you know which day is

father’s day

ms brown told us about it in class today

father’s day is on the third sunday of

june every year

yeah you’re perfectly right so what

should i write on the card mom

i haven’t known how to write a lot of

words yet

don’t worry honey you don’t have to

write anything too complicated

you can just write down your best wishes

for daddy

like what like for example

you can always say you hope that he’ll

always be healthy

uh-huh i get it oh oh

can i also draw him something

of course honey anything that you want

i’m sure daddy will like it

happy father’s day i made you a card

oh really i can’t believe you already

know which day is father’s day

my boy is so grown up now

open it dad i made it myself

it looks wonderful let me read it

happy father’s day daddy i hope you will

never get sick and have a lot of time to

play with me

i love you tommy wow did you write it


yeah mom helped me a bit when the idea

but i wrote it myself that’s amazing


oh there’s more on the next page what’s


i drew that too i wanted to decorate the

card so i drew a picture of our family

what are we doing in this picture we’re

having a picnic in the park

it’s my favorite activity do you like

the card dad

are you kidding i love it i’m so touched

thank you for this wonderful gift tommy

yay i’m glad you like it

asking directions and places

day one rebecca and richard are

wondering which direction takes them to

the hotel they booked

richard sees a man near them and goes to


excuse me could you show me the way to

the royal

horse guards on whitehall street please

oh i’ve just come out of there let me

show you

go along the riverside take the first

left and then take the first right

go straight ahead it’s on your right

go along the riverside take the first

left and then take the first right

go straight ahead it’s on the right and


is that correct yes

great thanks a lot you are welcome

have a nice day oh thanks so much you



yeah we got here wonderful

yes so let’s go inside and start the

first day in monday


hello good morning

we’d like to check certainly

you have a reservation yes

may i see your idea

sure yes i have found your reservation

okay this is your room key room 301

on the third floor of building c

sorry where is there going to see how

can we get there

oops in

you have to go along the left corridor

over there to get

buildings and take the lift at the right

corner to the

they happily walk to their room with

their big suitcases

wow nice i love this room

how do you feel richard cool comfortable

where should we go first i don’t know

up to you what about big ben tower

i really want to take some photos there

okay but do you know how to get there

no we can ask the receptionist let’s go

downstairs now

could you tell me how to reach the big

ben tower please

yes at the gate turn left go straight

then turn left go straight and turn


now you just go along the river side

it’s the way we’ve just

across the road and go past the streets

then you’ll see a park there is an atm

in the bank

next to the park how do people usually

go around

they use the subway bus or taxi if you

prefer public transformation

you can rent motorbikes or cars from our

hotel for some private

right how much is it

it’s 20 pounds per day 24 hours

okay you have to leave 10 pounds

there yeah here you are

this is your car key you’ll take it to

the parking area behind the hotel

go to the end of the corridor and turn

right it’s on your way


they have a nice day

day two


i heard that there many is

brands like louis vuitton chanel

burmese i really want to go

please go with me okay

do you know the directions i can ask

that seller

excuse me can you direct me to the

shopping center around here

you have to go past that traffic

then turn right at the

um yes give us two cups of ice cream


how much two pounds

thank you have a great day you too

bye thank you bye bye

they step into the shopping center with

their pride

honor and smiles on the lips they go

window shopping

try every and any clothing item they

like on

would you like some coffee or a snack


let’s take a break there

maybe i felt very delicious last night


i ate too much food there

wait for me here i’ll go buy some

medicine for you


excuse me is there any pharmacy around


could you show me how to get there turn

right at the corner and go straight


it’s on your life next to the bakery

thanks so much my pleasure

excuse me could you show me the way to

the toilet i’m rushed

uh go straight ahead turn left at the


it’s the second room on your left thank

you it’s nothing

excuse me did you see a girl wearing a

pink dress who sat over there

yes she has just gone to the toilet oh

my god thank you so much no worries


i came back to you richard are you okay

fine take these pills you’ll be more


thanks i’ll never eat like last night


never true we have to take more notice

of the foods we absorb

otherwise it will be terrible the food

is so important for our mood

have you done the meal yes

okay we can continue the trip now

yep if you feel better okay

i’m so strong now let’s go


can you say that again

situation 1 michael calls for a vacation


but his connection is not stable


ocean casino resort how may i help you

good morning i would like to make a

reservation for this

summer holiday do you have any vacancies

yes sir we have several rooms available

for that particular holiday

may i get your personal information

please what’s your full name

michael potter maybe your connection is


i can’t hear very well so can you repeat

your name please

oh sorry michael potter

so the reservation is under michael

potter’s name

what is your phone number mr potter

the phone number is zero two zero

three eight five nine four seven eight


zero two zero three eight five nine

four seven eight eight is that right mr


can you say that again i’m in a noisy

place so i cannot hear

clearly zero two zero

three eight five nine four seven eight

eight is this correct it’s correct thank


sir could i get your id card number

five four one two seven five one two

three four one two three four five

six sorry sir but it is the number of a


card not an identity card

i really apologize for my bad connection

so i heard wrong

my identity card number is s one two


four five six seven six five

oh one zero zero would you like to book

a standard room or a deluxe room

how much is a standard room and a deluxe


and twenty dollars per day for a

standard room

and 230 for a deluxe room

only 213 for a deluxe room

can you say it again 230

per day um i want a standard room

when will you receive the room i will

receive the room at two o’clock

on the 26th of july how many days are

you going to stay in the hotel

about four days and three nights

how many people is the reservation for

there will be four of us would you like

a room with

two twin beds or twin beds and a double


two twin beds and a double bed please

okay please confirm your information

can you speak up a bit my line is a

little bad

yes sir your full name is michael potter

phone number is zero two zero

three eight five nine four eight

and your identity card number is


you book a standard room with twin beds

and a double bed on july 26th

are they correct they are correct thank


if you have any problems please contact

me via email address

ocean casino resort

thanks you’re welcome have a nice day




situation two sam won the lottery

and went home to tell his girlfriend



sally i have a piece of surprising news

for you

what news you really want to hear

sure tell me quickly baby

i won the lottery can you repeat what

you said

i cannot believe it why

april fool’s day but

i said the truth i won the lottery

i don’t trust what you say you’re lying

i swear

i give you one more chance to tell the


how many times do i have to say it i won

the lottery

unbelievable which lottery did you buy

mega millions huh

can you say that again mega millions

i heard that wrong right no

it is the mega millions lottery the

money you can have from the lottery

can be up to two and a half million


sally can you say again the amount of

money i can have

two and a half million dollars

such a lot of money yes

we’ll be reaching it


situation three there is an urgent

meeting going on

and the boss asked jessica to prepare

for the meeting


jessica we have an unscheduled meeting

for this afternoon

this afternoon a little bit urgent

you’re assigned to do some tasks before

the meeting

the first thing is inviting all high

level managers for the afternoon meeting

secondly please arrange for me all

consumers complaints and leave them on

my desk by 11 o’clock

next have me check all products launched

in this quarter

i need all documents related to those

goods for the meeting

draft selling and buying contracts and

send me by 10 o’clock

and bring marketing strategy documents

for me too

i beg your pardon sir can

you repeat the second task onward please


didn’t keep up with it arrange all

consumers complaints and leave them on

my desk

when do i need to finish this task by 11


sorry can you say it again i’m afraid

that my line is bad

by 11 o’clock can you hear clearly

thanks sir what’s next i have to do

draft selling and buying contracts and

send me by 10 o’clock with mapbox

company right sir

right check all products launched in

this quarter

and send them to you by 10 am

alright and bring markety strategy

documents for me

that’s all you have to finish with this

morning i’ll do it right now

situation 4 john won first prize in a

speech contest

dad mom i’ve got the surprising news for


you won’t believe it what’s the news son

i won the first prize can you imagine


are you serious you must be joking

it’s hard to believe but i’m extremely


really can you say again you said you

had won the first prize in the speech


my son can you repeat it it’s


you don’t hear wrong i did win the first


i’m a winner oh my gosh

you are the winner darling can you say

one more time

i cannot believe what i heard

our son the first prize the winner

oh wow i must say it surprises me

congratulations to our son you’ve done a

great job

there’s a reward for you the winner

dad mom what are you talking about a


can you repeat it for sure we’ll reward

you for your attempt

wow what a surprise thank you so much

let’s have a party with your teammates

goodbye son

i’m so proud of you thanks mom and dad

see you later


situation five tiffany will be unable to

go out with her friends because of the


exam schedule she is informing her


hey guys i’ve just realized a little bit

of a serious

problem how serious

what problem tiffany the day we have a

trip and i have to sit my final exam are

on the same day

tiffany can you say that again you’re

kidding right

come again what date do you have the


on june 26th last week you said you

would take the final exam

at the beginning of july

no i just saw the examination schedule

it’s exact

if so we should change the schedule for

the trip

i don’t get it say what we change the

schedule for you to go with the whole


sounds great we can move another day in

the middle of july

is that okay sorry the middle of july

that’s fine okay so we’ll have the trip

on july

15th thank you all

tell me about your family

talking about family is a great topic to

start a conversation with

let’s watch the following video to see

how the characters describe their family

members looks and personalities

hi linda hello tom

our summer vacations are starting in 10


i am so excited yes

even i am excited what are you planning

to do

i am going to canada for about five days

with my family

how about you i will stay home

why because 10 more days is also my

brother’s birthday

do you have a brother i only know you

have twin sisters

yes i have that is the youngest of my


my brother is only two years old

whoa would you tell me about your family

yes do you want to see pictures of my


yeah of course here

it was taken last year oh is this your


yes that’s my youngest brother his name

is joan

oh he’s so cute

um he looks like me when i was a kid

we both have black hair and brown eyes

just like father

i recognize you tom you’re in a green


right that’s me the other people are my


and in the right corner are my twin


so there are six people in your family

yes it’s a big family your parents look

so beautiful

my parents used to be very famous when

they were in school

i think so yeah my father is

a head taller than my mother he has

already black hair

big ears and is very handsome and my mom

has black straight hair and is very


and has big blue eyes you are very

handsome too tom i think you inherit

good looks from your parents

thanks for your compliment tell me your

parents names

my mother’s name is kate and my father’s

name is ed

what does your father do my father is a


he works at the local hospital how about

your mother

my mother is a schoolteacher and a

loving and caring person

well your parents are both talented


thanks how old are your parents

my father is 50 and my mother is 49

years old

one year younger than my father your

mother is the same age as my mother

oh really did your mother study in

jamestown high school

yes my mother studied there amazing

i think our mothers used to be friends

in high school

i’ll go home and ask my mom okay

your twin sisters look adorable i’d have

liked a sister too

yes they’re in grade seven but they’re

160 centimeters

whoa twin sisters have the same eyes as

your mother

have big blue eyes yes

they are also smart and kind i feel

lucky to be their brother

i heard twins have opposite

personalities how are their


true their personalities are


how my twin sisters named

mina and lena mina is very gentle and

elena is very

mischievous oh really

i remember one day lena teased the

neighbor boy so that he cried

and his mother told my dad my dad was

very angry

then what he looked for elena to talk to

but my dad mistook lena for meena

mina was punished not to watch tv for

two days

that’s funny who are you close to in

your family

my dad my dad is a moderate man always

giving me lots of helpful advice

i’m so happy for you tom how about you


i saw your timeline post on twitter


he posted an old photo of three kids

with their parents

is that your family yes that is my


it was taken when i was three years old

so you are the youngest child in your


yes i am what does your mother look like

my mom has curly blonde hair dark brown


my mother and i have the same height my

dad had dark brown hair

now gray and blue eyes and he is

very tall your father is really tall

what do your parents do my father is a


and my mother is a journalist she works


one of the national news media

zona they must be hard workers and

dedicated parents

you’re right my father is honest brave

is an exemplary person everybody

respects him

and mother is so caring hard working and

possesses a good

heart and has done a lot to upbring us

how about your brothers to be honest i

am the closest

to my brothers why

as you know my parents are working

outside the city so they rarely come


um so you mostly live with two older


yes my two brothers took care of me when

my parents were not at home

your two brothers are great they are so


well-mannered know a lot of different


have always supported me no matter what

what are your two brothers names the

oldest is john and the second is

jack are your two brothers like your dad

yes my two brothers inherited the height

of my father

they are very tall what do they do

well my two brothers are the pride of my


john is a lawyer and jack has got

admitted to the medical college in new


he is going to be a doctor so cool

how old are you brothers the oldest is

30 years old and the second is 23 years


so is the oldest brother married yet

yes he has a happy marriage with two

kids and john is he seeing anyone

no he hasn’t even dated

lucky you i also want to have two great

brothers like you

i think you were luckier than me you

have parents who have enough time to

spend with you

it’s not always like that linda my

parents and i sometimes quarrel about

small things you’re right

i think family is the most valuable

thing in the world

although they’re not perfect we know

that they always love and fight for us

that’s right


dinner conversation

dinner is a very special and important


during dinner people can talk about

their day

share interesting stories and show their

care for their loved ones

let’s watch the following video to learn

what people commonly talk about

at their dinner table dialog

1 what’s for dinner


hi darling you’re home already hi honey

yeah i got off work early today

that’s nice our parents just called

earlier i invited them to have dinner

with us tonight

oh really that’s great our little johnny

will be very glad to see his


grandparents anyway what’s for dinner

um let me see oh no

we’re almost out of food we’ll need to

go out and buy something then

what should we buy should we make some


i’m sure that will taste great but i

think mom and dad will prefer something

softer and easier to chew

yeah you’re right what about spaghetti


that’s a great idea spaghetti is easy to

cook and i think mom and dad will like


spaghetti is also johnny’s favorite dish

okay we’ll make spaghetti then i’ll also

prepare some salads

alright let’s make a shopping list so

we already have spaghetti at home we’ll

need to buy ground beef some cheese and


for the salads we’ll need to buy lettuce


parmesan cheese and some olive oil for


dressing that’s all okay sounds good

let’s go to the supermarket


dialog 2 dinner with guests

hi laila hi josh come on in

hi linda hi kevin i brought some

cheesecake for dessert

whoa it looks wonderful did you make it


let’s put it in the fridge first sit

down you guys dinner’s ready

today i made some honey garlic chicken

spinach and

sausage lasagna tomato soup and caesar


wow everything looks so tasty

come on take a seat dinner’s best when

it’s hot

by the way linda and kevin thanks for

having us over

you’re welcome i’m glad we finally found

time to have a meal together

kevin and i would like to get to know

our new neighbors better

and we’re so happy we hope we’ll all be

able to eat together many more times

certainly oh wow linda this honey garlic

chicken is out of this world

oh i’m glad you like it it’s so

crispy and the sauce is just perfect

do you mind sharing your recipe i’d love

to cook it at home for my kids

of course it’s my mom’s old recipe you

only need five ingredients

honey water garlic soy sauce and

vinegar it’s really simple i’ll send you

the specific recipe later

awesome thank you so much


dialogue three how was your day

sit down dinner’s ready what are we

having for dinner tonight mom

we’re having french fries chicken wings

and pumpkin soup

yummy dinner looks great honey

i’m glad you guys like it eat up

did you have a good day at school joey

yeah today was fine what classes did you

have today

today i had english geography history

and math

all of your favorite classes yes

thursday is my favorite day of the week

by the way how did you do on the math

exam last week

i scored 95 on my exam i only got one

question wrong

wow that’s impressive i’m proud of you


thanks mom what about you honey how was

work today

it was pretty good today i was able to

sell an apartment to a couple

wow really yeah i even got a big bonus

because of that

that’s incredible congratulations honey

thank you honey let’s go celebrate this




dialogue 4 restaurant dinner with



what are you having looks delicious

i’m having pecking roasted duck and

white rice what about you

my dish is orange chicken with white


looks amazing i’ve never had that before

orange chicken is one of my favorite

chinese dishes

would you like to try some that’d be

great thank you

um it’s so good i should try it the next


yeah how’s your roasted duck

it’s really tasty this restaurant is

pretty good

yep no wonder why it’s so famous

by the way i love your dress

oh thank you where did you buy it

i bought it at the shopping mall last


i used to like wearing jeans and

t-shirts a lot but now i think i’m more

into dresses

why is that i feel like i have more

choices with dresses

and i don’t have to think about what

pants will go with what t-shirts

which saves a lot of time

i see where do you buy your outfits

i often buy my clothes online it’s so

convenient and it’s much cheaper as well

as for me i like to go to the store

because i need to try on clothes before

i can make up my mind

i guess we’re different then

dialog 5 friends reunion

i’m so glad that we can finally meet up

like this

i feel like it’s been forever right it’s

been so long

we haven’t met for what nearly a year

hey what song is on you don’t know this


i don’t never heard it before but i like

the melody

it’s big bang’s newest song if you

oh is it kpop yeah

i hated kpop when i was in high school

but i must admit this song

sounds pretty good yeah there are a lot

of great k-pop songs

you should try listening to some hmm


i will give it a try by the way did you

guys hear that kim just got engaged

wait what came from our class in high


yeah i saw her update on facebook her

boyfriend just proposed to her yesterday

and she also said she would get married

this august

wow i’m so happy for her i can’t believe

our friend is getting married

i know right i’m happy for her as well

she told me she would send us all the

invitations let’s meet again at the


sure thing


do you like eating out or eating at home

some people prefer to eat at restaurants

other people like preparing and eating

at home

let’s watch the following video it will

talk about the advantages

and disadvantages of eating out and

eating at home

dialogue one do you like eating out or

eating at home


my friends and i are getting together

for lunch do you want to come with us

i’m sorry but i don’t like eating out

so you like to eat at home right

yeah i like to eat at home oh

why i think it is cheaper and healthier

to eat at home

you can cook your favorite dishes with

fresh ingredients

but when you eat out you can experience

many delicious and strange dishes

that are prepared by restaurant chefs

everyone has different favorite dishes

and restaurants may satisfy all tastes

of their customers

at home you can learn how to cook foods

that you and your family love

and you can even cook dishes from around

the world

all recipes are available online eating

at home is both nutritious

and cheap it’s not much cheaper

why not when we eat at home we do the


cooking and serving of the food

ourselves and therefore

do not need to pay the labor costs of


waiters and other restaurant staff meals

at restaurants cost

two or four times more than meals

prepared at home

but i find eating at home troublesome

you will waste a lot of time

cooking them i think eating out will be

more convenient

i needn’t prepare and wash up afterward

i think that i spend time with my family

and my loved ones

are really worth it family meal times

are the perfect opportunity for the

family to connect

after eating everyone will help each

other clean up

sounds great food stand or fast food is

very harmful to your health

some ready-to-eat foods have more oil

salt and sugar than home-cooked food

when you eat out you will eat more than

usual because you tend to order more

that will lead to obesity i think i

should manage my time to prepare meals

you should


dialogue 2 invite your friends to go to

a new restaurant

where has many good reviews

hi james hi lucy mary and i

are having a plan for dinner do you want

to come with us

yeah that would be nice where will we


some place you have never been before a

new korean restaurant opened last week

which is named seoul house oh yes i’ve

heard of that one

i’ve passed it a few times but i haven’t

had the chance to try

everyone i’ve spoken with says that this

restaurant is great

yeah this korean restaurant got good


all of the reviewers recommended going

to this restaurant

one time fantastic i really want to

enjoy it right now

i’ve always wanted to try korean food

have you tried korean food

i’ve eaten out at several korean

restaurants before but i think seal

house offers something new

really what is it it serves

traditional korean street food such as

kimchi fries

pajeon pancakes and korean fried chicken

in mixed korean and english styles

yummy what’s the specialty the

restaurant’s best seller is seal house

chicken or seal fried chicken

you are making me hungry do you know

celebrity chef park seoul

he’s the owner of the restaurant i

see where do you want to meet

let’s meet at times square it is between

your company and my bank

okay when should we meet well

six pm okay have you made a reservation

yes i’ve booked a table for three after


do you want to go for coffee that’s a

good idea

so we plan to meet at the restaurant

tonight then go to the coffee

right yes


dialogue 3 invite a close friend to go

home and have

a meal with my family


so what are your plans for this weekend

i don’t know i don’t have a plan

do you want to go home and have a meal

with my family

they haven’t seen you in a long time

they miss you so much and

always ask me about you yeah

it has been a long time since i’ve seen

your parents

i remember the last time i eat in your

house five months ago

your mother cooked a delicious egg roll

until now i still can’t forget its taste

this is my mother’s forte my mom has a

secret recipe

to make it i’m really curious about your

mother’s recipe to make egg rolls

you can ask my mom about the recipe to

make an egg roll

i will do that your mother cooks really

well jamie

in addition to the egg rolls the fried

ribs and the spring rolls are also great

if you come to my house this weekend my

mom will cook for you and all the food

you like

okay that’s great i’m very excited and

looking forward to this weekend

my parents will be very happy to know

you are coming

i have to go first see you on saturday

see you


dialogue four talk about your favorite

restaurant and food

debbie do you have any preference for

where you would like to go for dinner

i don’t really know where i want to go

i’m having trouble thinking of a

particular restaurant

do you have any suggestions for me yeah

i know a good restaurant about italian

food it’s also my favorite restaurant

it’s an authentic italian restaurant

what’s the name of the restaurant its

name is mamma mia

it’s a small and cozy one they have been

in business for over 30 years

where is the restaurant restaurant is

located on the top floor of the silver


from the restaurant you can see the

whole city the view of the city

is breathtaking great

what’s the specialty the signature menu

is pizza and pasta all made from the

freshest ingredients

what is your favorite dish at the


my favorite food is pizza burrata it is

also the restaurant’s best seller dish

what are its components it includes

tomato sauce mozzarella cheese

burrata and ham sounds really yummy

you can also try a dish called peniel


what is it it’s the name of spaghetti

with cylinder-shaped pieces

i think that would be a really good

choice i will call and make a


dream house mary

is being interviewed by james about

their dream house mary

i would like to interview you about your

dream house

you only need to describe what is in

your mind while talking about

this topic okay sounds good to me

let’s start with your house and the

environments around it shall we

i’m ready just ask away what is your

favorite kind of house

it’s a typical suburban house in america

those ones that have a large backyard

and two driveways leading to the front

door and the garage

those houses that are messed produced by

big construction companies that are

similar to others nearby

i’m imagining just that

what is the main attractiveness of those


a neighborhood with little differences

between the houses yet having their own


in my mind that kind of neighborhood

sparks peacefulness and freedom

it gave me a sense of belonging in a way

wonderful and you have a very specific


and idea about the area around your home


so i’m curious what kind of neighbors

would you be comfortable living by

neighbors let me think about that for a


having a nice cat lady living nearby

would surely be a great

experience young couples who have little

kids would also attract my attention

and what are the main reasons

because little kids who are curious and


are very cute and quite joyful to play


i’m an outgoing person so making new


is one of the most exciting things in my


and the reason why i like cat ladies is

that i

also am a cat lover too

but too busy to raise one myself besides

old people are experienced so asking

them for life advice from time to time

is beneficial

interesting please go on what about the


what sort of person living in your

neighborhood that

you would not get along with

top of my list being toxic middle-aged

men whose life goal is to bring

suffering to others

can you be more specific when i was only

a kid there was a man

living several houses away who was both


and scary he was extremely hated

by more than half of our neighborhood

for his deeds

i don’t really want to recall so can we

move on

of course let’s focus more on your house


how many rooms do you want it to have

minimum preferably well my

ideal house should have at least two


a kitchen a separate dining room and a

living room

i can use three or four bedrooms because

later in time

it can be put into great use

and three bathrooms around the house

just to be sure

is there any specific reason for this

lineup to be ideal mary

well one of the bedrooms would be for me

and my future husband

and the other is for my kids

the dining room to me should be

separated from the living room

simply because one is for family


and the other is for having guests and

recreation activities

what about having three bathrooms

i imagine one for each bedroom and the

other is shared

yes that is my original intention

in my home the bathroom should be a

personalized space that is filled with


dedicated to relaxation and self-care

your mindset is fantastic by the way

i rarely see anyone with such details

thank you james i was raised in a


my parents allow me to have my personal

space and we cherish the family time we

have together

my opened mindedness is also a gift from

my mom

very cool by the way what are the things

inside your dream home

that deprived you of your childhood home

well firstly the personal bathrooms and

the separation between the dining room

and the living room

secondly is the type of house in


i lived in the suburban area in my

younger years for the familiarness

to that area stuck with me

so how does your dream house

differentiate itself from your childhood


the paint is the first thing that comes

to mind

i want my dream house to be bright and

kind of colorful

sky blues and sea blues would definitely

cover most of

my front along with a white and light

green doorway

the garage might as well be a deep blue

but anyway that’s my only current


how about the inside there are a lot of


so i can’t decide yet

the range of choices is simply endless

isn’t it that’s right

so maybe later in time i will know more


okay that’s okay so what about the


where would you want me to start the

living room and dining room are some

good starters

i’m particularly fond of long sofas

and utilized couches

those couches can have multiple things

you see

a round central table with glass tops

and drawers

very child friendly some cupboards and

drawers pressed against the walls

a tv attached to the wall at eye level

and loudspeakers

i would love to be able to hear the

music that comes from those speakers

when i’m cooking in the kitchen

everything else is optional such as

decorations and

recreational stuff how about the dining

room furniture

two more cupboards to display and store

kitchen and eating stuff such as plates

and bowls

a small electrical furnace in case it

got chilly

along with a collection of scene candles

you were also fond of scene candles

oh recently i was introduced to this

wonderful stuff

by one of my roommates electric

scene makers are great but are nowhere

near as sensational

a great point there anything else

a chandelier maybe

i found those crystally ones are

fabulous but not very suitable for a low

ceiling house

but that will go into consideration


apart from that a robot vacuum cleaner

and one of those

alexas who will be a nice touch to the


going modern aren’t you i want my dream

to be house

to be as modern as possible but i

haven’t gotten enough knowledge about it

but in the future the list will

definitely be longer

how about your bedroom i would rather


talk about it yet you see i will share

my bedroom with my future husband

so i don’t want to think about it yet

that will be a later discussion between

me and him

it’s the same for the bathrooms i


is there anything that makes your dream

kitchen special to you

if i have the financial capability

i want my kitchen to be equipped with

all the basic utilities

along with luxurious stuff

i’m talking about masterchef level of


i’m a self-taught cooker but it doesn’t

stop me from going pro

fascinating so

thank you for allowing me to carry out

this interview with you

it has been a great pleasure listening

to you i’ve got so much meaningful

information from you

thank you james i hope to talk

to you later in the future goodbye

i used to dialogue

one what did your parents look like when

they were children


mom what did you look like when you were


is it different from now i think it’s a

bit different from now

it’s hard to imagine you when you were


okay i will show you my photos of when i

was young

you look so beautiful mom i see a pretty

girl with long blonde hair

yes i used to have long blonde hair

because of my cute appearance people

always think i’m gentle

on the contrary i used to be ambulant

even mischievous i remember

me and my surrounding buddies always

played hide and seek

after we got home from school but now

you are gentle

right so when you were young

what did you like when i was young i

loved to sing

after finishing the class i always went

to the club to learn to sing

i used to join a band and got to perform

in many places

how about you dad are you ambulant like

a mother

no i used to be shy and bashful i didn’t

like talking to strangers

so interesting the parents personalities

are completely opposite

yes that’s funny


dialogue 2 dog and cat are our friends

this cat is so adorable this cat is

yours isn’t it

yes i just bought the cat last week when

i passed the pet store

she is so cute that i had to buy her


what is the name of the cat sarah as my

cat is a female i called her katie

is a cat and easy to feed yes she is so

obedient but katie is quite a picky


she doesn’t really like cat food she

enjoys fish bones

rice and tiny shrimp great

i also used to have a lovely pet my

dog’s name is cookie

but i lost him when we walked into the


i’m sorry to hear that cookie was a

special gift that my parents

gave me at my birthday party he was an

exotic dog

here’s the photo of me with cookie whoa

his fur coat is stunning such a big

beautiful boy

yes he has white fur smooth as velvet

cookie is a playful but smart docile and

faithful dog

did you often play with him yes

i always used to go for a walk with

cookie but unfortunately i can’t do that


don’t be sad i think cookie will always

remember you

right i always remember him


dialogue three what did john look like



jack are you jack

yes i am are you jon yes

i’m really happy to see you here we

haven’t seen each other for a long time

me too you look so much prettier

thanks and you look so different i

almost didn’t

recognize you everybody always says that

you look much more balanced and healthy

than before

right as you know i used to be fat and

weak even i had an acne face because i

didn’t exercise ate fast food

ate midnight snacks and also drank soft


whoa how did you do it i’ve been on a

diet for a couple of months now

and incorporate a little exercise into

my diet

and i do not stay up late and i drink

enough water

up to 10 to 12 glasses i even avoid


great i also want to look as healthy as


of course i will help you thanks


dialog 4 we used to be like that

tony look at the students on the

football ground

i see they look so energetic and healthy

yeah i used to enjoy playing football

when i was a high school student

i was also very ambulant about

participating in the school sports


so am i i also enjoyed playing sports

especially i liked playing badminton i

used to join a club and university and

won many awards

so cool but now we don’t have time to do


because our jobs as accountants make us

have a lot on our plate all the time

right my job always ends at 6 pm

sometimes i even have to work overtime

till 10 o’clock at night

well the same things you do after we

finished work

i always rushed to pick my children up

and bathe them

i don’t even have free time to hang out

this office work makes me really tired

ah you know we are not going to work on

the occasion of international labor day

yeah great would you like to ask the

boss to organize a football tournament

great idea i look forward to it

dialog 5 the new language will be

gradually forgotten

when you do not use it much


lucy can you help me of course what’s up

i have a french document that i need to


but no one at my company knows french so

i want to ask for your help because i

know your major was french when you

studied in university

okay let me see if i can i will help you

i used to be fluent in french but now i

don’t use french

so i forgot a lot of words oh no

how long haven’t you used french i used

to use french two years ago

why don’t you use it anymore well

previously i used to work in a company

with mostly french partners

but now i have changed jobs i don’t know


who knows french except you as you know

when you don’t speak a second language

much you gradually forget about it

what a pity but don’t worry let me see

maybe i can help you yeah thank you so


you’re welcome

making plans for the weekend

let’s watch the following video to learn

how to make plans for the weekends

and how to invite others to join you

dialogue one beach trip


hi annie what’s up hi kim nothing much

i’m thinking of what to do for the

weekends but i haven’t had any ideas so


oh hey my dad is out of town so he let

me borrow his car for the whole week

do you want to go somewhere together

yeah of course

that would be awesome we can drive to

atlantic city to see the beach there

what do you think

that’s a great idea i love surfing and


and i heard atlantic city has a lot of

beautiful beaches

this weather would be perfect for a

beach trip

uh-huh and we can also stay a bit later

to watch the sunset and have some

seafood for dinner

sounds great i’ll bring some beer and

snacks and we’ll make a day out of it

and now that i think about it i’m

starting to crave some lobster and

grilled oysters

me too should we start going on saturday


yeah that works for me i’ll pick you up


8am then we should set out early before

it gets too hot

cool thank you kim now i’ll stop by the


and buy some snacks for the trip let me

go with you

i also need to buy a new bottle of

sunscreen and some other pieces of stuff

okay let’s go


dialogue two shopping date

hey emma wait for us hi kelsey

hi gizelle where are you guys going

we were just back from our physics class

were you at the library

yeah i went there to borrow a book for

my english class

oh hey emma have you found a dress for

the prom

oh my god i completely forgot that our

school is organizing a prom this year

when is the prom it’s gonna be next

friday night

oh no i haven’t got a dress yet

don’t worry kelsey and i were just

talking we haven’t found our dresses


do you want to go shopping with us this


oh yeah totally i don’t know what type

of dress i’m looking for

so it’d be nice if we can go together

yeah of course we can ask our opinions

and we’ll help you pick out a dress

yay okay where are we going i don’t know

any places that sell prom dresses

we can go to the shopping mall my sister

said king of prussia mall has

a lot of clothing stores so we can try

going there

that doesn’t sound too bad we can go by


when should we meet are you guys free

sunday morning

say at 9am i am

yeah sunday is also perfect for me shall

we meet

at the bus stop near trader joe’s okay

i’ll see you guys then bye goodbye emma

see you soon

dialogue three barbecue party

hey jamie what’s up hey you guys

guess what my poem just got awarded the

first prize at our city’s poetry contest

oh wow really that’s wonderful news

that’s incredible congratulations jamie

thank you all i seriously didn’t think i

would get the first prize

i’m so happy you totally deserve that

i read your poem it’s so beautiful

thank you for always supporting me

anyway i’m thinking that we should get

together and celebrate

i’m with you we can throw a barbecue

party in my backyard this weekend

i’ll also invite chris liam and some

other people from our class

what do you guys think great idea

yeah that sounds fun what kind of food

should we be baking

let’s grill chicken and ribs yeah

grilled meat is a must i’ll buy chicken

ribs and

some sausages oh i know

we can also make grilled cheeseburgers

oh that sounds delicious i’ll also make

some corn salads

amber and i will make some fruit


i’ll bring some coke sounds like we’ve

got a lot already

and hey when are we having the party

um what about saturday

at 11 a.m i’m okay with saturday

me too let’s meet saturday then i’m so


dialogue for visiting grandparents

hi mom hi honey how’s school today

today was okay hey luke do you have any

plans this weekend

no not really i plan to play basketball


my friend nick but he got sick yesterday

so i guess we’re not going anymore

oh i’m sorry to hear that no it’s okay

anyway your dad and i were thinking that

we should go visit grandpa and grandma

this weekend

oh yeah we should i haven’t been to

their house for a while

i miss them i want to play chess with

grandpa and eat the chocolate cookies

that grandma often bakes

oh yeah okay honey let me give him a

call right away

okay mom

hi mom it’s me claire hi honey

how are you and dad we’re all right

i’m sorry i wasn’t able to call you guys

last week i had to go on a business trip

to baltimore

oh that’s okay how was the trip

we had a meeting with some clients there

it was fine

anyway mom phil luke and i want to come

over this weekend

is that okay of course do you even have

to ask

i miss my luke so much luke misses his

grandparents a lot too

he said he missed grandma’s cookies

come come either saturday or sunday is


i’ll bake a big batch of chocolate

cookies for you guys

luke will love that i’ll see you

tomorrow then mom i love you

love you honey bye


dialogue 5 music festival

anyone have anything fun to do for the


i really don’t want to just stay at home

and watch tv all day it’s so boring

oh right do you guys know about the

music festival in the city hall this


i didn’t hear anything where did you

learn about that

i saw a flyer about the event on my way

home yesterday

what kind of festival is that it’s a

world pop song festival

they will hold a contest and there will

be many performances

there’s even a small fair selling food

from different cuisines

oh that sounds interesting yeah

many singers and bands are coming from

everywhere as well

the festival seems pretty big does that

sound like something you guys want to do

uh-huh that sounds like a lot of fun

when is the festival taking place

i believe the festival is sunday at 7 pm

can you check the flyer again and let us

know how much the ticket costs

yeah of course i’ll let you guys know i

remember that the tickets are pretty


by the way do you guys want to meet in

front of the train station and then get

to the city hall from there

yeah let’s do that i hope it’ll be fun

i hope so too


online shopping

online shopping is getting more popular

due to its convenience and the variety

of choices

watch the video and see how different

people buy

essential things on the internet

dialog one



hello taylor oh hi veronica

what are you doing nothing just enjoying

the fresh air

great well i have a favor to ask you

what is it i’m going to a wedding this


and i’m thinking of buying this dress


really yes so i need your opinion

because you shop online a lot and you’re

a fashion expert

thank you for the compliment uh show me

the dress then

here it’s on amazon

oh it’s very cheap that’s why i chose it

you can never get a dress like this at a

store with such little money

but it seems like it doesn’t fit your

body type

well i thought that the details are


you have a small and nice waist

meanwhile this dress

doesn’t even have a waistline but i can

always use a belt to fix

that no a belt doesn’t go well with a

dress like this

i like it but it’s not the perfect one

for you

what a pity you i thought i would look

nice in it

a lot of people think that when they buy

something online

and then they get disappointed that’s

the disadvantage

you can’t try it on first

right but online shopping is more


when you go to into the stores if one

shop doesn’t have what you need

and you have to go to another

you’re right but let’s find another one

scroll down

what about this one it can fit you well

but check the review first okay

the comments aren’t so positive they say

that delivery is slow and the fabric is

too thin

understandable the price is way too low

does this red one look pretty to you

no it’s too sparkly it’s going to make

you look ridiculous

well check this blue one

seems good it’s quite simple but formal

enough for a wedding

people love this one too although it’s a

little more expensive

quality clothes online are usually


but it’s okay i can afford it thank you

for your help taylor

you’re welcome have fun at the wedding


dialogue two

mark have you heard the news i haven’t

had time

why they said that all stores will be

closed from tuesday

that’s the day after tomorrow right

yes oh boy i bet it’s because of the


indeed that’s the only reason

what do we do now we don’t have that

much food left in the fridge

the worst thing is that we don’t know

when they will open again

our dorm should have had a canteen

well the pandemic was unexpected after


but i heard that we can buy groceries


are you serious of course

since the pandemic a lot of people have

opened grocery stores online

i don’t know the idea of buying meat or

vegetables on the internet seems weird

to me

but that’s the only way mark is right

we don’t have another choice besides

usually we still buy frozen meat and

packaged vegetables at the supermarket

yes there’s not much difference

fine but we have to find a reliable shop

true that’s the most difficult part also

known as the number one drawback of

online shopping

does anyone have experience britney


she’s the one who suggested the idea

actually no i just saw some people talk

about it on twitter

can you call your mom or dad to ask

right they probably know in my home

country there are very few cases the

shops are still running

let me call arizona might be in lockdown

well then you do it it’s true

my mom said that the shops there have

been closed for almost a week

oh that’s really bad it is but the

fridge at my home was quite full

of course it is however my mom

prepared for everything

she already had some shops that we can

buy from

that’s great well she told me that she’s

going to send them to me later

so problem solved

dialogue three


mom i want to buy a pair of shoes

shoes why so sudden well

i’m about to go back to school and my

converse are too old already

oh yes they are but i want to try and

buy them online

really i’m not so sure about that

why it’s more convenient and there are a

lot more options

what if you buy a pair and they don’t

fit that would be a waste of money

then we can just return it back to the


how do you know that they will let you

do that i’ll just ask them through


all right that’s fine enough great can

you help me look



so i’ve been liking this pair of boots

for a while

so long they nearly reach your knees

i know but it looks really cool don’t

you think so

yes but they’re super inconvenient they

might take you five minutes to put them


wait five minutes yes

putting your feet into them properly can

already be a struggle

plus i don’t think it’s appropriate for


then what do you think is appropriate

sneakers perhaps i’ve always warned them

i need a change well you can find a pair

of simpler boots

ankle boots yes with a zipper so that

it’s easy to put on

then have a look at this white pair so


that’s over ninety dollars but they’re


if the quality is good i can wear them

for a long time

there are quality boots at a cheaper

price you know

let me look a little more how about

this fifty dollars

not much cheaper but acceptable

people’s reviews say that it’s worth the


okay but ask the shop if you can return

it if it doesn’t fit

we can after that they will deliver a

similar pair

in different sizes good

then order it

finished when will they be delivered

well maybe in five days or sooner i hope


talk about your favorite drink

situation one isabella asks maria to go

to a pub with her

it’s maria’s first time so isabella

and dave the bartender recommend her

their favorite

drinks hi maria

it’s isabella hi isabella what’s up

there is a new pub downtown and i wanted

to ask if you want to go check it out

with me tonight

a pup sure but i haven’t been to a pub


i’m kinda nervous don’t worry

i got you and the bartender will help

you choose the drink that fits your


so i’ll meet you there at 8pm is that


sure see you then bye



hey maria over here

hi girls what can i help you with today

hi i don’t know what to order can you

help me with the menu

sure here

i highly recommend this drink whiskey


it’s a bourbon-based cocktail a

combination of whiskey

sugar and lemon juice it’s my all-time


i want something fresher how about a

mojito this classic cuban cocktail

features a combination of citrus

sweet and mint flavors to control the

strong taste of rum

but i think it especially is enjoyable

on a hot summer day at the pool

maria how about long island iced tea

you like iced tea right for those who

love iced tea

this long island-based drink is even


it may look like a regular glass of tea

but a mixture of vodka rum

tequila gin triple sec and cola can give

it a strong taste

or you can try lemon drop it is the


combination of sweet and sour garnished

with a fun and colorful lemon twist

and sugar around the rim of the glass

for extra sweetness

it’s my favorite drink they both sound


but i want to see other options

what does this bloody mary taste like

this popular and complex beverage can be

as spicy

or mild as you like flavorings such as

tabasco sauce

worcestershire sauce and cayenne pepper

can be added according to your preferred


that’s interesting i think i will try

the spicy bloody mary please

great choice you will love it

this is fun right we should do this more


sure i’ll try to other drinks next time


situation two karen takes her daughter

olivia to a fair there is a booth that

sells drinks for

kids karen helps olivia choose her drink

look mom over there what olivia

look at those drinks so colorful mom can

i have one please

sure honey come on

there are so many drinks i don’t know

what to choose

let me help you oh this orange

creamsicle smoothie was my favorite

drink when i was a kid

your age what does it taste like mom

have you ever had one of those

creamsicles from the ice cream trucks in

the summer

this smoothie tastes just like that it’s


sweet and citrusy and creamy and

altogether refreshing

like summer in a glass wow

that’s cool but what about this egg


i haven’t heard about drinks that made


eggs it’s surprisingly delicious

like a fizzy milkshake new york egg

cream is an

old fashioned soda fountain recipe that

combines milk

chocolate syrup and seltzer water

but i don’t like eggs

i want a drink of a smoothie what

options do i have

this watermelon smoothie is light and


and this peanut butter banana is a

combination of peanut butter bananas and


this smoothie is thick like a milkshake

you will love

it it’s one of my favorites too

how about frozen strawberry lemonade


i like strawberries fresh strawberries

make this drink incredibly sweet

this frozen lemonade is perfect for a

sweltering summer day like today

oh look mom they have my favorite


blueberry smoothie mom can i have it


sure honey i like it too it’s healthy

and super tasty

i will have one too

yay thank you mommy you’re welcome

it’s getting late let’s head back home


situation three amy wants

to make her smoothies at home and she

goes to the organic shop to buy the


the shop’s staff mia recommends her

all kinds of recipes and the best

ingredients to use

hi welcome to organic green what can i

help you with


hi i want to start making green

smoothies at home

but i’m not sure how to start can you

recommend some healthy and easy recipes

sure you can buy fresh vegetables and

fruits at the market near your home

but i have these special ingredients to

make your smoothies tasty

great i need help with things to add to

my drinks

are you allergic to anything what tastes

suit you best like sweet or sour

i’m not allergic to anything and i like

my smoothies to come with a variety

of tastes okay

let’s start with my favorite ingredients

matcha powder and protein powder

what can i make with these ingredients

you can make matcha pear green protein


green tea powder delivers caffeine while

pears provide a boost of vitamin c

and fiber protein powder ensures you’ll

stay full

wow that sounds delicious what greens to

put in a smoothie

the most popular greens for a green


are kale or spinach you can make orange

kale protein juice

or spinach orange smoothie

what about detox smoothies that help me

lose weight

with green tea you can make spring detox

green smoothies

this smoothie has a mix of savory and

sweet flavors

thanks to cilantro honey ginger and


plus you’ll get just the slightest boost

of caffeine from green tea

in a natural way to lose weight

great thanks what fruits should i put in

a smoothie

i recommend banana strawberry avocado

and mango

okay what recipes can i make with these


there are delicious recipes like banana

mango green smoothie bowl

with kale mango micro greens or

alfalfa sprouts hemp seeds and almond


i heard that avocado can help you lose

weight right

yes kale peanut covado’s meat

this kale blend gets its sweetness from

pineapple and its creaminess from

half an avocado healthy fats like

avocados are essential for weight loss

my kids love strawberries but i’m afraid

that strawberry smoothies are

too sweet you can make strawberry


green smoothies with coconut water


spinach and pomegranate you should use

greek yogurt to cut back on sugar

what is your favorite recipe

my all-time favorite is a snickerdoodle

green smoothie

like the cookies no

it’s made with avocado cinnamon spinach

banana and almond milk this smoothie is

a great way to hold on to delicious


while getting back into healthy habits

thank you i can start making healthy

drinks for my family now

no problem have a good day

you too


talk about your favorite season

rob chris natasha and

rose are talking about their favorite


and the conversation slowly turned into

a discussion

watch the video to see at the end which

season do they all like most

guys i’m wondering which

season is the best season of the year

in my opinion i like winter the most

seriously you’re from a tropical country


i thought you can’t bear the low

temperature in winter here

well to be fair the reason why

i love winter here is that i’m from a

tropical country

in the past i had never seen snow

never got to wear many layers of clothes

and definitely never celebrated


wait your family never celebrated

christmas before

but you guys do now yes

it’s hard not to with such a joyful and

festive atmosphere

it has become one of the holidays that i

look forward to the most

i have a different point of view i


autumn i love the cool breezy weather

it gives me a really peaceful vibe

we all know you get too excited when the

season comes

oh really just the thought of sitting

beside the window with a cup of tea

and watching the leaves falling down

already warms my heart

so much i think autumn is quite great


not as amazing as winter of course but i


drinking pumpkin latte and halloween is


so fun here

you’re absolutely right pumpkin lattes

at starbucks

are the best but

autumn is like a signal that the school

year is going to start soon so

i don’t like it i prefer summer

i have tons of free time to go wherever

i want to

actually we all kind of enjoy summer

whether we like it or not

right trips summer fruit the sun shines

every day even sudden summer rains are


i just love everything about it

but the days when it’s too hot ugh

i can’t handle that

i sweat easily so summer sometimes

annoys me

well every season has their own


but to me the hot weather it’s not such

a big deal

i still love it when summer comes

seems like we all have different

opinions about this

unlike you guys i’m a spring person

wow really i’ve always thought that you

were a winter like me

no winter is too cold for me

i hate it when i can’t go out just

because it’s too cold or snowy

when spring comes the weather gets


and it’s also the time when lots of

flowers bloom

everything in spring is just pretty and


to me spring is kind of a boring season

i don’t really see something specific or

unique about it

i don’t think so spring is the first

season of the year

which means it’s a new beginning it

motivates me to neglect

all the bad things that happened in the

previous year move on and try to be


that sounds really inspiring

yes my brother told me that once

oh speaking about siblings my brother is

coming back to america tonight

really i’m so happy for you he’s been

gone for so long

thank you we’re going to pick him up at

the airport so i think i should go home

it’s also a bit late now yeah

let’s all go home we will continue this

discussion tomorrow

goodbye guys


u.s treasuries ticked higher as equity

investors screwed through the sidelines

after several tech companies slashed

their outlooks and revived them hello


world economy at close of business good


you’ve just gone out with your friends

rose 1.7

yes grandma did you have fun

of course i did we went to a cafe shop

and we just

talked and enjoyed our drinks

sounds nice what did you talk about

well we were just discussing our

favorite season of the year

but it was more like deciding on which


is the absolute best season

oh how cute do you have a favorite

season grandma

me no

you see when you’ve reached my age the

season is just another name for a time

life goes on and you live without

noticing which

season it currently is i have more

important things that i need to think


that’s deep i mean the season is just

another name for time part

yes so i don’t really have a favorite

season i also don’t think that there’s

something about a particular season that

makes me

like it more than the others at least at

the moment

but you must have had one when you were

young right

i think i did i was always excited for

summer to come

wow really my friend chris likes summer


so what makes him like this season

well he said that summer gives him

plenty of time to go hang out with


to travel he loves the summer heat and

the light from the sun

too what about you grandma

what i love about summer is that it’s


today might be a breezy and bright day

but tomorrow it might be

rainy and cloudy it shows how magical

nature can be and i used to be in awe of


but isn’t it that unpredictability

annoying sometimes

i mean what if you’re playing with your

friends and it suddenly reins

i was 10 at the time rose i loved

showering in the rain

as a kid getting wet because of the rain

or because of the sweats wasn’t that big

after all you didn’t have anyone to stay

impressed for

you may be right the reason why you like

a season can speak a lot about your

personality too you know

people know how unpredictable the

weather and summer

is but you rarely find someone that

likes summer because of that

but it’s my reason and your grandpa used

to say that

that means i tend to appreciate things

that people don’t really care much about

oh now when i think about it it’s so




good morning guys hello

let’s sit down the weather is really

nice today

see summer can have cool days too

oh you remind me about our conversation

yesterday chris

should we continue yes

we still haven’t decided which season is

the best one

yesterday i told my grandma what we

talked about and she said something

really interesting

what is it she said that the reason why

you like a season

can speak a lot about your personality

wow i haven’t really thought of that


but it seems true i love summer because

i can travel everywhere

and i’m a very active person i can’t

stay in one place for too long

that’s right i thought about it too

and i like autumn because it gives me a

peaceful vibe

i’m an introvert i prefer quietness and

i love being on my own

it’s really a perfect match

rob loves spring because it’s a new

beginning so i guess that means he’s

someone who always moves forward

and very excited for the future

oh my god that’s so true

what about me you like winter because

you can layer clothes

watching the snow fall and celebrate

christmas with your family right


that’s true well then i think you’re

just a person who really enjoys

life you like sceneries you care about

the way you dress

and you love being with your family a

girl with a very put together lifestyle

in my opinion

yeah that seems like me even though i’ve


thought that highly of myself but my

friends and relatives sometimes said the

same thing you did

you know what i think the best season


exist after all i mean it’s difficult to

find a similar advantage between

all seasons and even if we can find it i

don’t think

every single person will agree i think

the same

people have different opinions and

that’s completely fine

what’s really important is that we live

life to the fullest

and try to find the good in every phase

of the year

even in a time we don’t really like

wow that’s a very mature thought i can’t

agree more

me too


talking about becoming a dad

bob asked his dad jay for advice

since he will become a dad for the first


next month

dad are you free now yeah

i’m just reading a newspaper

to be honest i’m quite nervous now

why can you tell me

well my wife is pregnant in the 34th


and the due date is coming soon

i’m so excited to meet my baby in person

not by frame but i’m not sure how to be

a good father

um i got it i understand your feeling

actually i used to be too how did you

take care of sarah and me

well first of all you have to accept the


that a new special person will live with

you you should get used to it having a

baby makes your life

ups and downs continuously

you have to sacrifice your time for your


you can’t hang out with your friends

every weekend

you can’t go to the gym once a day you

need to stay home

and help your wife because the schedule

of a baby is

different from an adult how is that


it depends on each stage of their life


they eat at least five times per day


over two years old and they can’t go to

the toilet by themselves until

four you’re scaring me dad

it’s fine not to hang out with my

friends but i must go to the gym

and i’m sure my wife’s ability to feed

our boy five times per day alone

you know your mom and i almost got

divorced when you were born

i used to think like you that the wives

can take care of children by themselves

because they directly gave birth

i made many excuses to go out for not

having to hear you cry

then your mother was depressed and we

couldn’t stop arguing

how did you overcome that period

your grandfather helped me to realize

how selfish i was

you know after giving birth women’s

health is not as good as

before they have to sacrifice all their

time to be my children’s side they still

do all the housework while our life has

no change

we need to take responsibility to take

care of the child

you’re right since my wife was pregnant

she’s been tired at night and recently

she can’t tie up her shoelaces

it’s just the beginning somehow we can’t

help them so much

but they need someone to share their

difficulties to know they’re not



jenny and tom talked about the first


tom met jenny’s children and how he

became their beloved stepfather

tom tomorrow is our fifth wedding


do you want to travel what about you

jenny what do you want to do

i have no idea that’s why i asked you

well i just want to stay at home

i need to help layla with her mouth her

exam is coming

you’re so nice tom i still remember the

first time she met you

she said nothing then slammed her

bedroom door

i was so angry but you just smiled

she was nine at that time jen it wasn’t

easy for a kid to call someone

dad when her real dad just passed away a

few months ago

mark’s behavior was even more


thank god you were so patient to wait

for them until they opened their heart

they need time you see now they’re so

good to me

yeah the last time we argued they even

protected you

unbelievable i play soccer with mark

every afternoon and

go to the market with leila on the


thanks to them i started to learn how to

be a dad

actually it’s not that difficult when we

love someone from the bottom of our


and i do love them as much as i love you

oh sweetheart you are so wonderful

back in the day you asked me about my

favorite things about

layla and mark you even wrote it down


then you learned to cook sashimi for

mark and kit a woolen scarf for

layla at first

they didn’t care at all but i know if i

keep taking care of them sincerely

they will love me back indeed they do

you’re always willing to listen to them

for hours talking about their friends

their teachers their feelings with their


i’m too busy to talk to them frequently

like you

you know i want to become a person who

feels comfortable sharing everything in

their life

so they don’t feel lonely after their

father’s death


james visits lucas’s house because his

wife cara has given birth to the second


lucas talks to james about his joys of

becoming a dad

hey james come in

i miss you so much bro i haven’t seen

you for a while

me too i need to come back home to

support cara

our baby is still small

hello cara how are you doing

i’m good the baby is still sleeping

please don’t talk loudly

i’ll go to the bedroom i’m sorry

we will stay in the living room if you

need anything just

call me honey james where is stefan

uh he went camping with his classmates

he’ll be back tomorrow morning

so how do you feel when you finally have

a girl as you wished

i’m still over the moon bro she’s so


yeah she is she takes after you

especially her nose

is there any difference when you take

care of stefan and her

she seems to be more gentle when we took

care of stefan he used to cry at night

until he’s

one year old but rosie rarely cries

she just gives us some signals when

she’s unhappy with the food

what do you do to help kara well i

cradle rosie to let kara sleep you know

our baby needs to drink milk once at

night and

sometimes she also rolls we need someone

awake to look after her

so are you awake the whole night

not really kara sleeps from 11 30 p.m


four then i sleep until 6 30.

what how can you be conscious to go to


it was hard at the beginning but anytime

i see our baby sleep deeply

i seem to be re-energized i love looking

at her for hours

she’ll be so beautiful when she grows up

i know you love her so much you’re

delightful all the time you talk about



the real meaning of love


good morning my ladies how are you both


i’m doing great thanks jack fine

anyway i have an announcement to make

about my aunt hey jack

i’m really sorry but i am preparing for

a very important meeting today at my


can you tell me the news later just a

few minutes it’s very urgent

nothing is more urgent to me than my

meeting right now

maybe give me a call during the day

sorry see you later

alice alice

yes i need to tell you something

oh come on jack that can wait i also

need to get going

right now you never leave the house

before 11am what’s happening

well i am happy to tell you that i have

signed myself up for a yoga class

and i have to leave now bye bye jack

what’s wrong with these two today this

is really important

what a day alice what do you want for

dinner today

oh i don’t know besides i don’t think

there is anything left in the house

i already checked earlier oh my god

we need to go to the grocery store right

now then

did you hear that i think it’s jack

yeah probably but i can also hear

someone else’s voice

did he say anything about having friends


hello everyone let me introduce you to

my aunt

she just came here all the way from home

auntie this is ann and alice

hello young ladies i hope i am not


no not at all we are very happy to

finally meet you

jack has told us a lot about you would

you like to sit

hey jack jack

why didn’t you tell us that your aunt

was coming today

have you seen the house i tried this


remember you two were too busy for my

news as far as i’m concerned

what and you didn’t think about calling

i told you to

i did check your phone both you and

alice didn’t pick up

anyway not my fault

the house is very beautiful

thank you auntie but it is a bit messy

at the moment

normally it’s very clean and organized

but we have been

busy lately please excuse us

would you like a glass of wine sure

wine would be great and

we have no alcohol left remember

everything is gone and we needed to go

shopping but we didn’t

i’m so sorry it’s all good

we are eating out today that’s fine

right ladies

yes that’s a great idea let’s go now

um maybe you should fix yourself up a

little bit first

don’t you think oh yes

please give us a minute


jack may i have a word with you

uh yes aunt look at this

maybe you should rethink living with

these fine

ladies oh

alice are you free today we really need

to go grocery shopping

there’s really nothing left to eat

why the rush i want to prepare a feast

for jack’s aunt

maybe invite sharon and peter over as


um i don’t know i don’t really feel like

going out today

but i’ll go with you on one condition

what is it you let me borrow your red


pretty please

fine but do not lose it or make it dirty

or else i’ll be mad at you

got it got you

good morning everyone what are you guys

talking about

morning we are just talking about

today’s weather

it is pretty nice we should go out

i already went out all day yesterday

really where did you go i went to the

mall to do some shopping and walked


the local park hello guys

sorry to interrupt your conversation i

just want to say that i’m off to work


hey jack why don’t you have breakfast

first i can’t i have an early

appointment with my client

and there is going to be a lot of food

for lunch so don’t worry auntie

you look really thin lately jack you

should pay attention to your health

have at least three meals a day or is

there something on your mind i think you

are not

acting normally recently

it’s okay aunt we can talk about it

later i need to go

jack wait can i tag along as well

uh yeah sure alice

remember we’re going to the grocery

store this afternoon okay

okay see you guys

alice do you know if there’s something

going on with jack

he makes me really worried he didn’t

even have breakfast today

he’s an adult now auntie i’m sure he

knows how to take care of himself

besides it’s only one meal don’t worry

too much about it

but it’s just not the meal he seems

unfocused and moody most of the time


hmm sounds like a man in love

maybe he actually is

oh i’d better go get that wait a minute


who is this lovely lady

hi my name is sharon i live right next


you must be i’m jack’s

arms oh nice to meet you

i hope you don’t mind me being here i’m

close with everyone so i come over a lot

don’t be silly make yourself at home

thank you okay aunt

sharon i need to go somewhere right now

would you please excuse me oh and sharon

please keep auntie company will you

sure see you later alice

sharon you are close with everyone right

do you know what’s going on with jack he

seems a bit

down lately


i don’t know i don’t talk to him much

i’m not sure

sorry really you must know

something right anything

no i really don’t please stop

asking me about him okay i’m sorry

then what about you you seem a little


is there something wrong nothing to

worry about i can handle myself

okay good for you but can i ask you


yes you seem like a very trustworthy

girl can i ask you to take care of jack

for me after i leave

i’m worried about him i’m

not sure if i can do that

why not i already have a boyfriend

his name is peter we are engaged and

living together

right next door i’m probably not the

best person to care for jack here

that’s weird you two are engaged

yes we are why are you surprised

oh honey love brings you happiness

that’s the real meaning of love but you

are different

you don’t seem in love at all there’s no

light in your eyes

don’t you see


sharon moves to japan or stays


i’m a barbie girl in a barbie world

hey beauty you look so good today

do you want a big kiss from a handsome

man like myself

give me a break peter have you gone


what happened to you

yes i am ecstatic over the moon

wow i have never seen you like this tell

me why

do you remember that famous director at

my concert

um not really

what does he look like old

tall a little bit grumpy

ah yes i remember what about him

well he wants to direct a musical play

in japan

yeah and he wanted me to do an audition

for it and

just spill it i can’t stand this


okay okay i went to the audition this

morning and the director wants me to go

to japan for the performance


oh my god congratulations peter this is

big news i always knew he would make it

big with that amazing voice of yours

thank you anne oh but

what about sharon what does sharon think

about this

how did she react actually i haven’t

told her about it yet

i think she is too sensitive and moody i

need to wait for the right time to tell


but don’t worry about it it’s time to


do you want to go dancing with me

dancing you don’t like dancing do you

oh come on just this once go get dressed


i want to see you looking like a


what am i missing out on you two seem


alice good timing do you want to join us

for this celebration

i was chosen as the lead rule and will

be going to japan for it

oh congrats peter i’m so happy for you

but what about sharon

sharon sharon sharon why is everybody

obsessed with

sharon i am so ready for the trip and i

am sure she will be supportive and more

than willing to come with me to japan

okay then when are you leaving

i’m not sure probably in two or three


what and you haven’t even told sharon

oh relax it’s time to party isn’t it



hello ladies what have you been oh my


why are you two dressed up that dress

looks beautiful on you anne

the makeup makes you look older alice

but anyway what’s the occasion

why are you guys putting in so much

effort today

peter just got chosen for a play in

japan jack

isn’t that exciting um

does sharon know about this

she doesn’t but according to peter she

would be supportive

and totally accepting of his decision to

move to japan

wait what that’s all he can say

how on earth would sharon be able to

agree with that

what is she going to do in japan her

whole life is here

jack who knows what she will do in japan

but it’s her and peter’s problem isn’t


why are you so worked up about it

oops i don’t really care that much

but i just don’t think sharon is going

to willingly agree to go to japan with


well that’s just what you think

sure maybe i’m wrong anyway

there is no use wondering about it

do you want to join us for peter’s

celebration party

oh not really tell peter i’m sorry okay

but i don’t feel like going out to

celebrate tonight

whatever jack you don’t know what you

are missing

goodbye bye jack



when can i get an interview sir

this friday

all right that works thank you so much



yes i got it

see you friday who was that

a potential employer why did you ask

why are you so worried about finding a

new job

well i don’t want to work as a tour

guide at the museum anymore okay can we

talk about

us instead where were you last night

you didn’t come home until 3 am

i went out with ann and alice

for what um

i got chosen as the lead role for a

musical play in japan

i met with the director for an audition


and i got picked too bad you weren’t

there to witness it

everything was so amazing the director

shouted out about what a great job i did

and told me this rule was meant for me

i was so happy i still am actually

i’m really happy for you too peter

you should be happy for us both

why so because we are going to japan


build a new life just you wait only two

or three more weeks to go

you’re going with me right sharon

to japan but

but how this is a really big surprise

i never expected this

so what sharon this is

obviously a great opportunity for the

two of us

don’t you see there’s nothing holding

you back here

you can escape from that terrible job of


i know i know and i would love a change

as well but

not this way this is

too sudden i am really conflicted


ella love what are you cooking smells


you want to kiss

stop it jack what’s wrong anne

why have you been so cold to me lately

nothing jack it clearly cannot be

nothing if you are acting like this tell

me what’s wrong

i know everything already jack i saw a

photo of you and sharon

i was cleaning when it fell from your

jacket pocket i asked sharon about it

oh did she say something

she told me you two used to be in a


it’s in the past anne do you still miss

her now though jack


what about me jack who am i to you

i thought there was something special

between us

i care about you a lot anne i always

think of you as a close friend

a good sister i get it now

i’m so sorry i don’t want to hurt your


it’s okay jack but don’t forget that

sharon is moving to japan with peter



rules of living together

today the house has a special guest

kim anne’s little sister find out what


when kim stays there and after she

leaves as well

it may involve the falling of our

favorite duo ann

and alice

hello everyone my name is kim i am

anne’s little sister

i just flew here from italy hi kim

and told us a lot about you my name is


how was your flight it was great

i slept through most of it so i feel

really energetic now

that’s great how is italy is it

as beautiful as we imagine it to be my

name is alice by the way

nice to meet you alice italy is a very

beautiful indeed

everyone is really artistic so the

country feels

alive but what i love most about it


is the food you guys should really come

and visit sometime

did i just hear artistic i am an artist


a musical actor to be at exact

hi my name is peter oh

hi peter and you are

i am sharon peter’s girlfriend really

nice to meet you kim

me too it feels so nice to finally meet


and speaks really highly of you guys

oh that’s cute should we all go out to

dinner tonight

i think we should welcome kim to our


good idea


oh my god alice it has been an hour


can you hurry up and let me in i need to

go to work

be patient jack i need to finish my

makeup first

oh please can’t you do your makeup in

your room


hello this is jack

oh yes i have heard about today’s


i am running a bit late today

yes i am really sorry about it i will be

there soon

yes yes

i have already finished last week’s task

and i am working on our new deal today

yes thank you see you at the office

are you still in there alice come on


i am sorry oh no

i am sorry i really am i thought you

were alice

i am in a rush this morning will you

please excuse me

it’s all right good luck with your work

thank you


this dummy forgot his phone in the


jack he’s already gone alice

already oh wow


hello people hey jax what’s up

why do you look like a zombie

today is the worst day of my life

i lost my phone couldn’t find it


your phone you left it at home jack

what do you mean yeah you forgot it on

the bathroom counter

i was tried reaching your number at your

workplace but she couldn’t

oh thank god

hey guys peter invited us for dinner

he wants our help with convincing sharon

about japan

still hasn’t agreed to go with him yet

well she should not have to go if she

does not want to

japan is an amazing country don’t you

think so

no i think there is nothing to do there

are you kidding there is so much to do

in japan

yes i agree even i want to go there with


i visited japan when i was 15 and it was

so much fun

i bet it can only be better now

why are you so against it jack

you know what i don’t think i’ll be able

to join you guys for dinner

i am exhausted please tell peter and

share and i said hello


hey ellis where is anne this parcel is

for her

i don’t know what is this peter

don’t do that alice it might be fragile

so don’t shake it too hard

fragile oh i know it must be the set of

chinese porcelain

that anne saved up her points for

really that’s cool all right alice i

have to go now

see you later okay see you later


i knew it and guess what arrived at our


what it’s your set of chinese porcelain

are you excited have you already

opened it alice yes

i couldn’t help being curious sorry anne



what was that alice um

i accidentally broke one of the dishes i

swear i didn’t mean to i am so

sorry alice how could you

don’t you dare touch the set anymore put

it away and wait until i get home

please okay

be careful jack you don’t want to drop

that box

it’s anne’s porcelain set she’s already

mad because i broke one of the dishes

i’m so dead you’re really dead alice

what are you going to do well just

accept it i guess i don’t think she can

be mad for too long

but you know her alice if she is angry

she will not cook for us anymore

and we you and me suck at cooking

oh i forgot about that i’m so sorry

well then learn how to cook and prepare

a feast for dinner alice

maybe she will be less mad when she sees


learn now i don’t think i’ll make it ann

is going to be home in an hour

do you have any other ideas then

what about this we go out and buy food

then pretend

that we cooked it ourselves she’ll be so

happy that we cooked for her

and totally forget about the broken dish

not a bad idea at all well let’s go get



hi am what’s that on your hand

hi everyone listen we need some

rules in this house we need rules if we

live together

i forgot them in the beginning but now

i will put sound some i spent time

listing out a few things that everyone

should adhere to

that includes you sharon nobody can

leave this room without understanding

and remembering all these rules

do we really have to do this

she’s right jack please continue our

dear anne

do not dear me listen

number one from now on you can never

never ever open my parcels

number two clean the house twice a week

number three we take turns doing number


number four okay okay anne we understand

that you are angry

yes i am very angry do you know how much

time i spent

waiting for that set i saved up my

points for a whole year

ate the same cookies over and over again

for it and then what

please forgive me just tell me where to

get one i’ll buy you a new set okay

it’s impossible it’s handmade in


and incredibly expensive you know that

okay anne just sit down first

i’m sure you had a long day jack and i

prepared dinner for you and you don’t

have to do anything

that’s right what

you made me dinner for real

yes that’s the least we can do for you


oh oh i

guess i can forgive you this time then

friends and lovers is alice’s birthday

the only eventful

occasion this week or is there something


watch to find out

sharon alice’s birthday is today

should we go over the plan once again

yes that would be nice we are doing a

surprise party right

i think that would be really exciting

i agree so let’s first start with the

guest list

we’re already invited tom david

mary what about mr alex

he has always been busy as a director

and hasn’t spent

much time with her i think they are not

on very good terms with each other

why don’t we invite him so they can mend

their relationship with each other

i already reached out to him though he

said he wasn’t sure if he could make it

oh well let’s talk about the cake then

what cake did we get for her chocolate

is her favorite

so we got a two-tier chocolate cake

sounds good peter ordered it right the

bakery he orders from is so good

that’s nice what about jack what did he

agree to help with

i think he agreed to buy some balloons

and decorations

okay so we only have to buy her gifts

now right

yes what do you think would make a good


she borrowed my hat last time so maybe

something like that

good enough let’s get that for her

hello you two what are you doing here am

i missing out on something

oh it’s nothing by the way

happy birthday to you alice

thank you so much anne happy birthday to


thank you sharon well

have you got any plans to celebrate your

birthday tonight alice

i was thinking i could spend it with you


what do you think oh

i’m so sorry jack said he already had

plans for tonight and he couldn’t get


out of them i also have a meeting with

my clients scheduled since last week oh

really that’s so sad

what about you sharon are you free


i promised to go to the musical theater

with peter already

i am really sorry for not being able to


what a shame


welcome to my birthday party everyone

oh i forgot

no one is home tonight such a shame

i wanted this birthday to be special i

have always had to spend it alone

oh what what happens

surprise happy birthday to you alice

happy birthday to



happy birthday to you alice

oh my god what a surprise thank you so

much everyone

i thought you guys all had your own

plans how did i not know

come on alice we wouldn’t miss it for

the world

you are like family to us ah

thank you so much i love you guys

we love you too now make a wish wait

don’t blow out the candles yet we have a

bigger surprise for you

please pay attention you can come out


everyone welcome mr alex

dad dad why are you here

why it’s my little girl’s birthday

of course i am here happy birthday honey

oh this is so emotional thank you

dad i love you i love you too honey

by the way i thought you would enjoy a

vacation with me next month

i am filming a movie at a beach site and

i would love for you to come along

i will pay for everything you are the


dad we hope you are happy with this


we started planning this morning and

we’re in a rush

i love it thank you guys again

i propose a toast give it up for our

youngest but most

caring sometimes annoying but still very

lovable little sister


let’s open your presents alice

oh there are presents let’s see if you

guys really know me


oh hi jack do you know where anne is

right now

i am looking for her no i have not seen

her this entire morning

is there something important not really

well i will come back later then see you


actually do you want to sit down sharon

i want to talk to you

um okay

what’s up with you lately you don’t look

so happy

it’s nothing jack i’m perfectly fine

sharon i have known you for 10 years

more or less

do you think i would be fooled by that

what do you want from me jack

actually you know what let me get

straight to the point

i don’t think it’s a good idea for you

to move to japan with peter

your life is here sharon your job your


your family and me as well

i still have feelings for you i have

always loved you sharon

i know you still have feelings for me

too but you were just in denial

what can i do then tell me

tell peter everything sharon tell him

that you will not go to japan with him

break up with him

why can’t you just leave me alone jack

why do you have to make it this hard

all he ever cares about is his job he

does not care for you sharon

don’t you see that i am not like that

i will always be by your side no matter


please don’t ignore my feelings in yours

like this anymore

really will you always be by my side

of course sharon i’m always here for you


whenever you need me i am right here

just break up with peter and we can be


i don’t know jack i wish things are as

simple as that

they are what you make of them sharon i

know you know this is the right thing to


what is going on here why are you

holding my girlfriend’s hand

it is not what you think it is peter

oh please it is exactly what i think it


can we talk about this at home please

how about no i am not going

anywhere you two have some explaining to



a bittersweet split the end of one


is the beginning of another but is it

really the end for peter and sharon


what is going on here why are you


my girlfriend’s hand it is not what you

think it is peter

oh please it is exactly what i think it


can we talk about this at home please

how about no i am not going

anywhere you two have some explaining to


peter i think you should calm down

calm down you are telling me to calm

down right now

i need answers jack i need them right


what answers do you want peter

please can you two stop

seriously stop why are you two acting


kids right now jack can i have a word

with you outside

i am not going anywhere

you are going with me whether you like

it or not

peter and sharon need space to talk


so are you going to tell me what that

was about

well i am going to be honest with you

jack and i have known each other for a

very long time

we met in college and we were actually

in a relationship for a while

what so that is why jack moved here

why are you only telling me this now

no both jack and i didn’t know it was

just a coincidence

really do you think i would believe it

was just a coincidence

okay peter i admit that i still have

some feelings left for jack

but i swear this is all just a


there has been nothing between me and

jack since he moved in

since when sharon since when have you

started lying to me like this

i am not lying to you peter i never have

you dare blame me when you are part of

the reason as well

oh so now you are blaming me

is it my fault that your college

sweetheart moved here

no i don’t mean that peter i am saying

that you have been neglecting me

all you ever know is work eat and sleep

in the theater you don’t care about me


what peter i think we both want

different things at the moment

tell you what i interviewed for a job

opening at an upcoming gallery

and i got it i love this job

do you get it what are you trying to say

sharon what i am trying to say

is that i want to stay here can you not

go to japan

and stay here with me peter what kind of


is that answer me peter can you do that

it is very important to me i have

already accepted the job offer

did you accept it without telling me

why did you do that and did you ask me

about auditioning for japan

can you please stay here with me peter

i i can’t sharon

this is a really big step in my career

i can’t miss it you see peter

i was right there is nothing more

important to you than your career

i always knew it


now that no one is here can i ask you

something anne

what is it jack are you still mad at me

not really it’s hard to forget you just

like that but i am trying

if you would come into my life at a

different time

before sharon maybe then we could have

had a chance at being together

you were really an amazing woman

thanks jack i am truly happy for you and


after so much time apart you two are

finally going to get each other back

i hope you two will have a happy ending

oh i am not getting ahead of myself this

is only the start

sharon just broke up with peter and we

are both still very unsure

it’s okay just keep it natural if alice

were here she would say that

oh alice i miss her jokes and pranks

i know right she always has something to

say and knows how to make everyone laugh

we miss everybody even peter in his

practicing voice

but it was so terrible that our eardrums

almost exploded

i know but i’m used to living like that

by the way how are things between you

and peter

we had a long conversation he said it

wasn’t entirely my fault

he realized he was too focused on work

and ignored sharon’s feelings and needs

meanwhile i was always there for her

instead of him

i guess it’s for the best anyway it’s

quite late i should get going

oh i’m going to see a movie with sharon

tonight do you want to join

no thank you i i have some stuff to do

just come this movie was just released

i really want to but i can’t i already

have other plans

okay then see you around bye anne

goodbye jack


sharon can i talk to you for a minute

sure go ahead i’m done with my work

tell me what’s on your mind i am

listening i’m sure that you have thought

it through

i really have i did neglect you sharon

and i am incredibly sorry for that i

fully understand

if you don’t want to come with me don’t

worry about me peter

just focus on your upcoming musical


life in japan will be great i just can’t

imagine life without you sharon

oh it’s going to be fine your voice is

amazing and this move will be really

beneficial for your career

i believe in you peter thank you

well i just want you to know that this

really is not an easy decision for me to


but i am sure that it is right for your

career and

i can’t be the one holding you back

right now

i am going to become famous and earn so

much money

that i can buy my own airplane and fly

you out every weekend

that is going to cost a lot of petrol

well i will be rich by then who cares

how much it costs

okay i will wait until you are rich but

in the meantime

i will still visit you maybe together

with anne

i am sure you will have already

forgotten me by the time you are famous


how can i sharon i will never forget you

oh can i ask something from you

what is it can i have the pictures we

took together in japan last

time i want to hang them on the walls

when i arrive at my place in japan

every time i miss you i will look at

them they will help me a lot especially

in the beginning

sure take them i am very glad that you

still think so highly of me

of course do your best peter

i will miss you i will miss you too

see you sharon i’m going to pack my bags


surprise after surprise love is in the


but is it for sharon and jack or another


watch to find out

one month later


oh my god what a mess i need to get this

house cleaned up

huh what is this a letter

from sharon what is going on

dear anne i am writing this letter to

tell you that i have moved to another


there is an open position at another

location of the gallery i am working for

and i have agreed to move there

i am really sorry that i have not told

you this beforehand

please forgive me i realized that things

between jack and me

were just temporary i still miss peter

in the memories i have with him very


i need time and space to think again i

am really sorry for the sudden news

yours truly sharon

hmm i wonder what happened between her

and jack

show me where the money is or i’ll kill


okay okay you can take whatever you want

i won’t tell anyone please spare me



what jack what are you doing do you have


death wish get your hands off me

whoa chill out i am just joking what’s

wrong with you

you don’t seem too happy yes i’m really

not happy right now do not mess with me

by the way what happened between you and


nothing nothing are you sure

i think you are hiding something can we

please not talk about her right now

i’m not really in the mood for it hmm

okay so what is up with the house jack

what about it i think it is perfectly

fine the way it is

fine how is this fine i can hardly find

a place to stand

your clothes are everywhere and it

smells so bad

what is that smell did you not bring out

the trash

okay okay i was a bit lazy when you were

gone okay

we can clean it together now right don’t

be so mad

whatever jack alright

let’s start cleaning the living room

first then we can move on to the kitchen

how about you clean up this mess

yourself it is your fault after

all oh come on i know you adore me

please give me a hand

pretty please ugh

fine one last time you got it

yes ma’am you are the best


jack alice is calling

hello anne do you miss me

alice you little rascal when are you

coming back

why you miss me right i know it

anyway i’m coming back tonight actually

and i have a big surprise for

everyone what surprise alice

why didn’t you say anything about it i

haven’t prepared anything

no need to prepare anything you will see

just wait don’t be so impatient

why do i have a bad feeling about this

you are being over dramatic anne you

will love this surprise

see you later see you alice

alright all that cleaning for what


why so alice is coming back

she is going to trash the house anyway

she’s not that bad well you were right

anyway she also said she was bringing

home a surprise

what surprise who knows

would it be a surprise if i already knew


okay we can wait for it then


hi everyone

alice so this is the surprise you told

me about

who is he yes isn’t he great

come i will introduce him to you


edward say hello to anne anne

this is edward he is going to stay here

with us from now on

what i mean

nice to meet you how do you know our

lovely alice

nice to meet you too i met her in italy

and we have been friends ever since she

also told me a lot about you

really that’s nice of you alice so

where are you from edward i am from


cool what about your job

oh i am a director just like alice’s dad

i see well make yourself at home edward

do you mind if i have a word with alice


no problem


alice you didn’t tell me that he was

going to move

in here oh i knew you wouldn’t have any

problems with it

besides he is such a great person you

will love him when you get to know him


but still still what

i know you wouldn’t refuse anyway

we have enough space in the house don’t


we do but you still should have asked

jack and me before bringing someone new

home alice

okay i know i’m sorry alright i will

remember to do that next time

there is going to be a next time

you never know


huh what are you doing edward are you

filming me

yes now smile smile for the camera anne

would you please stop that i do not

agree to this you were invading my

personal space

you were doing so great anne you can

actually be an actress with that


just stop alice alice

where are you come over here now

what’s up sis why so noisy

can you please tell your friend to stop

filming me i am getting really annoyed

oh come on he just loves his job so much

don’t you edward besides you look

great anne alice i need you to

tell him to stop all right mr director

you can stop

working now and take a break you don’t

want to mess with anne

okay uh alice come see this

this is really great anne what if this

footage gets aired on television and you


famous don’t you forget me then

i can be your personal assistant if you


looking like that i don’t think so alice

edward please don’t do something like

that again

i will not condone to that behavior in

this household

anne has a crush on edward

just when things between alice and

edward are going great

a third person intervenes and that

person is



what are you doing cooking what is going

on you

never cook take a seat anne

and we’ll bring the food over right away

okay tell me what is up you’re acting

really strange

well i just wanted to ask you about


what do you think about him

are you asking for my approval right now

he has you wrapped around his little

finger doesn’t he

and don’t you dare deny it you never

asked me about tom or

martin all right

maybe a little bit i just feel really

happy whenever he is around

so regardless of my opinion what do you

think about him alice

and him as well what does he think about


i am not really sure yet right now we

are still friends

i think he is a bit too focused on work


he does not pay much attention to

anything else

hmm i’m not sure if i should say this

but i don’t have a good feeling about


do you think he would have enough time

to care for you

being a director and all i don’t know

but we can always try

look at your dad alice you two

don’t seem to get along well since he is

always going away for work right

no edward is different i can feel it

even if he is busy i can totally

understand and get used to it

yeah it’s just my personal opinion if

your relationship is strong enough

nothing can come in between

okay so i need to put this in this bowl

and alice in an egg alice

alice you hear me

yes sorry i’m really focused right now

are you okay what are you doing

i’m just preparing a small french style

lunch for edward

why so is he not canadian

yes but his mom is french so i thought

he would appreciate some familiar dishes

he must feel so homesick being here

i can’t believe my eyes anymore and it’s

like you’re a new person

love really does that to you huh

look i’m going to include this message

to confess my feelings for him

what do you think it is very romantic


i’m sure it will warm his heart and he

will fall right into your arms

thank you oh excuse me give me a minute

someone is calling hello

yes i’m alice

really can i pick it up tonight

you are closing soon

all right i will try to make it on time

apparently there is a package waiting

for me at the post office

they are closing in 30 minutes though

can i borrow your car

car no way you don’t have a license

yet oh please i really need to get there

fast i promise i will not do any damage

to it

okay i guess drive safe

thanks please tell edward i will be back

in a few minutes will you

what about this mess

oh my god she’s already gone the food

isn’t even done yet

okay calm down ann you can do this


food check the romantic message check

they’re all done beautiful

i wonder why i always get myself into

these kinds of situations

this was alice’s idea she should have

been the one doing all the work

hey anne what are you doing

nothing uh i have a good lunch edward

you might want to prepare yourself for a

big surprise

oh these dishes look good and smell good


i must say you are not a terrible cook

oh it is not what you’re thinking i did

not cook these

really then who else patient you will


by the way alice just went out and she

said she would be back in a bed

i need to leave for a meeting right now

goodbye edward

oh okay bye

what was that anyway i am starving let

me try some of this food

oh this is quite good it kind of tastes

like my mom’s cooking

not bad at all

to the guy who makes my heart melt

what who wrote this is this a prank

focus edward think

okay so anne set up this table

she must be the one who wrote this then

i’m so confused

so i am filming myself because i am

going through a weird situation right


and my housemate just left me this


it might not be her but she set this

table up so who else can it be

right i am unsure because she is

normally really shy

she got really annoyed the last time i

filmed her without her permission

anyway i find this so cute of her very

interesting indeed

but i also am confused about what to do

because this has never happened to me


help give me some suggestions should i

ask her out on a date or something

can you turn the camera off i’m not

comfortable being filmed

edward edward excuse me why are you

looking at me like that

no nothing sorry i am just a bit tired

whatever see you later remember wait for


oh i will see you later anne


so that was her did you guys hear that

she acted as nothing happened my little

shy girl anne

how interesting i’m pretty sure she has

feelings for me by now

she definitely does or else she would

not act like that

what should i do now should i ask her

about it

no i should wait and see what she is

going to do next right

i need some time to think right now i

will keep you guys updated

please like this video and subscribe to

my channel

so you do not miss any new videos

a date gone wrong will a terrible


lead to the end of a loving friendship

let’s watch

today’s video to continue following the

love story of edward

alice and ann


jack wait up can i ask you for some


sure what do you need advice on

there is this girl who secretly

confessed her feelings to me through a

piece of paper

i don’t really know what to do right now

talking about girls aren’t we well

i am happy to inform you that you have

asked the right person

i’m an expert in love related matters

haha sure man anyway she even acted as

nothing happened afterward

i didn’t expect it at all but i realized

that i

am also quite interested in her the

moment i saw her confession

what should i do first of all she wrote

her confession down on a piece of paper


yes that’s right with a delicious

homemade lunch as well

it was so cute hmm

so she must like that kind of thing

you know being secretive and all why

don’t you do the same to her

i don’t understand how do i do that


you are really clueless aren’t you let’s


you must act mysterious

for example you can send her a

handwritten message yourself

surprise her invite her out for dinner

or ask her to go see a movie with you

sing her a song oh by her roses girls

are definitely into that

that makes sense but do you think that

might be too cheesy

cheesy that is exactly what is going to

win her over man

you just gotta do it

i am not quite sure if that is the case

with this one

but thank you for the advice i really

appreciate it

no problem let me know if you need

anything else remember

i am an expert in this

yes i will remember that thank you

flowers check i should put it here on

this table

the camera is set up the card next to

the flowers

awesome all good

i wonder if anne would like this ah

let’s just give it a go

dear anne roses are red

violets are blue sugar is sweet and

so are you my lovely anne

would you be willing to join me tomorrow

night to hang out

i will be waiting for you in the living

room when everyone is asleep

there will only be the two of us from

your secret admirer

okay this should do it jack is at the

gym and won’t be home for another two


alice is out somewhere and is going to

be home the earliest

so she should be the one getting this

message perfect

hello is there anybody home

oh i need to go anyway what was i

talking about

yes sure see you then

why suddenly someone in this house likes


what is this a card oh wow this is for


dear anne roses are red violets are blue

sugar is sweet and so are you

my lovely anne would you be willing to

join me tomorrow night to hang out

i will be waiting for you in the living

room when everyone is asleep

there will only be the two of us from

your secret admirer

tomorrow night huh ah

this is so sweet the poem is really cute


hmm but who wrote this

can it be jack no way probably

not but who else can it be then a


it must be jack then oh my god

i can’t believe this he finally changed

his mind i’m so happy

hello anne hello my lovely little sister

made you so happy anne you seem really

excited today

oh yes i’m very happy indeed i got a


it was so romantic you won’t believe it

if i told you then tell me

no i want to keep it a secret for now

you’re so lame

i just wanted to be sure first okay

alice but i promise i will tell you soon

whatever love you

by the way how are things going between

you and edward

any update and

i regret giving him that card so much

what happened nothing that is the


he is acting like nothing ever happened

like he did not read it

what if he didn’t no i’m sure he did i

looked for the note afterward but i


find it anywhere well did you ask him

about it

yes i asked him about lunch he only said

he was really happy with it and nothing


can you believe it hmm

maybe he needs to focus on something

else right now

either that or he really doesn’t like me

i guess i just need to accept it don’t

be so discouraged i think you should

tell him directly

it is better that way you can convey

your emotions to him and show him that

you are really sincere

maybe that is better than a card you


what if he likes you but does not like

the way you confess your feelings

no way in hell that is so stupid and

embarrassing i will never do that

up to you


is someone here why is it so dark

anne my girl i’m so glad that you came

can you follow my voice

hmm why do you sound strange today

you do not sound like yourself what do

you mean

maybe because i am joined by the most

beautiful girl in the world today

ah i’ve waited for this moment since


you don’t know how much i want this you

don’t have to wait anymore baby

come here with me this is amazing

can we light up the candles i want to

see your handsome face

of course let me do it for you i don’t

want you to harm those

beautiful hands

oh my god what what are you doing here

edward where is jack

jack you agreed to this date didn’t you

you forgot about it it is our first date

how can you

what are you talking about edward a date

i agreed to nothing like that answer me

where is jack

i don’t know in his room why are you

asking about him right now

it is supposed to be just between you

and me

between me and you oh my god

are you listening to yourself right now

there is nothing between us

hey am i interrupting something

anne edward


a happy mistake life is not

perfect mistakes happen so the most

important thing is how you choose to

deal with it

let’s watch today’s video to see how ann

will handle this case


what is this ann edward what is going on

right now

alice let me explain no need anne

i get it now thank you very much

but but what anne such an amazing friend

you are i can’t believe this

no alice you do not understand it is not

what you think

it is i do not understand

the only thing that i do not understand

is how stupid i was

i told you everything for you to go

behind my back like this

it really is not what you think it is

i’m not thinking anything it is right

before my eyes already isn’t it obvious


okay let me explain first

i honestly thought this was a jake with


not him jack

why are you talking about jack

what does he have to do with this when

you gave me the secret card

oh my god that card is mine my

confession how could you think it was

from anne

so the poem and flowers were all from


what the hell edward i am so sorry

this is a terrible mistake

yes well it already happened


hey anne have you seen this peter is


popular now the play became really


i have already read it not really in the

mood right now

can you leave me alone for a bit

um sure let me know if you need anything


alice have you seen this article about

pete no jack i don’t want

to do anything at the moment i will have

a look later


edward my man do you remember peter our

old neighbor that i told you about

there is an article written about him do

you want to see it

thank you but no not a good time jack

sorry maybe later

okay guys this is really strange can you

tell me what happened

you three are looking like zombies right


it is all because of your advice jack

thank you so much

what hey where are you going

why is he being mad this doesn’t make

any sense

i should be the one being mad everything

is so stupid

okay i only have you left alice can you

please tell me what is going on

it’s a long story jack sit down i will

tell you

so i confessed my feelings to edward

you so you were the girl he talked about

not exactly so i confessed to him by

cooking him lunch coupled with a

handwritten card

yes a card that is what he told me as


but he didn’t know it was from me

what do you mean he thought it was from


oh my what about ann what did she do

well edward responded to that message

but anne thought it was

you who did i see

i will go talk to her be careful

jack she seems really irritable at the




anne listen to me please

what jack i have something to tell you

i told you i am not in the mood right

now i don’t want to hear

anything you are planning to make a joke

out of me aren’t you

no em i don’t want to hear it jack

please don’t say

anything about what happened that’s not

my intention

i understand it was just a mistake anne

and you just got caught up in the middle

of it all it was not your fault

you really think so yes and since we are

already here let me tell you something

that i have kept inside for so long

go ahead well i’ve thought about

us for a while now what about us

you know our relationship

i can feel my feelings for you grow

every day and

are you kidding me right now what kind

of relationship are you talking about

friendship or siblings you don’t

get it i really mean it can you just

give me one minute

sure jack get it out of the way

since sharon left i have been feeling

really empty

but i realized that it was not because


sharon but because of you

the distance really made me understand

how much i need you and

i really want to be by your side

can you please be my girlfriend

what no i don’t get what you are saying

right now

i really mean it anne after what

happened with edward i don’t think i

should delay this any longer

if anyone comes and sweeps you off your

feet before me

i will regret it for the rest of my life

hmm i understand and

you don’t have to give me an answer

right now i will give you some time and

space to think about it

okay talk to you later

wait jack yes what

yes i will be your girlfriend


alice edward jack and i have something

to tell you guys

what is it anne why are you two smiling

well after this event this morning

something else happened

uh-huh what exactly

jack confessed his feelings for me

you did what jack

yes i told anne about my feelings for

her and i asked her to be my girlfriend

and what did you do tell me now

i agreed of course do you know how long

i had been waiting for this

i know well congratulations to you guys

i am

so happy for you hmm

congrats thank you both so much

he wanted to keep it private but thought

it was impossible with

us being housemates and all

you are right well i propose a toast to

celebrate the union of two of my

favorite people

cheers to us to us


thanks for watching don’t forget to like

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