Improve English Listening and Speaking Practice English Conversation


listening and speaking practice part one


at the school

one first day of school


how was your first day of school

very interesting

what do you prepare for the first day of


two notebooks a ruler an eraser and two


is big or small

the school is so big there are a lot of

students in the yard

what about the teachers

the teachers are friendly

how many people are there in your class

about 15 people

do you like school

yes i like school


two homework


good morning class

good morning teacher

please hand in your homework

glitch homework lisa

feeling the blank homework

oh no

did you do your homework

yes i did

i forgot to do my homework

teacher this is my homework

well done lisa thank you

where’s your homework tom

sorry teacher i forgot to do my homework

it’s okay

please go to the board to do this

homework tom

after that we’ll correct it together

thank you teacher


three i’m hungry


do you like math

yes i like it what about you do you like


yes but i prefer english

i like english too

what time is it

it’s 10 o’clock now

are you hungry

no i’m not hungry

are you hungry

yes i’m hungry

what did you eat for breakfast

bread and milk

i had a big breakfast so i’m full now

i’m hungry so i can’t focus on the


keep quiet class

keep your eyes on the board



talking about jobs

one i’m a doctor


long time no see

it’s been a while

how have you been

i’m great

how about you

the same old same old

how about your job what do you do

i’m a doctor


why did you choose to be a doctor

because my father is a doctor

i admire him

i want to be a good doctor like him

you can do it

what hospital are you working at

i work at stanford hospital

it’s a big hospital


to teacher


what a beautiful morning

right what is your job andy

i’m a teacher

what a coincidence

i’m a teacher too

are you a primary school teacher or a

high school teacher

i’m a high school teacher

how about you

primary school teacher


do you think teaching is a difficult job

no i think i’m suitable for teaching

it’s not easy but i like it

what subject do you teach

i teach math

i teach science


three a suitable job


why do you look so sad

i just quit my job



i don’t like that job

i realize i have to do what i love

what will you do next

find a suitable job

what is your favorite job

i love baking

i can make many kinds of cakes

sounds great

i want to have my own bakery

do you have any experience

no so i’ll apply for a job at the big

bakery first

try your best


situation housing

  1. rent a house


hello may i speak with mrs jennifer

hi i’m jennifer who’s calling please

i’m tom i called to talk to you about

your house for rent on king street

i remember you you looked at my house

five days ago

yes i would like to rent it is it still


unfortunately it’s not available

so sad

we have another house for rent nearby

would you like to see it

yeah sure

when is it convenient for you

i’m free now



to the key


i didn’t bring the key did you bring it

of course


honey i can’t open the door

you try again

i’m trying but i can’t

let me try

is that okay

the key does not work

how can that be

look the key doesn’t fit in the lock

you’re right

this key belongs to our former house

you’re right again honey

do you have the new key

i only have this

how do we get into the house

i don’t know


three household chores


in my family everybody shares household


how does your family divide household

chores my mom does the cooking she

sweeps the floor she does the laundry

irons the clothes

how about your father

he washes the car does the heavy lifting

and fixes home appliances

how about your sister

she washes the dishes waters the plants

and cleans the window

what is your housework

i take out the rubbish tidy up my room

and feed the dog



in the bus stop

one bus schedule


excuse me

may i ask for your help

yes can i help you

do you know where i can catch the bus to

the museum

right here


which bus goes to the museum

you need bus number 107.

how often does boss number 107 come

it comes every 10 minutes

does number 107 stop at king street

no it doesn’t you need to take number

bus 107 is coming

thanks for your help

you’re welcome


to a friend

excuse me


oh my god

look who it is


long time no see

it’s nice to see you again

how have you been

everything is good

what are you doing here

i’m waiting for the bus

which bus are you waiting for

bus number two

where are you going i take bus number 10

to go to the airport

do you often ride that bus

yes do you

no sometimes

how long it will your bus come

about five minutes


three miss the bus


can you tell me where to catch the

number eight bus please

sorry i don’t know


excuse me where can i catch the number

eight boss


where do you go

i want to go to the morgan library

the number eight doesn’t go to the

morgan library

you need to take number 15.

where can i catch it

over there

at the bus stop opposite

thanks so much


look it’s coming

i have to go


i missed the bus



social networking

one create account


how do i create a facebook account

let me show you

thank you

first install the facebook app on your


i installed it

on the home screen click create facebook


then click next right


after that enter your first and last


okay andy murray

next enter your date of birth your


december 30th 2007


enter your mobile number for


finally choose a password and click on


i did it



account lock


what’s going on

i can’t log into my account

which account

instagram account

my account is locked right

let me see

you have a message about your account

my account is temporarily locked on

instagram why

there are many reasons

tell me

you follow then unfollow instagram users

in bulk

i don’t

you post the same comment on multiple

instagram posts


you use third party instagram apps

i did it to boost my number of followers

that’s the reason



your avatar


i just created a twitter account

let’s choose your twitter avatar

okay i’ll choose a beautiful picture

how do i do that

click the profile tab choose the picture

and click the save button

how is the picture


i think no

okay how about this one



you should choose your face picture

is it okay

when i was at the beach

beautiful but i can’t see your face

i’ll try another picture

i like this so beautiful


situation dating

one dating app

what are you doing

i’m surfing the dating app

the guys in your dating app are they


yes there are many cute guys


i’m here


look at this guy



zodiac capricorn

hobbies smarts and sneakers

he looks cute

no too skinny

what about this guy no his skin is too

white i prefer the guy with tan skin

oh a guy texts me

what did he say

he said


that’s it



two a beautiful girl


she’s so beautiful

be confident and comfortable

she’s coming talk later

excuse me are you linda

yes it’s me

hi i’m tom andrew’s friend

nice to meet you

it’s nice to see you

andrew has an emergency so he’ll be a

little late


sit down please

would you like a drink

shall i order you a cappuccino

i like cappuccinos

i know

how do you know

girls who like cappuccinos are usually



you thank you


three first date


good evening

you look beautiful tonight

thank you

i ordered some dishes i hope it suits

your taste


i saw you posted pictures of your trip

to japan

it must have been a great trip

it’s very interesting

do you like to travel

very much

do you often travel

once every three months i love to travel

me too

what’s your favorite place

south africa

that was one of my coolest experiences

have you been there

yes i want to go there again


situation driving a car


be careful driving


what are you doing

your car hit my car

i’m so sorry

you’re about to reach an intersection

but you drove too fast

that’s my fault

drive carefully

lucky for you my car is fine

i was driving suddenly my head really


i was going about slower but i still

lost control

do you drink alcohol

no i just have a headache

are you okay

yes i’ll drive slowly

be careful driving as headache symptoms


two put on some music


today is a beautiful sunny day

a sunny day for a picnic

i want some music let’s put on the music

don’t i want quiet

come on music will make our trip more


so let’s put on classical music


i prefer rock and hip hop music

please don’t

how about opera songs


opera in the car

why not or

don’t put on the music

i really need music

how about pop music

let’s try

okay you’ll like it


three a long trip


i slept early last night to have enough

health for today’s trip

me too

it is a long trip

i feel so excited

yes it will be fun

when you feel tired tell me i’ll drive

in you’ll rest

sure milady

i prepared snacks and gum


we just had breakfast i’m still full

would you like some coffee i also

prepared hot coffee

but you’re the best a cup of coffee


here you are

thank you


situation let’s go shopping

one a pair of shoes

would you like to buy shoes

yes i’d love to

let’s buy a beautiful pair of shoes

let’s go shopping


these shoes are so beautiful

those are high heels

i love high heels wearing high heels

makes me more confident

i don’t wear high heels because my feet

will hurt

what kind of shoes do you like wearing


wearing sandals makes me more


what’s your shoe size my shoe size is an


mine is a nine


two perfume


welcome sir how can i help you

i want to buy a perfume bottle

we have a wide range of perfumes which

type do you wish to buy

i want to buy perfume for my mother this

sunday is her birthday can you recommend

some perfumes

of course i’ll recommend you the best

perfumes for older ladies

sweet peach jasmine and vanilla

they’re excellent choices

they’re so fragrant

i’ll take this one

this is a perfect choice


three shopping online


your hoodie is so beautiful

where did you buy it

i bought it online on ebay

show me the store you bought it i want

to buy it

here it is

there are many kinds of hoodies here

they’re so cute

the price is cheap too i bought two

how long did they deliver

about five days

did you pay by credit card

no by cash but you can pay by credit


i’ll buy this


situation sports

  1. favorite sport


what did you do last sunday

i watched the basketball game

do you like playing basketball

i prefer watching basketball

what is your favorite sport

my favorite sport is football

how often do you play soccer

i used to play every weekend when i was

in high school

now sometimes

what sports are you good at

i’m not good at sports but i love


do you prefer swimming in the pool or

the sea

i like both


to extreme sport


do you play any sports

yes basketball and tennis

would you like to try a new sport

yes extreme sports

stream sports would you like to try

i want to try base jumping

i will never try it i’m afraid of


do you hate extreme sports

i’m not sure

which extreme sports would you most like

to try

i think surfing

why do you like base jumping

i like new things like extreme sports it

makes me feel excited


three you should play sports

would you like to go swimming with me

i hate swimming

would you like to play badminton

no it’s hot today

how about cycling


no sister i hate sports

why do you hate sports

because i’ll be tired sweaty and my hair

will be wet

playing sports never makes me feel tired

you should play sports


you’ll be healthier smarter and make

friends more easily


of course and your body will look more


let’s play sports



making new friends

one wedding party

hello my name’s julie nice to meet you

what’s your name

i’m angela it’s nice to meet you

do you know the bride and groom

yes from university do you

i’m the bride’s colleague

what do you do

i’m a lawyer

i’m a dentist

they’re a beautiful couple


and the party is also sweet

look at this i love your shoes

the color is beautiful

i bought them at the store near the




at school

may i sit here


it’s so warm today

a beautiful day to go back to school

i’m jack grade 10b

nice to meet you

i’m rose

which grade are you in

i’m in grade 10a

did you have a good summer

it was great i went on holiday

how about you

i just stayed at home but i played

basketball a lot

do you play in the team

yes our school’s basketball team

i love watching basketball


three archery club

hi i’m romeo

this is my first time seeing you here

i’m a newcomer juliet nice to meet you

did you come here alone or with your



how did you know about this club

i saw it on facebook

do you like archery

yes that’s why i’m here

but it’s difficult

do you often go to this club

yes every week

do you need any help


would you mind showing me how to shoot

the target

my pleasure

thank you


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