Learn Colors in English 28 colors


would you like to know these colors in


check out this video

good morning oh and in case i don’t see

you good afternoon good evening and good



red red


blue blue

pink pink


yellow yellow

brown brown

purple purple

black black

white white

green green

orange orange


gray gray

light green light green

maroon maroon

lime lime

wheat wheat

golden golden

salmon salmon

bronze bronze

dark blue dark blue

spring green spring green

turquoise turquoise

aqua aqua

crimson crimson

silver silver

dark red dark red

navy navy

orchid orchid

teal teal

now let’s see how to use adjectives of

color in a sentence

colors are adjectives used to describe


so there are two basic positions for

adjectives of color

one before nouns two after some verbs

one before nouns green apples

i don’t like green apples

a yellow car my sister has got a yellow


a black suit jack is wearing a black


blue eyes she’s got blue eyes

two after some verbs adjectives of color

can come

after some verbs such as be become

turn and get


the sky is blue

my favorite color is purple


sometimes the night sky turns red

her cheeks get red when she is shy


eggplants are purple


red blue

pink yellow


brown purple

black white

green orange

gray light green

maroon lime

wheat golden

salmon bronze

dark blue spring green

turquoise aqua

crimson silver

dark red navy

orchid teal
