Learn English in 30 Minutes Daily Life English Speaking Practice for Self Study


74 topics

daily life english conversations for

self-study this video will be the

real-life conversations of native


don’t miss the video to help us improve

english communication

  1. renting an apartment

dialogue one

i wonder if you can help me do you have

any vacancies

i do in fact have a spare room

is it okay if i come and look around the

room right now

would you be able to come here in 20


we are currently in the midst of dinner

this apartment appears to be nice

yes there are two bedrooms that’s very


what’s the rent

eight hundred dollars per month

this apartment is nice but i’d like to

find one that is less expensive


dialog 2

i saw your ad on the bulletin website

i’m looking for a place to stay

yes i have a small room

what’s the asking price

the rent is 35 dollars per week but

smoking is not permitted

okay is there anything else

pets are not allowed that’s all

not a problem

can i now see the room

do you mind if you wait a bit i’m on the


well i’m not in a hurry i’ll return in a


i’ll see you later


  1. buying a car

dialogue one

did you attend yesterday’s auto show

do you mean the car show at the

exhibition center

yes it is fantastic

unfortunately i was very busy yesterday

and did not have time to do it tell me a

little bit about it

there were numerous car models from

various manufacturers including bmw audi

and qq these major automakers displayed

their most advanced high-tech vehicles

that’s intriguing do you like any of

these cars

i honestly don’t know they’re all


in fact i’ve recently decided to

purchase a car

would you like to accompany me

that’s fantastic what about coming


that’s a good deal


dialogue too

oh my god there are so many cars here

how do i choose

what about that black honda in the


the car is fine but i don’t like the

color black looks gloomy

what are your thoughts on that red audi

it appears to be fantastic

of course it’s fantastic but i’m afraid

i won’t be able to afford it it is

prohibitively expensive

oh take a look over there i’m sure

you’ll enjoy that one which one is it

that white toyota veos over there

appears to be bright and graceful

yes you are correct

let’s go for a spin first


  1. in the car rental shop

dialogue one

i’d like to hire a car how much does it

cost to rent a car in the economy class

19 per day or 129 dollars per week

is there a mileage limit

no unlimited mileage

i want to rent a car tomorrow

could i see your driving license

sure it’s right here

well now all you have to do is fill out

this form

okay thank you very much


dialog 2

what is the cost of a station wagon

the daily rate is 32 dollars plus 39

cents per

mile great if possible i’ll take it

right now

do you have your driver’s license

yes of course i have a domestic license

as well as an international license

nice please fill out this form and allow

me to see your credit card

oh i’m sorry i forgot to bring my credit

card with me

that’s fine you have the option of

paying in cash

that would be preferable


  1. filling the gas

dialogue one

please fill it up

all right are there any issues

i’m not very knowledgeable about it what

do you think

i’ll check the safety pin for you

don’t need it i’m in a rush how much

does it cost

nine dollars

here’s the fair and keep the change


dialog 2

fill it up please

sure do you want to check your radiator

no that’s fine how much money do i need

to pay you

that’s ten dollars


do you wish to have your windshield


okay thank you very much but i don’t

have much time please be as quick as


not a problem

how much does it cost

it also comes to ten dollars

25 parking fee

dialogue one

hello good evening

good evening

please hand over your parking ticket to

me here

your car has been parked here since 5 pm

and now is 8 pm

in total 3 hours parking

how much does it cost per hour

the hourly rate is one dollar

so i’m supposed to pay three dollars


i’ll give you five dollars

i give you two dollars back thank you

very much bye



dialog 2

is there any parking space available

yes please go straight to number three

how much is it charged per hour

cost is one dollar and fifty cents

hmm it’s exorbitantly priced

this price is the general price sir we

are close to the station as you can see

also keep in mind that there is a three

hour time limit

time limit that’s absurd

whatever you want to say this is our


okay fine i will drive inside



at the car beauty shop

dialogue one

what can i do for you this morning

hello good morning my car has a scratch

on the surface can you help me blur it


let me first take a look


yes i believe i can in fact i believe

it’s better to take good care of your

car and take it in for regular


is that really necessary i think it

looks fine

when you look closely you’ll notice that

the lacquer on the surface is slightly

shedding and the luster has faded

that’s something i hadn’t noticed before

so i guess you’re right i’ll get my car

serviced thoroughly

so let’s get started


dialogue too

what happened you don’t seem happy

it’s about the new car that i bought

last week

my nephew inadvertently scratched the

surface of my car yesterday now the car

looks ugly


don’t worry just go to a car beauty shop

our beauty shop sounds weird what

exactly is it

it’s a shop that can help you renew your

vehicle from the inside out

so the scratch can be removed

of course it’s very easy for them

thank you so much i will be there this




binding for over speed

dialogue one

excuse me sir but did you not notice the

red light

oh i thought i could turn left when it

turns red

no way sir no turn on red the sign says

oh sorry i didn’t see that

please allow me to see your driver’s

license and insurance policy sir

well i’m sorry i have to give you the


oh yeah it’s here somewhere in the glove


yeah here it is

please sign here you have 14 days to

file an appeal with the court and you

can either appear in court to pay the

fine or mail it in have a nice day

thank you very much police officer


dialogue 2.

madam good afternoon

officer good afternoon

license please end your car registration

sure here it is

thank you very much

what’s the problem officer

you’re not wearing a seat belt


i’m sorry i didn’t know seat belts are


yes it is required by the traffic


okay i see

however can’t you just give me a warning

i’m sorry but i already started writing

the ticket you must pay the fine


traffic accident

dialog one

you are exceeding the speed limit while

driving please slow down

take a look at the traffic sign the

speed limit is 50 kilometers per hour

according to the sign

don’t worry

we’re on the highway and i can still

control the speed and there aren’t many

people or cars on the street we’ll be

just fine

watch out stop

oh my goodness i can’t stop no

oh my gosh

we just hit a man

what should we do now

let me see if this man is seriously


oh thank goodness he’s still alive

he has been hurt let’s get him to the

hospital as soon as possible

it is entirely my fault i should not

have driven so quickly

what has been done cannot be reversed

first let’s go to the hospital


dialogue 2.


is this a tried and true rental car


it is indeed how can i help you

hello my name is matt i rented a car

yesterday and i am concerned that i will

be involved in a car accident near

central park

we’re sorry to hear that were you


i wasn’t seriously injured but my wife

is seriously injured will you contact

the police in an ambulance

okay i’ll do it right away but please

explain how it happened

when i turned to the right i collided

with a guard rail


29 repairing cars

dialog one

is this adam’s auto repair shop

yes that’s right what can i do for you

yeah my name is mr butter i’m calling to

inquire about my car has it been

repaired yet

no not yet it is currently being


oh i understand please let me know when

i can pick it up

you can come to pick up the car at about

5 pm i’m confident it’ll be ready by


many thanks i’ll see you later


dialogue 2.

hey bro what’s wrong with the car

yeah i’m worried about my car it doesn’t

work as well as it used to

could you please double check it for me

not a problem wait a moment

okay check the car carefully for me



the issue is with the pedals

what are we supposed to do with that

no problem i’ll lubricate it

so here you go

oh my goodness thank you so much you’re



thirty leaving and returning

dialogue one

hello jill the weather is beautiful

today isn’t it

oh bill it’s been a while since i’ve

seen you

yeah how are you doing

quite well thank you

you appear a little out of sorts today

what’s wrong

i’ve recently been extremely busy as

well as extremely tired so i’m irritated

in vexing

is this work strenuous

don’t mention it i’m sick of it i always

have to work extra hours and return home

late every day

if work doesn’t make you comfortable you

might as well pack your belongings and

try looking for another job

i’m going to change jobs as soon as i



dialogue too

oh honey you’re going to return

yes i have to work overtime today

you’re very busy these days leaving

early and returning late every day

yes i’m sorry because i’m spending less

time with you

no don’t say that despite your busy

schedule you still remember to look

after me

your work is also very busy right

not really my schedule is extremely

flexible and i have a lot of free time

i’m fine


why don’t you cook dinner for me

i completed it several hours ago and i

am waiting for you to come home for



  1. dinner time

dialogue one

tonight john is coming to dinner with us

really which of the following would you

like for dinner

beef chicken or fish

i think the beef and fries for dinner

are extremely reasonable

should we dress the salad

yes let’s make a salad with lettuce

tomatoes and cucumbers and season it

with garlic parsley ginger and green


great all of these are available

tell john to come at six o’clock when

dinner is ready

okay let’s start preparing dinner

did you thoroughly wash your hands

no not yet i’ll go wash my hands now


dialogue too

is dinner ready yet

yes please come and get it

what’s on the menu tonight do you need

me to give you a hand

no need everything is done we’re having

a hamburger steak today



soup with chicken noodle clam chowder

it’s really tasty

now you can help me spread the

tablecloth and bring this pot of soup to

the table

okay i’m willing

carefully don’t spill it

it’s all set call your dad down for


he’s on a phone call we’ll eat first

okay bon appetit



doing the cleaning

dialogue one

the kitchen is in shambles

i think we should clean up

are you busy

no problem

okay now get to work right away

i’m going to wash a couple of rags

the kitchen is really dirty the side of

the glass in particular is filthy

if the oil blur on the glass’s surface

is too thick to remove with a dry cloth

wet the cloth with ether

good idea i’ll bring it over for you

by the way could you wash the rags

okay throw me that

catch it


dialogue too

well the weather is nice today yes but

as you can see our bedroom is a mess

let’s clean it up together

i have some business to attend to and

need to leave right away would you mind

if we cleaned it up tonight

i’m sorry i couldn’t make it this

evening because i made an appointment to

go shopping with my friend

so another time

no i’ll clean the bedroom now and i will

clean up for you

i’m very sorry that i can’t assist you

oh well never mind where’s your dirty


yeah i threw it in the washing machine

if you’re busy let me handle it


watching tv

dialogue one

what do you want to do this evening

i don’t know maybe stay at home and

watch tv

that is a great idea let’s look at the

tv listings to see what’s on tonight

what’s on tv

nothing that’s interesting i’ll show


so after the news ends what’s on the


channel 7 has a pop show and channel 5

has a science fiction show

i’m not interested in watching the news

would you like me to change the channel

to something more entertaining

sure i don’t want to watch game shows

for very long


the cold dialogue

what show did you watch after i went to

bed last night

channel one about an english program

what a pity channel two is showing a

football match between france and spain

really that’s a pity you should remind

me of that

don’t worry you can still watch it it is

replaying this afternoon at 2pm

great because i don’t have any class

this afternoon

well can i turn on the tv i’d like to

see horse racing

i’m the same way let’s all watch it



  1. tutoring the child

dialogue one


when are you taking the final exam

two more weeks

did you go over the lessons again before


no not yet

accelerate your pace it’s getting close

to the end of the day

mom i see what you mean i’m just going

to do it

should we go over your english homework


i can do it on my own you’ve been

working for the entire day you should go

to bed now

don’t worry i’m not sleepy yet

okay then

where is your exercise book i can’t find

it in your school bag

oh i took it out and placed it on the



dialog 2


how was your exam

not great i couldn’t answer all the

questions i left a 20 mark question on


what are the reasons for this that exam

wasn’t too difficult

in fact i’m not interested in



i think the best teacher is the interest

i believe that it is critical to

cultivate your interest

i know but i can’t seem to get into it

do you believe you need to enroll in a


class yes no other option

i must go to the remedial class i don’t

want this to continue

your midterm exams are quickly

approaching so i’ve decided to assist

you beginning this evening what do you


thank you mom you are an excellent



35 time for bed

dialogue one

did you complete your homework

i just finished it and now want to watch

television you must get up early the

next day stand up and go to bed as soon

as possible

yes mom

have you prepared your books for

tomorrow’s class

yes everything is ready

great and have you set the alarm clock


yes i just set the alarm for seven


brushing your teeth on a regular basis

can help to prevent tooth decay

you’ve said that for the tenth time

good night and sweet dreams

thank you and you as well


dialogue 2

jack what exactly are you doing

i’m playing a video game on the computer

you’ve been playing the game for more

than one hour that’s enough now you need

to go to sleep

now is 9 pm and i’m not sleepy yet

i’ll give you a few minutes to turn off

your computer

give me 10 more minutes okay

you must get up early the next morning

and you should go to bed early tonight

to get a good night’s sleep

i understood okay

the weather is so hot do you want to

take a bath

that sounds good can i take a cold


okay but you have to take a quick shower

if you don’t want to catch cold yes dad



domestic expenses

dialogue one

what did we spend our money on last


i don’t remember exactly but i wrote it

in my spending book

what about the cost of living

i don’t really care about them will you

let me take a look

oh we didn’t go out to eat and go to

coffee together last month

yes but you know our bills are piling up

and our expenses are mounting up

yeah i know the cost of everything is

increasing look at that one we don’t

even use it much

right but i felt they were necessary at

another time

we must keep our spending under control

i agree with you

we should plan our spending so that we

don’t spend more than we can afford

i guarantee it i’m going to keep a tight

reign on our spending from now on


dialogue 2

i received my gas and water bills


how much do we need to pay

around 300

when do we have to pay the bill in two

more days on sunday


i need to go to the bank to get some


how much money will you withdraw from

the bank

four hundred dollars

can you withdraw more i don’t have any

cash on hand i’d like to shop for

children’s clothes at a new store

opening up the street


i’ll accompany you

37 family pet

dialogue one

what do you want for your birthday son

i want to keep a pet

what kind of pet do you want to keep a

guinea pig a parrot a rabbit a tortoise

a dog

is it possible for me to have a siberian


oh yes the husky is unrivaled in terms

of stamina and endurance

i’d like to get a small puppy

i promise you i will give you a lovely

puppy when you see it you’ll like it

dialogue two

who’s turned to walk the dog today

mary’s turn to walk the dog

okay mary by the way i would like to ask

one thing when was the last time you

cleaned out the dog kennel it smells



i don’t know maybe a month ago

a month ago it was terrible it must be

thoroughly swept

please hand it over to me

the dog house needs to be cleaned up now

carl clean up the dog kennel while mary

takes him away

okay i’ll go get soap and cleaning

supplies now


and mary after walking the dog you also

need to bathe the dog okay

i already know i will use soap to bathe

the dog and clean it with clean water


38 weekend plan

dialogue one

today is friday what are you doing this


i’m not sure what are you doing

i was thinking of maybe going skiing

that sounds like a great idea my

colleague and i went skiing at holmen

cohen in oslo last saturday it is the

most famous ski spot in norway as well

as the largest in the world

fantastic how did you find it

my friend suggested it he is a

professional skier

i’d like to go skiing there this weekend

would you like to join me

sure i would love to when will we leave

i thought around 6 tonight and then we

will get there at around 8 pm

that’s great it’s really fun


dialogue 2.

do you have anything going on this


no this weekend i have to work extra

hours john how about you

this weekend will be spent with lucy

what should i do with her do you have

any suggestions

what about going to the movies

i took her to the movies last weekend

does she enjoy shopping girls in general

enjoy shopping for new clothes

yeah she spends a lot of her free time

wandering around the streets

why not join her on a shopping trip

well i don’t know much about shopping


you should go shopping on lombard street

and grant avenue


receiving guests

dialogue one

who’s that


mary here

oh hi mary long time no see come in

you have a lovely home here

thank you very much it’s great that you

took the time to visit me can i take

your coat

oh yeah let me remove my shoes first

let me help you put your shoes in the

shoe closet

oh yes thank you

please have a seat and make yourself

comfortable would you like something to


a cup of tea will be great

wait a minute please help yourself


it tastes really good thanks


dialogue too

hello jack

hello mary nice to see you again please

come in we’re all waiting for you

has everyone arrived yet

tom is on his way and will be here

shortly take a seat make yourself at


while waiting for tom to arrive can i

watch tv

of course can i get you anything to


yes i’d like a coffee

on the table are some fruits and nuts do

you enjoy eating mangoes

yeah my favorite fruit is fresh mango

wait a minute

i’ll go get you a fruit knife


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good bye