Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly Daily Conversations To Improve Your Skills


40 english conversations

how’s it going


hey jane

hi josh how’s it going

everything’s great how about you

how are you doing

not really good actually

what’s wrong

i have some problems at work and i’m

trying to find a new job

oh really

how long have you been working there

i have been working there for five years

kinda long though is it a serious

problem that makes you want to change


no mainly because i’m just too busy now

i want to find a job that leaves me some

time to take care more of my family

i hope you will find a better one soon

thank you

not at all


what’s up


peter what’s up

nothing much just trying to fix my bike

what’s the matter with it

it has a flat tire


is it the new bike you have just bought


yes it


nice bike the color looks really cool


where did you buy it

i bought it from the masco store next to

the supermarket

i think i will need one too

i may go there to take a look

yes they have many nice bikes there i

still have a voucher if you need it

really that’s so nice of you thank you

very much peter

you’re welcome


what have you been up to


hi jenny

hi jane what have you been up to

not much i just got back from a vacation

oh really where did you go

i went to visit my parents in california


how are your parents

they are all good thanks for asking

how long did you stay with them

i stayed there for a week

did you enjoy the time there yes i do

my sister’s family were there too so we

had a lot of fun

i’m glad to hear that

thanks jenny


are you ready


mia come here

what’s up kate

just come here and close your eyes


okay now when i count to three open your

eyes okay


are you ready

yes okay






is it me

yes happy birthday mia i hope you like

the painting

oh my gosh of course i like it

you draw so well kate

thanks mia i’m glad you like it

oh thanks a lot kate

i will hang it in my bedroom

such a meaningful gift

not at all


what’s on your mind


what’s on your mind

mike uh

i was just thinking about the gift for

my mom’s birthday

when’s her birthday

her birthday is next week but we will

celebrate this weekend so my brother’s

family can join us

have you got any idea about the gift

not yet

last year i bought a sweater for her but

this year i want to have something


i think if you do something on your own

your mom will be very happy


handmade things

not really

even you can cook the whole meal for her

birthday she will be happy

great idea i may try to make a birthday


have you ever made one


i haven’t but i will try my best


how much money do you have

lisa i know a very nice restaurant let’s

eat there today


let’s go now

oh i forgot my wallet at home today

can you pay and i will send you the

money later

sure no problem


one more thing

they only accept cash

really i’m not sure i have enough cash


how much money do you have

let me see um

only 25

then let’s find a cash machine and

withdraw some money

okay let’s go


who would you like to speak to


hello it’s mason’s company

may i help you

hi could you please connect me to mr

jason from the purchasing department

sorry i can’t hear you

who would you like to speak to

mr jason from the purchasing department

okay please wait a moment



i’m sorry mr jason is not at the office


may i know your name so i can inform him


i’m jim from lennox do you know if he

will be at the office this afternoon

yes he will

okay then i will call again this

afternoon thank you

you’re welcome goodbye



what time does it start

kelly are you free tonight

yes what’s up jessica

my friend gave me two movie tickets

she said they could not go tonight

do you want to go with me


uh what movie is that

it’s named soul

it’s the famous movie recently

yes the cartoon one

okay uh what time does it start

at 7 30 pm

we should leave at 7 pm


i will see you downstairs at 7 okay

okay see you


what will the weather be like tomorrow


are you going somewhere beth

yes i will go camping with my classmates


where will you go to


we will go to a campsite on the mountain

near our university

what will the weather be like tomorrow

have you seen the weather forecast

not yet

could you help me check it

okay let me see


it’s sunny tomorrow you’re lucky



anything else


hi may i help you

i want to buy some groceries


uh what would you like

i would like some eggs and bananas

how many eggs and bananas

a dozen of eggs and five bananas please

okay anything else

a loaf of bread and a bar of butter also


is it everything

yes it is

how much is it

it’s nine dollars do you need a bag

no thanks here you are

thank you have a nice day



are they the same

wow jack did you buy new fish

yes i did they’re so cute right

are they the same

i mean the same type

yes they are the same type

your aquarium looks so beautiful how

long have you had it

i’ve had this for eight months

is it difficult to raise this kind of


yes it is


they usually overeat and die so you have

to pay attention to the amount of food

while feeding them


i didn’t know that you must love them a

lot to take care of them so well

yes they are my lover


when were you married


hi lily any difficulty with the new job

no everything is great thanks for asking

if you need any help just tell me

thank you

have you got married

yes i have

oh really you look very young though

when were you married

i got married two years ago

have you had any kids yet

not yet

still enjoy the time as a couple


having kids is a blessing but also very


yes we still need to prepare a lot of

things before deciding to have a kid


can you swim


jack can you swim

yes i do

so will you register for swimming class

no i will try another sport

how about you

i can’t swim that’s why i registered for

the swimming class

i hope you will be able to swim soon

thanks i really like swimming but it

seems so hard to me

just relax and you will float no worry

thanks for encouraging me

not at all


do you have a girlfriend


what are you thinking about

i’m thinking about the gift for my

girlfriend’s birthday

do you have any idea yet

i think i will just buy something like

lipstick or perfume for her like last


did she like it

yes she really liked it

i think as long as it is your gift she

will like them all

you seem to understand women very well

do you have a girlfriend

no i don’t but i have two older sisters

so i kinda understand women

oh really are they still living with you


no they are studying university in

another city


how often do they come home

once every month

that’s nice


are you afraid


jenna do you want to watch a horror

movie with me

why horror movies

i prefer action movies

are you afraid

no but why horror movies while you have

so many movies to watch

come on i really want to watch it but i

don’t dare watch it alone

okay fine when will we watch it and


right now in my room

is it okay

okay but let’s prepare some snacks and

drinks first

okay let me pop some popcorn also


see you in 10 minutes

okay see you


do you speak english


hi excuse me

do you speak english


yes yes

what’s wrong girl

i want to go to the theater near here

could you show me the way there please


you go straight on this road turn left

on the second street and it will be on

your right


how about the supermarket

it’s right at the corner over there

you just have to cross the street

thanks for a lot for helping me

you are welcome


are you american


hello are you the new flatmate

hello yes i am i’m james nice to meet


nice to meet you too

are you american

yes i’m american

is this the first time you come to the


yes my first time everything is so

different here


what is the difference

it’s hard to say but the most obvious

thing is the weather

you’re right are you tired

yes a bit i’m mainly sleepy

it must be from jet lag now go bring

your stuff to your room and rest we can

talk later


see you


do you have any vacancies

hello may i help you


i want to find a job

do you have any vacancies

well first of all

do you have a resume

yes i have

please take a look

in what field do you want to work

i want to work in the marketing or

design field to you open to jobs in the


only or in the european country also

i get jobs in the uk only


do you have a preference for the city

you want to work in

i like london

okay got it uh we have some vacancies

which are suitable for you

please take a look

okay let me see


are you allergic to anything

claire what happened to your face

i have no idea but it’s so itchy

did you scratch it

yes i did

but only a bit though

it’s swollen are you allergic to




sometimes i eat seafood and got an


other than that


did you put something on your face

yes i just tried the new sun cream

i think you are allergic to it

you’re right


i will check it later

if it becomes more serious you have to

go to the hospital to check okay

sure i will

don’t worry too much


do you take credit cards


how was the meal

it was lovely thank you

is there anything else i can help with

no thanks just the bill please

okay please wait a moment


here you are please check the bill


okay no problem uh do you take credit


yes we do

great here is my card

thank you i will be right back


everything is done here is your card

okay thanks

thank you for dining with us we hope you

had a great time tonight

thank you


are you hungry


lucy what’s wrong

uh i have a stomachache

where does it hurt

on the upper stomach

are you hungry

yes i haven’t eaten anything since this


maybe that’s why you have a stomachache

you should eat something


let me drink some water first

do you want to eat anything

i can help you make it

thanks ann

could you make me a toast with eggs

sure rest a bit

i will bring the food for you oh thanks

a lot anne

not at all


how far is it

hi thomas

hi lily how is it going

it’s going great thank you

where are you going

i’m going to my grandparents house

how far is it

not so far

only ten minute walk

that’s not far

you’re so lucky to live near your


i know

that’s why i come to visit them two

times a week

such a good grandson

how about your grandparents how are they

they are all good thanks for asking

sorry but i have to go now i will visit

when i have time

okay enjoy your time with your family

thanks i will

bye bye


how is she

do you know who i met yesterday

who is

that it’s lauren

which lauren lauren in high school

yes it’s her

but she is living abroad isn’t she

yes she said she came back to visit her

parents on the holiday

how is she

she’s good she has two kids now


how did you meet her

i met her in the supermarket


did you recognize her at first glance

no i didn’t you won’t believe it she

looks so different


how different

she looks much more beautiful than


so how did you know it’s her

she recognized me first

are you ready


hannah it’s 7 25 p.m

are you ready

wait a minute i can’t find my purse

be quick we need to leave in five

minutes or we will be late

i know

can you help me out


did you find it inside your bag

yes i did it was not there

when was the last time you use it

i used it when shopping in the

supermarket yesterday


maybe you left it in your car

no i need the key to open the door

but the key is inside the purse


so it must be somewhere here

right i can’t find it anywhere

how about the shopping bags

oh yeah


let me see


here it is ugh you’re a genius jessica

come on let’s go


how many children do you have



is it james

oh hi


you are

it’s julia julia in high school

oh julia i’m sorry i didn’t recognize

you it’s so long since i last saw you

no problem it’s like 10 years

how is everything

very great i have two little daughters

how about you

great too i’m also very happy with my

wife and kids


how many children do you have

i have three boys they are very naughty

wow that’s awesome are you still living

in the city now

no we live in france

we just came back so the kids can visit

their grandparents


that’s why it was like you totally

disappeared huh it’s so nice to see you


me too

nice to meet you again

okay enjoy the trip with your family

thank you


are you sick



are you sick

yes i feel so dizzy

you look so pale

what happened

i don’t know

i only slept two hours last night at a



that’s why your body is exhausted have

you eaten anything


i haven’t

let me grab something for you to eat

quickly then you have to sleep


thank you i will rest for a bit


i will tell you when it’s done



how many languages do you speak


jack what are you doing

i’m watching japanese anime

i didn’t know you liked it

yes i like it but at the same time i

watched to learn japanese

oh really but you can speak spanish and

french also right

yes i can


so how many languages do you speak

four includes english french spanish and


can you speak fluently or just a bit of

those languages

fluently other than that i can speak

some dutch and german but not too much


that’s impressive


how much altogether



how may i help you

hi i would like to buy a loaf of bread

and a dozen eggs


anything else

hmm let me see

how much are these apples

four dollars for a box

okay i take one

do you have cheese

yes over here you can choose what you



this one

is that everything

yes that’s all

how much all together

it’s 15

total do you need a bag

no thanks i got mine here you are

thank you


how much does this cost


wow jane

such a beautiful coat

is it new

yes i just had it a few days ago

it looks so trendy which brand is that

it’s zara


how much does this cost

i’m not sure that’s a birthday gift from

my husband


your husband has good taste

yeah he always helps me to choose


is he a fashion designer

no but he used to dream to be a fashion


nice dream

what does he do now

he is running a business


how much money do you make


hi lisa how have you been

hi luisa not much

i quit my old job

oh really

last time you said you were so tired of

that place

yes i was so bored with the job

what are you doing now

i’m doing freelance now

what exactly do you do as a freelancer

i write different content and do content

planning for customers



how much money do you make

just a bit more than my previous job but

i have much more free time that’s great

what is your plan for the future

i will grow it as a real business and do

personal branding

sounds very professional i hope you will




how does it




lucy come here

what’s up amelia

i just baked some cookies

try it


oh they smell so good

how does it taste

very delicious lucy

i didn’t know you could bake

i used to bake a lot but now i’m too


so why suddenly you make these cookies


i saw a recipe online and the cookies

look so attractive so i just want to try


it tastes so good you can even sell it

in the store

thank you

i really like baking but

selling in a store is a totally

different story

how long does it take you to bake these

around half an hour

that’s pretty fast though

can i have some more


of course take it


what do you

you do for work


stacy this is my friend tara

she will live with me for a few days

while waiting to move to a new place

hi tara

hi daisy hope you don’t mind if i stay

here for a few days

no problem why do you have to wait to

move in

ah it was provided a place in the campus


now they are cleaning again after a year

what do you do for work

i’m a university lecturer

ah that’s why

enjoy the time here

thank you


what’s today

today is date



what’s today’s date

it’s october 1st what’s up

ugh work is so busy these days i didn’t

notice that my boyfriend’s birthday is


when is his birthday

it’s on october 8th

have you had any idea for the gift

not yet oh i’m so busy i haven’t thought

about that

and maybe you just cook a meal for him

on the weekend when you have time

great idea but i still want to have a

gift also

you still have one week to think

no rush

yeah you’re right

i will think about it later tonight



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