Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly English Conversation Practice


in the bank

today we will study activities in the


let’s watch this video and see what

people do in the bank

situation 1 how to open a bank card


excuse me

yes please what can i help you with

i want to open a bank card could you

help me please

what kind of bank card do you want to


i don’t really know about it can you

introduce about kind of card in your


of course do you already have a bank

account in our bank

yes i have used your bank for five

months okay let me tell you some

information about our card service

currently we are providing different

types of bank cards each kind of bank

card suits you for a different purpose

first we have a debit card this is the

most popular card in our bank

you can use a debit card to pay for

goods and services with money in your

bank account

besides you are also able to transfer

your money to other people through this

card quickly and safely

you will have to pay two dollars each

month to maintain your card in addition

the money in the account needs to be

bigger than five dollars

will i have to pay a fee to open this


no you don’t need to do that it’s free

i understand

next you will also open a new credit

card it allows you to borrow our money

to proceed with your payment you have to

prove your main account and your monthly

income to be approved for this card our

bank has a lot of incentive for bank

holders who uses a credit card so i

recommend you using this type of bank


that sounds interesting i love this card

if you often use international payment

you can open a visa card it helps you

conveniently purchase in foreign



actually i never buy anything in other


so which type of card will you choose

among them

credit card please

okay please fill in your information in

this form carefully could you give me

your identity card

here you are

if you have any questions don’t hesitate

to ask me after filling this form you

can sit here and wait for me for about

15 minutes then you can go home and

we’ll send your credit card to the

address you wrote in this form

okay thank you so much you’re welcome


situation 2 withdraw money in the bank


hello sir what can i do for you

hi my name is ben i want to withdraw my

money could you help me please yes mr

ben firstly i need some information

about you to find your account in our

system could you tell me your full name

and your identity number

my full name is ben daniel my identity

number is one two four six three four

six six

here is my identity card

okay let me check

here i see ben daniel you have five

thousand dollars in the bank right now

how much money do you want to withdraw

i need three thousand dollars now my

phone was crashed yesterday and it

couldn’t be repaired

so i need to buy a new phone the shop

requires me to pay in cash

okay ben i understand

now i will proceed with your withdrawal

procedure for you now

you want to have three thousand dollars

cash right

yes three thousand dollars

okay your account balance is two

thousand dollars

please wait for me for a while i’ll be

back soon with your money



here is your three thousand dollars and

your bill please check them carefully

before signing in this bill

let me check it now

it is exactly the money i need

by the way do you want to do anything


no i just need to withdraw money

so thank you for using our service i

hope you have a good day

thank you so much


situation three

how to take back my bank account’s



good morning sir what can we help you


hello could you take my password back

i’ve not logged into my bank account on

my phone since yesterday

yes but first could you tell me your

name and give me your identity card i

need to check your data in our system

tom gray here is my identity card

please tell me the last time you

accessed our app successfully

i can’t remember exactly when maybe last


i use your service to send my son some


do you receive any notification about

your money is lost

no i don’t

okay it means your account isn’t hacked

by bad guys

yes how to recover my password

don’t worry i’ll reset your password for

you then you can log in to your account

normally your account name is tom miss


yes it is

okay please read this information we

will provide you a new password you can

change it anytime you want through

banking app in your phone

please remember that your password needs

to include a capital

number and at least eight characters and

please remember your new password you

can write it on a paper and keep it in a

safe place okay i got it

here is your new password you should try

logging into your account on your phone

by using the new password

let me check


it’s okay thank you for recovering my

password is there any fee for it

no mr tom it’s free thank you for using

our service if you have any problems

please call three two one five three two

four to receive our help

goodbye sir


situation 4 borrow money from the bank


number 48 please

i’m here

good morning what can i do for you hi my

name is anna i want to borrow money to

open a new restaurant

okay anna could you give me your

identity card and fill in your

information in this form

yes here is my identity card after that

please give me information about your


here please

let me see

okay this asset is acceptable how much

money do you want to borrow

it could be five thousand dollars i need

to buy a lot of furniture and cooking

equipment as well

please fill this money in this form

yes i have filled it

now you have to make a loan contract it

will include your personal document

namely a photocopy of your identity card

your current asset collateral


i already bring them here

good anna let me check all of them one

more time

they are okay please wait for a while

i’ll bring you the money you need


here is your money and a firm document

you should check this money and then

sign in this document

okay this is five thousand dollars thank

you so much

you are welcome have a nice day and i

hope your restaurant will rapidly grow


situation 5 how to deposit money in a


good morning can i help you with


hello i am kim i want to open a passbook

to keep my money there

have you ever used our service before

yes i currently have a bank account here

okay let me introduce about our service

you can open a passbook and deposit your

money in our bank the current interest

rate in our bank is 12

a year

you can withdraw your money anytime you

want besides you will receive a lot of

incentives when becoming a new passbook

owner please fill in all your

information in this form carefully

ok i will fill it now

how much money will you deposit

about four thousand dollars cash i bring

them here

could you give me that money to check

of course here please

okay let me see

it’s exactly four thousand dollars could

you lend me your identity card i will

use it to create a new passbook in our


yes of course

okay i will take some minutes to proceed

with this procedure

you can drink tea and wait for me

i don’t like to drink tea i love coffee

sorry we don’t have coffee for you it’s

okay i’ll sit here and read more about

your service

okay kim thank you for believing in our



english conversation

visiting a patient

let’s watch this video to learn how to

converse while visiting someone who is


situation one

mary’s family visits uncle jake in the



jake thomas’s family came to visit you

hi jake

hi hi little mary

hi uncle jake

how are you brother

emily said you got food poisoning

yes i feel much better now

what happened

he had abdominal cramps he kept vomiting

and having diarrhea so many times the

last two days

why did you have stomach uncle jake

uncle jake ate bad food mary that’s why

you should only eat food your parents

allow you to eat okay

yes mommy always tells me that i have to

wash my hands before every meal or i

will have a stomach

she is right

did you eat something wrong jake

well emily had a business trip for a few

days there was some food leftovers and i

put it in the fridge but i forgot

i found it two days ago and thought it

would still be good staying in the

fridge so i ate it

i think it was contaminated

i came home and he had been already very

sick once i realized he got dehydrated i

took him to the hospital

jake you should be really more careful

with what you put in your mouth

i got it now really the last two days

were horrible

we’re glad that you get better now food

poisoning can be very dangerous if not

treated in time

i hope you get well soon uncle jake

thank you little mary

jake i hope you will recover soon we

have to go now rest properly okay

we will visit you again in a few days

okay thomas no problem

see you little mary

goodbye uncle jake aunt emily



bye bye mary


situation 2 visiting claire who fainted

and was exhausted from fasting


claire your friends came to visit you

hi claire

claire how are you feeling now

hi everyone thanks for coming over to

see me i feel better now

we were worried today when you fainted

in class

i’m sorry for making you all worried

it’s okay but what happened claire

you seem very tired these days

i tried to lose weight i was on a diet

last month but it didn’t work

i saw an intensive fasting program

online and followed that program today

is the third day of fasting

your body must be exhausted from a lack

of nutrients

or you had low blood sugar because you

starved yourself

i think you should not fast so suddenly

every day

instead try to eat less each meal and

exercise consistently

you’re right i should not rush to lose


we bring you some fruit now rest

yourself we hope you will recover soon

okay thanks for visiting me it is so

kind of you all

not at all rest claire we have to leave


see you soon

see you then bye bye


situation three

visiting laura who has a fever and stay

at home

laura your friends came to visit you

yes dad let them in

hi laura

hi i’m so happy to see you too what’s

wrong with you laura our teacher said

you were sick so we come over to see you

i started to feel a bit weird yesterday

night but only until early morning today

did i have a fever

is it the flu no my mom said it is not

the flu because i don’t have other flu


did you throw up

yes i did

my mom said i should have caught a cold

from taking showers late

has your fever gone

yes but my body seems very tired still

my mom said i had to rest at home for a

few days but the final exams are coming

don’t worry laura i will come over and

give you my notebooks every day after

school so you can catch up on with the

lessons my house is in the neighborhood


thanks a lot jane

recover soon okay

we haven’t finished our discussion about

the movie the other day jane and i are

still waiting for you


we can continue right now though

no laura you need to rest it’s late we

have to go home now anyway or our

parents will be worried

we haven’t told them we came to visit


okay jane thanks for coming see you soon


rest laura bye bye

bye laura


situation 4

visit john who broke his leg while

playing football

john can we come in

yes please

hey guys

how are you john

i’m great just have a painful leg and be

bored of being in bed all day

i heard from your mom that you broke

your leg while playing football with the

neighbors kids

yeah that was a pretty bad fall

did someone push you

no a kid accidentally kicked me on the


how long will you be in a plaster cast

the doctor said it can be up to eight


and for full recovery

not sure maybe four to five months

such a long time


now i have a new friend this clutch

trust me mr frank won’t like this news

without you it’ll be a loss for the

whole school football team

i feel so sorry but now i can’t do

anything with this broken leg

it’s okay your top priority right now is

to rest and limit movement to recover as

quickly as possible

sure i will

sorry john but we can only be with you

for a while we have to go now you know

our football team has a practice session


we will update you on your situation

with the whole team

no problem you can visit me next week

when i come home we have plenty of time

sure see you john bye

bye john

bye bye

situation five visiting betty after her

minor surgery


hi betty

hi everyone

betty how are you

jack told us you got surgery this

morning so we plan to visit you in the


yeah why didn’t you tell us we bring you

some fruit

thanks a lot girls i’m fine don’t worry

i didn’t tell you because it was just a

minor surgery

what’s wrong with your hand why did you

have to take surgery

do you remember the bump near my wrist

oh that one what is it

it’s a ganglion cyst

is it dangerous

no it’s not

if it is not dangerous why surgery


normally these cysts are painless but

the doctor said mine was a bit big and

it pressed on a nerve making me feel

pain whenever i turned my wrist

did the doctor say what caused it

he said mine could be from joint injury

i used to hurt my wrist while playing

tennis a long time ago

how are you feeling now

the anesthetic has worn off so i’m

feeling pretty painful right now but

still tolerable

how long will your wrist be back to


the doctor said it takes two to three

weeks for the pain to go away

but it can take up to six months for my

wrist to turn around normally i will

need to exercise it

all right betty we are glad that you

don’t have a serious health problem

we will leave now and let you take a

rest buddy

okay thanks a lot for visiting me today

goodbye girls

bye bye


stress and relaxation

stress is a feeling of emotional or

physical tension

it can affect your health a lot

let’s watch the video and see three

friends talk about their stress


hello guys how are you doing

oh good

what a dress i really like its color

hi emma

where did you buy it

js store in the east of the city

that is the new store in this city

it looks gorgeous

how much does it cost

a hundred and twenty nine dollars it’s

discounted thirty percent

it has the colors red purple blue and


if you really like it you should go to

the new store to buy it as soon as


it will be sold out soon because they

just released 1 000 at all

should i buy it

does it fit me

you should go there to try

ah you can come to our home

then you can try mine we have the same

size don’t we

sure i will take you home

chris what’s wrong with you

why do you look so tired

nothing much

i heard that you just broke up didn’t


yes one month ago chris but i’m okay

with it we broke up in peace

we are still friends

last week i still went to his birthday


i think it’s weird being friends with an


are you kidding me

hey come on it’s common we still support

each other in our business

ignore this one chris tell me what

happened with you

come on we’re best friends you should

tell us your problem

then you know emma and i can help you

handle it

money boyfriend or whatever

no not it’s because of my job


i think you like it so much i remember

that you leave the company near your

house to take that job

what happened

we have a problem with my colleague i

had to create five ideas for new


i prepared them on my planning note then

sent them to him my designer

and then

then he did it for me

but you know all the target files were

not accepted

because the size was not corrected

when i uploaded them on the system they

look so terrible


how did you fix them

i haven’t fixed them yet because if i

want to change files you have to have

access to admission from the manager

i am stressed out because of it and now

he blamed it on me

but it’s not your fault bro

it’s mine because i take responsibility

for checking quality and uploading

next time you must be careful don’t

trust anyone totally

yes i got it

i will be minus commission this month

no worries it gives you some lessons and

you will have more experience

everything has its price

stress will affect your health actually

do you think which are the main reasons

for stress

for me it’s my job over time every day

making me stressed out i just come back

home at 9 30 pm

are you paid for the over hours

absolutely she will it should be

following labor law

no it’s my choice i cannot complete my

tasks in the working time so i should

try my best to achieve my kpi

chris you should take your time for

yourself if you get stressed for a long

time it will be a big problem

stress causes mental health problems

such as depression anxiety and

personality disorders

even obesity and other eating disorders

really it’s so bad

yes it can affect your skin and hair as

well like acne and permanent hair loss

my job makes me stressed as well you

know i’m a freelancer right

because of the covid situation i don’t

have many clients as i had

but i see you are always happy

it’s just the outside performance i

always want to inspire everyone

so if you are feeling stressed what do

you do

i go to bed

it is my best way to reduce stress

then when i wake up i will have some

healthy food for myself

something like fruits and vegetarian


i find out that it’s not helped me to

reduce it but also have smooth skin and

a fit body

cool lily

what about you emma if you are feeling

stressed what do you do


i am not usually stressed out but when

my mood is going down i will take time

for myself

i will do everything i love such as

reading my favorite books watching a

movie or meditating

i think you should try to meditate it

makes you happy inside and beautiful


chris do you often do exercise

not really

i super like walking but you know i

don’t have time

chris take time for yourself

go home early and do exercise

it will reduce stress and you can

practice your mental health as well

having a lucid brain makes you work more


yes i understand

thanks for your advice

and smile

don’t forget laughter is the best


yes yes that’s right

see you

show me your happy face

you should focus on your symptoms both

in emotion and physical

like do you feel bad about yourself

lonely worthless and depressed

do you see yourself having headaches

chest pain and cold or sweaty hands and


when you see yourself have these

symptoms your body and mind really need

to relax

don’t forget that you should think

positively always

it is one of the best ways to avoid


but you know it’s not easy i cannot

achieve the aims i cannot

hey chris listen

sometimes positive is not perfection


it must be that you can accept

everything you don’t expect

that’s right if you have any problems

don’t forget to share them with us

come on we are friends

if you don’t talk about anything

we will be upset a lot

alright i know thank you so so much for

helping me

come on you do that again i have to give

you a penalty note

remember we are friends friends always

help each other

do you want to order anything else i

just feel so hungry

they have red velvets a best seller

really i haven’t tried it here

it’s the new one absolutely

wanna try

you know me absolutely

and you chris

i will have ginger cookies set

okay i will go order

show me your smile chris

and it’s on me

hmm look you are so pretty when smiling

thank you

wait for me


childhood lie

have you ever been lied to when you were

a kid

let’s watch the video and see what lies

are about

john lucy and clarks respectively tell

their story about one time they have

been fooled when they were kids


have you been fooled by your parents

when you were a kid



i still remember what happened when i

was four years old

that’s a long story

come on buddy

tell us


i’m really curious


that was when i was going home on the

first day of kindergarten

it was my dad who walked me home

at that time my family lived in the


and the kindergarten was not far away

from my house

so i always went to the kindergarten on

foot every day

i told him i don’t want to go to

kindergarten and i prefer to stay at


he said to let him discuss with mom

first before answering me

i once wished i had grown up in the


i love rice fields and camping in the

mountain a lot

i have never been to the countryside

will you take us there john

yes but

let me finish my story first

things would go fine until we passed a

really weird manhole cover

it’s painted yellow with the face of

pac-man on it

it i felt so funny and told my dad about


you’re so childish john

yeah i know

but the story was not just that

my dad turned to a poker face and he

told me he would reveal the truth

he said he wasn’t my own father

but he had brought me home from that

manhole cover on a summer night

mom didn’t tell me because she was

afraid i would be sad


no way

did you believe that

of course yes

my parents had never lied to me before

and i trusted them

i was shocked by this and cried a lot on

the way home


my dad said i shouldn’t be worried

because my parents loved me a lot and

would never abandon me

but i was still scared

i told him i would be obedient and went

to the kindergarten

your dad shouldn’t have told you that

that’s hurtful

i agree

yeah after that i became an obedient


because i was scared of being kicked out

of my house

this is why i didn’t dare tell my mom

until i entered primary school

my new grade one teacher asked the whole

class on day one to write down our

birthday on the class information paper

i told her i don’t have a real birthday

and this is a complicated story

was she angry


she tried to ask me but i didn’t tell

her anything

and then

one of my friends from the kindergarten

said loudly before the class

he doesn’t know his birthday because his

parents brought him home from the

pac-man manhole cover

nobody knows his birthday

what did your teacher do at that time

the teacher was confused

after class she called my mom to clarify


my mom had no idea what was going on she

was like what no way

he’s my son my only son and i gave birth

to him

your dad should be worried

yeah the rage of that woman

my mom then scolded my dad a lot for

saying that and didn’t say a word to him

for a month


for me

i felt serene because finally

i knew that i was my mom’s true son

wow i didn’t expect that you could

believe it for so many years

i was also told a lie once when i was a

kid but

it didn’t hurt as much as you

tell us your story


when i was a kid my mom and i lived in

my grandparents house because my dad was


they had a cat called mina a female one

i felt so lonely because i didn’t know

those kids in the neighborhood and she

was there to cheer me up and play with



one morning after waking up i tried to

find her as usual but i found out she

had disappeared

did she leave


kind of

i asked my mom where she was and my mom

told me that nina had head to

los angeles with her godmother

she wanted to become an actress


the cat wanted to become an actress


at that age i did believe that i could

talk to her for real

although i lost my best friend i

convinced myself that was good for her

because she might become a superstar one


you’re such a girl with an angelic heart


i agree

you guys know what

two years later i thought it was mina

when i saw a poster from the movie dog

and cat

i still wondered if i might be wrong

until the day came out to the public

when i saw mina acting in that movie i

was so moved

my little sister did it

she finally became an actress

i boasted about this all over the school

and felt so proud until


until i was in grade 8 my family went to

my grandparents house to celebrate


i told my grandpa about the successful

actress mina but he turned to me and

said with a gentle voice

my sweetie i’m sorry but nina died on

the night before the day when your

mother told you she was away


oh my dear lucy

it is such a sad story

yeah i felt truly depressed after that

what about you clark did you have any

similar experiences with us

when i was a little kid like you guys

i was really curious about my parents


i asked dad hey dad

what do you do for a living

and he told me he was an architect

he still loves his job until today

however when i asked him about my mom’s


he didn’t answer

i cried and forced him to tell me mom’s

job or i would never play with him again

he laughed and murmured your mother’s

occupation is top secret

you mustn’t tell this to anyone okay

okay daddy you have my words i said


he put an arm onto my shoulder and said

your mom works for the cia

remember to keep it a secret because if

other people know it

your mom will get into a lot of trouble

and you believed that

of course

for six years

six years that i kept my mom’s secret


you didn’t ask your mom about it did you

he didn’t do it you know him john

finally i found out the truth

one day my family went to the ice cream

shop i turned to my mom and smiled

hey mom i know your secret

you don’t have to hide it from me

i’ll protect you

mom was like what are you talking about


i told her dad had told me the truth and

she worked for the cia

and promised her i wouldn’t tell anyone

from six years ago

mom was angry and scolded dad on the way


he laughed ha ha

it was a kid’s story long ago i don’t

think that our son believes it


i guess we were all fooled by our



they are so memorable right



i think it’s too late now i have to go

home and prepare my meal

okay bye lucy see you next time

bye everyone


future continuous

watch this video to learn how to use

present continuous sentences in real


dialog one

mel is planning to go on a hiking trip

this weekend

she tries to convince laura her

classmate to tag along

hi laura what are you doing

nothing much

just trying to finish the homework we

got today

already it’s not due until next week

well i want to spend my weekend doing

something else other than studying

that makes sense

talking about the weekend have you

already made any plans for it

not really


my family and i are going on a hiking


will you be willing to join us then

that sounds nice what time will you guys

be leaving

we actually will be leaving right about

this time on saturday


i don’t know if i can make it let me ask

my mom first

sure take your time but let me know by

friday night okay i will be waiting for

your call then

okay sounds good to me

hello mel

yes hey laura have you made up your mind


yes i asked my mom and she agreed to let

me go so i will be joining you guys

tomorrow on the trip awesome we will be

waiting for you around 8 am is that fine

totally it is perfect do you mind if i

bring my brother edward as well my mom

wants me to take care of him

sure we have another seat in the car for



by the way remember to wear hiking shoes

it is going to be a long hike

got it see you tomorrow mel good night

see you laura good night to you too


dialogue two it is nathan’s fifth

birthday soon his parents todd and eve

are going over the plans for his

celebration party

todd did you forget to order the cake


i totally forgot don’t worry honey i

will be paying a visit to the local

bakery this time tomorrow while you

decorate the house

remember it todd i don’t want to mess

this party up


relax it is going to be a great party

nathan and his friends will be having so

much fun here this sunday

you were right but

can we at least go through the list of

things needed to be prepared first

sure honey

all right you will be ordering the cake


what about the balloons

i already bought them and will be

blowing them up before the kids come

ah good good what about food will we be

serving pizza or pasta for this party

i think pizza will be better because

they can use their hands to eat it it

will not make such a mess

good idea what will we be doing to

entertain them

i bought a new projector to show them a

superhero movie that should do the job

perfect i think this plan is pretty

solid should we send out the invitations

now no i will be sending out the

invitations directly to the kids parents

when i take nathan to school this week

oh yeah we should do that

now you need to have a rest you are too

worried about this party

well i want my son’s birthday party to

be perfect

it will be i promise you

i trust you honey


dialogue 3

tom and brian are thinking of surprising

their friend daniel by paying him a

visit at his house

dom do you think it is fine for us to

show up at daniel’s house unannounced

it is fine why are you asking that are

you worried

yes will he be busy working when we


i checked with his girlfriend and she

told me he should not be busy doing

anything when we arrive


i guess that is fine then

yes do you want to bring some drinks


it has been a long time since all three

of us are gathering

i know right it has been too long what

will you be doing at 6 30 pm tomorrow

i will be working by then why

i was going to ask you to go to the

grocery store with me to buy some drinks

but i can go on my own as well

no i can leave work early let’s go


awesome i will pass by your office okay

sounds good i’m so excited to hang out

with you guys

me too the last time we met was for

christmas and that was half a year ago

time really flies doesn’t it

it’s because you were always busy bro we

could have met a few times since then

my bad

i just have so many projects going on

lately but you know what

i will be finalizing them this time next

month so i should have more time to hang

out by then

sure bro

you say that and then disappear every

single time

i promise this time is different

sure mr workaholic see you tomorrow

see ya


dialogue four

mia’s family is leaving for london soon

however she tells clara her friend that

she will not join them

mia are you leaving for london tomorrow

london no i am not only my parents are


oh why so

i thought you told me you loved london

last time you visited

well i will be taking my college

entrance exams when they are away i need

to prepare for them as well

i see but where will you be staying then

or will you just be home alone i will be

staying with my grandma in the meantime

my parents never let me stay home alone

on my own

ah that’s good if not you can always

stay at my place i have a spare bedroom

in my house ready for you

thank you so much maybe i will crash at

your place for a few nights but i also

want to spend some time with my grandma

so i will mainly be staying at her place

that’s perfectly fine let me know

whenever you want to come over


by the way how long will your parents be


they will be staying in london for over

a month

a long time isn’t it yes

i will miss them a lot


at the wedding ceremony

a wedding is an occasion which marks two

people are united in marriage

let’s watch this video and explore what

may happen at a wedding

dialogue one a sad wedding

congrats to you rachel today must be the

happiest day of your life

thank you tim

wait rachel

you look quite tired are you feeling


would you like to eat something or drink

a cup of tea it may make you feel better

no tim i’m okay


i’m not happy now

i just know a bad thing about my husband

david i need some advice now could you

help me tim

of course rachel please tell me what is


yesterday i used david’s phone to watch

a movie because my phone was charging at

this time

while i was watching the film

david’s phone received a new message

from a strange number

i read this message and it was i miss

you david

it was a big shock

i decided to read more messages from

this number on the phone

unbelievable all the messages were very


then i realized that this was the number

of david’s ex

he is going to get married to me

but he still loves his ex

what an awful person

i’m so sorry to hear that rachel

have you asked david about that

no tim i don’t want to tell him i hate


calm down rachel you have to face it

i think you should ask david about the

relationship between him and his ex

you should give him a chance to explain

and solve his mistake

if he doesn’t admit his fault

you should break up with him

what should i do now tim

my wedding is still going on but i’m not

ready for it

i’m not sure

you have to calm down and make your own



thank you tim

let me be alone for a while

everything will be okay rachel




do you take rachel to be your wife

to live together and love her forever


i agree



do you take david to be your husband to

live together and to love him forever

no i don’t

i’m not ready he has lied to me

what is the matter with her

why did she do this

rachel what did i do



dialogue 2

romantic love story


wow ashley you look so beautiful and


thank you jesse i’m so glad you come to

my wedding

come on ashley you are my best friend

your wedding dress is so great i wish i

could wear it one time

how do you feel now ashley

are you ready to get married and live

with james for the rest of your life

of course jesse i love james so much

he really loves me and cares a lot

can you tell me more about him i really

want to know

have you two ever argued


he’s always kind to me he also buys me

many gifts they mean a lot to me

could you tell me about the day when he

proposed to you i’m so curious

let me remember

it was a beautiful night

james and i were having dinner in a

luxury restaurant

james went out for a while and he backed

with a bunch of roses

he kneeled and said to me will you marry


it was so romantic what did you say then

i was so surprised and happy to

i said

yes i love you james


everyone around clapped and

congratulated us

then he put a ring on my finger

it was the best memory thing in my life

we hugged and kissed under the lights

so beautiful ashley you are so lucky my


do you want to know about our honeymoon

trip next week

that is very interesting

of course ashley

we are going to the caribbean for a week

we’ll enjoy the trip together and eat

all the delicious food there

i love beaches and so does james

we will lie on the beach side in the


swim or surf in the afternoon and

discover local culture at night

that will be an amazing trip

my dream trip too

now you should be ready for the ceremony

i hope you and james are always happy

and love each other

thank you so much my friend i love you


dialogue three

wedding wishes


thank you for coming with us we are so

happy and lucky because we have good

friends like you

yes we are so grateful

come on tom and sam we’ve been friends

since childhood

everyone let’s congratulate and send

best wishes to our couple

i’m first wishing you a healthy family

and have beautiful children

thank you lucas

we also want to have a baby soon thanks

for your wish

let me continue

wishing you to joy

love and happiness on your wedding day

and as you begin your new life together

i hope the love and happiness you feel

today will shine through the years

i will give you a short wish stay happy


tom and sam

wish you all the health and happiness

okay everyone we know the big love from


hope all you have good health and live

happy as well

now let’s continue enjoying the

delicious food here


dialogue 4

the happiness of a couple


look phil

everyone is dancing and drinking

they look so vibrant and bustling

yeah honey our party tonight is awesome

i’m quite tired now but don’t worry i’m

still good

phil you should sit here to take a short


you seem too drunk

okay tracy

how do you feel now babe

today was a long day

everything is like a dream

today is the most important day of my

life baby

i’ve waited for our wedding for a long


finally it comes like a dream

me too

after overcoming everything i marry you

you’re the most meaningful gift i ever


i love you tracy


do you know that the first time we met i

really hated you

i don’t know you’ve never told me that

do you remember that day i was drinking

coffee then you walked nearby and

dropped your cake on me

it was my most favorite shirt you did

not even apologize to me i thought you

were so bad and just wanted to yell at


oh i remember it i was too busy at that


have you still hated me until now

no phil

i’m your wife now

how can i hate you

i will love you forever my love

i have to go there

john is calling me love you

okay i’ll drink a cup of

tea learn english with topic

when guests come to visit

friends are an important part of life

in addition to meeting friends outside

sometimes friends will visit our house

let’s see what the characters have

prepared to entertain their friends

situation 1 i’m so glad you visit my





i am

coming good afternoon maria how is it


emily hi

i’m glad you were here

i’m sorry i didn’t call you first

it’s fine come in


here’s maria’s house see the house is a

simple and neat design i love it it

looks so cozy

thank you make yourself at home would

you like to drink something

orange juice emily

perfect thank you

here is your orange juice

thank you and i have a housewarming gift

for you

oh that’s so cute thank you

i had a business trip last month so i

missed your housewarming party i’m sorry

now you’re here don’t say that

how was the party i guess it was fun

yeah my friends came almost full

will and john also came they asked about


it reminds me of our school days we

usually went out on weekends or went to

each other’s house

now we can too

let’s eat together and talk in our free


i’m glad to hear that

are you preparing lunch

yes have you eaten yet shall i cook

lunch for us

that sounds great let’s cook together




what do you want to eat

how about beef steak and beer

it is your favorite food

and your favorite food is pasta

it’s so great to be with you like this

since graduating from school we also

have less contact

i’m so happy when you visit

when you opened the door and i saw you i

was both happy and confused

oh my best friend i miss you so much

come on and hug me

i think that we should make beefsteak


you’re shy right

no i’m not

where is the beef hey hug me

hey where are you going

where are the potatoes


situation two what should we prepare for

a house party

the teacher has an emergency today so we

can go home early

tomorrow is the weekend

why don’t we come to my house we can

have a party at home

is it a bother with your parents

don’t worry my parents used to ask about

inviting you to visit my house

let’s go




what should we prepare for the house


we will buy some food and drinks

we need to decorate the party and

prepare for the games

can we karaoke

i can sing until midnight i like to sing

so much

karaoke is fine but we can only sing

until 6 pm if we sing at night we will

bother the neighbors

you’re right

so what do you guys want to eat for the


let’s eat pizza and sandwiches for the

main course fruit and ice cream for


drinks are coca-cola orange juice and

some snacks okay

sounds great let’s sing karaoke until 6

pm then we’ll play some games

i think we should play

guess the movie from the description

interesting we can’t speak we can only

express it with our hands feet or whole



finally sit down together and play the

truth-telling game

it will be fun

so richard and i will go to the

supermarket to buy food and drinks

anna and i will be at home decorating

the party and preparing the games

shall we invite some friends next door

they’re friendly and polite

the more the merrier let’s invite them

to your house and join us

let’s party


situation three long time no see


david right

long time no see

you’re brian

where have you been come in


since you moved to los angeles i’ve

almost lost touch with you

i lost all contact

luckily i still have the letter you

wrote to me

the letter has your address i went there

and met your parents then they gave me

this address

met your parents

seeing them healthy makes me so happy

how are your parents

they’re fine your house is so cool

i moved out to live with my wife we’ve

been married for one year

she’s three months pregnant today she is

visiting her sister’s house



i have a business trip here i found you

right after meeting my partner

how about you are you married or single

i am single i’m only interested in work

how about your job

i got a promotion last month hey don’t

tell me you still have

a crush on angela

i don’t no who is she what do you say is

she still single

i just went to her wedding last month

are you kidding me really

i’m just kidding

it’s so fun


how about your job my boss trusts me and

he gave me a new project

i’m glad to hear that it’s been almost

seven years when we’re at school we’re

always together

i remember when we went to play video

games together played soccer together

ate together went to the library


have you had lunch yet let’s go out to

eat i have many things to tell you

okay let’s go my friend i know a

restaurant near angela’s house



you’re so cute


situation four this is my friend’s house


excuse me this is walter’s house isn’t


yeah but

ethan it’s you

walter it’s good to see you

my wife linda and i have a vacation here

so glad to see you i saw your message

but i didn’t know you come today now

come in

i bought you a present from our city

thank you


this is my wife bella

this is ethan and his wife linda

nice to meet you would you like to drink


thank you please

and thank you for inviting us to visit

your house

your house is so beautiful hawaiian


thank you i like this style

walter how are you doing

you see i feel great i like this place

waves wind and sunshine

what did you visit in hawaii

actually we just went to the beach and

then we stopped by your house

let me be your tour guide

that’s so great my pleasure

i’ll show you how beautiful this place


look at your eyes says how much you love

this place i’m glad you’re happy

and i’m glad to see you again let’s go

to hawaii when you have free time okay

i will

tomorrow my friend is having a beach

party will you come


beach party sounds fun

you can also go there come with us

yes that will be fun

okay we will be there


walter didn’t take over his father’s

company and come here why honey

in the past i saw walter as a rich boy

who didn’t smile

and now i see him as a guy who doesn’t

have much money but he has everything

and is so happy

you’re right look at his smile

his wife is also very kind

he followed his heart and now he is free

living each day to the fullest

how about you

i’m happy to everyone has a different

way of life

meeting old friends again

seeing them live happily makes me happy



in the post office

nowadays we always prefer telephone

calls emails and text messages however

sometimes you still need to send a gift

to someone a written note or a postcard

let’s watch this video to learn about

some conversations in the post office

situation one buying postcard


mary what are you doing

nothing mommy what’s up

grandpa just sent you a box of presents

come here

oh i really want to come to london to

visit him i miss him so much

you can send him a postcard when i lived

in florida alone grandpa always wanted

me to send him something every week

really i haven’t sent a postcard before

i will give it a shot where can i buy it


in the post office it’s the nearest

okay i will go there this afternoon


hi i want to buy a postcard please

hello which kind of postcard do you want

i don’t know this is the first time i

buy a postcard you give me some

suggestions please

let’s see

who do you send postcards to

i’m sending it to my grandfather he is

living in london

so maybe he misses new york so much you

should buy the postcard with the picture

of new york

there are some new york postcards you

can choose one by yourself

great he told me that he has just come

to new york three times when my mom got

married when i was born and last summer

how many postcards do you want

i just want to buy one but there are

many beautiful postcards so i will have


okay do you want to buy a stamp as well

no thanks i will buy it later what time

does your post office open

from 8 30 to 5 pm you can bring your

postcard here in that time

okay i see thank you so much

you are welcome


situation 2 sending a package to



what can i do for you today

hello i would like to send this package

to my brother

where is it going

to california my brother is working


how would you like to send it

express delivery or standard delivery

what are the differences

it depends on how quickly the package

has arrived

how long does express delivery take

about three days and standard delivery

takes about one week

absolutely express service costs a

little higher

okay it’s not a big problem i choose

express delivery

what does the package contain

are they value goods or fragile goods

not at all there are some clothes and a

watch i bought them for him as a

surprise gift

the watch is a fragile good

do you want me to pack it with bubble


that will be better please help me wrap


okay please fill in these shipping

details while i am packing them for you

including name phone number

address and the contents of the box

okay no problem

i’m done

let me see

oh you forgot to write the recipient’s

address it’s the most important field

please fill in all the required


oh i’m so sorry let me complete it


this is your wrapped package

let me weigh it for you then i will

calculate the cost for you

it’s 1.5 kilograms

how much is it

it’s 13.95

okay here you are

thank you


situation three receiving package

hi daddy how is it going

i’m good baby how are you

oh good daddy i just finished my final

exam i got a plus for math

oh great you are a star i will buy a

gift for you

what do you want sweetie

i’m not sure a scarf is okay

sure i will buy you a pink one do you

like tea my hotel was close to a whittap


no daddy when will you come back home

i’m not sure baby maybe i have to be

here for

two months more

oh i miss you so much daddy

i miss you too

oh it’s working time i have to be back

to work the package may arrive in one

week they will send you an sms about a

parcel arrive notice

okay thank you dad love you


good morning how can i help you

i got a message about a parcel that

arrived noticed two days ago can i get

it here

sure can i have your name please

my name is emma emily

okay wait for me a couple of minutes i

will check it now

okay that is a parcel from birmingham

oh it’s here you have a parcel of 1.5

kilograms from mr john let me take it

for you

here you are

thank you

how much is the shipping cost

the cost is pre-paid by mr john you just

need to sign your name here

where is it

here please sign your name here and then

write your full name below


thank you so much

you are welcome bye


situation for

receiving money


good morning how can i help you

i come to receive my salary

did you get the arrival notice and sms

yes i received it last week but now i

just have time to collect it

okay we have the ticket dispenser

machine over there you can get your

number and wait till your turn

thank you so much you are welcome


number 92.


hi please give me your ticket thank you

how can i help you

i’m coming to receive my money i

received the notice last week but now i

just have time can i receive it here

absolutely can i have your money

transfer control number please

um let me check

my partner just sent me a picture which

is the money transfer control number

it is on the top of the receipt can i

have a look please

here you are


this one

oh i see thank you

what is your name please

my name is anna anna turner

can i have your id please

one two three eight seven seven one five


you have one thousand two hundred

dollars from sunshine company in texas

i will give you a form then please fill

it in with all the required information

your name must be written in capital


okay i see

here you are

okay this is twelve hundred dollars you

should double check it before you leave

then give me your signature here and

your full name as well

okay that’s fine do you need me to help

you with anything else

no thanks so much

it’s done isn’t it

yes have a nice day

thank you you too


health examination

nowadays more and more children are

getting fatter let’s watch this video to

know why and what parents should do for

their children to reduce this

what are you doing

i am playing video games

look at you

look at your belly

what’s wrong with my belly mom i think

it looks great

how about stopping playing video games

for a while and going for a walk with me

i think you need more exercise honey

but playing is funnier and exercising is

so tiring and boring

i don’t want to go out mommy

playing games is fun but it doesn’t do

good for your health

if you sit to play for too long

your eyes will become short-sighted and

your body will get fat

but i don’t see any of my friends

exercising they are just playing games

with me

you should build your own good habit

honey you should not follow other people

all the

time but can i go for a walk with you


this game is getting more and more


i don’t want to miss this

this is the first warning tom

don’t make mommy mad


hi baby how was your day

i’m driving home sweet

today was great

how about you

i’m okay baby


i’m worried about tom

he has gained a lot of weight recently

and kept playing games without moving

since he went home


i also realized that

tomorrow is saturday

i think you should take him to dr henry

he is the best doctor in town i will

contact him

1pm sounds great


i will book tomorrow afternoon

ok baby

drive carefully

see you home

love you

love you too



have you finished your games

just one more game mom please

i will approve if you agree to see the

doctor with me tomorrow



i hate hospital mom

or do you want to say goodbye to your

video games


so after meeting with the doctor

can i continue to play games

yes but because tomorrow you have to see

the doctor you cannot eat anything from

tomorrow morning

no way mom

yes or i will throw away your games

tom is that you

what are you doing in the kitchen at




it’s not tom mom

i know it’s your voice tom

why are you here


i’m finding my toys

there are no toys in the kitchen tom

you know that

why are you telling lies to

me sorry mom

i’m just hungry

you said i cannot eat anything tomorrow

so i’m trying to store some food in my


don’t be mad at me mom

oh honey how can i be mad at you

i just feel worried about your health we

will see the doctor tomorrow he will

give you some aspirins and if you follow

the doctor’s advice strictly i will let

you play video games and buy you more



it sounds great mom but i’m still hungry


there are some kiwis and apples in the


you can eat them

but i want spaghetti mom

it’s too late for that you cannot eat

spaghetti now it will ruin your teeth

and make you fatter

you know you’re not in shape tom

what about cookies mom

cookies are not acceptable as well

you can only eat fruit honey or you must

go back to your room with nothing


i will take some apples and grapes

just take a few tom i don’t think

filling up your belly at the moment is


there are oranges as well let me make

some orange juice for you

thanks mom i love you

mommy loves you too

you’re a good kid tom

hello dr henry

my name is lena and this is my son tom

we have booked a monthly check for him

with you


mrs lina and tom

how is your day tom


feel not good because my mother stopped

me from playing video games and eating

to take me there

don’t worry it won’t take too much of

your time

you just need to answer some easy

questions and do some tests

and after that you can go home and

continue to play your games and eat

whatever you like

that sounds good to me

all right

the first question

how frequently do you exercise

i don’t remember exactly

maybe one month ago

yesterday my mom asked me to go for a

walk with her but

i was busy playing games at that time


all right

what do you usually have in your meal

my mother always wants me to eat more

vegetables and fruit

but i just like fried chicken pizza and

hamburgers because they are so yummy i

eat them four times a week

i understand

the last question here

how do you feel about your body recently

i mean does something unusual happen

i’m not sure about that

i feel hungry all the time

i also easily get frustrated angry and


especially when someone jokes about my


i also easily feel tired and don’t have

enough energy to join outside activities

with my friends at school


i think i can see your problem

i will have a talk with your mother


for you

i have some suggestions

i think you should join more activities

with your friends or your mom

for example

walking running


those activities are not only relaxing

and interesting

but also help boost your emotions and

your health


and i think your mother is right

eating vegetables is much better for you

than eating chicken

pizza and hamburgers

i once tried to eat broccoli they are

disgusting to me

let’s have another try boy

this time you should try to make grilled


i believe you will like its taste

i don’t think so

now thank you tom

i need to take out a little bit of your

blood for checkup and calculate your

blood pressure

could you follow your mom to the room at

the end of the corridor

i’m scared

i don’t want that doctor

don’t be scared boy

by the way we have chocolates for you in

that room

you can have one if you follow my


is that real



let’s go tom


tutoring the child

when kids struggle with a certain topic

or subject in school they’ll often need

your help

tutoring kids is very rewarding but it

can be a little tough at the beginning

situation 1 calling 9-1-1


hello it’s 911 emergencies what can i

help you with

yeah hello

i need some help

okay what’s the matter

with my math

with your math

yes i need some help with my math i have

to do it could you help me

all right where do you live

no i need you to help with my math

yes i know but can you tell me where you

are living

but can you help me with the phone

sure but i would like to send someone to

come to help you



what kind of math do you need

i have takeaways

oh you have to do takeaways

yes that’s right

okay what is the math

can you tell me what the problem is

all right here is one

five take away five


five take away five

so how much do you think that is


i think 10.

tommy what are you doing

i’m just calling for help the police are

helping me with my math oh it’s the


what did i tell you about giving a phone


to call somebody you said i can call

someone if i need help didn’t you

i didn’t mean the police okay hang up

the phone tommy

okay mommy

i’m here i will help you


situation 2 helping your kid to do

history exercises


mommy i don’t want to do this exercise

what are you saying

it’s hard mommy i don’t want to do it


come on jack you have to complete your


i don’t want to

okay do you need my help which one is

the hardest

the history exercise

all right i will help you when i’m done

while waiting for me you can complete

your art task

okay mommy i like drawing


hey jack did you finish your picture

yes mommy look at it

oh wow it’s so awesome you are a star

how many scores do you think it is

score a definitely

great i love it

now do you remember what we should do


yes do the history exercise

okay which lesson are you learning today

lesson four maya


right i am learning about the

introduction to the ancient maya


where is it located baby

i don’t know


you can read the first paragraph

where is it

read the paragraph first did you find it


uh yes it’s located in mexico

and part of central america

good job

you should read all the paragraphs and

find out the answers

reading is very important can you try

the next question jack

yes the answer is in the third paragraph

isn’t it

can you show me

this line

perfect you are able to do it

but mommy what is the lost world

when you complete all the questions

i will show you a video about the lost

world of maya



promise me yeah

but now you have to complete your


if the questions are hard let me know

then i will help you to solve them


situation three helping your kid to

focus on learning


tommy turn off the tv now it’s too late

for your learning time

no i don’t want to


i don’t want to do my homework the

cartoon is more interesting


let me know why you don’t want to do

your homework

you know it’s your responsibility right

yes but i like watching tv

listen to me tommy you didn’t do it then

you cannot pass the exam


you can watch tv after completing them

daddy i

i will help you all right

okay today the teacher gives me too much

homework i don’t know what i should do


which subjects do you have tomorrow

i have math physical education art and

science do you have homework for all of


no i just have exercises for math and


is superman real daddy i just watched a

flying superman on tv

tommy we should begin with math first

then i will tell you a story about

superman later


alright i have to do plus

do you understand what plus is

yes i do

perfect now you should start with

exercise number one

if you can complete three exercises in

30 minutes i will let you go to the park

this weekend

really daddy

yes i promise

as easy as pie

okay then when you finish let me know

then i will help you with your science

exercises i will stand behind to observe



situation 4 discussing tutoring your


what day is today honey

it’s thursday what’s up babe

oh my god i thought it was friday why is

ann still watching tv she must study

right now doesn’t she

yes she is going to start at 8 30 pm i

reminded her

okay but ann is 12 already her learning

program is going to be harder day by day

especially math i was wondering if i can

help her with her homework anymore or


come on mark you are a master in the

university what are you saying

you know i’m a master in social science

only teaching a kid is different from

teaching university students though we

must have a suited method with a kid

so what should we do

you’re always home with her i think you

should take the time to help her with

her homework

you don’t know how to teach her but i

ever had never done it before

so why did you tell me to do it i’m

afraid that even my knowledge is not


emma knowledge is just one part her

behavior and attitudes are quite

important as well i think we need to

figure out which way is the best

do you think we should go meet her


for what come on emma one teacher will

have to take responsibility for three to

five classes

they don’t have time to focus on only in

so what should we do

you need to find out one solution not

only deny all of my opinions

what do you think about joining some

workshops or classes to learn effective


does it work

maybe i’m not sure but we can try

i will look it up on the internet

my colleague just sent me some i will

forward you maybe we should take part


perfect i’m having a look now

saturday or sunday better for you

sunday i think


what’s the weather like

watch to find out ways you can talk

about the weather

dialogue one

what’s the weather like today


hey dom are you coming to work

today of course why

are you calling in sick mike

no i’m not sick

it’s just raining really hard where i am

now the road is already flooded

really it is not raining here though

if it is already flooded there you

should probably stay home it is really

dangerous to travel in such weather

let me wait and see

by the way what is the weather like at

your place

it is gloomy and pretty windy but i do

not think it will rain

the clouds do not seem that heavy to me

i see

can you go to work first and tell me

what the weather is like at the office

sure thing

if it rains too hard there just stay

home you can work online you know

i know but there is a really important

meeting at the office today i do not

want to miss it

anyway thank you very much

you’re welcome mike

i will let you know once i get there

awesome i’ll be waiting for your call


dialogue 2

beautiful day huh


today is such a beautiful day don’t you

think so emma

yes indeed mel the last few days have

been so hot but today is nice

i know right i could not even go outside

yesterday today the sky is so clear and

the wind is cool

oh i especially love the summer breeze

it feels so good to be outside

i have an idea

why don’t we go on a picnic today

a picnic are you sure

yes why not

we can invite brad and his sister leila

as well

that sounds good but do we have a car

i can borrow my dad’s i am sure he

doesn’t mind

have you got your driver’s license yet

yes i actually have i passed the test

last month

and you did not tell me

that is amazing congratulations

thank you

it is no big deal really it was not that


right should i call brad now or do you

want to do it

you do it i will call my dad to ask for

the car


hey brad do you have any plans for today

no not yet why

well mel and i were just thinking about

going on a picnic since it is so nice


care to join us

of course let’s go can i bring my sister

as well

funny that you asked i was about to tell

you to invite her too

all right see you guys in about 15


cool see

ya dialog three

what’s the temperature


hey riley come inside

oh my god you have no idea how cold it

is outside right now ron

i am freezing

you look really cold

take a seat let me turn on the heater

thank you

are you feeling any better

yes a little bit

tell me how was the weather out there

oh my god there was literally a snow

storm outside right now i almost got

blown away by a strong wind

that is scary i’m glad you made it here

in time

yes me too

what is the temperature though

i’m not sure but definitely below zero

celsius degrees

you should stay here for the night then

i do not think it is safe for you to

travel all the way home right now

will that be fine

of course don’t worry about it i have a

spare bedroom that you can use

thank you so much

i don’t think i can go outside now

either the snow is getting really heavy

i can see that well let me go get you

some warm clothes and a pair of fuzzy

socks i’ll be right back

all right


here you go if you need anything else

tell me okay

sure thank you again

no problem by the way do you want a cup

of hot chocolate to warm up

that would be really nice in this

weather thanks

a cup of hot chocolate coming right up


dialogue 4 lightning and thunder

is it really fine for me to stay here

for a while tyler

definitely my entire family is away for

work and i have the whole house for

myself at the moment don’t worry nate

okay thank you

i just saw on the weather forecast that

there would be a huge storm hitting our

town and i just want to be safe

oh i heard about it on the news this

morning too

you really should stay inside at times

like this

i agree i will be heading home as soon

as the storm dies down a little bit


no worries you can even sleep here

tonight if you want i don’t mind

oh thank you

hmm do you want some snacks or a drink

what can i get you

can i just get a glass of water please

of course give me a minute


here is your water nate


so did it say how strong the storm was

going to be in the forecast

oh pretty strong i think there would be

lightning and thunder as well

oh no that is dangerous

you should definitely stay here then

let me go get you a spare mattress

no need ty

i can sleep right here on this sofa if


are you sure

of course

don’t worry about me

you’ve already helped enough


just let me know if i can help with

anything else


christmas story

christmas is an annual traditional

festival normally we will gather with

our family after one busy year

check out the video below to follow a

christmas day of christ


wake up

wake up chris

mommy i don’t have school today may i

sleep a bit more

yesterday i told you right

i don’t remember mommy

well today we will decorate the

christmas tree and make some food for

christmas day next week get up and

prepare everything together

oh yes i will be a nice kid today and

then santa will bring my dreaming


absolutely get up and

wash my face and brush my teeth

great good boy

don’t forget to do your bed as well


jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the



slow down



i love christmas so much

do you want to decorate the christmas

tree with me

absolutely yes

what are you doing daddy

i am trimming it to make it more


first of all we will hang the christmas


i like candy canes most

could i hang it around the tree

yes here you are

and the last thing

what is it chris

the star




how are you

i’m great

how about you

all good have you prepared everything

for christmas

of course i did

i’m a bit sad because you cannot come to

my house on christmas day

i’m so sorry

i promise i will be there next year

is chris there

i miss him so much


grandma is calling she wants to talk

with you


oh i miss her

hi grandma

hello my little chris

you look so cute today

yes grandma my mom bought this hat for

me last month i am one of the first

people to have a christmas hat in my



do you have a christmas tree

yes i will show you

look grandma

it’s so big



you decorated it so beautifully my

little boy

do you have one grandma if not you can

come to my house

i also have candy canes my mom did them

so well


i have one here

it’s behind me look


wow it’s so pretty

i hung my sock on our brick chimney


santa will see your sock first and give

you the biggest presents

you think so right


on christmas night you should go to

sleep soon if you don’t fall asleep

santa won’t come to your house


i remember grandma i hope santa comes


and i hope we get to him laugh

and say

ho ho

all right

let’s keep it in your mind

maybe it will come true one day

chris i need to prepare some dishes for

christmas i will call you later


talk later grandma i will send you our



bye sweetie

bye grandma


which dishes do we prepare mommy

what do you want to eat on christmas day

my little boy

we haven’t had ginger cookies yet

can i help you to make them


i prepared flour there

we have to wait for a few minutes


i am not able to sleep but if not santa

will skip my house


uh my mom told me that i can count the

sheep when i want to fall asleep





oh my god i still can’t

what’s wrong with me

oh wait a minute i hear some noise in

the living room

let’s go teddy we will go to the living



i’m so scared

oh my

i was almost stuck in the chimney

wow that’s santa he came


hello little one

hi santa

nice to meet you

i’m so happy and surprised

am i dreaming


i’m santa


why don’t you go to bed at this time


i tried but i’m so excited about

tomorrow morning so

i saw you on my list

you are a good boy


it means that i still have gifted this

year right

that’s right


this one is yours

thank you so much


do not open it before tomorrow morning

yes of

course don’t tell anyone that you met me

it will be our secret

yes i promise

i will keep it just between you and me


boy oops i have a lot of presents

smart boy

come here

can you help me to put these presents in

my sack

can i yes i can of course


do you want to try some ginger cookies

i helped mom to do it this

morning oh

you are a good boy

let’s go eat the cookies you made



i can be late quickly reindeer we have

many presents to give to good kids

bye santa

will you come to my house next year it’s

up to you

you should listen to your parents and be


i will see you next year




are you dreaming


did santa leave


you must be dreaming about him


i thought i met him


what does he look like

he has rosy cheeks and a white a snow


that’s him

you are so lucky did he talk anything to


yes but i need to keep it in secret i

promised him

good boy

he also gave me a big present i have

never seen ever

because i’m a good boy

do you want to check your socks

in the christmas tree in the living room




daddy look

santa came here i told you


unwrap it

is it what you want


the new automatic train

i wrote my wishes in the sock and it

came true



what do you have daddy

a small paper christmas tree

is that from you

yes it is

teacher jimmy taught me to make it

it’s so beautiful sweetie

i really love it

i have also prepared a card for you

but you should read it privately

i would be so shy if you read it out


i see

you are so sweet my boy

come on

we should take a photo to keep our

memories today

i promise to send grandma one

say cheese


and merry christmas

merry christmas

merry christmas everyone i love you so


let’s go to have breakfast together i

baked some cakes for you

i will take some milk


what time is it

what time is it

conventional everyday questions or

communication when talking about the



see the following situations to learn

how to ask questions and answers about


situation one

jackson it’s exactly 4 45 p.m

can you be quicker please

okay i almost finished

you are as slow as a snail

i’m coming

hurry up we can be stuck in traffic jams

if we are only five minutes late

i know

take my car keys alice

here it is

oh my god there are so many cars

it’s a long queue

what time is it alice

it’s almost ten past five

it’s too early the party is going to

start at six o’clock

we can go there in 45 minutes

if there’s no heavy traffic like this

don’t worry i’ll go a shorter way

it’s up to you as long as we arrive

there in time

of course

i don’t think we can be at the

restaurant at exactly six pm


now it’s almost half past five and it

takes us about one hour to go there with

the traffic problem jackson

no way i just glanced at my watch a few

minutes ago

it cannot be 5 30.

so what time is it

just almost 5 20.


turns out my watch is fast

30 minutes later

alice do you see where it is

well eventually we will get there

i told you we would be at the party in


now it’s exactly six o’clock

i know it’s exactly eight to six

okay let’s go in


hi sally are you on the road

uh how much longer does it take for you

to be in the office

wait wait on the road to where

oh no

do you really ask that question

why not it’s too early now

too early you don’t know what time it is

do you

what time is it

a quarter to seven


exactly a quarter to seven

oh my gosh

i’ll arrive there now

hurry up you may be late

taxi taxi

uh get in please

where would you like to go

i need to go to the mat box company


lady bang the door please



no problem

how long does it take to get there

if no jam we can get there around a

quarter past seven o’clock

excuse me but could you drive a bit

faster i’m in a hurry

i can’t break the traffic rules

just a bit faster

i need to be present at the office by 7

don’t worry now it’s just 5 to 7. it

usually takes 15 minutes to get there

thank you

i’ll go the shorter way the road ahead

often has heavy traffic thank you so


have you got the time here

i left both my phone and watch at home

five past seven lady

will we get there in time

oh try


many thanks

my presentation to the board starts at

half past seven so i’m a little bit in a


is it nearly 7 15

no don’t worry we’re nearly there about

eight minutes

here we are now it’s exactly seven past


you won’t be late

thank you

how much is it

your total is uh

uh that’s fine keep the change thank you

so much

there was nothing

hi john has the meeting started

not yet

oh why could you tell me the time please

23 past seven

if so you must have been in the meeting

room why are you here

you’re so lucky sally the meeting is

delayed it starts at eight o’clock

oh how lucky i am

i did set an alarm at about a quarter to

six but it didn’t go off

so that’s why i was late


let’s prepare you for your presentation


okay thanks for calling john


hey my girl i’m here

oh hi emma long time no see

oh my god

look who it is how have you been

it’s going well

what about you what have you been up to

still journalism

everything is great

no i’m a copywriter now

oh wow that’s a freelance job right

that’s right

so my time is very flexible

in contrast to me

every morning i have to get up at 5 45

or even half past 5 o’clock

you are not an early bird


i also want to have the same job as you

but i get used to getting up early in

the morning

really what time do you often get up

about 5am

oh my gosh why do you wake up so early

like that

uh my hobby is running in the early


i prefer doing activities in the daytime

exactly when do you run twenty past five

or sometimes half past five

wow you must have taken a lot of


how long do you run

a half hour or an hour

both are not right one and a half hours

uh you also go to the gym right

yes but in the evening around half past

six or seven o’clock

after work


how often do you go to the gym per week

every day

no sometimes

three days per week

what time do you leave the office

five o’clock in the afternoon

so your working time starts at 8am as



no actually my work often starts at nine



if i have a meeting i’ll be earlier

maybe 15 minutes earlier than usual

a quarter to nine

correct ah emma do you know what time it


25 to 10 what’s wrong do you have to go


no just asking

emma how can you get up so early like

that i’ve tried many times but failed

i don’t know the alarm goes off and i

wake up

how long do you spend sleeping

seven hours

six hours and a half

probably you turn off the lights by 11


around that time my sleeping time is not


you usually go to bed late don’t you


that’s right even there were some days i

slept at the crack of dawn because of

completing work

um for you

emma do you want to go shopping now what

time is it yes whatever it’s a couple of

minutes past 11.

a little bit late for going shopping but

it’s fine let’s go

tom tom go quickly to gate seven i’m

sorry for being late

what is the time tom

it’s ten past eight am sir

run quickly the departure time is half

past eight

wait mr peter let me tell you

what’s more important we must go quickly

to the gate now

our first flight is delayed the new

departure time is 9 30.


are you sure

i did hearing the announcement a half

hour ago

are you sure the delayed flight is ours


ladies and gentlemen this is an

announcement that flight nc245

has been delayed your new departure time

is half past nine

thank you


you see


so lucky

by the way tell me the schedule during

my business trip

here you are

you’ll first have a meeting with the

director of mapbox mr johnson this


what time does the meeting start

a quarter past one

how long does it take place

one hour according to the plan

and then

you’ll go to oriole restaurant to

negotiate one more time the latest

transaction with mrs emily

specific time

at seven o’clock

mrs emily likes people who are ahead of

time so i suggest we should go there at

6 50.

that’s fine

what about meeting with a board of

directors of the chicago branch

the meeting will be delayed until the

next day due to mr alex’s absence

okay what time is the meeting going to


early morning exactly at 7 30 sir

it seems to be an all-day meeting right

definitely sir

mr peter an old friend just contacted

and wants to have a private conversation

with you tonight


mr adams sir

great have me arrange that meeting


around 8 30 or 9 p.m after mrs emily’s


yes i’ll do it

tom have you got the time

a couple of minutes past nine sir

it’s time to get on the plane let’s go

yes sir


have you almost finished the report i

assigned to you

almost done

if you find it difficult anywhere just

ask me

yes thank you

am hesitating about calculating the

statistic here

let me have a look with this kind of

statistic you should use the method i

told you about yesterday

oh i got it thank you

oh my god

what happened lily

linda look outside

oh my it’s getting dark

i think it’s just a quarter past five or

five thirty at least

lily do you know what time it is

wait for me

i guess it’s six o’clock

you’re wrong it is exactly 6 50.

pardon me

yes you didn’t hear wrong

nearly 7 p.m

of course

working so hard that we don’t know the


it was not until i lifted my head that

both of us knew that it was nightfall

we’re all bees

busy as a bee

go home now

i’ll finish the rest of the report it’ll

be soon

so i’ll wait for you and then we’ll go

home together

no you don’t need to do that linda

it’s no problem i’ll wait


hello my friend sophie

hi buddy what’s up girl today we have to

go back to school

um exactly i’ll pick you up

let me do that


what time

what time does the first

class begin sophie

half past 12.

so i’ll pick you up at 10 past 12.

that’s fine

sophie this evening one of my friends is

holding a party and do you want to go

with me okay

but i don’t know anyone

that’s no problem you can make

acquaintances with them gradually

okay so what time do we go there

the party starts at 8pm so i think we

can go to my friend’s house at a quarter

past seven

do you want to

buy some new clothes or dresses for the


sounds good if so we have to go by five



because going shopping often takes us an

hour and a half

but our class finishes at 4 45

no problem

i also have lots of things to do at home

after school

how long

about 30 or 40 minutes

so let’s meet at the park near your

house is that okay

i was just going to say that

is 5 30 o’clock fine

it’s up to you


oh sorry elsa i just remembered that i’m

gonna have a class this evening

what time does it begin and finish

i study for two hours and the class

starts at half past five

so it finishes at 7 30 right


i’ll wait for you at the park near my


that’s fine but i’m afraid you can be

late when you wait for you

that’s okay i’ll wait for you at 20 to

okay thank you elsa

i’m hanging up now bye



good morning adam

hi how are things

so busy recently

long time no coffee with you

all right

uh adam could you tell me the time

please i left my watch at home

it’s a quarter to nine


i mean it’s 8 45.


adam would you mind reminding me at half

past 10

uh that’s fine i’ll tell you when the

clock is 10 30.

thank you so much because i have to do

something at my office around 10 past

you mean

11 10 or 10 50

11 10 o’clock

how far is your company

about 10 kilometers

if so i’m afraid you should leave it

almost 10 20 not half past 10.

i think so do you know what time it is

it’s 5 to 10.

so i will leave in 25 minutes

that’s right


decorating the room

interior decoration is an extremely

interesting topic in daily life

everyone has a passion for decorating

their own house

let’s watch the video to see

conversations about interior decoration

situation one decorate a new apartment

sophia the new apartment will be

available in a month i think it’s time

for us to discuss the interior design

joe i was going to tell you these days i

have been looking at many different

designs online

here are some styles i feel interested


okay show me what you’ve got

so this is a modern style with kind of

white plain walls a darker color tone

for furniture

and a lot of glasses and marble flooring

to be honest it looks great i love

simplicity however we plan to have a

baby in the near future

so do you think we should try something

a little bit softer

you were right

how about this traditional style with a

neutral color tone with floral patterns

looks a bit old-fashioned to me

you like this style don’t you um not

really i just like the cozy feeling

so do i i prefer something that makes me

feel at home

any other options that are both modern

and cozy

yes this one

what do you think it still looks simple

and modern but a lot cozier with a

warmer color

light gray or

brownie is trending this year

i like this one especially the wooden


we can use it for bedrooms very

affordable i want to have carpet in the

living room

alright how about the kitchen

i want material that is easy to clean

and waterproof

right how about the color i’m into brown

or beige colors like this one

me too in short our taste is modern but


neutral brown beige tone

then i think wooden furniture will be an

excellent match

sure i will note it down

we will discuss a detailed design

tomorrow okay

yes i will do more research

situation 2 decorating the room for a

baby girl


hi anna how are you

hi kate i’m great and you come in

are you back from work just now

i’m good and yes i haven’t seen you for

months too busy with the new job


today i remember that you will be in

labor in over a month so i tried to

leave work early today to visit you

so nice of you

come and take a sit

don’t mind my messy place we are

redecorating a bedroom for my little one

oh really how is it going

it must be the cutest room in the house

we have just started recently

how was your plan for the baby girls


we always like minimalism you know

so the room style will match with other

rooms also

three walls are light brown and one wall

is white

the floor will be covered with beige

carpet and a white fur rug

nice that’s very modern and cute at the

same time

what are there in the room i can see the

crib over there

i try to only put necessary kinds of


there will be a crib a medium-sized

wardrobe for clothes and a small cabinet

for things like diapers or little things

for the baby all in white

wait you mentioned one white wall before

that right

why only one

good question

i intended to put a huge wooden shelf

that has the size of the whole wall

what is it for

for children’s books and toys and for

decorating purposes also i think books

and toys are very colorful so they will

be stand out on the white wall

very unique idea

my friends usually spend the wall on

cute stickers

i also decorate other walls with cute

pictures of animals

but also in a minimalism style

ah i forgot to mention a chair that’s


have you bought all those furniture

yes i have not many though the only

thing that takes time is painting in the

big shelf

sounds like a very lovely room remember

to send me a photo when you finish the


sure i will

do you remember me

meeting each other again after a long

separation is an indescribable feeling

for each person let’s watch this video

and see what people say to each other

after a long time apart

topic one

old dormitory friends

jack do you see that girl looks familiar


let me see


yes i think i’ve seen her somewhere

before it looks like sarah do you

remember her


sarah was in the same college class


i think so

let’s come closer and ask her



are you sarah

yes i’m sarah you must be jack and kevin

of course we are i don’t think that you

still remember us

why not

we were classmates in college and we

also lived in the same dorm

you live on the seventh floor and i live

on the ninth floor

yes sarah

remember the days when we stayed at the

university coffee shop for hours

working in groups and doing homework


these days were so memorable


i really miss these days a lot


how have you guys been lately

i am currently a digital marketer at

light company

i’ve been working there for one year

i know this company it is a quite

well-known group on the internet and you

kevin i am the sales manager at a

clothing store

you can come to my store and buy dresses

they are really suitable for you


i will surely come when i have free time


have either of you been married yet


we are still single

hey sarah we are going to come to jim’s

restaurant to enjoy beefsteak

would you like to join us

really kevin i am the owner of this



you own a big restaurant like this

congratulations sarah you are so amazing

it is so surprising

so we will go to your restaurant right


i’m so sorry but i have an appointment

with my partner now i can’t go with the

two of you

but i will give you a discount card from

my restaurant

enjoy your meal in my restaurant

hope to see you guys soon i really want

to talk to you more

thank you sarah bye and see you again


topic two

a traffic accident

andy how was your today

i got 95 points on the math test that

was the highest score in our class today

how about your presentation and

geography class did your performance get

high appreciation

yes mom i did it well too

good job my son

i will award you

what do you want now

i want to eat chicken fried in kfc

will we go there right now

of course andy we will drive to kfc


oh no mom

you rammed the car in front

what should we do now

i don’t know andy

you should stay inside and i will get

out to talk with him

i think i can negotiate with the car


okay mom good luck


are you okay i’m so sorry about it i

really didn’t mean it

i think my car has a pretty big dent

oh wait

you are lyle right

oh mark

long time no see

i’m so sorry about your car

let me pay for your car repair

come on lily

no problem

insurance will pay the damage to me

you don’t have to pay for anything

thank you mark you’re still as kind as

when you were in school

you are welcome so

where are you going now

i just went to pick up my son

in primary school

now we are going to kfc as an award for

my son

because he did well at school this week

do you have a boy

wow lily

i thought you were planning to work as

an accountant for two years and then

continue to study abroad

yes mark

but i got married to my husband and also

my colleagues so

i can’t continue my plan anymore

congrats lily are you still an


of course mark what is your current job

i’m a brand executive in samsung i’ve

worked there for two years


you are so cool mark

it’s a giant technology corporation in

the world

are you free now

would you like to go to kfc with me and

my son

we will talk more about our life

sorry lily i am too busy now

see you another time

i agree mark

how about next weekend

okay lily i will text you about the

place later bye lily

bye mark


topic three

at the bus stop


are you sarah

yes i am sarah jenny right

it’s me

we haven’t met for a long time

i really miss you


my old neighbor

actually i recognized you from earlier

but i dared not say hello because i fear

not being the right person


it’s okay we finally recognized each


so sarah

is your family living well in the new


how are your new neighbors

thank you for asking about me

my family really love the new place

especially my children they love playing

in the large yard around my house

my husband doesn’t need to get up early

in the morning because we live near his


besides our new neighbors are as kind as


they helped me a lot when i first



you are so lucky sarah i’m fairly

jealous of you

and you jenny how has your life been


as i said

my kids really miss your children

they were best friends but now they can

meet each other in the class

for me and my husbands we live a normal

life nothing too special happens


you know what

there is a new family who arrived and

lived in your old house

they are quite kind and sociable

yes i heard about them


where will you come why don’t you drive

your car

my husband used the car

he took our children to the circus

i took the bus home to visit my


how are they sarah

they are fine and how about you jenny

where are you going

i will come to visit my old friend

she had a baby last week

is it a boy or girl

a boy

he is her first child

she helped me a lot when i had my first


how long will you stay with your friend

i think i will stay there for a week

my husband will have an important

business trip

so i will help him take care of his wife

and his son


you are so kind jenny hope your friend

and the baby will have good health and

always be happy how about your children

who will take care of them

i sent them to my grandparents yesterday

they love living with them so i don’t

need to worry about them

my husband will also live there with the

kids too


the bus is coming

let’s go in it

okay jenny


jobs and occupations

today teacher may is going to teach her

students about popular occupations

let’s watch this video and see how

teacher may and students talk about

careers around us


good morning class

good morning

how are you today

we are

i’m sorry i’m late may i come in

yes please you may go to your place

did you do your homework

yes we did

let me check who can solve this exercise

on the board

okay ben please

uh six plus five equals eleven

very good ben sit down please

okay let’s start a new lesson now open

your book please

today we’ll learn about jobs and


each person has a particular job

firstly i have a question for you

who can tell me about your current job

i am a student i go to school and study

new knowledge

great tim thank you

now i’ll organize a mini game for you

please pay attention and listen to the

rules of this game

i have some cards here there is a job on

each card

i’ll give you these cards and you will

talk about the job on your card

do you understand

yes we do

excuse me may i go out please

i want to go to the toilet okay ben i’ll

take your card to the table

thank you teacher

who wants to be the first player

tim please what’s your job

i got the doctor card i know this one

a doctor is a person who examines sick


my father is a doctor too he is a


he takes care of teeth for many people

especially children he is very busy at


thank you tim you clearly understand

this occupation

the doctor will treat the illness for


when we feel sick we go to the hospital

to meet the doctor

now the next one is

okay ben stand up and tell us about your

job please

my job is a teacher you are also a

teacher mrs may

a teacher is a person who teaches

students knowledge and living skills

i love this career and i want to be a

teacher like you

i am so happy to hear that i have some

advice for you ben

to become a teacher you should study

harder and improve your confidence as


thanks for your answer ben

may i ask you a question teacher

yes please

i want to be a teacher in the future too

but i don’t study well i feel so sad

don’t worry jess you are still too young

you have a lot of time to make an effort

to be a teacher

never give up i always believe you jess

so jess can you tell us about your card

it’s the engineer

sorry teacher i don’t know too much

about this job

it’s okay jess who can help just

describe this occupation

ben please

yes teacher

an engineer will design build or

maintain engines machines roads and so


i think they work quite hard and they

are strong

are there any other opinions

do you think that almost all engineers

are male because this occupation

requires a lot of strength

it’s right tim you are so intelligent

let me introduce you to my job

okay kevin what’s your job please

my career is an architect an architect

is a person who designs beautiful houses

all architects have a knack for art i’m

a big fan of architects because they

work as real artists

you’re right kevin but i want to add

some information about this job for you

not only drawing well but architects are

also very creative they are able to

design luxury houses for wealthy people

okay that is also the final card but i

feel you are still excited about this


who wants to talk about your dream


tim please

i love to play soccer with my friend so

i want to become a soccer player

so what do you do to follow your dream

i think that a soccer player needs to

have good health and special skills

hence i will do exercise every day and

improve my soccer skills regularly

that’s a good idea tim i hope you can be

a superstar

kevin what do you want to do when you’re

an adult

i want to be a scientist

i want to research everything

surrounding us and learn more useful

knowledge for myself

to do that i need to study well and read

many books

by the way i also like reading books too

very good kevin

when i was a child i wanted to become a

scientist like you

now class are there any jobs that you

want to explore

can you describe a waiter teacher

of course kevin

when you go to a restaurant or cafe you

will be served by some people called


they will ask you for the food or drink

you want to have and bring them out for


as you may know most of the waiters are

young people they do it to earn a little

money to pay for their daily fee

thank you teacher

could you please talk about farmers i

want to know more about them

could you speak louder jess i’m so sorry

but i don’t hear what you said correctly

i ask you to talk about what farmers

work for every day


let me see

i think that farmers have to do a lot of

things during the day

in the morning they get up early and

start their work day by feeding the


farmers often feed chickens ducks sheep

rabbits cows and so on

after that they water their trees

it may take them a lot of time and


when the fruit is ripe they will harvest

it and sell it to the merchants

similarly they will sell the animals

when they grow up

besides farmers have to protect their

plants from bad weather it seems to be a

difficult task for them

this is some information about farmers

daily life

thank you teacher

who has any questions for me about jobs

no we don’t

okay our lesson ends here

please remember to do your homework i’ll

check it in the next day

now you can go home


bye see you next time


at the hair salon

having haircut and nails done is always

a favorite of the majority of women

let’s watch the video to see some

conversations in a hair salon

situation one how to stop hair loss


hi julia

long time no see

how are you hey stella i’m good

how are you doing

i’m great

what would you like to have done today

i would like to have my hair cut and my


done let me take care of your hair first

please take a seat here


how would you like your haircut

just a bit shorter

to get my split ends fixed

how much would you like to be taken off

how about

this much

two inches

okay sounds great

your hair seems a bit thin

i remember it was thicker before wasn’t


you’re right

i’ve been losing a lot of hair lately

any reason for that

maybe it’s because i’m so stressed and

lack of sleep


you’re a hair expert do you have any

idea about how to reduce hair loss


obviously first thing is to de-stress

other than that you should not brush

your hair while it’s wet

avoid rubbing your hair dry with a towel

just let it dry naturally

you can try to use biotin shampoo or

take some vitamins to help your hair

grow quicker

those are basic kinds of stuff

thanks a lot stella i will try


okay your hair is done

how does it look

great as usual


please move to the nail room

what would you like to do with your

nails today

may i have a manicure with short nails

and a round shape

sure which colors or any particular

pattern would you like

this one looks refreshing

brilliant choice


how do you feel

it looks amazing stella

my pleasure

i’m glad you’re satisfied with it

situation two

having hair dyed



how are you

how may i help you today

hi i’m great thank you

i would like to have my hair dyed

which color would you like

i’m not sure

could you suggest a color that matches

my medium skin tone

sure in that case

i think honey brown and blonde balayage

will fit you best

can you show me a photo of that hair



this is a photo from one of my customers

wow her hair looks stunning i love that

brown color fading into buttery blonde


let’s do this



since your hair has a dark color and

balayage requires lightening

i will need to have some part of your

hair bleached is that okay

is it bad for my hair

the bleach part will be drier


consider that you have pretty strong

hair i think it’s okay as long as you

can take care of your hair well

anyway i will apply conditioner

treatment on your hair after everything

is done to protect it

do you have any hair care products

yes we have

i will introduce them and guide you on

how to care for your hair later

is that okay

sure let’s do it

okay please come over here

is water okay for you

yes it is thanks

by the way your skin looks glowing and

so healthy

do you have any tips for skin care

thanks for your compliment

i have to say mainly because i drink a

lot of water and put on sunscreen every


oh really that’s simple


but not many people remember to drink

enough water

other than that i always put on body

lotion after a shower

and sleep early

okay i got it now

thanks for your tips


get a wavy haircut



welcome how may i help you

hi i would like to get a haircut


please have a seat

here’s your water

okay thank

you how would you like your haircut do

you have any preference yet

not sure i have had long hair for quite

some time

maybe i would like short hair

however i’m not sure if it fits my face

my face is a bit round

no worry there are a lot of short

hairstyles which can be suitable for

your face type

let me show you some styles to see which

one you prefer


about the length you better have

shoulder length hair

shorter than that will make your face

look bigger

would you like curly or do you prefer

straight hair

curly ones look great though

do you think so like this one

yes this is a long bomb style with wavy


it suits you even more because your hair

is a bit thin

your hair will look bouncy with curly

hair and your face will look smaller as


that sounds exactly what i want

okay let’s do this

i will go prepare for a bit please

wait for me for a few minutes

okay no problem

thank you


fix the nail


hi welcome

how may i help you today

hi i’m julie i have an appointment to

fix my nail today at 5 pm


let me check

all right miss miley will take care of



go this way

miss miley

miss jolie came

hi jolie nice to see you

how are you

hi miley not bad

nice to see you too how are you

i’m great i saw in the appointment note

that you have a broken nail don’t you

yes finally i can meet you

i need to have it fixed

i’ve had that broken nail for a few days

but i was on a business trip


let me fix that for you

what happened did you get hurt

oh it’s okay

i was in a hurry banging my finger on

the edge of a door

luckily no bleeding


i’m glad to hear that you didn’t get

hurt but it must be uncomfortable right

not really but you know me i’m a


i can’t stand having a broken nail


please take a seat here

could i have my hair washed and massaged


i’m a bit tired after the trip

i came straight here after coming back

from work

i think i need to relax first

sure then please move to the shampoo

station first



herbs and spices

linda and jane are learning about herbs

and spices for cooking and healthcare in

daily life

watch the video and learn the name of

herbs and spices they mention

situation one

favorite herbs and spices

hi linda what are you doing

hi jane i’m cooking for lunch

oh wow i see you have a lot of thyme

what will you do with them


these are my favorite herbs when cooking

whenever i make something especially

bake or stew something surely i use it

that sounds good

do you like herbs for cooking

um not really to be honest i find them

quite hard to mix with ingredients


i think it’s quite interesting it boosts

the taste and smell of the dish greatly

i thought so too and i tried

maybe i mixed the ingredients together

the wrong way

it was pretty bad

i don’t think i’m good at cooking

each herb or spice is suitable for each

particular dish if you mix it wrong the

taste will be difficult to eat

for example

thyme my favorite one it is especially

suitable for dishes that will require a

long cooking time such as baking or


it will create an aroma like a

combination of sweet and a little spicy

oh i had no idea about that

what ingredients will you cook with them

there are a lot of things such as

carrots potatoes tomatoes beef chicken

lamb onion


yes i also love some peppermill on the

stew it smells really good

ah i tried it pretty good


peppermill will make your dishes better

because it has a special spicy taste not

too strong

people who can’t eat spicy food can also

try it

great you are very knowledgeable about


hey it’s my hobby

situation 2

buy ingredients in the supermarket


hi jane long time no see

hi linda what are you doing here

i’m buying some ingredients to prepare

to make a beef steak for dinner

my dad really loves it but this is the

first time i tried to make it on my own

that sounds really good so what have you


not much i just have beef sugar and

what is that

uh salt

oh i don’t know how to make it

i think it’s quite easy i’ve learned the

recipe on the internet

the most important thing is having

enough ingredients including herbs and


amazing so what are they

beef of course

yeah i know

and sugar salt chili powder garlic

powder onion powder and


oh my god a lot of things


is that enough


you also need fresh herbs

fresh herbs what are they

they taste best when sprinkled over meat

just before serving

they taste fantastic with steak burgers

and any grilled beef

that sounds great

so what kinds of them we need

chives basil



what do you need them for

well they are marinated with beef to

make the flavor more fragrant

how about thyme i’ve heard beef steak

can’t taste good if it doesn’t have it

that’s right i am finding them


so many things

i think it’s enough

other things i already have at home

ah i forgot cinnamon

it really takes a lot of time to prepare

the ingredients

but cooking the dish is quite easy


when we have free time can you teach me

to cook it



new year’s resolution

simple future tense

new year symbolizes motivation for many

new beginnings

new year’s resolution is a promise a

person makes for the new year

it is when we all make plans to change

our life for the better

do you have any resolutions for the new

year yet

what is

it julia bella lewis and daniel meet at

the bar they usually go to on new year’s


let’s see what resolutions our

characters make for the new year


cheers cheers

what time is it daniel

it’s 10

p.m two hours left until 2022

i feel so excited

shall we make new year’s resolutions

that’s right we make new year’s

resolutions every year

oh come on

i don’t want to talk about it


let’s do it together

yeah it will be fun

so louis

what will be your new year’s resolution

i will lose weight

last new year’s eve you also said that

you would lose weight

and now you are still the same


you’re wrong

what does it mean

last year i was 180 pounds

now i’m

179 pounds


one pound


you have no idea how tempting food can


i know

but you need to lose weight bro

being too fat is not good for your


i know

i will plan to lose weight i’ll have a

perfect body

a fit body also makes it easier for you

to find a girlfriend

and you daniel

don’t ask me about that

i haven’t asked yet

i know what you’re going to ask

okay bella what new year’s resolutions

do you make

alt completes the incomplete goal from


great a big goal takes two years to



ah it should have been done in 2020

because i set this goal in 2019.

oh it’s been three years


2020 2021

yeah this year i will definitely

complete my goal

i believe you

thank you and julia how about you

i will eat clean and wake up at 5 30 a.m

every day

i’ll sign up for a yoga or meditation


that’s cool


no lewis

i won’t answer questions regarding new

year’s resolutions

why what’s wrong with you

nothing at all

come on we’re best friends

just share with us

i need to go to the restroom

what’s wrong with him

no idea


um i remember

what is it what is it

last year daniel divorced his wife

he made a new year’s resolution to

forget her


i remember too

he hasn’t forgotten her yet he still

misses her

why did they divorce

she left for a month

then she came back

she said she wanted a divorce without

saying why

why did she do that

daniel must be very sad

no idea


is that daniel’s ex-wife


it’s her

what a coincidence

you guys are daniel’s friends right


hi mary

good evening

you recognize me

of course

will daniel come

i don’t know

he said he was very busy

yes he is so busy

hi i’m back

hey bro

long time no see

how have you been daniel

good to see you again

it’s been a long time


what’s wrong with you guys

hi daniel

why are you here

i just want to say hello


have you talked about new year’s

resolution yet


yes i will lose weight

i will complete my goal

i will eat clean

and you daniel

daniel will not answer that question

i will forget you

and you mary

what will be your new year’s resolution

i will apologize to daniel

and ask him to forgive me




i was wondering

shall we have dinner tomorrow

i’m free at 8 pm tomorrow

can i pick you up

old address

i’ll be there

i have to go

my friends are waiting for me


happy new year

happy new year

what just happened

daniel and mary are going on a date

tomorrow night

do you still want to forget her daniel

i guess i must break my new year’s


will you two get back together

maybe no

i want to hear her explain first

five four



one happy

new year


simple future tense

we use simple future with will to

protect the future

promises requests refusals offers

we can use it for future facts

and for things that are less certain



subject plus will


plus base form


i will lose weight

i will eat clean

i’ll sign up for a yoga or meditation



subject plus will not


plus base form

example daniel will not answer that


i won’t answer questions regarding new

year’s resolutions


will plus subject plus base form


will daniel come

what will be your new year’s resolution

shall is used mainly in the forms

shall i

and shall we

you use it when you want to get

someone’s opinion

especially for offers and suggestions


shall we make new year’s resolutions

shall we have dinner tomorrow

arranging an appointment

there are many ways to arrange an


it depends on each specific situation

let’s watch the video to learn how to

arrange an appointment in several


at the dentist


hello how can i help you

afternoon i would like to book an

appointment with dr john flees

john thomas

yes dr john thomas from international

dental hospital

do you have any re-examination notes or


no my son has a toothache so maybe his

tooth has to be removed i think

i cannot tell you anything in advance

you should bring him here to check first

dr john’s schedule is full today i can

arrange an appointment for you tomorrow

what time is better for you

his schedule is full today

oh my god

my son is really in pain

that sounds bad

do you want to arrange an appointment

with another doctor

all our doctors have had the experience

of more than three years

he can come at 5 pm after his school

is anyone available at that time

we have two doctors who have free time

dr alex and dr paulie

any advice please

polly is better for children because she

is more open armed

okay so please i would like to arrange

an appointment at 5 pm

can i have your name please

grace grace shelby

and your son’s name robert

okay so ms shelby you have an

appointment at 5 00 p.m with dr polly to

check your son’s robert


please keep this note and come on time

thank you so much




nice to meet you today

nice to meet you too

my manager wants to have a meeting in

our office would it be possible to meet

you to discuss the coming project

that’d be great i will bring all our

paperwork to show him at the meeting

because the project needs to be done

soon i would like to set up the meeting


is that okay for

you tomorrow

yes do you have enough time to prepare

your paperwork especially the contract

if everything goes well we can sign the

contract immediately after the meeting

tomorrow is okay

our assistant can complete the documents

within today

what sort of time would suit your


how does 2pm sound to you he has an

internal meeting in the morning

that sounds great can you please write

me an email to confirm

sure i will email you immediately when

i’m back in my office

have a nice day

you too


hey sir i arranged an appointment with

our partner at 2pm tomorrow i’m writing

an email to confirm them now

oh i just accepted an invitation to come

to a workshop at 1pm

i’m afraid that i cannot come back at 2.

let’s reschedule it 3pm is better

i got it sir


hi mr harry i’m john from mm company


hi mr john

i just spoke with my manager i’m very

sorry but something urgent has come up

and he won’t be able to meet you

tomorrow at 2.

can we make another time

sure absolutely

would 3 pm suit you

3 pm sounds fine we will still meet in

your office

yes i apologize for any inconvenience

don’t say that see you tomorrow

see you bye


in a real estate office

hi it’s the queen real estate may i help


hello i just saw your advertised posts

on the internet

ah yes besides the houses that we posted

we have many houses that may match your


did you notice any houses or should i

give you some suggestions

i saw this one it looks so nice


the house is in the hh area this house

is not available anymore unfortunately

the owner just sold it one month ago

we still have many houses available for

sale can i know your requirements please

60 square meter at least in the a

district it should be near the

supermarket in school i have two kids so

it’s so important

anything else please

in the east of the city please


i noted your information i will check

our available houses and contact you

back soon

can we arrange an appointment to discuss


when do you think you can find the suit

house for me it’s really quick i just

need one or two days so can we meet this


that sounds great 2 p.m in the afternoon

is ok for you isn’t it

it is easier for me to take off work in

the afternoon

oh if it’s not convenient for you we can

meet on the weekend

that would be better i can come at 3 pm

on saturday

cool see you then

see you bye


confess to your crush

friends threw a small party on the

weekend at laura’s house

they ate and talked

after a while laura suggested everyone

play some mini games together

let’s see what mini games our friends


it’s fun today

i love weekend parties

i’ve prepared some mini games for us

let’s play together

of course

we need games at parties

how’s the game laura

i have a box it contains pieces of paper

with questions and challenges

in turn we’ll take a piece of paper from

the box and we’ll make the request

written on it

it’s the game i like

i hope we don’t get weird requests

don’t worry it will be fun

we can make all these requests

and the person who completes the request

well can choose one of the gifts i have



gifts i want to win


and the loser will donate ten dollars to

our future parties

all of us have to fulfill the request

don’t refuse or change the request okay


let’s start it laura

from left to right first is tom then

jack me jenny and finally is mina

okay give me the box i play first


this game is so interesting

let’s see

what is tom’s mission

let’s read your request out loud tom

give me an irrelevant answer

laura will ask me five questions

my mission is to give irrelevant answers

to laura’s questions

for example when i ask do you like blue

or white

you cannot answer i like blue or any


you have to answer it’s 2pm or the

neighbor’s dog is so cute

when i ask you have to answer quickly

if you’re slow you’ll lose

oh i get it

it’s easy

i’ll win and get your gift laura


start it what time is it

tomorrow i’ll eat hamburgers for


what did you say what will you eat for

breakfast tom

it’s too hot today

if it’s hot we can go swimming together

yesterday i stayed up till 11 pm

why did you stay up till 11 pm

you have beautiful eyes

so do you want to be my boyfriend



wow what did you say tom


do you like laura

it’s just a game

i pretend to lose

whatever but give me ten dollars for the

next party

okay here’s ten dollars

wow tom’s good

tom played well until he wanted to be

laura’s boyfriend


the next player is jack

this game is so fun

give me the box


must answer yes or you’re right to any

sentences your friends tell me

if you can’t you lose

oh it’s so easy

i’m first watch my attack

you’re always ugly jack look at this

shirt you’re wearing it looks like an

old-fashioned shirt

calm down jack it’s just a game

okay it’s just a game so you’re right


wow jack plays the game well

next is me jack

you love tom very much don’t you

you asked easily

yes you’re right i love tom so much my


hug me tom

no never don’t touch me

next is me

okay jack the truth is

the jokes you tell are not funny at all

but you always think you’re funny

you’re good okay

yes laura

today’s your bad day

next is me hey jack

you told me yesterday that you have a

crush on jenny right

because she has such a lovely voice and

beautiful hair

it’s just a game

yes okay

i win

where’s my gift

wow this game makes me so mad


i wrapped all the gifts let’s open it


your stamina is really good

it’s just a game don’t think too much

you’re humorous

i’m not sure i told the truth

what really



the next player is laura


go to the front door

open the door and shout i’m a stupid

girl i’m the best stupid girl in the

world three times and stand there for

about 10 seconds


who wrote this mission


you just you


do it laura

i’m the best stupid girl i’m the best

stupid girl in the world

i’m a stupid girl i’m the best stupid

girl in the world

what a shame one person passed by

looking at me

hey don’t laugh


i can’t stop laughing

hurry come on

you have one more time

i’m a stupid girl i’m the best stupid

girl in the world











come in close the door

oh my god

so embarrassing and i receive a gift

from myself

next is jenny


take a breath

okay my mission is call your mom and say

you love her so much


what a sweet mission

if it’s my mission when i say i love my

mother i’m sure of this she will say

did you spend all my money again

let’s see what jenny’s mom will say

turn on speakerphone for us to hear

hi darling you’re at laura’s home for

the weekend right

what’s going on

mom i’m calling to say i love you so


you’re playing a game right

no mom no games at all i’m telling the

truth i love you so much

i know i love you too have fun and don’t

come home late

yes mom i will see you love you


oh so sweet

your turn mina


confess to your crush

i don’t know if mina likes anyone

the game is getting more and more


you have to confess to your real crush

i know

it’s an opportunity to say i like him

you’re so brave will you confess

i’ll call him he’s a friend of my


turn on the speakerphone we want to hear


maybe he likes you too



who’s that

hi i’m

mina oh who is mina

i remember are you vincent’s sister


yes that’s right

why did you call me

say something

your brother and i just finished playing


he may be on his way home


we were training for the tournament so

it’s a bit late don’t worry

thanks for letting me know

i have something i want to talk to you


okay i’m listening


i have a crush on you

i like you

wow she told him

when i mean

when did you have a crush on me

when i went to pick up my brother at the

basketball court

i saw you you look great

you’re so cool when you play basketball


thank you you’re so cute too but

who are you talking to

my friend

is it a girl i hear a girl’s voice what

did she say why did you blush

no i’m not

do you have something to hide from me


who is she

may i ask who is she

uh thank you for your compliment thanks

for having a crush on me but i’m sorry i

i already have a girlfriend

yeah i know i’m just playing a game with

my friends

it’s a weekend party

my mission is to say i love you to the

first person in my telephone directory

that’s you andrew with an a

oh it’s an interesting game

i hope you won and didn’t get punished

no i lose

i’m sorry to trouble you bye-bye

are you okay mina

you don’t lose you won here’s your gift

don’t be sad this is my gift i’ll give

it to you

let’s keep it

a bad game don’t play anymore

thanks to the game

i can do two things i never thought


confess to my crush and give up on him

i feel fine let’s drink something



let’s go to the museum

the weekend is a time for us to rest

after tiring work days

read a book and enjoy a cup of coffee

clean the house and cook delicious foods

or meet friends

let’s see what activities our characters

choose for the weekend


tomorrow is saturday it’s the weekend

shall we go out together

i’m not sure about saturday but sunday

is okay

are you free on sunday

yes i’m free on sunday

what will we do on that day

do you have any suggestions

let me think


let’s eat together

then we’ll go shopping and find a nice

cafe shop to look at all of the new

things that we just bought

we went shopping last week my closet is

almost full

let’s try something new for our weekend

something new


we just learned the history of france

how about going to a museum

i think it’ll be interesting


which museum

louvre museum

100 agree

i heard that the louvre is a beautiful


what do you want to eat on

sunday how about thai food


last week we ate japanese food

this week try thai food

i heard it’s delicious but a bit spicy

i love spicy food

so sunday at 10 a.m i’ll come to pick

you up okay


see you on sunday


you’re very on time

exactly 10 o’clock

beautiful lady please get in the car

i will be your driver today

my honor

because today we go to the louvre

so last night i researched this museum

wow so tell me

what do you know

when we get to the museum i’ll tell you

not now

okay so excited

what time does the museum open today

it opens from 9am to 6pm on mondays

thursdays saturdays

and sundays

what about other days

on wednesdays and fridays the museum

opens at 9 00 am

and closes at 9 45 pm

closed every tuesday

going to the museum at night must be

very beautiful

how about tickets

i’m glad you asked

the ticket purchased at the counter is

15 euros

the online ticket is 17 euros but


tickets are free for people under the

age of 18 and citizens aged 18 to 25 who

live in the countries of the european

economic area


we get free tickets

and thai food is so delicious

after we finish eating let’s go to the



oh my god look at this museum

it’s as beautiful as the picture i

searched online last night

it was a good decision to come here

hey beautiful lady

i’ll be your tour guide today

my honor

and my tour guide

what is that

what is that um

wait a minute

oh my tour guide

are you searching on google


you said you researched all about the

museum last night

that’s correct i researched all about

the museum but how do i memorize them

all in one night

okay i see

this is the louvre pyramid

it’s a large glass and metal pyramid

designed by chinese american architects

okay my tour guide

i got a map of the museum from the

counter outside follow me

the louvre is the world’s largest art


the museum area is 210 square meters

with more than sixty thousand six

hundred square meters dedicated to the


what collections are there

i don’t know why ask me

hey you’re my tour guide today remember

so search on google

okay okay take it easy

i see

the museum is divided into eight areas

for eight collections

egyptian antiquities

near eastern antiquities greek attrition

roman islamic art


decorative arts painting prints and


statue horses statues swords statue

wings so amazing

look at this sarah

i know no need to google

psyche was revived by cupid’s kiss


a love story of cupid and princess


wow how wonderful it is

what is this jennifer

the tour guide is asking visitors


if there’s a tour guide review today i

will give you minus 100 points

i forgot


i’ll try to get higher points

there’s a note below the statue

statue of venus milo french is venus de


the statue is about 80 inches high

this statue is so tall

it’s so luxurious

i love that chandelier

these are some rooms in the apartments

of napoleon iii


deluxe dining room deluxe living room

deluxe toilet truly amazing bedroom


let’s go to the painting area


sarah stop and look at her

mona lisa

tell me about her

it’s an oil painting by artist leonardo

da vinci

it has been believed to have been

painted between 1503 and 1506

the mona lisa is now one of the most

valuable paintings in the world

how much sarah

it holds the guinness world record for

the highest known insurance evaluation

in history at 100 million dollars in


i guess it must be more expensive now

who is mona lisa

is she real or is she a character

the model is lisa de giacondo

she was a member of the garadini family

and the wife of a wealthy silk merchant

i heard mona lisa was stolen many times

yes it was stolen in 1911 by a louvre


during the second world war the painting

was stolen again


now mona lisa is owned by the french

government and now she’s here

yes the lower part of the painting was

damaged when a person poured acid on it

and a young man threw a stone at it

how could they treat a painting like


i don’t know

maybe because it’s so famous

today the mona lisa is considered the

most famous painting in the world

a destination painting

when you’re too famous there will always

be two forces around you fans and


so are paintings so are people

mona lisa created controversy for a


i heard about that

looking into her eyes you’ll see a lot

of joy


love of life

but looking at her mouth and lips

it seems she’s strangely serious

but also smiling

it’s a mystery

how do you feel

i don’t know

what do you see in this painting

you come here to meet her like this

tell me something about her

you want to hear from me

yes of course

i see a lovely chubby lady her eyebrows

are a bit pale with no lipstick

i guess she forgot to put on mascara and

no makeup before drawing

you’re so funny i think in the past

girls didn’t wear much makeup

her hands are cute she is the lady of a

rich family who’s pampered

in short

i see a gentle and beautiful woman

so funny

art is not what you see but what you

make others see

edgar dega a french artist said


i think it depends on the viewers visual



thanks for sharing information about

this museum


let’s come back to visit the museum

together on wednesday or friday

to see the museum at night

okay it sure looks magical


how many points do you give me

with your effort today

i’ll give you 10 points

10 points are also good

10 points out of 100 points



i’m just

kidding next time will you be my tour



forget about this

but i can be your driver


do you want to drink

something sure

let’s go


thanks for watching

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