Oxford English Video NEW HEADWAY 03 English Subtitle





when you live in a house with three

other people there’s excitement there’s

conversation and there’s housework

morning morning did you sleep well okay

where’s the milk

there wasn’t any milk it’s on the table

what’s it doing on the table we’re using

it sorry would you like me to put it

away no leave it is there any bread left

why did somebody finish it hi

there’s some in the bread bin there

isn’t very much and that’s mine what you

know H for Helen not M for Matt and

there aren’t any clean ones I don’t

believe it how many cups are in this

sink does anyone do the washing up in

this house

I do me too you never do the washing up

you always leave it to someone else at

least I do some cooking

well I clear up the kitchen how often I

did it last month right that does it




okay everybody as from today we’re going

to keep this place clean and tidy

what’s the sheet of paper for I can

guess it’s a rotor for all the jobs

around the house so this week Jane

you’re cleaning the kitchen and cooking

at the weekend david is doing the

washing up and on Friday he’s doing the


max cleaning the bathroom and cooking

monday to wednesday and i’m cleaning the

living room and cooking on thursday and

friday has everybody got that yes yep



hi hi what are you doing what does it

look like I’m doing why have you got

that shopping let’s see because it’s my

day for shopping but I did the shopping

today you’re cooking tonight

no it’s Friday you’re cooking tonight

but that was last Friday you did the

shopping and I cooked remember let’s go

in and look at the rotor it’s my day for

the living room no it isn’t you’re in

the bathroom today

I clean the bathroom yesterday yeah you

didn’t you were watching television when

I came home I did it after you went to


uh-huh let go of it no you let go of it

I came in to do the living room and he

was cleaning the carpet it’s my turn oh

yes it is boys

why are you both carrying shopping Jane

got the wrong day I didn’t get the wrong

day you did and you did

no I didn’t I looked on the rotor

Tuesday it was the bathroom

hang on a minute that’s not right I

doing the bathroom tomorrow look I’m

being the bathroom you’re doing the

kitchen floor no no no no no no that’s

me I’m positive oh yeah yeah

and who’s gonna clear that up Matt okay

so the rotor wasn’t a great success the

house is looking good at the moment


that’s Saturday I was coming home from

the gym and I stopped to admire the view

hi oh hi the weather’s better today it’s

certainly better than yesterday yes it

is what are you doing tomorrow oh

nothing special just another boring

Sunday would you like to go somewhere

what do you mean yes with me uh yes I’d

love to

where how about on the river we can go

punting that would be good great

I’ll call for you at about harpus 9 No

I’ll call for you okay I’ll see you then

for you I’m looking forward to it

me too bye bye


hi you’re up early

I couldn’t sleep you’re getting out uh

yes I’m going to meet a friend in town

we’re going to have lunch what are you

going to do today nothing much

well I’ll see you later

sure thank bye



you ready


this Helen still in bed no she went into

town about an hour ago are you just

gonna lie there all day yes we could do

something go somewhere we could go for a

picnic what do you think Matt I suppose

we could we’re going to have a picnic

that’s not a bad idea I’ll make some

sandwiches I’ll give you a hand I can

take my video camera Oh have we got

anything to drink Matt I’ll go and get

something come on



we can go through this gate then along

the path between the wood and the farm

that’s the quickest way it’s quicker on

the road by car don’t be so pathetic

come on it’ll only take ten minutes


this is perfect it’s so much nicer than

the city it’s beautiful yes it really is

it’s this way that’s Jane come on David

it’s also of them quick what’s the

problem they don’t know about this what

you think I went out for lunch let’s go

back please Simon okay



how long did she say it was ten minutes

longest ten minutes in history it’s just

through here


Simon we’re going the wrong way


this was a great idea Thanks

it’s a shame Helen isn’t here the

government what



this is really strange it just appeared

from nowhere really that’s funny

what look at that bag it looks just like


in one of his plays Shakespeare said

something about not telling the truth I

wish I could remember what it was


mornings aren’t my favorite time of day

but some learners have definitely worse

than others

where’s hello dono perhaps we should go

and call her

don’t bother are you all right

not really I keep sneezing I can’t stop

coughing my whole body aches you’ve got

a cold thank you doctor

or flu have you got a temperature

well you don’t feel hot my temperature

keeps going up and down I feel awful

have something to drink it hurts you

should drink something I’ll make you a

cup of tea are you taking anything for

it yeah aspirin

paracetamol there aren’t any what about

homeopathic medicine homeopathic it’s

better than aspirin I’ll get you

something on the way home I have to go

to work now me too

you’re not going anywhere like that you

must go back to bed I’ll telephone the

office for you just keep warm drink lots

I’ll see this evening

you go up now and I’ll bring you the tea

on my way out okay oh thank you take it

easy I’ll bring you some fruit later







how you feeling a little better

I saw throats gone have you been in bed

since this morning I felt too weak to

get up have you eaten anything no I

haven’t have you had anything to drink I

had a cup of tea at about one o’clock so

you haven’t had anything to drink for

five hours we’re up here you have to

drink a lot when you have flu and you

really should try to eat something

sorry better got you some aspirin


actually I’ve got you this it’s much

better what is it homeopathic medicine

especially for colds what do you mean

it’s much better it contains only

natural ingredients better it tastes

disgusting at least is not full of

chemicals aspirins very effective it’s

been around for years

so has arsenic please you too you are

vitamin C the perfect cold cure




I’ve brought you some soup oh thanks

Matt but I’m not really hungry but you

haven’t eaten since last night

sorry I don’t think you should go to

work tomorrow I don’t know perhaps

you’re right you can stay here and watch

the tennis tennis yeah

Wimbledon who’s that

it’s Simon Oh No

I look awful don’t let him come up yet

Matt alright here’s the patient how are

you feeling not too bad you know up and

down I don’t know you weren’t well I’ve

got some tickets to see a salsa band

tonight oh never mind

I can still go no you can’t don’t be


Jane’s right you shouldn’t go out when

you’ve got flu you have to stay in bed

but what about the ticket it doesn’t

matter about them it’s a pity to waste

them why don’t you go with someone else


well Jane could have your ticket and she

could go with salmon that’s not a bad


yeah go on Jane look I’m feeling much

better stay there

you must keep warm okay I’ll go and get

ready we can go another time so I didn’t

get to see the salsa band with Simon

game set and match to Jane



we all like our food in this house but I

think David likes it a bit more than the

rest of us nobody else wants this I’ll

have it

David honestly where do you put it

you’re such a pig if you’re not careful

you’ll put on weight

he’s already flabby no not apparently

Simon used to be quite fat a lot flubby

he keeps very fit now he goes to the gym

four four times a week the gyms are so


I play tennis he starts competitive you

used to play tennis I don’t have the

time now anyway Julia thinks I look good

yes but will Julius still think that

when you like a balloon


a hundred and fifty pounds a month and

500 pounds to join actually it’s not

really what I’m looking for

thank you bye unbelievable

oh hello I’m interested in joining your

health club could you tell me how much

it is please your what I’m going to have

a workout this evening we’re now the new

fitness club isn’t that expensive it is

but they offer a five day free trial

period free yeah Oh David you’re


what’s terrible about that anyway I’m

starting this evening so I’ll meet you

as soon as I get out what time that be I

don’t know yet

might do a long session but I’ll give

you a call when I finish and then we’re

going for a drink


okay over here we have the weight

machines free weights now use these to

fill up your muscles and to increased

strength over here we have the grow

machines the exercise bikes and the

treadmills now these are good to the CV

exercise CV exercise cardiovascular

aerobics use them to increases stamina

to keep you more energy right now I want

you to do 10 minutes on each machine you

think you can manage to do that yes I

think so ok then let’s start






you all right

yes I’m fine just a bit tired can be

tiring the first time this isn’t the

first time I used to do a lot of

exercise I bet that was a long time ago

right wait



thank you taxi why did you let it go but

don’t you want to walk into town it’s

much better exercise come on so that was

the end of David’s five-day or should I

say the one-day membership of the health

club he never went there again



last Saturday we watched a horror film

some of us found it really frightening

horrify people always do stupid things

in horror films rubbish it’s good fun

it was very well made that’s just what I

was gonna say thank you who wants coffee

oh yes please I’ll get it I wouldn’t go

in the kitchen if I were you no no Simon

don’t the ghosts oh yeah

the ghosts actually what bar nothing

what David well there might be a ghost

in this house we’re in the kitchen

what kind of ghost the ghost of a dog

don’t be silly

yeah it’s true I don’t know anything

about this well before this house was

built when was this house built about

120 years ago go on before this house

was built they used to be an old cottage

here an old man lived in it and he had a

large black dog and every way he went

the dog went with him

it never left him how do you know all

this one of the neighbors told us anyway

the man was killed in an accident a new

family moved into the cottage and the

dog was taken away by the old man’s

sister but that very first evening yes

the dog went back to the house and

started howling what happened then

the owners chased it away but it kept

coming back every night they chased it

away every night it came back

and health and then well not long after

that the cottage was destroyed by a fire

and this house was built ten years later

so where’s the ghost well when they were

building this house they found the

skeleton of a large dog in the cellar

and the neighbor says that sometimes

late at night a dog is heard howling

yeah there’s always a logical

explanation for that kind of thing what

would you do if you saw a ghost

they don’t exist if I saw a ghost I’d

run away if I saw a ghost the ghost

would run away okay Simon go make the

coffee but don’t say I didn’t warn you


did you two really hear that story yeah


the other spencey some toasts do you

want something

no thanks that was a great story who

said it was a story you know the funny

thing is what well although I don’t

really believe in that sort of thing yes

I have sometimes heard a dog howling

late at night and I always thought it

was coming from this house

hi you’re skits Matt yes are you alright

yes yes I’m fine

Matt what if I were you I wouldn’t turn

the light off in your bedroom tonight

very funny





the next morning Matt looked very tired

for some reason



it was a typical Saturday night but Matt

was acting rather strangely


oh thanks

are you all right Matt yes

are you expecting someone No


oh come on Matt tell us what’s been

going on

hello was working today and I just got

off for lunch I was walking into

Radcliffe Square when I saw a girl she

was doing a survey you know interviewing

people on the street except she wasn’t

having much luck

nobody wanted to stop how long have you

been standing here since 10 o’clock and

how many people have you interviewed

before my boss said he wanted me to

interview at least 20 you could

interview me okay but my name’s Matt

actually I don’t need your name but my

name is Mel so Matt do you live at

Oxford yes I do

how long have you been living here since

1997 how many jobs have you had since

then - and what do you do now

I manage a computer games shop how long

have you been working there

nearly five years what newspapers do

bees she asked me about what newspapers

I read The Observer

the food I like anything what kind of

clothes to buy the clothes I buy because

I’m really well where do you go for

entertainment ah the cinema clubs

restaurants not really although I quite

often eats at Freud’s I’ve been there a

few times

really I’ve never seen you there I’m

going there tonight actually Oh

okay holidays which kind of holiday do

you usually prefer I’m really like going

abroad I’ve been to Italy a few times I

want you to ask her lots of questions

but she was asking me so many I didn’t

really get a chance

after the interview I went to buy her a

coffee but when I got back she got


is she going to be here tonight she said

she was coming romantic

we haven’t arranged anything oh I’m sure

she’ll come of course she’ll come

go over go on don’t rip

hi Joe hello so you came then yes

would you like a drink

I sorry I’m late hi hi

oh this is Peter Peter this is Matt nice

to meet you

there’s a table over there are you

sitting with this man no no go ahead by

then yeah see you around

oh poor Matt

I’ll be back in a minute

who’s that a boyfriend

what do you think


are you alright not really I feel a bit

of an idiot come on


let’s go get some fresh air

where are they going I don’t know it

seems a shame to waste their drinks Oh


always happen to me it happens to


not even new yes mad even me

did you like her I thought she was

really nice

don’t worry

that’d be someone else well anywhere




oh you mean



how long have you

quite a long time me too

what’s we going to tell the others we

can worry about that later



who said there was no such thing as a

happy ending
