Sunday English Conversation at Home


conversations at home

the broken vase


sunday is the day off that everyone

looks forward to

let’s watch this video and see what

tom’s family members do this sunday


good morning mom and dad


my daughter is awake

let’s wash your face to have breakfast

with us

yes dad

tom hasn’t woken up yet

yes he’s still sleeping in his room

today is sunday so we allow him to wake

up later than usual

hurry up lana i made your favorite apple

cake for you

i also made orange juice and it goes

great with apple pie

yay i love it

so lana i remember you had a math exam

last tuesday

did you do it well

yes dad lily and i were two people with

95 points

and that was the highest score in our


well done lana

enjoy your meal i will go out with my

friends now

but dad

you haven’t finished your noodles yet

you will be hungry

thank you my daughter don’t worry

i’m full now

besides i asked my friends to meet me at

the cafe at eight o’clock and it’s

almost late now

i’ll go now

bye everyone


you goodbye daddy

honey please remember to buy beef and

tomato as i said yesterday i will make

beef steak for our family this lunch

okay mary i got it


how is the cake today

they’re awesome

the apple cake you make is the best cake

in the whole world

hey lana

are they better than your grandma’s cake

oh i forgot

grandma’s apple cake is also the best

you are so clever

listen lana i have to clean the house


can you help me feed sam after having

your breakfast

yes mom i just finished eating

let me help you clear the table

okay you can put tom’s breakfast in the

fridge so he can eat it when he wakes up

yes mom

then what will i do after feeding the


you can play anything you want in our



you can wake your brother up and play

with him

it’s quite late now and he should get up

okay mom

ah i will also make cupcakes for you and

tom after cleaning so

let you wait for it

yay thank you mom




what happened girl

mom i’m so

sorry i was playing with a ball when the

ball accidentally hit the vase

and knocked it over

the vase is broken

are you okay lana

i was about to run to the living room

i’m okay mom i swear that i didn’t see

the face in there

i’m sorry mom

calm down lana

let’s go to the broken vase with mom

here it is mom



please give me the brush to sweep this


it is in the kitchen

yes mom

look lana you have to be very careful

with broken glass

when broken the vase will become small

sharp pieces of glass

you can easily cut your hands if you do

not handle them carefully

yes mom i got it

and remember to be careful when playing


yes ma

i think i’ll do my science homework now

i don’t want to play anymore

okay i will call you when the cake



good morning mom

what was that

hi son are you awake

uh your sister played with a ball and

unfortunately broke the vase

go brush your teeth and wash your face

i’ll heat up your breakfast cake right


i already did it

where dad and

lana your dad went out with his friends

and your sister lana is studying in her



okay i set a timer for the microwave

your cake will be heated in 3 minutes

what are you doing mom


i’m making cupcakes

they also include your favorite

chocolate and vanilla flavors


they’ll be so delicious

do you want to watch me make cupcakes

yes mom i was going to watch my favorite

cartoon but i just remembered that that

show has been moved to noon

by the way can you help me to put your

dishes in the sink after finishing your


okay mom it’s easy


what did i do


how can i break mom’s face

this is the most favorite face of mom

she will definitely be very sad and

disappointed in me

what should i do

i can’t let mom be sad anymore


i know


i hope mom will forgive me for the old



i want to give you this new vase

hopefully it will replace the old one

hmm let me see lana

where did you get it

i just got it in my room

i regret breaking your face so

i made a new one

then you can arrange flowers


i used old water can then colored and

wrote letters to decorate it into new

flower vase for you


yeah i see it

this word is so touching

you are an emotional and cute girl

thank you lana

do you love it mom

of course sweetie it is so meaningful

this new vase is definitely better than

the old one

i will arrange flowers into it now

you make me so surprised

you’re not mad at me anymore right

oh no lana

i have never been mad at you before

i just want you to be more careful when

using glassware


thank you so much mom


i can make an even more beautiful vase

than lions do you want it

you can do it when you break another

glass vase tom


well done look tom and lana such a cute

flower vase

mom arranges flowers really well

thank you son

your dad must be so surprised when

seeing this new vase


have you done the cupcakes yet

i really want to eat them

yes mom i’d love to try them too

oh i forgot

i had finished baking the cupcakes

let mommy take them out so we can eat

them together while watching tv


let me open the hbo channel i remember

that they will show a blockbuster on hbo

today at noon

is it harry potter and the philosopher’s



so i will help mom bring the cupcake to

the living room okay

yes lana

looks like it’s late for the movie

hurry up lana

okay tom


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