Watch The Last Leaf Movie a film based on O. Henrys well renowned short story

a special presentation of o henry’s the

last leaf






other painted masters


the contagion is all over the city i’m

afraid quite decently thousands are

infected i’m afraid but dancing doctor

well she has one chance in let’s say 10

and that chance

is for her to want to live your little

lady has got it into her

mind that she’s not going to get well

are she anything on her mind yeah what

is important to her she wanted to paint

the bay of naples someday hate oh gosh

i mean anything that’s worth thinking

about twice

as she a man

a man

is a man worth

but no doctor there is nothing of the

kind well that is a weakness then

well i will do all that science can but

whenever my patient begins to count the

carriages in her funeral procession i

subtract 50

from the curative powers of medicines

if you get her interested in the new

winter styles i’ll promise you

i won in five chance for her instead of

one in ten

i’ll visit tomorrow










what is it dear

they’re falling faster now

three days ago there were almost a


i made my headache to count them

but now it’s easy

there goes another one

there are only five left now

five what


tell your suti


on the vine

when the last one falls

i must go too

i’ve known that for three days now

didn’t the doctor tell you

i’ve never heard of such nonsense

what have old ivy leaves gotta do with

your getting well

and used to love that vine so don’t be a


why the doctor told me this morning that

your chances of getting well real soon


let’s see what exactly did he say

he said your chances were ten to one

why that’s almost as good a chance as we

have in new york when we ride on the

streetcars or walk past a new building

try to take some more broth now and let

sudi go back to her drawing so she can

sell it to the editor man and buy some

port wine for her sick girl

no i don’t want any more

broth i want to see the last one fall

before it gets dark

and then i’ll go too

promise me to close your eyes and not to

look out of the window till i’m done

drawing i must hand this in by tomorrow

i need the light or i would draw with

the shade down

couldn’t you draw in the other room i’d

rather be here by you sweetie

besides i don’t want you to keep looking

at those silly ivy leaves

tell me when you’re finished

because i want to see the last one full

i’m tired of waiting


i’m tired of thinking

i want to turn lose my hold on

everything and go sailing down


just like one of those poor tired leaves


try to sleep

i’m gonna ask mr berman up here to be my

model for the old cowboy hero

don’t try to move till i get back

and i fear that she has become so light

and fragile

that she will indeed float away

like one of the leaves on the ivy

for us

is the people in development their

foolishness to die because leafs they

drop off from a confounded wine

i’ve not heard of such a thing

no i will not pose as a model for your

cowboy hero dunderhead

why do you allow that silly business to

commit the brain of her fever has left

her mind morbid and full of strange


very well mr berman if you do not care

to pose for me you needn’t

but i think you are a horrid old

old liberty gibbet you are just like a


who said i will not pose

gone i’ll commit you

for half an hour i’ve been trying to

tell you that i am ready to pose


this is not any place in which one so

good as miss yonzi shall lie sick

someday i will paint a masterpiece






pull it up

i want to see



it’s the last one

i thought it would surely fall during

the night

i heard the wind

it will fall today

and i shall die at the same time johnsy

johnsy think about me

if you won’t think of yourself

what would i do





pull it up

i want to see






i’ve been a bad girl

something has made that last leaf stay


it is a sin to want to die

you may bring me a little broth now


bring me a hair mirror first

and pack some pillows about me

and i’ll sit up and watch you cook





you’ve won

nutrition and uh

care that’s all she needs now thank you


hey ms fortner

i have something to tell you white mouse

mr berman died today of pneumonia in the



the janitor found him two days ago in

his room helpless with pain

soaked through an icy cold


no one could imagine where he had been

on such a night

and then they found a lantern

and a ladder

and some scattered brushes

and look

darling it is mr berman’s masterpiece

he painted it there the night the last

leaf fell



