What Are You Doing Conversation Between Parents and Children


tutoring the child

when kids struggle with a certain topic

or subject in school they’ll often need

your help

tutoring kids is very rewarding but it

can be a little tough at the beginning

situation 1 calling 911


hello it’s 9-1-1 emergencies what can i

help you with

yeah hello

i need some help

okay what’s the matter

with my math

with your math

yes i need some help with my math i have

to do it could you help me

alright where do you live

no i need you to help with my math

yes i know but can you tell me where you

are living

but can you help me with the phone

sure but i would like to send someone to

come to help you



what kind of math do you need

i have

takeaways oh you have to do takeaways

yes that’s right

okay what is the math can you tell me

what the problem is

all right here is one

five take away five


five take away five

so how much do you think that is


i think ten

tommy what are you doing

i’m just calling for help the police are

helping me with my math

oh it’s the mother

what did i tell you about giving a phone


to call somebody you said i can call

someone if i need help didn’t you

i didn’t mean the police okay hang up

the phone tommy

okay mommy

i’m here i will help you


situation 2 helping your kid to do

history exercises


mommy i don’t want to do this exercise

what are you saying

it’s hard mommy i don’t want to do it


come on jack you have to complete your


i don’t want to

ok do you need my help which one is the


the history exercise

all right i will help you when i’m done

while waiting for me you can complete

your art task

okay mommy i like drawing


hey jack did you finish your picture

yes mommy look at it

oh wow it’s so awesome you are a star

how many scores do you think it is

score a definitely

great i love it

now do you remember what we should do


yes do the history exercise

okay which lesson are you learning today

lesson four



right i am learning about the

introduction to the ancient maya


where is it located baby

i don’t know


you can read the first paragraph

where is it

read the paragraph first did you find it


uh yes

it’s located in mexico and part of

central america

good job

you should read all the paragraphs and

find out the answers

reading is very important can you try

the next question jack

yes the answer is in the third paragraph

isn’t it

can you show me

this line

perfect you are able to do it

but mommy what is the lost world

when you complete all the questions

i will show you a video about the lost

world of maya



promise me


but now you have to complete your


if the questions are hard let me know

then i will help you to solve them


thanks for watching don’t forget to like


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