Whats wrong Easy English Conversations




what’s wrong i feel unwell

and keep vomiting all the time

how long have you felt like this

nearly two days it

started just before going to bed

the day before yesterday

let me examine you i will press

on your stomach to see if it hurts

and then listen to your heart

okay it doesn’t hurt when you press

my stomach i just feel tired

okay did you eat anything different from

usual before you started to feel this

way yes

my boyfriend cooked dinner for me

he isn’t a very good cook and the food

tasted a bit strange

you’ve got food poisoning

it’s not very serious

and you should be better in another day

oh dear what should i do

you need to drink lots of water

and get plenty of rest

okay thank you doctor you’re

welcome if you are not better in

48 hours come and see me



ah what’s wrong

are you okay i cut myself

i’m bleeding i’ll bind you up

right away

is it better now yes it’s

much better thank you

good morning mr jones what is wrong

morning i feel very

ill i am coughing

and sneezing i have felt

hot and cold all

the time and eating makes me feel

sick let me take your temperature

how long have you had the symptoms

they started about a day ago

yes your temperature is very high

you have the flu you’ll have to go home

and stay in bed until

it gets better drink a lot

of water can

you give me some medicine

i can give you something to reduce

the fever but you just need to

get rest i will write you a prescription

and you can collect the medicine from

the pharmacy

okay thank you


what’s the matter are you not feeling


i feel a little dizzy

let’s sit down for a while until you

feel better



i feel better now let’s go

oh what’s wrong i

have an earache

oh i think we should go to the doctor

right away


let me check your blood pressure

you have high blood pressure that’s why

you are

dizzy sometimes

let me check your ear

oh i see it’s an



good morning ms smith i have your test

results here good i hope that

everything is all right yes

everything is okay there

are no major problems

i would suggest you try not to eat too

much food

with a lot of cholesterol in it

oh dear is my cholesterol level too high

it is quite high and you should try to

stop it from getting

any higher okay

can you prescribe me some medicine to

help reduce

cholesterol no it’s isn’t

too high so it would be better for

you to lead a healthier lifestyle

rather than take medicine okay doctor

i’ll try okay

that will be good thank you doctor

i’ll make another appointment if i need

to come and see you at the surgery again



it’s so hot today let’s have

ice cream shall we oh

i’m afraid i can’t i have a terrible

toothache i’m sorry to hear that

you should see a dentist yep

i will

hello what’s wrong with you

my daughter has a fever doctor

let me check it first

the girl’s temperature looks high

let me listen to your heart and

breathing with the stethoscope

now breathe in breathe out

deeply good girl

let’s see your throat

now i will check the knee reflex

don’t be afraid it doesn’t hurt

i will give you a good medicine

that will make the temperature get

lower the beautiful girl

will feel better soon

thank you doctor

good morning my dear you look

worried is everything all right

look mom i woke up this morning

with this awful rash on my hand

it’s so itchy

don’t scratch i’ll buy you

a cream to soothe the itch

okay mom

good morning dear you must hurry up

you are going to be late for work

i am afraid i can’t go

i am not feeling good

what’s wrong with you i

have a cold then

you should stay in bed today i will make

you some warm



ouch what’s wrong

what happened i have a backache

i think you should get some rest

let’s sit down for a while

