Where are you now Basic English Conversation Practice


how have you been recently



it was a saturday morning

bella is at home waiting for a friend to

visit whom she hasn’t seen in a long


she was very excited to meet her friend

bella cleans the house and prepares

fruit for this special guest

is it tina she came earlier than i




my name is tom i just moved here my

house is opposite your house

and my mom made some cookies so she

wants to invite the neighbors around


oh thank you

and thank you for your cookies

i’m bella

nice to meet you

this area is quiet and very safe a

perfect place to live

i’m glad to hear that thanks

nice to meet you bella

see you

hi tom do you need any help

yeah i need you to carry my suitcase to

the house

but i’m not tom i’m tina


long time no see

let me help you come in


i prepared some fruit for you please

make yourself comfortable

awesome i’m pretty hungry


who is tom



don’t tell me tom is the handsome

neighbor who just moved in

wow how do you know

i haven’t said anything yet

i can guess from your face and voice

hi tom do you need any help

me about you

how have you been recently

i have two weeks off i don’t know where

to go for vacation


i suddenly thought of you and your house

is also near the sea

here is a perfect place for your

vacation with one kind friend and one

beautiful beach

how about your job

my team has completed a difficult


everything is pretty good



do you have a boyfriend

guess if i have a boyfriend or not


you’re still single

think about this

two weeks for rest and you’re here

not with your boyfriend


wow nice

you too right

how do you know

hi tom do you need any help

is the answer


don’t mention it again

how about you

how have you been recently

you see i live with my younger brother

he goes out to meet his friends and my

job is so good

do you have something new

i plan to write a book

sounds great

your blog has received a lot of


i’m looking forward to your book

you can do it


oh we have a guest

come here

let me introduce myself

this is andrew my brother

and this is tina my friend

she’ll stay for two weeks for vacation

nice to meet you tina please

make yourself at home

nice to meet you too

thank you for letting me stay at your


have you eaten yet

shall we have dinner

great i’m so hungry

i’m hungry too


andrew is really good at cooking i feel

like i just ate at a five-star


so i eat at the five-star restaurant

every day

thank you tina


tina wait a minute

i’ll wear a beautiful dress then we’ll

go shopping


in the meantime i’ll look around your



wow bella’s house is huge

wow look at that teapot

i didn’t know that she collects antiques

they’re so beautiful


do you know where is my black dress

how do i know


their voices are so loud i dropped this


oh my god where is the handle of the

teacup where is it where is it

where is

it oh

that surprised me

what are you doing here

wait for me for a minute

i’m looking for a dress


don’t worry about me

i have to turn the teacup inward

to hide the broken handle


no one can see

why did this happen to me

where is the handle

let’s go shopping


god you frightened me

you are so weird

what did you say i’m fine completely

normal let’s go shopping


i’ll go upstairs and put my new clothes

in the closet

yourself comfortable don’t be shy





handle it’s like having a burden on my

heart i’ve been shopping but

it doesn’t make me happy

what what are you doing there

look brother this wooden floor is

amazing the design is also unique

um it’s just a normal floor

do you like wooden floors

yes i really like it no

i love it


i’m so weird

why did this happen to me

what are you doing down there


i’m exercising we went shopping my feet

hurt a bit

are you okay

now i’m okay

it’s late at night

take a shower

go to bed early

i’ve prepared a room for you it’s

opposite my room

and let’s go to the beach tomorrow

thank you for my room have a sweet night

oh my god god bless me

it is the handle

where have you been

i will bring this teacup and its handle

to my room

i’ll fix it


how can i fix it it’s an antique

but since when did she collect antiques


should i tell her


if bella knows this she’ll probably kill



i should find someone to help


is this a ceramic shop

yes we are

how may i help you

can you fix a teacup that fell on the


can you fix it

what kind of teacup

i’m not sure

if possible bring it to our store we’ll

take a look do you know the address

yes i see it on your website thank you


hi i spoke with the shop owner last

night on the phone


i want to fix this

teacup oh i remember let me see

this is easy not difficult

i can fix it

you can come and get it tomorrow

is it an antique teacup isn’t it

it’s from china

do you also like things like this

no it’s not mine it belongs to my friend

she loves it

see you tomorrow



have you seen tina

anywhere no

maybe she’s in her room

i don’t know where she is we have a date

to go to the beach today

good morning

where have you been

i exercise i walk around here and buy

some breakfast


there is something wrong


look at this this tea set is missing one


you’re right

how can it be lost god knows

tina now we go to the beach

no i don’t know really

i i don’t know what is this

what kind of teacup

let’s go to the beach i want to go there

i just asked you to the beach and you

said no

you’re so weird

no i’m not let’s go


even though the house is near the sea i

never get bored of swimming in the sea


swimming in the sea helps me reduce


oh it’s tom

the neighbor who just moved in

he’s also the owner of a ceramic shop

earth is round

what are you doing

tom is greeting us


i have a stomach egg go home i can’t

stand it

are you okay


let me help you


i want to get the teacup yesterday

you come so early

are you bella’s friend

yes how much is it

i don’t take money it’s free

i don’t know why but

thank you

can you give me bella’s phone number

oh well but promise you can’t talk about

this teacup



it is so gentle in the soul

i feel so peaceful

you woke up so early

did you exercise


bella come here look

the teacup is back

how is it possible

does it go and come back on its own

oh it’s okay

whatever it appears or not because

i don’t like it too much i’m about to

throw it away

what did my friend say

i thought she likes it

i’m an idiot

are you okay

where do you hurt


have a little headache


there’s a strange number calling me

i’m like a silly girl


at least i help my friend get a



renting an apartment

dialogue one

sam wants to rent an apartment

she saw an advertisement for a beautiful

one in the magazine

so she’s calling the housing agency to

talk about it

abc housing agency

how can i help you

hi my name is sam i saw an advertisement

in a magazine for an apartment on xyz


may i have some more information about

it please

a moment please

i will have to check if it is still


yes it is still available

what information would you like to know


i would like to know if it is possible

to already move in next month i am in a


if we finish the paperwork and you pay

the deposit by the end of this week it

would be possible ma’am

that’s good to hear

i will visit your agency tomorrow to

check out the apartment

can you make an appointment for me

of course ma’am

would 10 am be okay that’s perfect

great see you tomorrow then please

remember to bring your id with you as


thank you for reminding me

you’re welcome is there anything else i

can do for you ma’am

that would be all thank you and see you

tomorrow have a great day

uh you too ma’am see you


dialogue two

sam arrives at the housing agency

she is met with mark an agent who shows

her around the apartment she is

interested in


i have an appointment scheduled at 10

a.m for reviewing

oh yes you must be sam right

nice to finally meet you my name is mark

we talked on the phone yesterday

hi mark nice to meet you too

may i ask if i am able to see the

apartment already

definitely do you mind walking

it is right on the next block it would

take five minutes tops to get there

that’s okay

great let’s go


are you tired

i’m sorry that you had to walk all of

those stairs

the elevator is being fixed right now it

will probably work normally by the time

you move in

it’s okay

exercise for me although i’d really

appreciate the elevator

i know

let’s have a look at this apartment

though i’m sure you will love it

please lead the way

okay so this is the living room it is

very spacious

you can fit even two sofas in here

you will be able to host many gatherings

in this space

it is beautiful

may i see the kitchen and dining area as


i usually spend a lot of time there as i

love to cook for my family and friends

of course

the kitchen is actually my favorite

feature of this apartment

its design is really modern and caters

to its owners every need

there is a fridge an electric stove

an oven and even a dishwasher

those are really useful indeed i

especially love the kitchen island in

the middle so trendy

i see you have good taste

come this way please the bedrooms and

bathrooms are even more amazing

how many bedrooms and bathrooms are in

this apartment again

this is a two-bedroom apartment with an

ensuite bathroom and a separate one at

the end of this hallway

that might be too many for me

i might have to find someone to share

the apartment with

that wouldn’t be a problem ma’am we do

allow sharing

also if you decide to start a family

this would be an ideal place

i agree

i really love what i see so far but i’ll

have to think about it carefully

this is the first time i’m living on my

own i want everything to be perfect

i understand

should we head back to the agency so we

can talk some more about the details

yes good idea

dialogue three

sam loves the apartment she saw

she decides to take another step by

discussing money matters with mark

so sam what do you think

i think the apartment is absolutely


i would like to talk about money how

much would the rent cost here

it is a thousand dollars a month

electricity and internet not included

not included

isn’t that a bit expensive

would eight hundred dollars be


i’m sorry that price is too low for an

apartment that size

we can give you other options if you


i really like that apartment though

what about nine hundred dollars

that’s all i can afford right now

900 is lower than what we want but we

will make an exception for you

thank you so much

i would be really sad if i couldn’t rent

this place it is an absolute gem

yes we have had multiple inquiries about

it so far

but since you called first it is natural

that you get to decide first

i feel so lucky

can you send me the contract later

of course i will send it to you as soon

as possible it was lovely doing business

with you same for me thank you again



dialogue for

sam received the contract through email

after reading it she still wonders about

a few things

she calls mark to clear up any confusion

hey mark

sorry to bother you again i just have a

few questions about the apartment

no problem sam what is it

i was wondering about some minor flaws i

saw in the house

like a few dirty spots on the wall or

the broken lamp in the bathroom

are those going to be fixed

of course our team will send someone

there to make sure everything is

spotless before you arrive


what about pets am i allowed to own one

if yes which ones that’s okay but you

will have to pay a small fee of 20 a


and we only allow cats and dogs

i see

do you know if there is any place for

them to play around the apartment

there’s a park opposite it no worries

that’s good to hear thank you for your


my pleasure ma’am

can i help you with anything else

actually yes is there a train station or

a bus stop nearby

i don’t have my own car yet

there is a bus stop right beside the

building you can also travel by train

but i believe the nearest train station


one kilometer away so you’ll have to

walk a bit

i got it thank you

you’re welcome ma’am

dialogue five

sam made a post online to find a


christina sees it and gives sam a call

hello is this sam’s number

yes sam is speaking how can i help you

i saw your post online about looking for

a flatmate

i have all the information needed about

the space but do you mind me asking

about you

i would love to get to know my future

flatmate before i decide to move in

of course go ahead ask me anything you


okay are you a party animal

sorry if this is a bit blunt


are you

i can be sometimes but i prefer to go

out for that i like my own space clean

and quiet

me too

i spend a lot of time tidying up i can’t

stand having a musty house

are you a night owl

when i’m busy yes

but i also love my sleep especially on

the weekends

do you smoke

yes but we can’t smoke inside the

building so it wouldn’t be a problem if

you don’t

i see

one last question is there a parking lot

i recently bought a new car and it would

be awesome if i can park right where i


unfortunately no you’ll have to park

somewhere else

i know there is a parking lot a block

away from this building

that actually is not that bad i can deal

with it thank you so much for answering


it’s nothing

hey i think we have a lot in common

you can move in anytime you want even

tomorrow is possible if you can finish

all the paperwork

really thank you so much

i will have to think about it and ask my

parents about their thoughts on it as


i’ll let you know as soon as possible

take your time just call me back when

you’re ready i’m always on my phone

got it thank you

hopefully we will be great flatmates


i’m sure we will be call me soon bye bye


dialogue six

sam is horrified to find a few problems

with the apartment she contacts the

housing agency for help

hello this is sam

i am a tenant at your apartment on xyz


i’m calling to ask for help with the


they are leaking everywhere it is

starting to get smelly in here

can you tell me exactly what happened


i’m not too sure

maybe the drains got blocked

the water in the sink is draining really


okay i will call our technical

department and see if they can send

someone over immediately

it seems like an urgent problem

yes thank you very much

i just got home from work and this is

quite stressful

by the way can you tell that person to

fix the toilet as well

we haven’t been able to flush for a few

days so we have to share one bathroom

it is really inconvenient

of course ma’am no worries i will get

back to you after i get a hang of the

technical department is that fine

absolutely thank you so much for your

help i am a little freaked out but i am

happy that the agency is so quick at

resolving these issues

our pleasure ma’am please let me know if

you need any other help

i think that’s it for now i will call if

there are any other problems though

sure ma’am have a good day

thank you you too goodbye


dialogue 7

after living with christina for half a


sam finds a new job

yeah i got a new job

she contacts the housing agency again

because she needs to move out

hello it’s sam again i’m calling to

inform you that i will be moving out

next month due to a change of work

congratulations on your new job ma’am

we are sad to hear that you are leaving

but very excited for you

how can we help you with this process

thank you

is there anything i need to do before


i tried to find some information on your

website but couldn’t find much

you just need to file out a form about

your departure and return the keys to us

since you also have a flatmate you’ll

have to make sure she is willing to pay

the full rent if no one else is

replacing you

that’s it

that’s all ma’am

is it fine if i leave my furniture


you will have to discuss that privately

with your flatmate

what if i lost my keys

then you’ll have to pay a fee so we can

hire a locksmith to change the locks at

your current place

it is a bit expensive but we do this to

prevent our tenants from losing their

keys too many times

i see how much will it cost

fifty dollars man

i got it thank you so much

it’s all good ma’am

can i help you with anything else

i don’t think so

if anything happens can i call you again

by the way can i get your name as well

it’s laina ma’am please do not hesitate

to call or visit the agency anytime you

want we are always happy to help

thank you

have a great afternoon laina

you too ma’am goodbye


ordering takeaway

ordering takeaway these days is very


so how can you order food

watch this video and learn the ways you

can order takeaway

situation 1

ordering chinese food


hello this is hongdae restaurant how can

i help you

ah yes hi

i’ve just read the information on your

official website about the service but i

haven’t found whether you have a home

delivery service or not

so i’m calling for help to order

i see

actually we haven’t had this kind of

delivery for two years

but in the last three months we started

to have this delivery method to meet the

needs of our customers

cool delivery or shipping services are

really popular these days and it’s

really convenient

i and my friends all use it luckily you

have it

yes and there is more good news we offer

free shipping fees for all orders within

two miles of the restaurant

this is to ensure that the food

delivered to customers remains high


sounds good so don’t worry are you ready

to order

ah yes this is the first time i’ve tried

chinese food what would you recommend

well our restaurant provides a wide

range of menus

our best seller is yuren yang hotpot and

yangzhou fried rice

also you can try noodles with onion

sauce or soy bean soup with young pork


they all have good reviews from


great the yuen yang hotpot sounds yummy

i’d like to order it

yes is there anything else

may i ask how many people do you order

for two people

i think only hot pot is not enough for


so you can order some dumplings or egg



i eat dumplings once in a while so

please give me one more dumpling and one

egg cake

okay let me check your order you ordered

one yuenyang hot pot one dumpling and

one egg cake

ah no can i have a change of heart

yes please go ahead

please change that into two dumplings

for me

i don’t want egg cake

of course

so one yuen yang hotpot and two


is it right

yes that’s right

okay may i know your address


it’s 105 boston street it’s about three

kilometers from your restaurant

okay yes our courier will contact you

for the delivery schedule

about 20 minutes

thanks for supporting us and enjoy your


thanks i really appreciate your help

you’re welcome


situation 2

order takeaway


welcome to fly bakery how can i help you


i want to have some hamburgers

how many do you want we’re having a

discount that if you buy four or more

you will get a discount voucher next

time up to 50 percent

oh unluckily i only need three please

eaten or take away

take away please

is there anything else would you like

more fries

we are also having a 20 off sale on this



great so then give me two more fries


just a few minutes please

of course

and is there anything special

ah yes i forgot

one without ketchup one without spinach

and one full

my husband is severely allergic to


my son doesn’t eat spinach

in my home only i can eat everything


that’s quite hard for you when buying

food for the whole family

yes i have to remember them


i think i should make a note let’s see

one without chili sauce one without

no no sorry one without ketchup

one without spinach

and one full

sorry i’ve noted

would you like something to drink

we have cola


oh i think no we’ve already got some at


yes so your bill is twenty dollars

here you are

thanks the food you ordered will be

ready in about 15 minutes please go to

the waiting area over there to wait



your meal is done

here they are

wish you a delicious meal

thanks a lot


situation three

thai restaurant



this is ko yam thai restaurant how can i

help you


i’m calling to ask for something and

order a meal at our home

yes would you mind explaining to me

about some of the combos at your


yes the menu of our restaurant is very

diverse from hot pot bbq to rice

all are guaranteed to have the right

thai taste

sounds good but what is the most popular

all of the dishes received very good

reviews from the customer

you can visit our website to see the


yes i’ve done it there are many good


and i highly recommend that everyone

should try the thai hot pot which is a

very famous spicy and sour hot pot


i’ve heard about it before does the hot

pot have any combos suitable for groups

of four

yes we do have

the most famous one is family four set

it includes the somtam mannequin

or thai papaya salad as starter

you can choose one

the main dish is thai hot pot

hot pot sauce made according to the thai

recipe has a sour and spicy taste and

finally the dessert can be seasonal



can we change a little bit of hot pot

sauce my daughter can’t eat spicy food

of course you can add more or less the

spicy taste and what do you choose for

the starter something mannequin or thai

papaya salad

thai papaya salad please how about the


do we need to order more or does this

combo include beef vegetables

ah it actually includes normally it’s

suitable for four people so don’t worry

that’s good

and our restaurant has a discount if you

order this combo you are given the mango

rice for free

and also

you have a chance to get free water for

four people

with any kind of water in our restaurant

or you can receive a discount voucher

for 20

for the next time in our restaurant

network and have a chance to get the



that means if i don’t choose free water


i can choose a voucher discount of 20

and participate in the prize right

yes that’s right

really good

maybe i have to consider


i think i choose the discount voucher


so may i check your order please

you order one combo family force set

including thai papaya salad

thai hot pot which is less spicy

and you have one mango rice for free

and are given the discount voucher for

twenty percent next time

and you also join the prize

could you tell me your name and your

address for delivery

mrs jenny

204 b

wingston street


we’ll come in about 20 minutes

thanks so much

you’re welcome

wish that you have a good meal

in chicago

mike rider was a staff officer of the

new york branch

one day he had a five-day business trip

to chicago

linda gray from the chicago branch took

responsibility to pick him up at the


this was the first time they meet though

they’d worked together for a long time


hello mike

where are you now

i’m near gate c under the bakely sign


i’m coming to you now

excuse me

is it you mike


are you linda

yes it’s me

nice to meet you today

nice to meet you too

let’s go

i booked a hotel in the city center for

you with a city view i hope that you

will love it

i’m an easy going person

no worries

how far is it linda

it’s 30 minutes away from now if the

traffic is okay can i help you with your


no i’m fine

let’s go


would you like to have some coffee


yes i’d love to

8 p.m is okay for you

it’s okay see you tonight


good afternoon

welcome to the warwick allerton

how may i help you

i have a reservation for today it’s

under the name of mike ryder

yes mr ryder we’ve observed a standard

room for you with a city view

is that correct

yes that’s right

your room is five six eight here is your


to get to your room take the elevator on

the right

up to the fifth floor

turn right once you exit the elevator

and your room will be on the left hand


a bellboy will bring your bags up




my pleasure sir

have a wonderful stay at the warwick

alliton chicago




this city is so beautiful

it’s the first time i have come here

you have five days to explore it

it’s not enough

oh sorry do you mind if i answer the

phone now

no no

help yourself

hello sweetie how’s it going


i’m okay

i have an appointment now i’ll call you

back later okay

love you

is it your wife

your voice is sweet as honey


it’s my baby girl she’s six years old

she’s living with her mom we’re divorced


i’m so sorry for asking

you look too young to have a

six-year-old kid

it’s all right i’m happy that you care

about me

how old am i in your opinion


let’s see

25 i guess so


i’m 27 already



it’s late now we have a meeting at 9 00

am tomorrow don’t forget

come on

i’m professional

it’s dangerous outside so let me take

you home

all right thank you

let’s go


the meeting went smoothly huh

would you like to have a cup of coffee

yes please



my apologies

it’s okay no worries

i will buy a new one for you is there

any clothing store nearby

i’m not sure i rarely go shopping in

this area

this morning i saw a mall on the way


i will take you there to buy a new one

mind i’m afraid we don’t have time

the meeting this afternoon is at 2pm

we have one and a half hours left

it just takes 25 minutes to go there and

come back let’s go


thank you so much for buying it for me

don’t say that it’s my fault i feel so

sorry for bothering you

by the way would you like to have dinner

with me tonight

today is my birthday


happy birthday to you but i’m so sorry i

have plans tonight

oh thank you


what about friday night


do you have any suggestions

i just came here i’m not sure where is

the best

sure i’ll text you after working time

the meeting is going to start we should

prepare for it carefully


it’s difficult to choose a gift for him

i don’t know much about him yet

oh well i’ll buy him a pen

and a card



you look so gorgeous today

thank you

a happy birthday

sorry i cannot come on that day

thank you so much i booked one table in

the restaurant you recommended

let’s go


mike this is a present for you

i hope you will like it


thank you so much

as long as it’s your gift i’ll like


how time flies

i have to leave tomorrow

next month we are going to have a

workshop in our branch

would you like to attend

i would love to but i need to ask my

manager first

can i take you to the airport tomorrow

oh sure

that makes me so happy to hear

how was your stay sir

it was great

would you like me to book a taxi for you


my friend will pick me up thank you

my pleasure


how’s it going

hi mike i’m really sorry

i’m stuck with the documents in our


i’m afraid i cannot pick you up

my apologies

oh dear it’s fine

i know it’s hard to leave the office at

this time

but i really want to meet you before i


thank you for everything linda

can we meet at the airport

i think i can come to meet you there

we should say goodbye to each other

shouldn’t we

definitely i will wait for you there

in front of the information counter

see you then

hi could you help me book an airport

drop service please

my plan has changed

yes sir

it will be here soon


i’m here in the lobby let me know when

it has arrived

sure sir


hi linda



think i cannot wait for you so i

gave you a call to say farewell i

i’m here i’ve arrived

look back


hi linda

i’m glad you came

me too

thank god i’m on time

i have good news

i’m going to come to new york to attend

your workshop

my manager agreed

bravo the best news ever


god last call for passengers chicago

traveling to new york

please proceed immediately to gate

number 32.

i have to get in now

hope to see you in new york


text me when you arrive there

keep in touch goodbye


in new york

one month later linda came to new york

to attend the workshop at mike’s branch

mike also picked her up at the airport



long time no see

come on

it’s only one month

it had only been a month but i feel like

i hadn’t seen her for a long time

how’s it going

oh good except i missed you so much how

about you

i’m a little busy as i talked with you

on whatsapp

i booked a hotel where the workshop is

taking place

it will be more convenient for you

thanks how thoughtful

and it’s a beach view room

hope that you will like it


why do you know that i love

beaches it’s a secret


here it is

let me help you to bring your bags in

no worries the bellboy will do it i’ll

check in now and relax

you should go home as well

thank you for your help




would you like to have dinner with me


i know you’re tired because of sitting

on the plane

but i think i’d love to

i’ll take a break now then i’ll be fine


yes i’ll pick you up at 8pm

ok see you then


hello i’ve just arrived

oh hello

you came so early

wait for me a couple of minutes

yes sure no worries

i’m waiting for you here take your time


thank you for the meal

my pleasure

this restaurant has a bar counter nearby

do you want to drink a little bit


yes then we can talk more

okay but just one glass

i don’t want to have a headache tomorrow


it’s up to you


i’m just curious

why have you divorced

i’m so sorry if this question makes you

feel awkward i just


that’s fine

because we can’t get along anymore

we got married when she was 23 and i was

we had absolutely nothing except two

young hearts

so we had taken time to earn money as

much as possible

to survive to raise lily growing up and

time blows everything up

we didn’t have time for each other you

know we

argued every single day

this is not a new story for married life

we decided to give each other freedom

we are still friends now to raise lilly

better it’s the best decision ever

i can’t imagine if she would have to

grow up in an unhappy family

so how about you how’s your life

my life at the moment is okay

i wasted two years to step out of a love


i loved him for two years and wasted two

years forgetting him as well

we argued every day even because of tiny


if we are not happy in love we should

move on

i needed time for myself you know

i also needed my mind to focus on my


so we’ve broken up you know it’s common





hi mike


did you sleep well

yes and you

me too

i think next time we should try two


hey mike

how do you do

good how about you bro

strong as an ox

wow who is this

aren’t you going to introduce me

oh yes this is linda

linda this is david my friend in the


nice to meet you today linda

nice to meet you too


do you like cappuccino

yes i do

me too

i think we start having some common


do you mind if i invite you for a cup of

coffee sometimes


linda what time is it

we have to leave now if not we might be


bye david


see you later


i hope to see you soon



i want to go shopping

is there any mall that i can walk to


there’s a t-mall near our hotel

it’s 10 minutes

walking okay

can you give me the direction please

sure let me show you


oh my god where am i now

she said that i should turn left at the

second crossroad but

maybe i’m in the wrong place


you’re linda right

i’m david

we met yesterday before the meeting time

why do you look so scared


nice to see you

i just got lost i’m looking for t-mall

oh i know it

may i help you go there

there is the best cafeteria there i

would like to invite you for a cup of


could you give me the direction please

i’m afraid i would bother you


it’s my pleasure


what do you think about new york

a wonderful city

when i was young i always dreamed that i

would come here

it’s the biggest city in the world

and about chicago

it’s my hometown

absolutely i love it most

but i will consider new york

i am falling in love with it

hey mike hi linda




did you get lost again when you came


nah your guideline is so clear

what are you talking about

ah i helped her when she got lost

then we had some coffee together

yes i’m so lucky i almost cried

what do you have linda

i want to have one too

do you mind helping me mike


i’m a waiter now huh

i’m so sorry about last night

i don’t know why i was like that

i understand mike

no worries

what do you think about david

he’s a good man mike

yes i know

but he’s not my type


what is your type

a 34 year old man with blonde hair

when will you fly back to chicago

this sunday

would you like to hang out with me on



linda there’s something i have to

confess to you before you leave new york

i know i’m not a perfected man but

these words come from the bottom of my


i love you

will you be my girlfriend

i was expecting you to say this

yes i do


do you want to come to this city

i have my family in chicago i’m afraid

that i can’t

i will miss them too much

so i will ask for a branch change

i think my manager may agree



this is the most beautiful day of my

life ever


listening and speaking practice part one

situation at the school

one first day of school


how was your first day of school

very interesting

what do you prepare for the first day of


two notebooks a ruler an eraser and two


is the school big or small

the school is so big there are a lot of

students in the yard

what about the teachers

the teachers are friendly

how many people are there in your class

about 15 people

do you like school

yes i like school


two homework

good morning class

good morning teacher

please hand in your homework

which homework lisa

feeling the blank homework

oh no

did you do your homework

yes i did

i forgot to do my homework

teacher this is my homework

well done lisa thank you

where’s your homework tom

sorry teacher i forgot to do my homework

it’s okay please go to the board to do

this homework tom

after that we’ll correct it together

thank you teacher


three i’m hungry

do you like math yes i like it what

about you

do you like math

yes but i prefer english

i like english too

what time is it

it’s 10 o’clock now

are you hungry

no i’m not hungry

are you hungry

yes i’m hungry

what did you eat for breakfast

bread and milk

i had a big breakfast so i’m full now

i’m hungry so i can’t focus on the


keep quiet class

keep your eyes on the board



talking about jobs

one i’m a doctor

long time no see

it’s been a while

how have you been

i’m great how about you

the same old same old

how about your job what do you do

i’m a doctor


why did you choose to be a doctor

because my father is a doctor

i admire him

i want to be a good doctor like him

you can do it what hospital are you

working at

i work at stanford hospital

it’s a big hospital


to teacher

what a beautiful morning

right what is your job andy

i’m a teacher

what a coincidence i’m a teacher too

are you a primary school teacher or a

high school teacher

i’m a high school teacher

how about you

primary school teacher


do you think teaching is a difficult job

no i think i’m suitable for teaching

it’s not easy but i like it

what subject do you teach

i teach math

i teach science


three a suitable job


do you look so sad

i just quit my job



i don’t like that job

i realized i have to do what i love

what will you do next

find a suitable job

what is your favorite job

i love baking

i can make many kinds of cakes

sounds great

i want to have my own bakery

do you have any experience

no so i’ll apply for a job at the big

bakery first

try your best


situation housing

  1. rent a house

hello may i speak with mrs jennifer

hi i’m jennifer who’s calling please

i’m tom i called to talk to you about

your house for rent on king street

i remember you

you looked at my house five days ago

yes i would like to rent it is it still


unfortunately it’s not available

so sad

we have another house for rent nearby

would you like to see it

yeah sure

when is it convenient for you

i’m free now



to the key

i didn’t bring the key did you bring it

of course


honey i can’t open the door

you try again

i’m trying but i can’t

let me try

is that okay

the key does not work

how can that be

look the key doesn’t fit in the lock

you’re right

this key belongs to our former house

you’re right again honey

do you have the new key

i only have this

how do we get into the house

i don’t know


three household chores


in my family everybody shares household


how does your family divide household


my mom does the cooking she sweeps the


she does the laundry irons the clothes

how about your father

he washes the car does the heavy lifting

and fixes home appliances

how about your sister

she washes the dishes waters the plants

and cleans the window

what is your housework

i take out the rubbish tidy up my room

and feed the dog



in the bus stop

one bus schedule


excuse me

may i ask for your help

yes can i help you

do you know where i can catch the bus to

the museum

right here


which bus goes to the

museum you need bus number 107

how often does boss number 107 come

it comes every 10 minutes

does number 107 stop at king street

no it doesn’t you need to take number 25

bus 107 is coming

thanks for your help

you’re welcome


to a friend


excuse me


oh my god look who it is

hey long time no see

it’s nice to see you again how have you


everything is good

what are you doing here

i’m waiting for the bus

which bus are you waiting for

bus number two

where are you going

i take bus number 10 to go to the


do you often ride that bus

yes do you

no sometimes

how long it will your bus come

about five minutes


three miss the bus


can you tell me where to catch the

number eight bus please

sorry i don’t know


excuse me where can i catch the number

eight boss


where do you go

i want to go to the morgan library

the number eight doesn’t go to the

morgan library

you need to take number 15.

where can i catch it

over there

at the bus stop opposite

thanks so much

look it’s coming

i have to go


i missed the bus



social networking

one create account

how do i create a facebook account

let me show you

thank you

first install the facebook app on your


i installed it

on the home screen click create facebook


then click next right


after that enter your first and last


okay andy murray

next enter your date of birth your


december 30th 2007


enter your mobile number for


finally choose a password and click on


i did it



account lock

what’s going on

i can’t log into my account

which account

instagram account

my account is locked right

let me see

you have a message about your account

my account is temporarily locked on



there are many reasons

tell me

you follow then unfollow instagram users

in bulk

i don’t

you post the same comment on multiple

instagram posts


you use third third-party instagram apps

i did it to boost my number of followers

that’s the reason



your avatar

i just created a twitter account

let’s choose your twitter avatar

okay i’ll choose a beautiful picture

how do i do that

click the profile tab choose the picture

and click the save button

how is the

picture rose

i think no

okay how about this one



you should choose your face picture

is it okay

when i was at the beach

beautiful but i can’t see your face

i’ll try another picture

i like this so beautiful


listening and speaking practice part two




one dating app


what are you doing

i’m surfing the dating app

the guys in your dating app are they


yes there are many cute guys


i’m here okay

look at this guy

name jonathan

zodiac capricorn

hobbies smarts and sneakers

he looks cute

no too skinny

what about this guy

no his skin is too white i prefer the

guy with tan skin

oh a guy texts me

what did he say

he said


that’s it



two a beautiful girl


she’s so beautiful

be confident and comfortable

she’s coming

talk later

excuse me are you linda

yes it’s me hi i’m tom andrew’s friend

nice to meet you

it’s nice to see you

andrew has an emergency so he’ll be a

little late


sit down please

would you like a drink

shall i order you a cappuccino

i like cappuccinos

i know

how do you know

girls who like cappuccinos are usually


like you

thank you


three first date


good evening

you look beautiful tonight

thank you

i ordered some dishes i hope it suits

your taste


i saw you posted pictures of your trip

to japan it must have been a great trip

it’s very interesting

do you like to travel

very much

do you often travel

once every three months i love to travel

me too

what’s your favorite place

south africa

that was one of my coolest experiences

have you been there

yes i want to go there again


situation driving a car


be careful driving


what are you doing

your car hit my car

i’m so sorry

you’re about to reach an intersection

but you drove too fast

that’s my fault

drive carefully

lucky for you my car is fine

i was driving suddenly my head really


i was going about slower but i still

lost control

do you drink alcohol

no i just have a headache

are you okay

yes i’ll drive slowly

be careful driving as headache symptoms


two put on some music


today is a beautiful sunny day

a sunny day for a picnic

i want some music let’s put on the music

don’t i want quiet

come on music will make our trip more


so let’s put on classical music


i prefer rock and hip hop music

please don’t

how about opera songs


opera in the car

why not or

don’t put on the music

i really need music how about pop music

let’s try

okay you’ll like it


three a long trip

i slept early last night to have enough

health for today’s trip

me too

it is a long trip i feel so excited

yes it will be fun

when you feel tired tell me

i’ll drive in you’ll rest

sure milady

i prepared snacks and gum


we just had breakfast i’m still full

would you like some coffee i also

prepared hot coffee

you’re the best a cup of coffee please

here you are

thank you


situation let’s go shopping

one a pair of shoes


would you like to buy shoes

yes i’d love to

let’s buy a beautiful pair of shoes

let’s go shopping


these shoes are so beautiful

those are high heels

i love high heels wearing high heels

makes me more confident

i don’t wear high heels because my feet

will hurt

what kind of shoes do you like wearing


wearing sandals makes me more


what’s your shoe size

my shoe size is an eight

mine is a nine


two perfume

welcome sir

how can i help you

i want to buy a perfume bottle

we have a wide range of perfumes which

type do you wish to buy

i want to buy perfume for my mother this

sunday is her birthday can you recommend

some perfumes

of course i’ll recommend you the best

perfumes for older ladies

sweet peach jasmine and vanilla

they’re excellent choices

they’re so fragrant

i’ll take this one

this is a perfect choice


three shopping online


your hoodie is so beautiful

where did you buy it

i bought it online on ebay

show me the store you bought it i want

to buy it

here it is

there are many kinds of hoodies here

they’re so cute

the price is cheap too

i bought

two how long did they deliver

about five days

did you pay by credit card

no by cash but you can pay by credit


i’ll buy this


situation sports

one favorite sport


what did you do last sunday

i watched the basketball game

do you like playing basketball

i prefer watching basketball

what is your favorite sport

my favorite sport is football

how often do you play soccer

i used to play every weekend when i was

in high school now sometimes

what sports are you good at

i’m not good at sports but i love


do you prefer swimming in the pool or

the sea

i like both


two extreme sports


do you play any sports

yes basketball and tennis

would you like to try a new sport

yes extreme sports

stream sports would you like to try

i want to try base jumping

i will never try it i’m afraid of


do you hate extreme sports

i’m not sure

which extreme sports would you most like

to try

i think surfing

why do you like base jumping

i like new things like extreme sports it

makes me feel excited

three you should play sports


would you like to go swimming with me

i hate swimming

would you like to play badminton

no it’s hot today

how about cycling

no sister i hate sports

why do you hate sports

because i’ll be tired sweaty and my hair

will be

wet playing sports never makes me feel

tired you should play sports


you’ll be healthier smarter and make

friends more easily


of course and your body will look more


let’s play sports



making new friends

one wedding party


hello my name’s julie nice to meet you

what’s your name

i’m angela it’s nice to meet you

do you know the bride and groom

yes from university do you

i’m the bride’s colleague

what do you do

i’m a lawyer

i’m a

dentist they’re a beautiful couple

yes and the party is also sweet

look at this i love your shoes

the color is beautiful

i bought them at the store near the


company two

at school


may i sit here


it’s so warm today

a beautiful day to go back to school

i’m jack

grade 10b

nice to meet you

i’m rose

which grade are you in

i’m in grade 10 a

did you have a good summer

it was great i went on holiday

how about you

i just stayed at home but i played

basketball a lot

do you play in the team

yes our school’s basketball team

i love watching basketball


three archery club


hi i’m romeo

this is my first time seeing you here

i’m a newcomer juliet nice to meet you

did you come here alone or with your


alone how did you know about this club

i saw it on facebook

do you like archery

yes that’s why i’m here but it’s


do you often go to this club

yes every week

do you need any help


would you mind showing me how to shoot

the target

my pleasure

thank you


in the makeup store

every girl loves makeup

tina also

she went to a beauty store to buy her

first makeup kit

watch the video to learn vocabularies

about beauty and cosmetics topic


hello may i help you are you looking for


hi i’m looking for a full basic makeup


this is my first time buying those


so i don’t know what exactly i need

apart from lipsticks and powder

no worries let me help you

we can find a lipstick for you first

then maybe i will tell you a bit about

the steps to apply makeup

then we can choose the products

according to those steps for you

okay thanks a lot i’m still not too sure

about all these i’m glad you help

my pleasure

let me see you seem to have a light skin


so those lipsticks with bright and deep

colors will fit you perfectly

normally i use pink lipsticks so i want

to try some new colors

let’s try this one then

maybelline lipstick shade 382 red for me

it has a moderately cool toned medium

dark red with a matte finish

this one looks gorgeous

i like it

this kind of matte lipstick will stay

longer however your lips will feel a bit


so don’t forget to soften your lips with

lip balm like 10 minutes before applying

the lipstick

okay i will get this one any other


let me put it in this basket for you

how about orange l’oreal brand shade

orange avenue 146 satin finish

it looks somehow wetter and softer but

cannot stay as long as a matte finish

wow i love it

very comfortable and smooth

oh by the way i also need a lip balm can

you recommend one

our customers really love this burt’s

bees lip balm pomegranate flavor

smells good i’ll take these two also

i think that’s enough for lips

okay so let’s get over to the face part

is that okay

sure this is the part i have no idea



after using moisturizer and sunscreen to

protect your skin

the first step is preparing your face

with primer

using primer under your makeup makes

your look last longer

do you know your skin type

i’m not sure but i usually have a bit of

oil around my nose and forehead but

other parts are normal

i think you have a combination skin type

for this type of skin i recommend nyx

marshmallow primer our best seller the

last month

how to apply primer

can i use my fingers

yes you pump out a bit of primer on the

back of your hand mix it with your

finger and dab it all over your face

then gently rub it in

okay i got it

i think your face doesn’t have many

flaws you don’t need concealer so let’s

move to the foundation

okay if you say so

this is a very important step to have a

perfect skin look i suggest these two


maybelline fit me or l’oreal true match


these light shades will suit your skin

tone you can try and tell me which one

you prefer



let me see

i will take this maybelline one i prefer

the matte finish it seems to have a

better coverage also


after foundation you should apply

setting powder this step is optional but

if you’re looking for long lasting

crease free makeup you should use it

sure i want one anyway

whenever i need a quick makeup look

without foundation or reapplying during

the day i can use it

so why not use maybelline fit me powder

also great combo for your skin let’s

take this shade

115 ivory


do you need contour and a highlighter to

make your face slimmer

no i think that’s too much for me i just

need basic kinds of stuff

okay so skip those things

you will surely need to blush i

recommend this l’oreal peach blush


it has a refreshing peachy color and can

be easily matched with many makeup tones

this one is our signature blush recently

very lovely i will take it

i guess those are enough for your facial

makeup now let’s move to the eye part


wow it seems a lot to me already

i know i know i had the same feeling

when i bought my first makeup kit

so you will need eyebrows eyeshadow

eyeliner and mascara

okay please help me choose something

easy to use i’m really not good at this

sure then use pencil type for eyebrows

and eyeliner

your hair is light brown so let’s take

these chocolate eyebrows and eyeliner

pencils from nyx

try this on your hand to see

that’s great really fits my hair color

give me these two

okay for mascara

trust me you will love this maybelline

one we have received really good reviews

from customers for it

sure then take this one

okay finally you need eye shadow do you

like any of these

this palette looks so gorgeous

right but that palette has kind of two

bright colors for you in my opinion

it will be difficult for you to mix with

daily makeup tones

because this is your first one i suggest

you should try a neutral tone

how about this one

same brand and product line from


let me see

it has 24 shades that give you

everything you need for your look

from light shimmers warm browns rich

golds rusty oranges and dark smoky


this one looks great as well let me take

this then


i think that’s all you need oh have you

had makeup brushes yet

no thanks for reminding me i need those


there are so many types of brushes what

type do i need

real techniques everyday essentials set

is all you need this one has four

brushes with a sponge

you can find the instructions to use

those brushes on the back of the

packaging but basically it is enough for

you to apply foundation to eyeshadow

thanks a lot for your help i can’t

imagine how long i will spend here

without your help there are too many

products to choose from

you’re welcome it’s my pleasure to help


here is your basket with all those


thank you

i will go to the checkout counter now

have a nice day

thanks you have a nice one too


hi phoebe

nice to meet you

hello jake how do you do

i’m doing well

you i’m great thank you

you look even more beautiful than in

your photos

i do

that’s very sweet of you

is this your first time here

nah my family often eats out here we’re

big fans of italian food

are italian foods doing you any good

yeah sure

i quite have a thing for foods of all


cool so phoebe i know you are a bank

clerk but what’s your hobby

i know it sounds weird but

i do love singing a lot

i like listening to music too

i also play sports for fun

welcome to the fine dining

thanks for your patience it’s a bit

crowded here tonight

that’s fine man



long time no see how have you been

i’m doing fine

by the way this is jake and

ryan was going to the same high school

with me

uh nice to meet both of you

here is the menu uh what will you have


one pasta for me please

same for me

two pasta is your order lovely the food

will come back in 20 minutes



are you okay phoebe you seem nervous

i’m fine jake but the thing is that

brian was my ex-boyfriend

it’s just so weird to meet him in such a

mood like this oh god i didn’t expect


don’t worry about it anyways i hope we

can still enjoy our date

you’re so right

let’s cheer for us in our delicious



miss evelyn please come on in

yes thank you

see to yourself evelyn thank you for

coming to this interview

i have read your cv and it is brilliant

with your academic scores and your

part-time jobs

thank you so much

you’re welcome

you already had hands-on experiences

working with kids correct

yes i had chances to tutor children and

play with them

that’s great

now i’d love to know more about you

what’s your hobby evelyn

oh i love reading and painting

sometimes i like to go trekking with my

friends too

reading you said what kinds of books do


like reading young lady

i have a great passion for children’s

books like the little prince or peter


i learn something new every time i read


hmm how interesting

i think it’s enough for the talking part

i’d love to see how you work with our


yeah i’m so ready to meet the children

please tell me more about them

they are four years old and today

they’re going to learn about hobbies

things that they can do after school

all you need to do is get to know them

and help them to come up with their


i understand

please follow me

kids this is miss evelyn she’s your

teacher today

please say hello to miss evelyn everyone

hello miss evelyn

hello i’m evelyn and who wants to play


me me me

now we stand in a circle and tell me

your name and what do you like to do

i’ll do it first i’m a teacher

evelyn and i really like painting

my name’s adrienne and i like eating


good job

hello adrian

adrian’s hobby is eating chocolates

i’m lilly

i like swimming and i like adrien

mike how are you feeling right now son


excited as well as scared mom

i don’t know anyone at the school

don’t worry son

you will know a lot of interesting

friends today

all you need

is to be yourself and be friendly with


i get it mom i hope that my classmates

will like me

they surely will

hello mike i’m tom

nice to meet you tom

where did you live before moving here

i lived in miami it’s known as the city

of beautiful beaches with amazing


how cool i guess your hobby is surfing

isn’t it

no tom my pastime is making films about

people around me

what’s your hobby buddy

i like doing magic tricks and watching


oh i find it so nice tom would you like

to be in my films one day

sure i love films and videos

speaking of which you should meet helen


who is helen

there she goes

hey helen this is mike he is a master of

making short films

hi mike i’m helen and that’s cool

uh glad to meet you so

what do you do in your free time

i fancy taking photos and collecting old


wow i think we’ll make an awesome team

we can create great films

you can be the star of your magic show


and helen i’m sure you can be in charge

of filming and i will be the fit the

video editor

hello mom

you look very happy son how’s your first

day of school

one of the best days of my life

i met helen and tom they have the same

interests as me

see i told you

mom you know everything

we are going to make our film project


i can’t wait to meet them tomorrow and

discuss what we will do

i’m happy that you found happiness in

what you’re doing son

the lost child

tom went to a fun fair with his mother



tom lost his mom while trying to chase a


watch the video to see what happens to

the lost child


did you have fun tom

yes i love it

where do you go next mom

let me see

oh there is an ice cream stall over

there would you like ice cream

yes i want to eat chocolate ice cream


it’s so crowded here

tom let me go and buy ice cream for you

very quickly you must stay here waiting

for me and don’t follow anyone okay

yes mommy i will wait for you

ah spiderman spiderman

wait for me spiderman





excuse me

did you see a small boy around three

years old standing here

no i didn’t see any boy

excuse me did you see a small boy

standing here

no i didn’t what’s wrong did you lose

your kid


oh my god i hope he didn’t get kidnapped

calm down i think he is just around here

and hasn’t gone far

i suggest you report to the fair

security guard so they can help you find


thank you

i will if you see the boy please take

him to the security guard’s place okay

of course


why are you crying what happened where

are your parents


it’s okay it’s okay you are a very brave


tell me who was with you here i can help

you find them

i went here with my mom

but i can’t find her now

okay don’t worry i will help you find

mom could you tell me your mother’s name

her name is kate

how about your name

my name is tom

do you know how old you are

bomb told me i was three years old

can you remember what happened before

you lost your mom

mommy was buying ice cream for me when i

saw a spiderman balloon

i ran after it and i couldn’t find mommy

okay let’s go find your mom

i think we should find funfair’s

security guards so they can help us find

his mom


hi this kid got lost we think his mom is

looking for him too can you help us find

his mother

sure do you have any information about

him or his mother

his name is tom he said he is three

years old and his mother is kate he lost

his mom

while she was buying ice cream for him

okay now let’s do this leave the kid

here with my colleague

we’ll go around and spread the news that

we found a three-year-old boy wearing a

red t-shirt and blue trousers

at the same time find his mom if anyone

finds her please take her here

okay let’s go


excuse me

may i help you

hi we found a lost child he is a

three-year-old boy wearing a red t-shirt

and blue trousers

did you see anyone looking for a boy

like that

no i didn’t see anyone

if you see his mom looking for him

please tell her to go to the place next

to the candy shop over there okay

the boy was waiting there with a fair

security guard

okay i got it

hi did you see anyone looking for a lost

child we found a three-year-old boy with

a red t-shirt and blue trousers over

there crying

oh yes i saw a woman looking for her son

she was here just like five minutes ago

let me go around and find her can i ask

where the boy is now again

he is with the security guard standing

next to a candy shop over there

okay i will find and tell her

hey someone just told me that they found

a three-year-old boy

they said he was wearing a red t-shirt

and blue trousers

thank god it’s my son do you know where

he is now did they say he is safe

don’t worry he is fine i think

they said he is with the security guard


you can find him next to the candy shop

over the corner

thanks a lot i really appreciate your


it’s okay i can understand how worried

you were now go get him

thanks again goodbye


tom tom

mommy mommy

thank god you’re safe i was so afraid

you were kidnapped where did you go tom

i saw a spiderman balloon then i ran

after it i’m sorry mommy i forgot what

you said

it’s okay now tom everything is over i

know you love spider-man

next time i will never leave you alone

again it’s my fault

excuse me

i know you may be his mother but just to

make sure

could i have your identity card

and do you have any proof that he is

your son


thanks a lot for keeping him safe i’m

kate this is my identity card

i have a lot of photos of him on my

phone i also have a photo of his birth

certificate on my phone let me show you

tom could you tell me your parents names

my mom is kate

my dad is


what is your full name

my full name is tom douglas

okay you can take him now

is this his mom have you checked

yes i did i saw her identity card his

birth certificate and asked the boy a

few questions

hi these guys found your kid and

reported to us

hi i’m linda and these are my friends we

found a boy standing alone crying for

his mom so i took him here and tried to

find you

hi thanks a lot for your kindness he

could have been in danger without you

i don’t know how to express my

appreciation but thanks again

you’re welcome

it is what we should do

fortunately this time he met good people

he’d better never leave him alone again

in any circumstance

i won’t it’s my fault today i really

regret it

good boy now go and continue to enjoy

the fun fair with your mom

thank you all very much again goodbye

thank you




dialogue one

setting up a meeting


hey nick

hey man what’s up

uh nothing much how are you doing

i’m good glad i ran into you

listen i have something i want to ask

for your opinions

what is it

i know you’ve been single for quite a

long time

oh come on not this topic again

listen to me i’m not teasing you or

anything i’m serious this time

i know a girl who’s also single and she

told me that she wanted to meet someone

are you interested

i can set up a date for you guys

oh wow

who is she

what’s she like

her name is linda she’s my co-worker

she’s just your type really smart and


she’s also very nice

everyone at work loves her

tell me more what does she look like

she’s a brunette and has long hair

she’s not too tall but she’s really

pretty what do you think

yeah she sounds like my type

can you introduce me to her

sure man let me ask her first if

everything’s okay i’ll give you her


cool thank you bro


dialogue two

first date


excuse me i believe you are tom right

yes i’m tom hi linda


sorry for making you wait

no you’re not late at all

i actually got here a bit early

good evening welcome to la nuet here are

our menus i’ll be back to take your

order in a minute


hi are you ready to order

yes i’d like the shrimp risotto

and i’ll have

carbonara and some vegetable soup

would you like anything to drink

do you have wine by glasses

yes we do

we’ll have two glasses of red wine then

that’ll be all thanks

you have such a beautiful smile

ah thank you

nick said a lot of good things about you

oh really

what department do you work in

i’m in the production department i

perform quality checks for our finished


oh cool

what do you do

i work in it i’m a web developer

oh wow

what are your hobbies then

i like to code read books and play


what about you

i also like to read books

i also like to watch movies and take my

dog for a walk

you have a dog i have a dog too

oh really

i have a labrador what breed is your dog

mine is a border collie

we should let them meet sometime

yeah that sounds like a great idea


dialogue three

after the first date


hey morning

look who’s smiling

stop gluing your eyes to the phone who

are you texting

oh good morning nick sorry i was texting


it’s such a beautiful day

are you on the way to work

yeah i have an early meeting today

anyway how was the date last night

it was awesome linda’s so great

oh yeah

she’s so smart and funny and we have a

lot in common

she likes to read books and she also has

a dog and guess what she has the best

taste in music

wow really i didn’t know that i can’t

believe i didn’t think of setting you

guys up earlier

thanks again man

that was a good decision

of course who am i did she say anything

about me

she texted me earlier saying that she

likes you too

oh wow really

yep so

so what

you like her she likes you

what else is there to do

do you mean i should ask her out


what should i tell her i don’t know what

to say

just be straightforward thank her again

for the great date that night

and say something like

let’s meet again sometime soon

okay that makes sense let me text her

right away thank you nick


dialogue for making a call


hi linda this is tom

hi tom how are you

i’m great thanks

how are you

i’m fine i’ve been expecting your call

oh yeah

hey linda would you like to go out with

me again sometime this week

i’d love to

great what time would be good for you

what is your schedule like this week

i don’t have any plans for this weekend

so anytime from friday night to sunday

evening should be fine with me


can we meet a saturday morning then


is there anything in particular that you

want to do

the weather’s been really nice this week

let’s do something outdoors

oh i know

we can take a walk around the park and

bring our dogs

that sounds great we can also have a

picnic in the park or something

that’s a wonderful idea i like that i

can make some sandwiches can you bring

something to drink

of course

i’ll also bring some fruit and some


okay great

shall we meet in front of the old hall

at 9am

that sounds all right with me

i’ll see you then i can’t wait

me neither

see you soon tom

bye linda

bye tom

dialogue 5

breaking the news


hey nick how are you doing

hey tom i’m doing okay i haven’t seen

you in a while

yeah sorry i’ve been a bit busy

nah it’s fine i know you’re busy

anyway what’s up how’s everything

between you and linda

ah things are still going great

actually today i want to meet you

because there’s something i want to tell


what’s that

why do you suddenly sound so serious

well the thing is

linda and i are officially a couple now

what is this for real

yeah we get on so well so after a few


i decided to ask her to be my girlfriend

she said yes

oh my god congratulations i’m so happy

for you guys

but how come you didn’t tell me sooner

well everything just happened two days


i wanted to meet you today because i

didn’t want to tell you the news over

the phone

i want you to be the first one to know

about this

ah okay gotcha i can’t believe you guys

are a couple now

thank you for introducing us nick we

really appreciate it

you’re welcome bro i’m glad everything

works out

dialog 6 reflection

six months later



happy six-month anniversary babe

happy anniversary honey

i can’t believe we have already been

together for half a year

i know right

time has gone by so quickly

i can still remember our first date

we were so awkward huh

you’re right

i can’t believe how awkward we were

hey honey

what did you think of me when we first


tell me i want to know

nick told me a lot of things about you

and you seem to be my type of girl so i

was really excited

you were exactly how i imagined you to


smart funny and pretty

i actually fell in love with you at the

first sight



i didn’t know that

what did you think of me then

well to tell you the truth i thought you

were nice but

i wasn’t swept off my feet or anything


as we talked and learned more about each

other i was moved by how caring and

sincere you were

i felt like i would be very much happy

if i could be with you

i’m glad we finally got together in the


i’m grateful for every second i can

spend with you linda

i’m grateful to have you too tom i hope

we will stay together forever

i also hope we’ll never be a part

i love you

i love you too honey


i used to

dot and finn are college students

they are working on a group essay and

now being at the university amphitheatre

hey finn

next friday is a deadline for our group


where have you up to

i’ve completed my part what about you

the same

what about meeting tomorrow and complete

this essay

yes sure

i need a high grade in a class of

professor levine for my scholarship

where should we meet library coffee


the library is too quiet and the coffee


kind of noisy to me

what about my

apartment your apartment oh please it’s

a mess

it used to be but not anymore

come over and you will see

all right meet you at 2pm




hey finn

hey welcome


have your apartment been stolen

no silly

i have just rearranged a little

i had been stressed for a while my life

was a mess at that time

then i read a book on minimalism

recently and was inspired by it

does this tenant also include throw out

all of your equipment even television

and sofa

not really minimalism is intentionally

living with only the things you really


those items that support your purpose

removing the distraction of excess

possession so you can focus more on

those things that matter most

have to say i am feeling much better now

after removing all those unnecessary

things out of my life

and i have worked more efficiently now

but don’t you think it’s so inconvenient

it was at the first time but now i’m

used to it

it gives me more space for working and


the housework is quicker to finish

and i can also start to save money not

waste money on things anymore

if you are happy with it i’m glad to


well at least your place looks really

neat now i’m comfortable with it

now let’s get to work




nas and sandy are college students and

have worked at a coffee store together

for two months

while naz is a hot and sexy girl

sandy is a bookworm chubby and

unattractive girl

this is 2pm at their workplace the

coffee shop


what happened

i’ve seen you sighing all day

no it’s

that’s okay you won’t get it anyway

don’t you think you need to tell me at

first to know that

all right

i have a crush on this man and


he rejected me


another one

i’m so sorry to hear that

that’s alright i am used to it

men don’t have interest in me not like


i don’t want to be rude but why do you

think that way

oh look at you

you are totally hot

the guy who just paid was trying to

flirt with you the whole lunch but you

just ignored him

it is not the first time happened

we have worked together for two months

and i have seen it a lot


just because my outlook makes you think

that i haven’t had a feeling like you

right now

oh please of course it is i bet guys go

after you for a thousand miles

oh my silly you overestimate me so much

of course i know for your feeling

i used to be like you before

you were

yeah here

that is you

can’t be recognized right


because of exceeding i used to be a fat

girl like that

and people kept making fun of me and got

away from me because of my outlook

until 18 i hadn’t had a boyfriend yet

what changed you

well of course i aware of my body at

that time but i just couldn’t have

enough determination to lose weight

then once when i and my friend were

walking on the street in the late night

we smelled some dangerous things and got


my friend was luckily escaped but not me

because of my overweight body i got

caught and was robbed of all my money

were you okay

yes i was all right luckily

so from that day i decided to lose

weight and become stronger

that way i could protect myself and


kickboxing miyatai taekwondo i have

learned all of it

and still keeping until now

that’s why i have this body

i was not born to be beautiful i worked

hard to get it do you get what i mean

stop complaining and start working

in fact

i mean i’m just a normal girl like you

but well

get that way is better

anyway sandy

you’re not ugly or too fatty you are

chubby and your face is good looking

i think all you need to do is be more

confident change in style a little bit


i mean it could be younger and sexier i

don’t know

depends on you

and well maybe you can start to work out

or learn a sport also

it’s good for your health

maybe you can be hard at the beginning

but by the time you will love it and be

used to it like me

you’re right i should start changing

about myself instead of a passive life

like this

thanks for your advice nas


jamie and rose are friends

and jamie is a shopaholic

jamie is walking to his home carrying

packages of clothes and suddenly sees

rose is sitting in front of his house

hey jamie

hey rose what are you doing here

nothing my roommate invited her

boyfriend over for dinner and watching a


and she asked me to help them have their


so i came over to your house and

couldn’t call you

where was your phone

it was out of battery

but wait did you get out of your room

just because of it


that’s right she will do the housework

for two weeks and well

i don’t want to see them cuddle anymore

it’s too much i can’t be used to it

can i stay over

sure come on in

it must be freaking cold out here


i’ve waited for it

i’m sorry

what are you carrying jamie

uh it’s nothing

let me see have you bought clothes again

what are you talking about it’s it’s


give me


what is this jamie

two coats and shoes

how many times have i told you that you

have to stop buying things

i am sorry

i was walking on the streets and

suddenly bumped into it and i’m looking

good in those things

besides the coats got discounted

i couldn’t hold back in a minute

are you aware that you are in a debt now

just because of your shopping habit


yes yes i am aware

it will be the last time i promise

starting from tomorrow i will not be a

shopaholic anymore

oh my dear of course you will and i will

help you get it

give me your wallet

for what

i will take all of your cards include

the id card to make sure you can’t open

any more accounts

what you’re crazy

i can care about myself

no you can’t

you’ve told me you will not shop anymore

for half a year but you still can’t do


now i will help you

but if you have all of my cards how can

i pay for my daily life

i will transfer you the daily spending

money by internet banking

it’s ridiculous you are not my mom

do you have any idea of paying all of

your debts

especially when you are still addicted

to shopping like this

but it is too inconvenient

well maybe but you have to get used to


you don’t have any choice

we will try it for a month and see the

results okay

let’s see

can you be used to it or not

and can you give up this habit or not

all right here is my wallet

take it


thanksgiving dinner

who is the real number one

tom and kathy have a thanksgiving dinner

with their family when eating tom

received a tough question making him

confused let’s watch the video below and



it’s been a long time since we’ve been

to daddy’s house


we visited them during the summer


i really like thanksgiving day

me too

should we buy a turkey for mom

nope she texted me that bella will buy


is there anyone coming today

of course yes

today is turkey day you know

everyone will gather with their family

to have a big dinner

so there are lisa eddie and bella


yes i am so happy that you still

remember eddie you have never met him


we are friends on whatsapp today will be

a great time

i miss them so so much

you can meet them in 20 minutes

no worries


daddy i’m home

hello sweetie

hi tom

hi mom

where is my daddy

he is in the garden

there is some wild grass so he is

plucking them up

i bought some wine and fruit

thank you

come in

everyone is inside

hi lisa



you look so pretty

long time no see

is everything good



of course

where are eddie and bella

eddie is in the garden with daddy

and bella

she is on the way


she should tell me then we can pick her

up on our way

no worries she’s fine

she should be faster if not we can be

late for dinner

i think i should help mom in the kitchen


are you there


i’m here

do you need any help here


you should help daddy you also should

check the car and some furniture for dad

he always forgets them and i am so



i see

hello girls

hi bella

long time no see

hi lisa


i just met you last week

come in

we should be faster

it’s late now

oh wait bella

where is the turkey you said you would

buy it


i did

oh my gosh

wait a few minutes

oh my gosh

did you forget it

you are going to ruin our thanksgiving


quiet let’s see what she says

i bought it yesterday

i swear


i think i forgot it in the cab

oh my

should we buy a new one

but it takes a lot of time

are you serious

what should we do now

do you have the number of the driver

i think


let me check

hopefully he hasn’t gone too far

got it



who is that

i’m bella

you just dropped me around 10 minutes



what happened

do you want me to pick you up later



i think i’ll leave my thanksgiving

turkey in your car


yes can you please come back to the

previous address

are you serious

turkey is the most important thing in

thanksgiving dinner

please okay

but you have to pay the fee


thanks so much

while we are waiting for him we can make

some cakes and other dishes


hope he will arrive soon

girls why are you gathering here

we have a lot of things to do come in



we will start with the turkey

mommy i’m so sorry

what bella

don’t say that you forgot to buy it

no no

i did

but it is on the way here

15 more minutes


she forgot it in the cab

oh my god

cool down mom

the driver is coming back

don’t ruin our thanksgiving day

absolutely not

we can prepare all ingredients first


let’s do it


come in dinner is ready

oh my

look at the roasted turkey

it’s so amazing

guess who did it

mommy definitely she is a master in

roasted turkeys


and fish

i think mommy is a master in using an

oven all her dishes are really good

guess who this pumpkin pie is


good answers tommy

she always makes it for me in her house

lucky boy

she rarely cooks anything for me

come on mommy

that’s true tom

a lazy girl

but i love all her dishes

she makes food to die for

enjoy the meal

bon appetit



i really love this roasted turkey

so juicy and the skin crisped up so


mom has her own special recipes

i like the smell of rosemary

me too

it’s so good

it is very moist and flavorful

do you want to have more tom

i’m so full so

just a bit please


i think tom really likes that turkey

i think so


is it delicious




number one

this is one of the best turkeys i have

ever eaten

kathy also roasted delicious turkey

didn’t she


she is number one also her dishes are


she seems to be a master chef

come on tom

number one is the only one in the world

it cannot be both mom and kathy

so who is the real number one



you make him confused


i just want to clarify it

what is this atmosphere

that’s a great question lisa

kathy has learned everything from mom

thanks mom for raising a great daughter

and also a great wife for me as well


thanks tom

oh my god

an excellent answer

you are so smart tommy

your answer is the best


you have the best husbands ever

i am so jealous

i think you should get married soon

so do i



today is a great day

yes but i was so nervous with lisa


the question about who is the best

i was so confused at that time

i don’t know why lisa asked me that

weird question

in a million years i have never thought

you got that awesome answer

i’m so proud of you

the best answer

thanks honey

let’s go

i’m so sleepy now

take a nap i will wake you up when we

arrive home

thanks honey


drive careful

if you are sleepy

wake me up then i will drive

no i’m fine

no worries



go useful expressions

dialogue one


i am so sorry boss i am late again

you are late again

i do not understand why are you late

every day

i am so so sorry

how do you get to work every day

i go to the office by train

well the train shouldn’t be late

my house is very far from our company i

take three and a half hours to come here

so i cannot come to office on time

all right you do not explain come back

to your seat

i promise to come to work on time from

now on

okay if you’re late for work one more

time you’ll be deducted this month’s


yes boss i understand


dialogue too

i absolutely love what you’re wearing


thank you i just got this outfit the

other day

really where did you get it

i bought it from the santa anita mall

i love your outfit right now

well i think you look nice today too

thank you i just bought these new shoes

earlier today

i think that those are some really nice


how much did you get them for

i got them for 40.

i’m going to get a pair for myself


dialogue 3


hello may i know who is speaking

i am preeti please may i speak to mina

oh it’s so nice to hear from you

how are you

i am fine how about you

great the day after tomorrow is my

birthday please do come to the party

that’s wonderful i’d love to be there

please bring your younger sister also

what time is the party

it starts at six o’clock in the evening

i will surely come thanks for calling

looking forward to meeting you bye



dialogue for


how can i help you sir

i ordered my steak medium rare and it’s

burnt to a crisp

i’m sorry about that i can ask our chef

to prepare another one

okay please do that

sorry again sir



dialog 1

that’s a nice piece of jewelry

do you like it

yes it’s fantastic

thank you very much

where did you buy it from

i bought it during my trip to milan last



dialogue 2

i absolutely love what you’re wearing


you do i just bought this outfit a

couple of days ago

seriously it looks really nice on you

thank you


dialogue three

you have an excellent command of the

english language

thank you for your kind words

it’s not meant as a compliment where did

you learn it i mean

an online friend taught me


dialogue four

i think that you look very cute today

is that right thanks

i really like that outfit

thanks i think you look nice today too

thank you

i just got these shoes today

really what kind of shoes are they

these are called all-star chuck taylors

i really like those how much did they


they were about forty dollars


dialog 5

you look wonderful in that new dress

do you really think that

i just tell the truth


dialogue 6.

what a great job you have done with this


thanks i needed that


dialogue one

excuse me can you help me

certainly what can i do for you

yeah i’m seeking a leather belt for


what do you think about this belt

i really like this is it okay if i try

it on

of course you can try it on

how does it fit

okay it really suits me


dialogue 2

i am looking for a red wine sweater

take a look at this one ma’am

can i try it on somewhere

sure there’s a fitting room right over

there please let me know if you require

a different size

the color is so beautiful i’ll take it

yeah both popular design and color fit

you very much

can i pay with my card

of course

welcome back again


dialogue three

good day ma’am

hello please show me the style of zara

dress this winter

what color do you want

brown or black

what size do you normally wear


what about this dress do you think it’s


oh it’s lovely i’m going to try it on

okay the changing rooms are located over


how does it fit

the hue is appealing to me but i’m

worried the dress is too big for me

could you kindly get me a smaller size

not an issue i’ll bring you a 42. how

does that fit


that dress really suits you


dialogue for

good morning what do you want to buy

yeah i’m looking for a suit from a man

okay now follow me

please have a look at these sir the

pattern is popular at present

how does this suit look on me

i suggest you buy this


dialog 5

hello i am looking for a pair of high


what about these shoes

oh they’re so fashionable can i try this


sure what size shoes do you normally



this is a number 38.

any good

no not really it’s the wrong size

it’s too close

i need a larger size

okay i’ll find you a 39

what colors are popular this season

gray and deep crimson


dialog six

what do you want to buy

i’ve brought this dress back to exchange


may i ask why you’re returning them i

bought them for my daughter but it’s the

incorrect size

okay you want to exchange or you want to


i’d like to give it back

do you keep the receipt it’s right here

thank you very much please sign here

here’s the 52 dollars you paid

thank you kindly


dialog 7


how are you

great thank you very much

how can i help you

i purchased the sweater for my husband

two days ago however it is in the

incorrect color

no problem do you want to exchange it or

return it

i want to exchange it

certainly please leave this sweater here

and i’ll take a different color sweater

in exchange for you

thank you very much

i like your wist watch

do you truly believe that it appeals to

me as well

when i was traveling from paris i

acquired it from a duty-free shop

it looks very expensive how many are


i just had to pay 300 euros

the initial cost was 490 euros

still overpriced for me


at the restaurant

dialog 1

i’ll have the tomato soup to start and

the roast beef with mashed potatoes and


would you like something to drink

please have a glass of red house wine

and a small bottle of still mineral


sure i’ll bring it shortly



i’m thinking caesar’s salad with shrimp

for an appetizer

and grilled salmon with vegetables for

the main course

would you like to drink something we

have fruit juice soda wine and tea

give me one orange juice and one tea cup

do you need anything else

no thanks


dialogue three

please filet mignon

with french fries for me and salmon

steak with rice for my partner

what about a glass of wine

could you please show us the wine list

sure it’s right here

please bring us a bottle of cabernet

sauvignon 2004


thank you very much


dialogue 4

would you like to see the dessert menu


tonight’s dessert specials include

chocolate mousse cake and a spicy rum

apple crisp

i would love the apple crisp

okay i’ll be right back with your



dialog 5.

do you need anything else

no i’m full can i have the bill

yes this is your bill please check it

thank you but could you please direct me

to the ladies room

ma’am this way


dialog 6

please a rib eye steak with baked

potatoes for me and a beef filet with

garlic butter and french fries for my


would you like something to drink

i’d like wine what kinds are there

here is the wine list

i’ll take this

would you like anything for dessert

that’s enough


dialog 7

the spaghetti looks really good but i

think the pasta is better what would you


i recommend the lasagna it’s excellent

that sounds great i’ll have that


what would you like to drink

i’ll have water


would you like to see the dessert menu

no thanks can we have the bill please

here’s your bill

at the bar

dialogue one

can you tell me where your wine list is

the wine list is posted right there on

the board

can we ordered a mixed drink in this


we can make a number of mixed drinks at

our bar

i’m not sure what i want do you have any

house specials

our house special is our cuerville gold


i would love a margarita right now that

is what i’m going to order


dialogue 2

please orange martini for the lady and a

johnny walker red for me

johnny walker is straight or on the

rocks on the rocks please

yes sir


dialogue three

get me a vodka with two ice cubes and my

companion drinks a glass of becks please

wait for a second sir


dialogue 4.

you seem too tired was it a bad night


i drank two glasses of beer before my

friend made me a shot of vodka we

eventually got intoxicated

i’m currently suffering from a severe


don’t overdo it


at the airport

dialogue one

how much will it be

this ticket is a hundred and fifty


oh no do you have anything cheaper

i am sorry but no not on such short


that is the lowest price i can get you

if you want to leave today


dialogue 2

what is the price of that

it is 120 euros

is that the best price you can give me

how about a hundred euro that’s my last




dialogue three

what is the cost of this woman’s scarf

forty-five dollars ma’am

can you make it lower

no way ma’am it’s made of silk and is

entirely handcrafted 45 is a reasonable


what if i get two will you offer me a

discount if i buy two scarves

okay two scarves for eighty dollars you



dialogue four

i am worried that i will not have enough

cash can i buy by credit

i’m afraid not sir

there’s a cash machine not far away

could you tell me how to go there

go ahead until you reach a junction and

turn left



can you tell me the price of this hat

it costs 18

that’s more than i can really afford but

i’ll take it but do you accept card


i’m sorry but we do accept wire

transfers man

i see


dialog 6

could you take me to the airport please

bang the door please

how much is it

sixty dollars sir


dialogue 7

i’ve got to get to the center square

get in please

how long does it take to the center


approximately 10 minutes

how much

15 euro

here’s the fair and keep the change

thank you very much


dialogue 8

please tell me how to go to the metro

continue straight ahead then turn left

how long will it be

it’s just five minutes


dialog 9.

excuse me i’m trying to get to downing

street can you show me the way

turn left at the intersection and the

building is on the right

thank you very much


dialog 10.

excuse me where is mcdonald’s can you

tell me please

go straight on till you see the hospital

then turn left



dialog 11

please excuse me

what is the best transport for me to go

to the train station

you should take a taxi

how far away is it

it’s about five minutes from here

thank you


dialogue 12.

would you call me a taxi please i’m

going to the golden hotel

you should use the subway today’s

traffic is terrible


dialogue 13.

please excuse me

please tell me how to get to the airport

to get to the airport you should use the




dialogue one

i have a reservation under the name of


could i see your id please sir

room 321 on the third floor here is your

room key sir

is smoking permitted in the room

no you can only smoke outside and you

must leave a deposit of a hundred us




dialogue two

i just returned from paris

was it a pre-planned vacation

yes it includes round trip airfare a

four-day stay at the les meridien hotel

on half board with buffet breakfast and

supper and excursions

le meridien is an excellent hotel did

you enjoy your room

it was a basic room with a large

bathroom a hairdryer satellite tv a

table phone a mini bar and coffee making



what about the hotel

what amenities did the hotel provide

there was a fitness center on the 15th



dialogue 3

how much does a one minute call to

russia cost

it costs five dollars


dialogue four

is there room service

please put a cappuccino and a bottle of

water for me

what is the number of your room


sir will be there in 10 minutes

is it okay if i sign it in my room

sure sir


dialog 5

please excuse me

i’d like to view the shuttle bus


here you are sir

i stayed at a really good hotel in egypt

when i visited there i received a room

with a view of the sea

great what was the hotel’s name

hotel paradise


dialog 6.

i’m sorry but i need to switch rooms

can you tell me what is the issue with

your room

the furniture is shattered and the air

conditioner is damaged


dialog 7

hello i’d like to know if it’s possible

for me to move to a different room

is there something wrong with your room

i paid for a sea view and expected to

get one but all i got was a city view

i apologize for that

let me check our room availability

all right we can give you another room

on the fifth floor


dialog 8

hello the water heater is not working

sir what is the number of your room

five four three

sir i’ll settle that in five minutes


dialogue 9

hello could you please put me in touch

with room 345

could you kindly tell me the name of the


ivanov and natalie

i’m sorry but the line is busy

beach and spa

dialogue one

do you enjoy water sports

yes i’m really into it i enjoy

wakeboarding and skiing towable tubes

well it’s all dangerous sports

no not at all wakeboarding and skiing

towable tubes are both enjoyable

activities that just need some technique

and effort

do you enjoy scuba diving

i do not know i have never tried to play

that sport

you should give it a go you may go scuba

diving with a guide

okay i’ll give it some thought

actually i enjoy fishing


dialogue 2.

yesterday i got sunburned

you should use sunscreen and should

stand in the shade or under a tree


i know a spa that has a very good skin

resurfacing treatment

that’s great tell me the name of that


and i can also get a manicure and a



dialogue three

i’ve just spent three hours in this spa

i received a facial treatment a full

body massage and fragrant sea salt baths

sounds great do you feel better now


i feel like i’m in heaven

after skin care remember to avoid too

much exposure to the sun use some


safe hours are from 7 am to 11 am and

after 2 pm

call your doctor if you get a sunburn


dialogue 4

i suppose i’ll have my face clean today

a honey massage is something you should


does that cause skin allergies or not

don’t worry it is very safe because it

has no chemicals


renting and using a car

dialogue one

hello i’d like to rent a car please

certainly what type of car would you


what options do i have

well we have all kinds of cars available

from small size to suv you just need to

take your pick

all right just compact

the vehicle would be a ford focus sedan

how long do you need the car

i think a week or so i’ll be staying in

the city for a week and i’ll be needing

it for commuting

okay could you kindly show me your

driver’s license

here you are

do you need anything else from me

yes please sign the form you can get the

key from reception

and what if something goes wrong with

the car

simply dial this toll-free number and

our roadside help crew will be on their

way to you in less than a half hour

thank you


dialogue 2.

hi hello my name is linda i’m renting a

car from you and i’m having a problem

with it

hello could you please provide me with

your reservation number

it is located on the upper right corner

of your rental agreement

the number is jd325

can you describe it in more detail

i’ve got a flat tire

are you okay ma’am have you pulled over

to the curb yet

i’m okay but i’m a bit hurry i want you

to call a mechanic to fix it

yes stay there we’ll locate you and our

roadside support team will be there as

soon as possible



dialogue three

when you travel do you generally rent a


yes and i did that the last time i was

in france

what was it like a great experience

yeah it was fantastic

what was the rental company’s name

lux motor

i leased a vehicle for four days while

traveling in italy

was it pricey

no i only paid 400 euros


dialogue four


we’ve run out of gas and need to stop at

a petrol station

what can i do for you

fill it up please and can you tell me

how far is kentucky from here

it’s about 100 miles from here

what’s the best way to get there

take the 95 highway that will take you

all the way to kentucky

thanks and how much

all done that’ll be 46 dollars


dialog five

you’re going far too quickly

how fast is this i’m still going 60

miles per hour

come on the speed limit on this road is

55 miles per hour

really i’ll slow down now

you should do that if you don’t want to

be caught by the police

thanks for the reminder if caught the

police will find a lot of money

that’s right you can even have your

driver’s license revoked

going out

dialogue one

hi anna long time no see how are you

i’m doing great

how about you

i’m great too do you have any plans


no not really why

you know

it’s been a long time since we have met

each other

why don’t we go out for dinner or



that sounds great what time

around six o’clock okay

can you come and pick me up

okay i’ll pick you up

see you tonight

bye have a good day


dialogue two

i received two seats for a cocktail

reception would you like to come

when will that happen

tomorrow evening at 7 pm


the nightclub at the hotel

i will go there

okay we’ll meet at the door


dialogue three

do you have some free time tomorrow


yes i don’t have a plan for tomorrow

what do you think if we go out together

that’s great what do you think if we go

for coffee together

that’s a great idea i know a great cafe

where is it

15 a new orleans louisiana the

cappuccino coffee there is great

great i really like cappuccino

see you at eight a.m

okay see you


dialogue four

let’s go on a safari tomorrow

that sounds fun when do we depart

we will depart early in the morning and

we will be back at 10 p.m

how much does it cost per person

150 dollars lunch and dinner are


numerals and time

dialogue one

what age are you

i’m 25.

what is the age of your girlfriend

she is three years younger than me she

is 22 years old


dialogue 2

how old are you

i am 32 years old

what is your wife’s age she and i are

the same age

do you have any children

we have a girl that is eight years old


dialogue three

have you ever visited new york

yes i did reside there from 1999 to

i visited australia three years ago

that was three years ago in 2006



dialogue four

how far did you have to go to get to the


approximately two hours the traffic was


what time did you begin

approximately 6 am

because i always want to go shopping

shopping is one of the most popular

hobbies of girls

however a shopaholic can face

unpredictable troubles

let’s watch this video and learn about

one of these problems of a shopping

lover girl



is anybody there

hello you are

my name is sarah and

i will live together with you from today

you must be mark right

oh i heard linda talk about you

yes i’m mark nice to meet you and

welcome to our home

you look so tired would you like to

drink some water let me bring you a

glass of water

thank you mark you’re so kind

but first i have to take my luggage and

my package into my room

could you show me where my new room is

yes sarah let me help you with this

your room is on the second floor on the

left side of the stairs


let’s do it now

thank you so much mark

you’re welcome

can you introduce more about yourself

yes of course i’m 23 years old and i’m

from oxford

i’m currently a teacher

i knew it your accent is so good

and how about you mark

i’m also 23 years old and i’m a

technology engineer

ah i’m from norwich city

oh mark by the way where’s linda i

haven’t seen her when i came here

i don’t know where my sister is too

she goes out early in the morning

i guess that she may be shopping mall

and looking for sale items here

linda is a big fan of shopping


she backs home

hello linda i’m sarah

nice to meet you

hi sarah

welcome to our family

sorry i couldn’t be home this morning to

take you home

i have to buy some things in the

shopping mall

they are sail off at an attractive price

no problem linda mark helped me a lot

you seem to buy many things right

yes some beautiful dresses and cosmetics

by the way how do you feel about this


yes i love the house it’s so large and


my room is awesome too

i’m so glad to hear that

now take a rest sarah you must be tired

from this morning

i also have to prepare something in the


okay bye linda


hi i would like to pay for this dress

yes please your address cost is 300

would you like to pay in cash or buy


buy cash please here’s your money


let me pack your dress please


oh is your store hiring employees

yes we’re looking for sale woman


would you like to apply

by the way i’m rachel sales manager in

this store

my name is linda

could you give me the job details or can

you describe this job for me please

i’m free now and i fairly need a job

oh i forgot you can’t do this job if are

still a student

we only hire full-time sale woman

yes i’ve graduated in three years

so your working hour will be divided

into two shifts

9am to 2pm or 2pm to 8pm

you’ll have a day off per week

you’ll receive a free meal and also a

revenue bonus if you have excellent


we’ll talk about your salary after you

apply for this job

so would you like to work in our store

yes i agree please tell me more about

this position in your store

okay first please give me more of your


wow what a sumptuous meal who made it

it’s me i had to spend three hours

preparing for them

i make sure these dishes are the best

food you’ve ever eaten

wow linda do you often make a lot of

dishes for a meal like this

no sarah i’ve never seen linda prepare

such a big meal before

come on mark

so linda do you have good news

you’re right sarah who can guess what it

is did you buy a new shirt at a good


no mark you’re wrong

did you win a prize for something you


no sarah

okay now i’ll reveal the reason for this

big meal

i’m going to work in a clothing store in

a shopping mall as a saleswoman

i start working full time there from


oh that’s great linda congratulations

and hope your new work will make you


yeah i’m so surprised

congratulations sister

thank you my family okay it’s time for

enjoying our meal

here’s to new linda’s job




wow this bee steak is so yummy it’s very

soft and very tasty

you should also try this chicken fried i

just ate it and it tastes wonderful

all the dishes are delicious believe me

so linda what is the store you work for

it’s nila a clothing store for women in

the shopping mall

is that the store where you often

purchase in

yes it is

do you have any days off in the week

yes one day per week

why did you decide to work in this shop

oh let me tell you

i saw a recruitment poster when i was

paying for my new dress

i asked the manager immediately and

after a while i agreed to start working


you’re so lucky linda

thank you

keep enjoying this meal

we still have many things to eat

okay linda

oh linda don’t cry please what happened

to you

sarah i just got fired i’m so sad and

disappointed now

i’m so sorry to hear that

but could you tell me the reason for it

yes tell us all and you may feel better

after that

i and my manager made a short


she said that she had to fire me for the

saleswoman position

because i quit my shift without asking

her permission

has she ever announced you before

yes one time but i think she just was



why did you go out during your shift

because our store did not have any

customer at this time

i went to another shop to buy some sail

off items

my manager checked the camera and she

detected it


oh no linda it was an unacceptable


you’re so reckless

linda you should not be sad anymore i

believe that you’ll find another

suitable job soon

however i think you should change your

current shopping habits

you might be a shopaholic and that’s bad

for you

it’s also the main reason that makes you

lose your job right

yes i see thank you for your advice

i promise that i will reduce my shopping

time and find a new job immediately

so who wants to drink something tonight

with me


that’s a great idea

okay let’s prepare for it


a younger sister or a younger brother

that was a lovely day in the winter in

new york

i felt not good

i had missed my period for two weeks

recently i always had symptoms of

vomiting and fatigue


max i think i’m pregnant


oh my god



i’m happy beyond words

did you use a pregnancy test kit

not yet honey but

the symptoms are the same as when i was

pregnant with anne

i want to go to the hospital to check

exactly though it will be my third


it is serious

i have a shift off tomorrow

i’ll take you to the hospital

can you ask for a day off tomorrow

yes that’s fine i’ll book an appointment

i’m quite nervous now

everything will be fine honey if you get

pregnant it’s a gift from god

we were quite nervous because we had two

small kids already

the older sister was anne nine years old

and the younger brother was finn

five years old

the day after we went to the hospital to


i was indeed pregnant

that evening i prepared a hearty meal to

announce it


kids today i have a big piece of news

for you guys

big news

did you buy a scooter for me or


for me it’s just important news


when you get an a score in math i will

consider buying it for you

that sucks


what is the news

good news or bad news

hopefully it’s a good one today i had a

lot of bad news

oh dear what happened with you

jimmy rejected her invitation to her



shut up finn


oh dear he

why do you shout at my face

cause you’re such a big mouth

i don’t want to talk about jimmy anymore


okay everyone please keep quiet and

listen to mommy

kids i got pregnant

you guys will have a younger sibling

are you kidding me

really mom wow


yes kids the baby will come next july

oh my god i can’t believe that i’ll have

a younger brother

hey finn we don’t know if the baby is a

boy or a girl

i think she’s a baby girl

no way anne

why must the baby be a baby girl

come on kids

though the baby is a boy or girl

no daddy i’m sure it’s a baby boy

then he’ll play superman games with me

i will make a carton of armor for him

will he have blonde hair like me

it’s so hard to camouflage but i’m a

master in it

i will help him out

finn the baby girl is better she will

not be naughty like you

baby girls are cute and lovely

oh my princess

i’ll give her all my dolls

i’m pretty sure that she likes them


hey shut up anne

come on kids who allows you to use these

words with me

stop fighting

you guys have to love the baby though

the baby is a boy or a girl


i just like a younger brother


a baby girl is better

look daddy baby girl will not be

stubborn like finn

i can’t bear him anymore

though the baby is still your sibling


i don’t care

listen to me kids

boy or girl is not the important matter

the baby still loves you guys



where’s finn and anne

sit down bay a finn is playing over

there and

anne went back to her room i’m not sure

what she’s doing

honey i think we should talk with them

directly to handle that problem

do you think it will work

we should try we haven’t even tried so

how do we know

all right bae i think you should talk

with finn he always listens to you

then i’ll go to anna’s room now

deal honey


what are you doing finn nothing mom

oh your toys are so cool

they’re gifts from grandma on new year’s

eve right

yes they are

listen finn i know you really love to

have a younger brother

but we cannot choose a younger brother

or a younger sister

if the baby is a girl she can still play

superman with you


she can be a superwoman you have seen

that movie right or captain marvel

they’re girls aren’t they

yes they’re super cool

that’s right

so promise me

you’ll never fight with anne about that

problem anymore

never okay



good boy


can you buy a new scooter for me please

you have to ask daddy about that

now i have to read my magazine



may i come in

sure daddy i’m just doing the puzzle

oh it’s almost completed

you’re a star and

so so

why don’t you like your younger brother


i wanna have a younger sister

girls are cuter than boys

look daddy finn is so naughty i can’t

bear it

why don’t you try playing with him


you are his sister so

you should yield to him

you should play with him first

and then he will be nice to play with

your games


i will try one day


boys or girls are not a matter

you are siblings

they will always love you the way you do

did you get me

yes i see daddy

when will we celebrate a baby gender

reveal party

next two months now the baby is so

little the doctor cannot know

excellent i’m so excited about it

yes me too

can i play with you


two months later


and finn come here

coming mommy

what’s up mom

this is a small baby gender reveal party

oh really

did you know

yes i did

ready are you ready to find out

yes what is it

okay it’s a mystery box

open the box

let’s do it together

pull all the balloons out what is the



it’s pink

yeah it’s pink


it’s a girl kid


what do you think finn

i’m so so

not happy at all

come on

you told me that you still love her

didn’t you

yes i did but why is it a girl

because god gave her to us darling

a girl

not a boy

yeah i’m so sorry

well okay

i will try training her to be a


the mission is hard but

i can try


i believe in you finn

here you are

anna and max had a younger sister

though finn was not very happy

but we were still looking forward to the

baby coming

we love her so much and she’ll also love

us back


in the flea market

a flea market is an outdoor place where

merchants sell used items

it’s often seasonal

people go there to buy things at lower


watch this video and learn more about

flea markets

dialogue 1

interesting things in a flea market


the weather is so nice today tracy

why did you bring me here

oh joey you said that your tv is broken

and you didn’t have enough money to buy

a new one


i took you here to purchase a new tv

in a flea market

yes let’s find a place for electronic


i’m not sure tracy

i don’t think the items in there are of

good quality

they have used items

don’t worry

i bought many things there and they are

still good

you just need to be more careful when

selecting the products

okay let’s go now

wow tracy

it’s the first time i’ve come to a flea


there are a lot of things here

yes joey

you can find many useful items for


such as shoes furniture clothes

and so on

do you know who is playing the guitar

this song is so vibrant

i don’t know

people often perform musical instruments


here we are

this is an electronics store for you

let’s select the tv you want


yeah i see it

that black tv over there may suit me

excuse me can you introduce this tv


i just bought it last month and it still

works well

you can access the internet on this tv

and also watch reality movies on it

why are you selling it

my son bought a better tv and i don’t

need to use that

he didn’t know i just purchased a new


it means that this tv is like new

okay let me check


i think it’s okay


is this tv still under warranty

of course

i’ll give you all the warranty

information when you buy it


do you want it

yeah i like it okay

i’ll buy it

dialogue 2

bargain for the price

okay kevin how much does this tv cost

when i first bought it in the

supermarket the price was 500

so i want to sell it for 450 dollars

wow kevin

i think that price is too high

you’ve used it for a month before

selling it here

can you lower the price please

i swear that this tv is still like a new


you can check it carefully before

deciding to buy it

yes i know its quality is still good

but the price is still too high for me


how much can you pay for it

i’d like to buy for 300

i think it’s a reasonable price for both

of us

yeah i also think this price is okay


that is too low i can’t sell it to you

for this price

how about 350 dollars


let me think



your money is here


thank you

do you want to buy anything else i still


radios and a refrigerator

no thanks i just need this tv

congratulations joey you bought a good

tv at a nice price

could you help me pack this tv and bring

it to my car

i can’t do it by myself

of course i’ll help you

where’s your car

it’s in the south car park thank you

dialogue three

good price for products


are you tired tom

we’ve gone through almost the whole

market but you still haven’t bought


yes jim i still have to buy something to

decorate my living room

i see an antique store over there

they may have items that you need

okay let’s go there

hold on i think we should drink

something first

what do you want to drink

coke or mineral water

one coke please


good morning

what can i help you with

i want to buy something to decorate my


do you have any recommendations

it must be a landscape picture

please come here to select one of them


okay let me see

come in jim


your pictures look so beautiful

the scenery is exceptional

thank you

i can just select one picture among them

because my living room is enough space

for only one


which picture would you like most

i love this black horse picture it’s so


yes i like it too but i also love the

farm picture here

it’s so peaceful

could you help us to choose one picture

my friend


could you tell me the paint color inside

your house

it’s cream color

so i think the dark color will suit your

living room

the black horse may be better than the

other one

that makes sense okay

i’ll buy it

would you like to put this vase on the


i also think it will make your home more



let me see


i’ll take it too

you know what we visited almost this

whole flea market and haven’t bought


then we buy two items in your store

your products are good i’m satisfied

with them

thank you my friend so do you want to

buy anything else


how much is the cost

one hundred dollars for the picture

and twenty dollars for the vase

a hundred 120 dollars for both please

i guarantee that they are real products

and of good quality

quite cheap compared to the other

antique stores great

your money is here


thank you for buying here have a good


dialog 4

purchase a luxury item


hey lily

have we bought everything on the list

yes jenny do you want to go home now


i still want to buy a handbag

my bag is too old and i need a new one


i know a place that sells many beautiful

handbags follow me

let’s go there right now


is this small store over here

yes it is


look lily

this bag is attractive

i love it

but we still have not come to the shop i

want to show you

i know that but i think i’ll buy this


don’t you see that this bag is beautiful

let me see

you’re right it looks so good


go in and ask for its information

welcome to my shop

how can i help you two girls

i’d like to buy this bag

let me take it out for you you can see

it more clearly

by the way

this bag also it has blue and red


would you like to see them all


please take it out

there are full versions of them

these are also our newest designs


i think i’ll choose the red one it’s



i will pack the red bag for you

by the way

would you like to buy something else

sorry i just want this bag thank you

okay the cost of the bag is 500

you can pay in cash or

scan a qr code as you want

i already have enough cash for it here’s

your money

thank you for purchasing my product

i hope to see you again

and have a good day


a table

have you ever reserved a table

how can you do it

watch the video and learn something

about these situations

situation 1 reserving a room in a hotel


good morning

thank you for calling the grand hotel

how may i help you

good morning

i’d like to book a room for three days

from the 25th of june to the 28th of



we can do that what kind of room would

you like

i would like to reserve two double rooms

in advance

and the rooms must be non-smoking

yes do you have any other requests

for example the view or a balcony

yes of course i’d like the rooms with a

sea view

i’ve heard that your hotel has a

breathtaking view

and if the rooms have a balcony that

would be great


let me repeat your reservation

you booked two double rooms

non-smoking with a sea view

right access

rooms that’s

yes of course

it’s a basic requirement of customers

all our rooms are well equipped with a

good internet connection

air conditioning


if you book the five star rooms you can

have a television as well

that sounds good but

i just want internet access and a sea

view ah

and non-smoking rooms

yes sir could i know your name


my name is john

how can we contact you

via my phone number

zero five six seven

eight three eight eight nine


welcome to the grand hotel

if there are any changes please contact


we will assist you as quickly as


thank you goodbye


situation 2

booking a table for a birthday

good afternoon

welcome to our star restaurant

how can i help you

i know that your restaurant can be a

birthday party venue

i’d like to make a reservation for 5th

of july for my girlfriend’s birthday


yes we do

you’re a great boyfriend

our restaurant has hosted many birthday


i would like to have one near the window

if you have a vacancy outside it would

be great

yes we do

great and there’s a special thing

i want to get down on one knee that day

wow you mean you’re going to propose to


yes it’s a special gift for her so i

want to prepare everything carefully

as much as possible

i guarantee your girlfriend will be the

happiest person that day

we’ll help you

yes i hope she is happy

so you’d like to book a table for 5th of


what time will you come

about 7pm

it’s the most romantic time

i would like you to help me with the

decoration a bit please make it romantic

and check everything carefully for me

of course sir

we’ll prepare decorative flowers

balloons and candles

do you need us to prepare the cake too

oh no

i will prepare it and that day please

turn on the music for me

can you help me arrange the candles into

a heart shape


i remember

now what name will the reservation be

listed under

my name is alex

how can we contact you

here’s my business card

you can contact me at this phone number

on the card

yes if there are any changes please

contact us

we will assist you as quickly as



not at all

see you on the 5th of july

see you later


situation 3

reserving a villa

good morning

welcome to our sunny villa how can i

help you

good morning

i’d like to ask for some information

about your villa


well i would like to reserve your villa

i want a villa with about four rooms

a spacious living room and a big kitchen

and what is the exact date of your


20th of june

how long will you be staying


i’ll be staying for three days

how many people is the reservation for

there will be about 10 people

yes we have one which is suitable for

your requirements

it has two floors

and a swimming pool


let me check if we’re scheduled for that


ah yes

the delegation will leave on the morning

of the 19th so we will be available for

you from the 20th

that’s good

is this villa well equipped

don’t worry about that we provide the

best service to you

we are fully equipped with everything

please rest assured about the service

great i’ve seen photos of this villa on

the website but i can visit directly to

see it first

since it’s our vacation i’d like to

check out the location furniture

and sign the agreement later

of course you can make an appointment

with our manager he’ll show you


i have time next monday the 15th

can i come that day

let me check the schedule


my manager has an appointment that day

are you free another day

let’s see

how about the next day 16th

yes so i will make the appointment for


i’ll come at 3pm


what name will the reservation be listed


my name is jill

is there a number we can contact you at


my cell phone number is five one one

two six three six six

thank you if you have any questions or

changes please do not hesitate to call


we’ll help you as quickly as possible


thank you so much

my pleasure

have a nice day


situation four

canceling a reservation

good afternoon foodie restaurant my name

is jenny

how can i help you

good afternoon i would like to cancel

our order tonight

yes please give me your information

my name is jackson

how about the phone number

please wait for me a minute i’ll check

it out

you ordered a table at 6 00 p.m on the

30th of august and you gave us a deposit

of 20.

that’s right and now i would like to

cancel my order because i have an

unscheduled meeting this evening

can you help me please

certainly but according to our rules

you’ll have to pay the full amount that

you deposited

as we only refund the deposit when you

cancel or reschedule appointments

two days in advance

yes i know i also don’t want to cancel

but i can’t come because of having a

busy day

i see

and now i’ll cancel your order thank you

for using our service

yes thank you

not at all



and celebrations

when people achieve their desired goal

they will hold a party to invite their

loved ones and enjoy happiness together

are you curious how they celebrate the

party and how they congratulate other


let’s watch this video and answer the


topic one wedding anniversary


who is that

tom long time no see

everyone was here why do you come so


sorry dad i was quite busy today i was

also stuck in a traffic jam

okay no matter come in and enjoy our

lunch ben and kelly are still waiting

for you to start the party

yes dad but let me wash my hands first

okay son hurry up

hi everyone sorry i’m late

no problem tom are you hungry

yes mom

wow there are so many dishes who did


mom and i made them

they’re also have beef steak and tomato

soup your most favorite food

okay let’s enjoy our meal

we want to give you a bouquet

dad how do you feel now

i feel so happy because our family

hasn’t stayed together for a long time

harley thank you for living together and

being my wife for 30 years

i love you harley

oh james i’m so lucky when i have an

ideal husband like you

i love you too james


wow you two are so romantic

i have a present for you hope mom and

dad will always be happy and in good


could i open it right now

of course dad

let me see what is this

wow a couple of gold rings what an

awesome gift

thank you son we love it

i also want to give you a small gift i

bought a new television for you


you can watch tv together and enjoy a

romantic movie together

i still let it in my car i will bring it

in after finishing the meal

i’m so surprised tom thank you for your

meaningful gift

dad mom have you ever visited hawaii

no we haven’t why did you ask this

because i booked a three-day two-night

trip to hawaii for the two of you

i hope you will enjoy this trip together

and have a memorable time in hawaii

this is great kelly i always wanted to

visit hawaii one time

will you go with us

no dad we have to go to work

okay now let’s drink more champagne

together and talk about your life


topic two pass the university


hi jim


everyone so jim have you received your

result for the university’s test

oh i forgot let me check


how is it going jim

i’m trying to access the website it’s

still loading

oh everyone i did it

i passed economic university

this is my dream university when i was a

kid it means a lot to me i’m so lucky


no jim you are totally worth it you

studied so hard and everyone believed

that you will pass

i congratulate you jim i hope you will

study well at the new university

thanks monica i also heard that you

passed the architect university


yeah i’m so glad to hear that i really

admire you jim

i also want to be an economic student

like you jim

i wish you will meet good friends as

well as have a lot of interesting

experiences at university

thank you linda don’t worry you still

have many chances to become an economic

student they are going to organize a

test in the next two months

you should prepare for this exam

carefully you will gain what you want

thanks jim

by the way will you celebrate a party

for this occasion

of course i think i will prepare a meal

and invite you to come in with me

will both of you be free this weekend

yes we don’t have to do anything on the


so let’s go to my home on saturday

evening and enjoy my party

that sounds great jim okay i’ll come

i’ll come too that will be a vibrant



topic three welcome to this world baby


anna you look so pale what’s the matter

with you

do you want to drink some water or eat


thank you rachel i’m still okay

no anna you should go to the doctor now

let me take you there

don’t worry rachel i went to the doctor


they said that i was pregnant

really anna


wow i’m so glad to hear this could you

tell me the baby is a boy or a girl

i don’t know the doctor said that they

will know exactly the sex of the baby

next month

i’m going to hold a party to notify

everyone about this

would you like to come with us

of course anna i will come




thank you for coming to our gender

reveal party now my husband ben and i

will throw this water balloon to that


are you ready everyone




wow a baby girl

it’s so wonderful

yes as you can see we will have a baby

girl and her name is katie

congratulations anna and welcome to this

world katie

we hope you will be beautiful be a smart

girl and always be in good health

thank you so much rachel

anna wish you and your baby are always

healthy and happy katie will definitely

be a cute and obedient child

we love you katie thanks tim

now everyone please raise your glasses

to send the best wishes to our angel




topic 4 a happy couple


hello rosie long time no see you i

really miss you

yes ginny we haven’t met for a long time

since we graduated from university

how have you been recently

i’m good and how about you rosie do you

have any good news

everything is okay oh i forgot what

would you like to drink

i want a cup of coffee please

okay i will order a coffee for you

and an orange juice for myself

wait for me a minute


hey ginny i’m going to get married to

tom next month i’d like to invite you to

our wedding at my house

wow rosie

congratulations you and tom finally

lived together in a home

i remember that you and tom have been a

couple since you were students at the


yes jenny

tom is an extremely romantic and caring


you are so lucky rosie

could you tell me how did he propose to


of course

tom proposed to me on a beach he

prepared for it within one day

he made a big heart and spread roses on

the beach

in the night tom took me to go there and

proposed to me

i was so happy and surprised at this


then i said yes

immediately we had dinner on the beach

and enjoyed this night together that is

the most romantic night of my life


so great rosie i wish i could be

proposed like you

oh sorry ginny i have to go out now i

will be so glad if you come to our


i’ll come i promise bye rosie


topic five buy a new car


hi john sorry i’m late because of

traffic jams

no problem john actually i just came in

some minutes

what do you want to eat the food in this

restaurant is very tasty

please give me the menu here i’ve never

been here before

i will eat beef steak and chicken soup

okay tim

tim i will pay for this dinner i just

buy a new car

you have a new car really

yes i bought it last week

wow congratulations john could i see it

it’s the latest car by ford

its color is black

i parked a car in the basement do you

want to go out in my car after this

dinner with me

of course john

oh the dishes are ready let’s enjoy them



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