Why Did He Cheat On Me Love Story Practice Speaking Conversation in English


why did he cheat on me

learn english by situations

a cute guy can open up our eyes a smart

guy can open up our minds but a nice guy

can open up our hearts

let’s follow the love story of linda our


see how the story develops and ends


thank you for coming i’m so glad to see


it is your birthday i must come

happy birthday here is your gift

no need for this

anyway thank you

that’s so nice

let’s take it i prepared for you

thank you very much

now i have to go to greet some friends

make yourself comfortable and try some

food hey

can you stay here and wait for me for a

minute i’ll be back okay

yeah i’m fine


and i see some friends over there waving

at you



sorry for my suddenness

may i ask your name


call me linda

a beautiful name just like you

my name is alex i’m jack’s colleague

nice to meet you

hi alex nice to meet you

are you friends with jack or

jack is my friends my college friends

glad to hear that jack is very popular

he has a lot of friends

yes it’s him

in college he’s very kind and

everyone likes him too

how about you

do you like jack

of course i like him as a friend

i’m sorry for those silly questions i

don’t even know what’s wrong with me

no it’s okay

would you like to drink something

can i get it for you orange juice

thank you orange juice is great i like

some sweets


oh i’m so sorry

i didn’t mean to dirty your dress i’m so


oh it’s a little dirty but that’s okay i

have a sudden problem so

i have to leave this party now

so sorry


what happened why is your dress like


it’s okay

put it on i hope it matches your

beautiful dress

it’s okay i’m fine i have to leave now

thank you

please keep it since you have to go in

such a hurry

can i get your number

yes you can

thanks for giving me a chance

thank you for today goodbye nice to meet


see you again


what just happened

who is he

oh my god he’s so handsome and gallant

have you got home safely yet the party

isn’t perfect because you’re not here

your orange juice is still in my hand

i hope next time i will have a chance to

talk to you more alex

he is so sweet this dirty dress made me

not confident standing next to him he’s

so handsome his nose is so high and his

eyes are as blue as the sea

how can i return this coat to him

ah whatever

i must take a shower now


good morning the weather forecast says

it will rain today

when you go out remember to bring an

umbrella alex

thank you you too

yesterday i saw a rainbow after the rain

it was beautiful so i took a picture and

sent it to you have a nice day alex

it’s so beautiful

thanks and have a nice day

it’s going to be very hot today

a glass of cold orange juice at

breakfast is great

don’t get heat stroke keep your body



today is a beautiful sunny day

i guess your pretty blonde hair looks so

beautiful in the sunshine alex

thank you the sun is so beautiful today


why doesn’t he text me today

or is he busy

why am i waiting for his text i should



oh it’s spam

why am i disappointed

calm down linda he’s nothing to you


is miss linda here

someone sent you this bouquet

i’m here

thank you

wow what a beautiful bouquet


my boyfriend has never been so romantic

there is a letter from

alex this is the prettiest bouquet in

the shop i hope you like it

i wonder if you will smile when you

receive this bouquet

it must have been a beautiful smile alex

linda is that you

i don’t recognize you because this large

bouquet covers your face

anna hi

where are you going

i just went to the supermarket near my


look at your face

a guy gave you this right

come to my house and tell me what



last week you went to jack’s birthday

don’t tell me

you and jack

not jack

a friend of jack’s

he is alex

look at your eyes

do you like him your eyes widened at the

mention of him no i don’t like him we

only met once at jack’s birthday party

he came and talked to me first then ask

for my phone number and text me every


how about a quiz


what quiz

is he handsome

a little bit

but his eyes are so pretty

they’re blue

eyes are you waiting for his message

every day




do you smile while reading his messages


actually no

if he calls will you answer confidently

or will you worry

of course i confidently picked up the



you don’t like him at all

oh my god

should i pick up the phone now

who is calling

alex what should i do







pick up

hi linda i’m alex have you received the

gift yet

i hope you like it

yes it’s beautiful thank you

are you free this weekend

would you like to have dinner with me


i’ll check my schedule and reply to you


i’ll check my schedule and reply to you



i’m waiting for your reply goodbye see

you soon

you confidently picked up the phone

don’t tease me


he is so handsome and kind

these days i feel like i’m in a romantic


reply to his text tomorrow that you are

free for the weekend have a nice date

don’t worry

call me later



i’m so glad you agreed to have dinner

with me you’re so beautiful tonight

thank you for your coat here is yours i

washed it clean

i ordered some food i hope it suits your


oh these are my favorite foods

i like sweet food

how do you know

last time you told me

you don’t remember

it’s not important i remember


how do you know my company address and

send me flowers

do you like it

the bouquet is so beautiful it’s also my

favorite flower

at the party

you kept looking at the flowers on the



i guess you like them it’s nice to be

with you like this

how can he notice such small details

he is so thoughtful


anna he’s so sweet i’m going to die

come to my house tomorrow and tell me

about your date okay


tomorrow i’m going to a friend’s party

he’s going abroad so he wants to say

goodbye to everyone

how about tuesday


see you on tuesday


hi linda

so glad you came

you look so beautiful

i have two best friends

they will come soon and we’ll start the


because they will sit here at this table

with you so

please wait a minute

because of your important friends it’s

okay to wait a bit i’m fine

they have been dating for two years i

was the one who introduced them to each


ah really

they love each other very much

he is so romantic and caring

not only that

he is also very handsome and she is

beautiful and gentle


i’m also looking forward to meeting them

i’m glad they’re happy together because

they are my best friends

ah linda look

they arrived

it’s alex and his girlfriend sarah

hi andy

long time no see

now see you

you’re going abroad

glad you guys came

let me introduce you her

this is linda

it was an ironic situation

how will linda react

and what will alex do when standing

between two girls

both of the girls he likes

more precisely

a girl he loves and a girl he likes


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