2 Native English Pronunciation Tricks Speak British English

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy

i hope you’re well i hope you’re ready

for a lesson i haven’t done in a really

long time for a very long time i have

not done anything to do with sounding


um because i didn’t want to push my

students into thinking they have to

sound like a native speaker or it’s

something you should absolutely aim for

sounding like you’re a non-native isn’t

good enough however something that

really interests me when i’m learning a



how come i sound non-native and they

sound native it doesn’t mean that i want


achieve native level necessarily i just

find it fascinating to see why do i

sound the way i do and they sound the

way they do in today’s lesson i’m going

to teach you some native pronunciation

tricks so little things that native

english speakers do

that you might not notice but once i

point them out you will hopefully be

able to apply them to your own speaking

skills if you so wish if not it’s just

good to know isn’t it it’s been a long

time since i’ve spoken about native

english pronunciation i don’t want

anyone to feel not good enough because

they don’t have native level

pronunciation or they might never

achieve it instead i’m equipping you

with the information and you can make

the decision about what’s best for you i

think that’s a fair way to deal with it

because i’ve had so many different

messages from people

on one side people saying that they’re

so pleased that i’ve stopped pushing

native pronunciation and things like


on the other side people saying they

really miss those old videos that they

found them really helpful so i think

this is a fair way of doing it here’s

the info do what you want

so in this video we’re going to be

talking about noun verb pairs firstly so

these are two syllable words

that can be pronounced in two different

ways depending on whether they’re a verb

or a noun i often hear my students just

focus on one pronunciation for example

the word permit as a noun and to permit

as a verb

a lot of learners of english will just

take one of these pronunciations and use

them as both the noun pronunciation and

the verb pronunciation we’ll talk more

about that later i’ve got loads of

examples for you after that we’re going

to talk about how to pronounce words

with specific suffixes and more

specifically on what syllable of the

word do you place the stress there are

some rules


hopefully this lesson will really really

help you or just be really interesting

for you now if you are really looking to

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to claim your discount as always there

is a free pdf that goes with this lesson

and today we have a quiz and it’s a

really good one i really suggest you

download it if you’d like to get that

free pdf just click on the link in the

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free service i hope you enjoy it okay

let’s start with noun verb pairs this is

something that really isn’t obvious to

students when they’re learning english

but once you clock it does make a lot of

sense and you’ll start to notice it

around you as well as a native speaker i

had no idea that we even did this until

i started learning to teach english and

i thought ah


we do do that i need to teach my

students this so there are many not all

of them but there are many two-syllable

words in english that can be pronounced

in two different ways take a look at the



and the verb


record record

record record to record a record to

record a record the spelling is the same

but the stress is different the syllable

stress changes the meaning and it does


for many different words and we’re going

to look at them now there are two

categories for these word pairs there

are those that keep the same general

meaning but they change from noun to

verb when the stress moves from the

first to the second syllable there are

also those which change their meaning

completely most of them change from a

noun to a verb but there are those that

change from a noun to an adjective

firstly let’s take a look at those which

change from a noun to a verb but keep

the same general meaning let’s have a

look at this first one decrease



decrease as a noun it’s pronounced

decrease with the stress placed on the

first syllable there has been a sharp

decrease in homework submission now if

we move that stress to the second

syllable it becomes a verb to decrease

to decrease we don’t want homework

submission to decrease any further

number two import



import as a noun stress on the first


chocolate is an import from switzerland

an import changing it to a verb how’s it

going to be

ah the stress is going to be on the

second syllable import to import

switzerland hopes to import more


switzerland hopes to import more


notice my pronunciation of chocolate i

know that this is a word that lots of

learners of english struggle with the

way it’s written is not necessarily the

way it’s always pronounced choc lut

choc lut

not chocolate

or chocolate

chocolate number three




increase as a noun there has been an

increase in absences there’s been an

increase in absences and then changing

it to a verb we don’t want the absences

to increase any further we don’t want

the absences to increase any further to


number four

insult insult


insult as a noun what she said to me was

an insult what she said to me was an

insult and as a verb i hope she doesn’t

insult me again

i hope she doesn’t insult me again

insult insult number five permit



permit as a noun she doesn’t have a

walking permit she doesn’t have a

walking permit and as a verb

i can’t permit you to walk here

i can’t permit you to walk here



permit permit number six this is a big

one this is very common produce to

produce as a noun

produce we sell lots of produce from our

allotment an allotment is a patch of

garden that you can rent from your local

area and you can use it to grow

vegetables it’s very popular here in the

uk to have an allotment if you don’t

have a big garden where you can grow

vegetables and flowers as a verb produce

our allotment produces lots of

vegetables our allotment produces a lot

of vegetables number seven




reject you can see for this one and for

decrease number one the vowel sound

actually changes not just the stress we

say decrease


and reject reject as a noun you can take

the reject pile of clothes to the tidy


a tidy tip

is basically a recycling center here in

the uk you can take pretty much anything

in your car and recycle it to reject as

a verb unfortunately the charity shop

will reject any dirty clothes

unfortunately the charity shop will


any dirty clothes

if the charity shop won’t take it you

take it to the tidy tip and lastly

number eight we have suspect suspect

suspect suspect as a noun

suspect they took the suspect into the

jail cell

they took the suspect into the jail cell

and as a verb

to suspect

they suspect she committed fraud they

suspect she committed fraud now let’s

have a look at those that change from

noun to verb or noun to adjective

but their general meaning changes in the

previous bunch their general meanings

stayed the same these are different

firstly we have address

and to address


address and address is where you live

i’ll give you her address if we change

it to a verb the meaning changes

she filmed a video to address the rumors

she filmed a video to address the rumors

this means to speak about we also have

conduct and to conduct

conduct to conduct your conduct is not


your behavior is not acceptable or we

have to conduct which means to lead or

guide my dad was invited to conduct the

local orchestra next we have console and



console she spends all day on her gaming


console is a set of controls or she was

sad so he consoled her

she was sad so he consoled her to

console someone is to make them feel

better at a time of grief or sadness

number four one word i say a lot content

content or content

content and adjectives the content of

his report was very complex the content

is what is contained or relaxing in the

sunshine makes me feel so content

so happy so peaceful we also have

default and default


default you can revert to the default

settings on your iphone the default

settings are the settings that something

comes with or our mortgage was denied

for defaulting on a loan if you default

on something you do not make the

required payments number six we have

entrance and entrance

entrance and entrance the entrance is

shut so go through the back door

entrance entryway we also have entranced

i was entranced by his singing voice i

was hypnotized by his singing voice we

have object

object and object

object object certain objects are not

allowed on planes certain items or to

object would anyone object if i

suggested we postpone this meeting to

object is to complain in this case

number eight we have project and to


project or project for some people and

project the project is easy enough for

two people the piece of work is easy

enough for two people or can you project

your computer screen onto the white wall

to project means to cast forward and

finally we have subject and subject

subject subject

what was your favorite subject at

primary school a subject is something

taught at school or university or as a

verb i was subjected to another creepy

lunch with my boss if you are subjected

to something it means you are forced to

undergo something

you’re showing that you didn’t want to

do it okay that’s it for the first part

of the lesson the first trick i’ve got a

really good quiz in the pdf so if you

haven’t downloaded that already make

sure you do because you can test your

learning now we’re going to move on to a

really short section another trick which

is showing you how to pronounce words

with certain endings so we’re going to

look at some common suffixes and with

all of these suffixes

in general the word stress is right

before the suffix this applies to words

of all syllable lengths if that’s not

making sense let me show you a couple of

examples and then we’ll just go straight

through the list now as always in the

english language

there are rules but there are always

words that break those rules but this

will give you a general idea let’s start

with number one the suffix able able the

stress is on the syllable right before

the suffix so


laughable ineffable so you can’t say

that the stress is always on the second

syllable the stress is always on the

first syllable because you can see that

ineffable has four syllables the stress

comes on the syllable just before able

laughable ineffable we also have the ial

suffix social

financial again it’s right before so

we’re going to do one more and then i’m

going to put you through a test okay we

have the c-i-a-n suffix musician

clinician right before the suffix now

for each suffix i’m going to give you

two words each containing that suffix

and i’m going to give you a little bit

of time to say it out loud correctly

and then i will say it correctly for you

you can check if you’ve got it right

share your results in the comments

section let me know if there are any

that you struggled with okay we have e r

y how would you pronounce these two



scenery what about i a n

go ahead

we have comedian

and technician what about ible

have a go



and i see

please try

it should be


characteristic how are you finding these

easy or difficult let me know we have i

o n go ahead

it’s position


i a try these two


victoria what about

i-e-n-t we have ingredient

ancient what about iou s

please have a go

it should be



second from last


have a try

it should be


punish and finally o-s-i-s

try for the final time

it should be hypnosis



you found that really easy and if not

don’t worry it just takes practice

really try to stay aware when you’re

listening to people and seeing where

they’re putting that syllable stress

i’ve just got a few more for you to

listen to i have got seven suffixes that

nearly always have the stress placed on

that suffix we’ll try it again in the

same way i will let you know the suffix

show you two words and i want you to go

ahead and pronounce them out loud with

the stress on the final syllable on the

suffix i’ll show you the first one we

have words ending in a d e the stress is

on that final syllable on that suffix


arcade try it with the next one

words ending in e

okay it should be agree

guarantee eer

try please

engineer puppeteer number four

e s e


japanese e t t e


corvette iqe



and oon

it should be



right i hope you enjoyed that lesson for

people with certain mother tongues that

seems really easy but if you have a

different language as your native

language it can be more complex so

before you write in the comments this

was so easy how could anyone get this

wrong consider that people have really

different languages to yours as their

native language i really hope you

enjoyed the lesson i hope you learned


let me know how you found this lesson in

the comment section down below if you’d

like to download the pdf which contains

a quiz click on the link in the

description box you enter your name and

your email address and i send a pdf

straight to your inbox and then every

week after that you automatically

receive my lesson pdfs it’s a free

service i hope you enjoy it

don’t forget to check out lingoda you

can sign up for your seven-day free

trial that’s one week’s access with

three entirely free classes and if you

use my code lucyoct30 you can get up to

30 off your first course don’t forget to

connect with me on all of my social

media i’ve got my instagram i’ve got my

facebook and i’ve got my website


on the website i’ve got a really cool

pronunciation tool where you can click

on phonemes and you can hear me

pronounce them and words that contain

those phonemes e



i’ve also got my personal channel where

i’ll show you around

our new house we’ve moved away from the

farm we’ve also got married there’s been

lots going on

i’ll explain it all there there’s a lot

to talk about

i will see you soon for another lesson


