Connecting One Verb to Another in English Catenative Verbs

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hi everybody my name is Alisha in this

lesson I’m going to talk about cat a

native verbs let’s get started first

let’s begin what is a cat a native verb

there are two points I want to introduce

first first a cat a native verb is a

verb that can chain to other verbs so we

can connect a second verb to this first

catenary verb when we use cat a native

verbs the verb after the cat a native

verb can take two forms first it can

take the infinitive form that means to

plus the verb or it can take the

infinitive form without - I’ll show you

some examples later the second form it

can take is the gerund form that’s the

ing ending form of the verb so we use

cat a native verb + infinitive or cat a

native verb plus gerund when we make

these sentences so it’s like the verb

that we begin with and then our chaining

verbs come after that

so the first verb is the cat a native

verb let’s take a look at some example

sentences then first one she should stop

smoking here my cat a native verb is in

red so stop is my cat a native verb it

connects to smoking so smoking ends in

the ing form here smoking so this is the

connecting verb we start here we connect

it here with this ing form another

example with the ing form the gerund

form please start writing so start is my

cat a native verb it chains to the next

thing writing is the second verb the

verb we use to follow it so this is in

the ing form let’s look at two more

examples that use the infinitive form

here we want to build a house so here’s

my cat a native verb the first verb here

then I follow it with to build so

and build together here this is the

infinitive form I need to use too here

we want to build a house second he needs

to buy a suit my cat and native verb is

a need I’ve got this s here I need to

conjugate the verb because my subject is

he he needs to buy a suit so depending

on the sentence we need to choose the

infinitive form or the gerund form I

marked this example though with this

mark because this is an example of some

situations where using the gerund form

or the infinitive form can actually

change the meaning of the sentence

if for example I said she should stop to

smoke it means she should stop her

activities to smoke like to smoke a

cigarette this sentence means she should

stop smoking like that means that she

should stop the activity of smoking in

her life altogether so be aware that

there are some cases where gerund and

infinitive have different meanings there

aren’t so many but there are some so try

to keep this in mind and this is

something that you need to remember as

you read and as you listen so based on

context really okay so now I want to

continue to kind of a more in-depth

topic a little bit deeper into this

subject complex cat and native so

complex cat a native verbs

these are katha native verbs that take

an object so I have some example

sentences here again the cat a native

verb is in red and the object is in blue

here will you help me clean the room so

my cat a native verb here is help my

object is me and then my linking verb is

clean so clean here you’ll notice

there’s no to this is an example like I

mentioned here where sometimes we don’t

use to before the infinitive so we don’t

use it in this case it’s just a plain

infinitive will you help me clean the

room so here’s my cat a native

chained it to clean with an object so

this is a complex cat and native another

example they asked us to move our bags

they asked us to move our bags so here

is my verb my cat a native verb asked

past tense in this case my object so us

we were the receiving party so they

asked us to move our bags here I have

the infinitive form again to move in

this case I have the two included here

okay some more examples she wants them

to take photos here’s my cat a native

verb want in this case once because my

subject is she and my object them to

take again I have the infinitive form

here she wants them to take photos

finally he took me to apply for a loan

again my cat a native verb took past

tense object me and I have the

infinitive form again to apply for a

loan so you will see these different

types of cat a native verb related

structures so complex cat a native

refers to these patterns that have

objects so when do we use this kind of

thing we use it actually a lot in speech

especially when we’re just talking

casually like about things we need to do

we can make long sentences by chaining

verbs together in this way here’s a

quick example we went to get a rental

car to help our friends move to a new

apartment so this maybe is a little bit

awkward but it’s something that a native

speaker might say we just say everything

really quickly but let’s break this

sentence down so we went here’s my past

tense we went to get so here’s a cat a

native verb right here we went to get a

rental car so my linking verb here is in

the infinitive form to help so here’s

another cat a native verb in this case

it’s complex

so to help our friends who did we help

we helped our friends move so here’s my

linking verb

move to a new apartment so we can kind

of chain a lot of ideas together with

something like this so native speakers

as well when we’re speaking quickly

maybe we don’t make perfect sentences or

we don’t make complete sentences but we

use this kind of speaking we use this

kind of verb linking to make longer

ideas and longer sentences so I hope

that this helps you as you think about

how to put verbs together if you want

some more information on cat and native

verbs I would recommend checking just

doing a google search to see some lists

and some more example sentences of cat

and native verbs because there are there

are quite a few but we just kind of put

them together depending on the situation

depending on what we want to communicate

as with any other grammar point so I

hope that you get some practice with

this and pay attention to this when

you’re reading to see common types of

pairings that use this kind of grammar

so I hope that this was helpful for you

of course if you have any questions or

comments or if you want to practice

making example sentences with cat a

native verbs please feel free to do so

in the comment section of this video

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forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe

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for some other things that can help you

with your English Studies thanks very

much for watching this lesson and I will

see you again soon bye
