Phrases to Surprise English Native Speakers

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hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about 10 of

the hardest words to pronounce according

to you guys so we collected some

information from you on facebook thanks

very much for sending in your ideas

and these are the top 10 uh most

difficult words

for you to pronounce so let’s get

started absolutely

absolutely absolutely might be tough to


absolutely means 100 absolutely is uh

an agreement phrase are you going to

that music event next week

absolutely yes 100 definitely absolutely

loot like a loot l-u-t-e

be grime the grime apparently means

dirty i’ve never heard

nor used this word before but perhaps


difficult to pronounce big grime the

door to my apartment was begrimed

in the storm last week breakfast

the next word is breakfast breakfast is

hard to pronounce

but that is the meaning of breakfast

you’re breaking the fast so a fast is a

period of time without eating

and to break means to just well in this

case breaking something it doesn’t refer

to like

crushing a thing but um stopping

something to break

the fast of the night in other words so

you’re fasting during the night you’re

not eating

so you wake up in the morning you break

the fast but we don’t say breakfast we

say breakfast

in a sentence this morning for breakfast

i ate

a bowl of cereal with grapes and i had a

coffee too

colleague colleague yes colleague many

of my students struggle with this they


colleague or they say caligu

or something because the spelling of

this word is really really strange

there’s that g-u-e

at the end or more commonly i feel it’s

just co-worker

colleague sounds slightly more formal to

me than co-worker somebody who you work

with or somebody who you

have a business relationship with in

some sense it could be a person from

another company could be somebody from

your own company

anyone who you do business dealings with

is your colleague can be your colleague

in a sentence i’m going to a networking

event with

my colleagues next week miscellaneous

that misc miscellaneous it’s just

the spelling i think maybe is confusing

for this word miscellaneous

miscellaneous just means other stuff or

just other

uncategorized stuff i keep a lot of

miscellaneous items in a drawer in my


maybe they don’t they don’t really fit

into one category like it’s not kitchen

things it’s not

clothing it’s just sort of a mixture of

of things miscellaneous things

negotiation the next word is negotiation

negotiation yeah there are two t’s in

this but neither t is a hard

t they’re both very soft that sound

because they’re followed by the

i and another vowel that she a


negotiation refers to a compromise

between two people you’re trying to make

a decision and

you negotiate in this case it’s a noun

form negotiation

business negotiations continued for more

than a month with this important deal

realm realm i see why this one’s hard

it’s that

rome part little realm it’s a weird word

isn’t it

it’s used to talk about just like the

kind of a fantasy world is sort of the

nuance of this phrase the realm

uh in a sentence let us go to the realm


the elves live and eat their bread

unfortunately the next word is


unfortunately unfortunately it just

means too bad

you can use this to to start bad news

for example like unfortunately i can’t

come to work today because i’m sick or


i broke my arm at the basketball game

last week

or unfortunately my haircut is

bad vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary

vocab vocabulary vocabulary

vocabulary just refers to the

uh words in a language my vocabulary in

my second language is really really low

i need a bigger vocabulary so that i can

express myself more clearly

world world ah i see why this one’s hard

world world hard to pronounce that rld

i think uh together is tough plus that w

at the beginning as well it’s such a

short word but you have to say

so many weird things at the same time


your tongue is going like this

in a sentence i have traveled all over

the world

and the best food is in


my stomach that’s the end so those were

10 hard to pronounce

words give them a try slowly at first

and just kind of try to work up to

saying it at a more natural speed if you

like thank you so much for sharing your

opinions with us on facebook

and please make sure to subscribe to our

channel so that you don’t miss out on

any of this fun

information so thanks again for watching

today and we’ll see you again next time


you don’t need new

shoes you need new feet

hi everybody my name is alicia and today

we’re going to be talking about 10

phrases that you always want to hear

so let’s begin you win the first phrase

is you win

you win if you hear the phrase you win

it means you

have won something you are probably

going to receive something for free

that’s a very happy thing right you want

to get free things

congratulations you win a car yay

here are the keys to your new car great

thank you

i brought you something special this is

exciting to hear because it means this


something special is like oh i thought

only a view so i brought you this

i brought you something special really

thank you

i miss you i miss you i miss you it’s

nice you can use this with your friends

your family members

your partner whoever i miss you shows


you want to meet the other person

probably you haven’t you haven’t seen

them as much as you would like to so you

can say i miss you i miss you

call your husband or wife or boyfriend

girlfriend whoever on the phone maybe

you haven’t seen them for a long time

you can say

i miss you i miss you too take a break

i’ll do the cleaning today take a break

i’ll do the cleaning today this means

someone else is going to clean up your

house for you or clean up something for


i would be very happy to hear this

phrase right now because my apartment is

a disaster because i’m only there to


so maybe you’ve had a long day at work

or a long day doing something you come

home and somebody else has offered

to do this for you so take a break i’ll

do the cleaning today

and you can reply really thank you so


i’m gonna relax the budget is unlimited

the next phrase that you always want to

hear is the budget is unlimited the

budget is unlimited this could be a work

this could be

a budget a personal budget maybe but it

just means there’s no limit to the

budget you can spend as much money as

you want

very exciting so let’s see in a business

context perhaps you have this new client

who’s going to give you a lot of money

to build a new house or something maybe

you’re building houses that’s your


your boss comes to you the budget for

this project is unlimited

really let’s go crazy there’ll be a

bonus at the end of the month

yeah this is a phrase that you probably

are very excited to hear it means you

are going to receive

extra money from your job at the end of

the month woohoo very exciting extra


maybe you’ll hear this from your boss or

your manager or maybe your co-worker

at work or maybe you see it in an email

there’ll be a bonus at the end of the


really i’m going to use mine to buy a

new car really

i’m going to use mine to go out on a

date really

i’m going to use mine to get a new fish

you did a great job you did a great job

you did a great job at something

you’ll probably hear from well i don’t

know you could hear this from pretty

much anybody anytime

you’ve done a good job someone will

congratulate you or tell you

their opinion with this phrase you did a

great job you finished a project at work

and your boss says you did a great job


thank you so much it was really fun or

thank you

just just say thank you you look great


you look great today the other person

thinks that your physical appearance is

nice today don’t think about the today

part you know

just just just take the compliment oh

really thank you so much

you look great today oh thank you so

much i got a new haircut

thank you so much i i got enough sleep

yeah you were right you were right

this means that um something that you

said in the past was correct

and everybody likes to be correct i

think i saw that movie that you

recommended you were right it was really

good oh good i’m glad you enjoyed it

don’t be like i know or yeah i knew i

was right don’t do that

just say oh good i’m glad you’re an

excellent cook

you’re an excellent cook this is a nice

compliment especially for someone who

enjoys cooking

if you say you’re an excellent cook it

means you enjoyed their food

so let’s see at a dinner party for

example you’re an excellent cook

this food is delicious oh thank you so

much i’m really glad you enjoyed it

and that’s the end so those are things

that you want to hear so keep in mind

it’s nice for you to hear these things

but other people also want to hear them

too so compliment other people tell them

that they are awesome if they’re awesome

tell them that they have good skills in

whatever it is that they like to do

people like to be complimented people

want to be liked so

write them a message or say something

nice to them yes leave us a comment we

have a great team of people

doing all these amazing things so tell

them how much you love them

so thanks so much for joining us for

this week’s lesson we will see you again

next time please make sure to subscribe

if you have not already

so that you don’t miss out on any fun

stuff thank you very much again for

watching and we’ll see you again soon


i guess i don’t really need to do that

oh i’m so sorry amp

all the time japanese bug battle

hi everyone i’m christine from

in this video we’ll be going over how to

agree or disagree in

english like a boss let’s begin

i don’t agree no of course

i agree oh absolutely

maybe yes you’re right

i couldn’t agree with you more that’s

exactly how i feel

exactly no doubt about it

you have a point there i was just going

to say that

i guess so well i’m not sure

i don’t disagree with you if you say so

you’re wrong i don’t think so

i’m afraid i disagree that’s not always

the case

what do you think can i add something


let’s just move on shall we i think

we’re going to have to agree to disagree

that’s true how is it if you have any

more questions

please leave a comment below see you

next time

here i go here i go here i go hi

everybody my name is alicia welcome back


top words today we’re going to be

talking about 10 phrases that make you


like a fool hopefully you never use them

let’s start

i don’t need to learn anything anymore i

don’t need to learn anything anymore

if you say this you sound like i know

all the information ever

i’m done learning i’m done studying of

course you need to learn of course you

need to study

please don’t say this phrase i don’t

need your advice

i don’t need your advice i don’t need

your advice you sound like you don’t

appreciate what they’re saying you sound

like you don’t want to hear anything

from them

i really think that you need to be

studying more i’m concerned about your

grades jeff

i don’t need your advice mom i know


i know everything this is awful nobody

wants to hear you say this because it’s

just not true

are you ready for the test next week


yeah i’m good i know everything they

don’t i’m not ready to learn english

i’m not ready to learn english

you can study anything at any time

pretty much i really think that you

should start studying english before

your trip to america next year

no i don’t think i’m ready to start

learning english see how stupid that



i’m right and you’re wrong i’m right and

you’re wrong

you sound awful when you say this nobody

likes to hear that they’ve made a

mistake and that you’re happy about that

that’s what the nuance of this phrase is

i’m right you’re wrong

don’t say this phrase unless you’re very

very close with the other person and you

know that it’s okay to joke together i’m

right you’re wrong

it’s too hard don’t even try it’s too


don’t even try this sounds like you’re

giving up before you’ve even started

doing something if you don’t try you

never know

right hey i think i’m gonna start

studying english this week because i’m

going to canada

next year what do you think don’t even

try it’s way too hard

oh really you think it’s too hard um

okay i guess i won’t don’t do that

just do what i say just do what i say


do what i say parents might use this

phrase a lot with their children


but if you say this to your friends or

to your colleagues you’re going to sound

like a really

mean or difficult to work with person

just do what i say

we can’t do that the next phrase is we

can’t do that this could also be changed


i can’t do that again this sounds like

you’re giving up before you even tried

to do something i can’t do that

you’re just you’re not prepared or

you’re not even willing to try

hey stevens do you think that you could

take care of this report for next week

we need it for our client meeting

ah no i don’t think i can do that no

that’s that’s not my job that’s not my


you’re not very smart you’re not very

smart that’s not a nice thing to say

if someone makes a mistake and you say

oh you’re not very smart

that’s so mean it’s so rude everybody

makes mistakes from time to time

don’t tell them that they’re stupid

don’t say you’re not very smart that’s


and an example of what not to do i’m so


sorry about this mistake that i made in

my report last week i’ll fix it i

promise i’ll fix it and i’ll send it to

you right away

i can’t believe you made such a simple

mistake you’re not very smart are you

everybody makes mistakes you’ll never

succeed you’ll never succeed you’ll

never succeed

this is a phrase that shows you’re not

supporting the other person

and maybe you’re even trying to hold

them back how awful is that who would

say that don’t say that

and i hope no one ever says this to you

i’m going to join a marathon race next


i can’t wait a marathon you’re never

going to succeed with that do you know

how hard those are have you even started


well no but i think i can do it i just

need a few months and you know i need to

take care of myself and work hard

no way there’s no way that you can do

that it’s not possible

oh you really think so i was so looking

forward to it too

thank goodness that’s the end oh my gosh

those were some sad

phrases i hope that nobody says those

phrases to you but i hope also that

you don’t use these phrases with other

people because they’re hurtful

really try to be positive so thanks very

much for joining us for this lesson and

we will see you again

soon bye i’m very insecure about my

acting abilities

oh there’s sound coming through this

i love the awkward pauses hi

everybody welcome back to top forwards

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to talk about 10

different ways to remember words so

these are actually

some ways to remember words that you

have sent in to us

so i’m really excited to see what your

recommendations are i study other

languages so

let’s talk about it let’s see i

associate new words with words that

sound similar in my native language

if you’re studying english your native

language might share some words

so like i’m studying japanese and for

example the word chocolate

sounds very very similar in in japanese


in english the word is chocolate in

japanese the word is chocoreto

so it sounds similar so that’s an easy

word for me to remember

i learn about the roots of words and how

different words are related to each


many words in english have roots in

very very old languages like latin so a

word like omniscient for example

can be broken down into maybe two parts

the omni omni meaning all or

everything and shint the sheen’s part

relates to knowledge or knowing so

together the word means all knowing


maybe you can guess the meaning even if

it’s the first time you’ve seen the word

okay i listen to songs and memorize the


this is also a common way to to help

kids learn things too

through songs opposite of b plus or

minus the square root b

squared minus 4ac all over 2a it’s a

quadratic function equation

because it’s a song it’s still in my

head thank you mrs time

i often watch tv or youtube videos that

are designed for young children

that’s how children in the native

language learn so it’s a great tool for

you don’t be

embarrassed to do that i do that in

english we have dora the explorer

we have sesame street i speak as often

as possible with native speakers

a native speaker can go ah that’s that’s

a strange thing that you’re saying

so there are a lot of small factors that

you can’t get unless you’re speaking

with a native speaker so this is a

really really great tip

if you’re interested in doing this with

us we have on

a special subscription which is called

the elite level

of subscription where you get to

actually study with one of our teachers


so if if you don’t have somebody that

you can study with now that might be a

way to do it

please check that out if you’re

interested i try to use the language

routinely in the context of daily life

when you’re alone just doing stuff at

home like making breakfast or cooking or

doing the laundry if you

use the language just to say like now

i’m going to

i don’t know cut vegetables or oh i need

to do laundry later today or

thinking about your appointment whatever

another good example is really i put my


into my target language you’re telling

little stories when you’re having

conversations with people so get used to

telling yourself the story

i use repetition reading writing and

speaking words over and over again

keep repeating in your studies even if

it feels like

you know you’re not making any progress

you are just just the act of doing that

repetition can be helpful for you if a

football player never throws a football

he’s not going to be able to throw it

very well

is he you have to repeat repeat repeat

and then when you’re

faced with the actual situation where

you need to throw the football you need

to use that vocabulary

word you’re ready you already know how

to say the word so yes repeat it’s good

i try to think in english so it becomes

natural to my thought process

i do this i think about what i need to

do i think about what i have done i

think about what i’m going to do

and so in that way you can practice past

tense future tense and present tense

recently this has been happening to me

i’ve started dreaming in japanese from

time to time or i dream bilingually

it’s exciting i think i try to use the

word in a simple sentence

so i learn whole phrases not just

individual words

yes this is a huge tip so vocabulary is

important of course

if you don’t know a key word you might

miss the meaning of something

but context is important too so there

might be two words which seem very

similar like big and large

for example but when should i use large

when should i use

big like if you’re close shopping and

you say do you have this in a big size

it might not be the correct way to use

the word instead do you have this in a

large size

is the correct phrase so learning how to

use the correct vocabulary word at the

correct time

is important and you can do that through

studying sentences and phrases

instead of just vocabulary this is why

reading is important i feel

reading as much as possible especially

the newspaper helps me to remember words

when i was a kid i just read everything

i was i was so into reading i loved it

and i think that it helped it actually

helped my language skills improve even

in my native language again at first

it’s really hard to do and you might

have to use a dictionary a lot

but you’ll learn gradually more natural

speaking patterns more natural writing

patterns too which will help you to


more natural when you speak and maybe it

can help your listening skills too when

you can listen for those patterns that

you see in textbooks that you see in

newspapers in novels whatever

it’s a great tool reading and thank

goodness that’s the end so those are 10

tips that you can use to remember new

words and new phrases try them out i’m

going to be doing my best with my target

language i hope that you do too

thank you very much for watching please

please please subscribe to our channel

if you have not already and we will see

you again soon for more exciting


bye i have to go to the bathroom

hi everyone i’m christine from

in this video we’ll be talking about how

to curse like an english native

speaker piss a slang term for urine

for example don’t piss your pants

you can say this when you’re really

scared or anxious

for example if you’re about to go on

stage to

make a speech or perform someone can say

don’t piss your pants you can do it

pissed off to be really angry

when i’m angry i can say hey i’m really

pissed off at you right now

why did you do that for loser

used to describe an uncool person

in high school my friends and i would

use this a lot

and we would say hey loser how’s it


idiot used to insult people by saying

they’re not intelligent

of all the mean things that you can say

this is on the lighter side

but people still use it shoot

this is used to show disappointment or

frustration without using a stronger

curse word

shoot i spilled my coffee shut up

you can use this when you want them to

be quiet

or there’s something surprising that you

just heard

you can say shut up no way

ticked off to be really angry you can

say this

with pissed off so this is actually an

older term

not many people use this as much anymore


most people actually just use pissed off


this is similar to saying someone is

like a clown you can say

you’re acting like a fool right now jerk

this is a light insult used to describe

someone who is mean

for example if there’s someone bullying

another person

that person is being a jerk wimp

this means someone who isn’t strong

there is a movie out right now

called diary of a wimpy kid have you

seen it have you not

i haven’t yet so how was it if you have

any more questions please leave a

comment below

see you next time


that means we’re going to the

movie theater right all right uh hi

everybody my name is alicia welcome back

to top words today we’re going to be

talking about

must-know expressions for agreeing and

disagreeing very useful so let’s

go exactly exactly when you agree 100

with something someone else has said you

can say exactly

for example ramen is one of the best

foods in the world

exactly i don’t agree i don’t agree

you have a different opinion from the

other person they tell you

i think that soccer is the best sport

you can say ah i don’t agree

but be prepared to provide your own

opinion after this

i think soccer’s the best sport i don’t

agree i think that football is

oh that could cause some problems soccer

football americans say football when we

mean american football but the rest of

the world says football when they mean


maybe maybe is when you don’t know when

you can’t make a decision or when you’re

not sure about something

okay so someone tosses you an opinion

someone says their

their idea to you i think it’s going to

rain tomorrow you can say yeah maybe you

don’t know for sure

yes or no but it’s possible it’s a good

sort of in-between

expression but if you use maybe all the

time it’s going to sound really strange

and it’s going to sound like you can’t

make a decision

so use maybe very sparingly don’t use it

so often

maybe is very commonly used as a soft no

it’s up to you to figure that out among

the people that you’re talking to though

do you want to stay over at my house

this weekend and maybe

i couldn’t agree with you more you

are in complete agreement with the other

person and really want to communicate

that to them

you think that what they have just said

is really really correct super correct

yes you are completely on board with

that idea

you can say i couldn’t agree with you

more i couldn’t the negative form

i could not agree with you more meaning

it’s not

possible that i could agree more with

what you’re saying

next week it’s really important that we

have a barbecue

because summer is ending and then your

friend can say i couldn’t agree more

that’s a fantastic

idea i’ll buy steak

i think we’re going to have to agree to


agree to disagree this is a kind of it

seems like a simple phrase agree to


so you’re agreeing with the other person

you agree

that we have a different opinion agree


disagree i would use this expression at

the end of a discussion

so person a and person b have different


and they’ve been discussing those

opinions for a long time

and person a is not changing his or her

opinion person b

is not changing his or her opinion so

you can say at the end of the


okay we have to agree to disagree

let’s just accept our different opinions

and move on in the conversation

you have a point there this is not

necessarily an

agreement or disagreement phrase it’s a


agreement within a larger discussion so

maybe you’ve been discussing a topic for

a long time

and you’ve disagreed with the other


until this this time this person says


and you agree with that ah you have a

point there so there’s one thing

that this person has said that you can

agree with you can say

you have a point there i think that’s

correct or i agree with that

point that’s exactly how i feel that’s

exactly how i feel

meaning my feeling is the same as your


or my opinion is the same as your

opinion that’s exactly how i feel

maybe you can use this if someone

describes your feeling very accurately

for example you can say i feel like the

company is really heading in a nice

new direction you can say yeah that’s

exactly how i feel i really like the new


i don’t think so i don’t think so it’s

soft it’s not so direct it’s not a hard

i disagree but just

i don’t think so of course you can use

it to discuss opinions but you can also

use it when you’re making plans

are you going to that party this weekend

and i don’t think so

it’s not a disagreement but it can be

used as a negation phrase and a negative

response to something when used as an

opinion i think chinese is the hardest

language to learn you can say i don’t

think so i think that

arabic is the hardest language to learn

yes you’re right

yes you’re right means you’re correct

yes i agree with you i think

that’s the right information i think

that’s the correct opinion just a very


agreement phrase you’re right it also

has the nuance of being correct so maybe

there was

there was a possibility the other person

could be incorrect did you know

that pepperoni pizza is the most

delicious pizza

in the world yes you’re right you could

change it too that’s right for that

opinion you can use your

to talk specifically about the person

itself but that’s right yes that’s right

that information is correct i guess so i

guess so

it’s so it’s an agreement but it’s sort

of a flaky agreement

i guess so it’s like you don’t really

want to make a decision

uh but you don’t feel strongly in one


in agreement or disagreement you can say

i guess so

it’s usually said with this tone of

voice i guess so

you know we don’t really say i guess so

generally it’s like you can’t quite make

a decision or you don’t want to make a


you can say i guess so hey we’re going

to go for chinese food for dinner

tonight do you want to come

yeah i guess so you don’t feel strongly

either way

i guess so i’m afraid i disagree it’s a

rather polite expression that you can

use in a business situation

for example i’m afraid here doesn’t mean

i’m actually scared

or i’m really frightened but just it’s a

softener that’s used at the beginning of

sentences to introduce

a negative opinion so i’m afraid i

disagree or i’m afraid i can’t agree


you for example i think that you need to

adopt a new policy for your company

i’m afraid i disagree it’s a soft

disagreement that sounds a bit more


than some of the other phrases we’ve

talked about so far absolutely

absolutely means 100 yes exactly

precisely definitely it’s a quick and


and can be polite as well as casual

um word that means you agree with the

other person hey do you want to go to

the beach this weekend yeah absolutely

absolutely oh that’s the end so

those are some phrases that you can use

to agree and disagree with other people

there are a lot of them so and you can

kind of mix and match them

as you see fit so give them a try thanks

very much for watching this episode of

top words and we’ll see you again soon


flyers beach okay hi everyone i’m



in this video we’ll be talking about the

top 10 english slang words

let’s begin creepy this is used to say

that someone makes you

uncomfortable teacher’s pet

this is used as an insult to classmates

who try too

hard to impress the teacher or for

someone who is especially liked by a


scaredy cat an insult for people who are

easily scared tattletail a person who


authority figures information in order

to get someone

in trouble nerd a person who is smart

but not cool ginger this is an insult

for people with

red hair bimbo used as an

insult for women who aren’t smart

jock used as an insult for men who are

into sports

and aren’t smart show off someone who


every opportunity to display their


clown used to say that someone is silly

how was it if you have any more

questions please leave a comment below

see you next time hi everybody welcome

back to top words my name is alicia

and today we’re going to talk about 10

mistakes that native english speakers


so let’s get started less

fewer okay so the first mistake that

native speakers make is they confuse

less and fewer less and fewer are very

similarly used however

there’s a key grammar difference between

them we use the word

less to refer to uncountable nouns

a quantity of uncountable nouns we use

fewer for countable nouns so for example

uh to use fewer i could say i made fewer

mistakes on this test

than i did on the last one and to use

less i could say i made less money last

year than i did

this year so when you want to use when

you want to make a comparison with a

countable noun

when you want to talk about a smaller

quantity of something or smaller amount

of something

with a countable noun you should use


if you’re talking about an uncountable

noun you should use

less so please be careful less and fewer

less uncountable fewer countable your

you’re the next pair is actually a

spelling related mistake it’s

your and your so y-o-u-r and

y-o-u apostrophe-r-e

your is the possessive uh like something

that belongs to

you is yours your item

y-o-u apostrophe r-e is the contracted

form of

you are you are great you are funny you

are tired for example

native speakers often make spelling

mistakes because these two words

sound the same but actually they are


different so another example sentence um

your performance was really great my

parents think you’re great

my parents think you’re great so here we

have the apostrophe r e

your so please be careful native

speakers often make this spelling


there there there

okay so the next mistake that many

native speakers make uh

is again a spelling related mistake it’s

with the three types of there

there’s uh there as in over there a


there’s there t-h-e-i-r the possessive


something belonging to them and t-h-e-y

apostrophe r-e the contracted form of

they are native speakers often make

spelling mistakes with these three words

because they sound the same they’re

they’re there they all sound the same

but in terms of grammar they have

different functions

so in an interesting sentence you could

say they’re in their car

over there or they’re over there in

their car whoa

so we can use all of these words in the

same sentence

but in order to correctly express the

meaning we need to make sure the

spelling is correct too

it’s it’s the next one the next mistake

that many native speakers make

is a punctuation mistake usually

uh the difference here is between it’s

with an apostrophe and it’s without an

apostrophe so

the word it’s with an apostrophe can be

the contracted form of it

is or it has depending on the sentence

it’s with no apostrophe just means the

possessive form of something

so something which belongs to it some

it outside this discussion so um

native speakers often forget which which


gets an apostrophe does the possessive

get an apostrophe or not

so no the possessive form does not take

an apostrophe here

the only apostrophes are for the

contracted form of it

is and it has so please don’t make this

mistake that native speakers make

in a sentence i saw star wars it’s a

really cool movie

its effects are awesome nuclear

versus nuclear okay the next mistake

is a pronunciation mistake many native

speakers make this mistake

many high-ranking officials presidents

make this mistake

politicians make this mistake the word


nuclear is spelled n-u-c-l-e-a-r

nuclear however many people pronounce

this as

nuclear for some reason i don’t know why

this is but many people say

nuclear instead of nuclear if you pay

attention to the news you’ll probably

hear this

after a short discussion of this topic

somebody will say the word nuclear i

don’t know why this is

but nuclear nuclear is the correct

pronunciation of this word

don’t pronounce nuclear as nuclear

could have versus could of

okay the next mistake that native

speakers make is again a spelling

usually a written a written problem it’s

could have

and could of could have and could of

so actually could of is the mistake here

we don’t use

the could of could of is not a grammar


here rather when native speakers

use the contracted form of could have it

sounds like

could’ve so for example i could have

come to the party

if i finished my homework or i could

have met you last weekend or i could

have could have

blah blah blah it’s could have

could have but when speaking in speech

it sounds like

of i could have i could have because the

contracted form

sounds like like of it makes a v sound


of sound so sometimes native speakers


could of however this is incorrect

uh we should write could have if you’d

want to use the

like expanded the regular form instead

of the contracted form so

could have should be used

instead of could of could of is a

mistake please use could

have instead okay so one more example


i could have explained better effect

versus effect so the next mistake that

many native speakers make

is with word the words affect with an e

and effect with an a um while there are


maybe less common differences between

how these words are used especially the


effect with an e in most situations we

can consider

the difference of these two words to be

in grammatical function

the word effect with an e is typically

typically used as a noun as in a side

effect or the effect of something

when we use effect with an a it’s

typically used as a verb in a sentence

like this change is going to affect my

life or i don’t want to affect your

family for example

when we use it as a verb we should use a

the a spelling when we use a noun

we should use the e spelling yes there

are some situations where

effect with an e is used as a verb it’s

in let’s see for example in situations

where we want to

explain a change occurring or something

which causes a change we say

to effect change meaning causing

something or in order to do something

but again that uses as um not as common

as what i talked about before the noun

and the verb differentiation of these


um so if you like you can look more into

that but in general

uh consider e as your noun form of

effect and

a as your verb form of effect example


the drug had a strong effect the drug

affected my body there’s a lot of

so okay so the next mistake that people

make is they begin a sentence with

theirs there is the contracted form of

there is they say there’s a lot of

and then they complete the statement

with the plural form of a noun like

there’s a lot of people in here or

there’s a lot of blah blah

like cookies in the kitchen the problem

here is that we’re beginning the

sentence with theirs

there is the singular form there is so

that means that the noun that follows

that phrase also needs to be in the


there’s uh there is uh something we

can’t use the plural form here

um so many native speakers maybe they

don’t think about

the next part of the sentence and they

begin their sentence with there’s

something something something this is a

very common mistake actually

if you’re using the plural form of a

noun you need to use their

art instead there are a lot of people in

the room there are

a lot of cookies in the kitchen for

example so think about

plural noun and the plural form of

is or are in the singular as well so

this is a very common one be careful of


vague use of pronouns the next one is a


problem in writing so people are


very vague vague means unclear about

using uh like pronouns him or her

or he or she especially in cases where

there might be many people

involved in a situation so if for

example i say

he gave the book to her after he

finished reading it it’s like

how many people are involved in this

situation i

said he gave the book to her after he

finished reading it there are two he’s

in that sentence are they the same

person we don’t know

so it can be very important to identify

all the actors in a sentence or in a

paragraph to prevent confusion so if it

is a situation like that where i say

something like

he gave the book to her after he

finished it but there are two different

men involved in that sentence i might

say like

mike gave her the book after gary

finished it for example or

if uh it’s mike the whole way through i

could say

mike gave mary the book once he had

finished reading it for example we could

change the sentence slightly if we

really want to make it clear

but just make your um all of your

pronouns should be very very

clear to your reader if you use he and

she and

it’s not clear who you’re talking about

you can really confuse the person

listening or the person reading so

please be careful of this

faulty parallelism the next one

is faulty parallelism or in other words

um it’s a grammatical function where all

the items in a list usually in a list or

um in bullet points as well all the

items in those lists are in those

categories should have the same

grammatical type of expression so by

that i mean if you’re using a noun

phrase for everything

all the items should be a noun you

should use a noun phrase for everything

if you’re using verbs or if you’re using

a complete sentence or

depending on your situation the grammar

of each one of those items in the list

should be the same so sometimes people

will say for example

i like cooking and reading and watch a


the problem here is i’ve used cooking

reading so these are two

like i’m using the gerund form so

they’re essentially like nouns

so cooking and reading and watch a movie

so watch a movie

sound similar like these are three

hobbies i like to watch a movie for

example it sounds kind of similar we

don’t have a problem in communication


but grammatically watch a movie is


from cooking or reading so to fix this

we say i like cooking

reading and watching movies so just make

sure that everything that you’re

introducing in your list

matches grammatically and this won’t be

a problem for you

um so yeah if you’re using all nouns

make sure you use all nouns so

just just be aware of that that’s

something that many native speakers run

into as a problem sometimes

so those are 10 mistakes that native

speakers make have you ever noticed a

native speaker making a mistake it

happens it really does happen from time

to time

let us know in the comments or if

there’s another mistake that you feel

that you make a lot let us know too and

maybe we can talk more about that in the


thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words

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i will see you in the next episode

thanks very much for watching bye-bye

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