Words English Speakers Say WRONG MY Pronunciation Fail

well hey there i’m emma from

english i don’t know if you’ve started

to notice yet or not but

native english speakers sometimes

disagree about the correct pronunciation


some english words and sometimes people

can be

really harsh about it unnecessarily

i always get called out if i say h

instead of

h heaven forbid

that said there are some common


errors that native speakers make and

i’ve got 11 of them that i want to share

with you in today’s lesson

and spoiler alert there is one that i

have been mispronouncing

all of my life


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please do it always helps this is going

to be an interesting lesson

for english learners of all levels but

especially advanced level students

we’re going to focus on vocabulary and

pronunciation skills today

and this particular lesson is also going

to be

quite relevant to native english


who may have been pronouncing these


wrong for most of their lives

myself included now the reality is that


are differences in pronunciation between

english accents and different dialects

and me personally i don’t really believe

that there is just

one single correct way of pronouncing

a word in english you know the most

important thing

is that you are understood even if your


is not dictionary perfect all right so

keep that in mind

the first one ironically

is pronunciation so it’s

pronunciation not pronunciation

now i think it’s easy enough to see how

this mistake happens right we have the


pronounce pronounce and that has the

ow vowel sound in there pronounce

pronounce but the noun

pronunciation pronunciation

has that uh vowel sound in there

none pronunciation i mean

you can see the different sounds right

and you can actually see that they are

written differently as well right the

spelling’s different so that’s a clue

this is the one that drives me crazy as

an english teacher i’m using it

all of the time but i have to restrain

myself when i hear

other people pronouncing it incorrectly

and this is my friends my family members

okay it’s not pronunciation it’s

pronunciation pronunciation

if you’re a native speaker and you’re

hearing this for the first time

try and catch yourself the next time you

use this word casually in a conversation

listen to how you pronounce it or how

other people around you

pronounce it and i guarantee you

50 of the people will mess it up it’s

that common

so how about this one do you say

regime or regime

the second one is the correct


regime regime the first syllable

sounds like rey

so it’s not that short unstressed sound

regime regime it’s raging

now for all of my english students out

there this consonant sound


can be a little tricky right it’s the


consonant sound that pairs with shh

so this is unvoiced

uses our voice box but the exact same

mouth position to make that sound

so we say re

regime regime

status this one could be a little


but it should be pronounced as status

not with the short a vowel sound like

status but status

status though you will hear native


say both and to be honest look i think

it’s so

often mispronounced that it’s just

become pretty normal right

if it’s not already an accepted

pronunciation it

probably soon will be status

is correct status is very common

picture picture

picture so i’m just going to draw your

attention to that little

k sound right there okay

it’s really important that you make that

sound otherwise

you are saying the word picture

picture so when this word is pronounced


you will hear that sound picture

picture picture not

picture very subtle but this one

is often mispronounced by native


this one quasi quasi

my mind has been blown i thought this


quasi quasi but then i looked it up in

the dictionary and

i’m quite wrong i’ve been pronouncing it

wrong my entire life

i feel like this is so often pronounced

as quasi i’m sure that there are many

native english speakers who are out

there right now

realizing the error of their ways just

like me is your mind blown too

quasi not quasi

quasi now if you’re wondering

what the heck is quasi anyway

well let me explain it for you quasi is

a prefix which means it is part of a


and it’s added to the front of a word

prefix at the front

suffix at the back but you can’t use

quasi on its own right it always has to

be together with another word and it


a noun or an adjective and by adding

quasi you’re

describing something as like that thing

but not actually being it okay so if i


a family was quasi-religious

it means that they appear to be


but they’re not really okay so it’s a

very cool advanced english word or

prefix that now we know how to pronounce


don’t we so this is spherical

not spherical okay

so a sphere is an object that is shaped

like a ball a sphere this

is a sphere three-dimensional

and so it’s really easy to see how this


is mispronounced right it’s an easy

mistake to make

sphere equal spherical

right well no actually the adjective

spherical is pronounced with a different

vowel sound okay so it’s not

spherical but spherical

spherical and lots of native speakers

mess that one up

ask it’s a pretty simple verb right

but you’d be surprised how many native

english speakers

mispronounce it i was listening to a

podcast just

a few days ago and someone was saying

it’s important to

ask your customers for feedback

so have it that they’ve probably had

since they were a child and

they’re probably not even aware of it

you know

it’s ah

ask and to be fair that consonant

cluster is tricky

even for native english speakers you

will often hear

little kids mispronouncing it as well

but it is ask

not ax and actually that’s not the only

example of this

pronunciation mistake either it happens

quite a bit with the

s sound being pronounced as x instead

so espresso sometimes

some native speakers will say expresso

expresso which is incorrect

unless i guess you are having a

really fast coffee right super fast to


an expresso but if it’s just regular


espresso espresso is the way to go

and especially especially not

especially this one happens a lot this


a lot of native speakers will make this

same mistake

so if you especially like espresso


you want to make sure you spend a little

bit of time practicing the correct

pronunciation of espresso and

especially athlete

athlete now this is two syllables only

not three okay you may hear some

native speakers making a little mistake

there and adding a third syllable in

athlete athlete

now unfortunately this pronunciation

actually results in

some spelling errors as well so it’s

best to focus on the correct

pronunciation right

so that you don’t make spelling errors

as well but this

combination of consonants here is pretty


so you might find that you’re actually

adding that extra little schwa sound in


slipping it in to make it easier to work

those two sounds in together


this is actually incorrect you want to

do is try and push those consonant


together even closer and to practice it

this is great pronunciation practice

for any consonant clusters instead of

adding a sound between the consonant


just pause okay so we have


leaked okay so don’t open your mouth

before you finish the sound


and then start bringing those sounds

closer together

athlete athlete

athlete athlete so

keep your tongue touching your teeth at

all times all right

first touching the bottom of your teeth

then slipping behind

supposed and supposedly are both

really interesting when we start to

focus on the correct pronunciation

supposed is usually used with the two

infinitive following so suppose

to supposed to do supposed to be

all right this is a really common phrase

to learn

together as a chunk and focusing on

the pronunciation the natural


with those reduced sounds supposed

supposed to do supposed to be

supposed to buy now native speakers


take quite a bit of liberty with this

pronunciation and often

reduce it down to sposter

sposter so it’s really tricky to even


what the individual words are right


supposed what am i supposed to do about


what am i supposed to do but when we

move along to the

adverb form supposedly

well that’s when native speakers can

really start making a few errors

right that d is often mispronounced as a

b sound supposably

supposedly and we use supposedly when

maybe you don’t agree with something but

it’s what

some people are saying or believing in


that house is supposedly haunted

kind of suggesting that you don’t really

believe if it’s true you’re not sure

so there you have it that was 11 english

words that

many native english speakers pronounce


i wonder if any of them surprised you

quasi was definitely a shock for me

i think i’m still recovering from it i’m

not sure how long it’s going to take me

to adjust

look all in all pronunciation errors are

not a huge

deal so long as you’re understood right

but my point today

is that if you think that native

speakers have one

perfect way of saying a word in english

it’s often not true

amongst native english speakers we will

bicker about the correct way to

pronounce something we do it

all the time but the good thing is we


just get by right we still manage to

communicate with each other

despite our differences and our


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