Learn English Neil deGrasse Tyson explains The Meaning Of Life with Big Subtitles

okay so wait you have to tell everyone

there cuz I can’t if I repeat it if you

think I’m lying

those fractions yes

okay if you’re asking those questions

now you’ll be the deepest thinking adult

there never was so so what is the

meaning of life

I think people ask that question on the

assumption that meaning is something you

can look for and then I found it here’s

the meaning here’s what it is

I’ve been looking for it okay and it

doesn’t consider the possibility that

maybe meaning in life is something that

you create you manufactured for yourself

and for others and so when I think of

meaning in life

I asked have I learned something today

that I didn’t know yesterday bringing me

a little closer to knowing all that can

be known in the universe just a little

closer however far away all the

knowledge six I’m a little closer if I

end of the day and I don’t know a little

more that day than the day before I

think I wasted that day so the people

who at the end of the school year say

the summer I don’t have to think anymore

I’m thinking

what the to learn is to become closer to

nature and to learn how things work

gives you power to influence events

gives you power to help people who may

need it power to help yourselves to

shape a trajectory so when I think of

what is the meaning of life to me that’s

not an eternal unanswerable question to

me that is in our Lee’s reach of me

everyday and so for you at age six and

three-quarters may I suggest that for

you you should explore nature as much as

you possibly can and occasionally that

means get in your clothes dirty because

you might want to jump into puddles and

your parents don’t want you to do that



so I’m gonna give you more permission

for more things you ready have you ever

pulled all the pots and pans out of the

cabinet before and hit them with the

wooden spoon have you done that yet


have you done that he said in a way then

what was it

what did your parents say when you did

when you did that well you did it with

paper plates that’s not nearly as fun

okay so you have my permission to pull

pots and pans out of the cabinets and

bang on them with spoons and knives and

things you’re still a kid and part of

being a kid is exploring the world

around you and while all the way the

laws of nature influence that world so

take different pots of ants and hit them

with a spoon it’ll all sound different

they’ll sound different with different

spoons some pans are aluminum summer

steel summer copper they’ll sound

different and that’s kind of a fun

experiment and most parents will say

don’t do that you’re getting them dirty

stop doing that you’re making too much

noise you tell them that why did you

have me in the first place


they didn’t have kids so that they could

keep having a neat house okay

because kids make things messy and

there’s a reason why they make things

messy because they’re exploring the

world around them and so you have my

permission right okay so your meaning of

life will be enhanced if you give it as

much freedom as you can to explore the

world then when you get older you will

become so close to how the world works

that when a problem arises that needs a

solution you will say I know how to

solve that I’ve been thinking about that

before and I’ve been thinking about that

ever since I was banging the pans on the

kitchen floor

but ever since I jumped it with two feet

into a puddle or ever since I walked up

and down to snowflakes in my mouth did

you do that today when it snowed it was

the last time you cooked snowflakes in

you remember that same question okay




you see the problem here okay

the products have forgotten how to

embrace nature how to think about the

natural world so you will owe it to

yourself and everyone else who will be

cured by some medicine you may invent

one day you owe it to yourself and to

everyone else to continue to stay

curious and by doing so you will have

created the meaning in life that others

think is waiting under a rock for them

one day and you would have made it

happen so thanks for your question
