10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right Motivational Speech By Oprah Winfrey YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS


there’s a bigger dream

waiting for you just waiting

for you

to step into it


everything you try to do is already done

so when i figured that out oh what i’m

putting out is what’s coming back

let me get real clear about what it is

i’m putting out

real clear


i read a book about 1989 called seed of

the soul and in that book gary zukov

talked about

the laws


karma of

the laws of cause and effect the third

law of motion and in that book he talked


how intention your intention

is always


with the law


before you even think about a thing you

have an intention for the thing

and that the intention is going to

determine the outcome

that’s why the same people can go to the

same church service

and somebody walked down the aisle just

to be seen to put some money in



and somebody else who just goes and just

has a little bit to offer

the intention with which you give

the intention with which you serve

determines the outcome so when i figured

that out

i went whoa

i changed everything i did on my show

i called in the producers and i said

from this day forward i will no longer

be speaking to the kkk

i will no longer be speaking to people

who are fighting each other in a way

that it is damaging to the character of

myself and other people who watch from

this day forward i am only going to do

intentional television

so it is my intention

my intention

to fulfill the dream of the creator

it is my intention

to live to the highest calling and be

pressed to the mark of the highest

calling that i have come to do

and when you can ask the creator

ask that which made you you

what is your dream for me

i guarantee you instead of you trying to

define the dream what is your dream for


if you’re able to lean

into the dream

that the universe and all the forces of

of of of light and love and power and

grace by all the names that we call god

has for you

nobody can touch you

every single day

i would have a pre-show meeting

and have the producers come in and state

to me

what is your intention

how do we want to use whoever is on this


whatever is happening on this show to

serve the audience in a way that

fulfills the mission of uplifting

enlightening encouraging as well as

entertaining and if it doesn’t do that

then i can’t do it

there’s a bigger dream waiting for you

just waiting

for you to step into it

to step into it your life is big

your life is huge

and we spend so much time

wanting to be in somebody else’s life

and you don’t get honored

you don’t get revered you don’t get

celebrating wanting what somebody else



that which created you divine

intelligence to dreamed you from before

your ancestors ever knew

they would become your ancestors that

which dream the seed of you

wants you to know how special how

wondrous how mysterious how complex how

glorious how phenomenal you are

and you get no credit

messing in somebody else’s territory

or trying to have


over something you have no control

another one of my favorite teachings is

the wizard of oz

when the wicked which is the west says

go away from here because you don’t have

any power here you have no power in any

territory other than your own

oh but you are the master of that

you get to be the master of your own

fate you get to be the captain of your

own soul and if you just manage that

if you just took care of your territory

all the glorious glorious glorious

wondrous wondrous opportunities and

possibilities that are waiting for you

so the question is what are you


what are you pushing against

what are you not allowing what are you

blocking because you have this idea of

who and what you’re supposed to be

instead of

leaning into the dream that’s already

been created and waiting for you it’s

waiting for you and the second i mean it

doesn’t it’s an instant thing it’s a

shift in the way you see yourself and

the power from which you have come

i went through some tough times

after after i left the oprah show i made

a conscious decision

that when i felt i had said

all that i could say

and the audience had heard it

that i would move on and that i would

not spend my life regretting or trying

to hold on to what used to be or hold on

to what i had so i dreamed this dream

of starting a network and in the

beginning it was it was a struggle

it was a struggle because

i didn’t

honestly goodness i did not know what i

was doing

i was trying to figure it out

i was trying to figure it out i thought

that the oprah show audience would

follow us to own then i realized y’all

didn’t have cable

and if you had cable you did not have

the own package


so it took me a minute

and unlike most people who you get to

have your mistakes in private some don’t

go right in your life you get to

soak about it in private if i make a

mistake it’s on the cnn crawl

or the cnn news so when i was in the

climb and there were so many wonderful

owners i see churro action jackson here

there were so many wonderful owners

people who said oh we’re going to stand

with you we’re going to stand by you

thank you roland martin there were so

many people who said listen we believe

that this can happen

so i dreamed the dream

along with tyler perry who was my friend

who came to me and said tyler

tyler said i’m going to help you out

because tyler can go home and write a

script and direct it produce it and

shoot it

and do it for less money than anybody in

hollywood so we started with the

foundation of having have not


if loving you is wrong

love thy neighbor

mama hattie

and then i started to dream another

dream about

scripted television because in the

beginning i was told you couldn’t do it

you couldn’t do it didn’t have enough

money to do it


i dreamed the dream

i read proverbs 11 28 that says those

who trust in their riches will fall but

the righteous will rise and thrive like

a green leaf

