What was your job Speak English Like a Native



part-time jobs

daniel is hiring some employees to work

a part-time

job mike is one of the applicants

hello mike take a seat

thank you sir can i see your resume


i have received the online version of

your cv

but i just wanted to be sure

here you go sir everything you require

is in that

document case you got

quite an interesting history for a

student of your age mike

there seems like nothing is out of the


just relax kid this is just for a

part-time job

usually these so-called interviews

aren’t as strict as the more long-termed


but nevertheless i want you to know if

you are right for the job

so tell me mike what brings you here

well sir i wanted to apply for a

part-time job to get used to the

roughness of society

so through hours of applying i’m here

and do you expect to be paid handsomely

no i don’t sir the experience of working

is enough to keep me going

i’m sorry if this is offensive but no

undergraduates apply for a part-time job

without having money as a goal in their


i understand sir and i am sorry

please just call me dan or mr dan and no

need to be sorry

so how has your university life been


it has been great actually i’m a


of international business major

i’ve managed to become an official

member of one of my school’s clubs

being socially open aren’t ya

it’s nice to see one fit in easily with

his surroundings

so i assume that you are communicating

skill is at a

decent level i wouldn’t really consider

my talking skills anywhere near charming

but still natural nevertheless

cool that’s all i expected mike

now how about your other skills

such as multitasking or concentration

i’m not very good at multitasking but i

can put my mind into a single thing for

a long period of time

that is very beneficial in the future

for you

what about your time management ability

i know that freshman year at university

can be overwhelming

but can you be self-organized enough to

make sure the deadline is met

i can prioritize particular tasks based

on their importance

so i’m confident as i can mr dan

your attitude is straightforward and

honest isn’t it mike

but anyway before we end this short

interview i would like to advise you


leave out some time for you to rest and

balance between studying

socializing and working okay

thank you for the advice mr dan

i appreciate the advice

well then here is your resume have a

good day sir

goodbye mike remember to close the door

behind you


dave is working a part-time job

at a grocery store jordan accidentally

met him

and sticks around to talk

i will have these oh

hey jordan long time no see

dave oh wow i didn’t expect to see an

old homie around yeah

it has been ages since we last met

from high school isn’t it

since we graduated oh

wait let me check these out for you


it’s 1465. here are your groceries

mind if i stick around for a bit

no problem bro it’s not every day that i

bump into an old mate

and i’m not very busy at this time of


so how long have you been working here

for about a month and a half or so

it’s pretty uneventful working here so

this job is fine

but this is only a part-time job though

i haven’t graduated yet

well it’s only two years since we left

high school

i only started university a year ago for

multiple reasons

really which university do you attend

it would sound a bit odd but have you

heard about the university of people

it’s kind of familiar but i can’t really

pinpoint what it is

i swear i have heard about it somewhere

it’s a free university where people

around the world

can attend for free as long as they have

an internet connection

and a full commitment

oh i remember that university is very

well known for its good deeds and


yes i’m really glad and excited

when i got recommended by a relative

my life has really turned up from there

because i’m flexible in my study i still

have time to work some part-time jobs to

feed myself and help out my parents

this is only my nighttime job

my daytime job offers wage but it’s

equally more stressful

what do you do here anyway i never get

an insight about this sort of work

well as the cashier my main job is to

scan these groceries and collect the


but behind the counter there are a lot

of other minor things to do

such as when the manager isn’t here i’m

tasked with recording and writing down

any cargo delivery and report it to him

keep these shelves stocked and deal with

any product shortages

apart from the regular works i have to

deal with every emergency around

sometimes that fridge over there breaks

down or the front door is

jammed etc

usually there would be a guy working the

same shifts as me

but today he is coming late he told me

that he would arrive an hour late which


he will be here in 10 minutes

so i’m the only one keeping you company

yeah pretty much i appreciate this

it could get extremely boring around


anytime man anytime

how much do you guys earn from working


typically eight dollars an hour every


there are no extras in rush hours or


this place would close during holidays

or maintenance days

but there are great pulses at this place

i get to be paid every weekend so i can

keep up with

any surprise bills that’s great for you


i hardly know anywhere else with such

good policies

but anyway it’s a dead-end job


what about the other jobs you have well

i also work around the logistics center

next to the supermarket

i’m only the apprentice at the place

following the manager where he does his

daily routine

i’ve learned a lot of things there

already the boss there took great care

of me

things seemed to be looking up for ya


would there be any chance it would lead

to a full-time job

most likely yes i saw a lot of potential

for growth at the place

on the online university i talked about

there is a logistics course really

suited for my needs

in only one year i’ve got most of the

basic knowledge of how to run a


business and manage

working at this place also gives me

hands-on experience and logistics

that’s why i stayed at this place

working at a seemingly minimum wage

wow you got such an admirable spirit for

studying and working

i’m really impressed with how everything

has turned up for you

opportunities come from education

i’m happy for you man seeing an old dude


thanks man you’re a nice guy

well it’s about time for me to go

keep up the good work okay my dude

i will man i will goodbye dude


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