The Passive Voice with Get English Grammar for Beginners

I think we’re rolling hi everybody

welcome back to our weekly live stream

my name is Alisha and today we are going

to talk about the passive voice in

English today’s topic is how to use

passive voice and how to use get in

passive sentences so this will be a good

grammar review I think for many people

and I’m also going to talk a little bit

about some kind of details some other

ways that you can use this grammar to

make more like complex feelings in your

sentences so I hope that everybody can

find something good in today’s lesson as

you join please don’t forget to send a

message in the chat make sure to like

the video and share the video so that

other people can find today’s lesson too

while we wait for other people to join I

have a couple of announcements as usual

I will come and say hi to everybody in

the chat in just a second but a couple

of announcements really quickly me let

me get the banner app that I want to

show you first you’ll see this banner

right here at the bottom of the screen

gets your guide to learn English at home

so this is a free 52 page ebook a free

52 page ebook and a free beginner level

course that you can find on our on our

website at English class 101 dot-com so

if you want to check out the course you

just need your name and your email

address to do that so please have a look

at that and grab so download the e-book

to do that the other thing I wanted to

remind you of as always is about our

weekly Q&A series this is called the ask

Alicia series where you can send me your

questions about English grammar

vocabulary culture whatever to this

series and meaty Oh choose your question

to maybe hopefully answer I hope that I

am able to answer your questions so you

can find the link for the submission

page so the place to send your questions

is at English class 101

slash ask - Alicia mmm so please have a

look at that and some of you are saying

that my volume is low so I will try to

fix that a little bit over here as I

work I think that is all for

announcements I see lots and lots of

people on the YouTube chat hi everybody

in YouTube I see javi Eric IIE shahi

Andres Taylor ROM hello Fernando hi


Facebook I’m coming to you now Facebook

this week again I am broadcasting live

from my house

I’m checking Facebook from my phone and

YouTube from my computer so but I’m

coming to make sure that Facebook is

going ok as well too and then we’re

going to get started in today’s lesson

ok Facebook awesome I see you there hi

everybody on Facebook that is super cool

to see you I’m loading up the chat right

now who is here hello hi Yonny and Jean

and Fernando Ponte Paulo Albert’s hi Lea

near hello everybody thank you very much

for joining me again live this week so

as I said today’s topic is the passive

voice the passive voice how to use the

passive voice and how to use get in

passive sentences so I’m going to show

you now and I’ll show you a few times

during today’s live lesson kind of the

the flow of topics so I’ll show you

these I have today’s white boards I use

small white boards because I’m teaching

from home so this is today’s lesson flow

first we’re going to talk about passive

and active and then we’re going to talk

about how to use get with passive voice

finally we’re going to talk about when

to use passive so this will be the flow

for today’s lesson you can of course

take a screenshot I will show this again

a bit later today too

ok so let’s get started first before we

look at the white boards I showed you I

want to do a quick review a short review

of passive grammar so first what is

passive voice but uh what is passive

voice so passive voice

often you ask me what is the difference

between passive voice and active voice

so we have these two ways of speaking

and writing so the first point here

passive voice is a style of speaking and

writing so we have passive voice or we

have active voice oops sorry I made a

type of it’s just say it focuses on the

person or thing receiving an action so

when I say it here I’m fixing it right


it focuses oh that’s strange I have it

in here but it’s not showing it focuses

on the person or thing receiving an

action so in passive voice the focus is

on the object of something the object of

a sentence situation I’ll show you some

examples in a minute

so passive voice you can think of it as

like the opposite of active voice in

active voice we focus on the person

or the thing acting so who is the person

doing the action that’s the focus in an

active voice sentence in a passive voice

sentence sorry I for some reason this

typo is this should say it’s not

appearing on screen it focuses on the

person or thing receiving the action so

let’s take a look at some example

sentences that use passive okay so let

us take a look at our first examples for

today passive versus active here are two

examples sentences so let’s talk about

these two first this is an active voice

sentence this is a passive voice

sentence the active sentence my dad ate

my cookie my dad ate my cookie so in

this sentence my dad is the person doing

the action yeah my dad what did my dad

do he ate my cookie this is not

something my dad would do that no hi dad

so the key here in an active voice

sentence is the subject is the focus so

the subject is my dad in this case

however in a passive voice sentence it

would look like this

my cookie was eaten my cookie was eaten

so here the object so in other words the

object object means the thing that

received the action are the thing that

receives the action is the focus in this

sentence we don’t see my dad at all we

could say yes my cookie was eaten by my

dad yes that’s also correct but it’s

also very common to see just this my

cookie was eaten so the focus is on the

object the thing that received the

action so this is the difference between

active and passive sentences active

sentence has focused on the person or

the thing doing the action passive has

focus on the thing receiving the action

so today we’re going to practice making

and practicing when to use these as well

okay I’m looking for your example

sentences some of you yes please send me

your example sentences in the chat I

will try to check live if I cannot get

to all of them I’m sorry hello a lock I

see one of our members in the YouTube

chat okay so next I want to review this

I have I’ve made this diagram and some

example sentences that you can use when

you want to change an active sentence to

a passive sentence many of you have

asked me how do I change active to

passive what do I do

so I made this if you have watched my

previous live stream about passive voice

this will look very familiar to you but

I updated it with some new examples and

we’re going to use this a bit today so

let’s practice together okay first let’s

look at an active sentence structure so

this is how we make a basic active voice

sentence in English yeah I think many of

you recognize this subject-verb-object

yeah SVO subject-verb-object

is a basic active voice sentence in

English for example my boss sent an

email subject my boss verb sent object


my boss sent an email or we ate all of

the snacks we ate all of the snacks or

he has fixed my computer so these are

all active voice sentences so we’re

focusing on the person in this case in

all of these examples it’s a person

doing the action yeah my boss or we or

he we focus on the person that’s doing

the action so how do we change an active

voice sentence to a passive voice what’s

the deal hmm so here you’ll notice this

is basically we have a subject again

here but what you do when you want to

change an active voice to a passive

voice sentence is move that’s it’s hard

to see maybe here but move your object

so the object is at the end of your

active voice sentence move your object

to the beginning of your passive

sentence so that means your object here

becomes your subject after your subject

use the to be verb so what’s important

here is you as B but make sure

please use be in the same tense as the

active voice sentence so here for

example I’ve used scent which is past

tense 8 is also past tense has fixed is

present perfect tense so here we need to

make sure we use past tense past tense

present perfect tense as well so please

change your B verb to match the tense of

this verb finally we finish it with the

past participle form of the verb so and

this is the same verb the vocabulary

word is the same but we need to change

the form of the verb so this is

something you have to study

unfortunately so when you study your

verbs study verb conjugations you’ll

study the past participle verb forms you

can google a list

of verb forms of past participle list if

you want so let’s look at how these

change for example my boss sent an email

changes to an email was sent

now again yes you can say an email was

sent by my boss that is also correct but

there are many cases where it’s not

necessary or we don’t want to include by

my boss or this one we ate all of the Oh

snacks I wrote all of the cookies this

was my previous example sentence but

this should say all of the snacks my

subject now cookies is plural so please

note this you might find this sometimes

so yes my subject is singular here like

we ate or rather I’m sorry I shouldn’t I

shouldn’t say that please note that this

subject here needs to match your verb

here all of the cookies were eaten so

this is a plural subject we must work

here finally my computer has been fixed

this changes from has fixed has fixed

now has been fixed so please note that

this changes so this is how we change

active voice to passive voice

someone says if we have AI CH 0 I hope

that this answers your question on

YouTube when we transform active to

passive maybe I don’t know maybe I’m

missing part of that question oh oh oh

oh sorry I missed like half the chat

does the tense change and if so how do

we do I hope that this answers your

question about changing tense between

active and passive the tents of your be

verb changes so I hope this answers that

question Oh yogi so this is how we

change active to passive yes the be verb

here changes and you need to use the

past participle form of the verb all

right cool

over on Facebook I’m coming to your

questions on Facebook now can we use

passive voice in present my cookies are

eaten every day yes you can I wonder is

that a situation my cookies are eaten

every day yes you can you can say like

my mailbox is checked every day by

someone I don’t know who yeah you can

totally absolutely you

present-tense example so I tend we tend

to use it I feel a little bit more

perhaps in like past tense situations as

we’re going to practice in just a minute

other questions yes lots of you are

practicing changing your active to

passive in the chat sounds good okay so

we’ll take one very short break to

remind you but um this banner at the

bottom of the screen gets your guide to

learn English at home because there are

many of you we know who are staying at

home us included I am home right now who

are staying at home our team put

together a 52 page ebook so that you can

practice English at home and you can

have access to the beginner level course

on our website for free it is free

totally free the beginner level course

is free so please have a look to get

that too please check the link below the

video if you’re watching on YouTube or

above the video if you’re watching on

Facebook to get that you need an account

but you can make an account for free so

I hope that that is helpful for you go

check it out to download the workbook

good times okay so with that let’s

continue on to part 2 also a reminder if

you have not already please make sure to

like the video and share the video so

that other people can find today’s

lesson alright if you missed it today we

are talking about passive voice let’s

take a look at where we are in today’s

lesson flow I’ve just talked about

passive and active right here we just

finished this part now I’m going to talk

about how to use get with passive voice

this is a very common question I have

seen from you so we’re going to cover

this next let’s go okay alright so how

to use get with passive voice what is

going on here many of you have asked me

this but what is going on okay so how do

you get in passive voice what what we

use get this is first just what what is

happening here why when I like we

sometimes hear native speakers using

in these structures why so we use get in

passive sentences to create a feeling of

surprise it communicates something

unexpected often it also has a negative

feel so this is a lot of information I

know so again using get in a passive

sentence in place of the be verb gives

this feeling of something that’s like a

surprise or something that we didn’t

expect to happen or it can also be

something that is bad do it depends on

the context so let’s compare these two

sentences I was accepted to a good

university I was accepted to a good

university this sentence is 100% correct

totally fine

grammar great everything is good also I

got accepted to a good university I got

accepted to a good university what’s the

difference here the difference here is

in the second example sentence I’ve used

got instead of was so I replaced was

with God this is because I want to

communicate a feeling of surprise or a

feeling that something unexpected

happened so this sentence I got accepted

communicates surprise the sentence I was

accepted to a good university sounds

just kind of like a fact it’s not wrong

it’s a perfectly fine sentence but God

communicates that surprise a lot more so

this is this is how we use got in place

of the be verb okay

let’s go to the next part I’m looking

for your questions in the chat I don’t

see anything yet okay let’s go to the

next part here to use to use also your

chat homework those of you in the chat

right now this is your homework I’m

gonna explain them

to use this just replace B with get in

your passive sentence so let’s practice

this here finish this sentence so

remember this sentence needs to be

something surprising or unexpected or

negative so let’s finish this sentence I

got plus a past participle verb so try

to make a passive sentence with got in

this case I’m making I’m suggesting you

use a past tense example so try to

finish this sentence I got something so

I got accepted to a good university or I

got awoke in by an earthquake this

morning something like that something

that’s really like surprising or

unexpected or maybe a little bit


some examples are coming in some okay I

don’t see anything on Facebook yet

please said be your example how do I

contact you right here in the chat

please reactivate the chat of 24/7 live

it has been disabled because there were

some people writing mean things in there

unfortunately so I got confused okay I

got confused is a good start yeah so

give us some more information I got

confused about the lesson so that one is

a little bit more like that you saw at M

hmm it’s a slightly different use of get

that’s that’s a the use of get to mean

become yeah a lot of you are using got a

lot of you a lot of you are using got to

mean became here like I got drunk this

morning that means I became drunk okay I

got fired by my boss great example

sentence handsome fan that was great

great great I got messaged by a

strangers as Edgard very very nice good

okay excellent example some of you some

of you are saying also just you’re using

got to mean received so like for someone

on Facebook Jorge said I got my college

degree yesterday that sentence is

correct but that is not a passive voice

sentence that is a simple past tense

sentence which means I received my

college degree yesterday so the key I

got past participle verb I got past

participle verb mmm so I got past

participle verb so make sure that this

part here I got accepted to something or

I got hit by a car so that’s something

that’s not very good something that

happened to you that was unexpected or

surprising hmm so this some many of you

are putting a noun here that is


for this grammar I got noun means I

received noun so that’s a correct

sentence when you want to communicate I

received something I received an

assignment I received a gift great

sentence but that is not today’s grammar

mmm so I got my other example let’s

bring it I got hit by a car oh my gosh I

got surprised yeah by someone good good

good good okay I got shocked ah I would

I got shocked we would say I got shocked

mmm we don’t really use this so much for

our own emotions because it’s like

something we can control

so that is probably something that we

would not say I got frustrated that’s

kind of saying like I became frustrated

okay okay so maybe this is a good point

to consider because there are many of

you who are sending example sentences

that are correct but not today’s grammar

there for your homework maybe I have

made a lesson another live lesson about

how to use got it’s all about I think

there are three different

uses of God it’s today’s grammar and

it’s the received grammar and the became

grammar so please google are not even

Google please go to the English class

101 YouTube channel or the English class

101 comm website you can search there to

get that lesson so I see many of you are

making correct sentences but they are

different from today’s grammar I would

recommend you review that lesson review

the how to use GOC or three three uses

of god I think it’s called so please

take a look at that for your homework

for this week

okay alright I have to move on to the

next part though Oh someone said I got

caught cheating good good good good

example good example okay let’s go to a

break so we have one more short break in

case you missed it

there is a free beginner level guide to

English on our website English class you can get this from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

YouTube or above the video if you are

watching this on Facebook again the

beginner level course is totally free

and you can get a 52 page workbook to

download and practice so hopefully good

for many people who are stuck at home

this time okay so with that let’s go to

the last part of today’s lesson in case

you missed it I will show you again so

that you can see today’s lesson flow I

started here with passive versus active

voice and then talked about how to use

get with passive voice now we’re going

to talk about when to use passive when

to use passive so this will be the last

part of our lesson for today alright

many people are sending some examples

good someone said I got rejected by

YouTube to send my example just now oh


okay some people I got fired by my boss

is that true oh my gosh

Edgard says I got lost in my house

really okay good example of everybody

on Facebook guess Jessie I hope I said

there I says I got fired last month oh I

hope that’s not true I got accepted by

English class 101 good okay nice example

is everybody okay let’s go to the last

part too lastly today is when to use

passive when should we use passive so

many people are like why do I even need

to learn passive voice like can’t I just

use active voice all the time like well

you can but like there are some really

good reasons to use passive and like we

use passive voice often like all the

time so please study passive ok first

when you don’t know the person who acted

when you don’t know the person who acted

you can use passive that means the

person who did some action is unknown or

they’re not important so we’ll talk

about this later for example my car was

broken into my car was broken into by

who we don’t know we don’t know though

so we use passive to talk about that my

car was broken into or I chose this

vocabulary word specifically for now she

has been diagnosed with the flu

diagnosed to diagnose this is a good

this is a vocabulary point I chose for

this lesson today to diagnose means to

decide someone’s illness to decide

someone’s sickness so when you feel sick

and you go to the doctor and the doctor

checks you and the doctor says you have

the flu are you caught a cold or

something that’s called diagnosing to

diagnose someone is to decide or to

determine the type of illness so she has

been diagnosed with the flu in this case

so who diagnosed we can guess probably

the doctor but we don’t know exactly who

the doctor is maybe

so we use passive voice when you don’t

know the person who acted we don’t know

the person who did this thing okay

second second reason you should know

passive and that it is used when the

object is more important so for example

like the result of research or like a

problem with a customer or something

like that so we want to know about the

results we want to know the outcome we

don’t care so much about who did

something the focus is on like the end

at the end of the situation for example

the problem was resolved the problem was

resolved okay or reports were provided

to all staff so here the problem was

resolved by whom it’s not important it’s

just a problem at work or whatever was

resolved resolved means fixed so fixed

fixed and resolved their similar fixed

we use with machines generally resolved

we use for problems between people okay

okay well we got our new member there

hello there I saw you on YouTube Allen

Mello welcome cool ok

reports were provided to all staff again

by whom it’s not important in this case

we want to focus on reports so we use

passive voice to do that reports were

provided to all staff ok finally finally

finally another reason to use passive

voice is when you want to hide someone’s

actions so so this is very useful you

will hear little kids do this actually

and you can use it too you can use

passive voice to hide things or like to

not say details sometimes sometimes it

is useful so for example your coffee got

drunk by whom so this means like another

way to say this is someone drinks his

desk got moved so

his desk we don’t know or we don’t want

to say so we use passive so these are

very like gentle examples of how to hide

in passive voice but if you pay

attention to like the news politicians

like to use passive voice to avoid

responsibility you’ll notice you’ll also

see it in like business like corporate

letters especially like corporate

apologies you’ll see it in those

situations too so look for this this is

really sneaky so sometimes I’ll notice

friends will use passive voice when

they’re trying to hide nicely you so you

can use this yeah so some examples are

coming in now the chat was deactivated

yes the chat was indeed deactivated

I missed another one staff Oh new onset

sorry I hope I said that right on

Facebook says staff do we add the or not

oh here

  • all staff no staff is an uncountable

noun we do not say 1 like 1

we don’t say uh staff we say a staff

member member is countable staff no to

all staff staff is uncountable ok

our project has been completed good my

bike was stolen last week good my laptop

got stolen good ok no it’s just free for

all example sentences coming at me okay

sounds good good good good

that sounds great I’m looking for your

questions now I don’t see any I’m

checking you on Facebook ok it looks ok

documents were submitted to all faculty

faculty members maybe or two to all

faculties yeah that’s true faculty can’t

in some cases is can be used as a

countable noun to refer to different

departments in a school good examples

everybody can we use active voice for no

subject well there has to be a subject

somewhere do you have an example ok I

think oh wow actually it has been 30

minutes time goes so quickly wow that’s

amazing I have to finish amazing we’re

already done cool ok I’m going to wrap

it up for today then so thank you as

always for joining me live next week

next week’s topic

I made a graphic oh it’s kind of hard to

see me me I don’t know ok so next week

next lesson will be May 20th that is

Wednesday May 20th 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that is New York City time

if you do not know your local time

please google it you can do it use your

Google skills I’m going to talk about

prepositions I’m going to cover how to

use at in and by I cannot talk about all

prepositions in 30 minutes so I have

chosen to focus on at

in and by in next week’s lesson so

please join me for some good preposition

reviews super fun times with that I will

say goodbye for this week’s so thank you

as always very much for joining me I

appreciate it as always please don’t

forget to check out the free course the

free beginner level course and the free

workbook from the link below or above

the video thank you very much for liking

and sharing today’s lesson and I hope

that you have a good week thanks very

much for joining me and I will see you

again soon