How to Share a Conversation in English Basic English Phrases

yeah stops tow you picked the button

sorry I couldn’t see you hit the button

hey everybody I’ve missed I missed it

when our control desk hit the button

sorry hi welcome back to our live stream

this week my name is Alisha and this

week we are going to talk about how to

share previous conversations so this is

going to be a lesson about reporting the

things that other people have said to

you so this is something a lot of you

have asked questions about this is

something you hear a lot in TV and

movies you use it everyday when talking

to people at work at school in your

everyday life so I think this is a

really useful but it’s a really small

point that is kind of difficult to

master so today we’re going to focus on

this and I’m going to talk about some

verbs that maybe you have seen like me

talk about on the YouTube channel before

but I’m also going to introduce some

expressions that native speakers use to

report speech as well so let’s begin

also if you’re just joining please make

sure to LIKE the video so other people

can find it a little more easily and of

course share if you like as well good I

see we’re up on Facebook

I hope it’s up on YouTube as well hi I

see you there YouTube I assume is going

so as we wait for everyone to join us a

couple little review points I wanted to

share a couple announcements oh yeah

good okay hi YouTube hello I see you uh

day you and Helena and Daniel and Dolce

and Guto and buckler and mr. postman

hello all right good

so YouTube and Facebook are both maybe

twitter is up to I will check but good

so I want to as usual I try to have some

kind of like review point or

announcement so this week just a quick

reminder or a quick

I guess point if you missed it this

week’s ask Alicia or rather last week’s

ask Alicia is now up on YouTube but I

thought this was a really good one for

beginners I think yeah you’ll see here

this I kind of prepared this one with

beginners in mind so if you’re just

starting out or if you’re looking for

kind of like ideas for goal setting for

your English Studies you can check this


this is on the YouTube channel this is

the most recent episode of ask Alicia so

please check that out please visit the

YouTube channel to check the latest

video there ok good so I see lots of

people in the chat on facebook to Sean

and Khan John and pypy

Pablo hello ok good so let’s begin with

today’s lesson as I said today’s lesson

is about how to share previous

conversations so how to report the

things that other people have said to

you to begin then I want to review a few

key verbs that we use to talk about

communication if you have watched some

of the videos on the YouTube channel you

might be aware of these verbs already so

I want to I’m gonna go down in my notes

Kyle sorry just a second ok done good ok

so I want to introduce a few verbs that

are key to to talking about

communication so the first one to review

I know many of you know these already

but just to review a couple to talk

about first OB say with the past tense I

said so please keep in mind the past

tense of say said has pronunciation said

it sounds like sed said said so some

people say Sayyed but that’s not correct

so say is actually an irregular verb so

it has an irregular past tense

conjugation so we use say for simple

reports so just there’s not really a

special feeling there it’s quite neutral

it’s quite neutral it’s kind of flat

it’s just you’re just reporting

information only that’s it

so say that’s the first key verb I want

to review another one I want to mention

I talked

about on YouTube is the verb tell tell

what past-tense told as well so we use

tell we use told for like one-way

communication so it’s not only one-way

communication but it’s like when one

person is giving information to another

person it’s very one-way so there’s not

so much feeling of conversation here

it’s just one way there so tell is the

other one the second one I want to

review today another good one for

communication is the verb speak with

past tense spoke spoke so I know we use

this verb of course to explain our

language abilities like I speak English

or I don’t speak Chinese or I spoke

Spanish yesterday for example but we use

speak as well to refer to kind of more

formal formal conversations but these

are like two-way communication


so tell communication so tell is used

for like one-way communication going in

one direction really but speak is used

that’s with like two-way conversation

and then okay and I’ll introduce one

more point after that to so speak is the

next one

the final one I want to introduce in

this first group for today is the verb

talk so talk the past tense of talk is

talked talked so the pronunciation there

is not talking but talked talked as a

tea sound so this is also 2 way but it’s

casual it’s a two-way conversation I

talked to my friend I talked with my

friend then I want to mention also about

talk and about speak we use the

preposition to or we can also use with

with these both are ok so like I spoke

to my friend I spoke to my boss I talked

with my friend I talked to my boss so

you can use both to and with with these

verbs so

I want to look at a couple examples

sentences that use these then so I would

like to start with sorry I can’t see I

would like to start with say say sorry

with the verb say I think you’ll see it

up here in just a second if we can take

a look at that

yes good ask yes okay she said my cake

was delicious so here is an example of

how the verb say is used to report

something that someone else said said so

here we see in past tense in past tense

she said my cake was delicious I said I

wanted to move we are using said to

share something another person

verbalized in the past so these are

simple neutral reports she said I said

so when you want to give information

just do say say and past tense said okay

I want to go to the a couple examples of

the second verb tell then if that’s okay

so as I said tell we use primarily for

one-way communication so one person

passing information to another person

past tense is told here so let’s take a

look at some example sentences if it’s

okay yeah nice okay so here again I have

past tense because I’m reporting

something in the past this is a finished

action so here my manager told me to fix

a mistake my manager told me to fix a

mistake so here my manager the speaker’s

manager is passing information directly

to the speaker in this case so my

manager told me it was one way same

thing here his mother told him to come

home his mother told him so again

one-way communication from the mother to

him so this is what we use tell to do

let’s go on to the next set with speak

speak so as I said speak is used to talk

about your language

abilities I can speak I can’t speak but

we also use it for formal two-way

communication so like conversations you

have at work as well like we’ll see a

couple examples in just a moment

actually so these I kind of included

some business examples for this yeah

nice so we can see I spoke with your

boss about this I spoke with your boss

so I’m using past tense again I spoke

with your boss about this and we spoke

to the client yesterday so here you can

see I used with in this first one I

spoke with your boss about this and I

spoke to the client about this so we can

use both with and to with the verb speak

or in this case past tenses okay so

that’s a couple examples of how to use

speak and spoke then finally let’s end

on the verb talk as I said talk we also

use for two-way communication so a

conversation but we also use this in

more casual situation so something

that’s not so like not so formal this is

maybe better for a business situation so

talk I talked I talked so again this

pronunciation I talked talked to the

neighbors last weekend and the customers

talked with the sales staff so again I

used to and with here we can use both

too and with with these verbs to explain

the communication that’s happening here

okay so I wanted to review these verbs

quickly if you missed it don’t worry I’m

going to erase this board for that for

the next part of today’s lesson but if

you want more information about these

verbs please take a look at the YouTube

channel there are a couple of videos

there about these verbs and some

examples of when and where to use them

so please go check that out if you want

more about these points specifically


but let’s take a break let’s take a

break today as always we have free stuff

for you guys

this week I was thinking it would be

nice maybe to look at like this family

and relatives what like so every week we

have free stuff this week again we have

our free PDFs for you on English class

this week I thought maybe the family and

relatives one as well as just your

friends so when you want to report

something like your your mother or your

father or your relative said to you you

can use one of these maybe expressions

or you can like you know pick up some

vocabulary words to help you explain

what that person said through these so I

thought this would be nice family one

also maybe a business one I’ll show you

the business one later but if you

haven’t downloaded these yet these have

of course some vocabulary words like who

the people are in this case it’s your

family members but then there’s a bunch

of expressions on the back so if you

have like a couple situations that you

know oh I always make a mistake here or

I’m not sure how to express that you can

check out these expressions it’s not

only vocabulary words so please take a

look and then there are some holidays in

this case so if you want to talk about

like upcoming plans it’s good too

but this one is just the family one I’ll

show you another one a little bit later

but these are free so please go grab

this you can download this and a bunch

of other ones too from the website on

youtube the link is below the video and

on Facebook the link is above the video

also on Twitter so please check that out

these are totally free so go get him go

get him go download those alright but I

want to go on to the second part of

today’s lesson um let me get an eraser

so if you’re just joining us today we’re

talking about how to share previous

conversations so in the beginning we

talked about these verbs but actually

today we’re going to focus on using this

one in particular using the verb say to

report information

so using said

said to do that we’re going to focus

there for today but I want to move on to

as I said some expressions that native

speakers use so I’m gonna erase this

don’t worry you can watch this back on

the YouTube channel or the Facebook page

if you missed it but I want to go on to

some things that native speakers

especially American English speakers use

so many of you ask like what what

English do I speak I speak American

English I speak West Coast American

English so I’m going to share a few

phrases a few ways that we report speech

in the US as well these are very casual

but you will hear these if you watch TV

if you watch movies anything like that

so let’s take a look all right I’m gonna

steal the mouse

sorry control desk beep Sorry Sorry


okay I can’t find where I’m going I’m so

sorry I’m so sorry okay good that’s all

alright so let’s look at the first one

so the first expression I want to

explain is this one once all was all so

this is one I’m gonna introduce to and

then we’ll look at an example of how

these are used was all and was like was

all and was like so when we say these we

say them really really quickly so I was

all and I was like I was all and I was

like but when we say them it’s super

fast I was all I was like so the S sound

is quite prominent I was all I was like

so here I’m gonna show you in just a

second an example of how we use these so

we use these expressions the same way

that we use the verb say or the verb

said so let’s take a look in just a

second how to use these we’ll see it in

just a moment so we use these their

expressions yes they’re pairs of words

but we put them in the same place we

would for said so here we can see

examples he was all you didn’t call me

and I was like I forgot and he was like


if you don’t know whatever it means like

I don’t care it’s no big deal or I don’t

want to listen to you so this you can

see he was all this part we use it in

exactly the same way as said but we’re

using past tense he was all so this is

quite a casual expression for said so

instead of he said you didn’t call me

and I said I forgot and he said whatever

we use these very casual I was like I

was all and I was like again so we show

the speaker with he or she or I but we

can change this to was all or was like

so this is one very very common way to

report speech that you can hear a lot I

think okay so that’s one then I want to

mention as well a couple of other verbs

that you might not think about for

speech they are go and actually in past

tense went we use go and went to report

speech as well go and went so we’ll see

an example of this in just a second as

well I have two example sentences so

that you can see and in this one okay

okay so in this one we’ll look at

present tense and in past tense as well

so here you can see I have this in

present tense I’ll explain this a little

later he goes oh no I deleted the file

and I go what and then he goes oh I

found it so here I focused on the verb

go but we can use past tense as well

I went what do you mean and he went I

mean you made a mistake and I went oh so

the same thing is happening here I’m

using go and went in present tense and

in past tense to report speech so these

are quite casual using go and went we

would not use these informal sorry

informal situations to share speech to

report speech instead it’s better to use

said in that case or told depending on

the kind of communication but go and

went we used like to report these very

small little like everyday things so try

using these and remember when your

subject is like he or she or it

we need to conjugate the verb he goes

she goes and then here I go so present

tense is fine past tense

went is also okay right and again I’m

using these I’m focusing on these verbs

in these sentences but when you actually

use these in everyday life it’s good to

mix them up so I’ll show you an example

of how to do this a little bit later as

well okay if you have questions to send

them through I can’t watch the chat

super closely but oh hi Sam let’s see I

don’t see any questions but if you have

any questions please feel free to send

them through okay for now though let’s

move along I’m gonna grab the mouse

again and go down in my notes oh okay

then I think I’ll go on what should I do

I guess we’ll take another quick break

because we can and we’ll introduce I

said I was gonna introduce a couple more

of the free things that we have for you

guys this week earlier I showed you this

free pdf about your family your

relatives some expressions you can use

with them so um the PDF is crush your

goals oh really

Oh interesting okay we have a different

one it’s a new one oh I am just I have

just learned there’s an extra new

there’s an extra extra new PDF uh so

let’s take a look at that let’s look I

think it’s a new it’s a totally new one

the team just made this well I am

excited let’s take a look

crush your goals is the name of the PDF


I think you’ll see it in just a moment

yeah there it is okay

crush your goal is exciting so many of

you have asked about like study

strategies what to do how to improve

your English you can check out this PDF

this is in the link below the video on

YouTube above the video on Facebook if

you are trying to think of a way to

study like how to make your study plan

check this out so um this can maybe be

helpful extra helpful for like beginners

as well I think so lots of you I know

are just starting so check this out if

you’re looking for a place to begin

everything and of course check the

website too so check everything out in

English class

oh okay let’s move on then so I want to

use all of these these kind of very

casual ways of reporting speech in an

example dialog so I made a very exciting

example dialog let’s take a look at how

to apply all of these in in a dialog

good okay so let’s take a look I’ve used

a bunch of different ways of reporting

speech here so let’s look first I said

he asked you can use ask when you want

to report a question you can use ask

here I have past tense he asked he asked

how have you been and I was like so

here’s my very casual I was like I was

like which means I said I said so he

asked how have you been here’s a nice

this is a nice question in general - he

asked how have you been and I was like

good how about you and he went here I’m

using past tense he went he went yeah


still looking for a new job so I said so

here’s one example just a very neutral

said do you have any ideas and he was

all so here I’m using all he was all not

really so you can see in this example

dialogue this is very typical of a

native speaker we

mix all of these together so I’ve used

asked was like went said and was all

here in this case to express a very

casual conversation so if you use the

same expression if you use was like and

I was like and he was like and she was

like it’s not uncommon but it sounds a

little bit better if you mix many of

these reporting expressions together so

try to do that okay then the last thing

I want to mention maybe some of you have

seen this I’ve used past tense in in

this expression in this dialogue here

but some people ask what’s the

difference between past tense and

present tense for reporting sometimes

you’ll see like even progressive tense

used as well so what’s the difference

between these two um I have a couple

sentences there if we can take a look at

that we’ll see you in just a second but

when you use essentially before we see

the sentences you’ll see that present

tense is used to to share like something

that’s happening now it makes the

listener or the reader feel like they’re

experiencing the story now so um did we

see yeah it’s that one right there

perfect okay so here I have an example

this sentence the top sentence is in

present tense the bottom sentence is in

past tense so what’s the difference here

we’re reporting the same information

what’s the difference so he says and I

go so I have present tense and in this

sentence so he said I want to see a

movie this weekend and I went

let’s go hiking instead so the

difference is very very small

essentially you’re communicating the

same information that that part doesn’t

change it’s just kind of how the

listener or how the reader experiences

your story this one present tense sounds

like maybe you can experience the story

right now it’s happening right now if

you use past tense

it sounds more just like a simple report


so it’s just a statement it’s just fact

simple fact just to report only so

you’ll hear for example if you watch the

news you’ll see or you’ll hear rather


used more in the news because it’s just

simple reporting in everyday

conversations for effect and also in

like stuff you read sometimes - you’ll


present tense used in those cases so you

can keep this in mind you can choose to

use present tense or past tense it’s up

to you alright good so that’s everything

I wanted to mention for today um I’ll

take a look at any questions I’m seeing

ok good so far it looks ok yeah so I go

someone wrote I go in the YouTube chat

um I go is is again it’s very casual

like so I go and then I went it sounds

quite casual and actually another fun

point sometimes we use these a little

bit in like arguments and then I was all

and then he was all and she was like so

these are quite useful in arguments as

well okay junior in this case you can

just use all in the beginning and in the

end so when I was all and he was all um

do you mean to be we typically use it

before we report the thing someone said

I was all what he was all yeah

we say it before so we use these

expressions before the things someone

has told us yeah okay thanks for the

question anything else I don’t see

anything else

good okay nice so I guess we have a

couple more minutes left so maybe let’s

finish today by reporting something

someone said to you so think of

something someone said to you recently

and try to explain them so for example

in my case ah let’s see I could say my

producer said hi to me

this morning for example so a very

simple sentence here I’m using just a

simple reporting verb my producer said

sorry this is an H hi my producer said

hi to me this morning my producer said

hi to me this morning so very very

simple report of something someone said

to me my producer said past tense said

hi to me this morning so what is

something someone said to you can you

report something to finish today hmm

what is something someone said to you

tell you about get about get for speech

mmm I can say I got to talk about your

emotional state but not so much for

reporting information yes hi producer so

my producer said hi to me this morning

yeah Daniel on YouTube says my crush

said goodbye to me last week Oh forever

your crush so if you don’t know if

you’re watching on YouTube you can see

Daniels comment he used the word crush

crush so my crush he said my crush crush

means the person that you are attracted

to someone that you were attracted to

but you’re not in a relationship with

them it’s like just the beginning stages

that’s your crush not sure says my

husband said he loved me

oh very nice good okay another person

said someone said he was thinking about

me nice okay sterling says my teacher

said I did a great job

perfect perfect Lewis says John Lennon

went war is over and I was like I wish

nice one very nice one great great

example okay

others Technol and I am reading the

comments Alicia said to use contracted

forms to sound more natural nice one

Paolo yeah okay a PE says hey what if

the conversation was between more than

two people yeah good question you can

use the same verbs you can use the same

verbs but when the conversation is

between more than two people more than

just like me and my boss then you can

use name

so who said that person a said person B

said person C was all and then person D

was like so use names to report things

in conversations with lots of people

nice question

Kajol I said hi to Alisha on Instagram

this morning oh did you hi

Kivar says my mom said she loved me more

than a rose that’s very nice okay

other things on Facebook Jonathan says

Mike said to me he had gone to the

office before I came okay

Landry says my girlfriend said I’m cute

oh that’s very nice very nice

okay um sterling says my friend and I

went to a movie she said the movie was

great yeah exactly good so I think you

guys can use said quite easily so try to

kind of level up then or think about

these other expressions like was all and

was like and go and went to express the

things other people said because I think

that’ll help you sound a little more

natural and you’ll also if you watch TV

and movies you will hear this I’m very

sure you’ll hear this so check this out

keep this in your mind to think about

okay let’s finish up today’s lesson so

that’s everything for today thank you

for your great comments thank you for

participating as always sorry my chair

is so squeaky um

let’s look at next week’s topic though

so next week we’re going to be back of

course same time same channel with a new

topic a different topic so we’re kind of

focusing on conversation building

conversation skills sorry building

conversation skills right now so for

next week you’ll see here I will talk

about how to disagree how to disagree

with someone so I want to share how to

disagree politely I hope but also like

some ways that maybe you can disagree

with people you’re close to so quick

like quick and easy ways to disagree

this will be the focus for next week’s

lesson so that will be next week April

25th Wednesday 10 p.m. Eastern Standard

Time that’s New York City time if you

don’t know your local time please google

it at time and date calm you can check

that out so please join us for how to

disagree April 25th

next Wednesday night we’ll be here of

course please please please don’t forget

to get your goal your crush your goals

study strategy cheat sheet that would be

good you can get that for free from

English class from the link

below the video on youtube and above the

video on

Facebook that would be good go check

that out great if you are just starting

for beginners really really good for

beginners to help you plan your road

going forward so please check that out

but we’ll finish here for today so I

hope you can use these right away in

your everyday life and we’ll be back

next week with some other good stuff so

thank you so much for watching thank you

for liking and sharing the video and for

sending your great questions and your

great comments enjoy the rest of your

day enjoy the rest of your night and

your weekend and I will see you again

soon bye bye
