Modal Verb in the Past Would HaveWouldnt Have Basic English Grammar

think we’re rolling hi everybody welcome

back to our weekly live stream my name

is Alisha and this week we are going to

talk about a modal verb in the past this

week we are going to focus on wood so

I’m going to talk about would have and

wouldn’t have we’ll wait a couple

minutes to give people a chance to join

us live and then we will begin so as you

join please make sure to send a message

in the chat so that we can say hello to

you and also please make sure to like

and share the video so that other people

can find today’s lesson alright I see a

lot of people in the YouTube chat there

hello abdulaziz mohamed Gina P Emiliano

Luciana hi Lea hi everybody thanks very

much for joining us this week as I said

today’s topic is modal verbs I’m going

to talk about how to use wood in the

past so that means we’re going to cover

would have and wouldn’t have today okay

so while we wait a couple of other

announcements the first one if you

missed it before the team has extended

this to the end of summer if you want to

get access to a beginner level course on

our website you can do that from the

link below the video if you’re watching

on youtube or above the video if you are

watching on facebook this banner here at

the bottom of the screen is pointing to

a guide like a PDF guide a workbook that

you can use together with the beginner

level course on our website so please

check that out if you would like to

download that it’s all for free I don’t

think I said that at all it’s a free

level a free beginner level course that

you can take a look at so please check

the link below the video if you’re

watching on YouTube or above the video

if you’re watching on Facebook that is

announcement number one announcement

number two is if you have questions if

you have questions about something

different from today’s topic please send

them to me this is a screenshot I show

you this every week I should send you a

new screenshot this is a screenshot from

the ask Alicia series thanks very much


YouTube this is a screenshot from the

ask Alicia series where you can send me

your questions and I will maybe answer

them if you have a question you can

search for it on the YouTube channel

number one at English class 101 on

YouTube that’s a really good way to

check and see if your answer if your

question has already been answered if

not or if you have a new question send

it to me here the link is English class

101 calm / ask - Alicia I will put a

link in the YouTube video description

after today’s lesson okey-dokey alright

I see lots of people on YouTube right

now Facebook I’m coming to you I’m

broadcasting from my house again today

so I’m checking Facebook here as I have

a lot of screams to manage but I’m

looking for you Facebook I think that it

should be there in just a second so I’m

going to show you today’s lesson boards

as I said today’s topic is would have

and wouldn’t AB this will be the flow

for today’s lesson first I’m going to

talk about when to use would have and

wouldn’t have this is kind of a tricky

grammar point a little bit of a

challenge so we’ll start by talking

about when to use it then we’ll talk

about would have and wouldn’t have and

how to make statements finally we’ll

talk about how to make questions with

this okey dokey so let’s get it started

first I want to make sure Facebook is

going Facebook I see you there hello

everyone on Facebook welcome Kim and ml

and bash oh I’m on hello thanks

everybody for joining us live that’s

awesome yeah last week we had a little

hiccup with Facebook I think so okay

fantastic let’s get started already so

let’s begin with the first part then but

um would have in wouldn’t have when

should we use them this is our topic for

two day so when should we use would

happen wouldn’t have what’s the deal oh

sorry there’s a little bit of noise

today hopefully not forever when do we

use would have and wouldn’t have we use

these to express a past action if a past

condition had been true so I know that

this is kind of difficult to imagine

like what does this mean exactly

so imagine on a timeline here imagine

that sometime in the past so this is now

on our timeline waiting here is the

future and back here is the past today

we want to focus on the past so we

imagine with this grammar point some

past condition some past condition and

we are talking we’re thinking about like

the cause and effect or like the

relationship between a past condition

with if and some past action but the key

and what’s kind of strange about this

grammar point is that this these two

actions when we use would have with a

positive or wouldn’t have with the

negative these actions did not happen we

just want to imagine some past action

and we want to imagine some past action

okay so hey remote control team is the

Facebook live stream okay I see other

videos jumping in and out okay

sorry there’s some sound behind me right

now hopefully it stops in uh sorry

everybody it’s really you’re saying okay

let’s but today I want to look at a lot

of different examples to talk about this

grammar point okay so let’s take a look

at these two we’ll look at a positive

and a negative and I also want to point

out in today’s lesson we’re going to use

conditionals conditionals I’m not going

to talk about conditional grammar this

part of the sentence in today’s lesson

if you have questions about condition

also please check the YouTube channel

I’ve made lots of videos about

conditional so with that in mind let’s

practice okay so if I had studied I

would have passed the test if I had

studied I would have passed the test so

what does the sentence mean what is

happening here this if I had studied

this part is this if section right here

I talked about so that means this

condition if I had studied this is

showing a past condition that means this

was not true

this did not happen if I had studied

this did not so in other words I did not

study I didn’t study but I want to

imagine if I had if that had been true I

would have passed the test I would have

passed the test so here is our grammar

for today yeah I would have passed the

test so this part again shows it’s a

past situation a past condition but I

just want to imagine it and it did not

happen so yes I’ve marked this with a

check in the past but this check mark

means if this condition had been true

this condition would also be true so

what does this mean this means in other

words I did not study for the test and I

did not pass the test but I want to

imagine how I could have changed my past

action this is what we use would have

and wouldn’t have to do okay so let’s

look then at a negative example

something that uses wouldn’t have okay

so first part again an if statement so

again if this is something that is not

true but we just want to imagine it if I


so hadn’t means hat not if I hadn’t

forgotten my wallet today if I hadn’t

forgotten my wallet today I wouldn’t

have borrowed money from a friend if I

haven’t forgotten my wallet today I

wouldn’t have borrowed money from a


so what meet what does this mean here

again my if conditional starts this out

so if I hadn’t forgotten my wallet this

means I did forget my wallet that

happened that’s true I did forget my

wallet I wouldn’t have borrowed money

from a friend so that means I did borrow

money from a friend so this situation we

just want to again express that

something would some-some past condition

if this past condition had been true the

later past condition would be different

so again if I if this had not been true

in other words if I had remembered my

wallet so I I did borrow money but I

want to express I would not have done

that yes yes I know there’s some very

strange things happening some of you are

asking some questions about the

transmission on Facebook there’s a

jumping between videos on Facebook I

think that might be a Facebook issue I’m

very sorry you can maybe check the

YouTube feed to get the full video I

think that might be a Facebook issue

okay so yes there is some noise in the

background I hope that it stops very

soon okay so let’s go to the final point

for part 1 today the pronunciation of

would have and would not have yeah

there’s some construction sound in the

background today unfortunately sorry

everybody so pronunciation points about

this would have and would not have

contract they reduce so let’s start by

talking about would have would have so

would have contracts to would’ve

would’ve I’ll try to repeat this a lot

it was noisy right now would’ve and

would’ve this contracts even more

a speech we say woulda woulda so for

example in this sentence if I had

studied I would have this part reduces

to if I had studied I would have passed

the test I would have passed the test

so we do not use this spelling like in

official documents or anything like that

but you can use this one like you’re

texting with your friends for example

okay then let’s go to would not have

would not have so this would not have

reduces again this is not an official

spelling but this is just the sound that

it makes

so would not have reduces to wouldn’t’ve

wouldn’t’ve which goes even shorter to

wouldna would not so this wouldn’t that

we keep the end sound there and it

becomes wouldna would not would not have

becomes wouldna so in a sentence if I

hadn’t forgotten my wallet today I

wouldn’t have borrowed money from a

friend I wouldn’t have borrowed money

from a friend this is how it sounds in

native speech

oh hey so this is part one for today’s

lesson some of your questions are coming

in estaban on YouTube says can I use

would’ve in my writing you can use this

one would’ve you can use would’ve in

casual writing like if you’re just

sending a quick email to a co-worker or

something like that that’s okay if

you’re writing something more formal I

would not recommend it it’s a good

general rule to follow is if you are

writing something formal don’t use

contractions like try to use the non

contracted the non reduced forms yeah

okay alright so some other questions are

coming in some examples if I hadn’t I’m

going to talk in part two about how to

make some statements so those of you who

are asking questions about examples I

will get to your examples in just a

moment so please keep your examples and

send them to me after part two of

today’s lesson okey-dokey yeah he spoke

a very interesting over there today

there is some work in the background

today it is very very obnoxious

obnoxious means irritating but what can

you do

okay so let’s take one quick break if

you missed it earlier a quick reminder

this banner at the bottom of the screen

get your guide to learn English at home

our team made at the beginning of like

the beginning of spring maybe a beginner

workbook it’s 52 pages I remember 52

pages to go together with a beginner

level English course on our website at

English class

they extended the time for that to the

end of summer so if you wanted to

practice if you wanted to get the

beginner level course access please

check out the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on Facebook

there is a new link there so you can

access everything for free download the

workbook and everything for free it’s

super cool okay uh with that said then

let’s go

two part two for today I’ll show you

again today’s lesson boards so that you

can see what we’re going to talk about

so I just talked about when we use would

have and wouldn’t have next we’re going

to talk about how to make statements so

some of you have already sent me some of

your example sentences which is super

cool that’s fantastic so please keep

your example sentence in your mind and

after we talk about part two please try

to send your example sentence in the

chat yes okay so if you are just joining


today’s topic is modal verbs in the past

would have and wouldn’t have okay so

we’re going to get to part two also a

reminder if you have not already please

make sure to like and share the video

okay let’s get to part two but um

alright part two how to make statements

here we go let’s take a look at some

grammar rules

everybody loves grammar rules right okay

let’s get started so how to make

statements and I will include negative

we will talk about questions at the end

of today’s lesson alrighty so how do we

make a statement first I mentioned

earlier that with this grammar we use if

conditional so we use an if conditional

you can put it at the beginning of your

sentence you can put it at the end of

your sentence today I’ve used them I

think almost I think all of them all of

my examples today I think use if at the

beginning of the sentence okay so let’s

look at this what is happening here

actually this grammar is pretty it’s we

can easily make sentences with this so

we make our if conditional and just a

quick hint today’s if condition all uses

this pattern if subject had past

participle so again I’m not going to

talk about this part of the grammar

we’re going to focus here today

we have our if conditional with a comma

so after the introductory clause then we

go to our subject and would half and

past participle verb subject plus would

have plus past participle verb so again

this is something I’m sorry this is

something that you have to study I’m

going to introduce some very common

examples today all right so subject

would have past participle and to make

it a negative to make it a negative put

knot right here so would not have or as

we practiced earlier wouldn’t it

wouldn’t it to those of you who are

commenting about the board lately our

office is where we’re working remotely

due to the world situation now so I’m

trying to put a picture of the lesson

notes throughout the lesson so you can

take a picture too okay so let’s look at

a lot of examples to see what’s going on

here first example here here’s my if

conditional if I had gone to bed earlier

last night I would have been well rested

this morning if I had gone to bed

earlier last night I would have been

well rested this morning so again what

is happening in this sentence first part

right here this if I had gone to bed


last night part this is my if

conditional yeah it starts here if and

ends with my comma this comma is a very

good hint if I had gone to bed earlier

last night so that means I did not go to

bed early last night this earlier shows

us to earlier than I did so if I maybe

for example I went to bed at like 1:00

a.m. but if I had gone to bed at 10:00

p.m. I want to express earlier than I

did if I had gone to bed earlier last

night I would have

been well-rested this morning maybe you

know the word well-rested yeah so that

means you feel energized after sleeping

so I would have been well-rested this

morning again all of this is happening

in the past so a common mistake that I

sometimes see from learners is they talk

about a condition that’s true now but

this part I would have been well-rested

this morning this is also a past

condition so we’re not talking about the

present with would have and wouldn’t

have so I’ve used would have as we

talked about here subject I would have

been so past participle verb is been

here I would have been well-rested this


so here’s a positive example okay let’s

look then at a negative example I’ll

read it one time first if he hadn’t

eaten so much junk food at the party he

wouldn’t have felt sick when he got home

once more if he hadn’t eaten so much

junk food at the party he wouldn’t have

felt sick when he got home so here’s my

if conditional so if two comma there’s

my introduction to the situation if he

hadn’t so this hadn’t is had not if he

hadn’t eaten so much junk food at the

party so this part means he did he ate a

lot of junk food at the party


he wouldn’t have felt sick when he got

home so that means if this past

condition had not been true this

condition would not have been true we

know that because this is a negative so

this shows would not have been true



some examples are coming and Marysol

says my girlfriend wouldn’t have cheated

on me if I hadn’t been so jealous

perfect grammar a very nice grammar in

that sentence that’s very funny uh I

guess our sounds are back hooray

okay all right let’s go to one more

example and then we’ll continue to part

three here we go all right if we had

started working on our project earlier

we wouldn’t have been rushing to finish

by the deadline so once more if we’d

started working on our project earlier

we wouldn’t have been rushing to finish

by the deadline okay so again we have

this earlier in our if part of a

sentence so if we had started working on

our project earlier than we did so maybe

we started a bit late on our project if

we had started earlier we would not have

been rushing to finish by the deadline

so this means we were rushing to finish

by the deadline so rushing rushing means

hurrying we were trying to hurry to

finish so wouldn’t have been rushing to

finish by the deadline

hmm so again this did not happen but we

were rushing is what this is saying okay

good yes everyone is commenting about

the lovely noise in the background

today the construction noise this is

part two for today’s lesson yes if the

world situation had not changed so

quickly there would not have been

construction work near my house but

there’s a good real-life example for

today all right so that’s part 2 and

then we’ll go to part 3 questions for

the rest of today’s lesson okay so I’ll

take one more very short break I’m

looking for your examples great some

examples are coming in on YouTube if you

had informed me about the class as

Abdullah I would bring you at the top I

would have brought you to class on time

I would have brought you to class so

don’t forget this part subject I would

have past participle verb when you make

your statements follow this pattern

right here subject would have past

participle verb okay

all right let’s go to the last part of

today’s lesson then if you missed it a

quick very quick reminder this time

there is a free guide to learning

English at home so please check it out

and download the workbook that goes

together with that okay I’ll show you

one more time so you can take a picture

for those of you who were commenting

this is today’s lesson board I talked

about when we use would have and

wouldn’t have and then how to make

statements and then last today we’re

going to talk about how to make

questions how to make questions already

some questions are coming on YouTube

after this video when will you come live

every week Wednesday night Eastern

Standard Time 10 p.m. every week you can

set a notification to make sure you

don’t miss the lesson alright let’s

continue to the last part hopefully

there won’t be lots of sound I don’t

know okay let’s go to the last part the


is how to make questions I think miss I

hope that you can focus on this part is

like a lot today this part I think is a

tricky part but it’s a really good

grammar point for asking for like advice

about a mistake you made in the past so

I want to this is really today’s focus

point okay let’s continue as best as we

can for those of you who say it’s hard

to focus for me too because of the noise

I’m very sorry I hope you can at least

look at the words and review okay so

let’s take a look how do we make

questions with would have and wouldn’t

have here so again we start with if so

we can make questions without the if

part here we can do that I’m going to

show you some patterns that use if and

some that use no offense so we’ll

practice both a little bit the next part

here is whq so this means WH question

who what where when why how is also okay

here so we can use a wh question at the

beginning to show we need information or

we can remove it to make a yes-or-no

question again we’re going to practice

this in just a minute okay let’s go to

the last last part of this is same as

we’ve been practicing would subject have

past participle verb would subject have

past participle verb to make it negative

wouldn’t subject half past participle

right okay so let’s take a look at a few

examples that use this

so first one I’ve used this if

conditional at the beginning here okay

so if you had had free time last week

what would you have done so many

learners ask what is happening here

why are there two hats together is that

correct yes one it is correct why this

if you had had is like this because we

are making a past perfect structure this

is the verb have but because of grammar

rules we have to use the past participle

verb form here if you had had free time

last week what would you have done so

this means you did not have free time

last week but imagine that you did and

what would you have done in that case

okay all right so you can answer it if

you want I would have you can answer

this with a would have statement like I

would have gone shopping or I would have

travelled something like that mmm

so if you had at native speed I’ll read

this at native speed it sounds

interesting yeah so if you had had free

time last week what would you have done

you’d had free time last week what would

you have done okay let’s go to this one

I really want to focus on this one

because it uses a negative in this

question part and that’s kind of tricky

to understand so if you had come to work

early wouldn’t you have had time to get

ready for your presentation if you had

come to work early wouldn’t you have had

time to get ready for your presentation

so when would we use a question like

this when would we use something like

this this is something you use this type

of question this negative is something

you use when you think you have a pretty

good idea like some past advice for

someone and they didn’t do it so in this

situation imagine your coworker had a

presentation your co-workers

responsibility was a presentation

but they didn’t have time to finish

before the presentation so you want to

give some advice and you say if you had

come to work early or earlier maybe

wouldn’t you have had time for your

presentation we use this wouldn’t

because it kind of sounds like I’m not

sure but don’t you think so we use that

negative to make our questions a little

bit softer wouldn’t you have had time

again wouldn’t you have had so this one

have had again these two verbs are the

same wealth the same verb yes but have

had here because this is using this

would have had structure so these are

kind of tricky when you use when your

verb is have here but with practice this

becomes easier okay let’s go to this one

another example if we hadn’t called the

office how would our team have known we

were running late for the meeting

if we hadn’t called the office how would

our team have known we were running late

for the meeting

hmm so what’s happening here negative if

we had not called the office so that

means we did call the office but we want

to imagine if we had not called how

would our team have known so that means

by what method or in what way would our

team have known we were running late for

the meeting so we’re talking about this

untrue situation and we’re asking a

question about that so we still need to

use this would in this case my subject

is our team yeah how would our team have

known right here how would our team have

known we were running late for the


okay I’ll go to the last parts and then

I’ll answer your questions I see some

questions they’re coming in in the chat

so I’ll come to you in just a second

okay last two if you hadn’t found an

apartment by June where would you have

lived if you hadn’t found an apartment

by June where would you have lived so

this sentence again if you had not so I

know it seems difficult but this means

this the other person did find an

apartment by June but the other person

just wants to ask what was your plan

like if you hadn’t found an apartment by

June where would you have lived like did

you have another plan you just want to

imagine that situation okay okay let’s

go to the last part because this one is

a really really useful one and you will

probably hear this a lot in movies and

TV so I want to explain what’s happening

in this sentence in this question really

sometimes when you’re watching movies

when you’re watching TV sorry there’s

loud sounds right now I’m sure I want to

make sure you hear this point so

sometimes when you watch TV or when you

watch movies you’ll hear a character say

just this question what would you have

done what would you have done this

doesn’t have and if part of the sentence


the character usually they don’t say the

if part they say what would you have

done this is saying if you had been in

my position in the past what would you

have done so this is an advice question

really so it’s like this character had

some difficult situation in the past and

maybe they made a mistake it was hard to

hard to deal with so they want to ask

someone else if you had been in my

position so if you and if you were me in

the past what would you have done but

usually this part is removed you

the character says what would you have

done what would you have done all right

that’s part three I think that is

everything for today I’m coming for your

questions now I’m scrolling up in the

chat to find it I saw several of you

asked me some questions I’m coming for

you YouTube first someone asked me about

contractions Trisha and says is there

any contracted form of what you have no

we sometimes say what you what youth but

there’s not like the it’s that’s not

like what and you and have together

that’s you and have together so we do

not put all three of those words

together you know okay

some others are coming in whoo Jean

Carlos Arella says if you had been here

would you have gone to the beach with me

very nice question very nice question

okay Carmel G says if she told you about

her feelings what would you have done

perfect perfect nice example Facebook

I’m coming for you I do not see any

questions whose ma says if I had had so

don’t forget if you want to use the verb

have in your example in this grammar if

I had had free time don’t forget there’s

two heads there if I had had free time

last week I would have visited my

friend’s house I would have visited so

make sure this part oops sorry I’m sorry

her own board same grammar though make

sure you use the past participle form of

the verb I would have visited visited my

friend’s house okay other points I don’t

see other questions on Facebook

everyone’s saying hello hello Facebook

Monday blue hello one of it remembers I

would have gotten the project done so

got got gotten is something we use in

American English a lot okay uh I have to

finish up there actually for today wow

that was fast

as always so I will show you today’s

lesson boards

one more time real quick okay this is

today’s lesson topic you can take a

picture of this so that you can easily

take notes and review a little bit which

have and wouldn’t have today is lesson

hooray so I hope that that was helpful

for you sorry about the noise I can’t

control it unfortunately it started at

the beginning of the lesson today uh so

frustrating so I hope this isn’t a

problem next time so a next week’s

lesson I will be back for those of you

who are asking I will of course be back

in next week next week’s lesson is right

here next week I’m going to talk about

how to use past perfect tense past

perfect tense so those of you who are

asking why do you use had-had join me

next week you can join me next week I’m

going to talk about the grammar behind

that had-had

structure so I know that that many

people ask questions about that

the short answer in that case is that

it’s had plus the past participle form

of the verb so join me next week July

8th starting July can you believe it

July 8th 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

that is New York City time if you do not

know your local time please use your

Google skills to figure it out so that

will be fun as always I will say goodbye

for now though so thank you as always

for joining me live make sure to check

the link in the description for your

free beginner level course and the

downloadable PDF ebook to practice your

English thanks very much for liking and

sharing the video and also please don’t

forget to send me your other questions

after the ask Alicia

link okay I will say goodbye there so

enjoy the rest of your week enjoy your

weekend and I will see you again next
