What did you do Past Tense English Conversation

started all right we are on we are back

we are back from our one-week break


is anybody there I think YouTube is

maybe live now


people are joining on YouTube I see you

YouTube welcome I think we’re still

waiting to get Facebook going John Kelly

hi I’m doing great

how are you megahertz from Indonesia hi

Marcus from Brazil hello New Jersey

hello Ricardo hello Hassan hello my gosh

good yeah once a week now we can

actually sort of hang out once a week

that’s nice

hi everybody from India hello Isis hi

from Guatemala Eduardo hello looks like

Facebook is up now too

I think I think all right good good I

think Facebook is up uh good morning

Mateus Henrique a good morning good

evening good night depending on where

you are in the world no I don’t speak

Arabic sorry

now go hi from Japan hey thanks for

coming see from Egypt honey in hello

welcome hi from Vietnam a couple people

from Vietnam hello from Saudi Arabia hi

from Vietnam Vietnam Angola hello-o

Facebook is up now good Renai hello and

hi to your daughter Mariana

Edith hi on Facebook I see you Mohamed

is well hi thanks for joining good good

people are joining from Haiti great more

people from Brazil as always Gabriel

welcome first time Hugh it is hot here


you’re sleepy I’m sorry I hope you can

stay awake for this at least I’ve been

hi Egypt hello hi two’s Becky ston from

India ah let’s see from Morocco - hello

great lots of people joining Facebook I

think it is on I think there are a few

comments on Facebook now ok from Mexico

hi Diego from Brazil hi from Cambodia


alright so while we wait for people to

join I want to kind of recap a little

bit from last week’s episode or last

week’s lesson so last week our topic was

we talked about a giving advice no sorry

but that was two weeks ago we talked

about how to ask for help

yeah I thought to ask for help last week

so while we wait for people to join I

wanted to introduce how I actually asked

for help this was something I did over

the last week so this was an actual

thing that I - you did I ask people for

recommendations for okonomiyaki if you

guys don’t know Oakland owe me a key

it’s like it’s a Japanese food it’s

something that’s I like and recently

I’ve really been wanting that a lot so

this was an actual recommendation I

asked for so I said anyone have

recommended Oklahoma yaki places so I

actually asked for help this was an

actual sentence that I used in my life

so yeah so this is a wave I used last

week’s point in my world so maybe you

guys used it as well so yeah I hope that


I think everybody’s joining now that’s

good yep oh wow okay

oh no that’s a different video Facebook

ok good so and also last week we had a

couple good questions from people I

wanted to try to get a chance to answer

because unfortunately I didn’t I didn’t

catch it live last week but last week we

had let’s see someone in Alberto I don’t

know if you’re watching now you asked do

I need to use the word could or can I

just say give me a second please

so we talked last week about using can

and could when you need to ask for help

you can say give me a second please

but using could sounds a lot more polite

it sounds like much less pushy so if you

want to sound a bit nicer then

definitely say could you give me a

second please that sounds much better

all right so that was one question and

then Jose asked last week what’s the

appropriate tense when asking for help

in the future so I think he means asking

someone for help

later on so not right now you can just

you can use the same tense like can you

help me with my homework and then

mention when you need the help so like

can you help me with my homework later

or can you help me with this project

after work something like that you can

use the same tense we talked about last

week so that’s another one and then joy

kam had a question can I use how would I

instead of how do I you can but how

would I sounds like you’re talking about

a future potential situation so for

example if I decided to move to New York

how would I find an apartment like it’s

something you haven’t quite decided yet

so thanks for your really good questions

that was awesome

okay good lots of more people are

joining now that’s great let’s see from

Korea hello Rafael Ortega

oh she’s authentic always to us oh


from Thailand hello welcome Facebook

lots more people joining on Facebook


let’s see Andre from Brazil hi Edison

from Dallas Texas cool

um Alex Freitas hi Alicia I’m here also

hi Alex from Nicaragua cool great okay I

think lots of people are here now

fantastic we’re about six minutes in so

I think we’re gonna start this week’s

topic so as you probably saw this week’s

topic is talking about your weekend so

our key question for today is what did

you do last weekend but I want to

practice past tense and I want to talk

about a few past tense related grammar

points and pronunciation points today

so to start a good just let’s just pitch

it out there what did you do last

weekend what did you do last weekend so

this is kind of our basic introductory

question for today what did you do last

weekend this one what did you do last

weekend alright so there’s a bit of lag

so start typing your questions or typing

your answers what did you do last

weekend so one thing let’s see last

weekend I went and saw a DJ I liked that

was fun that was good someone says I did

something terrible Alisha

oh no are you going to share mm-hmm what

what terrible thing did you do okay what

else what else some other things did

anybody else do anything anything this

weekend uh here’s someone Jacob right

says I slept a lot last weekend how

about you I slept quite a bit nice so

slept there’s a there’s a simple past

tense verb slept sleep is an irregular

verb slept is the correct past tense

form there great okay uh I did something

terrible forgive me Father for I have


okay that’s getting a bit we’re getting

into some different territory with that

someone Noonan says I stayed at home and

played games nice another person said I

went to the park with my husband great


Sulaiman says spent time with my family

awesome on Facebook sunny says I played

cricket with friends nice ooh there’s a

good question on Facebook actually what

did you do last weekend to improve your

English nice one

very nice one someone said I go to class

at University every Saturday and Sunday

just rest make sure to use past tense

there yeah I went to class at University

on Saturday and Sunday if you want to

talk about your previous week on YouTube

I talked with my wife Maggie says I

dropped my sandwich this is morning

that’s awesome well I’m sorry for I’m

sorry for your loss but that’s a funny

sentence I like you chose this to

share that one someone says I was at the

beach another person says I wasted a lot

of time last weekend oh I slept at home

and watch soccer someone says I learned

English Mohammed on Facebook I learned

English or I studied English yeah great

I went to visit my family on YouTube oh

no someone someone says I crashed my

friend’s car trying to get a girl’s

number you should be careful okay a lot

of people went to the beach yeah good

okay another person on YouTube Wenceslao

said I went to my friend’s house and we

had a beer instead of take a beer had a

beer Wilson says I traveled to a city

next to the capital Salvador nice good

good you are awesome you have I had

eaten a lot of junk food use simple past

tense I ate a lot of junk food great

great on Facebook Don says I went

shopping at Central nice good nice ones

ok so yeah so what did I do last weekend

last weekend I said I went and saw a DJ

I liked I did a little bit of shopping I

cooked a Persian dish an Iranian dish

called Todd dig that was fun

another person says I was studying

Japanese nice

Angelica says I stayed at home great

Victoria says I watched a lot of series

on Netflix cool someone says I watched

your videos thank you that’s nice okay


Wow lots of people commenting excellent

okay so our question right now is what

did you do last weekend what did you do

last weekend um but as I mentioned today

I want to talk about a couple points

relating to past tense so this was a

question that came up last week someone

had a question about the ending

edie sounds in in past tense regular

verbs so when we make the simple past

tense with a regular verb it’s just verb

plus edy to make that so for example of

verb like walk becomes walked talk

becomes talked and so on but there are

three different pronunciation points

yeah ice ice our crew member she’s

helping with all of these she does all

of us stuff so this is the regular

formation for past tense for regular

verbs right verb plus IDI so what I said

walk becomes walked talk become stocked

visit becomes visited type becomes typed

look becomes looked and so on but

someone asked and it’s a really good


about the pronunciation of this part

right here this edy part because the

pronunciation of this changes depending

on the verb so for example I just said

walked you can hear it’s not walk it be

careful with this not walk it but walked

there’s a hard T sound there walked and

then in a verb like tasted it’s like an

ID sound taste it and then finally the

third sound is a soft D in the word like

breathed Bree

so the D sound is is a bit softer but

there are three essentially three simple

past tense pronunciations for verbs that

end in this e d pattern so there’s that

T walked visited and breathed but to

heed and a sound yeah so great Isis

making it here awesome so we have some

examples so you can see a little bit

more clearly

maybe the the sound you should be making

at the end of these words walked visited

read for a rule how to know when the

when the verb should be pronounced in

this way if I think it’s it’s beyond

this this live stream but if you google

around if you search around a little bit

on the internet I think you can find

some more information

but native speakers don’t practice a

specific rule for when to when to

pronounce a verb in a specific way it’s

just practice it’s just repetition so if

you pay attention to the way the native

speakers pronounce these words and just

try to repeat that form the habit I

think that’s a good way to do it

repeat the verb visited yeah visited so

it has an ID sort of pronunciation at

the end visited another example is

tasted they have that ID sound at the

end visited tasted someone asked to

pronounce the word the word stopped

stopped has that T sound this one here

deep stopped Rea on Facebook asks how

about blessed blessed it sounds when I

say it blessed it sounds like a little

bit of a tea sound not bless it I

suppose some people would say blessed

but I’d I get the feeling the most

common pronunciation is with this T


so when you talk about your weekend and

you say like I walked around the park or

something or I walked around my

neighborhood make sure to use this T

sound in your pronunciation walked

walked yeah

good alright so I hope that’s uh that’s

one thing I wanted to talk about today

but does anyone have any other verbs

they’re curious about mm-hmm wicked

actually wicked is not a verb

wicked is not a verb mm-hmm good

question them named yeah named is

another one named would be this this D

sound nice okay so these these are just

the the regular the regular conjugation

patterns and the three pronunciation

patterns for regular verbs in past tense

but the there is there’s a whole other

group of verbs irregular verbs they

conjugate differently in past tense so

unfortunately there’s no simple rule for

learning these it’s just it’s just

practice so like there’s a really good

example here at YouTube comments

somebody wrote the word reeded but read

is a great example of a past tense verb

that’s it’s an irregular verb so

actually the spelling of read does not

change in the past tense

it’s the pronunciation that changes in

the past tense so read becomes read in

the past tense but the spelling it does

not change alright so a couple of other

verbs that have irregular past tense

forms someone mentioned like eat make

sure to say I ate and past tense not

eaten or have eaten that’s a different

grammar point I ate

John Kelly procrastinate the past tense

is procrastinated

okay so a couple of other ones Oh shop

becomes shopped that’s a regular verb

the past tense is shopped for shop

mm-hmm okay

but somebody else mentioned earlier in

the broadcast the past tense for the

verb sleep is slept slept okay a couple

other ones

bye-bye is really strange bu why buy

becomes bought bought go becomes went

you can be careful of that one go

becomes went changed yep

change that’s correct watched is also

correct YouTube comments good very nice

put actually yeah Francois has a good

point put also does not change

there’s no putted it’s only put put does

not change from present tense to past


learn learn does changed learn as a

regular verb learn becomes learned how

what about the past tense of draw it is

drew drew nice one drew mulroney on

Facebook says I can’t pronounce world

it’s very difficult for me yeah that’s I

think we talked about that in a talk

words video like a year or two ago world

is really difficult to pronounce so like

were it’s the it’s the are LD I think

world so lots of people say like wah wah

die think or something different but

work on that are and L sound like making

the change very quickly there between

are now were oh

break it down slowly at first until you

can speed it up

yeah it’s all good all right

megahertz what about cut yes cut does

not change

I cut myself in past tense you need to

make it very clear when you cut to


so if that is if you are in a situation

where the the verb does not change the

pronunciation of the verb does not

change just add a add a word out of

vocabulary word about the time period so

for example if if it’s the verb cut then

say I cut myself last night that can

help clear up any confusion about

whether it’s past tense or I don’t know

a present tense statement something like

that okay

yeah iocai Jason’s blow becomes blue

absolutely absolutely

okay MD aleem says how to use could and

would in the past tense that’s a really

good question and it’s perhaps a little

bit more advanced than I was planning on

discussing today but could and would are

used to talk about potential in the past

essential potential and possibility in

the past so for example I would have

gone to the party if I had had time we

can use it in the past tense to talk

about a past potential situation

same thing with could I could have gone

to the party but I decided not to it’s a

possibility statement so that’s a bit

like I said it’s a bit more advanced

than I was intending to talk about today

but to put it in a short in a short way

that’s how

great oh right yes I am talking a little

bit slowly today I’m trying to talk a

little bit slowly today because there

are many people with many different

levels of English watching alright so

those are a few grammar points I wanted

to mention today about the conjugation

of verbs into the past tense but I also

want to talk about some good questions

that you can use to ask people about

what they did either on the weekend or

further back in the past so we talked at

the beginning of the lesson about what

did you do last weekend the question

what did you do last weekend but let’s

talk about a few more kind of natural

expressions so for example did you get

up to anything interesting last weekend

did you get up to anything interesting

last weekend this sentence is a little

bit kind of it’s a bit more native level

of a question I think did you get up to

anything interesting try to speed up

that did you get up - did you get up to

anything interesting last weekend it

sounds much better than what did you do

last weekend mmm so it’s sort of a

little more friendly I think so that’s

one that we can use did you get up to

anything interesting last weekend I did

it was okay or a more general one a

general one that you can use with your

co-workers too is just have a good

weekend as a question so keep in mind so

here we have here here we have a

question mark but if you say this

expression when before you leave work

with your co-workers as like an

exclamation point it’s like you’re

wishing you’re you’re wishing them a

nice weekend have a good weekend and

then when you see them Monday you can

say have a good weekend with different

intonation a question intonation have a

good weekend

it’s asking them it’s inviting them to

share about what they did so this is a

good one you don’t you only need one

phrase have a good weekend

but too into nations and you can ask the

same person or you can communicate a lot

with the same person okay so yeah so

these are all some pretty good phrases

that you can use I think to ask people

about their weekends but I think as we

do in every broadcast there’s let’s say

the crew has a free free thing I think

are a special special thing for you to

check out in the description below this

video on youtube or above this video if

you’re watching on facebook the link is

above this video there’s a PDFs we

talked about a little bit last week but

we have a couple PDF things that have a

variety of different vocabulary words

for different situations so like when

you go out to eat when you’re at the

office when you’re studying at school

and so on so the one of the key kind of

benefits of using the PDF is that it’s

easy to download and print out so

actually we’ve gotten a couple messages

from people who say like their internet

connectivity isn’t so great or they

don’t have such good access to internet

so for those of you who like to download

lessons and take them with you this

could be a really good one you can just

you can take it with you print it out or

save it on your smart phone and access

it at any time so check those out

yeah the link to these is in the

description below the video on youtube

if you’re watching on youtube and it’s

above the video if you’re watching on

facebook so please do check it out

alright so back to our topic for today

let’s talk about a couple more

questions to to ask people about their

weekend there are some yes and no

questions so if you say to your coworker

for example at the end of the week like

have a good weekend or you ask them what

they’re going to do and they tell you

like I’m going to a party or I’m going

to watch a movie you can check back with

them on Monday or Tuesday when you see

your coworker again and ask them a

yes-or-no question like did you blah

blah blah

like did you go to that party or did you

see that movie so you can use these two

like this is a really nice one because

it shows you were paying attention to

them so if they gave you information and

you check in with them about that

information later it shows you remember

them which is nice right so did you go

to that party did you try that

restaurant did you check out that

restaurant yeah this one is good check

out is a nice one to remember check out

is more friendly a little bit more

casual you can use it for a lot of

activities any any like location so like

a restaurant a movie whatever do you

check out that restaurant did you check

out that movie did you check out that

festival so you can use that for a lot

of activities that’s good okay another

one we can talk about is how was your

blah blah blah

so we can use this for an event or a

time period in event or a time period so

how was your weekend or how was your

Saturday how was your Sunday something

like that we can use that or how was

your birthday party how was your I don’t


bachelor party something like that so

you can you can use that expression to

talk about events and to talk about time


okay and then one more I think because

uh I mean obviously this live stream is

on its being is on YouTube and on

Facebook and like we all use social

media these days so if you see something

your friend posts on social media over

the weekend and you want to ask about

that you can use this expression what

was that blah blah blah you posted about

so what was that dinner you posted about

or post it on Facebook or on Twitter or

on Instagram about or what was that

event you posted about her what was that

project you posted about so you can use

this expression to specifically ask

questions about something your friend

shared on social media so this is nice

for yeah specifically people you’re

connected with online if you have a

question about that yeah so these are

great questions you can use oh right

good good good

Wow time goes so quickly on these live

streams good lord

okay yeah so someone says how was your

interview that’s a great question to ask

like a co-worker or a friend to check in

with them how was your interview is very

nice all right we have lots and lots of

people watching now I think great okay

all right how was your day is good um

steve has a question can it be what were

you so like what were you doing last

weekend you can use that it uses the

past progressive tense so a slightly

different grammar point from today’s

grammar point but you can use that you

can use that okay

good um let’s see uh yeah Tiago says

what was that new lesson you posted

about good what’s that new lesson you

posted I think there’s a new one a new

video up on the channel it’s


it’s oh yeah words or expressions that

parents use with kids if you haven’t

seen that yet I think that’s the latest

video up on YouTube we should we made

that a long time ago it’s so crazy okay

Victoria says how was your meeting yes

very nice how was your meeting it’s a

great past tense sentence to use oh

right good

okay any other past tense sentences or

past tense questions you want to throw

out there we only have a little bit of

time left today unfortunately go so fast

oh right but while we wait while we wrap

up I want to mention our topic for next

week so next week actually today the

focus is past tense but for next week

next week will be August 30th eastern

time so Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m.

Eastern Time August 30th will be the

next broadcast and our topic will be

future tense so simple future tense

statements so how to talk about your

plans for the weekend so this week is

what you did in the past tense next week

will be what you’re going to do in the

weekend so please check us out next week

as well alright great so thanks

everybody for joining today again yeah

some some good questions are coming in

like how was your night how was your


great MD aleem says how do we use used

to in a sentence you use used to to talk

about an action you did in the past but

which is no longer the case no longer

true I used to play video games everyday

it’s no longer true all right great

great so we have a lot of different well

a lot of different countries as usual

please but we have to finish up so I

will sign off please please please watch

us again next week at the same time same

place on Facebook or YouTube so if you

don’t follow us on Facebook or YouTube

please check

link in the description let’s see on

YouTube check the link in the

description below this video for how to

access us on Facebook and how to access

the PDFs we talked about this week and

on Facebook there’s a link up above the

video to get the to get the PDFs we’ve

talked about this week so yeah please be

sure to LIKE the video this video you

can like and you can share this video

too so and make sure to subscribe to us

on youtube if you haven’t already and of

course check us out at english class 101

com2 okay i have to go so thank you guys

so so much for joining again today and i

hope we’ll see you again next week all

right have a good week bye bye

