WATCH THIS EVERY DAY Motivational Speech By Oprah Winfrey YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS

i always understood that there really

was no difference between me and the


at times i might have had better shoes

but at the core

the core

of of what really matters

that we are the same and you know how i

know that because

all of us are seeking the same thing

you’re here at this fabulous school

and we’ll go out into the world and each

pursue based upon what you believe your

talents are

what your skills are maybe your gifts


but you’re seeking the same thing

everybody wants to fulfill

the highest

truest expression of yourself

as a human being

that’s what you’re looking for

the highest


expression of yourself as a human being

and because i understand that i

understand that if you’re working in a


and that’s where you want to be

and that may be that that may be what

you’ve always wanted to do is to bake

pies for people or bake cakes for people

or to offer your gift

then then that’s that’s for you and

there’s no difference between you and me

except that’s how that’s your platform

that’s your show every day so my

understanding of that has allowed me to

you know everyone to reach everyone and

and there’s no way that you wouldn’t

because that’s that’s what i truly feel

the way through the challenge

is to get still

and ask yourself what is the next right


not think about oh i got all of this

stuff what is the next right move and

then from that space make the next right

move and the next right move and not to

be overwhelmed by it because you know

your life is bigger than that one moment

you know you’re not defined by what

somebody says is a failure for you

because failure is just there to point

you in a different direction

if i leave you with nothing else it’s

just know this for sure

there is not one

thing that has ever happened to you

not one experience

not one encounter not one crisis not one

joyful thing that hasn’t


just to make

you better and help you rise

every single thing you’re calling in

whether you know it or not when you

figure out that you are calling it in

when you actually start meditating or

praying or doing or having a spiritual

practice which is the number one thing

you need if you want to be successful in

the world you need something that gives

back and nourishes you

regardless of what you call that you

need to you need to fill your cup so

that you can be so full your cup runneth

over and you have enough to give to

other people if you don’t fill your cup

you end up dried up

you end up tired exhausted and don’t

have enough to give to other people you

end up resentful every time somebody

asks you because your cup is empty and

now they want some of yours


so your number one job your number one

job is to fill

your cup


make yourself whole

so for me the foundational base of

empowerment of entrepreneurship

of any kind of engagement the

foundational base of my success

of my well-being my wholeness my

everything is knowing who i am and where

i come from


in my living room right now

is a painting that i’ve owned now for 30


you can google it

it’s called to the highest bidder

and it’s at the center of my house

and it’s at the center of my house

because it actually is symbolic of the

foundation of not the house but the

foundation for my life the painting is

by harry rosalind who was a genre

painter painter in the

early 20th late 19th century

and the painting’s over six feet tall

and it shows a slave woman

on the auction block

holding her daughter’s hand

and i cannot come in the door my front

door or i cannot leave without passing

that painting i am reminded of where i

come from every day of my life and i am

reminded because i never want to forget


and in my library

i have a framed list of enslaved

african-american people remember i

showed you

um who were held in bondage on various


listed in the ledgers alongside

the cows and the horses

and the buggies and the other property

and i pass this list every day

and often i stop in front of it and just

speak their names

out loud and their ages


11 years old



41 years old




and i forced myself to consider

the absurdity and the obscenity

of prices being affixed to each one

should they be placed up for sale

and i sometimes just pause before them

with a prayer

particularly before i have to make a big

decision about

one of my companies or whether i move

forward or whether i stay still

it reminds me speaking those names out


not only of where i’ve come from

but how far

i have to go because of them

and it reminds me that i am never alone

it reminds me of what i’ve come through

to get through

i say to the my girls

all of the time that your real work

is to figure out

where your power base is

and to work on the alignment of your

personality your gifts that you have to

give with the real reason why you’re

here that’s that’s the number one thing

you have to do

is to work on yourself and to fill your

self up

and keep your cup full keep yourself

full now i used to be afraid of that

i used to be afraid particularly from

people who say oh she said she’s still


she’s so close

and now i embrace it

i i consider it a compliment that i am


of myself

because you only when you’re full

i’m full i’m overflowing my cup run is

over i have so much i have so much to

offer and so much to give and i am not


of honoring myself you know it’s

miraculous when you think about it

everybody has a different talent

and the reason we’re all so messed up is

because you’re looking at everybody

else’s talent

and wishing you had some of their talent

all the energy that you spend thinking

about wishing about being jealous of

envious of anybody else is energy that

you’re not only putting out is going to

come back to you negatively but you’re

taking that away from you

all your energy should be forced on what

do i have to offer what do i have to

give how can i be used in service

because dr king’s message of not

everybody can be famous

but everybody can be great because

greatness is determined by service and

there is not a job in here that you can

do that you don’t switch the paradigm to


and not make that job more fulfilling i

don’t care what the job is if you say

i’m a singer i’m a dancer i’m an artist

i’m a teacher i’m a nurse i’m a doctor

i’m a janitor i’m a i’m a clerk if you

say if i look at this from how do i use

this in service to something bigger than


it no longer becomes a job it becomes an

offering to the world

the first law is

the third law of motion in physics which

says for every action there’s an equal

and opposite reaction and we showed that

very beautifully in the color purple

when messily says to mister everything

you even try to do to me is already done

to you

that is not just a rhetorical saying

that is law that is newton’s third law

of motion

in physics which says everything

that goes out is coming back it’s just

like everything that goes up is coming

down may take a long time to come down

is coming down

everything that goes out is coming back

it’s coming back


to answer the power of manifestation and

meditation what meditation does is sync

you up with the source

what meditation does is allows you to

literally tap into the power that

created you

so that you are in alignment with that

and so when you carry that out into the

world everything that you do

comes from the center of that alignment

that’s coming from the source that we

call god we call divine energy divine

intelligence whatever name you want to

give it we call life when you are synced

up with life

life just gives to you

