English ST. PATRICKS DAY Words with Alisha

A Leprechaun is a mythical small person from
Ireland, they are rainbow gold managers.

Hi, everybody! My name is Alisha, welcome
back to Holiday Words. Today’s holiday is

St. Patrick’s Day.
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 14th

and it is a very popular holiday in America,
so let’s learn a few words about it.

So st. Patrick’s Day comes from Ireland, and

people from Ireland are called Irish people.
Irish-Americans, therefore, are people whose

families came from Ireland to America, and
now they live in America. So St. Patrick’s

Day may be an important holiday for Irish
Americans. But America is unique in that sense

that people from other countries come and
become American, but maintain their original

nationality in their original cultures, heritage
as well.

To pinch
Ok, so the next word on the list for today

is “to pinch”.
To pinch, this seems like a very strange word,

this is a verb but the reason to pinch is
on our list today is because the rule is,

at least depending on the people that you’re
surrounded by, if you are not wearing green

people are allowed to pinch you. So a pinch
is usually just a small, this motion with

your fingers. If you are wearing green I think
there’s a rule, isn’t it? Oh my gosh! Look

at what we’ve found! A rule! A set of rules!
Look how long this is! Rule number 1, must

be wearing green in your clothes, not including
green nail polish, green hair barrettes, and

green stars are all examples of things that
do not count; “do not” is in capital letters

here. Thus, you will be pinched. Generally
wear green or get pinched, these are your

two options.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade
The next item on our list is a St. Patrick’s

Day parade, so we like to do parades for holidays
and events in America, St. Patrick’s Day is

one such example.
One thing you may see in a st. Patrick’s Day

Parade is bagpipes, bagpipes are traditional

The next word is Guinness. Guinness is a very

popular, very well known beer all around the
world. Guinness is a stout beer. I love Guinness.

Guinness is from Ireland, and it is one of
the drinks that is commonly associated with

the St. Patrick’s Day, because it is so famous
everybody is aware of Guinness.

Let’s have a pint of Guinness together on
St. Patrick’s Day this year.

Okay, so that’s all about St. Patrick’s Day.
I hope that you found some interesting information

in this video, and be careful, make sure you
wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, otherwise

you might get pinched. And please if you enjoyed
this video make sure to hit the subscribe

button somewhere around here, we always have
a bunch of buttons. So please please please

make sure to subscribe to our channel so you
don’t miss anything interesting as it comes

out. Thanks very much for watching, and we’ll
see you again soon, bye!