Cut Your Study Time by 50 Through English PDF Lessons

want to speak real english from your

first lesson

sign up for your free lifetime account


want to cut your language studying time

in half in this video you’ll discover

how learning a language using pdf


is convenient efficient and can help you

cut your studying time

nearly in half many people give up on

their dream of learning a second

language because traditional classroom

instruction is too much of a hassle

between getting to class studying on

someone else’s schedule and just the

sheer expense of the book’s intuition

traditional learning can be tough many

people simply give up

online classes are an option but

sometimes limited data plans can derail

the dream of learning a new language

fortunately there is a solution learning

language using pdf lesson notes

let’s take a closer look at how studying

language lessons in pdf format

can help you reach your dream in about

half the time of normal video or audio


first print all lessons and pdf tools

and take them with you anywhere

sometimes a tiny smartphone screen just

isn’t adequate

especially when you’re trying to learn

something new the great thing about pdf

lessons is that they can be quickly


and taken anywhere after you download

them in fact

printing out lessons in pdf format can

actually save you

time when compared to going through the

material on a smartphone with a small


even with the extra printing time second

they’re a great study tool to boost

retention and mastery

studying video or audio lessons online

is a great way to learn a language

because students can play and rewind

sections as many times as needed until

the lesson is mastered

but when you review the same lessons

again in pdf format

an incredible thing happens your

retention dramatically improves

thanks to time-space repetition seeing

the information again

in written format helps reinforce the

information in your mind

and improves both retention and recall

the benefits of learning a language

using pdf lessons

quickly add up to significant time

savings for you your data plan

and your dream of learning a new

language third all lessons in pdf format

include in-depth instructor notes we

have thousands of hd video and audio


and each one includes a pdf version with

a line-by-line transcript so you can

read along with the lesson as it appears


in addition to the line-by-line

transcript all lessons include

in-depth instructor notes with more

information sample sentences

explanations and translations the

additional information and notes help

you learn

faster and with greater mastery than

using the video or audio lessons alone

and when paired with language learning

video games

video and audio lessons or other study


our pdf lessons help you reach your

dream of learning a new language faster


easier than many traditional classroom


fourth you can download the world’s

largest online collection of lessons by

real instructors planning on going on


and don’t know if you’ll have reliable

internet service if you’re learning

through pdf lessons it’s not a problem

once you download lessons in pdf format

to your smartphone

pc or favorite media device they are

yours to use and keep forever

once downloaded you can either print out

or access your lessons in pdf format

regardless of internet access

when you consistently learn through pdf

lessons the time savings and benefits

quickly compound

from quicker access to faster learning

pdf lessons can potentially reduce

total study time required to learn a

concept our pdf lessons include

instructor notes and supplemental

resources that help you learn faster

and with less effort so if you’re ready

to finally learn a new language the fast

fun and easy way sign up for your free

lifetime account by clicking on the link

in the description

signing up takes less than 30 seconds

and you’ll start speaking from your very

first lesson

if you enjoyed these tips hit the like

button share the video with anyone who’s

trying to learn a new language

and subscribe to our channel we release

new videos every week

i’ll see you next time bye

want to speed up your language learning

take your very first lesson with us

you’ll start speaking in minutes and

master real conversations

sign up for your free lifetime account

just click the link in the description