40 Topics for English Dialogues Ask and Answer


what is your hobby I like playing sports

especially swimming is your hobby common

in your country yes kids adults and

senior citizens all like swimming in my

country is your hobby the same as when

you were a child yes I was fond of

swimming when I was a little girl when

did you start practicing that hobby I

started swimming when I was 5 years old

is there anybody in your family who you

share your hobby with my dad he taught

me how to swim how much time do you

spend on your hobby I usually go to the

swimming pool twice a week what benefits

do you get from it swimming is a really

good workout it helps me keep fit and

chill out after a long day working have

you ever heard of someone having a very

unusual hobby yes my cousin loves

tattooing vehicles he put stickers

everywhere on his car what do you think

about someone having weird hobbies I

don’t think any hobby is weird it’s just

what you like to do so I don’t judge

others what hobbies are usually

expensive in your country playing golf

is a really expensive hobby only the

rich can afford to buy golf supplies

what is your favorite item of clothing

my favorite one is a maxi dress I wear

it when hanging out with my friends or

attending parties when did you buy it my

friend gave it to me as a birthday

present when I turned to 21 where did

you buy it I had no idea where my close

friend bought it what color is it

it’s blue my favorite color was it

expensive yes

I guessed why do you like it well I’m

kind of short and plump so it’s hard to

find a piece of clothing that fits me

perfectly but that one does I also love

the color and style do clothes help to

build your personal brand yes I agree

with it to some extent I still believe

that personal brand can be built from

the inside rather than the outside

however what you wear also plays an

important role in saying who you are

have you seen anybody wearing unusual

clothes yes I have but I don’t think any

fashion style is weird I believe

everybody has their own taste of fashion

how has your fashion style changed

recently I always wore formal shirt and

trousers whenever hanging out years ago

but now I change into casuals like jeans

and t-shirt

what is the most popular means of

transport in your country most people in

my country travel by car how do you go

to school or work

I prefer bus due to its convenience I

enjoy reading books while sitting on the

bus how often do you take buses every

day I went to school by bus two years

ago and the bus is still my best choice

do people in your country like

travelling by bus not really they have

their own cars what are some benefits of

travelling by bicycle it’s a good way of

doing exercise we can protect our

environment as well

do you prefer a public transport or

private transport public transport is

much cheaper do you think buses should

replace other means of transport sure in

the future buses should be used widely

by commuters what does the government do

to encourage people to use public

transport it’s a good idea to make

public transport as convenient as

private transport besides more campaigns

should be launched to raise the

awareness of protecting our environment

how is transportation changed recently

there are more cars in a household now

than before which partly leads to

traffic jams in some cosmopolitan cities

what is your desired job well my dream

changes in accordance to age up to now I

would like to be a great English teacher

is that a demanding job yes I think so

although people suppose that being a

teacher is easy and boring what

challenge do you have when doing that

job I have some problems with classroom

management maybe I have to improve that

skill a lot in order to be a good

teacher is it hard to make your dream

come true every job needs time and

effort and teacher does as well apart

from the academic knowledge I was taught

in university I have to learn many other

soft skills why do you choose that job I

really admired my high school English

teacher and I want to be like her what

requirements and characteristics do you

need to do that job

let’s see you need to be patient

thoughtful and sympathetic does the job

have something to do with your major at

university sure I studied English

linguistics and literature majored in

English teaching the major does support

me a lot in my career path what does the

society think about your job I’m not

quite sure but I’m proud to be a teacher

an honor job do you make much money with

that job not at all teachers one of the

lowest paying jobs in my country have

you ever thought of leaving your job I

haven’t thought of that before but I

believe in what I’m doing right now

do you usually talk on the phone yes I

do it’s a good way to keep in touch what

was your favorite phone conversation it

was when I talked to my interviewer he

did give me the good news that I got the

job when did you have the conversation I

don’t remember exactly but it’s been two

years so far I guess who did you talk to

I talked to the owner of the restaurant

where I’m working as a cashier what did

you talk about he offered me the

position and congratulated me why did

you find the conversation interesting

actually it was more exciting than

interesting I was waiting for it for so

long and finally he did make it come


do you prefer talking directly or

talking on the phone

personally talking directly is much

better to me since it’s more lively and

authentic who do you usually talk to on

the phone

I talked to my mom almost every day I

will be missing the conversation every

evening with mom if one day she stops

calling me what are the differences

between talking directly and phoning

well talking directly seems more

exciting since you can see facial

expressions and eye contact while

talking on the phone you can only listen

to the voice

what health problem did you have I had

measles when I was 18 how did you have

that health problem I thought I’d catch

measles from someone when they cough or

sneeze was that serious

not really but it was unpleasant I

recovered after ten days staying at home

what were some symptoms of that health

problem I had a cold and fever with a

cough a runny nose the small grayish

white spots appeared on my body - did

you take any medical treatment

no I didn’t the situation wasn’t serious

enough to be sent to the hospital then

how could you recover from it well let

me see I drank a lot of water avoided

the direct sunlight and I had to stay

off school for 10 days what difficulties

did you face because of that problem I

couldn’t go out for a few days which was

boring I’m not allowed to play outside

and I felt so bad about it what do

people do to prevent that health problem

by having measles vaccine is that health

problem common in your country not

really due to the effectiveness of


how many events have you joined this

year what were they about I have joined

more than 10 events so far most of which

were about education what was your most

memorable event the most memorable for

me was an international study conference

in which I was introduced to some famous

universities in Europe to study overseas

was it organized indoors or outdoors it

was an indoor event who sponsored the

event the event organiser was the

Education Department of American Center

but the universities introduced in the

conference were the ones who paid who

went to the event with you I went there

with my friends who shared the same

interest in studying abroad as me what

were some performances in the event

there were not many performances each

University representative just had a

speech to introduce their school to

students and then they host it to in a

session was the event shown on TV the

event was not aired but there were

television advertisements for it how

would someone market an event taking

advantage of social media is a smart way

to promote an event

do you usually watch movies at home or

at a movie theater I usually watch

movies on my laptop sometimes I go to

the movie theater he’s watching movies

at the theater more interesting than

watching movies at home yes definitely

because you can watch vivid images on a

large screen with lively sound effects

how often do you go to the movie theater

I often go to the movie theater every

weekend what’s your favorite type of

movie what movie of that type do you


my favorite type is comedy because

whenever I watch one I feel like there

are no more worries in the world

I love the mr. bean movie series was

that movie adapted from a book no the

story’s derived from funny situations in

real life who are the actors or

actresses in the movie mr. bean is the

main character he is played by Rowan

Atkinson who was from England was it

recommended by your friend teacher or

family it was recommended by my

classmate was the movie in your mother

language or in English it was in English

but I can also watch it with subtitles

should children watch violent movies I

don’t believe so young children are very

impressionable and it could lead them to

wanting to imitate the behavior what’s

the most important factor of a great


I believe that plot and actors are among

the factors which decide the success of

a movie

how many people are there in your family

there are five people in my family my

father mother brother sister and me does

your family live in a house or an

apartment we live in a house in the

countryside what does your father do my

father is a doctor he works at the local


how old is your mother she is 40 years

old one year younger than my father do

you have any siblings

what’s his or her name yes I do I have

one elder brother David and one younger

sister Mary are you the oldest among

your brothers and sisters no I’m not

I’m the second child in my family what

is your mother father like my father

likes playing football and my mother

likes cooking do your parents let you

stay out late of course not they always

ask me to get home before 10:00 p.m.

each night do you stay with your parents

right now no but I used to does your

family usually have dinner together

yes we do my mom always prepares

delicious meals for us

who is your neighbor my neighbor is a

university student he lives next to my

apartment when did you become neighbors

I first met him when I moved to this

apartment two years ago is he friendly

yes he is he always smiles when he sees

me how often do you see him every day at

the gate sometimes I invite him to my

apartment when I throw a party do you

have any problems with him only once

when he sang karaoke too loud which kept

me awake all night we ended up talking

to each other the next day and they

never sang karaoke at midnight from then

on does he usually help you yes he does

he usually helps me run errands would

you be sad if he moves to another area

yes of course that will upset me if he

leaves what’s the difference between

friends and neighbors I’m not quite sure

but I think the difference may lie in

the relationship a friend can be someone

you share your feelings with while a

neighbor can just be someone living next

door what do you need to be a good

neighbor being respectful is the most

important factor in building a good


how often do you eat out who do you go

with I often eat out on weekends when I

hang out with my friends what restaurant

do you usually visit well there are not

many restaurants in my neighborhood so

my best choice is the deli in

convenience stores like the circle-k

mini stop be smart

what type of food do you enjoy to eat

Western or Asian I’m interested in Asian

food western food is not my thing

how much do you usually pay when you eat

out it’s not very expensive just around

five dollars for each meal do you enjoy

spicy food yes I do especially on cold

days are the server’s there friendly to

you yes they are most of them are really

helpful have you ever tried Italian food

yes at least once when I was in my

friends wedding party are you concerned

about calories when eating out yes I am

I’m on diet now so this really matters

to me

our fast-food restaurants like KFC or

McDonald’s famous in your country yes

they are the youth in my country are big

fans of fast food do you often drink

alcohol when eating out no not often

just when I have parties with my friends

how often do you read books I read books

almost every night before I go to bed

what’s your favorite type of book

I love reading about different cultures

what can you learn from books books can

broaden my horizon about thousands of

things around the world and books are

also my best friends where do you read

books I read books at home sometimes in

the library what’s the most interesting

book you’ve ever read I think that would

be Nepal a book written about the

country of Nepal published in 1999 how

long does it take you to finish a book

well it depends on the length of the

book but it usually takes me a week to

finish a 300 page book do you usually

bring books with you and you travel yes

I do when I’m at the airport or bus

station I read books to kill time

is there any bookstore or library in

your area unfortunately there are none

near my house the nearest one is three

kilometres away

how many places have you traveled to I

visited all the provinces throughout my

country who do you usually go with I

often go with my family sometimes with

my best friends what’s your favourite

tourist attraction that would be Venice

city in Italy I love riding the gondola

along the canals while watching Italian

people live their daily lives have you

ever been abroad yes I have I came to

Italy last year for a business trip what

language do you use when traveling

English but sometimes I have to use body

language since not all people are good

at English what do you usually do during

your trip I often go sightseeing

take pictures mingle with the local

people and sample the local cuisine what

do you do to prepare for your trip

before the trip I search for information

about the location whether famous

tourist attractions transportation local

cuisine and prices on the Internet

what do you usually bring when you

travel I usually pack my suitcase with

some necessary items such as clothes

medicine food a map and a camera

do you prefer traveling by car train or


I prefer planes although it can be a

little expensive planes are much faster

than any other mode of transport

do you prefer traveling alone or joining

a guided tour

I love backpacking with my friends who

share the same interest as me

have you ever been in a traffic accident

yes three years ago what happened I was

hit by a car while crossing the road how

did you feel then I felt really terrible

because of my injuries who was involved

in the accident the car driver his

family inside the car and me did the

insurance company pay for repair service

I was walking so I did not require any

car repair services

did you need a lawyer I hurt my lower

back just a little so I didn’t call a

lawyer did you report the issue to the

police no we didn’t want to get the

police involved sent to the hospital

after the accident no the injury wasn’t

really serious do you have a driving

license yes I do I always keep it in my

purse why should people obey traffic

regulations to protect themselves and

others the best way are to wear a helmet

wait for traffic lights and stay in the

appropriate vehicle pedestrian lanes

did you have a happy childhood yes I did

I enjoyed playing hide and seek with my

peers do you experience your childhood

in a city or countryside I spent my

childhood in a rural area where I could

see vast rice fields did you usually

skip class when you were a child yes I


and many of my friends did too who are

you with when you were a child I was

with my beloved family what did you want

to be when you were a child I dreamed of

being a fashion designer who did you

love the most when you were a child I

loved my mom the most since she was

always there and took care of me who was

your childhood hero Robin Hood he took

money from the rich and gave it to the

poor what reminds you of your childhood

green rice fields which I happen to see

everywhere remind me of my beautiful

childhood did you change a lot when you

grew up yes of course I’m more mature

now both physically and mentally

why is childhood important because it

shapes people into who they will become

what kind of presents are popular in

your country it depends on the receivers

for children toys are the best choice

for youth souvenirs are recommended who

gave presents to you on what occasions I

have received many presents most of

which were from my friends they gave me

gifts on my birthday what was your last

present it was a handmade doll given by

my best friend when I moved to another

city what was the one you like best

I loved my book Nepal a lot it was given

to me on my 23rd birthday by my brother

did you ever get a present you didn’t

like yes I have but I still treasure and

take care of them how do you think

people who give you presents I gave them

presents that they would like what are

the times of the year that people give

presents in your country some special

occasions are birthdays weddings

graduation New Year’s Day Valentine’s

Day housewarming ceremonies etc who was

the last person you gave a present to my

mom I bought her a coat on a business

trip to Bangkok is giving presents

important in daily life yes it is it’s

one of the best ways to show your love

and gratitude to someone

ever traveled abroad if yes what country

was it yes I have I travel to the USA

last year with my family where is that

country located the USA is located in

North America

what is it famous for the USA is known

for its cultural achievements and

landmarks what are the special food and

drinks of that country there are many

they are known for fast food dairy and

many beverages what do you like about

that country

I like the fast pace of life and the

various subcultures

how many citizens are there in that

country the current population of the

United States of America was over 324

million in 2016 which accounts for 4.3

percent of the total world population

what language do people there speak the

national language is English but many

people also speak Spanish French German

and Chinese do you want to go back there


sure why do people like to travel abroad

they just want to discover new places

learn new cultures and maybe speak new


on what occasions do people in your

country celebrate parties there are many

occasions when people throw parties such

as New Year’s Eve wedding engagements

family reunions birthdays etc but

sometimes people hold parties just when

they meet up and want to have something

fun to do are you a party animal yes I

am I am crazy about going to parties I

love meeting friends drinking and

talking when do parties often start and

finish it depends on what kind of party

it is I believe the perfect time to have

a party is in the evening from 8 to 11

p.m. where are the parties thrown they

are held inside or outside some formal

events like weddings housewarmings are

organized inside while others like

family reunions and birthdays may be

held outside what do you usually wear

when you come to a party I often wear

casual clothes like a t-shirt and jeans

if I go to informal parties and the

dress for formal ones what do people do

in the parties you attended at the party

people talk eat and drink together some

go there to find business opportunities

and new partners do you enjoy drinking

alcohol at the parties yes a little beer

can cheer me up

do people have to bring anything to the

party it’s not required but sometimes

visitors bring some gifts to show their

love for the host why do people

especially the youth love going to

parties it’s just a good way for them to

chill out after a long day

who was your favorite teacher I like mr.

Tom the most he is my English teacher is

he a foreign teacher yes he’s from the

US what do you like about his lessons I

have fallen in love with his American

accent and he always shows us something

new about the world outside of textbooks

what’s he like he’s not only

knowledgeable but also very friendly he

always treats us like friends not

students what does he usually wear when

coming to class he usually wears a gray

suit when he comes to class

do you love his subject yes I enjoy

English a lot do students in your class

like him yes all of us admire him do you

want to be a teacher like him no

although I am like him my dream is not

to become a teacher I would like to be a

chef have you ever been punished by him

no he rarely punishes anyone do you want

to see him again of course he’s a great


who’s your best friend it’s Jenny she’s

my best friend what did she look like

she has shoulder-length brown hair I

just loved her lovely smile how and when

did you meet

I first met her when we were in high


how often do you see this friend I see

her every day we’re in the same class

what’s she like she’s not only

thoughtful but also very understanding

she’s always by my side to cheer me up

whenever I’m in trouble do you and her

share anything in common

yes a lot we both love shopping and

playing sports what do you and her do

together we usually do homework and read

books together have you and her ever

quarreled yes but we seldom quarrel when

we do argue afterwards we seem to

understand more about each other does

she know how to cook yes but she’s not a

great cook do your parents like her yes

a lot they always ask Jenny to come over

for dinner why is a friend important in


a good friend can make your life better

in many ways I don’t think anyone can

stand loneliness

what is your favorite hotel where is it


it’s the Sheraton a five-star hotel

located in Saigon Vietnam how do you

know that hotel before coming to Vietnam

for travelling I searched on the

Internet it’s one of the best hotels in

Vietnam why do you choose to stay in

that particular hotel I like the

architecture there and online all the

reviews about the hotel are positive is

it by the beach

no Saigon is not a beachside city does

it attract many tourists yes I guess

when I stayed there it was completely

booked what type of room did you stay in

and what facilities did you get from the

hotel I stayed in a double bedroom the

room is equipped with air conditioner a

flat-screen TV wardrobe etc what do you

like about that hotel a gymnasium

swimming pool and BB q area are

available I also loved the green space

surrounding the hotel is all the staff

friendly and helpful

yes definitely they all are professional

how much does it cost a night it costs

me around $250 a night do you recommend

that hotel to friends yes

if they come to Vietnam I love

everything there

what kind of music do you like I’m crazy

about pop music is that the kind of

music preferred in your country

it varies normally the youth enjoy rock

and pop while middle-aged citizens

prefer a country music who is your

favorite singer I’m a big fan of Miley

Cyrus a talented u.s. singer-songwriter

and actress what piece of music do you

like who sang that song my favorite song

is Jolin sung by Miley Cyrus how much

time a day do you spend listening to

music I usually listen to music all day

with an mp3 player do you feel relaxed

listening to music sure I feel like

there are no more worries in the world

why is music important to us music has

the power of beautifying our life do you

usually go to bars or clubs not often I

sometimes go there on weekends what do

you think about the teenagers music

style teenagers tend to choose loud and

fast music like rock or rap everyone has

their own taste of music though have you

ever thought of forming a music band no

I don’t have any talent for music

do you like shopping yes I’m a

Shopaholic what do you usually shop for

I usually shop for clothes I’m a big

fashion fan where do you go shopping at

some fashion boutiques in my

neighborhood are there many shops in

your neighborhood yes my area is the

city center so I have many choices of

where to shop do you spend much money on

shopping yes and I’m usually broke at

the end of the month

do you usually shop online what items

yes but not really often I’d only buy

furniture online what’s the difference

between shopping online and offline

online shopping offline you cannot try

on the pieces of clothes or check the

material when shopping online

where did you go for holiday last year I

went to Singapore a Southeast Asian

country why did you choose that

destination I love to travel to Asian

countries and Singapore was my best

choice because of its beauty and culture

how long did it last

I stayed there for two weeks who went

with you I traveled to Singapore with my

best friends how did you travel

we flew there of course during the time

there we moved mostly by MRT and taxi

what did you pack up I only brought some

necessary items such as money clothes

medicine a map and the digital camera

what did you do during the holiday we

visited famous tourist attractions like

Marina Bay Sands merlion park Art

Science Museum Singapore flyers we also

enjoyed local cuisine there what’s the

difference between holidays today and 20

years ago well it has changed a lot

people now can afford holidays outside

their countries while 20 years ago

traveling abroad seemed hard at what

time do people in your country usually

go on holiday it depends on what job

people have when they have a break from

work they will find somewhere to travel

what sport do you like I like playing

badminton is it easy to play that sport

yes it’s pretty easy to play is that

sport popular in your country yes it is

how long have you been practicing that

sport I have been practicing it for five

years who do you play sports with I play

badminton with my friends sometimes with

my brother how often do you play that

sport I play badminton every weekend

what benefits can you get from that

sport it helps strengthen my muscles

because while playing I have to move

continuously it is good to burn calories

as well do you like watching football

online or offline yes I do I prefer

watching football offline and online

going to the stadium shouting and

cheering are good to release stress what

is your favorite football team

I like the Manchester United Football

Club also known as the Red Devils why is

sport important sports are sources of

recreation people can learn how to

encourage team spirit when they play

sports too

what school did you go to I went to

millennium high school founded in 1999

where is the school located it’s located

in New York City United States

do you like the architecture of the

school yes I do

the architecture is not really

impressive but I like it that the

building’s architects left plenty of

space for lounging what are the teachers

like most of the teachers there are

helpful and friendly I especially like

mr. Mike my physics teacher

how long have you spent there I have

spent three years of upper secondary

school there is that a single-sex school

no it isn’t this is a unisex school do

you like the school uniform

we don’t wear uniforms at school

actually why do you enjoy the time there

although I had to deal with quite a

heavy workload I enjoy the relaxing

atmosphere when hanging out with friends

in the cafeteria there what important

lesson did you learn from school I

learned how to work in a group in which

there are many friends coming from

different cultures that’s the lesson of

cooperation will you recommend that

school to others yes of course I’m proud

to recommend millennium high school to

anyone who is searching for a good place

to learn

do you like to cook yes I do

cooking helps me feel relaxed after long

hours of working is there any kind of

food you don’t like I don’t really like

fried chicken which is very high in fat

do you eat out or cook at home I usually

cook at home sometimes when I’m busy I

go out to eat how often do you cook just

when I have free time

my mom is often responsible for

preparing meals she’s the best cook ever

what’s your favorite food I’m addicted

to sushi I can eat sushi every day

is that Western or Asian cuisine it’s

Asian cuisine sushi is derived from

Japan is it easy to make your favorite

food yes I guess the recipe is quite

simple what ingredients do you need to

make that food I would need rice eggs

meat seafood and vegetables what do you

think about fast food I don’t really

like fast food it’s not healthy at all

would you say that you have a healthy

diet yes I would I prefer eating

vitamins protein and less fat

what’s the weather like in your country

well there are four seasons spring

summer fall and winter which vary

considerably in characteristics what

kind of weather do you like I enjoy hot

weather there are more things to do when

it’s sunny I love swimming and

sunbathing what months have the best

weather in your country I believe it

depends for me the best weather is from

June to August when it’s warm across the

country do you like it when it rains not

at all I hate raining how does the

weather affect your feelings I usually

have a bad mood when it rains the rain

reminds me of sad memories how has the

weather changed recently due to global

warming the weather has become more and

more unpredictable it’s boiling hot in

summer and freezing cold on winter days

do you usually watch the weather

forecasts no not very often what’s your

favourite season why let’s see I love

spring when trees and flowers blossom

what do you like to do when it’s windy

when it’s windy I like flying a kite

with my friends that’s interesting

are you comfortable with a traffic jam

not at all

I feel annoyed why does it happen

because there are too many vehicles on

the streets during rush hours I bet how

often do you sit in a traffic jam just

everyday when I finish office hour and

go back home what time in a day are you

usually caught in a traffic jam in rush

hour at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. how long does

it take to escape from the traffic jam

at least half an hour what do you do

while waiting in a long line

I often glanced at my watch actually

have you ever had any trouble caused by

a traffic jam yes just yesterday I was

late for an important meeting with my


how has the traffic situation changed

recently there are more vehicles which

makes traffic jam more and more serious

what is your favorite TV program well I

watch a lot but the one I like best is

how it’s made is that an international

TV program yes it is it’s available in

Canada Europe Australia New Zealand

Southeast Asia and so on what is the TV

programme about its name somehow

describes the content which is about the

process of making things like lipsticks

balls candy toys chocolate and so on how

often do you watch that TV program

almost every day after dinner who

watches that programme with you my

family watches it together

my younger brother can’t wait to turn on

the TV what channel is it on a very

common one Discovery Channel which

focuses on popular science technology

and history why do you like that TV

program I love learning new things

especially about how everything is

produced I would love to run a business

about handmade cosmetics how does that

TV program change you I know more about

the world around me

it also supports me in my career path to

make my dream come true

who is its target audience it

particularly aims at families and

younger audiences would you recommend

that TV program to your friends yes of

course they would be crazy about the

program I bet

where is your hometown my hometown is a

coastal state of us is it the city or

the countryside I live in a suburb area

what’s it known for its famous for

tobacco’s what do people do there

agriculture is the main industry in my

hometown most of the people here plant

and sell tobacco’s how is the atmosphere

there well it’s quite peaceful

I enjoy the fresh air here how are

people there they’re friendly and

hospitable would you like to live in

your hometown or somewhere else yes I

would I just wish I can live here

forever is it easy to find a job there

manual work is easy to find I’m not sure

about the white-collar jobs is it a good

environment for young people I don’t

think so the pace of life here is quite

slow if they want to work in a dynamic


they’d better move to the city is

traffic congestion a big problem in your

hometown not at all

we couldn’t be happier with the traffic

system here

have you ever attended someone’s wedding

who was he or she yes a lot but the most

memorable one is my best friends who

went with you I went with one of my

classmates where was the wedding

organized it was held in a restaurant


what did people do in the wedding they

enjoyed wedding feast sang and danced

together after giving the couple best

wishes of an everlasting happiness what

did the bride and groom wear the bride

wore a white wedding gown while the

groom wore a black suit and tie what was

the most interesting ritual in the

wedding exchanging rings is the ritual

I’m quite interested in our weddings a

special event of one’s life in your

country yes along with birthdays do

people in your country get married early

not really the average age to get

married for women is 27 and for men is

29 what is the ideal age to get married

in your opinion well 27 would be my

ideal age women are most charming and

mature at that age I guess how have

weddings changed recently the most

noticeable change is the reduce of

rituals in a wedding there used to be

more steps in weddings years ago than

there are now

which culture do you belong to I was

born and raised in America where my

culture was shaped is that a

multicultural society yes it is

my culture is a diverse mix of customs

and traditions of various races and

ethnicities how long is your country

you’ve been practicing those customs

well it has a long history around 10,000

years ago what custom do you like the

most I like practicing dining etiquette

that’s what makes me American whenever I

travel to other countries

what are traditional customs of men and

women in your country cowboy hats and

boots are American styles but nowadays

jeans and t-shirt are more preferable

are you comfortable with the traditions

and customs of your culture of course I

was born with it

how do people greet each other well it

depends on the situation in an informal

communication people just say hi have

you ever felt drawn to another land yes

I’m interested in Indian culture I wish

I can get there someday to attend the

typical Indian wedding

who is your favorite politician she’s

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton an American

politician where is she from she comes

from the USA does she appear on TV yes

quite often she usually shows up on TV

in news programs

what is the peeling about her she’s a

democratic politician is she famous

yes she’s well-known all over the world

does she have a great influence on

people yes I think so she fights for

human rights she has a very

controversial and influential speech

that human rights are women’s rights and

women rights are human rights do you

want to be like her being a politician

has never been my dream actually

why do you admire her she’s one of the

few women who succeed in politics what

did she do that you can tell others Oh a

lot of things she cares for people’s


she also tackles the issues of adoption

and family safety

what’s your favorite means of

communication I prefer talking directly

to people how do you keep in touch with

your friends I’m so busy that I don’t

often hang out with friends

so I usually get in touch with them

using social networks or phone do you

get in touch with your family by phone

yes I do I live away from my family so

phone would be an ideal means of

communication do you usually write

letters or emails

I used to write letters when the

Internet hasn’t been used widely now I

prefer emails due to its convenience

what are some advantages of using a

mobile phone that’s the easiest means of

communication I think mobile phones are

portable just dial the numbers and you

can immediately get connected with

anyone you want

do you like handwriting letters yes I do

I like to keep handwriting letters as

keepsakes do you use social networks yes

the youth can now hardly live without

social networks do you need

communication skills using social

networks sure even in social networks

how have social networks changed

communication people prefer talking

online rather than directly because of

the illusion of social networks people

tend to forget necessary skills to

communicate with others in real life do

you have good communication skills in

your opinion maybe yes people are quite

happy talking to me

are you studying or working I left

school three years ago I’m working now

are you self-employed or working for a

company I’m self-employed I used to work

for a company two years ago are you

running any business yes I’m running a

small business what does your business

sell I make and sell handmade cosmetics

do you have any difficulty running that

business yes I had some difficulties

attracting customers at first but

everything is getting better now is that

an online or offline business I sell

products online easier selling online

than offline because I can take full

advantage of my social network when did

you start the business I started running

my own business two years ago what are

some advantages of running your own

business I can take some days off

whenever I feel tired and I can make

much more money compared to working for

a company

do you usually exercise yes I do doing

exercise is one of my good habits what

sport do you play swimming is my

favorite I also play tennis how often do

you exercise I go jogging almost every

day before breakfast when did you start

doing exercise just last year actually

is there anyone who does exercise with

you I go jogging with my older brother

he’s a good company of mine what

benefits can you get from exercising

well a lot exercise helps reduce fat and

build muscles it also keeps me awake

mentally during the whole day where do

you exercise at a nearby park there are

some exercise machines for people to use

why do you exercise I like moving for me

life without moving is like a picture

without color do people in your country

do much exercising I don’t think so

they’re so busy working that they forget

to do exercise what if people don’t do

enough exercise obviously they’ll gain

weights fast and become obese

what is your current short-term goal I’m

determined to get a scholarship to study

postgraduate abroad when did you start

thinking about this goal I started

thinking about it when I left University

what difficulties do you have in order

to achieve it spending a lot of time

searching it I haven’t found any

scholarship that fits my needs do you

need any help to achieve that goal I

really need spiritual encouragement from

my family and friends do your parents

support you to achieve that goal yes

they do

they’re always by my side and support me

when needed do you think it’s important

to set goals sure we all need to have

some goals to drive ourselves towards

them setting goals is a necessary step

to do in order to succeed in doing

something what are the important

qualities to achieve goals well you need

to be persistent to what you desire to

get commitment and patience are needed


are you a big fan of fashion yes I am I

believe every girl is crazy about

fashion what style do you choose to wear

well my favorite piece of clothes is a

dress depending on the situation I

choose a formal or informal dress to


do you enjoy shopping for clothes yes

I’m a Shopaholic actually is there any

fashion icon who you want to wear the

same yes I admired Taylor Swift and wish

to wear like her do you create your own

fashion style no I’m not a fashionista

so most of the time I just follow the

fashion trend

do you prefer vintage or modern style

why honestly I love vintage style

wearing classic clothes makes me feel

like I’m special have you ever attended

a fashion show not in real life I just

watch them on TV what do people think

about your fashion style I don’t know

exactly and I don’t care much about it I

just wear what makes me comfortable and

confident are you going to change your

fashion style in the future well I can’t

tell maybe fashion is changeable and I

am too is fashion important to people

yes in my opinion fashion can partly

reveal who you are

what success did you achieve I don’t

know if it matters to someone or not but

passing the entrance exam to university

was a huge success for me when did you

get that success I got it six years ago

it’s been two years since I left

University was there anyone who

supported you my family supported me a


my mom prepared good meals for me while

my dad helped me with hard math problems

was it hard to get that success it was

hard for me since I wasn’t good at

academic subjects at all what were some

difficulties in achieving success the

period before the exam was quite

stressful I was so obsessed with it that

I had a serious headache how did you get

it I stuck to books day and night I just

stopped reading and writing when I felt

I knew thoroughly about the matters how

did you feel when you were successful I

was over the moon then I was looking

forward to campus life how did your life

change after that success I had a chance

to learn my favorite major at my desired

University and then got a high-paying

job in an active working environment

what is your key to success I don’t

particularly have any key to success

just work hard and try your best

everything good will come to you
