Academic American English Listening and Reading

elementary level

lesson 1 places to live


monster cities

our big city’s wonderful places

are they terrible

there are different ideas about this

William H white writes books about


he is happy in a crowded city

he loves busy streets with many stores

and many people

he likes the life in city parks and


many people don’t like big cities

they see the large population of cities

and they are afraid

many cities are growing very fast

they are monster cities

monster is a big terrible thing

in some countries there are no jobs in

small towns

people go to cities to work

for example 300,000 people go to Sao

Paulo Brazil every year

in China about 183 thousand people moved

to Beijing from the countryside every


Sall Paulo and Beijing are both mega


a megacity is a very very big city

it includes the main city and the cities

and towns around it

Mexico City is a mega city

it has a population of about 8 million

600,000 in the city itself but there are

more than 21 million people in the mega


Tokyo is another mega city with over 8

million 200,000 people in Tokyo but over

31 million in Tokyo and the cities

around it

London is another mega city

there are about seven million four

hundred thousand people in London and

about eighteen million four hundred

thousand in London and the surrounding

towns and cities

there are problems in all cities

there are big or mega problems in a mega


in many US cities there are many people

with no jobs and no homes

the air is dirty

there are too many cars

problem is crime

many people are afraid of crime

want to feel safe

population density is the number of

people in one square mile 2.59 square


population density is a big problem in

many cities

in Miami Florida the density is only

7700 48

in Bangkok Thailand there are 58

thousand three hundred ninety-seven

people per square mile

is this crowded

but other cities are more crowded

do you think William H white likes Hong


the population density there is 240 7501


my neighborhood

my name is Elena Sanchez

I’m from Mexico but now I live in


I’m a student here in English language

classes at a small college

I live in an apartment building

on the corner of Olive Street and

Sycamore Avenue

my address is 2201 Olive Street

there’s a big olive tree in front of the


there’s a park across the street

there are a lot of oak trees in the park

the trees are beautiful in the summer

a lot of my neighbors are from different


the people next to me are from Indonesia

the family across from the Indonesian

family is from Colombia

the stores in this neighborhood are

always busy

there’s a Korean drugstore and in

Armenian flower shop

a Chinese church is next to the flower


there are three restaurants on Olive

Street one Mexican one Japanese and one

Moroccan italian-american

I like my neighborhood but I ask myself

one question where are the Americans

lesson two shopping


internet shopping

25 years ago very few people use the


only scientists and people in the

government knew about the internet and

how to use it

this is changing very fast

now almost everyone knows about the

internet and many people are online on

the internet every day

when people think about the Internet

they often think about information

but now more and more when people think

about the Internet

they think about shopping was one of the first

companies to try to sell products on the


Jeff Bezos started the company

one day he made a prediction about the


he saw that the world wide web was

growing 2,000 percent a year

he predicted that it was going to

continue to grow and he thought that

shopping was going to move to the


people were going to shop online

he quit his good job and drove across

the country to Seattle Washington

there he started an online bookstore


Bezos had very little money

the company began in a garage a building

for a car and at first there were very

few customers people who buy things

at the site people can search

for a book about a subject find many

different books about that subject read

what other people think about the books

order them by credit card and get them

in the mail in two days

this kind of bookstore was a new idea

but the business grew

in a few years had 10 million

customers and sold 18 million different

items in categories including books CDs

toys electronics videos DVDs home

improvement products things that you use

to fix up a house software and video


today at a virtual shopping mall a group

of online stores you can buy anything

from gourmet food special usually

expensive food to vacations

fifteen years ago many people said

online shopping is crazy nobody can make

money in an online company

they were wrong

today Jeff Bezos is a billionaire

more and more people are shopping online

and online companies are making a profit

it is a huge business

but some people predict online business

isn’t going to grow anymore

they say customers are afraid of online

crime and they will stop shopping on the


are these people right

nobody knows but we’ll soon find out


predicting the future of shopping

there are different ideas

about shopping in the future

some people say everybody is going to

shop online from home

there won’t be any more real stores or

shopping malls

but other people have a different

picture of the future

they say there will still be shopping


in the future many people will work at

home alone on their computers

they’ll want to go out to stores for

their shopping

they’ll want to socialize be with other


maybe they’re right

but the stores of the future will

probably be different from stores today

shopping in stores will be easy

first people won’t need to carry many

bags from store to store

in stores they will only choose products

they won’t carry them home

the stores will deliver most of their

purchases such as clothes and books to

their houses

second people won’t need to carry money

or credit cards with them

and I scan will identify their eyes and

put their purchase on their credit card

shopping malls will probably also be

different from today

they won’t only have big department

stores on many small stores

molls will still be places for shopping

and for entertainment such as movies

but in moles of the future busy people

will also do other things

they will go to the doctor the dentist

and the post office

they will go to the gym to

everybody agrees about one thing

shopping will be different in the future

lesson three family


changing families

families in almost every country are


this is true in rich countries and poor


it is true in Africa the Americas Asia

and Europe

all over the world families are getting


in north africa in the past many people

lived in extended families

fifty to a hundred people live together

in a group of houses

these were all family members

grandparents aunts uncles cousins

children and grandchildren

but now this traditional family is

breaking into smaller groups

the traditional family in Mexico was

also big

one generation ago the average Mexican

woman had seven children

today she has an average of only 2.5


now without so many children families

don’t need to spend so much money on

basics such as food clothing and housing

the traditional Japanese family was also

an extended family a son his parents his

wife his children and his unmarried

brothers and sisters

three generations live together

but this tradition is changing

now most families are nuclear families

parents and their children and most

Japanese parents have only one or two


these families have new problems

many men and women spend a lot of time

at work

they don’t spend much time together as a


this can be very difficult

some young women don’t want this kind of


job and live with their parents

they say I don’t need to get married

in Europe in traditional families the

woman stayed home with the children and

the man had a job

but families all over Europe are


the number of divorces is going up

in Germany 41% of all marriages end in


in Finland that number is 56%

many Europeans don’t get a divorce but

they don’t get married either

in much of Europe many people live alone

in France more than 26 percent of women

between age 30 and 34 live alone and

more than 27% of men of the same age

live alone

the number of single-parent families is

going up to

in Denmark 60% of all firstborn children

have parents who are not married

the world is changing and families are

changing too

are many new types of families but most

seem to be getting smaller


our family reunion

these are pictures of my family

Cheers last summer

we don’t live together we live in

different cities different states and

two countries

but we often talk to each other on the

phone or send email

every summer all the relatives come

together for a week

this is our family reunion and it’s so

much fun

there are two branches in our family one

branch from Mexico and one from the

United States people come to the reunion

from California Arizona New York and


other people come from Mexico City and

Puerto Verta

we alternate the reunion place one year

in Mexico and the next year in Arizona

my great-grandparents lived in Puerto

Verta and my grandparents now live in


at the Reunion we have a picnic one day

we play baseball swim and eat a lot

we play volleyball too

the women and girls are on one team and

the men and boys are on the other

one day some of us go shopping

one night we always have a big barbecue

we sit around a fire tell stories and

eat a lot

some of my aunts and uncles sing and

play music

on the last night we have a dinner dance

at a nice hotel

we listen to music dance and eat a lot

our family really likes to eat

we don’t only eat

we visit with each other all week

we talk about problems

we plan weddings and cry about divorces

sometimes we argue

all bring their new babies new wives and

husbands and new girlfriends and


it’s good to have a big family

but at the end of the week I’m always

very tired

happy to be alone

lesson for personal health


Health News for body and mind

nobody wants to be sick

everyone wants to be healthy and most

people want to have a long life too

but a healthy body is not enough

we all want both physical and mental


what can we do to stay well

most of us know some things to do

it’s a good idea to exercise for example

in a gym eat fruit vegetables and fish

and drink lots of water

we also know things not to do it’s a bad

idea to eat a lot of junk food such as

chips ice cream candy doughnuts and

other foods with sugar or fat

it’s a bad idea to be a couch potato a

person who watches a lot of TV and

doesn’t exercise

it’s a terrible idea to smoke

but scientists now have new information

about other ways to stay healthy

some of it is surprising

drink cocoa

several beverages are good for the


orange juice has vitamin C

milk has calcium

black tea and green tea are good for

health too

they have antioxidants these fight

diseases such as cancer and heart


most people know this

but most people don’t know about cocoa

hot chocolate

they enjoy the sweet chocolaty beverage

but they don’t know about its


it has more antioxidants than tea


too much stress which is worried about

problems in life is not good for

physical health

for example it makes your blood pressure

go up

now we know more

some stress is chronic which means that

it lasts a long time for many months or


chronic stress can make people old

as people get older they get gray hair

and wrinkles in their skin and their

eyesight and hearing become worse

this is normal but chronic stress makes

people age grow old faster

a scientist at the University of

California San Francisco studies stress

she can now identify how stress makes

people age it can damage hurt the body’s


the lesson from this is clear

need to learn to relax


one easy and cheap way to help both your

physical and mental health is just to

sleep eight hours or more every night

but more and more people are not

sleeping enough

according to the World Health

Organization over half the people in the

world may be sleep deprived which means

they don’t get enough sleep

sleep-deprived people often have medical

problems such as high blood pressure

diabetes a problem with sugar in the

blood and heart problems

it is also more difficult for them to

make decisions

clearly we need to find time to get more


but there is another reason

a new study from Germany found that

sleep makes people smarter

the study shows that the brain continues

to work during sleep and helps the

sleeper to work on problems

you didn’t do your homework last night

maybe you can tell your teacher that you

were working hard in your sleep

learn languages

how many languages do you speak

there might be good news for you

a study from a university in Canada

found something interesting

bilingual people who speak two languages

very well do better on tests than people

who speak only one language

it seems to be mental exercise to hold

two languages in your brain

Ellen Bialystok of York University says

it’s like going to a brain gym


to have good physical and mental health

we need to eat right relax sleep enough

and exercise both the body and the brain

there is a lot of new information about


some of it is surprising

we need to know about it

lesson five women and men


men’s talk and women’s talk in the

United States

marriage is often not easy love is often

not easy sometimes friendship between a

man and a woman is not easy

maybe a man and a woman love or like

each other but they argue they get angry

later they apologize but it happens

again and again

what’s the problem our men and women

really very different

Deborah Tannen says yes

men and women are very different

Tannen teaches at Georgetown University

in Washington DC

she writes books about the ways people


she believes that men and women talk and

think in different ways

she tells about some differences in her

book you just don’t understand

it begins in childhood

the difference is Tannen says begin when

men and women are children

very young boys and girls are similar to

each other

in other words they like many of the

same things and play in the same ways

they aren’t very different

there is a change

when children in the United States are 5

or 6 years old

boys usually play in large groups

one boy gives orders

for example he says take this go over

there and be on this team

he is the leader

boys also brag in other words they say

good things about themselves they do

this to have a high position place in

the hierarchy in other words the system

from low to high position in the group

is important to boys

girls in the United States usually play

in small groups or with one other girl

a girl’s best friend her very very good

friend is important to her

girls don’t often give orders they give

suggestions for example they say let’s

go over there maybe we should do this

and do you want to play with that

girls don’t usually have a leader and

they don’t often brag

everyone has an equal position

boys and girls play in different ways


much of the time little girls sit

together and talk they have

conversations little boys are usually

active they do things when children grow

up nothing really changes

who talks more and why

many people believe that women talk more

than men do according to Deborah Tannen

this isn’t exactly true

she says women talk more than men only

in private situations at home with

family or with a few friends

in public situations in other words in a

big group or at work men talk more

Tannen says that men and women often

talk for different reasons men talked to

give or get information

they also talk to get or keep a high

position among other men

but for women people and feelings are

important women often talk to socialize

and show interest and love

they also talk to keep their close

relationships with friends and family


although a man and a woman might speak

the same language sometimes they don’t

understand each other

men’s talk and women’s talk are almost

two different languages

but maybe men and women can learn to

understand each other

if they understand the differences in




he said she said a u.s. couple

well doctor I’m beginning to worry about

my marriage

my wife and I just don’t understand each


like to do things with me she won’t play

tennis or baseball with me she doesn’t

like to fix the car with me

she doesn’t work on the house with me

you know paint the house or fix the roof

she doesn’t listen when I talk about

interesting things sports money or world


sometimes she gets angry with me about

unimportant things and she talks and

talks and talks about uninteresting


what’s wrong with her

well doctor I’m beginning to worry about

my marriage my husband and I just don’t

understand each other

we both work full-time but I do all the

work at home you know fix dinner wash

clothes and clean the house

his life is easy he has only one job I

have to sometimes I feel so lonely

when he’s home he reads the newspaper or

watches TV

he doesn’t talk with me he talks at me

he only talks with his friends

he doesn’t listen if I tell him about my


he isn’t interested in our friends and


sometimes he gives me orders

sometimes he tells me about sports or

politics but I don’t like it because I

feel like a student in school

what’s wrong with him

lesson six sleep and dream


the purpose of sleep and dreams

many people wonder why do we sleep why

do we dream

they ask themselves the purpose or


there are many theories or opinions

about this but scientists don’t know if

these ideas are correct

theories of sleep

one theory of sleep says that during the

day we use many important chemicals in

our bodies and brains

we need sleep to make new chemicals and

repair or fix our bodies

this theory is called the repair theory

one piece of evidence for this theory is

that our bodies produce more of a growth

hormone a chemical that helps us grow

while we sleep

another theory is that the purpose of

sleep is to dream

dreaming occurs or happens only during

one stage or period of sleep REM rapid

eye movement sleep

REM sleep occurs about every 90 minutes

and lasts for about 20 minutes some

scientists believe that REM sleep helps

us to remember things but other

scientists don’t agree

dream Theory’s

whatever the reason for sleep everyone

sleeps and everyone dreams every night

many times we don’t remember our dreams

but we still dream

like sleep no one knows exactly why we

dream or what dreams mean

there have been many theories about

dreams throughout history

many cultures believe that dreams can

predict the future that they can tell us

what is going to happen to us

however some people believe that dreams

are only a form of entertainment

psychologists such as Sigmund Freud say

that dreams are not predictions of the

future psychologists have strong beliefs

about dreams

however these scientists don’t always

agree with each other there are several

different theories about the purpose of


Freud who wrote around the year 1900

said that dreams can tell us about our

emotions feelings and desires or wishes

Freud believed that our dreams are full

of symbols

in other words things in our dreams mean

other things for example a road in a

dream isn’t really a road

it might be a symbol of the dreamers


Freud thought that dreams are about

things from our past from our childhood

other psychologists say no

they believe that dreams are about the

present about our ideas desires and

problems now

other psychologists say that dreams have

no meaning at all

new evidence

we still don’t know why we dream

however there is interesting new

evidence from research or studies about

the brain

when we are awake many parts of our

brain are active for example the parts

for emotions vision the ability to see

logic the ability to think and

understand and others

however when we are asleep and dreaming

the part of the brain for logic is not


maybe this new evidence answers one

common question why do dreams seem so


part two

a dream narrative

this is the dream of a 40 year old

businessman he is married and has two


he goes to a psychologist because he

feels anxious a lot

the psychologist told him to write down

his dreams this is his dream from June


dream June 7th

in my dream I was in a large city

it was very big and very dark

the city seemed like New York but it

didn’t look like the real New York

I was in a friend’s apartment

it was comfortable

a few minutes I left and went out on the

street alone

I walked for a while

then I realized I was lost

I couldn’t find my friend’s apartment


I started to feel uncomfortable

tried to return to the apartment but all

of the streets looked unfamiliar and

completely different and I didn’t know

my friend’s address

I began to feel anxious

I kept walking

I wanted to find something familiar

it was getting late

I decided to go home

I knew my home was outside the city

I saw buses on the street but I didn’t

know which one to take

I couldn’t find a way to leave the city

there was a way to get home but I didn’t

know it I asked for directions

the people answered but they didn’t make

any sense all their directions were very

complicated and I couldn’t understand


suddenly I was on a boat

boat was traveling across a very

dangerous river

it was dark

River was very dirty there was garbage

in it

I couldn’t see the other side of the

river and I was afraid I began to think

I’ll never get home

I tried to ask for help but no one

listened to me

then I woke up

lesson seven work in jobs



some people go to work each day and then

come home they spend time with their

family and friends maybe they watch TV

or go to a movie

sometimes they exercise or read this is

their life but for other people this

isn’t enough

they look around their neighborhoods and

see people with terrible hardships

sickness loneliness and homelessness

other people see problems with the


many people want to help they volunteer

they give some of their time to help


volunteers help in many ways

some visit sick and lonely people

give their friendship to children

without parents

some build houses for homeless people

others sit and hold babies with AIDS

and II Lipkis was at summer camp when he

planted his first tree

he began to think about the environment

in many countries people were cutting

down trees

and Alypius worried about this in 1974

he started a group tree people to plant

trees pine Elm Cypress and eucalyptus

they also began to plant fruit trees and

poor neighborhoods because fresh fruit

is often too expensive for poor people

today there are thousands of members of

tree people and more join every day they

plant millions of trees everywhere to

help the environment and people

Ruth Brinker wasn’t planning to change

the world then a young friend became

sick he had AIDS soon he was very sick

and he couldn’t take care of himself

Brinker and other friends began to help


in 1985 Brinker started project open

hand this group cooks meals and takes

them to people with AIDS

soon project open-hand volunteers were

cooking many meals every day and

delivering them to people who couldn’t

leave home

today volunteers prepared 2,000 meals


Ruth Brinker didn’t plan to change the

world but she is making a change in

people’s lives

only three volunteers began the Marine

Mammal Center in Northern California in


today there are 800 volunteers

they work with mammals mammals are

animals that feed on their mother’s milk

when young

the volunteers help sick ocean mammals

seals sea lions and sea otters

the sick animals become well and strong

motherless baby animals grow big and


for many weeks or sometimes months

volunteers help to feed and take care of

these animals

they also work in an educational program

that teaches people about these animals

the volunteers don’t get any pay for

their hard work

their pay is the good feeling on the day

when they can release a healthy animal

take it to its home the ocean and let it

go free

thirty or forty years ago most

volunteers were housewives

they volunteered time while their

husbands were working

today both men and women volunteer and

teenagers and children too

there are volunteers from all social

classes all neighborhoods and all ages

most aren’t rich or famous they enjoy

their volunteer work

people need them today the world needs

volunteers more than ever before

perhaps a young Zulu boy from South

Africa in Cosi Johnson said it best

before he died of AIDS at the age of 12

he made a speech that is now famous

in this speech he said do all you can

with what you have in the time you have

in the place you are



my special year

my name is Pablo I think I’m a lucky guy

good family and we live in a nice

neighborhood in a really special place

Puerto Vallarta Mexico

people travel here from many countries

for their vacations we have beautiful

beaches hotels restaurants shopping and


in my beautiful hometown there are also

very poor neighborhoods

these areas are crowded and have a lot

of crime

life is terrible for many of the

children in these areas some don’t

really have a childhood because they’re

homeless and live on the streets

they don’t have families or education

don’t have enough food

most of them have chronic stress many

use drugs or have diseases or mental


last year I came back to Puerto Vallarta

from my University in Mexico City

I spent one year as a volunteer with an

organization called outreach


they have several programs

I volunteered for one program to help

street children

it was the best and most difficult year

of my life

I learned a lot that year

I worked in a home for street children

all boys at this one

it’s in an old school that nobody uses


at this home the boys have a place to

sleep and three meals daily but it’s not

a school they go to a neighborhood


the home keeps the boys off the streets

it shows them another way of life

as a volunteer I helped to prepare meals

I taught games such as basketball and

football and art

I helped the kids with their homework

these kids can be fun

they have a lot of energy but they’re

also really tough there are hardships on

the streets make them strong and not

always sweet little children

at this boys home I met two other

volunteers Brian from Canada and Greg

from Australia

in many ways we were very similar

we were the same age came from good

homes had a good education and liked to


they were both college students like me

we became friends

I help them with Spanish and they helped

me with English

they came to meet my family and we had

fun together

now we email each other

but more than anything I will always

remember the children I hope their lives

can be better in the future

the contrast between their lives and my

life is big

I hope they can have a good life like I


lesson eight eating and food


new foods new diets

diet of the past

on March 26th 1662 samuel peeps and four

friends had lunch at his home in London


they ate beef cheese two kinds of fish

and six chickens

today we might wonder what no fruits no


more than 300 years ago people in Europe

ate differently from today

they look different too

in famous paintings by Titian Rubens and

other artists people weren’t thin they

were overweight

but people 300 years ago thought how

attractive not how ugly

today’s diet

today people are learning more about

health many people are changing their

ways of eating they’re eating a lot of

fruits and vegetables

many of the vegetables are raw they

aren’t cooked because cooking takes away

some vitamins such as vitamins A B and C

people are eating less sugar

they’re eating low-fat foods they’re not

eating much red meat they’re drinking

less Cola and coffee

trying to be thin

people these days want to be slim not


sometimes people in North America go a

little crazy to lose pounds

thousands of them join gyms and diet

groups go to special diet doctors or

spend a lot of money at diet centers

each year Americans spend more than 46

billion dollars on diets and diet


more people are overweight however there

is an irony a surprising opposite result

to all this dieting

while many people are becoming thin

other people are becoming overweight

more people are overweight than in the


in many countries there is a serious

problem with obesity in other words a

condition of being very overweight

there are two main reasons

first these days many people often go to

fast food restaurants they didn’t in the


at these restaurants many of the foods

such as fried potatoes and meat are high

in fat some of the dairy products such

as cheese are high in fat and others

such as ice cream are high in fat and


this seems similar to samuel peeps his

party doesn’t it ii dieting doesn’t

often work sometimes people lose weight

fast but they usually gain it back again

almost 95% of all people gain back

weight after a diet one problem with

obesity is easy to see overweight people

have more sicknesses such as heart

disease and diabetes

sometimes people go crazy over food

sometimes they eat very little because

they want to be slim

other times they eat lots of bad foods

because these foods taste good

when will people learn

too much food too little food and the

wrong foods are all bad ideas

part two

eating bugs

different cultures enjoyed different


sometimes a food that one culture thinks

is delicious might seem disgusting to

another in much of the world people eat

beef but the idea of meat from a cow

disgusts some Hindus in India

people in France sometimes eat horsemeat

or frogs and this discussed some


people in Western countries eat cheese

and many Asians think that this is


and then there are insects many people

wonder how can people eat bugs children

in the US make horrible faces and say

ooh yucky

however insects are an important part of

the diets in many countries

in different places people eat over

1,000 types of insects and ate them in

the past too

for example people in ancient Greece and

Rome ate insects American Indians ate

grasshoppers crickets and caterpillars

today in parts of Africa people eat

termites insects that eat wood and

caterpillars as snacks in Japan some

people eat grasshoppers with soy sauce

in small villages and in some

restaurants in Thailand people enjoy

crickets and grasshoppers

in some Mexican restaurants people pay

$25 for a plate of butterfly larvae in

the United States some restaurants now

offer insects as a gourmet food

in China people spend a hundred million

dollars each year on ants

there are different ways to prepare bugs

as food one way is to boil them in very

hot water

in Colombia some people spread them on


in the Philippines people fry them in

butter with vegetables

in Mexico people fry them in oil or

marinate them in lemon juice salt and


in some parts of Africa some people bake

or fry them in other areas they eat them


however entomologists scientists who

study insects say that it’s important to

cook insects not eat them raw in the

United States

a company called hot licks now sells

candy with insects in it

Julieta Ramos eller Dewey a researcher

at a university in Mexico City says that

there are many good reasons to eat bugs

first insects are a cheap food except on

a plate in an expensive restaurant and

they taste good

some insects taste like nuts bacon mint

or cinnamon

second bugs are good for our health for

example they often have more protein

than beef or fish

third they can bring money to poor

people who find them in the forest and

sell them

in parts of Africa there are seven

pounds of insects on just one tree

this brings a good profit for very

little work finally eating insects can

help to save the environment in many

countries people cut down trees

however they will not do this if the

trees have insects to eat or sell

people worldwide are now eating foods

from other countries

people in the West now enjoy Japanese

sushi a small roll of cooked white rice

served with a garnish of raw fish

vegetables or egg

people everywhere eat Italian pizza and

American hamburgers

maybe someday in a fast-food restaurant

in any country a customer will say give

me a hamburger and an order of

caterpillars please

in the future insects might be as

familiar to us as rice bread or beans

lesson 9 places to visit


adventure vacations

people like different kinds of vacations

some go camping they swim fish cook over

a fire and sleep outside

others like to stay at a hotel in an

exciting city they go shopping all day

and go dancing all night

or maybe they go sightseeing to places

such as Disneyland in the United States

the Taj Mahal in India or the Louvre in


a different kind of vacation

some people are bored with sightseeing

trips they don’t want to be tourists

they prefer an adventure a surprising

and exciting trip

they want to learn something and maybe

help people too

how can they do this

travel companies and environmental

groups are planning special adventures

sometimes these trips are difficult but

there are a lot of fun

one organization Earthwatch sends small

groups of volunteers to different parts

of the world

some volunteers spend two weeks and

study the environment

others learn about people of the past

others work with animals or plants

hard work in the far north

would you like an adventure in the far


scientists are worried about changes in

the climate worldwide

they are studying how the environment is

changing because of a warming climate

two teams of volunteers one in Alaska

and the other in Iceland will study

glaciers huge fields of ice that move

very slowly

these glaciers are getting smaller

scientists wonder why and how

another team will go to Manitoba Canada

this team will collect information on

birds mammals and the amount of snow

if you like exercise and cold weather

these are good trips for you but you

must be in very good physical condition

studying ocean mammals

do you enjoy ocean animals

you can spend two weeks in Florida

there you can study dolphins

it will be exciting to learn about these

intelligent ocean mammals

these beautiful animals can live to over

fifty years of age

they travel together in family groups

from small boats volunteers will study

and photograph these groups

the purpose of this research is to learn

about the animals social behavior

scientists want to know what dolphins do

and how they live

also scientists want to study dolphins

health for example they wonder is ocean

pollution changing the Dolphins health

if you like warm weather the ocean and

animals this is a good trip for you

digging up the past

are you interested in history or


then Southwest France is the place for

your adventure

between 35,000 and 250,000 years ago

early humans lived in this area

volunteers will work with archeologists

from France Germany and the United

States to search for evidence about the

way of life of the people from that time

if you choose this adventure you will

dig for stone tools and bones clean them

and photograph them

in your free time you can travel around

the beautiful countryside in the South

of France

beaches and biology

do you enjoy the beach and like to learn

about plants

there is an earth watch adventure in

Yucatan Mexico

on the north coast of Yucatan there are

beautiful species of plants

unfortunately many of them are


people dig them up and sell them for

large amounts of money

Mexican biologists need volunteers to

collect seeds count plants and help to

save several plant species

in your free time you can travel to

archaeological sites in the area

if you love a tropical climate this is

the trip for you

do you want a very different vacation

do you want to travel far work hard and

learn a lot then an earth watch vacation

is for you

lesson 10 save the earth


the ocean in trouble

many environmental groups are warning

that oceans worldwide are in great


according to the United Nations Food and

Agriculture Organization FAO 70% of the

world’s fishing areas are in danger

one reason of course is the huge amount

of pollution

however there is another danger and it

might be even more harmful than


this danger is overfishing

no matter where you look in the world on

average 90% of the fish are gone says a

biologist from Dalhousie University in


new technology

fishers are finding fewer and fewer fish


however this does not mean that

fishermen are not fishing any longer

instead many are using new technology to

fish new waters as deep as a mile

trawlers large fishing boats are using

special Nets on wheels and rollers

drag these nets across the bottom of the

deep oceans and they pick up anything of

any size at all with these nets fishers

catch the fish that people eat but the

Nets also catch marine mammals such as

sea lions dolphins and sometimes whales

the effect on fish

these nets also take species like squid

skate red crabs slackjaw eels spiny

dogfish and orange roughy

a few years ago people didn’t want to

eat these species

now you can find them in fish stores in

fish sandwiches at fast-food restaurants

or in fake not real crab meat for

seafood salads

the orange roughy provides an example of

what is happening

this fish appeared in fish stores only

about 10 years ago but already the

species is almost extinct

the orange roughy lives very deep in the

ocean up to a mile deep in the cold

waters off New Zealand

scientists now know that fish in deep

cold water grow and reproduce very

slowly for example the orange roughy

lives to be 150 years old

it doesn’t start to reproduce until it

is 30 years old

although the fish is nearly extinct

people still sell it in seafood stores

and in restaurants

and of course it may be in that fish

sandwich that you eat at a fast-food


many scientists believe that present

fishing methods will destroy all the

large fishing areas of the world

can anything stop this

some scientists think that governments

should stop the fishing industry from

using some kinds of technology but this

will be difficult

many of the big fishing companies have a

lot of money and they use that money to

influence politicians all around the


no fishing zones

other scientists believe that

governments should create no fishing

zones areas where no one can fish

governments can police these areas

during the UN international year of the

ocean more than 1,600 leading marine

scientists and conservation biologists

from 65 countries urged the world to

create 80 times the no fishing areas

that exist now

their goal is to protect 20% of the

world’s oceans by the year 2020

this is happening in some places for

example the fishing industry in Britain

is beginning to except no fishing zones

because the amount of fish that the

industry catches is getting smaller and


the fishing industry often argues that

the scientific evidence is not complete

that we just don’t know what is going on

in the oceans

now scientists and environmentalists

have to give evidence to show that the

fishing industry is doing damage before

the government will pass laws protecting

the ocean

this takes time and sometimes it is

difficult to prove something like this

the magazine science says we should have

the opposite rule big fishing companies

should have to prove that they are not

destroying the oceans before we allow

them to fish


environmentalists say that average

people need to get together and pressure

their governments to do something

the large fishing companies that owned

the big trawlers are not going to stop

fishing by themselves

the environmentalists say that if we

don’t pressure our governments there

will be nothing left in the oceans but



part two

repairing the environment

early life on Easter Island

Easter Island is a very small island in

the Pacific Ocean

in the ancient past the island was

covered with vegetation such as

beautiful forests and the surrounding

ocean was rich in fish

the human population grew to about 9,000


today we know them for their art

hundreds of huge amazing statues that

are made of stone

over several hundred years the people

created larger and larger statues

the changing history

for about seven hundred years life on

Easter Island was good

however by the 15th century people

suddenly stopped creating the statues

also the environment completely changed

the earth didn’t produce enough food for

the population

the forests were gone because people cut

down all the trees

without trees they couldn’t even build

canoes a kind of small boat and for this

reason they couldn’t go fishing

society was destroyed

the people were hungry

when Europeans arrived in 1722 there

were only about 2,000 people left

Easter Island as an example

scientists often mention Easter Island

they see it as an example of the damage

that humans can do to the environment

they say that our earth is like an


when we destroy it we destroy ourselves

they say that we are now destroying it

like the people of ancient Easter Island

we are cutting down forests

worldwide the environment is changing

the climate is becoming warmer

glaciers are melting

pollution fills many rivers and lakes in

the air of many cities

and every year about 20,000 plant and

animal species become extinct

what we can do

some people see this situation as

hopeless but environmentalists say that

it isn’t too late

there are things that we can do

governments and big companies need to

make big changes but every individual

can make many small changes

all these small changes can add up

they can make a big difference

here are just some

plant trees

trees absorb drink in the carbon dioxide

co2 that factories put into the air

by organic fruits and vegetables ones

without dangerous chemicals

these are good for your health and good

for the earth too

reuse containers in other words don’t

throw empty plastic food containers into

the trash or garbage

wash them and use them again

also use plastic bags many times

when you throw away a plastic bag or

container it stays in the earth for

thousands of years

don’t use paper or plastic bags

bring a cloth bag with you to the


you can use the same cloth bag over and

over for years

recycle things that you can’t reuse

you can recycle aluminum cans glass

bottles some plastic containers and


use compact fluorescent lightbulbs

they last ten times longer than regular

light bulbs so they save you money

also they use 75% less energy

one of these bulbs can keep a half-ton

1000 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the


do you eat tuna fish

if so look carefully at the can

by only tuna that is dolphin-safe

in other words tuna from companies with

special Nets that don’t kill dolphins

write letters to government leaders

ask them for laws that protect the


tell them that you want the earth to be

here for your great-great-grandchildren



lesson one students life


international students

introduction and definitions

all around the world there are

international students at institutions

of higher education

the definition of an international

student is a post-secondary student from

another country the meaning of

post-secondary is after high school

another phrase for international

students is foreign students

the word foreign means of a different

country or culture

even so some people don’t like the word

foreign instead they use the phrase

international students

for an institution of higher education

they say university college or school

we’re international students attend


international students leave their home


they go to school abroad

one meaning of the word abroad is in a

foreign place

probably the country with the most

students from abroad is the United


Canada Great Britain and some other

European countries also have a lot of

students from other countries

but more and more international students

attend colleges and universities in the

developing nations of Latin America Asia

and Africa

developing nations are countries without

a high level of industrialization or


why students attend school abroad

why do high school and college graduates

go to colleges and universities far from

their homes

undergraduates are post-secondary

students without college degrees

often undergraduates want the experience

of life in new cultures

maybe they want to learn another

language well

many students want degrees in business

engineering or technology

these subjects are not always available

in their home countries

some governments and companies send

their best graduate students and workers

to other countries for new knowledge and


and some international students from

expensive private schools at home save

money through study abroad programs

especially in developing nations

why universities want foreign students

why do institutions of higher education

want international students

students from other countries and

cultures bring internationalism to the

classroom and campus

they bring different languages customs

ideas and opinions from many places

also educational institutions need money

tuition is the fee or charge for


private schools our colleges and

universities not supported by government

money they charge high tuition

international students are not citizens

or immigrants

one definition of citizens and

immigrants is legal members of a nation

or country

international students pay full tuition

and fees to state or government schools

and all students away from home have to

spend money for housing food recreation

and other things

for these reasons many schools and

groups of schools want students from

other countries

conclusion and summary

for different reasons many high school

and college graduates want or need to

study abroad

for other reasons many nations want or

need students from other countries and

cultures on their college and university



university life around the world

similarities and student life

at colleges and universities around the

world students from other places live in

student housing on campus in apartments

or in the private homes of other people

they walk to school or get there by

bicycle or by car

sometimes they take public

transportation like the bus or subway

they attend classes and take quizzes or

tests or exams

they complete necessary course


after years of study they get

certificates or college degrees

these are proof of completion of courses

of study

outside school they have other interests

and family or social lives

in some ways life on the campuses of

institutions of higher education is the

same everywhere in the world

systems of higher education

maybe student life is similar but the

system of higher education differs and

countries around the world

for example in the United States

post-secondary students can live at home

and go to community colleges for two

years or more

or they can choose for years state or

private colleges or universities

they can get financial aid like

scholarships grants or loans this money

helps students to pay college tuition

and other charges loans have to be paid


with undergraduate degrees they can

attend graduate school

the system is different in some

countries of Asia or the Middle East

like Iran

their students take an exit exam in

their last year of high school

the people with the highest scores

attend the best universities in the


other students can go to other kinds of

colleges or get jobs

differences in teaching and learning


but not only the system of higher

education can vary

teaching and learning methods and styles

differ in various cultures at different

colleges and universities and in

individual courses for example the

atmosphere in many classrooms is very


students use titles such as Professor

Gonzales or mrs. Wong for their


some teachers wear business clothes and

give academic lectures

students respect the knowledge and views

of their master teachers

other classrooms have an informal


instructors dress casually and students

use instructors first names

in this relaxed atmosphere class members

work together in groups they tell their

individual experiences give their

opinions and talk about their ideas

some teachers always follow a course

plan or the textbook

they give a lot of assignments

they give points scores or grades for


in their courses students take many

quizzes tests and exams

all over the world there are teaching

and learning differences

campus facilities and services

and what about the facilities and

services available to students at

college and university campuses around

the world

at many institutions of higher education

resources for learning and recreation

are available to students

at libraries they can read and study

books and other materials

at learning resource centers they can

often work on computers

maybe they can use educational software

programs or the Internet

sometimes audio or video equipment is


and people can buy books supplies and

other things at campus stores

also learners can get advice from

counselors an individual help with their

courses from tutors

maybe they can relax and have fun on

campus too

some schools have swimming pools tennis

courts and other sports facilities

most have snack bars cafeterias or other

eating places

and at some schools not all students go

to the campus

they take internet courses by computer

see and hear lectures on television or

use other kinds of distance learning

lesson two the nature


the powerful influence of weather

biyo meteorologists and their research

whether has a powerful impact on the

physical world

it also affects people’s personalities

how do we know about the effects of

weather on people

we know from bio meteorologists

these scientists study weather

they study how atmospheric conditions

affect human health and emotions

the word atmosphere means the air around

the earth

atmospheric conditions at a time or

place is a definition of the word


some examples of these conditions are

Sun wind rain snow humidity the amount

of moisture in the air and air pressure

the force of air

the weather conditions of the atmosphere

greatly influence or affect people’s

health thinking and feelings

how wind can affect health

all over the world winds come down from

high mountain areas

the winds fall faster and faster and the

air becomes warmer and drier

what does scientists say about the

health effects of this kind of weather

according to bio meteorologists in

Russia powerful winds from the mountains

increased the number of strokes blood

vessel attacks in the brain

also sometimes strong southern winds

blow north over Italy

during these times researchers say

Italians have more heart attacks sudden

stopping of the heart

people everywhere have bad headaches

during times of forceful winds

and Japanese weather scientists say

there is an increase in the number of

asthma attacks

asthma is a lung disorder it causes

breathing problems

possible effects of other kinds of


do other kinds of weather influence

physical health

sudden temperature changes in winter are

often associated with a cold or the flu

the flu or influenza is a viral disease

however colds and flu probably increase

because people are in close contact near

one another indoors in cold weather

colds and flu may even lead to pneumonia

another lung disease

other illnesses also increase during

long periods times of cold weather

in most places diseases of the blood and

heart attacks are more common in winter

but in some very hot and humid wet

regions there are more heart attacks in


many people have high blood pressure a

health condition

in three out of four people blood

pressure Falls goes down in warm weather

but some people have lower blood

pressure in the cool or cold times of

the year

weather and mood

these forces of nature greatly affect

people’s moods emotional conditions and

feelings too

for many people winter in the northern

regions is very depressing

they eat and sleep a lot but they

usually feel tired they are nervous and

can’t work well

they are irritable not very nice to

other people

by Oh meteorologist even have a name for

this condition

the name is seasonal affective disorder


scientists think the cause of this mood

disorder is the long periods of darkness

even during the day it is often cloudy

or gray

what can people with sad do about their


naturally they need more light

on bright days they feel better

but people don’t work very well on sunny

hot and humid days

the best weather for good work and

thinking is cool and clear

conclusion and summary

are the people around you becoming sick

more often

are they getting more colds or the flu

or even pneumonia

are they having more health problems

like headaches or asthma attacks or

heart disease

or are you becoming Moody

are you getting more tired or depressed

low in mood or sad

remember according to bio meteorologists

and other weather scientists the cause

may be the atmosphere


global climate changes

climate in regions of the globe

the word weather means the atmospheric

conditions at a specific place and time

the weather can vary from day to day

in contrast to weather climate is the

general or average atmospheric

conditions of a region

in different areas of the globe the

climate generally stays the same from

year to year

for example the climate in the desert is

usually very dry

it may be cold in winter and hot in

summer but there is very little rain or


in contrast in tropical rainforests

there is very high humidity

in most other areas of the world the

weather is cool or cold and wet or dry

in the winter season

it is warm or hot and dry or humid in

the summer months

according to some meteorologists whether

researchers the Earth’s climate is

changing slowly

in most places on the earth the weather

varies from season to season or even

from day to day

in contrast the typical climate is

similar every year

even so there may be global climate

changes from one long time period to


what are these changes

some scientists believe the weather is

becoming more extreme

there are longer periods of very cold

and very hot temperatures

there are more and more powerful

hurricanes and tornadoes storms with

strong fast winds and blizzards heavy


floods large amounts of water on dry

land and long droughts times without

enough rain are causing greater and

greater physical damage to the human

communities on earth

these extreme forces of nature will get

even worse in the future say some people

and every change in climate in one part

of the globe will bring more extreme

changes in other areas

global warming and El Nino are having

major effects on the Earth’s atmosphere

weather and climate

at least that’s the opinion of many

researchers and scientists

what is global warming

it is a slow increase in the average

yearly temperature of the planet

the cause is an increase of gases in the


what is El Nino

the Spanish phrase means the little boy

or the christ-child

it names a weather condition most common

in the month of December

this seasonal weather disorder is a

change in the atmosphere of the tropical

areas of the Pacific Ocean

it increases the amount of rain in the

Americas and can bring strong winds and


in contrast El Nino may cause drought in

the southern and western Pacific Asia

Blizzard’s snow and long periods of low

temperatures may follow in the northern

regions of the globe

not all meteorologists believe there is

much natural global warming

according to these scientists the El

Nino effect is not getting stronger

so why is the temperature of the earth

going up

why are tropical storms like hurricanes

causing more and greater flood and wind


probably human-beings are the main cause

of the extreme effects of weather and

climate changes

cars and factories are putting more and

more gases like carbon dioxide co2 into

the Earth’s atmosphere

coal and oil add carbon dioxide to the

air too

trees and plants take in carbon dioxide

but humans are cutting down the

rainforests and putting up buildings

where green plants used to grow

the world has a lot of people now and it

will have a lot more people in the


lesson three food and diet


global diet choices

meanings of the word diet

most words in the English language have

more than one simple or basic meaning

one example is the word diet

the most general definition of the noun

is a person’s or a group’s usual food

choices and habits

in a more specific definition diet means

an eating plan with only certain kinds

or amounts of food

for instance a diet is often a plan to

lose weight

and as a verb diet means to lose weight

people can go on a diet meaning they are

starting a program to lose weight

International fast food

all over the world the global diet

includes fast food

prepared items from inexpensive

restaurants snack bars or food stands

some examples of typical American

fast-food are hamburgers hot dogs

sandwiches and fried chicken

some common international fast foods

might be German sausage and schnitzel

Italian pizza and pasta Mexican tacos

and burritos middle-eastern shish kebob

and falafel Japanese sushi and tempura

and Chinese egg rolls and noodles

why is this kind of food becoming even

more universal or worldwide

first fast-food restaurants usually

prepare and serve the items quickly

second many fast food restaurants are

part of fast food chains eating places

with the same name and company owner

for instance the biggest and most famous

American fast-food chain serves

hamburgers in every continent on the

planet except Antarctica

it’s menu items may not be exactly alike

in all cultures but it’s 25,000

restaurants all have the same look and


the atmosphere seems comfortable and


third the items at fast-food places

usually cost less than meals informal

restaurants or special dishes made at


and finally people usually enjoy the

taste of the food even if it is not very

nutritious healthy

how people make individual food choices

how do most people make their diet


individual choices are often based on

former habits cost and convenience

beliefs about health and nutrition and

ideas about physical beauty

some people learn to like certain foods

in childhood and they don’t change later

in life

many people have busy lives so they buy

or prepare food and eat it as quickly as


some meal planners think only fresh and

natural food is nutritious so they buy

vegetables fruits and foods without

additives chemical substances and

prepare it in healthy ways

people with health problems like high

blood pressure or diabetes of blood

sugar disorder may be on special non

salt or non sugar diets

the nutritional requirements of very

young or very old people may be

different from the needs of others

some cultures prefer a slim body to a

well-rounded one so people are always

trying to lose weight

they may follow popular diets such as a

low-carb diet an eating system high in

protein but low in refined carbohydrates

other reasons for diet habits around the


unlike individual food plans the diets

of whole cultures and regions come from

location history and tradition

for example the typical Mexican diet is

a combination of foods from

pre-columbian Spanish and French


it is rich in complex carbohydrates corn

beans rice breads and protein beans eggs

fish meat

fish and fish products from the seas

around Japan are one of the most

important parts of the traditional

Japanese diet

rich in vitamins and minerals seafood is

served grilled baked raw dried pickled

hot and cold

soy products miso tofu and bean paste

fermented vegetables and rice are also

important in the typical Japanese diet

religious practices may also greatly

affect diet

for instance some Jewish people keep

kosher follow the requirements of Jewish

food preparation and eating

these laws prohibit eating pork or bacon

or other meat from pigs shellfish snake

or insects

in addition people should not eat meat

and dairy milk products at the same meal

in a similar way Muslims follow the laws

of eating halal an Islamic system of

eating only permitted foods

some foods such as pork or insects are

not permitted

though people can eat some meat such as

beef from cows the animals must be

killed in a special way according to


also for religious reasons some

Christians eat fish instead of meat on


they also limit their food choices

during Lent the 40 days before Easter in

the spring

conclusion and summary the global diet

universally more and more meals include

basic necessary food elements protein

carbohydrates and fats

almost everywhere some kind of meat fish

dairy product or another food with

protein is part of a good breakfast

lunch or dinner

there are also grains breads vegetables

fruit and the like

many dishes contain the necessary

vitamins and minerals

a few families grow their own food but

most people buy food from eating places

and markets in their communities

food may be fresh prepared canned frozen

or packaged

fast-food is very popular and maybe it

is becoming healthier

in some ways diet choices are becoming

more and more similar around the world

even so the variety of food choices is

large now and is probably going to


our cooking customs eating habits and

food preferences all over the world

becoming more or less healthy

are they better or worse for human


these questions are interesting topics

of research and discussion


facts about food

food fights

everywhere on earth there are food

specialists with opposite or different

opinions on the best kinds of nutrition

for various purposes

a lot of people believe that the

healthiest diets are high in fiber

vitamins and minerals but low in fat

cholesterol sugar and salt

some nutritionists say the perfect

eating plan contains mostly

carbohydrates without much protein

in contrast other scientists say people

need high-protein meals with meat

chicken fish or milk products and only

small amounts of grains potatoes breads

rice and noodles

one famous diet plan allows only certain

foods at certain times protein with

protein carbohydrates with carbohydrates

fruits alone and so on

some eaters stay away from all meat and

maybe even fish and milk products

they get their protein from plants

mostly beans

others want only high-fiber food

these people may not eat white bread or

white rice or even cooked vegetables

so what is the best way to eat and be


the discussion of food facts will go on

far into the future

the necessary substances and elements

for human life and health are water

protein carbohydrates fats vitamins and


most kinds of food contains some or all

of the required nutrients but these

substances have different effects on


various ingredients and dishes affect

the mine in different ways and some

kinds of nourishment have better effects

on the brain than others

for instance can broccoli increase brain


be so

low levels of some of the B vitamins can

cause a decrease in memory and thinking

ability nutritionists say but dark green

vegetables like broccoli contain a lot

of these nutrients

another example of a memory helper is

lecithin a substance from soybeans also

found in high-fiber foods like nuts and

whole grains

high-protein foods influence the mind in

more helpful ways than dishes high in

sugar and carbohydrates

and the caffeine and coffee or tea may

help thinking

of course its effects don’t last long

in many places outside big cities food

with more than four legs is part of good

healthy home cooking

fried or grilled ants are a tasty but

expensive snack in Colombia South


in various parts of Mexico over 300

types of insects service food

in southern Africa many people like to

eat at least one kind of caterpillar or


they enjoy it fried dried or cooked in

tomato sauce

in Thailand cooks create a spicy hot

pepper sauce with water bugs

in Vietnam grasshoppers filled with

peanuts are a special dish

and in some regions of China bugs are

not only a part of meals but an

important ingredient in medicine too

most kinds of insects have high

nutritional value

they contain a lot of protein vitamins

and minerals

many people like their taste

they are everywhere on the planet

they add to the variety of people’s


for several reasons insects are an

important kind of food in the global

diet and they may become a more common

ingredient in the future

the growing similarities in diet and

eating habits around the world are

influencing people of various cultures

in different ways

for example Western foods are damaging

health in the industrialized island

country of Japan

instead of small meals of seafood rice

and vegetables the typical Japanese diet

now includes large amounts of meat dairy

products like whole milk ice cream and

desserts like tiramisu a rich Italian

dish full of chocolate cheese and sugar

according to Japanese health researchers

such changes in eating habits are

related to a great increase in health

problems such as heart disease strokes

cancer and diabetes

on the other hand the changing global

diet is having the opposite effect on

the people in the Czech Republic

the government of this european nation

no longer supports meat and dairy

products financially so the cost of

these foods is going up

in contrast fresh fruits and vegetables

are becoming more widely available from

private markets and stands

Cook’s are even serving salads to school

children and families are eating

healthier home-cooked meals

for these reasons fewer Czech men are

having heart attacks the women are

losing a lot of weight and most people

are living healthier lives

lesson for the community where you live


how can I get to the post office

I have a special rule for travel never

carry a map

prefer to ask for directions

sometimes I get lost but I usually have

a good time

and there are some other advantages

I can practice a new language meet new

people learn new customs and the like

I learn about different styles of

directions every time I ask how can I

get to the post office

here are some illustrations of those


tourists are often confused in Japan

that’s because most streets there don’t

have names

outside big cities people most often use

landmarks in their directions

for example the Japanese might tell

travelers something like this

go straight down to the corner turn left

at the big hotel with the sushi bar and

go past the fruit market the post office

is across from the bus stop next to the

fast-food fried chicken place

in the United States people might give

directions in different ways according

to their region or community

in the countryside of the American

Midwest for example there are not

usually many landmarks

there are no mountains so the land is

very flat

in many places there are no towns or

buildings for miles

instead of landmarks residents of the

flatlands will tell you directions like

north south east and west and distances

like two miles

in the states of Kansas or Iowa for

instance people will say things such as

take this road here go straight north

for two miles make a right turn and then

go another mile in a northeast direction

keep to the left around the curve then

merge with local route 12

in most cities however people will name

the streets number of blocks even the

number of stop lights or stop signs

people in towns or cities might say go

straight for five blocks turn left at

Main Street go to the third stoplight

and turn right

that’s 6th Street the post office is two

blocks up on your left

many people around the

can get Street directions on the


people in Canada the United States and

many European countries can go to a

website to get directions

they enter type in a start point and an

end point for their trip

then they get instructions like these

take i xl the interstate highway 26


go straight east

enter Texas

keep left northwest 8.7 miles turn right

to turn her Turnpike

at exit 5b take ramp right towards

Oklahoma City Oklahoma

they print out these directions and

carry the papers with them sometimes

with a map

without a computer printout on the other

hand some people in Los Angeles

California may have no idea of distance

on the map

residents of this Pacific Coast area are

almost always in their cars so they

measure distance in time

how far away is the post-office you ask

oh they might answer I guess it’s about

five minutes from here

you say yes but how many miles away is

it or how many kilometres or blocks they

rarely know or they can seldom say

sometimes people in Greece do not even

try to give directions

that’s because tourists seldom

understand the Greek language

instead a Greek person May motion or

gesture or say follow me

then that person will lead you through

the streets of the city to the post


what if a person doesn’t know the

answer to your question about the

location of a place

a New Yorker might say sorry I have no

idea and walk away quickly

but in Yucatan Mexico not many residents

answer I don’t know

people in Yucatan may believe that a

quick I don’t know is impolite

they might stay and talk to you

and usually they’ll try to give an

answer sometimes a wrong one

a tourist without a good sense of

direction can get very very lost in this

southern region

one thing will help you everywhere in

Japan the United States Greece Mexico or

any other place

you might not understand a person’s

words but you can probably understand

the body language like facial

expressions gestures movements and so on

he or she will usually turn and then

point his or her finger in a particular


go in that direction and you’ll find the

post office maybe


the laws of communities

laws are rules for people and


for instance in every country and

culture of the world there are laws

against serious offenses murder robbery

violence against people and the like

these laws make sense they are necessary

for safety and health for community

order and for good human relationships

and communities they are probably

similar all over the world

on the other hand many laws and rules

differ from country to country from area

to area or even from one community to


some common illustrations of this

variety are laws about driving drinking

alcohol eating smoking shopping money

people’s rights and many others

for instance a legal action in Lima Peru

may be against the law in Seoul Korea

and an illegal activity in an Asian

community may be perfectly legal in a

European city

on the other hand laws may be the same

in various countries but vary in

different cities or states of the same


every country has traffic rules and

signs but are they the same

in most countries there are street and

road signs with information about

location directions dangers cautions and

rules of the road

these signs tell drivers and pedestrians

walkers what to do and what not to do

including speed and parking limits

places to stop when to make turns and

other procedures

however specific local traffic laws and

practices usually differ the world

for instance in Japan Indonesia South

Africa the United Kingdom and other


steering wheels are on the right side of

vehicles and cars and trucks drive on

the left side of the road

in other countries such as the United

States Saudi Arabia Taiwan Italy and


steering wheels are on the left side of

vehicles and cars and trucks drive on

the right side of the road

an illustration of a local traffic law

is the regulations for pedestrian and

school crossings in some Mexican cities

drivers rarely respect the rules so for

safety people cross streets only at

stoplights on roads with little traffic

or on pedestrian only bridges across

wide avenues

what about regulations and customs and

other areas of people’s lives

some communities have a lot of rules

about legal and illegal individual

activities even drinking and smoking

for instance in most places in the

United States no one under 21 can buy or

drink alcohol legally even beer or wine

in some communities it’s illegal to

drink a can of beer on a public street

it’s also against the law to have an

open alcohol container in a car

similarly smoking is no longer legal in

public places such as workplaces

restaurants airports and on airline

flights within the United States

in Japan and other countries there is a

legal age for smoking

in some Muslim countries all smoking is

against religious law

on the other hand many people around the

world drink and smoke including more and

more teenagers and young people

customs and habits do not always go

along with health or safety regulations

or laws

in the beginning most local laws have a

clear purpose or reason even so after

many years these same regulations can

seem very strange or unusual here are

some examples of old rules about

personal relationships

in the backcountry of New Zealand a man

with many sisters can have the same

number of wives

how is this custom legal

the man can give one sister to each of

his wives families

in some Indian communities it is illegal

for a young man and woman married or not

to hold hands in a bus or train station

if they do they have to pay an expensive


the law in some Chinese towns doesn’t

allow a man to give a woman a chicken

leg during a meal he can give her other

chicken parts but not a leg

and in whirl and Wyoming a state in the

United States no married man may go

camping alone or with his friends he has

to take along his wife

these old laws are probably still in

effect but not many people follow them

lesson five home and family


a short history of the changing family

past definitions of family

like the community the family is a

social institution

long ago human beings lived in loosely

related groups

each group had a common ancestor a

family member from the distant past

but for over a millennium a thousand

years there have been two main types of

families in the world the extended form

and the nuclear form

the extended family may include

grandparents parents and children and

sometimes aunts uncles and cousins

in other words relatives living in the

same house or close together on the same

street or in the same area

in contrast the nuclear family consists

of only parents and their biological

related by blood or adopted children

because of the industrialization in the

19th century the nuclear family became

the most common family structure

kinds of families today

today there are many different kinds of

families around the globe some people

live in traditional families that is to

say a stay-at-home mother a working

father and their own biological children

others live in to paycheck families that

is both parents work outside the home

there are many single-parent families in

other words only a mother or a father

lives with the children

still others have adoptive or foster

families that is adults take care of

children not biologically theirs or

blended families in other words divorced

or widowed men and women marry again and

live with the children from their

previous or earlier marriages

some kids have stepparents that is

mother’s or Father’s related to them by

marriage instead of biology

in other families some youngsters under

the age of 18 have to take care of kids

either their own or their younger

siblings brothers and sisters

in different countries around the world

there are also same-sex partnerships

with or without children

childless marriages unmarried live-in

relationships communal living groups and

so on

the early 20th century

what caused the structure of the

to change

here is an example from the western


in the early 1900’s in the United States

the divorce rate that is the percent of

legal endings compared to the number of

marriages began to rise and the birth

rate that is the number of births per

hundred or thousand people began to

decline in other words couples stayed

married for fewer years and they had

fewer children

women often chose to get an education

and take jobs outside the home

decades ten year periods later the same

things began to occur in other

industrialized countries and then

developing countries of the world as


the 1930s and 1940s

the decades of the 1930s and 1940s were

difficult years in both industrialized

and developing countries

many families faced serious financial

problems because the heads of households

lost their jobs

during World War two 1939 to 1945

millions of women had to take care of

their homes and their children alone

because so many men were at war

thousands of these war widows that is to

say women whose husbands were away at

war had to go to work outside the home

most women worked long hours at hard


there weren’t many perfect families

they had problems

after World War two

during the next decade the situation

changed in many places there were fewer

divorces and people married at a younger

age and had more children than in the

previous generation

men made enough money to support the

family so a mother seldom worked outside

the home when her children were small

children began living at home longer

that is until an older age usually after

high school or even college

the traditional family was returning in

the United States it seemed as in many

other countries

the end of the 20th century

in the years between 1960 or so and the

end of the 20th century however there

were many new changes in the structure

of the family around the globe

from the 1960s to the 1990s the divorce

rate in the Western world greatly

increased and the birth rate fell by


the number of single-parent families

rose and the number of couples living

together without marriage went up even


at the end of the 20th and beginning of

the 21st centuries young adults of some

economic classes started staying with

their parents longer marrying later and

having kids at an older age if at all

the family of the future

many people today would like the

traditional two-parent family back that

is to say they want a man and a woman to

marry for life they also think the man

should support the family and the woman

should stay home with the children

however few families now fall into this


in fact if more women decide to have

children on their own

the single-parent household may become

more typical than the traditional family

in many countries

also unmarried couples may decide to

have more children or they might take in

foster children or adopt

and because people are staying single

and living longer often as widows there

may be more one-person households in the


the other hand some people believe

similar events happen again and again in


if this is true people may go back to

the traditional extended or nuclear

family of the past

others think the only certainty in

history is change in other words the

structure of the future family could

begin to change faster and faster and in

more and more ways

part two

time with the family past and present

the Sun was rising a woman got up from a

straw mat on the floor of her simple two

room family cottage

her husband and their four children were

still asleep on the mat

there were five other children the

couple gave two of them to a family with

too few workers the other three died

long ago

the woman pushed aside the family goats

when she started the fire for cooking

the man and the children got up

while the daughter helped with the

housework the sons went outside to work

in the fields with their father

could see a castle not far away

the family lived under the protection of

the master of the castle

they weren’t his slaves servants but

they paid him taxes

there was no schooling so they couldn’t

read or write or get jobs in cities

during the long work day they took

breaks only for meals occasionally they

went to the village center where they

laughed and talked and played games

at night people of the community got

together around big fires

they told stories about the past

most families used to live this way in

England over 800 years ago

in the first half of the 20th century

the Japanese family was much more

traditional than the typical American


young people didn’t even use to date in

other words they didn’t go out together

as couples

instead they had arranged marriages

their parents chose their husband or


maybe the couple fell in love after they

got married and maybe they didn’t either

way the wife had children and stayed

home with them while the husband

supported the family financially

often the husband and wife and their

children lived in an extended family

situation three generations in one

crowded house

today life in Japan is similar to that

of many other industrialized countries

and that many women work outside the

home and young people choose their own


in the past and in part today much of

Saudi culture has been different from

Western culture

under Islam women should behave modestly

in public where they are often separated

from men women play an important role in

the home and are generally expected to

focus on the family

in the 1960s the government began a

national education program for girls and

soon after that education was available

to all females today there are many more

interesting job opportunities for women

a few years ago a sad thing happened

a young American woman left her family

for career reasons she moved far away

for this reason a 36 year old divorced

father has custody of his two children

11 and 8 years old

he works long hours as a waiter

including weekends

on his days off from work he goes to a

local community college

he’s studying to improve his job skills

so he can make more money for his family

at night he does his homework at the

same table as the children

but who takes care of the kids in the

evenings when their father is working or

going to school

his extended family his mother

other relatives and his new girlfriend

help out as much as they can

he thinks his girlfriend who is from

Mexico his home country is good for his


he doesn’t want to date Anglo’s or

anglicized women because he thinks they

value their independence over motherhood

he wants a wife with traditional

religious values like his mother

lesson six world cultures


cross-cultural conversation

you want to talk about culture Allen

began the conversation in a proud voice

the United States is only a few hundred

years old

Americans don’t really have any culture

I mean Americans are interesting but

they have zero culture

he made the sign for nothing with his


I agree with you said Verner

he was pointing at Allen with his finger

Old Europe of the last thousand years

now that’s where the great culture was

the age of architecture the Magnificent

historical cathedrals and castles are


it’s essential to see the works of world

famous painters and sculptors from

previous centuries in our excellent


and everyone should experience our

classical literature and music in the

best theatres and concert halls

excuse me for interrupting Alan Verner

apologized but I just gave a perfect

example of a long and significant

cultural history

Kamiel spoke up

you know we don’t call a short

millennium a cultural history

the real beginning of culture I mean

significant civilization was in the

Middle East and Africa over 5,000 years


he continued waving both hands in the


ancient communities not only knew how to

create magnificent architecture and art

they also made amazing scientific and

technological discoveries

they invented things

for instance they figured out how to

write and do mathematics

they studied astronomy the science of

the skies the Sun and the planets

they invented the calendar

they even had medicine

the ancient religions came from that

area too

their achievements made world

civilization possible

those were the civilizations that gave

humanity the most meaningful cultural


may agreed with Camille

in a soft but knowing voice she added

but the really important science and

technology began to develop in Asia and

the Americas

while the ancient Chinese were building

walled cities they organized the first


invented tools for work and weapons for


and the native peoples of the Americas

had very very old civilizations and


that was ancient traditional culture

ancient culture that’s a contradiction

in definitions

grinning Karin objected an enthusiastic

friendly way

she gave a contrasting opinion

it’s impossible for culture to be old or

traditional she argued the opposite is

true culture isn’t dead it’s alive

culture is modern culture is now

kenji was starting to fall asleep but

suddenly he was fully awake

I agree he said interrupting Karen


you tell them said Karen appreciating

the support for her point of view

for emphasis she nodded vigorously

culture is worldwide it’s universal

kenji went on in his clear speaking


I’d smile on his face

I mean like take today’s food culture

with our global fast food I have to say

everyone eats the same

and because of the worldwide media

movies TV CDs compact discs the Internet

everybody knows the same information

plays the same music enjoys the same

stories even the jokes

and I mean it’s like people everywhere

want to buy the same clothes all because

of advertising

a beautiful young couple in jeans and

bright Hawaiian shirts anywhere in the

world eating hamburgers and french fries

with their friends from many countries

finally we have a global culture and

tradition has nothing to do with it

Nadia however was of another opinion

you want to call modern movies music

food and clothes culture

she said sweetly but convincingly

those things don’t describe culture

culture isn’t about the sameness of

people in communities around the world

it’s about their differences

like it’s important for people to greet

one another in various ways and they

need to use different titles and follow

a variety of social rules in their

relationships some societies are formal

while others are informal or casual

some groups are friendly and others


and another example is the diverse use

of language is it direct or indirect

how do communication styles include

motions gestures facial expressions and

other body language

and customs are so interesting

they’re what people of different

national groups do in their everyday

lives and on special occasions like

holidays or celebrations

culture means cultural diversity

what makes life amusing it’s the variety

of cultures around the world its

contradictions and opposites

yeah maybe so contributed Allen as

politely as possible

on the other hand he started to say that

does make some sense interrupted Verner

beginning to smile as long as you don’t

forget the arts architecture painting

literature music

and if you also include ancient

civilizations and traditions added

camille with a pleasant expression on

his face

he didn’t like to contradict Nadia or

any of his female friends

well we can certainly have opposing

viewpoints concluded Karen and yet we

still enjoy exchanging ideas

everyone was smiling and they wanted to

talk a lot more


clues to world cultures

an Irish woman was visiting tourist

places in a latin-american city when she

got a terrible headache

she knew what medicine she needed so she

went to a local pharmacy

the pharmacist was waiting on another

customer when she came in the Irish

woman patiently waited her turn

while she was standing there two other

customers came in then another and then

three more

each time the pharmacist turned his

attention to the new people

he did not greet the Irishwoman he never

said I’ll be with you in a minute

after about 20 minutes the woman

couldn’t stand the pain in her head any


hey I’ve been here a long time

she said loudly very annoyed and


why is everyone ignoring me I need

service too

she shouted rudely impolitely

a Middle Eastern businessman and his

brother invited an American guest to

their family home for dinner

the American got there on time and

enjoyed the interesting conversation the

tea and the attention

but as time passed he got very very


finally he politely whispered to his

host excuse me but are we going to eat


of course answered his host

we usually serve the evening meal around

nine o’clock and when we have guests we

enjoy the long conversation before


at the dinner table everything was

delicious and the hungry American guests

ate quickly

he emptied his plate and his host put

more food on it

as soon as he cleaned his play the

second time the host gave him more

after several plates of food he could

eat no more

he was going to burst

please please please don’t give me any

more food he begged them

I finished the food on this plate but I

can’t eat another bite

even then his host insisted

the guests accepted a little more and

ate it with difficulty finally the

supper dishes were removed

there was more conversation with more

tea and coffee

at about midnight the server brought a

pitcher of iced water

the tired American knew it was okay to

thank his hosts and leave

a group of international students were

attending college in Europe

they had a long time between semesters

for travel

so they decided to hitchhike as far as

they could in other countries

in many places they were successful

put their thumbs out or pointed them

backwards and smiled friendly drivers


as soon as the first traveller got a yes

answer from a driver he motioned with

his hand or fingers for his friends to

come or he held up both thumbs in an

okay sign or made a circle with the

thumb and the next finger of one hand

the young tourists saved money saw a lot

of the countryside and had interesting

conversations and experiences

on the other hand in Greece and Turkey

the visitors were not so lucky

few drivers stop to give them rides

instead most people ignored them

others gave them mean looks from their

cars they seemed almost insulted that

the visitors were begging for rides

a few drivers shouted terrible words at

the travelers - even got out of their

truck and started a fight

the students thought the drivers were

very rude

they felt confused afraid and unwelcome

after a few days the students took the

bus back to the countries where they

were studying

lesson seven live a long life


the secrets of a very long life


there are several places in the world

that are famous for people who live a

very long time

these places are usually in mountainous

areas far away from modern cities

even so doctors scientists and public

health experts often travel to these

regions to solve the mystery of a long

healthy life

in this way the experts hope to bring to

the modern world the secrets of



hoons ax in the Himalayan mountains

Coons ax is at a very high altitude in

the Himalayan mountains of Asia there

many people over 100 years of age are

still in good physical health

additionally men of 90 are new fathers

and women of 50 still have babies

what are the reasons for this good

health scientists believed that the

people of Hunza have these three main

advantages or benefits

one a healthful unpolluted environment

with clean air and water

to a simple diet high in vitamins fiber

and nutrition but low in fat cholesterol

sugar and unnatural chemicals

and three physical work and other

activities usually in the fields or with


the Russian Caucasians and Vilcabamba

people in the Caucasus Mountains in

Russia are also famous for their


official birth records were not

available but the community says a woman

called serba lived until age 160

similarly a man called Sher Ali probably

lived until 168 moreover his widow was

120 years old

in general the people not only live a

long time but they also live well

in other words they are almost never


furthermore when they die they not only

have their own teeth but also a full

head of hair and good eyesight too

vilcabamba ecuador is another area

famous for the longevity of its


this mountain region like hoons a– and

the Caucasus is also at a very high

altitude far away from cities

in vilcabamba - there is very little

serious disease

one reason for the good health of the

people might be the clean beautiful

environment another advantage is the

moderate climate

the temperature is about 70 degrees

Fahrenheit all year long

furthermore the wind always comes from

the same direction

in addition the water comes from

mountain streams and is high in minerals

perhaps as a result of this valuable

resource the region is rich in flowers

fruits vegetables and wildlife

differences in the diets of people with

unusual longevity

in some ways the diets of the

inhabitants in the three regions are

quite different

who knew coots eat mainly raw vegetables

fruit especially apricots and chapatis a

kind of pancake they eat meat only a few

times a year

in contrast the Caucasian diet consists

mainly of milk cheese vegetables fruit

and meat also most people there drink

the local red wine daily in vilcabamba

people eat only a small amount of meat

each week their diet consists mostly of

grain corn beans potatoes and fruit

even so experts found one surprising

fact in the mountains of Ecuador most

people there even the very old consume a

lot of coffee drink large amounts of

alcohol and smoke forty to sixty

cigarettes daily

similarities in diet

however the typical diets of the three

areas are similar in three general ways

1 the fruits and vegetables are

all-natural that is they contain no

preservatives or other chemicals

  • furthermore the population uses

traditional herbs and medicines to

prevent and cure disease

three the inhabitants consume fewer

calories than people do in other parts

of the world

a typical North American eats and drinks

an average of 30 300 calories every day

while a typical inhabitant of these

mountainous areas takes in between 1700

and 2000 calories

other possible reasons for health


inhabitants in the three regions have

more in common than their mountain

environment their distance from modern

cities and their low-calorie natural


because they live in the countryside and

are mostly farmers their lives are

physically hard and extremely active

therefore they do not need to try to


in addition the population does not seem

to have the stress of fast city work and


as a result people’s lives are

relatively free from worry

and therefore illness or other health


thus some experts believe that physical

movement and a stress-free environment

might be the two most important secrets

of longevity

an additional health advantage of life

in these long-lived communities may be

the extended family structure the group

takes care of its members from birth to


the validity of longevity claims

nevertheless some doctors theorize that

members of especially long-lived

populations have only one thing in

common they don’t have valid official

government birth records

these health scientists think there is a

natural limit to the length of human

life in their theories it is impossible

to reach an age of more than 110 years

or so

therefore they say claims of unusual

longevity in certain groups are probably


lesson eight the media and entertainment


how the visual media affect people

introduction benefits of the visual


how do television and the other visual

media affect the lives of individuals

and families around the globe

the media can be very helpful to people

and their children who carefully choose

what they watch

with high quality programming in various

fields of study science medicine nature

history the arts and so on TV video

tapes and DVDs increase the knowledge of

the average and the well-educated person

they can also improve thinking ability

moreover television and other visual

media benefit elderly people who can’t

go out often as well as patients in

hospitals and residents of nursing


additionally it offers language learners

the advantage of real-life audio-visual

instruction and oral comprehension

practice at any time of day or night

and of course visual media can provide

almost everyone with good entertainment

a pleasant way to relax and spend free

time at home

Media replaces other activities

nevertheless there are several serious

disadvantages to the visual media

first of all some people watch the tube

for more hours in a day than they do

anything else

in a large number of homes TV sets as

many as five or more in a single

household are always on

many people watch TV for many hours a

day or spend hours playing games or

surfing on their computers

they download music movies and other

forms of entertainment

instead of spending time taking care of

their kids parents often use a video

screen as an electronic babysitter

as a result television and video can

easily replace family communication as

well as physical activity and other


the effects of TV on the mind

second too much TV especially

programming of low educational value can

reduce people’s ability to concentrate

or reason

in fact studies show that after only a

minute or two of visual media a person’s

mind relaxes as it does during light


another possible effect of television

and videotapes on the human brain is

poor communication

children who watch a lot of TV may lose

their ability to focus on a subject or

an educational activity for more than 10

to 15 minutes

maybe it is because of the visual media

that some kids and adults to develop

attention deficit disorder ad D a modern

condition in which people are unable to

pay attention listen well follow

instructions or remember everyday things

the effects of violence in the media

a third negative feature of the media is

the amount of violence on the screen

both in real events in the news and

movies or in TV programs it scares

people and gives them terrible


the fear created by media images and

language can last for a long time

on the other hand frequent viewers of

action programming get used to its

messages they might begin to believe

there is nothing strange or unusual

about violent crime fights killing and

other terrible events and behavior

studies show that certain personality

types are likely to have strong

emotional reactions or dangerous

thoughts after some kinds of


they may even copy the acts that they

see on violent shows start fires carry

and use weapons attack people in angry

or dangerous ways and even worse

dissatisfaction with normal living

because of the visual media some people

may become dissatisfied with the reality

of their own lives

to these viewers everyday life does not

seem as exciting as the roles actors

play in movies or TV dramas

they realize they aren’t having as much

fun as the stars of comedy shows

furthermore average people with normal

lives may envy famous media

personalities who seem to get unlimited

amounts of money and attention

also media Watchers might get depressed

when they can’t take care of situations

in real life as well as TV stars seem to

on the screen they notice actors solve

serious problems in our or half-hour

programs or in 20-second commercials

boredom with real life

yet another negative feature of modern

television is called trash TV

these daily talk shows bring real people

with strange or immoral lives

personalities or behavior to the screen

millions of viewers including children

watch as these instant stars tell their

most personal secrets shout out their

angry feelings and opinions and attack

one another

TV watchers seem to like the emotional

atmosphere and excitement of this kind

of programming as well as the tension of

the real but terrible stories on TV news

magazine shows

a newer version of this kind of

entertainment is called reality TV

in shows like Survivor The Amazing Race

American Idol and The Apprentice real

people compete for attention fame and

other rewards

what effect does frequent viewing of

such programs have on people’s lives

it makes television more real than

reality and normal living begins to seem


disadvantage of the media addiction

finally the most negative effect of all

of these kinds of visual media might be


people often feel a strange and powerful

need to watch TV

download visual material or play a DVD

even when they don’t enjoy it or have

the free time for entertainment

addiction to a TV or computer screen is

similar to drug or alcohol dependence

addicts almost never believe they are


even so truthful media addicts have to

answer yes to many of these questions

do you immediately turn on the TV set or

computer when you arrived home from

school or work

do you watch a lot of programming that

requires little focus or thinking


can you concentrate on another topic or

activity for only 10 to 15 minutes at a


do you enjoy the action and violence of

the media more than activity in your own


do you feel envious of the lives of

well-known TV or screen personalities or

the participants in reality TV shows

do you feel closer to the people on TV

than to your own family members and


for you is TV or video the easiest and

therefore the best form of relaxation or


would you refuse to give up your TV

viewing and internet connection for a

million dollars

would you like to compete on a TV

reality show more than do anything else

part two

Media stories

story plot a

Marion who works in a real estate office

is depressed about her life especially

her unhappy love relationship

because she is feeling ill her

supervisor lets her leave early

he gives her $40,000 in cash from a

house sale to put in the bank on her way


however temptation gets the best of the

moody young woman

with the cash in an envelope she packs

her bags and drives out of town

on a dark lonely road a severe

thunderstorm forces her to stop at the

rundown Bates Motel

there is a scary old house high on a

hill behind the motel with the form of

an old woman in a rocking chair at the


Norman Bates the motel owner is happy to

sign in a guest but his mother shouts at

him angrily

after a conversation with norman marion

goes to her room

when she is in the shower the bathroom

door opens

in a very famous very bloody murder

scene the shadowy figure of an old woman

pulls aside the shower curtain and stabs

the motel guests to death

horrified Normand cleans up the room

puts Marian’s body in her car and pushes

the car into the swamp

her in the stolen money Marian’s sister

lover and boss send out an investigator

who finally arrives at the Bates Motel

suspicious of Norman strange behavior

the investigator goes into the scary

house where the dark shape of an old

woman at the top of the stairs kills him

too with a long knife

others come to investigate

after many suspenseful scenes they

discover that Norman’s mother is a


the murderer in the old woman’s clothes

was Norman Bates himself who has turned

more and more into his mother

story plot B

after a hurricane sinks their ship off

the coast of Africa a British couple

finds their way to land with their baby


however the parents are killed by a wild


a gorilla the largest of the human-like

monkeys finds the baby brings him home

to her mate and raises the helpless

human in the jungle

as a result he grows to adulthood in the

natural ape community

nevertheless the young man’s peaceful

life in the jungle soon changes

to study African wildlife in its natural


professor Porter arrives with his

daughter Jane and a hunter named Clayton

when the explorers meet the jungle man

at first they think he is the missing

link a being halfway between an animal

and a human being

therefore they are surprised to discover

that he is as human as they are

when he begins to feel strange

unfamiliar emotions towards Jane the man

that grew up in the jungle becomes very


he wants to be with his own kind but

doesn’t want to leave the gorilla family

that raised him especially since Clayton

sees the Apes not as friends but as

animals to hunt and kill

when jane has to leave with her father

the apeman is very sad and upset

even so he saves the white people when

they are captured and Jane stays with

him in the jungle

story plot see

the Starship Enterprise a flying vehicle

that travels to other galaxies at

amazing speeds stops at a Space Station

for repairs

the four beam ARS beings with

computerized brains that are doing

maintenance seem worried

suddenly they realize the ship is about

to explode an order evacuation

everyone leaves except Picard the

captain and Riker the second man in

command who don’t hear the alert

after everyone else reaches the Starbase

the space station the problem

mysteriously corrects itself and the

ship disappears

as the crew on the Starbase tried to

figure out a way to recover the

enterprise the captain and his helper

discover what has happened

they instantly transport themselves to

the bridge where they find the B NARS

unconscious dying and asking for help

the ship reaches Banaras the beam ours


because of an exploded star that

destroyed the planets center computer

Banaras is dead too

the beam ours needed the enterprise to

store the data from the planet during

the shutdown time Picard and Riker

managed to get into the Banaras file and

restart the computer

the beam ours come back to life

undamaged the ship returns to the


story plot D

it is the middle of the 19th century a

very romantic time of honour and passion

Mathilda Penny Oliver Ebury stan is an

aristocrat a member of the nobility the

most wealthy powerful class in society

she falls in love with a dull foe Solis

an army soldier with no fortune

Matilda trusts that her fair kind father

will let her marry her true love

however al gusta Matilda’s mother

objects with her powerful connections

she sends Adolfo to prison

lying she tells her daughter that a dull

foe is married with children

because their family is facing

bankruptcy al gusto wants Manuel Fuentes

Guerra an honorable and handsome young

man who has just inherited a vast

fortune to be her son-in-law

confused and desperate Mathilda marries


soon adolfo escapes from jail

after a frantic intense search he finds


posing as the new ranch administrator he

recognizes her husband as an honest fair

and decent man

at that point Manuel and Mathilda

discover August’s deceit in their


but in the meantime Matilda’s feelings

for Adolfo are beginning to disappear

she is starting to fall in love with


heartbroken adolfo accepts reality and

leaves the ranch

Matilda announces she is pregnant

however to be continued

lesson nine social life


meeting the perfect mate part one

for the past month I’ve been taking a

university graduate course called social


it’s a very popular class

we’ve been discussing friendship social

life dating marriage and other

relationships through the generations

and throughout the world

one of our assignments is to examine the

ways that people meet potential spouses

husbands and wives

I’ve been interviewing students on

campus all week as part of my study

I’m amazed at what I’ve been hearing

first I talked with my roommate in the


Musha an international student from


what’s one way to meet a possible mate

I asked her

well she said one method in my country

is to have an arranged marriage

what I asked

I know you can match a tie to a shirt or

to socks after you do the laundry then

they’re a match but people

sure she replied

there are still arranged marriages these

days and there were a lot more not too

long ago

my parents for example met each other

for the first time on their wedding day

my grandparents chose their children

spouses and arranged the weddings

do you mean that the bride and groom

weren’t in love that sounds awful

weren’t they worried

maybe a little bit Musha said but they

accepted each other

then fortunately they learn to love each

other they’ve had a good successful

marriage for the past 30 years

this happens in a lot of arranged


you know even today some orthodox very

religious young people Jewish and Muslim

and Christian marry this way

I shook my head amazing I said

the next person that I interviewed was

Bill a guy in my business management


I meet a lot of women in dance clubs at

least I used to

he said

the environment was exciting and I used

to go every weekend if possible to dance

or talk or just listen to music

that seems great I said

I thought so too at first he said a

little sadly but on the other hand the

music at these places was very loud

many people drank so they didn’t talk

they shouted and didn’t listen much

both the men and the women got kind of


and it was so disorganized so I’ve been

trying speed-dating instead of bars and


what on earth is that I asked amazed

well you go to a nice place with tables

and chairs you get to meet a new person

every six minutes

then you list the people you want to see


does it work

no it’s much too fast for me I don’t

move that quickly and I’m not a speedy

thinker or talker either

you know you ought to talk to my brother

Freddie here you can get him by

speed-dialing my cellphone

bill handed me the cellular telephone

i speed-dialed Freddie

oh I do just about everything on the

internet you know the world wide web

volunteered Freddie very quickly

you meet potential dates and girlfriends

and mates on the web on your computer I

asked not really so amazed anymore

yeah there are plenty of people to

communicate with in cyberspace

Freddie began enthusiastically

with the most up-to-date technology

laptops and power notebooks and even

camera and video phones you can do it

anywhere at home at work and school at

cafes in the library you can go into

chat rooms and talk by typing

slowing down Freddie pause to think

on the other hand I’m not such a good

writer it’s hard you know to use those

little computer devices

anyway well um who knows what is real

there and what isn’t who knows like who

might be dangerous

he continued starting to sound a little


it seems he was talking more to himself

than to me

I thank them and we said goodbye so I

could continue my search for the perfect

way to find the perfect mate

the internet never said Julie a student

who works part-time in the campus


I prefer to make new friends at places

where people have the same interests

I met my boyfriend at the health club

for example

and it seems that the healthy atmosphere

of the gym is continuing into the

relationship that I have with him

we work out together hang out at the

pool and hot tubs go to the health food

juice bar and so on there are so many

active attractive people there

hmm maybe you should try it

that sounds wonderful I said

yes Julie said I guess so but to be

honest there’s one problem with this


what I asked

the truth is that I really hate to

exercise so I don’t want to go to the

gym anymore

what’s my boyfriend going to think when

he finds this out to be continued


needing the perfect mate part two

what is the best way to meet the perfect

husband or wife

computer dating services are the answer

my friend Sarah who lives down the hall

from me in the dormitory

they provide a great way to meet people

the biggest advantage is that you have a

lot in common with the people you meet

through a computer

the computer can match you up with

someone of your same intelligence

cultural background or religion age

personality values and so on

if you want you can meet someone who is

famous exciting optimistic healthy

polite any characteristics that are

important to you

you can match your preferences and

lifestyle food nature sports movies and

everything else

and you can ask for a professor a

scientist a computer specialist an

artist or have you had many successful

dates so far I asked

to tell the truth she said not really I

think I made a big mistake when I filled

out the application form I didn’t want

to miss a wonderful guy because of an

answer that was too specific so I was

careful to write very general answers

what do you mean

well there was a question about height

I said anyone between three feet five

inches and seven feet five inches

then there was a question about


I answered yes to 147 interests

from classic historical architecture to


I wrote that I like tennis swimming the

beach the mountains the desert health

food junk food ethnic foods eating out

cooking staying home traveling the arts

TV comedies quiz shows crime dramas

family life single life and on and on

and on you know I think that the

computer got confused

it hasn’t found a date for me since I

sent in the application

and what about online video dating asks

Sara’s roommate Sandra

online video dating I asked how is that


well I hear that you film yourself and

talk about yourself you know your

background and your interests and things

like that

then you post your video online and

people can view it and you can view

other people’s videos and email the

people you want to meet hmm I answered

more videos in my life

well you could place a personal ad

Sandra continued

in the newspaper

sure a friend of mine did that he wanted

to get married so he figured it out by


he decided that out of every 10 women he

liked one

and out of every ten women he liked he

might fall in love with one therefore to

get married he just needed to meet 100


did it work I asked

there was no answer

last I interviewed a guy in the

cafeteria his name was Felix

supermarkets he told me

you’re kidding I said

no I’m serious I meet a lot of potential

dates over the frozen pizzas in the

convenience food section also it’s easy

to make small talk over the cabbage and

broccoli in the produce section

we discuss chemicals and nutrition and

food prices sometimes this leads to a

very romantic date

I slowly shook my head it is strange

very strange

I didn’t respond because I didn’t want

to be impolite

that evening I talked with my roommate


you know I said I think maybe your

parents and grandparents had a pretty

good idea an arranged marriage is

beginning to see more and more

attractive to me

lesson ten sports

part one

the ancient Olympics

in a world troubled by political

conflict the Olympic Games have

symbolized peace and unity throughout

their history

the ancient Greek Olympics youthful

athletes honored the gods with

demonstrations of their speed and


based on the highest ideals the Olympic

Games were offered in the spirit of

peace for the love of sport and honest

fair competition

although the Olympics have changed over

time you might be surprised to learn

that according to historians there are

many similarities between the original

Olympic Games and the modern ones

here are two articles to compare the

Olympic competitions of past millennia

with the widely celebrated Olympic Games

of the 21st century

the Olympic events Athens Greece the

fourth century AD

as the greatest of our national

festivals comes to a close again here

are some of its highlights and history

since 776 BC our Summer Olympic Games

have been held every four years at the

sanctuary of our ruler Zeus on Mount


as usual this year’s games began with

the promise of fairness by athletes and

judges to Zeus

there was a ceremony before the statue

and altar of the great God

there were contests for young boys

participants and spectators met with old


there were speeches poetry tours feasts

parades and singing

next came the competitive sports events

the pentathlon 5 track and field events

including the discus throw javelin throw

the long jump running and wrestling

boxing the four-horse chariot race

horse racing and an extreme combination

of wrestling and boxing

under a full moon there were sacrifices

to the king of the gods

on the fifth and final day prizes were

awarded wreaths made of a special olive

tree branch from the sanctuary

some winners received prizes worth money

there were more feasts for and by the


then the competitors and spectators went

home mostly on foot through the


women in the Olympic Games

most of the athletes at this year’s

events were young men of course

even so unmarried girls competed in foot

races at the festival of Hera Zeus’s


there were also spectators at the

festival of Zeus

the owner of the winning chariot team

and the trainer of the winning horse in

the races were female to

on the other hand married women were not

allowed in the sanctuary of Zeus

they didn’t want to be thrown off a

cliff so no one broke this rule

the politics of the Olympics

in my opinion the most important

achievement of the Olympic Games has

been its peacefulness not only at the

games but in all of the Greek world

of course the actual events fill only

five short days even so during the three

months before and after the competitions

there is an agreement to protect

travelers so there is usually no

fighting between or among competing

cities although there have been

exceptions in its long history of over a

millennium the ancient games have never

been cancelled for political reasons

in general even during the times of

major Wars the games have contributed to

the cause of peace for well over a

thousand years
