Can you please stay here with me Self Study Speaking English with Conversation


a bittersweet

split the end of one relationship

is the beginning of another but is it

really the end for peter and sharon


what is going on here why are you

holding my girlfriend’s hand

it is not what you think it is peter

oh please it is exactly what i think it


can we talk about this at home please

how about no i am not going

anywhere you two have some explaining to


peter i think you should calm down

calm down you are telling me to calm


right now i need answers jack i need


right now what answers do you want peter

please can you two stop

seriously stop why are you two acting


kids right now jack can i have a word

with you outside

i am not going anywhere

you are going with me whether you like

it or not

peter and sharon need space to talk


so are you going to tell me what that

was about

well i am going to be honest with you

jack and i have known each other for a

very long time

we met in college and we were actually

in a relationship for a while

what so that is why jack moved here

why are you only telling me this now

no both jack and i didn’t know it was

just a coincidence

coincidence really do you think i would


it was just a coincidence

okay peter i admit that i still have

some feelings left for jack

but i swear this is all just a


there has been nothing between me and

jack since he moved in

since when sharon since when have you

started lying to me like this

i am not lying to you peter i never have

you dare blame me when you are part of

the reason as well

oh so now you are blaming me

is it my fault that your college

sweetheart moved here

no i don’t mean that peter i am saying

that you have been neglecting me

all you ever know is work eat and sleep

in the theater you don’t care about me


what peter i think we both want

different things at the moment

tell you what i interviewed for a job

opening at an upcoming gallery

and i got it i love this job

do you get it what are you trying to say

sharon what i am trying to say

is that i want to stay here can you not

go to japan and stay here with me peter

what kind of question is that

answer me peter can you do that it is

very important to me

i have already accepted the job offer

did you accept it without

telling me why did you do that

and did you ask me about auditioning for


can you please stay here with me peter

i i can’t sharon

this is a really big step in my career

i can’t miss it you see peter

i was right there is nothing

more important to you than your career i

always knew it


now that no one is here can i ask you

something anne

what is it jack are you still mad at me

not really it’s hard to forget you just

like that but i

am trying if you would come into my life

at a different time

before sharon maybe then we could have

had a chance at being together

you were really an amazing woman

thanks jack i am truly happy for you and


after so much time apart you two are

finally going to get each other back

i hope you two will have a happy ending

oh i am not getting ahead of myself this

is only the start

sharon just broke up with peter and we

are both still very unsure

it’s okay just keep it natural if alice

were here she would say that

oh alice i miss her jokes and pranks

i know right she always has something to

say and knows how to make everyone laugh

we miss everybody even peter in his

practicing voice

but it was so terrible that our eardrums

almost exploded

i know but i’m used to living like that

by the way how are things between you

and peter

we had a long conversation he said it

wasn’t entirely my fault

he realized he was too focused on work

and ignored sharon’s feelings and needs

meanwhile i was always there for her

instead of him

i guess it’s for the best anyway it’s

quite late i should get going

oh i’m going to see a movie with sharon

tonight do you want to join

no thank you i i have some stuff to do

just come this movie was just released

i really want to but i can’t i already

have other plans

okay then see you around bye anne

goodbye jack


sharon can i talk to you for a minute

sure go ahead i am done with my work

tell me what’s on your mind i am

listening i’m sure that you have thought

it through

i really have i did neglect you sharon

and i am incredibly sorry for that i

fully understand if you don’t want to

come with me

don’t worry about me peter just focus on

your upcoming musical performance

life in japan will be great i just can’t

imagine life without you sharon

oh it’s going to be fine your voice is

amazing and this move will be really

beneficial for your career

i believe in you peter thank you

well i just want you to know that this

really is not an easy decision for me to


but i am sure that it is right for your

career and

i can’t be the one holding you back

right now

i am going to become famous and earn so

much money

that i can buy my own airplane and fly

you out every weekend

that is going to cost a lot of petrol

well i will be rich by then who cares

how much it costs

okay i will wait until you are rich but

in the meantime

i will still visit you maybe together

with anne

i am sure you will have already

forgotten me by the time you are famous


how can i sharon i will never forget you

oh can i ask something from you

what is it can i have the pictures we

took together in japan last

time i want to hang them on the walls

when i arrive at my place in japan

every time i miss you i will look at

them they will help me a lot especially

in the beginning

sure take them i am very glad that you

still think so highly of me

of course do your best peter

i will miss you i will miss you too

see you sharon i’m going to pack my bags


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