12 Important Phrasal Verbs for Everyday English Conversation

Well hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish!

Today I’ve got twelve advanced phrasal verbs for you,

essential ones to learn because they’re used every day

to talk about communicating with people.

Now there are lots of different phrasal verbs in English to help

us talk about talking to people.

Generally, phrasal verbs are informal ways of expressing ideas

in English which means they are used every day.

They’re really common in conversations, they’re extremely  

useful to learn and practise.

I think you know that a phrasal verb is just a regular verb with

one or two particles that follow.


Don’t let that confuse you. A particle is either a preposition

or an adverb right? Put down, put away, put together, put up with,

these are all examples of phrasal verbs and they all

have a meaning that is different from the verb put

right they have their own meaning so they need to be learned

and practised together just like any other verb.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to do in today’s lesson.

You might want to grab a notebook to take a few notes down,

I’ve got some important things to share with you and I’ve also got

three ways to help you practise these phrasal verbs,

any phrasal verbs and I’m going to share them at the end

of this lesson.

Before we dive in, make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn

on notifications,

you don’t want to miss any more of my lessons right? Let’s go!

Hold up! I’m excited to share some news about a brand new event

from our friends at Lingoda. It’s the Lingoda Team Challenge

and it runs for seven weeks.

Just as it sounds, the Lingoda Team Challenge is

all about creating a team and helping each other

to cross the finish line together. I love this idea!

Now although it’s called a team challenge, you can still sign up

and complete it as an individual as well which is really exciting

because there are some cool prizes on offer for teams

and for individuals who complete the challenge and they include

hundreds of group classes, private lessons and a grand prize

of a trip to visit one of four European capital cities

for you and your whole team.

And guess what? If you put together the team and you use this key

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for every team member that you recruit to your team

just as a reward for being the captain.

I also think it’s really cool that by participating in the Challenge,

not only are you helping yourself and your team but you also

can help others as well because for every team that completes

the Challenge, Lingoda are going to donate language classes

to those who need them through the language scholarship rogram.

This is a special initiative by Lingoda to help those

who’ve been badly affected by COVID19.

Help them to improve their career opportunities

by learning another language.

Let me tell you how you and your team can earn hours

to give to the scholarship program and it depends on

which challenge you sign up for.

First, there’s the Challenge which is three classes a week

for seven weeks. If you complete all twenty-one classes, Lingoda

will donate four hours for each team member to the scholarship


Or you could do the Super Challenge which is five classes a week

for seven weeks.

If you complete all thirty-five classes, Lingoda will donate

seven hours of time for each team member

to the scholarship program.  

What’s cool about this challenge is that everyone in your team

can join the challenge in any language

or at any level that they choose.

You don’t have to go to all the classes together,

you just need to complete the Challenge together.

So you need to sign up by the 1st of November and complete

all the classes in the Challenge within seven weeks

from the day that you sign up.

As you know, Lingoda classes are available in English,

business English, German, French and Spanish

twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with friendly

and professional native teachers.

Staying focused and motivated with English is so much easier with

mates right so if you’re the kind of person who loves

encouraging friends and you love the idea that

the effort that you put in now helps yourself

but it helps others too then grab some mates and get involved.

I’ll put the link with all the details and the rules in the description 

down below.

Make sure you read the rules before you sign up

and who knows? You might be one of the lucky ones

taking your team on a trip to Europe.

Good luck!

Tricky little things, phrasal verbs, aren’t they?

You’ve got to learn the meaning and yeah there are

multiple meanings for some phrasal verbs

but you also need to keep a few other things in mind,

relating to the structure of your sentence and how to use each  

phrasal verb correctly

and that means knowing if the phrasal verb is transitive

or intransitive, separable or inseparable.

Now if you’re scratching your head and you’re wondering:

What on earth?

I talk about all of this in that lesson up there,

don’t worry about it right now, I’m going to link to it

at the end of this video so that you can watch it next.

But I’ve also added some notes about these things in

the description down below if you want to check it out

just to get your head around it but I am going to include these

symbols throughout the lesson so that you can pay attention to

how you need to use these phrasal verbs to use them correctly.

Now there are some really common phrasal verbs to do with

speaking and conversations in English.

Ones like catch up, hang out, all of these phrasal verbs.

I’m just gonna skip over them because

for one, I’ve been over them in lessons before and if you

want to watch those lessons I’ve linked to them

down in the description below.

These are more advanced, more challenging phrasal verbs

to practise today.

Bring up.

Now we use this phrasal verb in multiple ways

but when we want to start discussing something,

we use it.

There’s something I want to bring up.

So it’s a really great way to introduce a new topic

and it’s usually about something that’s serious or important

you know you need some time or some space to talk about it.

It’s usually used when you’re in a professional context  

or you want to talk about something seriously.

Let’s bring this up at our next team meeting.

Now we can easily replace this phrasal verb with the verb raise

right? It’s a more formal synonym

so in even more formal situations, you could use raise.

To get across.

Now this phrasal verb is often used with the verb try

to show that you’re attempting to communicate a message  

when you want someone to understand something.

Do you sometimes have trouble getting your meaning

across in English? Here’s a cool tip.

There are several nouns that are often used with get across

and so learning them together is going to help you to sound

more natural and more accurate as you use this phrasal verb.

So we use get across with facts, feelings, ideas, a message,

meaning, a point or a point of view.

All of these things are used with get across.

Am I getting the message across clearly?

I’m trying to get my point across but Paul keeps butting in.

I’m gonna get to that phrasal verb soon!

Let on.

This phrasal verb is used when you’re talking about something

that is meant to be a secret

so it’s actually often used in negative sentence structures

like this one.

Don’t let on that you know the news.

I haven’t mentioned it to Jess yet.

But it’s not always negative.

I don’t think I trust him. I think he knows

more than he lets on.

Have you ever jumped in on a conversation?

This is a great phrasal verb for interrupting.

It’s very informal.

Do you mind if I jump in here? I’ve got something to share.

I want to say it.

We don’t literally mean jump in.

Jump in is just an informal synonym of interrupt.

Do you mind if I interrupt?

Do you mind if I jump in? They’re the same thing.

The phrasal verb is just more casual, more informal.

Now butt in is also used for interrupting but very informal

and perhaps a little rude when you’re using that to describe

what someone else did. It suggests that that person who’s doing  

the action, they didn’t really care about the other people

in the conversation or what they’ve been talking about.

They just interrupted and it was quite rude. They butted in.

And it’s often-

Hey did you do the thing I told you to do the other day

because I need you to do it.

Anyway, to butt in means to join a conversation or an activity

without being asked to or invited to.

I was speaking with Sue after she lost her job and then

Jim butts in and starts talking about his new promotion.

So it’s quite a selfish action, right? Butt in.

To blurt out.

This is quite a fun one, to blurt something out.

To blurt out something means to say something without  

thinking about the effect it will have and it’s usually because

you’re nervous or you’re excited.

Imagine that a friend told you that she was pregnant

but she specifically said:

Don’t mention it to anyone yet because I haven’t told anyone else.

But then later in the day, you saw another friend,

someone you hadn’t seen in quite a while

and you were  giving them all the updates about life and work

and then you say:

Guess what! Melanie’s pregnant!

It just slipped out of your mouth before you even thought about it.

That is blurting it out.

Then you’d have to call her up and you’d have to say

I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry I just blurted it out! I didn’t think.

To dry up.

This is when you stop talking because you haven’t got anything 

else to say or you don’t know what to say  

and this is something that you definitely don’t want

to happen in a conversation, right?

When everyone runs out of things to say then

you gotta kind of politely just make an excuse and leave.

Steve’s a nice enough guy but our conversations always dry up

after a minute or two. It’s kind of hard to get to know him.

So this phrasal verb can be used in multiple ways.

It’s sometimes used when you’re trying to call someone

and they don’t answer.

I’m trying to get through but there’s no answer.

But it’s also used when you’re trying to make someone understand

what you’re trying to say.

It’s difficult to get the message through to my team because we

all work remotely.

I’m trying to get the message through to Paul but

he’s not listening.

To talk over.

This phrasal verb is used to discuss a problem or a plan

and usually it’s when you’re trying to find a solution

or resolve it in some way.

It’s when you’re a little stuck and you know you’ve got to

talk about it some more so that you can come to a resolution

or to make it clear.

And when you use it, you’ll always need to use

an object as well, all right? You’ll need to talk over

an issue, a plan, something, it or this, whatever okay.

It’s something that has to be talked over.

I know you’re upset.

Let’s talk it over tonight when you get home.

We need to talk over what happened this morning.

Sometimes you might even hear people using talk over

in the context of speaking over the top of someone else.

Usually as a way to interrupt, they might say:

I don’t mean to talk over you but we’ve already decided what to do.

So in this context, it’s always followed by a person followed by  

the person who’s being interrupted.

To talk around.

So when you want to talk someone around you want to

convince them or you want to persuade them to agree with you

right so it kind of suggests that the person

didn’t agree with you to start with and you’re trying to

convince them that

your idea is the right one, is the best one.

I didn’t want to go but he succeeded in talking me around.

To shut down.

You might know this phrasal verb already

because it has a common meaning to close something

usually permanently like it might be a restaurant

that gets shut down but we also use it

you know to talk about a computer when it stops working.

We shut down the computer.

But it is also informally used during conversations when

you get rejected, especially if your hopes are up.

It was kind of awkward, she just shut him down mid-sentence.

So she just stopped him in the middle of his sentence

and told him that his idea was no good or that he’s wrong.

She interrupted in a rude way and shut his idea down

so it’s definitely a negative thing to do

or to experience yourself, right?

My boss didn’t like the suggestion.

He shut me down straight away.

Now it would be much better if your boss backed you up right

which means to give support by telling other people that they

agree with something that you said or something that you did.

Thanks for backing me up during the meeting.

I hope my colleagues back me up because

otherwise my boss won’t believe me.

Who would have thought that there were so many phrasal verbs

to talk about communicating with someone in English?

I mean there are several more, ones that I didn’t even

get to in this lesson. I wonder if you can think of any of them?

Can you think of any of the phrasal verbs to do with

communicating, speaking in conversations?

Are there any that I missed? If you can think of some,

add them down in the comments below.

So I said at the start of this video that I’ve got three tips,

three ways to practise using phrasal verbs.

Now the first is to hit that pause button and write some

sentences down in the comments below this video

so that I can come down and check your sentences,

give some feedback, make sure that you’re using them correctly

while they’re fresh in your mind, make sure you’re using the ones  

that you’re feeling a little unsure about, all right?

Test out your skills and get some feedback.

Another option is to make some flashcards to practise with.

So all of the phrasal verbs that we went through,

write them down on one side and then write the definition

on the other, practise and test yourself to try and

remember the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

And lastly, my favourite is to use the news media to help

learn about these phrasal verbs because people are often

reporting on what people said and what they said

to each other right so it’s a great way to practise

and a cool way to do it is by using Google search,

just grab the phrasal verb, go to the news section of Google

and search for it and see how it comes up, look at the words

and the structures around that phrasal verb.

See how it’s used in different contexts.

Is it separable? Is it intransient?

Pay attention to all these things and see how it’s used in multiple

contexts which is so important, it’s so important to see

how these phrasal verbs are used naturally

in naturally spoken and written English.

Thanks for watching and I will see you

right there in the next lesson!